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Okapis Say "Cheese" CHANGE PASSWORD


Geography and Culture: Africa

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individual (noun)
a single person or animal
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male (adjective)
having to do with men or boys
GOMA, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The
okapi is a shy animal. It is rarely seen in the wild. Most reserve (noun)
land that is set up to keep animals
were thought to live in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve. The
reserve is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC). It is a country in Africa. Now, zoologists have
species (noun)
taken the first photos of wild okapis living in Virunga
a family or kind of animal or plant
National Park. The park is also in the DRC. The photos
show that the species is still alive. The animals have
zoologist (noun)
been in danger due to hunting and war in Virunga.
someone whose job is to study
A few years ago, okapi tracks were found in Virunga animals
Photo credit and all related images:
National Park. Zoologists set up cameras. They wanted AP Photo / The Zoological Society /
to try to photograph the animals. Before the tracks of London/ho
were spotted, scientists were not certain that okapis This photo shows an okapi in Virunga Extras
still lived in the park. However, the new photos show National Park. Photos like this one
that okapis do live in the park. And experts were show that okapis are alive in the Map
surprised by what they learned about the animals' park. Puzzle
habits. Citations

"We've managed to get pictures of three separate individuals. And we've also got a picture of one Rubric
roaming around at nighttime and actually [looking for food] … ," said Noelle Kumpel. Kumpel is a
zoologist. Until now, scientists believed that okapis fed only during the day. Take Notes
The doe-eyed okapis can be found in zoos worldwide. They are in the same family as giraffes. As you read, think about the okapis. How are
Each okapi has zebra-like stripes on its legs and rear. Scientists sometimes call the stripes "come they different? What dangers do okapis face
follow me stripes." Their bold pattern is believed to help young ones follow their mothers through at the park? What are people doing to keep
the forest. Sometimes, okapis travel in mother-child pairs. However, most okapis live alone. them safe? Write facts and details here. You
can use these notes later, when you answer

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