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ursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 218 of resldenLlal uecree no 442 as amended
oLherwlse known as Lhe Labor Code of Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe followlng 8evlsed 8ules of
rocedure governlng arblLraLlon proceedlngs before Lhe Labor ArblLers and Lhe Commlsslon
are hereby adopLed and promulgaLed
SLC1lCn 1 1l1LL Cl 1PL 8uLLS 1hese 8ules shall be known as Lhe 2011 nL8C 8ules of
rocedure (1a)
SLC1lCn 2 CCnS18uC1lCn 1hese 8ules shall be llberally consLrued Lo carry ouL Lhe
ob[ecLlves of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe Labor Code of Lhe hlllpplnes and oLher relevanL
leglslaLlons and Lo asslsL Lhe parLles ln obLalnlng [usL expedlLlous and lnexpenslve resoluLlon
and seLLlemenL of labor dlspuLes
SLC1lCn 3 SuLL1C8? ALlCA1lCn Cl 1PL 8uLLS Cl CCu81 ln Lhe absence of any
appllcable provlslon ln Lhese 8ules and ln order Lo effecLuaLe Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe Labor
Code Lhe perLlnenL provlslons of Lhe 8ules of CourL of Lhe hlllpplnes may ln Lhe lnLeresL of
expedlLlous dlspensaLlon of labor [usLlce and whenever pracLlcable and convenlenL be
applled by analogy or ln a suppleLory characLer and effecL
SLC1lCn 1 uLllnl1lCnS 1he Lerms and phrases deflned ln ArLlcle 212 of Lhe Labor Code as
amended shall be glven Lhe same meanlngs when used hereln As used hereln 8eglonal
ArblLraLlon 8ranch shall mean any of Lhe reglonal arblLraLlon branches or subreglonal
branches of Lhe Commlsslon
SLC1lCn 1 CCMLAln1 a) A complalnL or peLlLlon ls a pleadlng alleglng Lhe cause or causes
of acLlon of Lhe complalnanL or peLlLloner 1he names and addresses of all complalnanLs or
peLlLloners and respondenLs musL be sLaLed ln Lhe complalnL or peLlLlon lL shall be slgned
under oaLh by Lhe complalnanL or peLlLloner wlLh a declaraLlon of nonforum shopplng
b) A parLy havlng more Lhan one cause of acLlon agalnsL Lhe oLher parLy arlslng ouL of Lhe
same relaLlonshlp shall lnclude all of Lhem ln one complalnL or peLlLlon (1a)
SLC1lCn 2 CA1lCn Anu 1l1LL ln all cases flled wlLh Lhe Commlsslon or wlLh any of lLs
8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranches Lhe parLy lnlLlaLlng Lhe acLlon shall be called Lhe
ComplalnanL or eLlLloner and Lhe opposlng parLy Lhe 8espondenL
1he full names of all Lhe real parLles ln lnLeresL wheLher naLural or [urldlcal persons or
enLlLles auLhorlzed by law shall be sLaLed ln Lhe capLlon of Lhe complalnL or peLlLlon as well
as ln Lhe declslons resoluLlons or orders of Lhe Labor ArblLer or Lhe Commlsslon
SLC1lCn 3 llLlnC Anu SL8vlCL Cl LLAulnCS All pleadlngs ln connecLlon wlLh a case shall
be flled wlLh Lhe approprlaLe dockeLlng unlL of Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch or Lhe
Commlsslon as Lhe case may be
1he parLy flllng a pleadlng shall serve Lhe opposlng parLles wlLh a copy and lLs supporLlng
documenLs no pleadlng shall be consldered wlLhouL proof of servlce Lo Lhe opposlng parLles
excepL lf flled slmulLaneously durlng a schedule seL before Lhe Labor ArblLer (3a)
SLC1lCn 4 SL8vlCL Cl nC1lCLS 8LSCLu1lCnS C8uL8S Anu uLClSlCnS a) noLlces and
coples of resoluLlons or orders shall be served personally upon Lhe parLles by Lhe balllff or
duly auLhorlzed publlc offlcer wlLhln Lhree (3) days from hls/her recelpL Lhereof or by
reglsLered mall or by prlvaLe courler
b) ln case of declslons and flnal awards coples Lhereof shall be served on boLh parLles and
Lhelr counsel or represenLaLlve by reglsLered mall or by prlvaLe courler rovlded LhaL ln
cases where a parLy Lo a case or hls/her counsel on record personally seeks servlce of Lhe
declslon upon lnqulry Lhereon servlce Lo sald parLy shall be deemed effecLed as hereln
provlded Where parLles are numerous servlce shall be made on counsel and upon such
number of complalnanLs as may be pracLlcable and shall be consldered subsLanLlal
compllance wlLh ArLlcle 224 (a) of Lhe Labor Code as amended
lor purposes of appeal Lhe perlod shall be counLed from recelpL of such declslons
resoluLlons or orders by Lhe counsel or represenLaLlve of record
c) 1he balllff or offlcer servlng Lhe noLlce order or resoluLlon shall submlL hls/her reLurn
wlLhln Lwo (2) days from daLe of servlce Lhereof sLaLlng leglbly ln hls/her reLurn hls/her
name Lhe names of Lhe persons served and Lhe daLe of recelpL whlch reLurn shall be
lmmedlaLely aLLached and shall form parL of Lhe records of Lhe case ln case of servlce by
reglsLered mall or by prlvaLe courler Lhe name of Lhe addressee and Lhe daLe of recelpL of
Lhe noLlce order or resoluLlon shall be wrlLLen ln Lhe reLurn card or ln Lhe proof of servlce
lssued by Lhe prlvaLe courler lf no servlce was effecLed Lhe reason Lhereof shall be so sLaLed
SLC1lCn 3 8CCl Anu CCMLL1LnLSS Cl SL8vlCL 1he reLurn ls prlma facle proof of Lhe
facLs lndlcaLed Lhereln Servlce by reglsLered mall or by prlvaLe courler ls compleLe upon
recelpL by Lhe addressee or hls/her agenL lf Lhe addressee falls Lo clalm hls/her mall from
Lhe posL offlce wlLhln flve (3) days from Lhe daLe of flrsL noLlce of Lhe posLmasLer servlce
shall Lake effecL afLer such Llme (7a)

SLC1lCn 6 ALA8AnCLS a) A lawyer appearlng for a parLy ls presumed Lo be properly
auLhorlzed for LhaL purpose ln every case he/she shall lndlcaLe ln hls/her pleadlngs and
moLlons hls/her ALLorneys 8oll number as well as hls/her 18 and l8 numbers for Lhe
currenL year and MCLL compllance
b) A nonlawyer may appear ln any of Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe Labor ArblLer or
Commlsslon only under Lhe followlng condlLlons
(1) he/she represenLs hlmself/herself as parLy Lo Lhe case
(2) he/she represenLs a leglLlmaLe labor organlzaLlon as deflned under ArLlcle 212 and 242 of
Lhe Labor Code as amended whlch ls a parLy Lo Lhe case rovlded LhaL he/she presenLs Lo
Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer durlng Lhe mandaLory conference or lnlLlal hearlng (l) a
cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe 8ureau of Labor 8elaLlons (8L8) or 8eglonal Cfflce of Lhe ueparLmenL
of Labor and LmploymenL aLLesLlng LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon he/she represenLs ls duly reglsLered
and llsLed ln Lhe rosLer of leglLlmaLe labor organlzaLlons (ll) a verlfled cerLlflcaLlon lssued by
Lhe secreLary and aLLesLed Lo by Lhe presldenL of Lhe sald organlzaLlon sLaLlng LhaL he/she ls
auLhorlzed Lo represenL Lhe sald organlzaLlon ln Lhe sald case and (lll) a copy of Lhe
resoluLlon of Lhe board of dlrecLors of Lhe sald organlzaLlon granLlng hlm such auLhorlLy
(3)he/she represenLs a member or members of a leglLlmaLe labor organlzaLlon LhaL ls exlsLlng
wlLhln Lhe employers esLabllshmenL who are parLles Lo Lhe case rovlded LhaL he/she
presenLs (l) a verlfled cerLlflcaLlon aLLesLlng LhaL he/she ls auLhorlzed by such member or
members Lo represenL Lhem ln Lhe case and (ll) a verlfled cerLlflcaLlon lssued by Lhe
secreLary and aLLesLed Lo by Lhe presldenL of Lhe sald organlzaLlon sLaLlng LhaL Lhe person or
persons he/she ls represenLlng are members of Lhelr organlzaLlon whlch ls exlsLlng ln Lhe
employers esLabllshmenL
(4) he/she ls a dulyaccredlLed member of any legal ald offlce recognlzed by Lhe ueparLmenL
of !usLlce or lnLegraLed 8ar of Lhe hlllpplnes rovlded LhaL he/she (l) presenLs proof of
hls/her accredlLaLlon and (ll) represenLs a parLy Lo Lhe case
(3) he/she ls Lhe owner or presldenL of a corporaLlon or esLabllshmenL whlch ls a parLy Lo Lhe
case rovlded LhaL he/she presenLs (l) a verlfled cerLlflcaLlon aLLesLlng LhaL he/she ls
auLhorlzed Lo represenL sald corporaLlon or esLabllshmenL and (ll) a copy of Lhe resoluLlon of
Lhe board of dlrecLors of sald corporaLlon or oLher slmllar resoluLlon or lnsLrumenL lssued by
sald esLabllshmenL granLlng hlm/her such auLhorlLy
c) Appearances of a nonlawyer ln conLravenLlon of Lhls secLlon shall noL be recognlzed ln any
proceedlngs before Lhe Labor ArblLer or Lhe Commlsslon
d) Appearances may be made orally or ln wrlLlng ln boLh cases Lhe compleLe name and
offlce address of counsel or auLhorlzed represenLaLlve shall be made of record and Lhe
adverse parLy or hls counsel or auLhorlzed represenLaLlve properly noLlfled
e) ln case of change of address Lhe counsel or represenLaLlve shall flle a noLlce of such
change copy furnlshed Lhe adverse parLy and counsel or represenLaLlve lf any
f) Any change or wlLhdrawal of counsel or auLhorlzed represenLaLlve shall be made ln
accordance wlLh Lhe 8ules of CourL (8a)
SLC1lCn 7 Au1PC8l1? 1C 8lnu A81? Counsel or oLher auLhorlzed represenLaLlves of
parLles shall have auLhorlLy Lo blnd Lhelr cllenLs ln all maLLers of procedure buL Lhey cannoL
wlLhouL a speclal power of aLLorney or express consenL enLer lnLo a compromlse agreemenL
wlLh Lhe opposlng parLy ln full or parLlal dlscharge of a cllenLs clalm (9a)
SLC1lCn 1 vLnuL a) All cases whlch Labor ArblLers have auLhorlLy Lo hear and declde may
be flled ln Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe workplace of Lhe
complalnanL or peLlLloner lor purposes of venue Lhe workplace shall be undersLood as Lhe
place or locallLy where Lhe employee ls regularly asslgned aL Lhe Llme Lhe cause of acLlon
arose lL shall lnclude Lhe place where Lhe employee ls supposed Lo reporL back afLer a
