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A Review on Nanotechnology: Analytical Techniques Use and Applications

Article in International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry · August 2019
DOI: 10.9734/irjpac/2019/v19i430117

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2 authors:

Tassew Belete Bahru Eyasu Gebrie Ajebe

Wolkite University Ministry of Education, Ethiopia


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International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry

19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

ISSN: 2231-3443, NLM ID: 101647669

A Review on Nanotechnology: Analytical Techniques

Use and Applications
Tassew Belete Bahru1* and Eyasu Gebrie Ajebe1
Department of Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry), College of Natural and Computational Sciences,
Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/IRJPAC/2019/v19i430117
(1) Farzaneh Mohamadpour, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran.
(1) Mohammed Sidi, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria.
(2) Boris I. Kharisov, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico.
(3) Anmaigoro Abubakar, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 28 September 2018

Accepted 04 December 2018
Review Article
Published 03 August 2019


The combination of nanotechnology with molecular biology, information technology and

instrumentation, is opening the door to a new industrial age. The aim of this review article is to
summarize the current knowledge of nanotechnology in synthesizing, identifying and
characterization of nanomaterials using analytical techniques. Physical and chemical approach
synthesis of nanomaterials befalls challenges in the development of analytical techniques used to
characterize them. The major techniques include: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning
Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering, X ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, Single Phase Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy, X
ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, X ray Absorption Fine Structure,
Capillary Electrophoretic Separations, Magnetic nano particles coupled HPLC and Dynamic light
scattering. Nanomaterials have been characterized for the extensive potential applications in optics,
electronics, magnetics, and catalysts; chemical sensing, biomedicine, micro reactor, and they have
been applied in food, biological, environmental and pharmaceuticals uses. In spite of the extended
use of nano particles in diverse consumer products, there is a great concern over the unexpected
impact or effects on humans due to exposure.


*Corresponding author: E-mail:;

Bahru and Ajebe; IRJPAC, 19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

Keywords: Nano technology; analytical techniques; carbon nano tubes, nano materials.

