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‘The tanks of the Soviet Union are the best in the world, Their armour is thick, their guns are powerful, and their speed and mobility unmatched. They are the sledgehammer of the Red Army, smashing the Hitlerite army against the anvil of Mother Russia, ‘The core of the attack is formed by the ‘34s. They attack up the centre of the batllefield, taking on the main strength of the enemy while the light tanks sneak around the side striking at the enemy's exposed flanks. On the other flank the Katyusha rocket launchers protect the attacking, tanks by smashing fascist anti-tank guns with their accurate high explosive salvoes. Meanwhile the brave tankcrider company holds the other flank or advances to eradicate the Hitlerite scum that infest our beloved Motherland. S “The T-34's spearhead the at tack on the objective, led by the brave Battalion 7734 medium tanks are the core of this army. They deploy in the centre, From there they can strike towards cither objective. Battalion HO 134 points 170 light tanks are perfect for harassing the flanks. | Tankovy Company ‘Armed with a 45mm gun and 1 machine-gun, these tanks can take out light tanks and infantry with litle difficulty. Tankovy Company SU-TOM assault guns are | 7X T-70's points good cheap anti-tank guns, They hide in cover near | Tank-rider Company points objectives, ready to take out ‘ anything that threatens the ‘Add Komissar Po ‘ain tank assault, ‘Add HMG points nal ahh when folding | Assault Gun Company an objective, and great for | 3x SU-76M points rooting ott ‘enemy infantry ftom difficult terrain Ix T34's points Guards Rocket Mortar Company 1x Rocket Mortar Platoon 180 points Kaysha rocket lucien | Add Loading Crew 70 points ape ete ates Sita inimt-tank guna, They rarely | Tova! 1500 points ietteaist Maesteg area INTELLIGENCE HANDBOOK ON SOVIET ARMOURED AND CAVALRY FORCES Written By: Phil Yates, Jason MofTatt Graphie Design: Dion Holswich, Casey Davies Editors: Peter Simunovich, John-Paul Brisigotti Miniatures Design: Evan Allen, Photography: Baitletront Studio Terrain Modelling: Richard Carlisle, Photographs: National Library of New Zealand, Imperial Colin Craigie, Andrew Hunter ‘War Museum, Bovingion Tank Museum, Australian War Miniatures Painting: Evan Allen, Karl Cederman, Sam ‘Memorial, Roger Key Private Collection, Knowles, Jeremy Painter, Angela Smith, Wayne Turner NARA, National Archives OF Canada, Lead Playtesters: Kim Alberto, Mike Allen, Tony, ‘ Armstrong, Jon Cleaves, Nicolo Da lio, Tim Faere Stories: Steven Ross Jonathon Forsey, Simon McBeth, Paul Monk, Juer Cover Art: Vingent Wai Parks, Emest Payton, Damian Reid, Rob Sadier, Imernal Art: Vincent Wai, George Bradford ‘Schneider, Kari Shanstrom, Richard Steer, Chi Assistant Writers: Jason Farley, Alun Gallic, ‘Chris Townsley, Mike Tumer, Dan Wade ‘Tom Robertson And thanks 10 ail of the other playtesters! Proof Reader: Paul Beach. Russian: Denis Burba 3! Mechanised Corps in Battle. Combat Companies Why Collect Ree ‘Weapons Companies Soviet Alphabet cos crarsoneaauuiagsnnsesnnn Rota Razvedki Termin0lORy’sorsnennanan Headquarters Platoon Russian Military Units, Parca Combat Platoons ‘Tank Comps of the Red ‘Weapons Platoons. Guard-Tank Corps ofthe Red Amy ne ‘Cossacks in Flames Of War Cavalry Comps of the Red Army. é. Kazachya Sotnya.. ‘Guard Mechanised Comps of the Red Army Headquarters Platoon Mechanised Corps of the Red Army 7 ‘Combat Platoons Tank Development Bureau. Weapons Platoons. Warriors in Flames Of War és Support Platoon . Mariya Oktyabrskaya san nsnsnanonseaton Dismounting Your