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Questions in FEE452: Electrodynamics II

Q1. A length of lossless 75 Ω line is terminated in a load impedance with the

following values: ZL = 150 − j90 Ω at 4000 M Hz and 150 + j90 Ω at
6000 MHz. Determine the length of line that results in identical input
impedance values at the two frequencies hence determine the value of the
input impedance. Assume the wavelength in the line is the same as the
wavelength in free space. (1, 20 cm, 28 − j21 Ω)
Q2. The recommended frequency range of operation for the K-band (WR-42)
waveguide with inner dimensions 1, 07 × 0, 43 cm and outer dimensions
1, 27 × 0, 635 cm is 18, 0 - 26, 5 GHz. Determine the cut-off frequencies of
the first two propagating modes in this guide and the percentage reduction
in bandwidth that the recommended operating range represents relative
to the theoretical bandwidth for single mode operation.
Q3. A circular waveguide has a diameter of 1, 6 cm. Determine the cutoff
frequencies and identity of the first four propagating modes in this guide.
Q4. The maximum power handling capacity of a coaxial line is limited by volt-
age breakdown of the dielectric between the conductors and is given by

πa2 Emax
Pmax = ln
η a
where Emax is the field strength at breakdown and the other symbols
carry their usual meaning. Determine the value of b/a which maximises
the power handling capacity of the line and show that for this ratio, the
characteristic impedance of the line is ∼ 30 Ω.
Q5. A 300 M Hz TEM wave is guided between two perfectly conducting parallel
planes. Determine the voltage reading of an infinite impedance voltmeter
(a) Using Faraday’s law of induction
(b) In terms of the voltages induced in the conductors which are parallel to the
electric field.
(a) Derive an expression for the attenuation factor for the TM10 mode between
parallel conducting planes.

(b) Verify that the attenuation is a minimum at the frequency that is 3 times
the cut-off frequency of this mode.
Q7. Use Maxwell’s equations to show that it is impossible for the TEM wave to
exist within a single-conductor waveguide such as an ordinary rectangular
or circular guide.

Q8. A plane wave propagating in a dielectric medium of permittivity ǫ1 and
permeability µ0 is incident at and angle of incidence θ i upon a second
dielectric of permittivity ǫ2 and permeability µ0 . The wave is polarised
parallel to the plane of incidence. If the electric and magnetic field inten-
sities of the incident wave are Ei and Hi , the component of E1 parallel to
the dielectric interface will be Ei cos θi and that of Hi will be Hi so that
the wave impedance of medium 1 in the direction normal to the interface
would be η 1 cos θi , where η1 = Ei /Hi . Similarly, the wave impedance for
the refracted wave in medium 2 in the direction normal to the interface
would be η 2 cos θt , where η2 = Et /Ht . It would be expected that when
these impedances normal to the interface are equal, there would be no
reflection at the interface. Show that the condition that these impedances
be equal is the same condition for the Brewster angle for wave propagation
in unbounded media.
Q9. Derive an expression for the inductance and capacitance per unit length
of a coaxial and parallel wire transmission lines assuming the conductors
are perfect.
Q10. Determine the per unit length line parameters R′ , L′ , C ′ , G′ , α and β
and the characteristic impedance Z0 for each of the following lines at the
frequencies indicated.
(a) No. 12 wires (of diameter 0, 0808”) spaced 3” apart at 10 MHz and
100 M Hz
(b) 8” diameter rods spaced 1” apart at 100 M Hz and 1000 MHz
(c) A coaxial line having a 18 ” diameter inner conductor and 38 ” diameter outer
conductor at 1000 M Hz
(a) A dipole antenna is fed through a transmission line consisting of No. 12
wires at 3” spacing. The measured ratio Vmax /Vmin is 4 and the location of
a voltage minimum is 2, 8 m from the antenna feed point. If the operating
frequency is 112 M Hz, determine the impedance of the antenna.
(b) If a current indicator is used instead of a voltage indicator, at which lo-
cations will be its maximum and minimum readings? What will be their
ratio in this case?
Q12. A shorted length of a parallel-rod transmission line is connected between
grid and plate of a vacuum tube device to make a UHF oscillator. What
should be the length of the line to tune to 300 MHz if the effective capac-
itance between the grid and plate is 3 pF ? The rods are 38 ” in diameter
and are spaced 1” apart.