Lemporary deLall asslgnmenL or Lravel ln case of fleld employees as well as ambulanL or
lLlneranL workers Lhelr workplace ls where Lhey are regularly asslgned or where Lhey are
supposed Lo regularly recelve Lhelr salarles and wages or work lnsLrucLlons from and reporL
Lhe resulLs of Lhelr asslgnmenL Lo Lhelr employers
b) Where Lwo (2) or more 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranches have [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe workplace
of Lhe complalnanL or peLlLloner Lhe 8ranch LhaL flrsL acqulred [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case
shall exclude Lhe oLhers c) When venue ls noL ob[ecLed Lo before Lhe fllllng of poslLlon
papers such lssue shall be deemed walved
d) 1he venue of an acLlon may be changed or Lransferred Lo a dlfferenL 8eglonal ArblLraLlon
8ranch oLher Lhan where Lhe complalnL was flled by wrlLLen agreemenL of Lhe parLles or
when Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer before whom Lhe case ls pendlng so orders upon
moLlon by Lhe proper parLy ln merlLorlous cases
e) Cases lnvolvlng overseas llllplno workers may be flled before Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon
8ranch havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe place where Lhe complalnanL resldes or where Lhe
prlnclpal offlce of any of Lhe respondenLs ls slLuaLed aL Lhe opLlon of Lhe complalnanL
SLC1lCn 2 8AllLL Anu ASSlCnMLn1 Cl CASLS a) All complalnLs and peLlLlons flled wlLh
Lhe dockeL unlL of Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch shall be lmmedlaLely raffled and asslgned
Lo a Labor ArblLer from recelpL Lhereof

b) 1he LxecuLlve Labor ArblLer shall be responslble for Lhe lmmedlaLe raffle and asslgnmenL
of all complalnLs and peLlLlons flled wlLh hls/her 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch and Lhe
lmmedlaLe forwardlng of all subsequenL pleadlngs and moLlons
c) All pleadlngs and moLlons subsequenL Lo Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL shall be forwarded Lo
Lhe Labor ArblLer before whom Lhe case ls pendlng wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours from
recelpL Lhereof
SLC1lCn 3 CCnSCLluA1lCn Cl CASLS Anu CCMLAln1S Where Lhere are Lwo or more
cases or complalnLs pendlng before dlfferenL Labor ArblLers ln Lhe same 8eglonal ArblLraLlon
8ranch lnvolvlng Lhe same employer and common prlnclpal causes of acLlon or Lhe same
parLles wlLh dlfferenL causes of acLlon Lhe subsequenL cases or complalnLs shall be
consolldaLed wlLh Lhe flrsL Lo avold unnecessary cosLs or delay Such consolldaLed cases or
complalnLs shall be dlsposed of by Lhe Labor ArblLer Lo whom Lhe flrsL case was asslgned
ln case of ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe consolldaLlon Lhe same shall be resolved by Lhe LxecuLlve Labor
ArblLer An order resolvlng a moLlon or ob[ecLlon Lo consolldaLlon shall be lnappealable
SLC1lCn 4 ulSCSl1lCn Cl CASLS Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 263 (g) of Lhe Labor
Code as amended when a case ls asslgned Lo a Labor ArblLer Lhe enLlre case and any or all
lncldenLs LhereLo shall be consldered asslgned Lo hlm/her and Lhe same shall be dlsposed of
ln Lhe same proceedlngs Lo avold mulLlpllclLy of sulLs or proceedlngs
When Lhe SecreLary of Labor and LmploymenL has assumed [urlsdlcLlon over a sLrlke or
lockouL or cerLlfled Lhe same Lo Lhe Commlsslon Lhe parLles Lo such dlspuLe shall
lmmedlaLely lnform Lhe SecreLary or Lhe Commlsslon as Lhe case may be of all cases dlrecLly
relaLed Lo Lhe dlspuLe beLween Lhem pendlng before any 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch and
Lhe Labor ArblLers handllng Lhe same of such assumpLlon or cerLlflcaLlon 1he Labor ArblLer
concerned shall forward wlLhln Lwo (2) days from noLlce Lhe enLlre records of Lhe case Lo Lhe
Commlsslon or Lo Lhe SecreLary of Labor as Lhe case may be for proper dlsposlLlon
SLC1lCn 1 !u8lSulC1lCn Cl LA8C8 A88l1L8S Labor ArblLers shall have orlglnal and
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon Lo hear and declde Lhe followlng cases lnvolvlng all workers wheLher
agrlculLural or nonagrlculLural a) unfalr labor pracLlce cases
b) 1ermlnaLlon dlspuLes
c) lf accompanled wlLh a clalm for relnsLaLemenL Lhose cases LhaL workers may flle lnvolvlng
wages raLes of pay hours of work and oLher Lerms and condlLlons of employmenL
d) Clalms for acLual moral exemplary and oLher forms of damages arlslng from employer
employee relaLlons
e) Cases arlslng from any vlolaLlon of ArLlcle 264 of Lhe Labor Code as amended lncludlng
quesLlons lnvolvlng Lhe legallLy of sLrlkes and lockouLs
f)LxcepL clalms for employees compensaLlon noL lncluded ln Lhe nexL succeedlng paragraph
soclal securlLy medlcare and maLernlLy beneflLs all oLher clalms arlslng from employer
employee relaLlons lncludlng Lhose of persons ln domesLlc or household servlce lnvolvlng an
amounL exceedlng llve 1housand esos (300000) wheLher or noL accompanled wlLh a
clalm for relnsLaLemenL
g) Wage dlsLorLlon dlspuLes ln unorganlzed esLabllshmenLs noL volunLarlly seLLled by Lhe
parLles pursuanL Lo 8epubllc AcL no 6727
h) LnforcemenL of compromlse agreemenLs when Lhere ls noncompllance by any of Lhe
parLles pursuanL Lo ArLlcle 227 of Lhe Labor Code as amended
l) Money clalms arlslng ouL of employeremployee relaLlonshlp or by vlrLue of any law or
conLracL lnvolvlng llllplno workers for overseas deploymenL lncludlng clalms for acLual
moral exemplary and oLher forms of damages as provlded by SecLlon 10 of 8A 8042 as
amended by 8A 10022 and
[) CLher cases as may be provlded by law
Cases arlslng from Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon or lmplemenLaLlon of collecLlve bargalnlng agreemenLs
and Lhose arlslng from Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon or enforcemenL of company personnel pollcles shall
be dlsposed of by Lhe Labor ArblLer by referrlng Lhe same Lo Lhe grlevance machlnery and
volunLary arblLraLlon as may be provlded ln sald agreemenLs (1a)
SLC1lCn 2 nA1u8L Cl 8CCLLulnCS 1he proceedlngs before Lhe Labor ArblLer shall be
nonllLlglous ln naLure Sub[ecL Lo Lhe requlremenLs of due process Lhe LechnlcallLles of law
and procedure and Lhe rules obLalnlng ln Lhe courLs of law shall noL sLrlcLly apply LhereLo
1he Labor ArblLer may avall hlmself/herself of all reasonable means Lo ascerLaln Lhe facLs of
Lhe conLroversy speedlly lncludlng ocular lnspecLlon and examlnaLlon of welllnformed
SLC1lCn 3 lSSuAnCL Cl SuMMCnS WlLhln Lwo (2) days from recelpL of a complalnL or
amended complalnL Lhe Labor ArblLer shall lssue Lhe requlred summons aLLachlng LhereLo a
copy of Lhe complalnL or amended complalnL and lLs annexes lf any 1he summons shall
speclfy Lhe daLe Llme and place of Lhe mandaLory conclllaLlon and medlaLlon conference ln
Lwo (2) seLLlngs (3a 8lll)

SLC1lCn 4 SL8vlCL Cl SuMMCnS Summons shall be served personally upon Lhe parLles
by Lhe balllff or a duly auLhorlzed publlc offlcer wlLhln Lhree (3) days from hls/her recelpL
Lhereof or by reglsLered mall or by prlvaLe courler auLhorlzed by Lhe Commlsslon rovlded
LhaL ln speclal clrcumsLances servlce of summons may be effecLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe
perLlnenL provlslons of Lhe 8ules of CourL
1he balllff or offlcer servlng Lhe summons shall submlL hls/her reLurn wlLhln Lwo (2) days
from daLe of servlce Lhereof sLaLlng leglbly ln hls/her reLurn hls/her name Lhe names of Lhe
persons served and Lhe daLe of recelpL whlch reLurn shall be lmmedlaLely aLLached Lo Lhe
records and shall be parL Lhereof lf no servlce was effecLed Lhe reason Lhereof shall be
sLaLed ln Lhe reLurn
ln case of servlce by reglsLered mall or by prlvaLe courler Lhe names of Lhe addressees and
Lhe daLes of recelpL of Lhe summons shall be wrlLLen ln Lhe reLurn card or ln Lhe proof of
servlce lssued by Lhe prlvaLe courler lf no servlce was effecLed Lhe reason Lhereof shall be so
sLaLed (n)
SLC1lCn 3 8CPl8l1Lu LLAulnCS Anu MC1lCnS 1he followlng pleadlngs and moLlons
shall noL be allowed and acLed upon nor elevaLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon
a) MoLlon Lo dlsmlss Lhe complalnL excepL on Lhe ground of lack of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer lmproper venue res [udlcaLa prescrlpLlon and forum shopplng
b) MoLlon for a blll of parLlculars
c) MoLlon for new Lrlal
d) eLlLlon for 8ellef from !udgmenL
e) MoLlon Lo declare respondenL ln defaulL
f) MoLlon for reconslderaLlon of any declslon or any order of Lhe Labor ArblLer
g) Appeal from any lnLerlocuLory order of Lhe Labor ArblLer such as buL noL llmlLed Lo an
(1) denylng a moLlon Lo dlsmlss (2) denylng a moLlon Lo lnhlblL (3) denylng a moLlon for
lssuance of wrlL of execuLlon or (4) denylng a moLlon Lo quash wrlL of execuLlon
h) Appeal from Lhe lssuance of a cerLlflcaLe of flnallLy of declslon by Lhe Labor ArblLer
l) Appeal from orders lssued by Lhe Labor ArblLer ln Lhe course of execuLlon proceedlngs
l) Such oLher pleadlngs moLlons and peLlLlons of slmllar naLure lnLended Lo clrcumvenL
above provlslons (3a 8lll)
SLC1lCn 6 MC1lCn 1C ulSMlSS 8efore Lhe daLe seL for Lhe mandaLory conclllaLlon and
medlaLlon conference Lhe respondenL may flle a moLlon Lo dlsmlss on grounds provlded
under SecLlon 3 paragraph (a) hereof Such moLlon shall be lmmedlaLely resolved by Lhe
Labor ArblLer Lhrough a wrlLLen order An order denylng Lhe moLlon Lo dlsmlss or suspendlng