Cavalry Organisation and Equipment... Naming Your Company... Choosing Your Force Platoon Deseriptions Sa Special Rules. : Gvardeyskaya Kazachya Soiny: Soviet Artillery beet ‘The Great Battle Of Kursk Soviet Tanks Za Stalina Arsenal Soviet Aircraft : Weapons ‘Tankovy Batalon Nehicles Headquarters C , 2 “Tank Teams Combat Companies... ag 2 Vehiele Weapons ‘Weapons Companies Ae ‘Transport Teams Mixed Tankovy Batalon, SEW tio Gun Teams. Headquarters Company r Infantry Teams. Combat Companies Aireraft Motostrelkovy Batalo Terrain Chat. Headquarters Company. t © Thisis a supplement for Flames Of War, the World War Lminiatures game. ‘A copy of the rulebook for Flames Of War is necessary to fully use the contents of this book. All iahts reserved: No part ofthis publication may be rerodued, stored in a retrieval sjstem, or tarsmite, in any form or by any Te the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, nor be otherwise eirculted in any form of binding ox cover the than that in which itis pu without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. © Copyright Battlefront Miniatures Ltd., 2005. ISBN: 0-9582536: EHH ae Formed amidst the turmoil of the Great Patriotic War, forged in the red heat of battle, and tempered by the fierce Russian winter, 3-y Mechanizirovanniy Korpus, the 3% Mechanised Corps, fought against the Nazi invaders from the gates of Moscow to the ruins of Berlin The Last Blitzkrieg ‘The Great Patriotic War (s the Soviet Union called their part of the Second World War) began on 22 June 1941, ‘when Hitler launched his batle-hard- ‘ened army against an unprepared RKKA (Workers. and Peasants Red Army) in Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. Using their blitzkrieg tactics perfected in the first two years ofthe war the German Panzers raced east across the vast expanses of the Soviet Union with unprecedented speed, The armoured spearheads struck deep into Soviet territory encircling and destroying ‘whole armies Amongst the massive casualties suk fered by the RKKA in the face of the German onslaught were their poorly trained and led tank and motorised divisions. Although the Red Army hhad the world’s biggest tank force, ‘many were unserviecable when the ‘war began, and most obsolete. The divisions were further hamstrung by shortages of trucks, radios, and experienced officers (tank officers hhad suffered badly in Stalin’s pre-war purge). Desperate Days Stalin rebuilt the almost destroyed Red Army, desperately seeking. to stem the German tide, Tank divisions were out of the question—the few armoured vehicles left were shuffled into small tank brigades instead, If large tank forces were difficult, mo torised divisions were simply impos sible. The few trucks available were desperately needed to supply the tank forces. Instead, there was a resur- 1¢ of the cavalry forces to provide mobile infantry, More than eighty new cavalry divisions were formed, ‘with many composed of the dashing Cossacks—renowned horse warriors ofa previous age. Miraculously, the hastily scraped to- gether forces held, In early December 1941, the German Army finally ground to a alt in the outskirts of Moscow, General Winter ‘The onset of the ervelest Russian ‘winter in fifty years saved the devas- tated Red Army, freezing the advanc- ing Germans in their tracks. With 'General Winter’ on their side the RKKA undertook counter-offensives that were partially successful in push- ing the invaders back, but at the cost of almost all of their hastily scraped {together mobile forces. A New Beginning The spring of 1942 saw both sides rebuilding their exhausted forces. The