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Note to Voice Actor (female): This video should be delivered in a light tone.

Main Keyword

The health of your liver

Second Keyword

Liver damage

Health Problems in the Liver

Fatty Liver

Signs of Your Liver is Unhealthy- Ways to cure it

Instead of having a fresh homemade meal, spicy noodles from your favorite outlet are your
first choice for dinner. Has the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes become a daily part of
your life? And instead of taking a walk for a few minutes after having your meal, you keep
lying on your couch and watching the tv?

We all know that the liver is one of the important parts of our body. It helps a lot in digesting
food and extracting waste material from it. But due to our bad lifestyle and eating and
drinking habits, our health starts getting affected badly and if all these habits are not
controlled in time, then it can also harm the health of your liver.

In today's video, we will discuss in more depth about liver and its health issues

What Causes Fatty Liver? Can excessive alcohol cause liver failure? And many more….


The risk of getting jaundice may increase

Jaundice is a disease that occurs due to an excess amount of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin
is produced in the tissues and blood of the body. Normally when red blood cells are broken
for some reason, yellow-colored bilirubin is formed.
Bilirubin is filtered from the liver and comes out of the body, but when for some reason it
does not enter the liver from the blood or is not filtered by the liver, then its amount increases
in the body, causing jaundice.
A healthy liver absorbs bilirubin and turns it into bile so that it can be passed out of your
body in the form of stool.

If you get jaundiced, it's better to follow a restricted diet.

You should drink more and more water and coconut water. Depending on the severity of
your condition, you can also take an apple, pineapple, and cucumber juices two to three
times a day. During this, avoid eating shallow-fried, deep-fried, canned, or junk food. And if
possible, you can eat millet porridge or wholesome porridge, and lentil soup.

Your skin becomes itchy

Itchy skin is one of the early signs that your liver is in trouble. In liver disease or damage,
high bile salts accumulate under your skin. Due to which itching starts. Some people feel
itching on their skin even with normal salt levels. While some people do not feel itchy even
though they have high salt levels.

It should be perfectly balanced in your daily food consumption. Avoiding eating spicy junk
food for example- chili noodles or fiery dim sums, as they may contain a high level of MSG in
them. You should also avoid drinking fizzy non-alcoholic drinks. You can eat your favorite
chocolates and processed food occasionally.

A Balance of Salt and Sugar is a must to protect your liver health. Having a low-sodium diet
or not having other forms of sodium not more than 2000 mg per day.



Your liver normally circulates about 25% of your blood through the portal vein each day. But
cirrhosis creates an opportunity for bleeding. You may vomit blood or see blood in your stool.
Normally the flow through the liver is like a rapid current flowing in a fast river.

But as soon as cirrhosis occurs, the rapid flow of that flowing river stops in one place. For
this reason, the blood tries to circulate. That circulation works to send blood to your spleen,
which gets bigger to clear out the congestion. When the liver is healthy, it produces liver
clotting proteins. But a weak liver is unable to do so.

Cirrhosis of the liver is usually a result of chronic alcohol abuse.

In countries such as the US, heavy drinking is common among people between the ages of
20 and 50. Due to this later they must bear the brunt of liver failure or liver damage. For
the sake of your liver health please drink alcohol in moderation.


More chances of having a liver infection

Whenever we go out to eat, we never question or even think about how that food has been
prepared. As soon as that food is served at our table, our senses are blown away by its
appearance or mouth-tempting smell.
Is the food that we are eating prepared in a clean kitchen or do fellow rats and cockroaches
already taste it from the kitchen even before reaching our tables?

In countries like the USA, it's often seen that the food service at restaurants or take-away
lacks the level of quality, especially in terms of hygiene, freshness, and cleanliness. Not only
are they to blame, but sometimes it's our fault too for not maintaining basic hygiene.

There can be an infection in such food which can spread in our body through blood. Like
hepatitis virus. This is the most commonly found virus in the liver. It can be spread by
eating Stale food or drinking contaminated water.
We live in 2022, where the world is facing life-threatening situations because of the Covid19
virus. By maintaining basic hygiene, you may not only save yourself from corona, but you
may save yourself from chronic liver disease too.

