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Listening Test

In the Listening test, you will be aske&Jto demonstrate how well you understand spoken
Englỉsh. The entire Listening test wi!l last approxỉmately 45 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You must mark your ansvvers orì the separate ansvver
sheet. Do not write your ansvvers ín your test book.

Dỉrections: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your ansvver
sheet and mark your answer. The statements wiỉỉ not be printed ín your test book and wi!ỉ be
spoken only one time. Look at the exampỉe item beỉow.

Ẽxample I


Directiệons: ^uestion or statement and three responses spoken ỉn Engỉish. They
wỉll not be ed in your test book and wiỉl be spoken only one tỉme. Seỉect the best response
- á| M ẫ g k ' ' '■
’' : ii!l|§f||f ’• '
or statement and mark the ỉetter (A), (B), or (C) on your ansvver sheet.

Where ỉs the meetỉng room?

($-Tõềmeet the new dỉrector.

(B) lt’s the tirst room on the right;
(C) Yes, at two o’clock.

:ion “VVhere is the meeting room?” is choice (B), Mỉt’s the tirst
ị correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer

11. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheetắ

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.

15ễ Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet. 31 Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.

17ẽ Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 36. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet.

22ệ Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37ẽ Mark your answer on your answer sheetệ

23. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheetẾ

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39ễ Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.

25. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

What are the speakers discussing? 44. VVhere does this conversation take place?
(A) A new bookstore (A) At a shop

T e s t2
(B) A popular restaurant (B) tn the sales division of a company
(C) A marketplace (C) At a factory
(D) A seatood wholesale store (D) At a customer Service office

What is true about the store? 45. Who are the man and vvoman?
(A) It is a used bookstore. (A) Customers that came for the sale
(B) The store is advertised on the radio. (B) Security agents at the store
(C) It is successtul in business, (C) store clerks
(D) It is about to close down. (D) Tourists from overseas

43. What is the vvoman vrorried about? 46. What does the woman predict?
(A) The price of fish went up. (A) They will be busy until next VVednesday.
(B) They might have to wait long. (B) The sales rate will not change much.
(C) They might not get the food on time. (C) They will be out of stock by VVednesday.
(D) Seatood might make them sick. (D) They will raise prices soon.
47. How is the man feeling? 53. What is the man looking for?
(A) Excited (A) A colortul shirt
(B) Sick (B) A dark blue shirt
(C) Worn out (C) A smaller shirt
(D) Contused (D) A larger shirt

48. What will the woman give the man? 54. What will the man probably do next?
(A) Her opinion of the new product (A) Go to another store for a similar style
(B) A clistomer survey of the new product (B) Find a similar style in white
(C) Pictures of the new product (C) Buy the shirt the sales clerk recommended
(D) The design and price list of the new (D) Buy the white shirt in the small size
55. What does the salesperson tell the man about
49. What does the man say the evaluations wi)l the price?
do? (A) The price has been marked down.
(A) Make his presentation look more (B) It will go up soon.
contusing (C) It is quite expensive.
(B) Support the claims in his presentation (D) The clothes are reasonably priced.
(C) Give more examples to his presentation
(D) Guarantee the success of his presentation

56. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) An abnormally large bill
50. How will the speakers find more workers?
(B) The new landscape system
(A) By distributing pamphlets (C) A high telephone bill
(B) By calling the university (D) Tips on gardening
(C) By hiring an employment agency
(D) By putting an ad in the nevvspaper 57. What is their reaction to this case?
(A) They are irritated.
51. Why do they need more vvorkers?
(B) They are contused.
(A) Many workers resigned this season. (C) They are calm.
(B) They are usually short of workers during (D) They are energized.
this time of the year.
(C) They want to make more Products. 58. How did they solve another similar situation?
(D) They are trying to reduce unemployment.
(A) They called the police.
<B) They sued the company.
52. How many people will they hire?
(C) They negotiated with the company.
(A) More than three (D) They threatened the company.
(B) More than five
(C) About two
(D) About five

59. Which of the following describes the man’s 65. Why is the vvoman getting nervous?
job? (A) They don’t know their way back home.
(A) He takes photographsẳ (B) They are already late to a place.
(B) He teaches music at a college. (C) They are lost and have no money.
(C) He is a producer. (D) They might not find a gas station soon.
(D) He vvrites news articles.
66. What does the vvoman warn the man of?
60. What does the man wish to do? (A) The car will break down soon.
(A) Live in Korea in the íuture (B) The car is almost out of gas.
(B) Visit a variety of places in Korea (C) The car has been running with a flat tire.
(C) Experience Korean food (D) The car doesrTt have any headlights.
(D) Find a good place to rest
67. Which of the following best describes the

T e s t2
61 ế What does the woman offer the man? man?
(A) To take him to the Korean Museum (A) Annoyed
(B) To give him news articles about Korea (B) Abandoned
(C) To take him back to the U.S. (C) Frustrated
(D) To be his guide during his stay in Korea (D) Lonely

62. VVhere do they probably work? 68. How many people submitted their résumés?
(A) In the Personnel Department (A)5
(B) At a restaurant (B) 15
(C) At a university (C) 35
(D) At a shoe store (D) 40