Red Army realised tht it needed sirong armoured formations on. the German model iit was to go back on the offensive. The resulting tank corps ‘combined three tank brigades into one concentrated force. As spring tured to summer, the Army struck first in June 1942 with offensives against the Rzhev pocket in front of Moscow and out of the lzyum bridgehead in the south. The new tank corps were committed, and being untrained and inexperienced, ‘were devastated by German counter attacks, leaving the cavalry isolated behind German lines. With Soviet forces weakened, the German Army resumed the offen sive, this time concentrating their efforts in the south. The Panzer divi- sions punched down the Don River smashing fank corps thrown in their path and captured Voronezh in July 1942, German forces swept into the oil-rich Caucasus. On the flanks of this advance the ferocious battle for Stalingrad, the city named in honour ‘of the Soviet leader himself, began in early September, Soviet tank corps were thrown into battle against the flanks of the German thrust, aiming to relieve the city, but their handling was still inept and they ‘were destroyed time and again by the Panzer veterans. Stalingrad was near to falling. Mechanised Corps The lack of infantry and artillery su port in the Soviet tank corps had been cruelly exposed in the sunimer battles Inresponse the Peoples’ Commissariat for Defence added support units othe tank corps and ordeted the creation of eight new mechanised corps. The third ofthese, 3-y Mechanizirovanniy Korpus, was formed. in September my 1942 from the shattered remnants of several tank corps. Placed under the command of General ME Katukov, a renowned tank commander, the Corps was assigned 10 22-ya Armiva, th 22% Army, for the winter offensives, Uranus and Mars With Stalingrad about to fall, the only option open to the RKKA was to attack, The winter offensives of 1942 were based around the twin spheres of Operations Uranus and Mars. General YVasilevsky’s Operation Uranus was intended to surround the 6 Army of the German General Von Paulus in the ruins of Stalingrad. In Operation Mars, Marshal Zhukov's forces were to attempt a. similar encirclement of General Model's 9 Army, in the Rahev salient north of Moscow Operation Uranus saw the more bal- anced tank and mechanised corps allied with their old comrades, the cavalry corps, Together they smashed through the Rumanian 3% and 4H ‘Armies in mid-November 1942, en- citeling Stalingrad in a matter of days. ‘They then tured to defeat the Panzer forces sent to break their stranglehold. Tt was the first real vietory of the Red ‘Army in the war. The Rzhev Meat Grinder Meanwhile in the north, amidst snow- storms and fog, Operation Mars began on 25 November. With more than 800,000 men and 2000 tanks avail- able and simultaneous attacks in three sectors, the plan looked foolproof, In the cast, 20-ya Armiya, at huge cost, established a bridgehead across the Vazuza River. The mobile group, 6-y Tankovy Korpus (6" Tank Corps) and 2-y Grardeyskiy Kavaleriyskiy Korpus (2 Guards Cavalry Corps), pushed though the breach only 10 be cut off and destroyed piecemeal. Only 20-ya Gvardeyskiy Kavaleriva Diviziya, the 20% Guards Cavalry Division, survived, spending forty days behind German lines before returning, On the western flank of the lient, 4/-ya_Armiya smashed through the front-line and led by 1-y Mechanizirovanniy Korpus, Mechanised Corps, struck deep into German-held territory. However, the bulk of the army quickly become bogged down in a fruitless assault upon the heavily-fortified town of Belyi, Again the penetration