Before eating, always wash your hands. If you are traveling in another country, use your
water bottle, brush your teeth twice, and wash your hands before eating in public. To avoid
health hazards, it is better to keep a mask handy. Before eating in any restaurant or
takeaway please check the reviews they get for their food quality and hygiene.


Loss of appetite

The liver works to digest food in your body. But due to health problems in the liver, you
lose your appetite. Due to less appetite, your body weight also starts decreasing. Patients
with liver problems must deal with the problem of vomiting and weight loss, and abdominal

In that case, you must choose a rich-fiber diet

To maintain the health of the liver, you should consume grapefruit. It contains plenty of
antioxidants that naturally protect the liver. Several animal studies have found that both help
protects the liver from injury. You can also include garlic and avocado in your diet. These
help in removing toxic substances from the liver.

You also get benefits by eating beetroot juice and salad. Beetroot has flavonoids in it that
prove to be helpful for the liver.

The consumption of turmeric is also considered good for the liver. It expels the bile
accumulated in the liver. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and mustard greens are
rich in fiber and all three are known for their distinctive taste. Such vegetables do not allow
iron deficiency in our bodies.

Along with this, you can also use olive oil in your food, which is considered good not only for
the health of the heart and eyes but also for the liver. The problem of fatty liver is due to the
accumulation of fat in the liver. But by using olive oil in food, it increases positive metabolism
in the body as well as reduces the effect of fat. For a good source of vitamin E and omega-3
fatty acids, you can eat nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.


Lack of Concentration and Fatigue

Due to the problem of liver health, your liver is not able to filter the toxic substances from
the blood. That is why these toxic substances accumulate in the brain. Which can lead to
confusion and memory loss. Some people have mood swings and find it difficult to
concentrate. After some exposure, they start experiencing a change in their personality.

Also, when the health of the liver is not good, then its effect can be seen in your daily life.
For this reason, either you get tired quickly or you do not have enough energy to do any
work. Being immersed in the trance of sleep all day. According to doctors, fatigue is the most
common symptom, and it is also seen in most people suffering from liver problems.

Those who don’t exercise or even a half an hour’s walk after finishing their meals tend to
have obesity issues. Due to obesity, they can face problems like fatty liver or premature
liver failure.

To keep your liver health under control, you can overcome all these issues by exercising.
Daily 30 to 60 minutes of exercise can overcome your obesity and motivate you with energy.

You can choose any form of exercise that you like. Like cycling, walking two to three miles,
jumping rope, running on a treadmill, etc. Exercise saves you from fatty liver issues and
helps you maintain your overall health.



Daily health and diet rituals can help you maintain a healthy liver in the long run. But still,
with these useful measures, you can also have LFT (Liver Functioning Test) done weekly or
every month to check your liver health. Consult your doctor in case of severe abdominal pain
or any other serious symptoms. Do not take any supplements without your doctor's review or

For more information about liver health, you can watch other videos on our channel

11 WARNING Signs Of Fatty Liver Nobody Ever Told You

Or you can watch Eat These 10 SUPERFOODS To Cleanse Your Liver

Go ahead, click one. Or better yet, watch both, and learn more about what causes
fatty liver. Which superfood do you like to eat? Let us know in the comments below!

Summary WC

We all know that the liver is one of the important parts of our body. It helps a lot in digesting
food and extracting waste material from it. But due to our bad lifestyle and eating and
drinking habits, our health starts getting affected badly and if all these habits are not
controlled in time, then it can also harm the health of your liver.

The liver works to digest food in your body. But due to health problems in the liver, you
lose your appetite. Instead of eating shallow-fried, deep-fried, canned, or junk food. To
maintain the health of the liver, you should consume grapefruit. For a good source of
vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, you can also eat nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

By maintaining basic hygiene, you may not only save yourself from corona, but you may
save yourself from chronic liver disease too. To keep your liver healthy, you should
exercise daily or five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes.




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