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Name: Jamaica Fermo Section: CIV235

A. Instruction: In each cultural dimension, choose the one that characterizes

Filipinos. Provide an example to support your answer. You may use real-life
experiences, a television show, a TV commercial, an article, or a literary
composition, provided that they are situated in the Filipino Context.

1. Individualistic Culture vs. Collectivist Culture:

○ Filipinos tend to lean toward a collectivist culture.
○ Example: The strong emphasis on family ties, close-knit
communities, and bayanihan (community spirit) reflects the
collectivist nature of Filipino culture.
2. Low-Context Culture vs. High-Context Culture:
○ Filipino culture is High-context.
○ Example: Communication often relies on implicit cues, shared
experiences, and nonverbal gestures. Filipinos understand context
deeply, and relationships play a crucial role in communication.
3. Monochronic Culture vs. Polychronic Culture:
○ Filipinos exhibit a Polychronic culture.
○ Example: Time is flexible, and social interactions take precedence
over strict adherence to schedules. “Filipino time” reflects this
cultural norm.
4. Low-Uncertainty Avoidance Culture vs. High Uncertainty Avoidance
○ Filipinos generally have a low-uncertainty avoidance culture.
○ Example: Adaptability, resilience, and acceptance of uncertainty are
common traits. Filipinos navigate uncertainty with grace.
5. Low-Power Distance Culture vs. High-Power Distance Culture:
○ Filipino culture tends toward Low power distance.
○ Example: Hierarchies exist, but respect is shown regardless of social
status. Superiors and subordinates often interact informally.
6. Masculine Culture vs. Feminine Culture:
○ Filipino culture exhibits a blend of both masculine and feminine
○ Example: While assertiveness and ambition are valued (masculine),
nurturing, empathy, and family-oriented values are equally important
7. Short-Term Orientation Culture vs. Long-Term Orientation Culture:
○ Filipinos lean toward a short-term orientation.
○ Example: Immediate gratification, adaptability, and living in the
present moment are emphasized. However, cultural practices also
honor ancestral traditions and long-standing rituals.

B. Instruction: Read each description and identify the cultural dimension being
manifested. Write the most appropriate way to deal with the person or handle the
situation to ensure the positive communication outcome assuming that you hold
an entirely opposite cultural dimension (e.g., the person in the situation is
monochronic who values punctuality but you are a polychronic who values
relationships rather than schedule).

1. Canadian Boss (Results-Oriented):

○ Cultural Dimension: The Canadian boss values results and
○ Response: As someone who values relationships and a more
relaxed pace, I would acknowledge their urgency and emphasize the
importance of collaboration. I might say, “I appreciate your focus on
results. Let’s work together to achieve our goals efficiently while also
considering team dynamics.”
2. Vietnamese Friend (Ambiguous Responses):
○ Cultural Dimension: The Vietnamese friend tends to give
ambiguous responses.
○ Response: Recognizing their communication style, I would seek
clarity by asking open-ended questions. For instance, “Could you
please elaborate on that?” or “What do you think about…?” to
encourage more explicit communication.
3. Bryce (Self-Focused Classmate):
○ Cultural Dimension: Bryce prioritizes himself and his ideas during
group activities.
○ Response: Considering my preference for collaboration, I would
gently redirect the focus towards the team. For example, “Bryce, I
value your input. Let’s also explore other perspectives within the
4. Arab Colleague (Late for Meetings):
○ Cultural Dimension: The Arab colleague tends to be late for
○ Response: Acknowledging cultural differences, I would express
understanding and emphasize the importance of punctuality. “I
understand that schedules can vary. Let’s find a balance that
respects everyone’s time.”
5. Portuguese Tourist (Initiating Conversation):
○ Cultural Dimension: The Portuguese tourist initiates conversation.
○ Response: Appreciating their friendliness, I would engage in
conversation, perhaps saying, “It’s lovely to meet you! What brings
you to this restaurant?” while maintaining a warm and open behavior.

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