was eventually cut off and the encircled forces destroyed. In the most successful of the 3 sec- tors, 3.) Mechanizirovanniy: Korpus formed the spearhead of the drive by 22-ya Armiva eastward along the Luchesa valley. For the first two days the Comps swept aside all opposition as they pushed towards their objective of the Olenino-Belyi road, Against the on-rushing Soviets the Germans threw the grenadiers of the famed Grossdeutschland Division. Heavy fighting ensued around the village of Starukhi, resulting in a stalemate that the steadily weakening ranks of 3-y Mechanizirovanniy Korpus could. not break. As the Soviet offensive stalled, Zhukov, unwilling to concede defeat, issued orders to keep attacking at all costs, pouring his reserves into the *Rzhev Meat Grinder’ in an attempt to make a decisive breakthrough, By 15 December Soviet casualties had reached enormous levels, nearly 500,000 men and 1,700 tanks in total, and Stalin intervened to cancel the operation. Like most of the units involved, 3.» Mechanizirovanniy Korpus had been nearly destroyed. Little Saturn With the ailing Mars operation finally cancelled, focus switched to Operation Saturn, designed to exploit the success of Uranus around Stalingrad, Saturn was to destroy all German forces in the Caueasus. General Vasilevsky was forced to revise this plan to counter German attempts to relieve 6" Army trapped insidean ever-tightening circle around Stalingrad, The revised Little Saturn, launched on 16 December 1942, par- ried the German relief attempt then ‘went on to retake Kursk, Kharkov and Rostov in January and February 1943, As the Soviet thrust ran out of steam, the Germans counterattacked retaking Kharkoy in March, forming a bulge in the Soviet frontline around Kursk, Operation Citadel In eatly 1943 3-y Mechanisirovanniy Korpus was totally rebuilt, along with most ofthe virtually destroyed Soviet tank forces. Fortunately the German Army was equally exhausted, Once again both prepared for new summer offensives. This time Stalin elected to ‘wait forthe Germans to strike frst. ‘The German plan was codenamed Operation Citadel and was intended to cut off and destroy the troops in the Kursk salient, However, delays in the launching of Citadel, which didn’t begin until 5 July, 1943, allowed the Soviet forces to rebuild and fortify their positions, Kursk was to be the rock against whieh the steel fist of the Nazi forces was to shatter itself Thunderstorms at Kursk ‘As summer thunderstorms rolled overhead, 3-y Mechanizirovanniy Korpus once again rolled into battle against its old enemy—the Grosscleytschland Division. Attacking south from Kursk, the Corps aimed 0 stop the German 48" Panzer Corps” thrust. towards Oboyan. T-34 tanks of 3) Mechanizirovanniy Korpus re peatedly clashed with enemy armour. On § July the brave tankists engaged the fearsome Tiger heavy tanks of Grossdeusschland outside the town. of Syrtsevo,, The following day the German. thrust was tumed aside at heavy ¢ost to the enemy. The ill-fated German offensive would now meet its doom upon the reckoning ground of Prokhorovka in one of the largest tank baitles in history. On 12 July, the»same day as. the mighty tank clash at Prokhorovka, the Red Amy launched a major of- fensive against the Germans around Orel immediately to the north of the Kursk salient. Over a month of hard Sis “Suu a Ji fighting followed, as the Soviet a inflicted heavy losses upon the enemy forces and gradually drove them back, ‘After this the Red Army would never be defeated agai Guards Mechanised Corps 4° Mechanizirovanniy Korpus was given lite time to est following