Hs 2nd Year Science 2015 MATHEMATICS

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Full Marks : 100

-- ' J, ^■
. ' *i ■ Pass Marks : 30
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?- • ■ r'-'.' "''r- Time : Three hours

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The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.

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6.S • '■. • I ' ' '
V"-'- ■. • •• • ■-
, , - ir, Contd.
1. Answer the following questions : ■ ' ■
r "i .1 ,'
4 5 6
(ej What is the co-factor of 7 in the detcminant - 5 6 7 ?
13l 15 17

4 5 6
faj If ^={0,1, 3 }, what is the number of relations on ^ ? 5 -6 7 7 ^^=s,-?ftw 1%^?
13 15 17

^ ^ ={0. 1,3
(f) Is the derivative of an even function even ?

(b) Find the principal value of sin ^ {sin^\

(g) Is the function f{x)= x', xeJR increasing ?
sin '{sin^) ^ ^-<3^
/(x)- X , X e "?pg=H ?

(c) If [5 6 7 ]/l =[l3 23 ], what is the order of the matrix A ?

(h) What aie the direction cosines of the vector a = i +2J-\-3k ?

^[5 6 7]^=[l3 23] ■, A ^ ^

= / + 2y + 3^ ^ t%5rR ?

(d) if: A is a nonsingular matrix such that + 4-7 = 0, what is 4 ' ?

(i) If the distance of a plane from the origin be "d' and direction cosines of the
nonual to the plane tlirough origin be [l.m.n), what are the co-ordinates of the
4^ + 4-7 = 0, 4"' foot of the nonnal ?

' 25TMAtH Contd.

25T Math
(/, m,/2)'^,(75^ ^5rt%cT^-s^ittfS^ 1^ ■^'^p
-1 ^|l + x^ —sll — x^
If tan = a, prove tliat x = sin 2a
Vl + +^|i — X

0) What are the equations of the planes parallel to xz-plane and at a distance ^a- from

.-I Vl + x^ - Vl ~ x^
^ tan = a. C^STsit®!^ CT x^^ = sin2a
Vl + +Vl--jc^

2. A frmction f : R -> 'R is defined by /(x) = 2x^. Is the function/one-one, and

onto ? Justify your answer. 2+2=4
0 -1 2 ^ 0 P
If 21 = and 5 = 1 0 , find a matrix C such that CAB =1^ ABC ,
2 -2 0
v£i^ "?po^ / : R > R ^ 7[^ ferf ^srn:^ f.(x)=2x^ i
V 1 1y
wheieIIS. the 2x2 unit iriatrix

OR/^^ . . '
0 -1 2^ 0 .1 ^
^ A= ^5 = 1 0 C CAB = / = ABC->
2 -2 0 .
Let Z be the set of all lines in the .x^^-plane and R be the relation in L defined by A 1 ly
I 2X2 (.4|(rl<j5^- 1 .
/. parallel to / ., V/,y I. Show that R is an equivalence relation. Find
the set of all lines related to the line y = lx-¥5. - 3+1=4
■ OR/'smt

xy- li, /y

V/. j } I 0^^ >iVjv^cij\pt I y = 7x + 5 ^ 2 0 -1

Using elementary row operation, find the inverse of the matrix 5 1 0

0 1 3

25T MATH [5 Contd.
2 0-1 8. Prove that f{x) dx = 0,.when/is an odd function. Hence evaluate J^. log ——— dx
»nfi ^ 5 1 0 2if%^:oTr5i ' 2+x

0 1 3

sfsnt^c'i /(jc)i&=o, c'ti%?ri/iii'5f ^ log 2 — x dx ^ 'srR

• 2+x
5. If ;;+sin y = cos x then find the values of y for which — is valid. 1

y +sin y = cos x 1% ?
ax 9. Solve (any one) :

^Rt (Rc^picit (^) ;

6. If a function is differentiable at a point, prove that it is continuous at that point.- 4

SfSjt<?( (71 <ilit ifl^ "WR (.VDCQ6 (7^ |

(i) [l+ x^Y^
+y = tarr^ X

Using Rolle's theorem, find at what points on the curve y = co.sx-.l in [o, 2n]the (ii)
x-- = y- xtan^
ax i
tangent is parallel to jc-axis.

^ y = cosx-\ [o, 2;r]

10. find the equation of a curve passing through the origin, given that the slope of the
tangent to the curve at any point {x, y) is equal to the sum of the co-ordinates of the
point. 4
7. Evaluate any one of the integrals :
-R^ 'sm;^ ^ ^ ft
(x, y) ^

(i) I
y,~F^ dx 11. Using vectors prove that angle in a semicircle is a right angle. 4

(ii) j ■Jx'^-a^ dx
^ SRtcf ^ (7[ ^£1^ ^5T5IR5t«t I

25T MATH [7] Contd.
OR (ii) at least one is a girl ?. 4

Using vectors prove that

^ c^K(^ •
COS.(a-jS)= COSa cos p+sin a sin p

(i) <t>R^ivs^ cm\^


(li) ?.
cos[a-p)=.cosa cos p+sin a sin p

OR /^W

12. Find the vector equation of a plane in nonnal foniL 4

Fhe probability of a shooter hitting a target is How many minimmn number of
V ■

times must he/she fire so that the probability of hitting the teirget at least once is more
than 0-99 ?