63. What does the man ask the vvoman? 69. How does the vvoman feel about the
(A) lf her sister can work today intervievv?
(B) lf her sister could stop by for an interview (A) It will be very successíul.
(C) lf her sister could work for Yuri (B) It will be crovvded with applicants.
(D) How long her sister can work (C) It isn’t necessary.
(D) It isn’t a good idea.
64. What does the woman's sister want to know?
70. Why does the man want to conduct interviews
(A) The employee discount rate
on short notice?
(B) How much she will get paid
(C) Her vvorking hours (A) To make some give up the position
(D) The kind of work she will be doing (B) To see who vvants the position enough
(C) To find out who currently has no job
(D) To meet applicants when they are

R B i i g m
w 61
P art4
Directions: Vou will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to ansvver three
questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question
and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your ansvver sheet. The talks will not be printed in your
test book and will be spoken orily one time.

71. In which City is this announcement heard? 74. How will the vveather be on Thursday?
(A) New York (A) It will be windy.
(B) Boston (B) There will be light snow.
(C) Chicago (C) There will be shovvers.
(D) Atlanta (D) The skies will be clear.

72. What is the announcement about? 75. When will it start to get cold?
(A) The cancellation of the train to Chicago (A) Friday
(B) The completion of train repairs (B) Saturday
(C) A new schedule for trains (C) Next Monday
(D) The departure of a train (D) Next Wednesday

73ễ What does the announcement advise the 76. When did this vveather report take place?
passengers to do? (A) The middle of October
(A) Stay alert for passengers going to Chicago (B) The end of October
(B) Go ahead and wait on the train (C) The beginning of November
(C) Usẹ other modes of transportation (D) The middle of November
(D \ H n n H Hola\/ Ki i\/inn t ra in t ir líe t Q

77ề What kind of business is the Mongolian? 83. Who is visiting the area?
(A) A travel agency (A) The president of the USA
(B) A party store (B) Students from England
(C) A restaurant (C) Protessors from England
(D) A resort hotel (D) Students from the USA

78. What is the least number of customers 84. What was one of their programs?
needed to make a reservation? (A) The opening address
(A) Five (B) Orientation
(B)Ten (C) Introducing roommates
(C) Twenty (D) Taking pictures
(D) Twenty-five
85. What are the students scheduled to do the

T e s t2
79. Which of the following is needed to make a next day?
reservation? (A) They will visit an English museum.
(A) The customer’s address (B) They will go to a concert.
(B) The customer’s ID number (C) They wi!l have a meetíng with the principal.
(C) The customer’s name (D) They will go on an outing.
(D) The customer’s seating preterence

86. Where vvould this report most likely be heard?

80. Who most likely is the speaker? (A) In a business coníerence
(A) A tamous artist (B) In a company meeting
(B) A tour guide (C) In an economics class lecture
(C) A descendant of Truman (D) On the television news
(D) A security guard
87. What is one of the causes of the bankruptcy?
81 ễ What is true about Truman? (A) Not enough employees
(A) He lived during the Renaissance. (B) A long strike
(B) He drew Peter Dickinson. (C) Higher rent payment
(C) He still draws lots of good art pieces. (D) The increasing stock price
(D) He is not yyẹll known among historians.
88. What is assumed to be one of the
82. Which of the following items CANNOT be consequences of the bankruptcy?
brought into thé museum? (A) An increase in employment
(A) Brochures (B) A rise in food prices
(B) Digital cameras (C) Slow economic activity
(C) Purses (D) Competition with other corporations
(D) Mobile phones

89. What is the purpose of this message? 95. What is the purpose of the announcement?
(A) To look after a Client (A) To thank people for attending
(B) To check on an Insurance amount (B) To applaud the guest speakers
(C) To offer a new insurance plan (C) To announce the new conterence schedule
(D) To offer a solution to a health crisis (D) To inform people about a new Service

90. What was the content of the letter? 96. What is the new Service being offered?
(A) A list of medicine taken (A) Translated documents for attendees
(B) A list of operations períormed (B) A seminar on translating languages
(C) A receipt for refund (C) Simultaneous interpreters
(D) Reimbursements for diseases (D) Light reíreshments

91. What does the man offer his Client? 97. What are the contents of the DVDs?
(A) An operation in a bigger hospital (A) Seminars by other famous speakers
(B) Coverage for some of his medicine costs (B) Scenes from the coníerence
(C) Any services he may need (C) Different seminars from the conterence
(D) The Healthy Always Plan (D) A movie about the business vvorld

92. What is the announcemerrt about? 98. Who is making the announcement?
(A) A breakdown in the Internet network (A) The president
(B) Computer repairs (B) An accounting executive
(C) A meeting agenda (C) A customer
(D) The installation of new computers (D) The vice president