its ry at Kursk, and was in the thick fol the fay inthe Soviet offensives that followed. Belgorod was recaptured, as too was Kharkoy forthe final time. ‘As a reward for its brave fighting at Kursk and after, 3-y Mechanizirovan- iy: Korpus was renamed 8: Gvard- gskiy Mechanizirovanniy Korpus (8 Guards Mechanised Corps) on 23 October 1943. On that same day the Red Army captured Melitopol north of the Crimean peninsular. The Red Tide Flows How far the Red Army had come from the dismal days of a year before js shown in their new eavalry-mecha- nised groups, Composed of a cavalry and a mechanised comps and fighting ‘with new-found operational skill, these groups advanced ahead of the main force, keeping the defenders ‘off-balance, With these mobile groups Perineal 4 Ne SWEDEND 25.) STUD in the vanguard, the red tide swept ‘westwards. The Dnepr River becaine the finish fine in a race between the German Army Group Centre rushing. to reach the western bank and fortify it, and the advancing Soviets attempt= ing to cut them off. The German ‘Army won, narrowly, but a few Soviet Dridgeheads across the Dnepr would ‘ultimately prove their undoing. Triumphant March 1044 saw the Red Army finally liber- ting the rest of the Soviet Union in ‘Operation Bagration (launched on the third anniversary of Hitler's invasion) and the Lvov-Sandomir operation in ‘August that eared them tothe Vistula River in central Poland, In September, 8.» Grardeyskiv Mechantzirovaiy Korpus was fthdrawn into reserve for a well-de- served rest and refit Itwas back atthe front by the beginning of 1945 dr ing relentlessly forward through the heavily fortified area from the Vistula to the Oder. The vengeful Red Army swept onwards and in May” 1945, the baltle-weary. 8 Goardeyshiy Mechanizirovanniy Korpus played it’s final part inthe bloody, but tium- Dhan, storming of Berlin, ee ARAL ura willbe ar of engines. Engines on land engines tn the air, engines on water and under water: Under Hiions, the winning sie will be the one with the greater number and the more powerfl engines. P Moen “Naional Commissar for Defence, lsif tain. = soldiers and diligent factory workers. Together the ‘ser seen — the avvesome RKKA, the Red Army. The foolhardy Germans will now feel the wrath of the So end be crushed by it, AN tat will be left ofthe Mittertes wil be their gleaming bones turned over by our jis in the summer planting. = ‘Armoured or Cavalry foree you have at your timid the ste! fist of the indestructibie Red Army. a Red tank commander, you field huge formations of Fe orenumerous and more powerful than foe, The Js the famed T-34, the finest tank of the war—tugged, PR fia rd-hting. Deployed en masse and supported by Me ja gee tachncs estat sopra SN Your pions are almost unimited though, You can equip Bree vite rina of other tank types nsicad, Mich as American lend-lease M3s Lee and Ma Sherman din tanks or British Mark Th Matilda and Mark SRP stpror tanks: you ean field @ and tankeriding infantry. Huge companies of Wiet motor-rflemen easily swamp enemy posi- my. strongp heavy machine-punners cut-down enemy coun- . With plentiful anillery and. riasses of tanks in joHl, Your motorriflemen sweep the-enemy from the ld, | Forshose players wito Fong forthe dash and vigour, to say nothing of the élan, of an old-style cavalry charge, there are the SR 0 ks hove baat most Races arin ithe wold The RetAray has harnessed teaditional ferocity and mobility to moder weapons of war. Operating with tanks, machine-guns and artillery, these #9 ofthe sieppe are sil a force to be reckoned with Eioiy is incvlable, Defeat is unthinkable, For