P ind the equation of a plane passing through a given point and perpendicular to a given ^^;q 0-99T^
vector in vector form.

Cn5%^ ^ I' 14. If x,y,z are all different and

a: i+x^
13. Assume that each child bom is equally likely to be a boy or a girl. If a family has two y y' 1+ y^ =0 ,
z 1 + z-
children, what is the conditional probability that both are girls, given that
prove that x>'z =-l.
(i) the youngest is a girl.

25T MATH [9] Contd.

25T MATH [8]
^x,y,z ■:W3t ^ 15. Find the maximum and minimum value of the following functions ; if exist. 3+3=6

wr' c^m, 'iiln *5nc^ istr: tth SPrs^rt i

X X2 1+
1 , x3
■ 2 1 , 3
V y l-i-y =0
2 1 , 3
z z . l+ z
X —X +l
(i) f{x) = X +A- + 1

srsrf^t (ji xyz =—I

OR 00 f{x)-logx, X>0

\fa^p\ b-=^q\ c.^r and OR

2 2
p b e
a q c = 0,
find the maxinium area of an isosceles triangle inscribed in tlie ellipse ^2"^ ^2 "
a b r
witli its vertex at one end of the major axis.

q r
then find the value of
p—a q—b r—c

p \ b^q\ c^r ^srf^ ^ stR351 1

p b c
a q c =0 16.. Evaluates :
a b r

•sfpt :

P ^
Cvs^^ 4
p-a q-b r-c fi , -1 2x-l J
tan ^—:r ax
Jo 1+x-x^

25TMATH [101 Contd.

25'r MATH [11]
OTts^ c^i^=(i+}-i)+A (3f -.;•)

Evaluate {x^+xjdx as the limit of a sum. 'STHJ r =(4z"-/t )+//(2f + 3^) ,C^ Tsi^s^tri ilUvStW

dx ^ ■siH

19. A factory makes tennis rackets and cricket bats. A tennis racket takes 1-5 hours of

l-7ri. :Emd the area bounded by machine time and 3 hours of craftman's >time in its making, while a cricket* bat'take^

-lit- ^ y = x^- and y =1*1 ■' 3 houis of machine time and 1 hour of craftman's time. In a day the factory has the
availability of not more than 42 hours of machine tiine and 24 hours of craftman's time.
= JC 'SfR: >* =p 1 ^ ^ I
If the piolit on racket and on a bat is Rs. 20 and Rs. 10 respectively, find the maximum
OR/WfH^ profit of the factory when it works at full capacity. . 6
2 ■ 2
Find the ratio in which the area bounded by the curves ;; =12x and x =\2y is
divided by the line x = 3. ■ .■
cGRe" c^c<T>^ visri^ 13t»c<M5 i c4(;4>g
= i2x x=3 <pficci
1 -5 csfe \5rt^. 3 ^ TfSBH I c#
^^^1 ■ '
3 C^rfg^ ^5^ NSlt^ 1 >\m< ^I

18. Show that the lines

•pf(^c| 20 vi^ 10 >ic<lfbb ^
r =(i + j-k)+^(3i-j)
and r ={4/-/t,)+y"(2'' + 3^) are coplanar.
Also find the equation of the plane containing both these lines. 25T MATIi '[13] Contd.

MXfH [121
OR .^ifNtvs ^^^ 20^^ ^ g|^ ftcft
<pR<il<^ I^ gff^ I ^H^ICVg
Minimize and maximize Z = x + 2y
^ giT^ ftR?41 12^^ 21^ ftKR
subject to x +lj^^lOO; 2x — y<0 ; 2x-\-y <200 >iNSlRvs| I

X, y>0.

x +2y>\00; 2x-y<0; 2x + y<200 ; x, y>0 Z = x + 2y ^

'str I

20. Assume that the chances of a patient having a heart attack is 40%. It is also assumed
that a meditation and yoga course reduces the risk of heart attack by 30% and prescription
of certain drug reduces its chances by 25%. At a time a patient can choose any one of
the two options with equal probabilities. It is given that after going through one of the
two options the patient selected at random suffers a heart attack. Find the probability
that the patient followed a course of meditation and yoga. 5

^ 40% I ^ ^ ^
^*5^ 30% ^ 25% Ipl^I
^1^1^^ ft R<p9ic4 1 c^^


In a 20-question true-false examination, suppose a student tosses a fair coin to determine

his answer to each question..If the coin falls head, he answers true'. If it falls tail, he
answers false. Find the probability that he answers at least 12 questions' as true.

25T math [14 25T math [15

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