93. What does Ms. VVonders remind the 99. What is the announcement about?
employees to do? (A) The Christmas bonus
(Á) Help move the old computers (B) The president’s birthday
(B) Preserve all intormation (C) Promotions to management positions
(C) Cooperate with the cable company (D) Employee satistaction
(D) Not to be late next Saturday 100. Whaỉ is the reason for the cutback in
94. When will the computers be removed? (A) Lower customer satistaction
(A) July 4th (B) The company’s expansion in the market
(B) Julý 5th (C) The company’s declining income
(C) July 6th (D) The employee’s lack of patience
(D) July 7th

This is the end of the Listening test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts,
and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to ansvver as many questions as

— i
ÌÊ m Ể Ịặ Ê B u tỄ Ịấ
bsm HhhBpSbIiỊ
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences
se Ì I É Ì I M M É J M i i W ĩ l m ế i i l t l 1K3

given below each sentence.. Select the best ansvver to complete the sentence. Then mark the
our answer sheet.
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your
1 ì& Ẻ ~ ò ' *•* _r

101. The tederal government will continue to 104. Proceeds from today’s concert will benetit
monitọr the employment levels in — ...... the Save the Children Foundation---------
industries. the Books for Children Program.
(A) various (A) and
(B) variety (B) but
(C) vary (C) so
(D) variously (D) yet

102. We look forward t o ---------superb íinancial 105. Bona Lee is a professional singer who loves
services to this new market. spending her tim e ---------songs.
(A) provide (A) composes
(B) providing (B) composed
(C) provided (C) composing
(D) provision (D) composer

103. ÃIỊ s u c c e s s íu l............will be contacted 106. The annual minutes should be submitted
no later than April 15 to arrange a tormal ........... Monday to the director of the
intervievv. department.
(A) applicants (A) upon
(B) applicable (B) within
(C) apply (C) before
(D) application (D) next to

107. For a small charge, the post office offers 112ễ Minho Lee, the nevvly-appointed supervisor,
a Service that contirms t h e ---------- of a will contact all a p p lic a n ts ............- to
package. reschedule their intervievvs.

(A) deliver (A) he

(B) delivery (B) him
(G) delivering (C) himselí
(D) delivered (D) his

108. The name i s --------- on the outside of the 113. While they app ro ved --------- the change,
envelope, making it easier to deliver the they requested certain conditions be put in
letter to the correct Client. the contract.
(A) type (A)of
(B) typist (B) for
(C) typing (C)at
(D) typed (D)in

109. You will b e ---------updated as to the status 114. Ms. Kim w ill---------replace Ms. Hadyn,
of your claim, so please don’t call. who is taking three months off, as the
(A) scarcely
(B) indifferently (A) minimally
(C) signiticantly (B) decisively
(D) regularly (C) temporarily
(D) directly

110. The program w ill----------any íigures you

enter in the tormulas you register. 115. In order t o --------- just the right ílavor for
our new dog food, we have tested a new
(A) calculate
product with thousands of dog owners.
(B) calculation
(C) calculative (A) find
(D) calculated (B) tinding
(C) tindings
(D) found
111. The salary is highly---------, and full beneíits
(including dental and the year-end bonus
plan) are guaranteed. 116. T h e --------- successtul candidates for the
general manager position are required to
(A) spread
handle customers from a wide range of
(B) equal different backgrounds and personalities.
(C) exact
(D) competỉtive (A) high
(B) highly
(C) higher
(D) highest
117. — — — 15% of the country’s tarmers are 122. The new materials developed by the ABC
more than 60 years old, and most people Company are guaranteed to last longer than
raised on tarms leave for a post-secondary ---------of the competitors.
education or a job in the City. ... „
(A) Approximately (B) that
(B) Approximation (C) them
(C) Approximate (D) those
(D) Approximative

123. The restaurant is ---------from noon to 11:00

118. The industrial park, ---------construction for p.m. every day and has a special brunch
the past three years, had been scheduled buffet available on Sundays from 10 a.m. to
for completion by late spring. 2:40 p.m.
(A) over (A) open
(B) in (B) opened
(C)of (C) opener
(D) under (D) to open

119ể—■— — baby boomers are beginning to 124. Excellent crattsmanship and the w orld’s
retire, governments are becoming very best quality made Borbio Furniture superior
avvare of an impending labor shortage. - other brands.
(A) Howevẹr (A) to
(B) During (B) than
(C) As (C) as
(D) Yet (D)at

120. Power to the International Conference 125.1appreciate the intormation you sent —------
Building was lost when an electric pole my inquiry about Satin Finish Paints.
during a typhoon.
(A) regard
(A) talls (B) regards
(B) fallen (C) regarded
(C) m (D) regarding
(D) íalling

126. You may not use this voucher in -— — - with

121. We hope you enjoy the convenience and any other discount offers.
comtort of a personal vehicle and dríver
(A) relation
while — mềi with us.
(B) conjunction
(A) staying (C) agreement
(B) stay (D) alignment
(C) stays
(D) stayed

127. With only 3 weeks left until the deadline, 132. —- — November 1, every book which is
the manager now has to d e c id e ---------- borrowed from the Salisbury County Library
applicants will be chosen. will be due in 2 vveeks.
(A) about (A) As if
(B) whom (B) As to
(C) on (C) As of
(D) which (D)Soas

