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Student: Maria Alice Dantas da Silva

Class: E03
Period: 3rd

Get Connected! Sexual Health


Sexual health is a fundamental aspect of an

individual's overall well-being. However, there
are still many barriers to adequate and
accessible sexuality education, especially for
young people in vulnerable communities.
Access to reliable information and emotional
support is critical to the development and
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs), unwanted pregnancies and other sexual
health problems. Fortunately, the
advancement of digital technology in recent
years has provided new means of addressing
these sexual health deficits.


Sex education is often seen as taboo in many

societies. There is a lack of quality, accessible
sexual health resources, and many young
people are not comfortable discussing sexual
health-related topics with adults or even their
peers. Lack of proper sex education and limited
access to contraceptives can result in health
problems such as unwanted pregnancies, STDs
and other sexual health issues. To combat
these challenges, new methods must be found
to educate and support young people so that
they feel confident and informed to make
healthy decisions about their sex life.


One of the most promising solutions to this

particular problem is the use of sexual health
apps. Sexual health apps provide detailed
information about STDs, contraceptives, safer
sex and mental health in an easy to use format.
These apps help promote sex education and
disease prevention and allow people to be
informed about their choices so they can make
healthy and safe decisions. They also offer
resources for those who want to connect with
sexual health professionals, feel comfortable
sharing information with others, and discussing
their concerns.

With that in mind, Se Liga was created! Sexual

Health The application "Se Liga! Sexual Health"
is a complete and accessible tool for those who
want to take care of their sexual health. With
it, you can access important information about
disease prevention, contraceptive methods
and sexual well-being.

The application offers several features,


1. STI Test: User can take a quick and easy test

to identify the presence of Sexually
Transmitted Infections. The app offers a
complete list of patients, so he can book a
doctor's appointment right after diagnosis.

2. Contraceptive method: For those who want

to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, the
application shows all available contraceptive
options, with complete information about
effectiveness, benefits and possible side
3. Menstrual calendar: The user can track the
menstrual cycle, remembering the start and
end dates of the period. In addition, the
application indicates the most fertile days, so
that the pregnancy is planned consciously.

4. Information about sexual health: The

application offers complete information on the
most diverse issues related to sexual health.
How to avoid and treat diseases like HPV and
herpes, step by step for putting on condoms
and instructions for breast examination are
some examples.

The "Se Liga! Sexual Health" application is an

indispensable tool for those who care about
their sexual health. With the information and
tips provided, the user will be better prepared
to take care of himself and his health in
relation to his sex life.

Sexual health apps allow people to access
trusted information and services on their
mobile devices. They offer a convenient and
affordable alternative for communities that
would otherwise have a harder time accessing
sexual health services. These tools are
important for educating and encouraging
people to make healthy choices when dealing
with sexual health issues. There is a need to
raise awareness of these apps so that people
can access them and start using them as a tool
to promote their own sexual health and overall

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