1. INTRODUCTION strengths and limitations of each technique

complicate the choice of the most suitable
Over the last decade, nano particles [1,2] method, while often a combinatorial
synthesis became most active areas due to their characterization approach is needed [21] As
unique properties [3,4,5] and applicability in indicated in some findings of the researchers, the
optics, electronics, magnetics, catalysts, development of analytical tools for
chemical sensing, biomedicine, micro reactor etc. nanotechnology are in progress and contrasting
[6,7,8]. They have discrete functional parts with to considerable context of the trusted data [22].
one or more dimensions of 100 nm or less [9,10]. As reviewed by Enisa and Mirjana, there have
The creation of nano particle falls within material been varieties of biological and toxicological
chemistry today [4]. They can be synthesized interactions of nanomaterials in vitro and in vivo
using “bottom up” or “top down” approaches experimental systems [23,18].
[11,12,13]. Literature indicates that, techniques
such as chemical vapour condensation, pulse A large body of data concerning the development
electron deposition, plasma synthesis, of physicochemical characterization of nano
crystallization of amorphous solid, severe plastic material is a fundamental issue for coming years
deformation, and consolidation of mechanically [24] because; sophisticated analytical techniques
alloyed or cryomilled powders are used to (instruments) have being emerged. Researchers
synthesize nanomaterials [14]. Super critical fluid have been directed nanomaterials to pro
technology offers an effective production of inflammatory and inflammatory markers since
polymeric nano particles by avoiding the use of existing knowledge on the health effects of
organic solvents [15,16]. ambient fine particulates, which identified a
central role for oxidative stress and inflammation
Nanotechnology has been applied in different
in the toxicological mode of action [24]. There
areas. For example, researchers investigated
can be problems and issues faced during various
that, the food agriculture through the
in vitro and in vivo studies concerning nano
effectiveness of pesticide in a case if very small
materials. Researchers had tried to identify a
amounts are enclosed in nano capsules [17]. On
solution as well as becoming alert thus, saving
the other hand, there is DNA detection assay,
time and effort [25].
biomarker discovery, cancer diagnosis and
detection of infectious microorganisms [18].
The objectives of this review article are to
Recently, reviewer [19] suggested that, the
mention the analytical techniques employed in
specific interactions of nano particles with
nanotechnology, to summarize the current
metabolites or bio macromolecules help
knowledge of nanotechnology, to explain the
metabolomics spectra by molecular
synthesizing method of nanomaterials and to
characterization or in improving the ionization
identify the applications of nanotechnology in
efficiency of mass spectrometry or reveal
different areas.
relationships between spectral signals that
belong to the same molecule [20]. Other
application are in separation science and 2. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES
miniaturized techniques. Some of them is, ultra- EMPLOYED IN NANOTECHNOLOGY
dilute polymer solutions (for long DNA) in
microchip electrophoresis, gold nano particles For characterization of nano materials, a number
(stationary phases) in gas chromatography with of researches have been conducted. Among
monolayer protected nano particles [20], EAG, them [1], summarizes the Engineered Nano
2007. Materials (ENMs) in foods and the suitability of
existing instrumentation for identification and
As reviewed by Stefanos et al. [21] quantification [26]. The recent advances in the
nanostructures have attracted huge interest as a development of electrochemical sensors and
rapidly growing class of materials for many biosensors are based on the click chemistry
applications. Analytical techniques have been fictionalization [27]. There is development of
used to characterize the size, crystal structure, novel drug delivery systems using nano particles
elemental composition and a variety of other [16]. The nano-based analytical methods have
physical properties of nano particles. In several been developed to control analytes of interest in
cases, there are physical properties that can be foods. As studied by Enisa and Mirjana [28,23].
evaluated by more than one technique. Different Modern techniques were developed to meet the

Bahru and Ajebe; IRJPAC, 19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

different requirements in food inspection through an ultra thin specimen and interacts as