the Rodina! For Stalin! Aya eda tuse the Cyrillic alphabet. The table below shows the approximate pronunciation of each letter father K Ko) Kook kiss x kh loch Dank 1 an sits ch church sh short tite im mother Boat ca fates, hard sign it dog port yes penguin yorhurt red massage $ soon soft sign zebra see woodbye Se Se oe hoe ye Sedge othe at EEE ‘Anirnmsanii (an al-cha-nin): Englishman. Nickname for Marks IL ‘Sl BriishTend-ease tanks. BA, BpoHieasromoGuine (BA. bro-ye-av-o-mo-bil) ‘Armoured cat eh awncroa (bye fa-shist-ov) Slogan ‘Crush the Fascists. Boesas Flonpyra (bo-ye-va-ya po-dni-za): ‘Slogan ‘Fighting Girlfriend Bparckaai wornnia wa wecreper (bras-ka-ya mora na shyesstye-«ykh): "Grave for six brothers. Nickname of Jend-lease M3s medium tank. Bponerpancnoprep (hro-aye-rans-porsyer): Armoured ‘mansporter. Banestraii (vacyen-tijm: Valentine. Lend-lease Mark HI tank: BBC, BoenHo Bosnyusia Crnsi (VVS, vo-yen-no fordsh-ny-y si): Military Air Fore. Benukan Orevectuennan Bora (vychi-kasya otye-chyest ‘yen-nya voy-na)- Great Patriotic Wa. The Second World Wat. Bnepea Ha Zapag (vpye-ryed na zara) ‘Slogan Forward fo the West. Fonoxonnit Dapaynant (go-l-zpi-y fe-dinant): Bare-ass Ferdinand, derogatory nickname for SU-76M assault gun 3a Crama (za stali-na Slogan For Stalin’ 3a Poguny (a rossi Slogan For the Motherland Baepo6on (zvye-o-bo-y): "Animal Killer’. Nickname given the '$0-152 assatt gun for kiling the German Tigers and Panthers, Kagak (ka-zaky: Cossack Kasavien Cova (ka-zacvya sotnya): Cossack hundred, squndron Karuatt (ka-pi-tan: Captain. Company officer Kaviousa(ka-syu-sha):Litle Katy. BM-13 rocket launcher KB, Knvmesr Bopounsios (KY. ki-ment vo-r0-shiloy): ‘Commissut of Defence, KY tanenamed ate him, KB-1a (KV-Lo):*Ekranirovannyy’ of uparmoured KV tank KB-Te (K-19) ‘Skorostnoy" of fist KV tank Konon6uta (ko-Lom-bi-n}: Columbine. Nickname for SU-76M. Komnccap (ko-mis-sa): Senior political officer. Kpacuoapmey (kras-no-a-myets): Red Annyman Private soldier. Teri (legeki-y: Light, : lesen (Iye-y-tye-nam): Lieutenant Junior office Tui: Le. Lend-lease M3 medium tank. Mn (MBI): M3 “legiy” or ight tank M3 (M35); M3 “stediy’ of medium tank Maranioga (na-sil-la): Matilda, Lend-ease Mark Il tank. ‘Mexannanponatiian Bpnraga (me-Khs-niziro-van-no-ya ‘gata: Mechanised brigade ‘Mexannanpogannih Kopnyc (me- or-pus): Mechanised eotps. Morocrpenkosbifi BaramoH (mo-o-stiyel-ko-vy-y baton} ‘Motorifebatalion (6p, O6paatya (obr,o-braz-tse): Model lose (po-bye-da): Slovan “Vietory" lonkosHik (pol-kov-nik): Colonel. Regimental officer. TognnonkoBHik (pod:po-kov-nik): Sub-colonel. Lt, Colonel yn (pup) Pup. Nickname forlend-lease Mark If ank Paawequnka (raz-ved-cicki): Scouts. PKKA, PaGoue-Kpectbstickas Kpachan Apis (RKKA, tabo-che kryest-yan-ska-ya kras--yaatmi-ya) ‘Workers and Peasants Red Amy. Ponuna Maré (ro-di-na mat); Motherland ‘Cepoxatr(ser-zhant) = Serucan CkopOCTHOA (sko-ostnoy) Fas. Chast (slv-ya-nin) lav. Nickname for Soviet sok. Ceanit(sryed-ni-y): Medium, CCP, Coos Conerckrx Counianncraueckinx PecnySmnk {(S8SR, s0-yz,S0-vyetskikh so-tsi-aistis-yeskikh ryes-pub-lik): Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Cran (stalin: lost Stalin, Soviet leader Cy, CamoxogHan Ycranoska (SU, sa-mo-khod-na-ya est-novska); Self propelled mounting, Assault gun. (Gyka (sucka) Bitch, Nickname for SU-76M assault eu. Tati (tank): Tank Tankoasid Baranbou (tan-ko-vy-y bataton): Tank battalion, ‘Taniosaa Bpuraga (tan-ko-va-yabriga-da): Tank brigade, “Tarikoabiti Kopnyc (tan-ko-vy-y kor pus): Tank corps. ‘Tarikonecantink (.an-ko-dye-santonik); Tankrider. “Tavianika (ia-chan-ka): Horse-drawn machine-gun ear Topapiy(to-va-rishch): Comrade, “Troxenta (1ya-zhye-y-y): Heavy. ‘Tpmpyamesenepka (trd-sat-chyet-vyor-ka: Thirty-four ‘Nickname for T-34 tank USA, Yoeriar Cyxnnenina Anonipa (v-bye-yat su-kinesy-1a SudolFa): USA, “Kill that son-of-a-bite AdoI".Prespainted ‘Slogan on Ametian len-ease vehicles, ‘pau (ts): Frit, Nickname for German soles. POHTORHK (front-ov-ik): Frontline soldier. Yepsnans (ehyer-cill: Churchill. Lend-ease matk 1V tank Wea6 (hvu: Schwabian Nickname for Germans. Wepmah (shyer-man): Sherman. Lend-ease Mi tank ‘9kpakiypoBSHADIA (ck-a-ni-t0-vaneny-y): Shielded. ‘Qyiua, 3o Yerbipe (cm-cha, em che-iy-ye): M4. Nickname for lend-tease M4 tank, o-NAn-AY-y EON ea ET ay ‘The structure of the Red Army's mechanised forees ean ‘often be difficult to fathom at first glance. They have tank. comps with fewer tanks than anyone else's armoured divi- sions, and assault gun regiments with only twelve heavy as- Sault guns, a large company by other standards, However, closer examination reveals the underlying logie. Starting at the botiom, the Red Army is composed of com- panies, These are the smallest unit capable of independent ‘combat. Most Soviet companies are similar to their westem counterparts, although tank companies tend to be rather small with tef tanks rather than twenty, with heavy tank ‘companies getting don to five tanks (a large platoon in the West), An extreme example of this meaning of the term. company is the heavy assault gun company with just two ‘guns. However, since they are intended for independent as- signment they are by definition a company. ‘A battalion is a collection of companies that will always ‘operate together as a single unit, while a regiment is a col- lection of battalions and companies all of the same type that will operate independently, Thus we can explain the twelve-gun heavy assault gun regiment. It can’t be a bat- talion since the companies are intended to be dispersed to other units, so the six-company unit must be a regiment! ‘Coming 10 the larger units, a brigade is a collection of battalions and regiments of different types that will fight, together, a division is a collection of regiments that will fight together, and a comps is a collection of brigades and divisions, Again, this makes sense of the absence of Soviet, tank divisions. Since the basic formation is a mixed brigade (of tank and infantry battalions, it must be a comps rather than @ division, A tank division by comparison would re- ‘quite pure tank and infantry regiments. ‘The Red Amy entered 1942 with less than 2000 tanks on inventory, They were held in small brigades of 10 heavy, 14 sedlium, and 20 light tanks and allocated to armies as needed, This was unsuitable for the planned summer offensives, 80 22 tank corps were ordered builtin March (6 June 1942, When the fledgling. tank corps went into battle they suffered hiorvific casualties. Rebuilt with bettersupport and more experienced officers, they would lead all subsequent offensives, “Tank Comps, authorised strength fom July 1942; Tanks—63 light, 99 medium. Persoinel—7853. ‘Note: The units listed ae those that served with the comps during 1942-43. Not all ware present atthe same time, “Tank Brigades 1 Gs, 49, 89, 1 Mot, later 89, 117, 159, 44 Mot, 1437 SU Rat! 26,27, 148, 2 Mot, later 26, 99,1695, 58 Mot, 62 Hy Regt, 15 Gas Hey Rat 50,51, 103, 57 Mot, 1540 Hy SU Ret 45,47, 102, 4 Mot 24, 4, 70,5 Mot\l435 SU Rat! Corps Ley Tankovy “Isterburgskiy” ‘Krastznaenniy Korpus Dey Tankovy Korpus Sy Taakvy Korpus 4y *Staingradskikh’ Tank Korpus Sy Taikowy ‘Dvinskiy* ‘ordenoy Suvorova i