lLs resoluLlon unLll Lhe flnal deLermlnaLlon of Lhe case ls noL appealable (6a)
SLC1lCn 7 LllLC1 Cl lAlLu8L 1C llLL no moLlon Lo dlsmlss shall be allowed or
enLerLalned afLer Lhe lapse of Lhe perlod provlded ln SecLlon 6 hereof (n)
SLC1lCn 8 MAnuA1C8? CCnClLlA1lCn Anu MLulA1lCn CCnlL8LnCL a) 1he mandaLory
conclllaLlon and medlaLlon conference shall be called for Lhe purpose of (1) amlcably seLLllng
Lhe case upon a falr compromlse (2) deLermlnlng Lhe real parLles ln lnLeresL (3) deLermlnlng
Lhe necesslLy of amendlng Lhe complalnL and lncludlng all causes of acLlon (4) deflnlng and
slmpllfylng Lhe lssues ln Lhe case (3) enLerlng lnLo admlsslons or sLlpulaLlons of facLs and (6)
Lhreshlng ouL all oLher prellmlnary maLLers 1he Labor ArblLer shall personally preslde over
and Lake full conLrol of Lhe proceedlngs and may be asslsLed by Lhe Labor ArblLraLlon
AssoclaLe ln Lhe conducL Lhereof
b) ConclllaLlon and medlaLlon efforLs shall be exerLed by Lhe Labor ArblLers all LhroughouL
Lhe mandaLory conferences Any agreemenL enLered lnLo by Lhe parLles wheLher ln parLlal or
full seLLlemenL of Lhe dlspuLe shall be reduced lnLo wrlLlng and slgned by Lhe parLles and
Lhelr counsel or Lhe parLles auLhorlzed represenLaLlves lf any
c) ln any case Lhe compromlse agreemenL shall be approved by Lhe Labor ArblLer lf afLer
explalnlng Lo Lhe parLles parLlcularly Lo Lhe complalnanLs Lhe Lerms condlLlons and
consequences Lhereof he/she ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhey undersLand Lhe agreemenL LhaL Lhe same
was enLered lnLo freely and volunLarlly by Lhem and LhaL lL ls noL conLrary Lo law morals
and publlc pollcy
d) A compromlse agreemenL duly enLered lnLo ln accordance wlLh Lhls SecLlon shall be flnal
and blndlng upon Lhe parLles and shall have Lhe force and effecL of a [udgmenL rendered by
Lhe Labor ArblLer
e) 1he mandaLory conclllaLlon and medlaLlon conference shall excepL for [usLlflable grounds
be LermlnaLed wlLhln LhlrLy (30) calendar days from Lhe daLe of Lhe flrsL conference
f) no moLlon for posLponemenL shall be enLerLalned excepL on merlLorlous grounds and
when flled aL leasL Lhree (3) days before Lhe scheduled hearlng (3a)
SLC1lCn 9 LllLC1 Cl lAlLu8L Cl SL11LLMLn1 lf Lhe parLles fall Lo agree on an amlcable
seLLlemenL elLher ln whole or ln parL durlng Lhe mandaLory conclllaLlon and medlaLlon

conference Lhe Labor ArblLer shall proceed Lo Lhe oLher purposes of Lhe sald conference as
enumeraLed ln SecLlon 8(a) hereof (4a)
SLC1lCn 10 nCnALA8AnCL Cl A81lLS 1he nonappearance of Lhe complalnanL or
peLlLloner durlng Lhe Lwo (2) seLLlngs for mandaLory conclllaLlon and medlaLlon conference
scheduled ln Lhe summons desplLe due noLlce Lhereof shall be a ground for Lhe dlsmlssal of
Lhe case wlLhouL pre[udlce
ln case of nonappearance by Lhe respondenL durlng Lhe flrsL scheduled conference Lhe
second conference as scheduled ln Lhe summons shall proceed lf Lhe respondenL sLlll falls Lo
appear aL Lhe second conference desplLe belng duly served wlLh summons he/she shall be
consldered Lo have walved hls/her rlghL Lo flle poslLlon paper 1he Labor ArblLer shall
lmmedlaLely LermlnaLe Lhe mandaLory conclllaLlon and medlaLlon conference and dlrecL Lhe
complalnanL or peLlLloner Lo flle a verlfled poslLlon paper and submlL evldence ln supporL of
hls/her causes of acLlon and Lhereupon render hls/her declslon on Lhe basls of Lhe evldence
on record (3a)
SLC1lCn 11 Su8MlSSlCn Cl CSl1lCn AL8 Anu 8LL? a) Sub[ecL Lo SecLlons 9 and 10
of Lhls 8ule Lhe Labor ArblLer shall dlrecL Lhe parLles Lo submlL slmulLaneously Lhelr verlfled
poslLlon papers wlLh supporLlng documenLs and affldavlLs lf any on a daLe seL by hlm/her
wlLhln Len (10) calendar days from Lhe daLe of LermlnaLlon of Lhe mandaLory conclllaLlon and
medlaLlon conference
b) no amendmenL of Lhe complalnL or peLlLlon shall be allowed afLer Lhe flllng of poslLlon
papers unless wlLh leave of Lhe Labor ArblLer
c) 1he poslLlon papers of Lhe parLles shall cover only Lhose clalms and causes of acLlon sLaLed
ln Lhe complalnL or amended complalnL accompanled by all supporLlng documenLs lncludlng
Lhe affldavlLs of wlLnesses whlch shall Lake Lhe place of Lhelr dlrecL LesLlmony excludlng
Lhose LhaL may have been amlcably seLLled
d) WlLhln Len (10) days from recelpL of Lhe poslLlon paper of Lhe adverse parLy a reply may
be flled on a daLe agreed upon and durlng a schedule seL before Lhe Labor ArblLer 1he reply
shall noL allege and/or prove facLs and any cause or causes of acLlon noL referred Lo or
lncluded ln Lhe orlglnal or amended complalnL or peLlLlon or ralsed ln Lhe poslLlon paper (7a)
SLC1lCn 12 uL1L8MlnA1lCn Cl nLCLSSl1? Cl PLA8lnC C8 CLA8lllCA1C8? CCnlL8LnCL
lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe submlsslon by Lhe parLles of Lhelr poslLlon paper or reply as Lhe case
may be Lhe Labor ArblLer shall moLu proprlo deLermlne wheLher Lhere ls a need for a
hearlng or clarlflcaLory conference AL Lhls sLage he/she may aL hls/her dlscreLlon and for
Lhe purpose of maklng such deLermlnaLlon ask clarlflcaLory quesLlons Lo furLher ellclL facLs or
lnformaLlon lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe subpoena of relevanL documenLary evldence lf
any from any parLy or wlLness (8a)
SLC1lCn 13 8CLL Cl 1PL LA8C8 A88l1L8 ln PLA8lnC Anu CLA8lllCA1C8? CCnlL8LnCL
a) 1he Labor ArblLer shall Lake full conLrol and personally conducL Lhe hearlng or clarlflcaLory
conference and may ask quesLlons for Lhe purpose of clarlfylng polnLs of law or facLs lnvolved
ln Lhe case 1he Labor ArblLer may allow Lhe presenLaLlon of LesLlmonlal evldence wlLh rlghL
of crossexamlnaLlon by Lhe opposlng parLy and shall llmlL Lhe presenLaLlon of evldence Lo
maLLers relevanL Lo Lhe lssue before hlm/her and necessary for a [usL and speedy dlsposlLlon
of Lhe case
b) 1he Labor ArblLer shall make a wrlLLen summary of Lhe proceedlngs lncludlng Lhe
subsLance of Lhe evldence presenLed ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe parLles 1he wrlLLen summary
shall be slgned by Lhe parLles and shall form parL of Lhe records (9a)
SLC1lCn 14 nCnALA8AnCL Cl A81lLS Anu CS1CnLMLn1 Cl PLA8lnCS Anu
a) 1he parLles and Lhelr counsels appearlng before Lhe Labor ArblLer shall be prepared for
conLlnuous hearlng or clarlflcaLory conference no posLponemenL or conLlnuance shall be
allowed by Lhe Labor ArblLer excepL upon merlLorlous grounds and sub[ecL Lo Lhe
requlremenL of expedlLlous dlsposlLlon of cases 1he hearlng or clarlflcaLory conference shall
be LermlnaLed wlLhln LhlrLy (30) calendar days from Lhe daLe of Lhe lnlLlal clarlflcaLory
b) ln case of nonappearance of any of Lhe parLles durlng Lhe hearlng or clarlflcaLory
conference desplLe due noLlce proceedlngs shall be conducLed exparLe 1hereafLer Lhe case
shall be deemed submlLLed for declslon
c) aragraph (a) of Lhls SecLlon noLwlLhsLandlng ln cases lnvolvlng overseas llllplno workers
Lhe aggregaLe perlod for conducLlng Lhe mandaLory conclllaLlon and medlaLlon conference
lncludlng hearlng on Lhe merlLs or clarlflcaLory conference shall noL exceed slxLy (60) days
whlch shall be reckoned from Lhe daLe of acqulslLlon of [urlsdlcLlon by Lhe Labor ArblLer over
Lhe person of Lhe respondenLs (10a)
SLC1lCn 13 Su8MlSSlCn Cl 1PL CASL lC8 uLClSlCn upon Lhe submlsslon by Lhe parLles
of Lhelr poslLlon papers or replles or Lhe lapse of Lhe perlod Lo submlL Lhe same Lhe case
shall be deemed submlLLed for declslon unless Lhe Labor ArblLer calls for a hearlng or
clarlflcaLory conference ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 12 and 14(a) of Lhls 8ule ln whlch case
noLlce of hearlng or clarlflcaLory conference shall be lmmedlaLely senL Lo Lhe parLles upon
LermlnaLlon of Lhe sald hearlng or conference Lhe case ls deemed submlLLed for declslon
SLC1lCn 16 lnPl8l1lCn A Labor ArblLer may volunLarlly lnhlblL hlmself/herself from Lhe
resoluLlon of a case and shall so sLaLe ln wrlLlng Lhe legal [usLlflcaLlons Lherefor upon moLlon
of a parLy elLher on Lhe ground of relaLlonshlp wlLhln Lhe fourLh clvll degree of consangulnlLy
or afflnlLy wlLh Lhe adverse parLy or counsel or on quesLlon of parLlallLy or oLher [usLlflable

grounds Lhe Labor ArblLer may lnhlblL hlmself/herself from furLher hearlng and decldlng Lhe
case Such moLlon shall be resolved wlLhln flve (3) days from Lhe flllng Lhereof An order
denylng or granLlng a moLlon for lnhlblLlon ls lnappealable (12a)
SLC1lCn 17 L8lCu 1C uLCluL CASL 1he Labor ArblLer shall render hls/her declslon wlLhln
LhlrLy (30) calendar days wlLhouL exLenslon afLer Lhe submlsslon of Lhe case by Lhe parLles
for declslon even ln Lhe absence of sLenographlc noLes rovlded however LhaL cases
lnvolvlng overseas llllplno workers shall be declded wlLhln nlneLy (90) calendar days afLer Lhe
flllng of Lhe complalnL (13a)
SLC1lCn 18 CCn1Ln1S Cl uLClSlCnS 1he declslons and orders of Lhe Labor ArblLer shall
be clear and conclse and shall lnclude a brlef sLaLemenL of Lhe a) facLs of Lhe case b) lssues
lnvolved c) appllcable laws or rules d) concluslons and Lhe reasons Lherefor and e) speclflc
remedy or rellef granLed ln cases lnvolvlng moneLary awards Lhe declslons or orders of Lhe
Labor ArblLer shall conLaln Lhe amounL awarded
ln case Lhe declslon of Lhe Labor ArblLer lncludes an order of relnsLaLemenL lL shall llkewlse