Furthermore, (Kanchi et al. 2014) reported that, passes through the sample. An image is formed
there is novel routes in the development of new from the electrons transmitted through the
nano materials which are used for the detection specimen, magnified and focused by an objective
of organic and inorganic pollutants [29]. lens and appears on imaging screen. It is
sensitive to extended crystal lattice defects. The
The small size and large surface area to volume specimens must be prepared as a thin foil so that
ratio of nanomaterials results in increased rates the electron beam can penetrate.
of oxidation and subsequent dissolution
compared to larger-scale forms of silver [30,31]. 2.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Researchers had assessed the problem of
selecting the suitable method for the preparation This technique creates magnified images using
of nano particles [32]. Nano sensors contribute to electrons instead of light waves [41,44,31,12].
the specificity, sensitivity, and performance of the When the beam of electrons interacts with the
methods and improved by using nano materials atoms of the sample, signals in the form of
for their construction [23,33]. The secondary electrons, back scattered electrons
nanotechnology based biosensor or nano and characteristic X- rays are generated that
biosensor technology is revolutionizing the health contain information about the sample’s surface
care industry such as the nano biosensor topography, composition etc. It can also produce
technology which is used in the measurement of very high-resolution images of a sample surface,
metabolites, monitoring of diabetes forensic revealing details about 1-5 nm in size in its
medicine, homeland security [34]. Additionally, primary detection mode i.e. secondary electron
methodologies used to characterize the imaging. Detectors collect these X rays,
composition, morphology and biological backscattered electrons, and secondary
properties of synthesized nano particles by electrons and convert them into a signal that is
multiple techniques have been presented [35]. sent to a screen similar to a television screen.
Different researchers reviewed that, analytical 2.3 Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
tools are deleveraged and applied [3,36] to
generate predictive modeling determinations In this technique, after an inner shell excitation
during development. Techniques for predictive in which can be caused by a collision with a primary
vivo information include those that measure electron that has an atom in an energy level
surface chemistry at nano, micro, and macro above its ground state. The atom returns to its
scales for both inorganic and organic particles ground state by filling the empty level created,
[37,38]. Structural characterization is essential with an electron from a higher energy level and
for nanomaterials research [39]. Posth et al. [40] this leads to the release of energy and
have assessed common magnetic nano particle momentum. It uses a primary electron beam to
analytical techniques under various criteria in probe the surface of a sample. The electron
order to define the methods that can be used as impact results in a disturbance of the sample in a
either standard technique for magnetic particle or region of about 1- 3μm depth, leading to the
those that can be used to obtain a emission of secondary electrons, backscattered
comprehensive picture of a magnetic nano electrons, Auger electrons and characteristic X-
particle system [40]. rays. It focuses only on the small part of
secondary electrons that are emitted because of
2.1 Transmission Electron Microscopy the auger process. The identity and quantity of
(TEM) the elements are determined from the kinetic
energy and intensity of the auger peaks, which
Materials that have dimensions small enough to occur at specific kinetic energies in the auger-
be electron transparent, such as powders or spectrum. To separate and locate the auger
nano tubes, can be quickly produced by the peaks from the intense background of scattered
deposition of a dilute sample containing the electrons the signal is deviated [45,46]. It is used
specimen onto support grids [41,42]. The to quantify and qualify the elements.
electron microscope uses electrostatic and
electromagnetic "lenses" to control the electron 2.4 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
beam and focus it to form an image [43].
XPS is used to determine the elements and the
Researchers have been used a technique quality of those elements that are present within
whereby a beam of electrons is transmitted ~ 10 nm of the sample surface. It also detects