Kutuzova Kerpus {6-y Tankovy Korpus 224, 100, 200%, 6 Mot, 112, 1461 SU Rat Tey Tankovy Korpus 3 Gas) 62, 87, 7 Mat ‘S-y Tankovy Korpus 25,31,93, 8 Mot S2y Tankovy “Bobruysko= 23,95, 108, 8 Mot [esinskiy’ Krasnoznamenniy, HMS4SU Ree, 1455 SURst, ‘rdena Sivorava Korps 1540 Hy SU Ret lo-y Tankovy ‘Dneprovskiy’ 178, 189, 186, 1 Mot, 1450 SU Ret ‘ordena Suvorova Korpus HY TaakOvy *Radoinsko- 532,599,160 12 Mot Berlinskiy* Krasnoznamenniy, later 20,36, 65,12 Mot, 1493 SU Ret ‘andetioy Stvorova i Kutuzova Korps 12 Tankovy Korpus 30, 86,97, 13 Mot, 106, 1417 SU Res Ly Tankowy Korpus (Svs. 85/88, 20 Mot, 163, 165,169, later 6 Gd, 13,254, 38 Mot 196, 105, 113, 17 Mot Inter 88, 113,195, 2 Mot, [418 SU Ret? 107, 109, 164, 15 Mot, 141 SU Rae 1S:y Tankouy Korps 16-9 Tankowy Korps Tankeovy Korps 66, 67,174, 31 Mot “Zoainsisko- THO} 180,181, (NGL lier 110; 770,181 Krasnoznamenniy, 32 Mot, 36 Gas Fvy Ret, frenoy Suvorova i Kutuzova Korpus 1543 Hyy SU Ret 19y Tankouy “Pevikopskiy 79, 101,202", 19 (later 26) Mot, Krasnaznamenniy Korpus 1824 Hy SU Ret, 1452 SU Ret 20-y Tankovy Zvenigoroshy 8 Gas, 80, 158, 7 GlsMox, 1419 SUIRBE Krasnaznatneaniy Korps 1834 Hy SU Rg, 1895 SU Rat 21-y Tankovy Kerpus 68,198, 199,21 Mot 22 Toy Korps 18)36)138, 3,36, 173, 176, 182,22 Nol 23ey Tankovy “Budapeshiskiy 6,130", 130,23 Mot, orden Suvorova Korps Inter 3,39, 135, 56 Mo, MA SU Rat 2-y Tankovy Korpus AGIs, 54,130.24 Mot Sy Tankowy Krasnoznam 11,1625, 175, 16 Mot, Korpus 41 SU'Rgr 1829 fly SU Ret 26-y Tankvy Korps 19,157,216, 14Mot 28-y Tankory Korpus 39, 55, 56,32 Mot 29-yTankovy Zoatenskikhiy” 25,31)32, SP MoU 446SU Rat, ‘Krasnarnamenniy Korps 1349 Hy SU Ret 304y Tankouy Dolxovalcheskiy 107, 283,248, 30 Mot, ‘Urasky’ Koxpus im. taling 1o2i SU Ret iy Tankony“Viseaskiy* 100,237, 24%, 2986S Ret Krasnoznameniy, 1535 Hyy SURE coidenov Suvorovai Kutsova Korps Tankowy Korpus ates ‘Voronezh, Uranus, Ore, Bagration, Bali, Fast Prussia Voronezh, Kursk, Bagration, 8.9 Graney Tankowy Korps Kho, Orel, Bagration, 95) Gvardyskiy Tankowy Korpus ‘Voronech, Stalingrad, Uranus, Satur, 5-y Gab Tank Korpus Orel Balt Rehev, Kursk, 1/-y Gvandeyskiv Tankory Korpus ‘Vowel, Stalingrad, Uranus, 3-) Gls Tankowy Koypus Rahev,3-y Mechanzinovannly Korpus Rabe, Ore, Bajration, Bet Kharkov, Kursk, Kharkov, Dnepr, Bate, East Prussia ‘Biyansk, Kharkov, Melitopol, Ukraine; Beri Rahey, Khatkos, Ore, 6-» Gvandeyskiy Tankovy Korpus ‘Brisk Steingrady 13°yoMeehoniirvianiiy Korpus Kozelsk, Kharkov, Kursk, 7» Gvardeyskiy Tankovy Korpus Stalingrad, Urania) Kursig/Dnepr, Korsuit Bagration, Ty Gvordeyshiy Tankowy Korpus - ‘Voronech, Saturn, 4-» Gwardeysiy Tankovy Korpus TWoroneAli Satur, KhatkW Kursk, Kharkov, KitivOuad) “Korsitn, Lvov-s sae Hungary Pe Karsk, Donbas, Mito, Crimea, Baltic Kusk, Uitaing, Kis ¥ harkox, Destroyed June 1942 Kavos, Siainrad, Destroyed Aust 1942 uarkox; Dons, Dnep, Ukraine, Hungary, Vienna Uranus) 29° Girdle Taikooy Rorpus ‘Voronezh, Satur, Kharko, Kursk, Dnepr, Vistla-Oder, Berlin Uranus, 5p Gourde shi Tank Kaipu Stalingrad, 4-» Mechanizivovanniy Korpus Kursk, Kharkov, Dnopr, Koruny Bugeatiof Bali, ast Prussia el Ore, Smolensk, 1-y Grandes Tankowy Korpus Kursk, Khao Diep, Bagration, Lvov-Sandoinin, Vistla-Oder, Bedin ank Corps, Krasnoznamenniy = Red Banner, ordena Savor = Onder of Suvoroy tno Kunuva~ Onde of Ku, Dobrovolcheskiy = Voluater, im, Siafina~ in the name of Stalin, Hvy~ Heavy, SU= Assault gun, Rgt= Regiment. 1 Mixed SU-76i & SU-122, 6 su-i2 2 KV85 3 Ma 7 suas 8 (Matilda 1) ‘Mark It (Valentine 4 MIM (Bes) 9 MAL Start 5 SU16 10 Mark IU (Valentine VID)

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