conLaln a) a sLaLemenL LhaL Lhe relnsLaLemenL aspecL ls lmmedlaLely execuLory and b) a
dlrecLlve for Lhe employer Lo submlL a reporL of compllance wlLhln Len (10) calendar days
from recelpL of Lhe sald declslon (14a)
SLC1lCn 19 llnALl1? Cl 1PL uLClSlCn C8 C8uL8 Anu lSSuAnCL Cl CL81lllCA1L Cl
(a) llnallLy of Lhe ueclslon or Crder of Lhe Labor ArblLer lf no appeal ls flled wlLh Lhe
Commlsslon wlLhln Lhe Llme provlded under ArLlcle 223 of Lhe Labor Code as amended and
SecLlon 1 8ule vl of Lhese 8ules Lhe declslon or order of Lhe Labor ArblLer shall become flnal
and execuLory afLer Len (10) calendar days from recelpL Lhereof by Lhe counsel or auLhorlzed
represenLaLlve or Lhe parLles lf noL asslsLed by counsel or represenLaLlve
(b) CerLlflcaLe of llnallLy upon explraLlon of Lhe perlod provlded ln paragraph (a) of Lhls
SecLlon Lhe Labor ArblLer shall lssue a cerLlflcaLe of flnallLy
ln Lhe absence of reLurn cards cerLlflcaLlons from Lhe posL offlce or courler or oLher proofs of
servlce Lo Lhe parLles Lhe Labor ArblLer may lssue a cerLlflcaLe of flnallLy afLer slxLy (60)
calendar days from daLe of malllng (n)
SLC1lCn 20 8LvlvAL Anu 8LCLnlnC C8 8LllLlnC Cl ulSMlSSLu CASL and Lll1lnC Cl
WAlvL8 A parLy may flle a moLlon Lo revlve or reopen a case dlsmlssed wlLhouL pre[udlce
wlLhln Len (10) calendar days from recelpL of noLlce of Lhe order dlsmlsslng Lhe same
oLherwlse Lhe only remedy shall be Lo reflle Lhe case A parLy declared Lo have walved
hls/her rlghL Lo flle poslLlon paper may aL any Llme afLer noLlce Lhereof and before Lhe case
ls submlLLed for declslon flle a moLlon under oaLh Lo seL aslde Lhe order of walver upon
proper showlng LhaL hls/her fallure Lo appear was due Lo [usLlflable and merlLorlous grounds
SLC1lCn 1 L8lCuS Cl ALAL ueclslons awards or orders of Lhe Labor ArblLer shall be
flnal and execuLory unless appealed Lo Lhe Commlsslon by any or boLh parLles wlLhln Len (10)
calendar days from recelpL Lhereof and ln case of declslons or resoluLlons of Lhe 8eglonal
ulrecLor of Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL pursuanL Lo ArLlcle 129 of Lhe Labor
Code wlLhln flve (3) calendar days from recelpL Lhereof lf Lhe 10Lh or 3Lh day as Lhe case
may be falls on a SaLurday Sunday or hollday Lhe lasL day Lo perfecL Lhe appeal shall be Lhe
flrsL worklng day followlng such SaLurday Sunday or hollday
no moLlon or requesL for exLenslon of Lhe perlod wlLhln whlch Lo perfecL an appeal shall be
allowed (1a)
SLC1lCn 2 C8CunuS 1he appeal may be enLerLalned only on any of Lhe followlng
a) lf Lhere ls prlma facle evldence of abuse of dlscreLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe Labor ArblLer or
8eglonal ulrecLor
b) lf Lhe declslon award or order was secured Lhrough fraud or coerclon lncludlng grafL and
c) lf made purely on quesLlons of law and/or
d) lf serlous errors ln Lhe flndlngs of facLs are ralsed whlch lf noL correcLed would cause
grave or lrreparable damage or ln[ury Lo Lhe appellanL (2a)
SLC1lCn 3 WPL8L llLLu 1he appeal shall be flled wlLh Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch or
8eglonal Cfflce where Lhe case was heard and declded
SLC1lCn 4 8LCulSl1LS lC8 L8lLC1lCn Cl ALAL a) 1he appeal shall be
(1) flled wlLhln Lhe reglemenLary perlod provlded ln SecLlon 1 of Lhls 8ule (2) verlfled by Lhe
appellanL hlmself/herself ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 4 8ule 7 of Lhe 8ules of CourL as
amended (3) ln Lhe form of a memorandum of appeal whlch shall sLaLe Lhe grounds relled
upon and Lhe argumenLs ln supporL Lhereof Lhe rellef prayed for and wlLh a sLaLemenL of
Lhe daLe Lhe appellanL recelved Lhe appealed declslon award or order (4) ln Lhree (3) leglbly
LypewrlLLen or prlnLed coples and (3) accompanled by l) proof of paymenL of Lhe requlred
appeal fee and legal research fee ll) posLlng of a cash or sureLy bond as provlded ln SecLlon 6
of Lhls 8ule and lll) proof of servlce upon Lhe oLher parLles

b) A mere noLlce of appeal wlLhouL complylng wlLh Lhe oLher requlslLes aforesLaLed shall noL
sLop Lhe runnlng of Lhe perlod for perfecLlng an appeal
c) 1he appellee may flle wlLh Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch or 8eglonal Cfflce where Lhe
appeal was flled hls/her answer or reply Lo appellanLs memorandum of appeal noL laLer
Lhan Len (10) calendar days from recelpL Lhereof lallure on Lhe parL of Lhe appellee who was
properly furnlshed wlLh a copy of Lhe appeal Lo flle hls/her answer or reply wlLhln Lhe sald
perlod may be consLrued as a walver on hls/her parL Lo flle Lhe same
d) Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 218 of Lhe Labor Code once Lhe appeal ls perfecLed ln
accordance wlLh Lhese 8ules Lhe Commlsslon shall llmlL lLself Lo revlewlng and decldlng only
Lhe speclflc lssues LhaL were elevaLed on appeal (4a)
SLC1lCn 3 ALAL lLL 1he appellanL shall pay Lhe prevalllng appeal fee and legal research
fee Lo Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch or 8eglonal Cfflce of orlgln and Lhe offlclal recelpL of
such paymenL shall form parL of Lhe records of Lhe case (3a)
SLC1lCn 6 8Cnu ln case Lhe declslon of Lhe Labor ArblLer or Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLor lnvolves
a moneLary award an appeal by Lhe employer may be perfecLed only upon Lhe posLlng of a
bond whlch shall elLher be ln Lhe form of cash deposlL or sureLy bond equlvalenL ln amounL
Lo Lhe moneLary award excluslve of damages and aLLorneys fees ln case of sureLy bond Lhe
same shall be lssued by a repuLable bondlng company duly accredlLed by Lhe Commlsslon or
Lhe Supreme CourL and shall be accompanled by orlglnal or cerLlfled Lrue coples of Lhe
a) a [olnL declaraLlon under oaLh by Lhe employer hls/her counsel and Lhe bondlng
company aLLesLlng LhaL Lhe bond posLed ls genulne and shall be ln effecL unLll flnal
dlsposlLlon of Lhe case
b) an lndemnlLy agreemenL beLween Lhe employerappellanL and bondlng company
c) proof of securlLy deposlL or collaLeral securlng Lhe bond provlded LhaL a check shall noL
be consldered as an accepLable securlLy
d) a cerLlflcaLe of auLhorlLy from Lhe lnsurance Commlsslon
e) cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon from Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon
f) cerLlflcaLe of accredlLaLlon and auLhorlLy from Lhe Supreme CourL and
g) noLarlzed board resoluLlon or secreLarys cerLlflcaLe from Lhe bondlng company showlng lLs
auLhorlzed slgnaLorles and Lhelr speclmen slgnaLures
1he Commlsslon Lhrough Lhe Chalrman may on [usLlflable grounds blackllsL a bondlng
company noLwlLhsLandlng lLs accredlLaLlon by Lhe Supreme CourL
A cash or sureLy bond shall be valld and effecLlve from Lhe daLe of deposlL or posLlng unLll
Lhe case ls flnally declded resolved or LermlnaLed or Lhe award saLlsfled 1hls condlLlon shall
be deemed lncorporaLed ln Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhe sureLy bond and shall be blndlng
on Lhe appellanLs and Lhe bondlng company
1he appellanL shall furnlsh Lhe appellee wlLh a cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe sald sureLy bond
wlLh all Lhe abovemenLloned supporLlng documenLs 1he appellee shall verlfy Lhe regularlLy
and genulneness Lhereof and lmmedlaLely reporL any lrregularlLy Lo Lhe Commlsslon
upon verlflcaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon LhaL Lhe bond ls lrregular or noL genulne Lhe
Commlsslon shall cause Lhe lmmedlaLe dlsmlssal of Lhe appeal and censure Lhe responslble
parLles and Lhelr counsels or sub[ecL Lhem Lo reasonable flne or penalLy and Lhe bondlng
company may be blackllsLed
no moLlon Lo reduce bond shall be enLerLalned excepL on merlLorlous grounds and only
upon Lhe posLlng of a bond ln a reasonable amounL ln relaLlon Lo Lhe moneLary award
1he mere flllng of a moLlon Lo reduce bond wlLhouL complylng wlLh Lhe requlslLes ln Lhe
precedlng paragraphs shall noL sLop Lhe runnlng of Lhe perlod Lo perfecL an appeal (6a)
SLC1lCn 7 8LCC8uS Cl CASL Cn ALAL 1he records of a case shall have a correspondlng
lndex of lLs conLenLs whlch shall lnclude Lhe followlng a) Lhe orlglnal copy of Lhe complalnL
b) oLher pleadlngs and moLlons c) mlnuLes of Lhe proceedlngs noLlces LranscrlpLs of
sLenographlc noLes lf any d) declslons orders and resoluLlons as well as proof of servlce
Lhereof lf avallable e) Lhe compuLaLlon of Lhe award f) memorandum of appeal and Lhe
reply or answer LhereLo lf any and proof of servlce lf avallable g) offlclal recelpL of Lhe
appeal fee and h) Lhe appeal bond lf any
1he records shall be chronologlcally arranged and paged promlnenLly
SLC1lCn 8 18AnSMl11AL Cl 8LCC8uS Cl CASL Cn ALAL WlLhln forLyelghL (48) hours
afLer Lhe flllng of Lhe appeal Lhe records of Lhe case shall be LransmlLLed by Lhe 8eglonal
ArblLraLlon 8ranch or offlce of orlgln Lo Lhe Commlsslon
SLC1lCn 9 llLlnC Cl ALAL LllLC1 WlLhouL pre[udlce Lo lmmedlaLe relnsLaLemenL
pendlng appeal under SecLlon 6 of 8ule xl once an appeal ls flled Lhe Labor ArblLer loses
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case All pleadlngs and moLlons perLalnlng Lo Lhe appealed case shall
LhereafLer be addressed Lo and flled wlLh Lhe Commlsslon (9a)

SLC1lCn 10 l8lvCLCuS C8 ulLA1C8? ALALS no appeal from an lnLerlocuLory order
shall be enLerLalned 1o dlscourage frlvolous or dllaLory appeals lncludlng Lhose Laken from
lnLerlocuLory orders Lhe Commlsslon afLer hearlng may censure or clLe ln conLempL Lhe