Mr. Donaldson was surprised that AGD Ltd. 133. The department has already spent most of
became not only a -7*---— business but also the money that was allocated for repairs
a global company. a n d --------- for the current íiscal year.
(A) proíit (A) maintenance
(B) proíits (B) maintain
(C) proíitable (C) maintainable
(D) profited (D) maintained

129. Because the item arrived in damaged 134. New residents have n o ----------to pay for
condition, Mr. Moritz vvould like to have his any damage done to the house betore they
money--------- . move in.
(A) reíunds (A) pledge
(B) refunding (B) promise
(C) refunded (C) engagement
(D) is retunded (D) obligation

130. — - — its travel policy, every employee may 1 35 .--------- the report will cover a wide range of
be authorized to fly business class only if subjects, they need to work cotlaboratively
the total estimated tlight time is 5 hours or to íinish it before the due date.
(A) Because
(A) According to (B) Due to
(B) Because ỆŨỊ Although
(C) VVhether (D) Rather than
(D) Despite

136. The g o ve rn m e nt----------to implement

131ẾTheir attention was caught by an the water conservation plan before the
advertisement for a new cleaning product upcoming drought season.
recently put on the market by a --------- 1
(A) decided
(A) competition (B) minded
(B) competitive (C) suggested
(C) compete (D) denied
(D) competitor
137.--------- you have requested a two-month 139. The Corporation w a s --------- not to dump
credit on your account, it is necessary for us any manutacturing residue into the local
to check your credit history. waterways.
(A) Since (A) advised
(B) Although (B) to advise
(C) VVhether (C) advising
(D) Despite (D) advice

138. There is a $25 registration--------- ỉ vvhich 140. If you open an account on Saturday, all
includes all materials and parking validation. remittance charges will b e --------- for the
first 2 months.
(A) revenue
(B) fare (A) vvaived
(C) rate (B) deleted
(D) fee (C) obtained
(D) vaporized

Directions: A word or phrase ís missing iri each of the sentences belovv. Four ansvver choices are
given belovv each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) orv your ansvver sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

January 22
Mr. Tomas Benz
2870 Lake Avenue
Seattle, Washington 93762

Dear Mr. Benz:

I ---------your letter of complaint regarding the servicing of your 2006 Concord

141. (A) receiving
(B) will receive
(C) has received
(D) received

on December 1 4 .1understand from your letter that the Service provided was not exactly
---------you had requested when you dropped off your automobileễActually, after
142. (A) which
(B) what
(C) who
(D) vvhose

we discussed the problem with our staff, we concluded that the additional work was
absolutely necessary and that it would be impossible to take your vehicle back on the
road until the work was completed. We value your business, and we w ill---------the
143ẽ(A) hold
(B) cover
(D) resolve

costs of the additional work.

We vvould also like to extend to you a free oil change and detailing package at no cost.
Thank you for making me avvare of this matter. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate
to contact me direcỉly ạt 542-0237.
Questions 144-146 refer to the following business letter.

DearSusanKim ỉ mM

lam wrỉting to answer your question about reíunds. To meet our customers’ satisfaction, we
have a 2-month guarantee that if for any reason, you are not satisíied with what you have
purchased, you may return ít to us within this period for a full reíund. The only thing we ask
is that wheíi' you retum ậiặ itertị, ậ should be in the sẩrtetỏnditiổlpĩn VỊrfflểtí*^3Sì bRgmẩtty^11
bought it. If you need to ta ke — — -.oíthis guarantee. please follow the instructions below.
144. (A) merit
(B) usage
(C) advantage
(D) improvement , ị

1. Please fiU in the form below, and— m— it when you retum the product.
(B) regard
(C) enclose
(D) exclude

2. Clearly describe why you vvould like to retum this purchase.

3. Clearly indicate on the return form if this return is for a reíund, replacement, or exchange.
4 For better Service in the tuture. complete the customer servicẹ.survey that came with yoif»
original order.

--------- your reíund application has been filed, we w ill process your claim within seven dạys.
146. (A) Whether
(B) Once
(C) Although
' (D) In case

Reíunds w ill be made in the same way you purchased your product.

0 ur goa l is to provide excellent custom er Service. We wi ll do our best. If you have any
concems. please contact us. Ịtis oúr pleasure to help you.

Bona Lee
Customer Service

Suastions 147-149 refer to the following information.

Following comptaints from customers, we have to discuss a dress code for all personnel
and guidelines on individual •****!**,
147. (A) face
(B) complexion
(C) rest
(D) appearance

Every sales staff member should meet regularly per month to consider how
148. (A) improving
(B) improvable
(C) to improve
(D) improved

customer Service. (Attendance will help their chances of being promoted.)

As most asspcịạtẹ%are,ỵoung, emplọyee tụrnover is relatively high. So,,training cọsỉs
have risen 5 in the past 3 years We need to talk about what can be doné to
149. (A) dramatically
(B) ìndependently
(C) probably
(D) superíicially

keep the staff longer.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following memorandum.