Q13. A lossless transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 300 Ω and
is λ/4 long. What will be the voltage at the open circuited receiving end
when the sending end is connected to a generator which has 50 Ω internal
impedance and a generated voltage of 10 V ?
Q14. For lossless transmission line sections which are much shorter than λ/4,
show that the input reactance can be represented by

Xin ∼ ωLin = ωL′ l

when the line is shorted and

1 1
Xin ∼ =
ωCin ωC ′ l
when the line is open, where
Z0 1
L′ = , C′ =
v vZ0
are the inductance and capacitance per unit length of the line.
Q15. For the ideal transmission line shown in Fig. Q15. the switch is closed
at t = 0 and opened 1 µs later. The characteristic impedance of the line
is 50 Ω. The load resistance is also 50 Ω. The battery has an internal
resistance of 10 Ω.

10 Ω t=0


Fig. Q15.

(a) Sketch the voltage across RL as a function of time for a line 300 m long if
the propagation velocity on the line is 3 × 108 ms−1 .
(b) Sketch the voltage waveform across RL when RL = 25 Ω and the line is
900 m long.
(c) Sketch the voltage waveform across RL when RL = 100 Ω and the line is
900 m long.
(d) Repeat (b) and (c) for a 75 m long line.

Q16. Let a generator with internal resistance Rg be connected to a transmission
line of length l and having a characteristic impedance Z0 . The line is ter-
minated in a load resistance RL . Let τ = l/vp be the one-way propagation
time delay. The generator produces a pulsed waveform P (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T .
Show that the voltage across RL is given by
VL = (1 + ΓL ) P (t − τ) + Γg ΓL P (t − 3τ ) + (Γg ΓL ) P (t − 5τ ) + . . .
Z0 + Rg

Q17. A pulse generator generates a sawtooth pulse P (t) = 10t/T , 0 ≤ t ≤ T ,

where T = 10 ns. The generator has an internal resistance Rg = 200 Ω
and is connected to a transmission line with Z0 = 50 Ω. The line is l long
and terminated in a load resistance RL . If the propagation velocity of the
wave is 3 × 108 ms−1 ,
(a) Find and sketch the load voltage as a function of time when l = 3 m and
RL = 200 Ω.
(b) Repeat (a) for RL = 12, 5 Ω.
(c) Find an analytic expression for the voltage across RL when RL = 200 Ω
and l = 12 m.
Q18. A battery with a voltage of 10 V is connected in series with a 50 Ω resistor
to the input of a 50 Ω transmission line at time t = 0. The transmission
line of length 12 m is terminated in a 1 µF capacitor. Find and sketch
the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time.
Q19. In the circuit of Fig. Q19. the battery is connected at t = 0. Find
and sketch the voltage across RL as a function of time. Assume that
RL = Rg = Z0 = 50 Ω, C = 1 µF , l = 300 m and v = 3 × 108 ms−1 .
10 Ω t=0


Fig. Q19.

Q20. The resistor RL in Fig. Q19. is replaced by a capacitor CL = 1 µF . Find

the voltage across CL during the time interval 1 µs ≤ t ≤ 3 µs.

Q21. Derive the solution of the TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide of wide
dimension a and height b when the guide is filled with a dielectric of
permittivity ǫ. Show that the cut-off frequency is given by
fc = √
2a ǫr
where c is the free-space velocity of light and ǫr is the dielectric constant.
Show that the guide wavelength is smaller for a dielectric-filled guide than
for an air-filled one.
Q22. One mode of a rectangular waveguide is a TM wave with Hz = 0 and
π π
Ez = A sin x sin y
a b
with the z and t dependence assumed to be of the form exp {j (ωt − βz)}.
Find expressions for the transverse field components. At a given plane,
what are the phase relations among the transverse components and be-
tween them and Ez ?
Q23. The division into TM and TE classes is not the only way of classify-
ing guided waves. Another common division employs longitudinal-section
electric (LSE) with Ex = 0, but all other field components present and
the longitudinal-section magnetic (LSM) with Hx = 0 but all other com-
ponents present. Find the relations between Ez and Hz for each of these
Q24. Calculate the cut-off frequencies for the TE1 , TE2 , TE3 , TM1 , TM2 , TM3
waves between planes 1, 5 cm apart with air dielectric. Repeat for a glass
dielectric with ǫ′ /ǫ0 = 4. Suppose excitation at 8 GHz is provided at a
cross-section of the air-filled line and all waves are excited. Which waves
will propagate without attenuation? At what distance from the excitation
plane will each of the non-propagating waves be attenuated to 1/e of its
value at the excitation plane?
Q25. The slope of an electric field line in the xz-plane is
dx Ex
dz Ez
Show that the curve for an electric field line of a TM1 wave obtained from
the expression for Ex and Ez of the wave is defined by
cos πa x0
cos βz =
cos πa x

where x0 is the value of x for a given curve at z = 0.

Q26. Find the average power transfer and conductor loss for a TE mode be-
tween conducting parallel planes.