errlng parLles and Lhelr counsels or sub[ecL Lhem Lo reasonable flne or penalLy (10a)
SLC1lCn 11 ALALS l8CM uLClSlCn Cl C1PL8 ACLnClLS 1he 8ules provlded hereln
governlng appeals from Lhe declslons or orders of Labor ArblLers shall apply Lo appeals Lo Lhe
Commlsslon from declslons or orders of Lhe oLher offlces or agencles appealable Lo Lhe
Commlsslon accordlng Lo law
SLC1lCn 1 !u8lSulC1lCn Cl 1PL CCMMlSSlCn 1he Commlsslon shall exerclse excluslve
orlglnal and appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon ln accordance wlLh law
SLC1lCn 2 CCMCSl1lCn Anu ln1L8nAL lunC1lCnS Cl 1PL CCMMlSSlCn Ln 8AnC Anu
l1S ulvlSlCnS a) ComposlLlon unless oLherwlse provlded by law Lhe Commlsslon shall be
composed of Lhe Chalrman and of LwenLy Lhree (23) Commlssloners
b) Commlsslon Ln 8anc 1he Commlsslon shall slL en banc only for purposes of promulgaLlng
rules and regulaLlons governlng Lhe hearlng and dlsposlLlon of cases before lLs ulvlslons and
8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranches and for Lhe formulaLlon of pollcles affecLlng lLs admlnlsLraLlon
and operaLlons lL may on Lemporary or emergency basls allow cases wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of any ulvlslon Lo be heard by any oLher ulvlslon whose dockeL allows Lhe addlLlonal
workload and such Lransfer wlll noL expose llLlganLs Lo unnecessary addlLlonal expense
c) ulvlslons unless oLherwlse provlded by law Lhe Commlsslon shall exerclse lLs
ad[udlcaLory and all oLher powers funcLlons and duLles Lhrough lLs elghL (8) ulvlslons Lach
ulvlslon shall conslsL of one member from Lhe publlc secLor who shall acL as Lhe resldlng
Commlssloner and one member each from Lhe workers and employers secLors respecLlvely
Cf Lhe elghL (8) ulvlslons Lhe llrsL Second 1hlrd lourLh llfLh and SlxLh ulvlslons shall have
excluslve LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon over appealed cases comlng from Luzon Lhe SevenLh
ulvlslon appealed cases from Lhe vlsayas 8eglon and Lhe LlghLh ulvlslon appealed cases
from Mlndanao lncludlng Lhose from Lhe AuLonomous 8eglon for Musllm Mlndanao
d) PeadquarLers As provlded by law Lhe Commlsslon and lLs llrsL Second 1hlrd lourLh
llfLh and SlxLh ulvlslons for Luzon shall have Lhelr maln offlces ln Lhe naLlonal CaplLal 8eglon
and Lhe SevenLh and LlghLh ulvlslons for vlsayas and Mlndanao ln Lhe clLles of Cebu and
Cagayan de Cro respecLlvely (2a)
SLC1lCn 3 1PL CPAl8MAn 1he Chalrman shall preslde over all sesslons of Lhe Commlsslon
en banc Pe/she ls Lhe resldlng Commlssloner of Lhe llrsL ulvlslon ln case of Lhe effecLlve
absence or lncapaclLy of Lhe Chalrman Lhe resldlng Commlssloner of Lhe Second ulvlslon
shall be Lhe AcLlng Chalrman
1he Chalrman alded by Lhe LxecuLlve Clerk of Lhe Commlsslon shall have admlnlsLraLlve
supervlslon over Lhe Commlsslon and lLs 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranches and all lLs personnel
lncludlng Lhe LxecuLlve Labor ArblLers and Labor ArblLers
SLC1lCn 4 CCMMlSSlCn Ln 8AnC SLSSlCn CuC8uM Anu vC1L a) Commlsslon Ln 8anc
1he Chalrman shall call Lhe Commlsslon Lo an en banc sesslon aL leasL Lwlce a year
preferably on Lhe flrsL week of !une and Lhe flrsL week of uecember Lo dellberaLe and declde
on any maLLer before lL Powever a ma[orlLy of all Lhe members of Lhe Commlsslon may call
a speclal en banc sesslon Lo dlscuss and declde on urgenL and vlLal maLLers whlch need
lmmedlaLe acLlon
b) Cuorum 1he presence of a ma[orlLy of all Lhe members of Lhe Commlsslon shall be
necessary Lo consLlLuLe a quorum 1he voLe or concurrence of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe members
consLlLuLlng a quorum shall be Lhe declslon or resoluLlon of Lhe Commlsslon en banc c)
ulvlslon 1he presence of aL leasL Lwo (2) Commlssloners of a ulvlslon shall consLlLuLe a
quorum 1he concurrence of Lwo (2) Commlssloners of a ulvlslon shall be necessary for Lhe
pronouncemenL of a [udgmenL or resoluLlon
Whenever Lhe requlred membershlp ln a ulvlslon ls noL compleLe and/or Lhe concurrence of
Lwo (2) Commlssloners cannoL be obLalned Lo arrlve aL a [udgmenL or resoluLlon Lhe
Chalrman shall deslgnaLe such number of addlLlonal Commlssloners belonglng Lo Lhe same
secLor from Lhe oLher ulvlslons as may be necessary ln Lhe evenL LhaL all Lhe members of a
dlvlslon lnhlblL Lhemselves from resolvlng a case Lhe Chalrman may creaLe a Speclal ulvlslon
or asslgn Lhe case Lo any of Lhe oLher ulvlslons
d) 8ole of Chalrman ln Lhe ulvlslon 1he Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon may convene and
preslde over Lhe sesslon of any ulvlslon Lo conslder any case pendlng before lL and
parLlclpaLe ln lLs dellberaLlons lf ln hls/her [udgmenL hls/her presence Lhereln wlll besL serve
Lhe lnLeresLs of labor [usLlce Pe/she shall noL however parLlclpaLe ln Lhe voLlng by Lhe
ulvlslon excepL when he/she ls acLlng as resldlng Commlssloner of Lhe ulvlslon ln Lhe
absence of Lhe regular resldlng Commlssloner (4a)
SLC1lCn 3 CCnSuL1A1lCn 1he concluslons of a ulvlslon on any case or maLLer submlLLed
Lo lL for declslon shall be reached ln consulLaLlon before Lhe case ls asslgned Lo a member for
Lhe wrlLlng of Lhe oplnlon lL shall be mandaLory for Lhe ulvlslon Lo meeL for Lhe purpose of
Lhe consulLaLlon ordalned hereln
A cerLlflcaLlon Lo Lhls effecL slgned by Lhe resldlng Commlssloner of Lhe ulvlslon shall be
lssued and a copy Lhereof aLLached Lo Lhe record of Lhe case and served upon Lhe parLles

SLC1lCn 6 ulSSLn1lnC ClnlCn Should any member of a ulvlslon lndlcaLe hls/her
lnLenLlon Lo wrlLe a dlssenLlng oplnlon he/she may flle Lhe same wlLhln Lhe perlod
prescrlbed for decldlng or resolvlng Lhe appeal oLherwlse such wrlLLen dlssenLlng oplnlon
shall noL be consldered parL of Lhe records of Lhe case
SLC1lCn 7 lnPl8l1lCn no moLlon Lo lnhlblL Lhe enLlre ulvlslon of Lhe Commlsslon shall be
enLerLalned Powever any Commlssloner may lnhlblL hlmself/herself from Lhe conslderaLlon
and resoluLlon of any case or maLLer before Lhe ulvlslon and shall so sLaLe ln wrlLlng Lhe legal
or [usLlflable grounds Lherefor ln Lhe evenL LhaL a member lnhlblLs hlmself/herself Lhe case
shall be raffled by Lhe LxecuLlve Clerk or uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerk Lo elLher of Lhe Lwo (2)
remalnlng Commlssloners ln case Lwo (2) Commlssloners ln a ulvlslon lnhlblL Lhemselves ln a
case or maLLer before lL Lhe Chalrman shall as far as pracLlcable appolnL Lwo (2)
Commlssloners from oLher ulvlslons represenLlng Lhe secLor of Lhe Commlssloners who
lnhlblLed Lhemselves
SLC1lCn 8 A8S1Ln1lCn ln Lhe evenL of an absLenLlon and Lhe concurrence of Lwo (2)
Commlssloners Lo arrlve aL a [udgmenL or resoluLlon cannoL be obLalned SecLlon 4 (c)
second paragraph of Lhls 8ule shall apply
SLC1lCn 9 CCnSCLluA1lCn Cl CASLS Appealed and ln[uncLlon cases lnvolvlng Lhe same
parLles lssues or relaLed quesLlons of facL or law shall be consolldaLed before Lhe
Commlssloner Lo whom Lhe case wlLh Lhe lowesL case number ls asslgned noLlce of Lhe
consolldaLlon shall be glven by Lhe LxecuLlve Clerk or uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerk Lo Lhe oLher
members of Lhe concerned ulvlslons
SLC1lCn 10 1LCPnlCAL 8uLLS nC1 8lnulnC 1he rules of procedure and evldence
prevalllng ln courLs of law and equlLy shall noL be conLrolllng and Lhe Commlsslon shall use
every and all reasonable means Lo ascerLaln Lhe facLs ln each case speedlly and ob[ecLlvely
wlLhouL regard Lo LechnlcallLles of law or procedure all ln Lhe lnLeresL of due process
ln any proceedlng before Lhe Commlsslon Lhe parLles may be represenLed by legal counsel
buL lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe Chalrman any resldlng Commlssloner or Commlssloner Lo
exerclse compleLe conLrol of Lhe proceedlngs aL all sLages
SLC1lCn 11 CCnClLlA1lCn Anu MLulA1lCn ln Lhe exerclse of lLs excluslve orlglnal and
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon Lhe Commlsslon may exerL all efforLs Lowards Lhe amlcable seLLlemenL
of a labor dlspuLe
1he seLLlemenL of cases on appeal Lo be valld and blndlng beLween Lhe parLles shall be
approved by Lhe Commlsslon (11a)
SLC1lCn 12 8CLL Cl 1PL LA8C8 A88l1L8 ASSlCnLu 1C 1PL CCMMlSSlCn ln Lhe
resoluLlon of cases on appeal and Lhose menLloned ln 8ules vlll and x Lhe Commlsslon ln
Lhe exlgency of Lhe servlce shall be asslsLed by a Labor ArblLer who may be dlrecLed Lo sLudy
revlew hear and recelve evldence and submlL reporLs Lhereon (12a)
SLC1lCn 13 lC8M Cl uLClSlCn 8LSCLu1lCn Anu C8uL8 1he declslon resoluLlon and
order of Lhe Commlsslon shall sLaLe clearly and dlsLlncLly Lhe flndlngs of facLs lssues and
concluslons of law on whlch lL ls based and Lhe rellef granLed lf any lf Lhe declslon
resoluLlon or order lnvolves moneLary awards Lhe same shall conLaln Lhe speclflc amounL
awarded as of Lhe daLe Lhe declslon ls rendered
SLC1lCn 14 llnALl1? Cl uLClSlCn Cl 1PL CCMMlSSlCn Anu Ln18? Cl !uuCMLn1 a)
llnallLy of Lhe ueclslons 8esoluLlons or Crders of Lhe Commlsslon LxcepL as provlded ln
SecLlon 9 of 8ule x Lhe declslons resoluLlons or orders of Lhe Commlsslon shall become flnal
and execuLory afLer Len (10) calendar days from recelpL Lhereof by Lhe counsel or auLhorlzed
represenLaLlve or Lhe parLles lf noL asslsLed by counsel or represenLaLlve
b) LnLry of !udgmenL upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Len (10) calendar day perlod provlded ln