To: AU sales representatives
From: Paul Carter, Director of Sales
Date: September 12

We w ill--------- our new deluxe line of home appliances next year.

150. (A) research
(B) exhibit
(C) launch
(D) purchase

Next week, promotional packets will be forwarded to numerous--------- and existing clients as
151. (A) prospective
(B) upcoming
(C) nearby
(D) identitying

selected by our Public Relations Team. In order to assist sales personnel in satistying
customer satisíaction. inventory levels must increase without unnecessary delays. — -----
152. (A) As
(B) As if
(C) Moreover
(D) So as

initial feedback on the Products from focus groups of potential customers indicates strong
consumer appeal. the company is coníident that the new line will help us meet our sales
expectations and achieve our proíit margin goals in the coming year.

Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer
for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following news report.

Topping today's financial headlines, as part of its restructuring efforts,

KP Electronics has sold off its ailing LCD m onitor divĩsion. For years, the
electronic giant poured billions ịnto the unit, but competition from low-cost
manuíacturers, along with serious R&D setbacks, forced the cash-strapped
company to unload the loss-making unit. Terralong, One of the industry's
biggest businesses, paid $1.7 billion for the division, vvhich was generally
considered a fair price. The cash infusion will help KP pay off some of its
sizeable loans, allowing the firm to avoid bankruptcy for at least another
quarter. Meanwhile, analysts agree KP will neẽd to focus on its core Products if
it is to return to protitability.

153. Why did KP Electronics sell one of its 155. What will KP Electronics do with the
divisions? proceeds?
(A) The company was legally bankrupt. (A) Invest in another industry
(B) The LCD market was shrinking. (B) Hire additional staff
(C) The division was not proíitable. (C) Increase R&D spending
(D) The firm needed to repay Terralong. (D) Reduce its total debt

154. What is learned about the selling price?

(A) It was reasonable.
(B) It was overpriced.
(C) It was undervalued.
(D) It was astonishing.

Questions 156-157 refer to the following e-mail.

To: All employees <>

From: Technical Support <>
Subject: Update
Date: December 21

156. What is the problem?

(A) A retund of a Computer feẹ
(B) A broken calculator
(C) A power shortage
(D) A Computer virus

157. What are employees asked to do?

(A) Copỵ important data
(B) Update their accounting intormation
(C) Call the security office
(D) Purchase new hardware
Questions 158-160 reter to the following letter.

Jane Morrison
1266 Commonvvealth Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
October 9,2006
Customer Service Department
Eastern Telecom
450 Mass. Ave.
Boston, MA 02168
Dear Customer Service,
I have been an Eastem Telecom customer for 23 years. I’ve generally been pleaseđ with
the quality of my telephone Service. Your Internet Service, however, is another matter.
I was an early adopter of Internet access, starting six years ago with a dial-up connection.
Four months ago, I subscribed to your high-speed DSL plan, which promised signilìcantly
faster speeds. At first, the connection was íast, but over the course of several months, it
became progressively slower. Your technician checked my wiring and promised me that
everything was in order. He said my Service problems were due to unusually heavy traffic.
The last time I called to complain, I was told your netvvorking equipment was being
upgraded and that the situation vvould soon improve. That was six weeks ago, and things
have only gotten worseệ
This problem needs to be processed in the very near íuture. I’d rather stay with Eastem
Telecom, but if the situation persists, I will be svvitching providers.
Thank you for your time.

Ja*e, /VỊÕrr-ỈSOK

158. Why did Ms. Morrison write to Eastern 159. When did Ms. Morrison start receiving DSL
Telecom? Internet access?
(A) To complain about her telephone Service (A) Six years ago
(B) To report a problem with her Internet (B) Several months ago
Service (C) A month ago
(C) To request that her telephone Service (D) Six weeks ago
be restored
(D) To inquire about Internet access rates
160. What is the tone of the customer’s request?
(A) Urgent
(B) Apologetic
(C) Complimentary
(D) Understanding

Questions 161-163 refer to the following letter.

Sophitel Hotel
12 Monetariei
April 23
Dan Petrescu
Tour Express
Passa Strada
16521 Madrid

Test 2
Dear Mr. Petrescu,
We have íinallỵ upgraded our hotel íacilities this summer, and as a result, our room charges
have increased 15% over last year's rates. I hope this increase does not affectTour Express and
cause you to cease doing business vvith us. We give you priority in making reservations as a
long-standing customer. So please iníorm us whether you are making any reservations from
June to September since more travel agencies are booking rooms for this summer. We require
your prompt response to iníorm other agencies of our room availability. You should know that
the aquarium has opened in the City and South Airport has resumed its international ílights,
so you can bring groups in by plane rather than by train.

161 ếWhat is the purpose of the letter? 162. What does the Sophitel Hotel offer Tour
(A) To request that Mr. Petrescu send a
deposit (A) The opportunity to book rooms betore
(B) To intorm Mr. Petrescu that the hotel has other agencies do
many convenient tacilities (B) Cheaper tickets to some aquariums in
(C) To offer Tour Express special prices the area
(D) To encourage Tour Express to place a (C) A discount price for larger bookings
room order (D) Free shuttle Service to the travel agency

163. What means of transport does Ms.

Goldenberg suggest for Mr. Petrescu’s
(A) Taxi
(B) Boat
(C) Train
(D) Plane
Questions 164-166 reter to the following announcement.