Bahru and Ajebe; IRJPAC, 19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

the contamination, if any, exists in the surface or using piezoelectric scanners. Changes in the tip
the bulk of the sample. If the material is free of specimen interaction are often monitored using
excessive surface contamination, XPS can an optical lever detection system, in which a
generate empirical formula of the sample and the laser is reflected off the cantilever and onto a
chemical state of one or more of the elements position sensitive photodiode. AFM can be used
can be identified. It can be also used to to explore the nano structures, properties,
determine the thickness of one or more thin surfaces, and interfaces of fibers and fabrics. For
layers (1-8 nm) of different materials within the example, structural characteristics of nano fiber
top 10 nm of the surface. It can also measure the materials and nano level surface modification
uniformity of elemental composition of textile [41,44]. For non conductive nano materials, AFM
surfaces after nano level etching, finishing, or is a better choice for analyses Bennig et al. 1986,
coating of the surfaces [31]. [47].

2.5 X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy 2.7 Single-particle ICP-MS

It is similar to XPS in terms of the excitation Mitrano et al, [48] reported that, due to its
mechanism but differs in its detection mecha- sensitivity, flexibility, and analytical speed, ICP-
nism. While XPS detects photoelectrons, XFS MS performed in single-particle mode (SP-ICP-
detects “secondary” or “fluorescent” X-rays from MS) is gaining popularity for detecting and
a material that has been excited by high-energy measuring inorganic-based engineered nano
X-rays (or sometimes γ-rays) (EPA, 2015). The materials (ENM), as traditional inductively
principle behind XFS is relatively straightforward. coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS)
When a material is exposed to high energy X- already does, but with the important distinction
rays, ionization or electron ejection can take that single-particle mode has the ability to detect
place if the X-ray photon energy is greater than a difference between ionic and whole-ENM
its ionization energy. Due to the high energy of elemental sources (Andrea et al. 2015). In single-
X-rays or γ-rays, tightly bound electrons in the particle mode, ENMs are introduced into an ICP
inner, low energy orbitals of the atom in the and completely ionised, with the resulting ions
material can be expelled. The resulting ionised being detected by a mass spectrometer. To
atom is not unstable and electrons in outer, ensure that only a single particle is measured,
higher energy orbitals may fall or make a the sample has to be diluted to have temporal
transition into the lower orbital to fill the hole left resolution between particles that only a single
behind. In doing so, energy may be released in particle is introduced into the plasma at a time.
the form of a photon usually with energy in the X- The mass spectrometer must also be capable of
ray region still with energy equal to the energy making extremely rapid measurements to ensure
difference of the two orbitals involved. The X- ENM detection (data should be acquired at least
rays penetrates up to a depth of about 1-10 µm. every 100 μs) as the transient signal of a 50-nm
Only photo-ionised electrons of the first atomic gold nano particle can vary, on average, between
layers (1-10 µm) can leave the solid without 600 and 800 μs depending on the instrument
significance energy loss, pass an electrostatic operating conditions and ion optics design.
energy analyzer and reach the electron detector.
The measured kinetic energy of these 2.8 X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
photoelectrons depends on the photon energy
and the binding energy of the atomic orbital from XAFS is used to measure the fine structure of an
which the electrons originate [42]. analyte near the absorption edge when subjected
to X-ray radiation. It is similar to UV-visible
2.6 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) electronic absorption spectroscopy, in principle,
except that the spectral range is in the X-ray
AFM is an ideal for quantitatively measuring the region and electronic-XAFS focuses on the fine
nanometer scale surface roughness and for structure specifically since it provides local
visualizing the surface nano-texture on many structural information about specific atoms or
types of material surfaces including polymer ions. EXAFS relates to the details of how X-rays
nano composites and nano finished or nano- are absorbed by an atom at energies near and
coated textiles. In AFM a probe consisting of a above the core-level binding energies of that
sharp tip (nominal tip radius is in the order of 10 atom. EXAFS measurements reflect the
nm) located near the end of a cantilever beam is modulation of an atom’s X-ray absorption