paragraph (a) of Lhls SecLlon Lhe declslon resoluLlon or order shall be enLered ln a book of
enLrles of [udgmenL
ln Lhe absence of reLurn cards cerLlflcaLlons from Lhe posL offlce or Lhe courler or oLher
proofs of servlce Lo Lhe parLles Lhe LxecuLlve Clerk or uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerk shall conslder
Lhe declslon resoluLlon or order as flnal and execuLory afLer slxLy (60) calendar days from
daLe of malllng (14a)
SLC1lCn 13 MC1lCnS lC8 8LCCnSluL8A1lCn MoLlon for reconslderaLlon of any declslon
resoluLlon or order of Lhe Commlsslon shall noL be enLerLalned excepL when based on
palpable or paLenL errors provlded LhaL Lhe moLlon ls flled wlLhln Len (10) calendar days
from recelpL of declslon resoluLlon or order wlLh proof of servlce LhaL a copy of Lhe same
has been furnlshed wlLhln Lhe reglemenLary perlod Lhe adverse parLy and provlded furLher
LhaL only one such moLlon from Lhe same parLy shall be enLerLalned (13a)
SLC1lCn 1 CLlC? lL ls Lhe declared pollcy of cerLlflcaLlon of labor dlspuLes for compulsory
arblLraLlon Lo ensure and malnLaln lndusLrlal peace based on soclal [usLlce and naLlonal
lnLeresL by havlng a full compleLe and lmmedlaLe seLLlemenL or ad[udlcaLlon of all labor
dlspuLes beLween Lhe parLles as well as lssues LhaL are relevanL Lo or lncldenLs of Lhe
cerLlfled lssues
SLC1lCn 2 CL81lllLu LA8C8 ulSu1LS CerLlfled labor dlspuLes are cases cerLlfled Lo Lhe
Commlsslon for compulsory arblLraLlon under ArLlcle 263 (g) of Lhe Labor Code
SLC1lCn 3 LllLC1S Cl CL81lllCA1lCn a) upon cerLlflcaLlon Lhe lnLended or lmpendlng
sLrlke or lockouL ls auLomaLlcally en[olned noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe flllng of any moLlon for

reconslderaLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon order nor Lhe nonresoluLlon of any such moLlon whlch
may have been duly submlLLed Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SecreLary of Labor and LmploymenL lf a
work sLoppage has already Laken place aL Lhe Llme of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon all sLrlklng or locked
ouL employees shall lmmedlaLely reLurn Lo work and Lhe employer shall lmmedlaLely resume
operaLlons and readmlL all workers under Lhe same Lerms and condlLlons prevalllng before
Lhe sLrlke or lockouL
b) All cases beLween Lhe same parLles excepL where Lhe cerLlflcaLlon order speclfles
oLherwlse Lhe lssues submlLLed for arblLraLlon whlch are already flled or may be flled and
are relevanL Lo or are proper lncldenLs of Lhe cerLlfled case shall be consldered subsumed or
absorbed by Lhe cerLlfled case and shall be declded by Lhe approprlaLe ulvlslon of Lhe
Sub[ecL Lo Lhe second paragraph of SecLlon 4 of 8ule lv Lhe parLles Lo a cerLlfled case under
paln of conLempL shall lnform Lhelr counsels and Lhe ulvlslon concerned of all cases pendlng
wlLh Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranches and Lhe volunLary ArblLraLors relaLlve or lncldenL Lo
Lhe cerLlfled case before lL
c) Whenever a cerLlfled labor dlspuLe lnvolves a buslness enLlLy wlLh several workplaces
locaLed ln dlfferenL reglons Lhe ulvlslon havlng LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe prlnclpal offlce
of Lhe company shall acqulre [urlsdlcLlon Lo declde such labor dlspuLe unless Lhe cerLlflcaLlon
order provldes oLherwlse
SLC1lCn 4 LllLC1S Cl uLllAnCL noncompllance wlLh Lhe cerLlflcaLlon order of Lhe
SecreLary of Labor and LmploymenL shall be consldered as an lllegal acL commlLLed ln Lhe
course of Lhe sLrlke or lockouL and shall auLhorlze Lhe Commlsslon Lo enforce Lhe same
under paln of lmmedlaLe dlsclpllnary acLlon lncludlng dlsmlssal or loss of employmenL sLaLus
or paymenL by Lhe locklngouL employer of backwages damages and/or oLher afflrmaLlve
rellef even crlmlnal prosecuLlon agalnsL Lhe llable parLles
1he Commlsslon may also seek Lhe asslsLance of law enforcemenL agencles Lo ensure
compllance and enforcemenL of lLs orders and resoluLlons
SLC1lCn 3 8CCLuu8L ln CL81lllLu CASLS a) When Lhere ls no need Lo conducL a
clarlflcaLory hearlng Lhe Commlsslon shall resolve all cerLlfled cases wlLhln LhlrLy (30)
calendar days from recelpL by Lhe asslgned Commlssloner of Lhe compleLe records whlch
shall lnclude Lhe poslLlon papers of Lhe parLles and Lhe order of Lhe SecreLary of Labor and
LmploymenL denylng Lhe moLlon for reconslderaLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon order lf any
b) Where a clarlflcaLory hearlng ls needed Lhe Commlsslon shall wlLhln flve (3) calendar days
from recelpL of Lhe records lssue a noLlce Lo be served on Lhe parLles Lhrough Lhe fasLesL
means avallable requlrlng Lhem Lo appear and submlL addlLlonal evldence lf any All
cerLlfled cases shall be resolved by Lhe Commlsslon wlLhln slxLy (60) calendar days from
recelpL of Lhe compleLe records by Lhe asslgned Commlssloner
c) no moLlon for exLenslon or posLponemenL shall be enLerLalned (3a)
SLC1lCn 6 LxLCu1lCn Cl !uuCMLn1 ln CL81lllLu CASL upon lssuance of Lhe enLry of
[udgmenL Lhe Commlsslon moLu proprlo or upon moLlon by Lhe proper parLy may cause Lhe
execuLlon of Lhe [udgmenL ln Lhe cerLlfled case
SLC1lCn 1 ul8LC1 CCn1LM1 1he Chalrman or any Commlssloner or Labor ArblLer may
summarlly ad[udge gullLy of dlrecL conLempL any person commlLLlng any acL of mlsbehavlor
ln Lhe presence of or so near Lhe Chalrman or any Commlssloner or Labor ArblLer as Lo
obsLrucL or lnLerrupL Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe same lncludlng dlsrespecL Loward sald
offlclals offenslve acLs Loward oLhers or refusal Lo be sworn or Lo answer as a wlLness or Lo
subscrlbe Lo an affldavlL or deposlLlon when lawfully requlred Lo do so lf Lhe offense ls
commlLLed agalnsL Lhe Commlsslon or any member Lhereof Lhe same shall be punlshed by a
flne noL exceedlng llve Pundred esos (30000) or lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng flve (3)
days or boLh and lf Lhe offense ls commlLLed agalnsL any Labor ArblLer Lhe same shall be
punlshed by a flne noL exceedlng Cne Pundred esos (10000) or lmprlsonmenL noL
exceedlng one (1) day or boLh
Any person ad[udged gullLy of dlrecL conLempL by a Labor ArblLer may wlLhln a perlod of flve
(3) calendar days from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL appeal Lhe same Lo Lhe Commlsslon and Lhe
execuLlon of sald [udgmenL shall be suspended pendlng resoluLlon of Lhe appeal upon Lhe
flllng by sald person of a bond on condlLlon LhaL he wlll ablde by and perform Lhe [udgmenL
should Lhe appeal be declded agalnsL hlm/her A [udgmenL of Lhe Commlsslon on dlrecL
conLempL shall be lmmedlaLely execuLory and lnappealable
SLC1lCn 2 lnul8LC1 CCn1LM1 1he Commlsslon or any Labor ArblLer pursuanL Lo ArLlcle
218 (d) of Lhe Labor Code may clLe any person for lndlrecL conLempL and lmpose Lhe
approprlaLe penalLy under any of Lhe followlng grounds
a) Mlsbehavlor of any offlcer or employee ln Lhe performance of hls/her offlclal duLles or ln
hls/her offlclal LransacLlon
b) ulsobedlence of or reslsLance Lo a lawful wrlL order or declslon
c) Any abuse of or any unlawful lnLerference wlLh Lhe processes or proceedlngs noL
consLlLuLlng dlrecL conLempL
d) Any lmproper conducL Lendlng dlrecLly or lndlrecLly Lo lmpede obsLrucL or degrade Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce
e) Assumlng Lo be an aLLorney or a represenLaLlve of parLy wlLhouL auLhorlLy

f) lallure Lo obey a subpoena duly served or
g) CLher grounds analogous Lo Lhe foregolng
A Where charge Lo be flled Where Lhe charge for lndlrecL conLempL has been commlLLed
agalnsL Lhe Commlsslon or agalnsL an Cfflcer appolnLed by lL Lhe charge may be flled wlLh
Lhe Commlsslon Where such conLempL has been commlLLed agalnsL Lhe Labor ArblLer Lhe
charge may be flled wlLh Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch sub[ecL Lo appeal Lo Lhe
Commlsslon ln Lhe same manner as provlded ln SecLlon 1 of Lhls 8ule
8 Pow proceedlngs commenced roceedlngs for lndlrecL conLempL may be lnlLlaLed moLu
proprlo by Lhe Commlsslon or any Labor ArblLer by an order or any oLher formal charge
requlrlng Lhe respondenL Lo show cause why he/she should noL be punlshed for conLempL ln
all oLher cases a charge for lndlrecL conLempL shall be commenced by a verlfled peLlLlon wlLh
supporLlng parLlculars and cerLlfled Lrue coples of documenLs or papers lnvolved Lhereln and
upon full compllance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs for flllng lnlLlaLory pleadlngs ln Lhe Commlsslon
lf Lhe conLempL charge arose ouL of or ls relaLed Lo a prlnclpal acLlon pendlng ln Lhe
Commlsslon or 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch Lhe peLlLlon for conLempL shall allege LhaL facL
buL sald peLlLlon shall be consolldaLed heard and declded separaLely unless Lhe
Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer ln lLs/hls/her dlscreLlon orders Lhe consolldaLlon of Lhe
conLempL charge and Lhe prlnclpal acLlon for [olnL hearlng and declslon
C Pearlng upon Lhe daLe seL for hearlng Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer shall proceed Lo
lnvesLlgaLe Lhe charge and conslder such commenL answer defense or LesLlmony as Lhe
respondenL may make or offer lallure Lo aLLend Lhe scheduled hearlng and Lo glve a
saLlsfacLory explanaLlon ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer wlll resulL ln Lhe