Q27. Since Ez is equal and opposite at the two conducting planes of a parallel-
plate transmission line for a TEM wave, it is reasonable to assume a linear
variation between the two values as
Rs E0 2x
Ez = (1 + j) 1−
η a
Find the modification in the distribution for Ex to satisfy the diver-

gence equation for E . Find the corresponding modification in Hy from
Maxwell’s equations. Describe qualitatively the average Poynting vector
as a function of position in the guide.
Q28. Show that the attenuation due to conductor loss in a rectangular waveguide
for a TEmn mode with neither m or n zero is given by
   2   2 
2Rs b fc fc b (b/a) m2 + n2
αc,T Emn =  1+ + 1−
a f f a (mb/a)2 + n2
bη 1 − (f /f)2

Explain why this does not apply to the m = 0 or n = 0 case.

Q29. Since Rs is a function of frequency, determine the frequency at which
the attenuation constant for TMmn modes is a minimum. Show that the
expression for attenuation of TEmn modes must also exhibit a minimum.
Q30. Solutions for the TM modes in which the magnetic field is transverse to
the axial direction are obtained by setting Hz = 0. Those for TE were
obtained with Ez = 0. For the rectangular waveguide, obtain the lowest-
order mode with Hx = 0 but all other components present. This may be
called a wave transverse magnetic to the x direction. Show that it may
also be obtained by superposing the TM and TE waves obtained in the
usual way of just sufficient amounts so that Hx from the two waves cancel
exactly. This is the longitudinal-section wave of Q23.
Q31. The field components transverse to the axial direction can be described
in terms of the axial field components as
1 ∂Ez ∂Hz
Ex = − γ + jωµ
γ 2 + ω2 µǫ ∂x ∂y
1 ∂Ez ∂Hz
Ey = −γ + jωµ
γ 2 + ω 2 µǫ ∂y ∂x
1 ∂Ez ∂Hz
Hx = jωǫ −γ
γ 2 + ω 2 µǫ ∂y ∂x
1 ∂Ez ∂Hz
Hy = − jωǫ −γ
γ2 2
+ ω µǫ ∂x ∂y
Show that for a TM wave, the imposition of the condition that Ez = 0 on
a perfectly conducting boundary of a cylindrical guide causes all the other

tangential components of E also to be zero along that boundary.

Q32. For a 3 GHz operation, design a rectangular waveguide with copper walls
and air dielectric so that the TE10 mode will propagate with a 30% safety
factor, i.e. the operating frequency f = 1, 30fc but also so that the wave
type with the next higher cut-off will be 20% below its cut-off frequency.
Calculate the attenuation due to copper losses in dBm−1 . Determine the
attenuation of the three modes with cut-off frequencies closest to that of
the TE10 mode, neglecting losses.
What will be the increase in attenuation due to copper losses alone for a
waveguide designed to fulfill these operation requirements but with the air
replaced by a perfect dielectric with permittivity four times that of air?
Calculate the additional attenuation if the dielectric had a loss tangent of
0, 01.
Q33. The breakdown field in air at 6 GHz is 2 × 106 V m−1 . Determine the
maximum power that can be carried by a 6 GHz TE10 wave in an air-filled
rectangular guide 4 cm wide and 2 cm high.
Q34. The transmission line analogy can be applied to the transverse field com-
ponents, the ratios of which are constants over guide cross-sections and are
given by wave impedances just as in the case of plane waves in unbounded
media. A rectangular waveguide of inside dimensions 4 × 2 cm is to prop-
agate a 5 GHz TE10 mode. A dielectric with ǫr = 3 fills the guide for
z > 0, with an air dielectric for z < 0. Assuming the dielectric-filled part
of the guide to be matched, find the reflection coefficient at z = 0 and the
standing wave ratio in the air-filled part. Find the length and dielectric
constant of a quarter-wave matching section to be placed between the air
and the dielectric portions of the guide to make reflections vanish.
Q35. From Maxwell’s equations, derive expressions for the transverse electric
and magnetic field components in terms of the axial components in a
circular waveguide assuming an axial dependence of the form exp (−γz).
Q36. What inner radius do you need for an air-filled round pipe to propagate
the TE11 wave at 6 GHz with the operating frequency 20% above the
cut-off frequency? What is the guide wavelength for this mode? Find the
attenuation in dBm−1 for the TM01 mode at this frequency, neglecting
losses for this calculation.
Q37. Show that the expression for attenuation from conductor losses of a TMnl
mode is
αc = 
aη 1 − (ωc /ω)2
At what value of ω/ωc is this a minimum?