Art in the Park

Attention, art lovers! This June, the Greeníield A rts Council will bring you an
art exhibit unlike any seen beíore.Thanks to the generous contributions of local
patrons and businesses as well as sister museums from six countries, we’re happy
to bring you A rt in the Park.

A collection of more than 40 world-dass sculptures.the exhibit will be held under

the sun in Greeníìeld Commons. All of these fìne pieces were originally created to
be shown outdoors, vvhether at ă private home o r on museum grounds, so they’ll
be right at họrne in our beautiíul park.

During the six weeks of the free exhibit, we encourage you and your entire íamily
to take a stroll amongst the sculptures. Enjoy aíternoon tea in the tea gardèn,
or bring a blanket, and rest your legs in the “ Relax with A rt” ạrea Children are
welcome, but please leave your dogs at home.
We’ll see you at the Commons!

164. What does the announcement suggest about the exhibit?

(A) It will be held indoors.
(B) It will be tunded by ticket sales.
(C) It will be verỵ tormal.
(D) It will be unprecedented.

165. What is Greenfield Commons?

(A) A museum
(B) An auditorium
(C) A park
(D) An estate

166. What does the exhibit prohibit?

(A) Pets
(B) Beverages
(C) Iníants
(D) Blankets

Questions 167-169 refer to the following article.

■ ;x

ABR U ZZO , June 24 - The city plans to draw visitors to the city by launching a
new advertising campaign using the images o f Francisco Maldini, the regioiís best
known medieval painter. The tourism board is planning to spend 1.75 million Euros
on this venture along with a special exhibit at the Abruzzo Art Gallery. More than
forty masterpieces wiU be displayed from April through July. Huge banners will be
posted at bus stations within commuting distance of Abruzzo. In order to encourage
more visitors, hotels will oíFer special discounts to individuals who spend the night in
Abrúzzo before or after viewing the exhibit.

167. What does the article mainly discuss?

(A) The opening of a bus station
(B) Programs to attract tourists to a City
(C) The expansion of an art museum
(D) Recommended hotels

168. Who is Francisco Maldini?

(A) A local artist
(B) A museum director
(C) A City mayor
(D) A tourism board member

169ểWhat will the hotels offer?

(A) Discount transportation rates
(B) Free museum tickets
(C) Reduced rates
(D) Displays of historic artwork
Questions 170-172 refer to the following report.

Oil prices exceeded $80 per barrel mark this week, running close to a surprising
level, $85. The current price has analysts concerned. They point to several key
sectọrs which are immediately going to be hurt from higher oil prices. Some major
airlines, which are already in the red, have gone on record saying that if oil hits $85
per barrel, they may no longer be able to cover fuel costs. Furthermore, the đomestic
tourism industry, which has been hoping for a downward price trend to encourage
people to get in their cars and drive to tourist attractions, is also suffering from
serious price increase. Perhaps most signiílcantly, as consumers are íòrced to pay
more for fuel and heating costs, they’re expected to reduce spending on non-essential
items. Analysts say that is exactly the opposite of what the economy needs.

170ễWhat can be interred about the $80 per barrel tigure?

(A) It was a long-time floor for oil prices.
(B) Oil was expected to reach the mark.
(C) lt’s several dollars below the record.
(D) Analysts consider it signiticant.

171. Why is the tourism industry concerned?

(A) Higher prices may affect the tavorable climate.
(B) Consumers may not drive to tourist attractions.
(C) Recent trends in gas prices had been positive.
(D) Economists say the industry is in trouble.

172. What is NOT mentioned as a consequence of higher oil prices?

(A) A price hike on non-essential consumables
(B) A side effect on travel-related industries
(C) The inability of airlines to afford expenses
(D) A negative change in consumer spending habits

Questions 173-174 refer to the follọwing excerpt from a brochure.

B est C atch Services

[5 f » 4 - Catch Services is a proíessional call center Service th a t w ill help your

D c J L business grow and enable you to utilize your calls while keeping your
operating costs down. Your calls are taken at our call center, and our proíessional
representatives will provide you with services such as product support information,
order taking, and appointm ent scheduling. Over the past th irty years, we have
vvorked with small start-ups as well as some of the natiorTs largest and most well-
known companies. We are coníident in our ability to deliver the highest quality
services with great consistency for each and every customer. If you have any íurther
questions or vvould like to succeed in your business, call 800-526-7355, or visit our
vvebsite at

173. What does Best Catch Services provide?

(A) Marketing Consulting services
(B) Telephone ansvvering services
(C) Product development
(D) Intormation access

174. What is mentioned about Best Catch Services?

(A) Successtul companies are some of their clients.
(B) It is equipped with up-to-date technology.
(C) It provides 24-hour repair Service.
(D) It offers rental services.

m b b ìi h e b i e ĩ b s b ^ ^ -
■ 1,1111 V 83
Questions 175-178 refer to the following letter.