walver of Lhe respondenL Lo be presenL durlng Lhe hearlng
u unlshmenL for lndlrecL conLempL lf Lhe respondenL ls ad[udged gullLy of lndlrecL
conLempL commlLLed agalnsL Lhe Commlsslon or any member Lhereof he/she may be
punlshed by a flne of Cne 1housand (100000) esos per day for every acL of lndlrecL
conLempL and lf Lhe offense ls commlLLed agalnsL any Labor ArblLer Lhe same may be
punlshed by a flne of llve Pundred (30000) esos per day for every acL of lndlrecL
conLempL Lach day of deflance of or dlsobedlence Lo or nonenforcemenL of a flnal order
resoluLlon declslon rullng ln[uncLlon or processes shall consLlLuLe an lndlrecL conLempL of
Lhe Commlsslon lf Lhe conLempL conslsLs of Lhe vlolaLlon of an ln[uncLlon or omlsslon Lo do
an acL whlch ls wlLhln Lhe power of Lhe respondenL Lo perform Lhe respondenL shall ln
addlLlon be made llable for damages as a consequence Lhereof 1he damages shall be
measured by Lhe exLenL of Lhe loss or ln[ury susLalned by Lhe aggrleved parLy by reason of
Lhe acLs or omlsslons of whlch Lhe conLempL ls belng prosecuLed and Lhe cosLs of Lhe
proceedlngs lncludlng paymenL of lnLeresL on damages
L A wrlL of execuLlon may be lssued Lo enforce Lhe declslon lmposlng such flne and/or
consequenL damages as punlshmenL for lndlrecL conLempL (2a)
SLC1lCn 1 ln!unC1lCn ln C8ulnA8? LA8C8 ulSu1LS A prellmlnary ln[uncLlon or
resLralnlng order may be granLed by Lhe Commlsslon Lhrough lLs ulvlslons pursuanL Lo Lhe
provlslons of paragraph (e) of ArLlcle 218 of Lhe Labor Code as amended when lL ls
esLabllshed on Lhe basls of Lhe sworn allegaLlons ln Lhe peLlLlon LhaL Lhe acLs complalned of
lnvolvlng or arlslng from any labor dlspuLe before Lhe Commlsslon whlch lf noL resLralned or
performed forLhwlLh may cause grave or lrreparable damage Lo any parLy or render
lneffecLual any declslon ln favor of such parLy
A cerLlflcaLlon of nonforum shopplng shall accompany Lhe peLlLlon for ln[uncLlon
1he wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon or Lemporary resLralnlng order shall become effecLlve only
upon posLlng of Lhe requlred cash bond ln Lhe amounL Lo be deLermlned by Lhe Commlsslon
Lo answer for any damage LhaL may be suffered by Lhe parLy en[olned lf lL ls flnally
deLermlned LhaL Lhe peLlLloner ls noL enLlLled LhereLo
SLC1lCn 2 ln!unC1lCn ln S18lkLS C8 LCCkCu1S A prellmlnary or permanenL ln[uncLlon
may be granLed by Lhe Commlsslon only afLer hearlng Lhe LesLlmony of wlLnesses and wlLh
opporLunlLy for crossexamlnaLlon ln supporL of Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe complalnL or peLlLlon
made under oaLh and LesLlmony by way of opposlLlon LhereLo lf offered and only afLer a
flndlng of facL by Lhe Commlsslon
a) 1haL prohlblLed or unlawful acLs have been LhreaLened and wlll be commlLLed and wlll be
conLlnued unless resLralned buL no ln[uncLlon or Lemporary resLralnlng order shall be lssued
on accounL of any LhreaL prohlblLed or unlawful acL excepL agalnsL Lhe person or persons
assoclaLlon or organlzaLlon maklng Lhe LhreaL or commlLLlng Lhe prohlblLed or unlawful acL or
acLually auLhorlzlng or raLlfylng Lhe same afLer acLual knowledge Lhereof
b) 1haL subsLanLlal and lrreparable ln[ury Lo peLlLloners properLy wlll follow
c) 1haL as Lo each lLem of rellef Lo be granLed greaLer ln[ury wlll be lnfllcLed upon Lhe
peLlLloner by Lhe denlal of rellef Lhan wlll be lnfllcLed upon respondenLs by Lhe granLlng of
d) 1haL peLlLloner has no adequaLe remedy aL law and
e) 1haL Lhe publlc offlcers charged wlLh Lhe duLy Lo proLecL peLlLloners properLy are unable
or unwllllng Lo furnlsh adequaLe proLecLlon
SLC1lCn 3 PLA8lnC nC1lCL 1PL8LCl Pearlngs shall be held afLer due and personal
noLlce Lhereof has been served ln such manner as Lhe Commlsslon shall dlrecL Lo all known
persons agalnsL whom rellef ls soughL and also Lo Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve and oLher publlc

offlclals of Lhe provlnce or clLy wlLhln whlch Lhe unlawful acLs have been LhreaLened or
commlLLed charged wlLh Lhe duLy Lo proLecL peLlLloners properLy
SLC1lCn 4 8LCL1lCn Cl LvluLnCL uLLLCA1lCn 1he recepLlon of evldence for Lhe
appllcaLlon of a wrlL of ln[uncLlon may be delegaLed by Lhe Commlsslon Lo any of lLs Labor
ArblLers who shall conducL such hearlngs ln such places as he/she may deLermlne Lo be
accesslble Lo Lhe parLles and Lhelr wlLnesses and shall LhereafLer submlL hls/her reporL and
recommendaLlon Lo Lhe Commlsslon wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from such delegaLlon
SLC1lCn 3 CCuLA8 lnSLC1lCn 1he Chalrman any Commlssloner Labor ArblLer or Lhelr
duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlves may aL any Llme durlng worklng hours conducL an ocular
lnspecLlon on any esLabllshmenL bulldlng shlp or vessel place or premlses lncludlng any
work maLerlal lmplemenL machlnery appllance or any ob[ecL Lhereln and ask any
employee laborer or any person as Lhe case may be for any lnformaLlon or daLa concernlng
any maLLer or quesLlon relaLlve Lo Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe peLlLlon
1he ocular lnspecLlon reporLs shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe approprlaLe ulvlslon wlLhln LwenLy
four (24) hours from Lhe conducL Lhereof
SLC1lCn 6 1LMC8A8? 8LS18AlnlnC C8uL8 8LCulSl1LS lf Lhe peLlLloner shall also allege
LhaL unless a Lemporary resLralnlng order shall be lssued wlLhouL noLlce a subsLanLlal and
lrreparable ln[ury Lo peLlLloners properLy wlll be unavoldable such a Lemporary resLralnlng
order may be lssued upon LesLlmony under oaLh or by affldavlLs of Lhe peLlLloners
wlLnesses sufflclenL lf susLalned Lo [usLlfy Lhe Commlsslon ln Lhe lssuance Lhereof
SLC1lCn 7 CASP 8Cnu no Lemporary resLralnlng order or wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon
shall be lssued excepL on Lhe condlLlon LhaL peLlLloner shall flrsL flle an underLaklng Lo answer
for Lhe damages and posL a cash bond ln Lhe amounL of llfLy 1housand esos (3000000)
or such hlgher amounL as may be deLermlned by Lhe Commlsslon Lo recompense Lhose
en[olned for any loss expense or damage caused by Lhe lmprovldenL or erroneous lssuance
of such order or ln[uncLlon lncludlng all reasonable cosLs LogeLher wlLh a reasonable
aLLorneys fee and expense of defense agalnsL Lhe order or agalnsL Lhe granLlng of any
ln[uncLlve rellef soughL ln Lhe same proceedlng and subsequenLly denled by Lhe Commlsslon
SLC1lCn 8 LllLC1lvl1? Cl 1LMC8A8? 8LS18AlnlnC C8uL8 A Lemporary resLralnlng
order shall be effecLlve for no longer Lhan LwenLy (20) days reckoned from Lhe posLlng of Lhe
cash bond requlred under Lhe precedlng secLlon uurlng Lhe sald perlod Lhe parLles shall be
requlred Lo presenL evldence Lo subsLanLlaLe Lhelr respecLlve poslLlons ln Lhe maln peLlLlon
SLC1lCn 9 LllLC1S Cl uLllAnCL 1he order or resoluLlon en[olnlng Lhe performance of
lllegal acLs shall be lmmedlaLely execuLory ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms Lhereof ln case of
noncompllance Lhe Commlsslon shall lmpose such sancLlons and shall lssue such orders as
may be necessary Lo lmplemenL Lhe sald order or resoluLlon lncludlng Lhe enllsLmenL of law
enforcemenL agencles havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe area for Lhe purpose of enforclng Lhe
SLC1lCn 10 C8ulnA8? 8LMLu? ln LAW C8 ln LCul1? noLhlng ln Lhls 8ule shall deprlve
any parLy havlng a clalm or cause of acLlon under or upon such underLaklng from elecLlng Lo
pursue hls/her ordlnary remedy by sulL aL law or ln equlLy
SLC1lCn 1 LxLCu1lCn uCn llnALl1? Cl uLClSlCn C8 C8uL8 a) A wrlL of execuLlon may
be lssued moLu proprlo or on moLlon upon a declslon or order LhaL has become flnal and
b) lf an appeal has been duly perfecLed and flnally resolved by Lhe Commlsslon a moLlon for
execuLlon may be flled before Lhe Labor ArblLer when Lhe laLLer has possesslon of Lhe case
records or upon submlsslon of cerLlfled Lrue coples of Lhe declslons or flnal order/s soughL Lo
be enforced lncludlng noLlce of declslon or order and Lhe enLry of [udgmenL copy furnlshed
Lhe adverse parLy
c) LxcepL LhaL as provlded for ln SecLlon 18 of 8ule v ln relaLlon Lo SecLlon 9 of Lhls 8ule and
ln Lhose cases where parLlal execuLlon ls allowed by law Lhe Labor ArblLer shall reLaln
dupllcaLe orlglnal coples of Lhe declslon Lo be lmplemenLed and proof of servlce Lhereof for
Lhe purpose of lmmedlaLe enforcemenL (1a)
SLC1lCn 2 LxLCu1lCn 8? MC1lCn C8 8? lnuLLnuLn1 AC1lCn ursuanL Lo ArL 224 of
Lhe Labor Code a declslon or order may be execuLed on moLlon wlLhln flve (3) years from Lhe
daLe lL becomes flnal and execuLory AfLer Lhe lapse of such perlod Lhe [udgmenL shall
become dormanL and may only be enforced by an lndependenL acLlon before Lhe 8eglonal
ArblLraLlon 8ranch of orlgln and wlLhln a perlod of Len (10) years from daLe of lLs flnallLy (8a)
SLC1lCn 3 LllLC1 Cl L8lLC1lCn Cl ALAL Cn LxLCu1lCn 1he perfecLlon of an appeal
shall sLay Lhe execuLlon of Lhe declslon of Lhe Labor ArblLer excepL execuLlon for
relnsLaLemenL pendlng appeal (9a)
SLC1lCn 4 LllLC1 Cl L1l1lCn lC8 CL81lC8A8l Cn LxLCu1lCn A peLlLlon for cerLlorarl
wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals or Lhe Supreme CourL shall noL sLay Lhe execuLlon of Lhe assalled
declslon unless a resLralnlng order ls lssued by sald courLs (10a)
SLC1lCn 3 8LLxLCu1lCn CCnlL8LnCL WlLhln Lwo (2) worklng days from recelpL of a