raster scanned across the surface of a specimen probability due to the chemical and physical

Bahru and Ajebe; IRJPAC, 19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

states of the atom. EXAFS spectra are especially monochromatic light (laser) onto a solution of
sensitive to the formal oxidation state, spherical particles in Brownian motion causes a
coordination chemistry, and the local atomic Doppler shift when the light hits the moving
structure of the selected element. One particle, changing the wavelength of the
advantage of EXAFS is that it works for crys- incoming light. This change is related to the size
talline as well as non crystalline or even highly of the particle. It is possible to extract the size
disordered materials, including solutions (EPA, distribution and give a description of the particle’s
2015). motion in the medium, measuring the diffusion
coefficient of the particle and using the
2.9 Capillary Electrophoretic Separations autocorrelation function. The photon correlation
spectroscopy (PCS) represent the most
Yang-Wei Lin et al. (2005) had used Capillary frequently used technique for accurate estimation
electrophoresis (CE) and microchip capillary of the particle size and size distribution based on
electrophoresis (MCE).These are two of the most DLS (EPA).
powerful techniques for the analysis of DNA.
They reported about DNA separation using chip- 3. APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY
based nanostructures and nano materials in CE
3.1 Nanotechnology in Electronics and
and MCE. Based on the dependence of the
mobility of DNA molecules on the size and shape Computing
of nanostructures, several unique chip-based Nanotechnology systems are useful in tailoring
devices have been developed for the separation the magnetic, optical, and electronic properties of
of DNA, particularly for long DNA molecules. material. The nanomaterials will have an
Unlike conventional CE and MCE methods, increasing impact on electronics, since the drive
sieving matrices are not required when using for increasingly smaller dimension in electronics
nanostructures [44]. translates into the requirement for higher
functionality, increased memory density, and
2.10 Magnetic Nano Particles and HPLC higher speed [49]. It is one of the very important
technologies to make the electronics into Nano
Laleh et al. (2017) had used a micro extraction scale, so that the devices will make into more
method using Ag modified-magnetic nano smart system. Since, the Nanotechnology is
particle (Ag-MNPs) coupled with high continually playing a vital role in improving the
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for capability of electronic products. This technology
determination of cefteriaxone in plasma. They also made the devices very light making the
had synthesized magnetic nano particles via a product easy to carry or move and at the same
mild solution route. The prepared nano particles time, it has reduced the power requirement [50].
were modified with a thin layer of silver and
characterized with different methods such as X- Magnetic random access memory (MRAM)
ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron enabled by nanometer scale magnetic tunnel
microscopy (TEM), FTIR and ultraviolet-visible junctions that can quickly and effectively save
(UV-Vis) spectroscopy. Effect of several even encrypted data during a system shutdown
parameter such as pH of donor and acceptance or crash, enable resume play features, and
phase, amount of magnetic particle and gather vehicle accident data. Displays for many
extraction and desorption time were optimized. new TVs, laptop computers, cell phones, digital
They reported that, under the optimal condition cameras, and other devices incorporate nano
the enrichment factor was obtained. The structured polymer films known as organic light
detection limit was 0.02 mg/mL and a wide linear emitting diodes, or OLEDs. OLED screens offer
range from 0.06 to 40 μg/mL were obtained. brighter images in a flat format, as well as wider
viewing angles, lighter weight, better picture
2.11 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) density, lower power consumption, and longer
lifetimes. Other computing and electronic
Sovan et al. [16] reviewed that currently, the products include Flash memory chips for iPod
fastest and most popular method of determining nanos; Magnetic random access memory
particle size is photon-correlation spectroscopy (MRAM) enabled by nanometer scale magnetic
(PCS) or dynamic light scattering (DLS). DLS is tunnel junctions that can quickly and effectively
widely used to determine the size of Brownian save even encrypted data during a system
nano particles in colloidal suspensions in the shutdown or crash, enable resume play features,
nano and submicron ranges. Shining and gather vehicle accident data [51].