Gary Barr
Orange County
Los Angeles, Calitornia
Toy story Factory
Attn: Customer Service
61455 Hollyvvood Drive
Los Angeles, California
Dear Sir/Madam:
I have purchased an unassembled toy fo r my nephevv at the local toy store named
Toy VVorld. As I was assemblíng the parts while followíng the instruction manual, I
discovered that one fron t gate was missing. This greatly disappoìnted my nephevv.
i would appreciate it if you sent me the missing component. I w ilỉ enclose a copy of
my receipt in order to assist you in Processing my request. If you are unable to send
me the missing part, I will take the product to the store for a full refund. In the
past, I have purchased many Products manufactured by your company. The reason
yvhy Lpreter your Products is th eir high quality and durability even though they
cost a bit more than the other Products. So I truly hope you do not disappoint mẹ
and the matter w ilt be resolved to my satisfaction. If you have any questions, pĩease
caII me at 800 235 7323 or send me an e-mail to the follow ing address: gbarr®
Thank you fo r your attentỉon. 1 hope to hear from you soon.

175. Why did Mr. Barr write the letter? 177. What has Mr. Barr sent with the letter?
(A) To praise a store for its Service (A) A list of Products
(B) To complain about a missing part of an (B) A sales receipt
item (C) A toy
(C) To order a user’s manual (D) A personal check
(D) To inquire about a delayed response

178ẵWhat will Mr. Barr probably do if the company

176. What does Mr. Barr say about the company’s does not resolve the problem?
(A) Go to the store and request a reíund
(A) They are cheap. (B) File a letter of complaint
(B) They are outdated. (C) Contact the customer protection board
(C) They are well made. (D) Purchase a different item
(D) They are very fraaile.

Questions 179-180 reíer to the following letter.

The Santiago Corporation

Grand Valley Avenue
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
October 3
Mr. Henry Mintzberg
15-8 Mile Street
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dear Mr. Mintzberg:

Thank you for contacting us about the problems with your PMP player. We at the
Santiago Corporation has identified some manufacturing defects with the ICP-2022 and
TNM-3310 models. We suggest taking your product to a repair Service center vvhere
an authorized Service provider will inspect your PMP player and repair or replace any
deíective parts free of charge. The following are some of the signs that may indicate the
presence of these defects:
- Sudden changes in color in the monitor display
- Frequent system freezes
If you are experiencing either of these problems, pleásé let us at the repair Service center
know by calling 800-235-5754.
P & te rB o rn
Customer Service

179. Why did Peter Born write this letter?

(A) To respond to a customer’s letter of complaint
(B) To request a replacement part
(C) To advertise a new PMP player
(D) To coníírm a new order

180. What is Mr. Mintzberg advised to do?

(A) Purchase a new monitor
(B) Check his PMP player for signs of detects
' (C) Add a missing part to his player
(D) Contact a repair Service center as soon as possible
Questions 181-185 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

I I :------~ —-------""li1 1811 ỊM H B B M i

Ohio —The city council today announced plans to renovate the N ew Concord Library.
The proposed renovation has been under discussion for the past two yeaís but could not be
approveđ uníii íunding for the project was assured. The final hurdle was removed last week
when the State announced that it will ẹontribute $60,000 to the prọịect. The city council hạs
Ị agreed to pay $25,000. $15,000 wilí come from the Harmony Countỵ Library s budget, and
the remaining $10,000 has been raised by the Library Foundation’s fìve-ỵear fundraising
Ị dứve. The library was built almost 200 years ago ạnd was used primarily as a church until j
1850. It was fìrst expanded in 1870 and then repaịred in 1946 after ấ fìre. T he planned
renovations will take four years to complete. It will be íìnished just in time for the libraiy s 1

200th birthday.

To: J. Wilson <>

From: J. Chen <>
Subject: Please answer quickly
Date: Frii Dec. 3

Hello, I have a few books I borrowed trom the library that I need to return. During
the construction, is it possible to return books? In the town that I used to live in,
there was a similar situation that the library undervvent construction and I had
some books to return, but by the time the library was complete and the books
were returned, I had a late fee of 48 dollars. If the books need to be returned early
or if I can return them late, please let me know.

181. How was the library first used?
(A) As a hall for council meetings
(B) As a fire station
(C) As a hatl for parties
(D) As a place of vvorship

182. Why did renovations NOT take place earlier?

(A) The building was not insured.
(B) Funding was incomplete.
(C) Council members had resigned.

T est2
(D) The plans were lost in a fire.

183. What does Ms. Chen ask?

(A) How to make donations
(B) When her books are due
(C) How late the books are
(D) When construction will end

184. What happened to Ms. Chen before?

(A) She moved away without paying her late fees.
(B) The library in her old town shut down.
(C) She paid a late fee on the books.
(D) She got caught stealing books.

185. Why does Ms. Chen ask if she can return the books?
(A) She was aíraid she will have a lot of late fees.
(B) The library will charge her 48 dollars.
(C) She dìdn’t contribute to the fundraising.
(D) The books are needed by another member.

