Crystal Cleaning Cold Calling Script

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Crystal Cleaning Cold call script

(Friendly Tone)
"Hello, is this [Customer’s Name]? Hi [Customer’s Name], I’m [Your Name] with Crystal
Cleaning, where we specialize in premium window and gutter cleaning services. I hope
your day is going well! Do you have a moment to chat with us on how we can bring a
sparkle to your windows and cleanliness to your living/commercial space?"
(Wait for response)

(Engaging Tone)
"Our team at Crystal Cleaning is all about providing the best cleaning service in the
market, not just the first time but every time."

Highlighting Unique Selling Points:

(Confident Tone)
"What sets us apart is our commitment to excellence. Unlike our competitors, we offer a
satisfaction guarantee – because we’re not just about cleaning, we’re about delivering a
premium service that ensures your home/commercial space looks its best. Plus, we
only use eco-friendly cleaning products that take care of your property and the planet."

Understanding Customer Needs:

(Consultative Tone)
"I’m curious, [Customer’s Name], what’s been your biggest challenge when it comes to
maintaining clean windows or gutters?"
(Engage with their response, showing empathy and expertise)
"I can see how that would be frustrating. Our team specializes in tackling exactly those
kinds of challenges. Whether it’s hard-to-reach windows or maintaining the beauty of
your property throughout the seasons, we’ve got you covered."

Offering Solutions:
(Solution-Oriented Tone)
"Based on what you’ve shared, I believe our [specific service] would be the perfect fit. We
could start with a comprehensive assessment of your needs, ensuring we address each
concern with a tailored solution. How does that sound?"

Closing the Conversation:

(Warm, Inviting Tone)
"I’d love to arrange a brief, virtual online consultation at your convenience, withe virtual
meeting, we save you time and also save the planet without making any emissions, we
can discuss your specific needs, provide a transparent quote, and even share some of
our success stories. What day works best for you this week?"

(Wait for their response and confirm details)

"Fantastic, [Customer’s Name]! I’ve scheduled our virtual online consultation for [Day &
Time]. You’ll receive an email confirmation shortly. We’re excited to show you what
Crystal Cleaning can do. In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reach
out. Thank you for your time today, and we look forward to transforming your space!"

Sign Off:
"Have a wonderful day, [Customer’s Name]! Goodbye!"

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