Beginners Guide

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Table of Contents

About me

what is affiliate marketing?

the steps to get started

putting it all together

I'm so happy you are here!!!

Hi there! My name is Trista, and I am a

Freelance Digital marketer, also known as an
affiliate marketer. you may not know what
these titles mean(i know i didn't at first), but I'm
here to tell you that this is a very real and
very profitable way to make money online!!

I should let you know that this is not a get rich

quick scheme. this takes real effort,
consistency and a desire to succeed. so if you are
not willing to put in the upfront work to make
passive income online, then this is not for you..
but if you are ready to put the work in to make
a genuine change in your life and gain financial
freedom, then this is the right place for you.

keep on reading, and know that i am here to help

along your journey!!
My Story

I am a busy mom of 4 and a caregiver for

my brain injured husband. After his tragic accident in
2018 our life and financial situation has been extremely rocky
insurance didn't cover all of the
alternative treatments that we had to do
to try and get him back to as normal as possible..
we've been barely getting by since his accident,
draining all of our savings just to survive.
I started researching ways to
make money from home because he is
unable to care for our children and embarked on
a few mlm journeys. i had small successes but
nothing that would help us come up for air and
balance out our financial situation. i then started
searching again and came across a few women
who had started their journey in affiliate marketing
and were making a decent income from home.
they said they were successful with the
'technical skills of a 12 year old", and
no experience and i knew that with my
determination this could be the key to our family thriving again
. i realized i had nothing to lose and everything to gain!!!
So i took the same 15 day training that she did.
I've gained so much knowledge and support.
I am so excited for this journey and
the opportunity to finally take a
deep breath and know everything is going to be ok in our lives.
What Exactly is
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is when you promote another company's product to
earn a commission. when you apply to be an affiliate with a company,
they give you a link that is specific to YOU. You promote that company's
product, and when someone buys using your link that company pays you
a commission! This is great for beginners because it has low start up
costs, high payout and requires no experience!

This Video will explain everything

Affiliate marketing is also........

Forbes magazine just announced that digital marketing (also knows as
affiliate marketing) is going to be one of the highest paid freelance
jobs of 2023! There is no better time to start than NOW!!


86% of companies have affiliate programs and use affiliate
marketers to bring in 40% of their revenue.
That is an 8 billion dollar industry that continues to grow!


With affiliate Marketing, you DON'T have to create a product or
service, you don't need a team of employees, you DON'T have to deal with
inventory or shipping anything, and you DON'T have to deal with
customer support or returns. The process itself is very simple.

Disclaimer: there are affiliate links in this eBook. That means if you decide to click on the links and make a purchase that means I may earn
a commission (at NO additional cost to you).
Four Steps to
Getting Started
Step 1: Choose your Niche
This is quite possibly the most important step in
the whole affiliate marketing process. This is
going to determine what products you promote
and who your audience will be,

TIP: Choose a Niche that you are

passionate about
This is going to make your marketing job much easier. People
will be more likely to buy from you when you speak
naturally and enthusiastically about a brand of product.

Here are some ideas to

*health and fitness
*home decor

When picking a niche, you want to ensure it is broad enough to

gain traction, but niched down enough that people can see real
value in the content you are creating
Four Steps to
Getting Started
Step 2: Choosing your Affiliate Partners
This is where you will pick the products that you will market within your niche.

When choosing companies to work with, it's easy to want to choose the big docs
like Target, Amazon, Walmart etc., but yo'd be surprised how may affiliates
are already out there.

Something I do when I look for products to promote is I look at the target

audience. If my niche is Parenting well maybe my target audience is new moms.
Then I create a list of problems and needs that my target audience has.. Key is
to really try and get into how they might be thinking and feeling. Then, find
products that solve those problems. Lactation courses, safe car seats, the
possibilities are endless.

Things to look for when choosing a

company to work with
look for companies that have both high ticket and low ticket items
I would recommend looking for a company that will give you a 30%
commission or higher
Choose a company that has a *cookie duration of at least 30 days

*a cookie is what tracks someone who opens the website with your link, if they use your link, but didn't purchase
initially, and decide to 15 days later then the commission would still go to you.
Four Steps to
Getting Started
Step 3: Apply to be an Affiliate
I get asked this question all the time

How Do I Apply to become and Affiliate?

The answer is simple! Google the company that you want to work
with +affiliate program, and it they have an affiliate program, it
should bring you directly to the link to apply.

In most cases, the company will accept you almost immediately, and
you will receive your affiliate link right away. But sometimes, it may
take them a few days to review your application.

Keep in mind that most companies DO NOT have follower

requirements. I applied to my affiliate programs (4 of them) with
zero followers. If a company you want to work with does have
follower requirements, not to WORRY! Work with the ones that
don't until you have a following then you can go back and reapply.
Four Steps to
Getting Started

This is the FUN part! This is where you create content to

promote the products and services in your niche!
You can drive traffic to your links in a number of ways. You can
create content on TikTok, Instagram, FaceBook, Pinterest,
YouTube pr really any social media sites.

Another question I get asked regularly.........

Do I have to show my face??
The answer to that is, definitely not!
Some people strictly just run paid FB and Google ads and that's
a great way, TOO! Others stick strictly to blogging. Even on
social media you can use Stock photos with trending music.
The possibilities are Endless!
Personally, I like to use social media. I enjoy creating fun and
informative videos. It's a fun way to interact with potential and
current customers. and makes it more personal.
Putting it All
Ok take a DEEP breath.......
I know that was a lot to take in and I know you might
feel overwhelmed. Learning a new skill can be daunting
to say the least, but it is OH SO WORTH IT!
I started where most start. Inexperienced, not the
best with technology, no social media skills but I
desperately needed a CHANGE!

Everyone starts off as a beginner! The more I did

the more confident and comfortable I became. I have
a lot of fun with it now.

This Course and the community that comes with it

equipped me with the knowledge and support to move
I truly mean it when I say that this is changing mine
and my families life. This opportunity is giving me more
time freedom and relieving our huge financial stress..
I am able to be there more for my kids and care for
my husband,
If I can do it SO CAN YOU!
>>Click here to access the same course got started with<<

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