' Ị T 87
Questions 186-190 refer to the following instructions and memorandum.


Hi, I receỉved the key to my room, but the door did not open. I think
there is a problem with the numeric code that is in the key. The door
opened when I tirst got into the room, but after I had lunch for an hour
or two and came back, the door made a little beep and did not open.
Can you exchange this key for another one, please? I need a key that
will give me no problems until Sunday. We are out right now. Please
téỊl theiront desk to get us new key. I would be happy if there aren’t any
more inconvẹniences like this anymore. If something like this happens
again, we will be checking out right away.

186. VVhat is done to make the rooms sater?
(A) Keys are kept at the front desk.
(B) Security guards patrol the hallwàys.
(C) Numericai codes on keys are chánged trequently.
(D) Guests are required to check out in person.

187. When did the guest most likely receive thỉs key?
(A) At check-out time
(B) When he checked in
(C) At noon
(D) On the date of departure

188. What does the man think the problem is for the locked door?
(A) lt’s a problem with the numerical key.
(B) It is past noon.
(C) The last customer torgot to check out.
(D) The door is jammed.

189. What happens when the key doesnt work on the door?
(A) The door makes a noise.
(B) The key gets jạromed.
(C) The numeric code gets disabíed.
(D) Nothing happens.

190. What will the customers do if there is another problem?

(A) They wíll complain to the hotel manager.
(B) They will not pay
(C) They will calt the president of the hotel.
(Đ) Thẹy will check out right away.
Questions 191-195 refer to the following notice and memorandum.

To: Advertisement Heads

From: Chris Fontaine, Assistant Manager

We need to make an adjustment on the meéting date. November 22 is the

day when a lot of employees from the Marketing Department have to go out
of town for a marketing meeting. As we all know, the marketing meeting isn’t
hosted by our company. Because it ỉs another marketing company that shares
its knovvledge with our employees, they can’t afford to miss that meeting.
November 23 sounds good for everyone since that’s a day every employee is
working full-time in the office all day. Please let me know if the meeting date can
be changed. The change in date of the meeting will be a much better choiee and
enable more people to attend the meeting.

191. What is NOT on the meeting’s agenda?
(A) 3D graphic design
(B) A Q&A session
(C) A vvorkshop
(D) Sales records

192ắ How otten does this event take place?

(A) Once a week
(B) Every Monday
(C) Every few months

(D) Once a year

193. What penalties are given to employees who do not show up at the meeting?
(A) They cannot attend the next meeting.
(B) The intormation is not provided.
(C) Their salary will be reduced.
(D) They have to vvrite a report.

194. What does the memorandum ask the Advertisement Heads to do?
(A) Change the date of the meeting
(B) Hold a separate meeting for the Marketing Department
(C) Hold the meeting later than the time set
(D) Have a meeting with employees from another company

195. What is the marketing meeting?

(A) A meetỉng with another company to share knovvledge
(B) A day off for the Marketing Department
(C) Full-time work for all employees
(D) A meeting held once a year

■ m in iin ỉP iir E y
Questions 196-200 referto the following articles.

Increased Co unteríeits

An im portant topic in the news today is the protection o f currency from

counterfeiting. Due to advances in Computer and photocopy technologỉes,
the government has reported a teníold increase in the amount of counteríeit
paper money passed in this eountry during the past five years. Many other
governménts worldwíde report similar problems. They are often linked to
organized crime an d íraudulẹnt trade practices. The problem s related to
í counteríeit currency v\ iH be discussed at the International Monetary Summit
in Caracas next March. This summit will deal with the rules and regulations
of coúnteríeit bills and wỉll work on solving thè problems of it.

Measures for Counteríeit

There should be a notice in banks a n d stores ab o u t the coun terfeit bills. The •;
go vern m en t also should m ake the bills m ore n o ta b le so th at p e o p le can tell íị
counteríeit and real bills a p a rt easier. ín some countries, they have bumps on the ị
bill, so copying the p a p er itself w o n 'f be mistaken for a real bill. O u r bills should
also have bumps on them. Please consider this. This topỉc is important. Thereíore, !
w e need harsher punishment on counterfeit bitl makers. This will have an effect on *

norm al civilians w h o m akè counterfeif bills for fun. ị

196. What is the first article about?

(A) Reducing government spending

(B) The creation of an international monetary unit
(C) Improvements in Computer technology
(D) The rapid increase in currency fraud

197. According to this report, what will governments do in March?

(A) Issue new currency
(B) Hold a major conterence
(C) Institute security measures

Test 2
(D) Print more banknotes

198. What is said to be about bills?

(A) Have bumps on them
(B) Make them harder to copy
(C) Stop making bills
(D) Stop making printer ink

199. What should be done so that normal citizens do not make fake notes?
(A) Make stronger penalties
(B) Advertise through the mass media
(C) Conduct fierce supervision
(D) Thoroughly inspect clerks in stores

200. Why are there more counteríeit bills?

(A) There have been technological advancements.
(B) Bills are being made simple.
(C) A new type of paper has been developed.
(D) There is a new type of photography.


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