Proceed to show that the attenuation from conductor losses for the TEnl modes
Rs ωc 2 n2
αc =  + ′2
2 ω pnl − n2
aη 1 − (ω c /ω)

Q38. For a circular air-filled guide with copper conductor, select a radius so
that the TE01 mode has an attenuation of 0, 3 dB/km for a frequency
of 4 GHz. Estimate the number of modes (counting only the symmetric
ones with n = 0) that will have cut-off frequencies below the operating
Q39. Use the asymptotic forms of the Bessel functions for TM and TE waves
to show that for large kc ri and ro /ri near unity, the cut-off wavelength
of the n = 0, p = 1 modes is approximately twice the spacing between
conductors. ri is the outer radius of the inner and ro the inner radius of
the outer conductor resp. in a coaxial line.
Q40. Two perfectly conducting cylinders of arbitrary cross-sectional shapes are
parallel and separated by a dielectric of conductivity σ and permittivity
ǫ. Show that the ratio of the electrostatic capacitance per unit length to
the DC conductance per unit length is ǫ/σ.
Q41. If the conductors are perfect but the dielectric has a conductivity σ as
well as a permittivity ǫ, show that γ must have the following value for a
TEM propagation to be possible

γ = ± jωµ (σ + jωǫ)

Explain why the distribution of fields may be a static distribution as in a

loss-free line unlike the case of a lossy conducting boundary.
Q42. Show that the circuit of Fig. Q42. may be used to represent the propaga-
tion characteristics of the transverse magnetic wave, if the characteristic
wave impedance and propagation constant are written by analogy with
transmission line results in terms of an impedance per unit length Z ′ and
admittance per unit length Y ′ and the medium is µ and ǫ.

Z′ √
ZT M = , γ = Z′Y ′
Y ′

Note the similarity between this and the circuits of conventional filter sec-
tions, remembering of course that all constants in this circuit are in reality
distributed constants.

k2c k2c
jωµ jωε jωµ jωε


Fig. Q42.

Derive the equivalent circuit for a TE wave analogous to that of Fig. Q42.
Q43. Show that all field components for a TM wave may be derived from

the axial component of the vector potential A . Obtain the expressions
relating Ex , Hx , etc. to Az , the differential equation for Az and the
boundary conditions to be applied at a perfect conductor. Repeat using
the axial component of the Hertzian potential defined by

→ ∂− → − →
H =ǫ ∇×Π

→ − → − → − → −

E = ∇ ∇ · Π − µǫ Π
with −
→ −

→ ∂2 Π P
∇ Π − µǫ 2 = −
∂t ǫ

and the polarisation vector P associated with sources so defined that

→ ∂P −
→ − →
J = , ρ = −∇ · P
Q44. Show that for a TM wave, the magnetic field distribution in the transverse
plane can be derived from a scalar flux function and relate this to Ez .
With transverse electric field derivable from a scalar potential function
and the transverse magnetic field derivable from a scalar flux function,
does it follow that both are static like distributions as in the TEM wave?
Q45. Show that in a lossless waveguide of general cross-section, the energy
velocity is equal to the group velocity for TM modes.
Q46. Show that Ez (x, y) for a general TM wave in a perfectly conducting guide
satisfies the equation

→ 2
∇ t Ez dS
kc2 = 
Ez2 dS


where ∇ t is the transverse gradient and the integral is over the cross-
section of the guide. From this argue that kc2 is real and positive for waves
in which phase is constant over the transverse plane.
Q47. Show that fields satisfying Maxwell’s equations in a homogeneous charge-

free, current-free dielectric may be derived from a vector potential F as

→ 1−→ −

E =− ∇×F

→ 1 −→ −
→ − → −

H= ∇ ∇ · F − jω F
 2 −

∇ + k2 F = 0
Obtain expressions for all field components of a TE wave from the axial
component Fz and give the differential equation and boundary conditions

for F .

→ −

Show that if one utilises the potential function A instead of F , then more
than one component will be require to derive the field components of a
TE wave.
Q48. Show that for a TE mode, the transverse distribution of the electric field
can be derived from a scalar flux function. How is this related to Hz ?
Q49. Show for a TM wave in a guide of any shape passing from dielectric mate-
rial to another, that at one frequency, the change in the cut-off factor may
cancel the change in η so that the wave may pass between the two media
without reflection. Determine the requirement for a similar situation for
TE waves and show why it is not practical to achieve this.
Q50. Determine d2 β/dω2 for a transmission line with series resistance R′ and
shunt conductance G′ independent of frequency, where R′ /ωL′ and G′ /ωC ′
are small compared with unity. Repeat for a coaxial line with G′ = 0 and
R′ governed by skin effect. Is the resulting group dispersion likely to be
significant in usual applications?


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