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Topic: Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a

healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people are more and more concerned about their health in terms of nutrition.
Accordingly, some people believe that everyone should switch from a meat to a vegetarian diet to
obtain a healthy diet. There is no denying that eating vegetables offers plenty of great benefits for the
human body; however, I would argue that it is not necessary to remove meat from the daily diet to
obtain optimal health.

To begin with, being a vegetarian have a lot of undeniable positive aspects. The most significant
advantage is that it assists in lowering the risk of various chronic diseases including obesity,
cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc. This is thanks to the fact that plant-based foods contain low fat and
low calories but high fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants, resulting in lower levels of blood pressure
and cholesterol consumption. Another advantage is that vegetables provide a wide range of nutrition.
Take spinach as an example, it provides more protein and minerals such as Fe, Zn, Mg, Ca, etc.
compared to beef and other kinds of meat. Therefore, it is claimed that becoming vegetarian will
achieve a healthy diet and good health.

On the other hand, meat has a more powerful ability for the nutrition of the human body than
vegetarian foods. Firstly, meat supplies enough complete protein which is then breakdown into essential
amino acids for repairing tissue, and building and developing muscle. Our body can not synthesize
essential amino acids such as lysine, valine, histidine, etc., thus, we need to get them from foods,
especially, meat. Secondly, meat not only improves mental health but also physical health due to its high
vitamins and mineral concentration including vitamins A, B, and D. It has been demonstrated that these
vitamins are crucial for supporting good vision, stronger teeth, and strengthening the bone structure.

To sum up, a vegetarian diet offers many benefits to human health such as reducing the risk of
chronic diseases and some specific vegetables can provide more particular nutrients than meat.
However, meat remains essential to maintaining a healthy diet and optimal health.

Topic: Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime. However, a
more effective solution is to provide people with a better education. Do you agree or disagree?

Crime-solving is always an urgent problem in society. Nowadays, prison is the preferable

measure to diminish the number of criminals in most countries. However, some people argue that
education is more better and effective than putting crime to the jell, which I totally disagree with.

To begin with, there is no denying that prison is an indispensable and worldwide solution for
many centuries all over the world to decline the number of people who do illegal actions. Firstly, it
contributes to the security of the general public and the efficiency of the removal of threats from the
community. This will minimize the crime rate in society, guaranteeing the safety of the whole
community. Secondly, prison influences significantly people’s perspectives about the consequences
which correspond to their actions. Take a murderer as an example. They have to follow the judicial
decision, thus, their life continues in jell with no freedom and they must live far away from their beloved
family members. Therefore, prison is a powerful way to handle and prevent crimes.

Nevertheless, education also plays a crucial and specific role in managing this problem
compared to prison. It facilitates the awareness of people in the law and regulations from an early
young age which lowers the probability of these youngsters committing crimes in a certain way.
Furthermore, it gives offenders a second chance to reconnect with the community and start a new
better, and expected life. In a little more detail, prisoner education programs can give inmates the
essential knowledge and credentials to get a job and develop their careers or business when they are

To sum up, although prison sentences are one necessary weapon in the fight against crime, I
believe that education also has certain impacts on the reduction of the crime rate. Each of them has a
specific function and productivity so the combination of both is likely a great choice which should be
taken into consideration.

Topic: The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.

The given chart depicts how the proportion of the UK population who entertain radio and TV
alters during the day from 1 am to 11 pm throughout October to December in 1992.

Overall, radio and TV audiences in the UK share a similar pattern where both are steady at the
beginning of the period, however, radio audiences saw a downward trend whereas a reverse trend can
be observed in the TV audiences at the end. Additionally, the number of people who watch TV is higher
than the number of people who listen to the radio.

In the early morning, around 5% of people listened to the radio or watched television and this
ratio was almost unchanged until 5:30 am. After that, the radio audiences’ proportion grew considerably
and reached its peak at 25% between 8:00 am and 9:00 am before falling to 15% at 4:00 pm. This figure
then experienced some fluctuations in the next period of time before it settled down at 5% at the end of
the day.

In comparison with radio ones, the TV viewers’ proportion was lower from 6:00 am to 12:30 pm.
However, this figure soared significantly, far exceeding the percentage of radio listeners after 2.00 pm,
and reached its peak at 8.00 pm, nearly 50%. TV audiences’ proportion, then, declined sharply and
plunged to around 13% at midnight.

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