Bahru and Ajebe; IRJPAC, 19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

3.2 Application in Food Analysis elution conditions and effects of interfering ions
for the recovery of analyte. They had found
Recently, technology with nano materials is adsorption capacity of SiO2-PAN nano particles
being used repeatedly in a number of areas. to be 42.81μmol g at optimum pH. They found
Food is the variable on which the life is detection limit (3σ) 0.43 μg L-1. They obtained the
dependent and it is an exploratory means to adsorption equilibrium of Ni (II) on SiO2-PAN
analyze them at nano level. Nanotechnology nano particles within 10mins. Adsorbed Ni (II)
tools are used in the entire food production was easily eluted with 5 mL of 6 molL-1 HCI.
chain. From cultivation (e.g. Pesticides),
industrial processing to packaging foods 3.4 Applications in Biological Analysis
[9,52,53]. To check the quality of food products
at nano level, scientists have been participating The unique optical and electrical properties of
in different researches using several analytical nanomaterials, such as gold nano particles, nano
techniques. Accordingly, Xiang Zhang et al. [52] rods, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes,
have used nanotechnology in selecting nano graphenes, nanopores, and polydiacetylene
materials by developing fluorescent sensors for nanovesicles, are closely associated with their
food pH based on nano particles and dimensions, which are comparable in scale to
investigated water activity probes. The results those of targeted biomolecules (Min C, and
shows that, quinine sensors exhibited blue shifts Young R, 2016). The category of biological nano
of emission spectra as pH increased; the ratio of materials is defined as materials of biological
peak intensity or peak area of emission spectra origin that are used for nano technological
at two different emission wavelengths also applications. There are a magnitude of different
decreased dramatically in the range of pH~3.0- materials and approaches that are being
5.0. In the study of Ruud JB, [54], food grade investigated. However, altogether it seems that
TiO2 materials (E171), food products and bio-analytical applications are most developed.
personal care products were investigated for Kun-Chan et al. [57] applied nano material by
their TiO2 content and the number-based size Using Bio functionalized nano particles to probe
distribution of TiO2 particles present in these pathogenic bacteria [58]. Gold nano particle (GN)
products [54]. and embedded silicon nano wire (SiNW)
configuration were applied for label-free DNA
3.3 Application in Environmental Analysis detection to enhance the sensitivity [31]. Such as
antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-
Fadri G, Tian Y, and Bernd N, [27] reviewed that, inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-angiogenic.
there are still major knowledge gaps (e.g. on
ENM production, application and release) that 3.5 Application in Pharmaceutical
affect the modeled values. In food safety, photo Analysis
catalysis could find uses in cleansing the surface
of fresh fruits and vegetables of toxic ag- Nano medicine is the preservation and
rochemical residues and in destroying bacteria improvement of human health using molecular
on such produce [55,48]. The surface-to-volume tools and molecular knowledge of the human
ratio increases drastically with the reduction of body [7]. Thangaraja et al. [59] applied nono
the size of the adsorbent particle from bulk to material by successfully synthesizing
nano dimensions [56]. Shrivastava, [55] applied Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) coated silica nano
nano materials in the area of metallic and organic particles and used to load the drug Ibuprofen.
nano particle synthesis. They used these nano Yao Liu et al. (2003) applied nano material by
materials based chemistry for waste water investigating Poly-lactic-glycolic acid (PLGA)
treatment for three major types of contaminants: nano particles for sustained drug-release
halogenated organics including pesticides, heavy properties. They obtained the results of PLGA
metals and dyes. particles with 90% or greater efficiency (approx.
200 nm diameters) to incorporate the drug
Caur and Gupta (2009) applied nano materials estradiol. Hirsjärvi, S. (2008) [60]. used nano
for the pre-concentration of trace amounts of particles by preparing from a biodegradable poly
Ni(II) in different samples using 1-(2-pyridylazo)- (lactic acid) (PLA) polymer. They studied the
2-naphthol modified SiO2 nano particles as solid- effect nano precipitation, a nano particle
phase extractant. They had optimized various preparation method, on the physicochemical
parameters such as pre-concentration factor, properties of the polymer and model drugs
effect of pH, sample volume, shaking time, encapsulated in the nano particles as well as the

Bahru and Ajebe; IRJPAC, 19(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.IRJPAC.45545

effect of the drugs on the polymer by thermo following techniques. Virus-like systems for
analytical and spectroscopic methods. The intracellular systems, designing of bio mimetic
antimicrobial activity due to the treatment is polymers, control of sensitive drugs, functions of
found to be acceptable and fast to dry cleaning active drug targeting, bio responsive triggered
with loss in strength well within the industrial systems. Most major and established internal
norms [61]. research programs on drug delivery that are
formulations and dispersion containing
3.6 Agricultural Application components down to nano sizes [63,57].

As stated by Waleed, [62], nanotechnology 4. CONCLUSION

consider a novel key to growing agricultural
production through implementing nutrient Nanotechnology is moving into the centre of
efficiency and improved plant protection worldwide because of its applications. The
practices, also, nanotechnology may have real materials with nano meter size in one or three
solutions for various agriculture problems such dimensions have the properties those are neither
as improved crop varieties, plant protection, that of bulk materials nor that of molecular
detect diseases and monitor plant growth. In compounds. Synthesizing nano materials play a
addition, nanotechnology may have a great role for the development of analytical methods, to
future for the development agricultural sector characterize the nano scale structure.
through advanced applications and the Nanotechnology has been exploited for extensive
probability of products and increased global potential applications to enhance life and
crops production volume to feed the world sustenance in specific areas such as
population in next decades [62]. pharmaceutical developments and drug delivery
biosensing, food security, quality assurance and
3.7 Future Opportunities and Challenges different areas.

Nanomaterials (NM) open huge prospects for COMPETING INTERESTS

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their uses raise questions about possible risks to interests exist.
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