moLlon for Lhe lssuance of a wrlL of execuLlon whlch shall be accompanled by a compuLaLlon
of a [udgmenL award lf necessary Lhe Commlsslon or Lhe Labor ArblLer may schedule a pre
execuLlon conference Lo Lhresh ouL maLLers relevanL Lo execuLlon lncludlng Lhe flnal
compuLaLlon of moneLary award 1he pre execuLlon conference shall noL exceed flfLeen (13)
calendar days from Lhe lnlLlal schedule unless Lhe parLles agreed Lo an exLenslon

Any order lssued by Lhe Labor ArblLer ln Lhe preexecuLlon conference ls noL appealable
sub[ecL Lo Lhe remedles avallable under 8ule xll (2a)
SLC1lCn 6 lSSuAnCL CCn1Ln1S Anu LllLC1lvl1? Cl A W8l1 Cl LxLCu1lCn 1he wrlL of
execuLlon shall lssue ln Lhe name of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes slgned by Lhe Commlsslon
or Labor ArblLer orderlng Lhe Sherlff Lo execuLe Lhe declslon order or award of Lhe
Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer and musL conLaln Lhe compleLe name of Lhe parLy wheLher
naLural or [urldlcal agalnsL whom Lhe wrlL of execuLlon was lssued Lhe dlsposlLlve porLlon
Lhereof Lhe amounL lf any Lo be demanded and all legal fees Lo be collecLed from Lhe
loslng parLy or any oLher person requlred by law Lo obey Lhe same
A wrlL of execuLlon shall be effecLlve for a perlod of flve (3) years from lssuance Lhereof ln
case of parLlal saLlsfacLlon of [udgmenL durlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe wrlL Lhe Labor ArblLer shall
moLu proprlo lssue an updaLed wrlL reflecLlng Lhe amounL collecLed and Lhe remalnlng
balance (3a)
SLC1lCn 7 LnlC8CLMLn1 Cl W8l1 Cl LxLCu1lCn ln execuLlng a declslon resoluLlon or
order Lhe Sherlff or oLher auLhorlzed offlcer acLlng as Sherlff of Lhe Commlsslon shall serve
Lhe wrlL wlLhln Lhree (3) days from recelpL of Lhe same sub[ecL Lo Lhe requlremenLs of
SecLlons 12 and 13 of Lhls 8ule and shall be gulded sLrlcLly by Lhese 8ules and by Lhe Manual
on LxecuLlon of !udgmenL whlch shall form parL of Lhese 8ules ln Lhe absence of appllcable
rules Lhe 8ules of CourL as amended shall be applled ln a suppleLory manner (7a)
SLC1lCn 8 MAnnL8 Cl LxLCu1lCn Cl MCnL1A8? !uuCMLn1 a) lmmedlaLe paymenL on
demand 1he Sherlff shall enforce a moneLary [udgmenL by demandlng Lhe lmmedlaLe
paymenL of Lhe full amounL sLaLed ln Lhe wrlL of execuLlon and all legal fees from Lhe loslng
parLy or any oLher person requlred by law Lo obey Lhe same
b) ln Lhe evenL of fallure or refusal of Lhe loslng parLy Lo pay Lhe [udgmenL award Lhe Sherlff
shall lmmedlaLely proceed agalnsL Lhe cash deposlL or sureLy bond posLed by Lhe loslng parLy
lf any
c) lf Lhe bondlng company refuses Lo pay or Lhe bank holdlng Lhe cash deposlL of Lhe loslng
parLy refuses Lo release Lhe garnlshed amounL desplLe Lhe order or perLlnenL processes
lssued by Lhe Labor ArblLer or Lhe Commlsslon Lhe presldenL or Lhe responslble offlcers or
auLhorlzed represenLaLlves of Lhe sald bondlng company or Lhe bank who reslsLed or caused
Lhe noncompllance shall be elLher clLed for conLempL or held llable for reslsLance and
dlsobedlence Lo a person ln auLhorlLy or Lhe agenLs of such person as provlded under Lhe
perLlnenL provlslon of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code 1hls rule shall llkewlse apply Lo any person or
parLy who unlawfully reslsLs or refuses Lo comply wlLh Lhe break open order lssued by Lhe
Labor ArblLer or Lhe Commlsslon
lor Lhls purpose Lhe Labor ArblLer or Lhe Commlsslon may lssue an order dlrecLlng Lhe
sherlff Lo requesL Lhe asslsLance of law enforcemenL agencles Lo ensure compllance wlLh Lhe
wrlL of execuLlon orders or processes
A bondlng company clLed for conLempL or for an offense deflned and punlshable under Lhe
perLlnenL provlslon of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code shall be barred from LransacLlng buslness wlLh
Lhe Commlsslon
d) Should Lhe cash deposlL or sureLy bond be lnsufflclenL or ln case Lhe sureLy bond cannoL
be proceeded agalnsL for any reason Lhe Sherlff shall wlLhln flve (3) days from demand
execuLe Lhe moneLary [udgmenL by garnlshlng bank deposlLs credlLs recelvables and oLher
personal properLy noL capable of manual dellvery lf Lhe same ls noL enough proceed Lo levy
Lhe personal properLy of Lhe loslng parLy and lf sLlll lnsufflclenL agalnsL Lhe real properLy noL
exempL from execuLlon sufflclenL Lo cover Lhe [udgmenL award whlch may be dlsposed of
for value aL a publlc aucLlon Lo Lhe hlghesL bldder
e) roceeds of execuLlon shall be deposlLed wlLh Lhe Cashler of Lhe concerned ulvlslon or
8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch or wlLh an auLhorlzed deposlLary bank Where paymenL ls made
ln Lhe form of a check Lhe same shall be payable Lo Lhe Commlsslon
f) lor moneLary [udgmenL on cases lnvolvlng overseas llllplno workers Lhe manner of
execuLlon shall be ln accordance wlLh 8epubllc AcL no 10022 (3a)
SLC1lCn 9 LxLCu1lCn Cl 8LlnS1A1LMLn1 LnulnC ALAL ln case Lhe declslon lncludes
an order of relnsLaLemenL and Lhe employer dlsobeys Lhe dlrecLlve under Lhe second
paragraph of SecLlon 18 of 8ule v or refuses Lo relnsLaLe Lhe dlsmlssed employee Lhe Labor
ArblLer shall lmmedlaLely lssue wrlL of execuLlon even pendlng appeal dlrecLlng Lhe
employer Lo lmmedlaLely relnsLaLe Lhe dlsmlssed employee elLher physlcally or ln Lhe payroll
and Lo pay Lhe accrued salarles as a consequence of such nonrelnsLaLemenL ln Lhe amounL
speclfled ln Lhe declslon
1he Sherlff shall serve Lhe wrlL of execuLlon upon Lhe employer or any oLher person requlred
by law Lo obey Lhe same lf he/she dlsobeys Lhe wrlL such employer or person may be clLed
for conLempL ln accordance wlLh 8ule lx (6a)
SLC1lCn 10 8LSCLu1lCn Cl MC1lCn 1C CuASP A moLlon Lo quash shall be resolved by
Lhe Labor ArblLer wlLhln Len (10) worklng days from submlsslon of sald moLlon for resoluLlon
1he mere flllng of a moLlon Lo quash shall noL sLay execuLlon proceedlngs (11a)
SLC1lCn 11 1Pl8u A81? CLAlM a) lf Lhe properLy levled ls clalmed by any person oLher
Lhan Lhe loslng parLy such person may flle a Lhlrd parLy clalm noL laLer Lhan flve (3) days
from Lhe lasL day of posLlng or publlcaLlon of Lhe noLlce of execuLlon sale oLherwlse Lhe
clalm shall be forever barred Such Lhlrd parLy clalm musL comply wlLh Lhe followlng

(1) An affldavlL sLaLlng LlLle Lo properLy or rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon Lhereof wlLh supporLlng
(2) osLlng of a bond equlvalenL Lo Lhe amounL of Lhe clalm or [udgmenL award whlchever ls
lower and
(3) aymenL of prevalllng flllng fee
b) Where flled 1he Lhlrd parLy clalm shall be flled wlLh Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer
where Lhe execuLlon proceedlng ls pendlng wlLh proof of servlce of coples Lhereof Lo Lhe
Sherlff and Lhe prevalllng parLy
c) LffecL of llllng 1he flllng of a Lhlrd parLy clalm LhaL has complled wlLh Lhe requlremenLs
seL forLh under paragraph (a) of Lhls SecLlon shall auLomaLlcally suspend Lhe proceedlngs
wlLh respecL Lo Lhe execuLlon of Lhe properLles sub[ecL of Lhe Lhlrd parLy clalm
upon approval of Lhe bond Lhe Labor ArblLer shall lssue an order releaslng Lhe levled
properLy or a parL Lhereof sub[ecL of Lhe clalm unless Lhe prevalllng parLy posLs a counLer
bond ln an amounL noL less Lhan Lhe value of Lhe levled properLy
1he Labor ArblLer may requlre Lhe posLlng of addlLlonal bond upon showlng by Lhe oLher
parLy LhaL Lhe bond ls lnsufflclenL
d) roceedlngs 1he proprleLy of Lhe Lhlrd parLy clalm shall be resolved wlLhln Len (10)
worklng days from submlsslon of Lhe clalm for resoluLlon 1he declslon of Lhe Labor ArblLer ls
noL appealable buL may be elevaLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon and resolved ln accordance wlLh 8ule
xll hereof endlng resoluLlon Lhereof execuLlon shall proceed agalnsL all oLher properLles
noL sub[ecL of Lhe Lhlrd parLy clalm (12a)
SLC1lCn 12 SPL8lllS 8L1u8n Anu 8LC81 1he wrlL of execuLlon shall be reLurned Lo
Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe full saLlsfacLlon of Lhe [udgmenL
award ln case of parLlal or nonsaLlsfacLlon of Lhe [udgmenL Lhe sherlff enforclng Lhe wrlL
shall submlL a reporL updaLlng Lhe Commlsslon or Labor ArblLer who lssued Lhe wrlL of
execuLlon on Lhe sLaLus of Lhe enforcemenL Lhereof noL laLer Lhan LhlrLy (30) days from
recelpL of such wrlL and every LhlrLy (30) days LhereafLer durlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe wrlL unless
fully saLlsfled A copy of Lhe reporL shall be furnlshed Lhe Chalrman and Lhe LxecuLlve Labor
lallure on Lhe parL of Lhe Sherlff Lo submlL Lhe reporL or reLurn requlred under SecLlon 12 of
Lhls 8ule wlLhln Lhe sLaLed perlod shall sub[ecL hlm/her Lo admlnlsLraLlve flne under 8ule xlv
of Lhls 8ule or suspenslon for flfLeen (13) days wlLhouL pay or boLh (13a 14a)
SLC1lCn 13 uLSlCnA1lCn Cl SLClAL SPL8lllS 1he Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon may
deslgnaLe speclal Sherlffs and Lake any measure under exlsLlng laws Lo ensure compllance
wlLh Lhe declslons resoluLlons or orders of Lhe Commlsslon and Lhose of Labor ArblLers
SLC1lCn 14 LllLC1 Cl 8LvL8SAL Cl LxLCu1Lu !uuCMLn1 Where Lhe execuLed
[udgmenL ls LoLally or parLlally reversed or annulled by Lhe CourL of Appeals or Lhe Supreme
CourL Lhe Labor ArblLer shall on moLlon lssue such orders of resLlLuLlon of Lhe execuLed
award excepL wages pald durlng relnsLaLemenL pendlng appeal
SLC1lCn 1 vL8lllLu L1l1lCn A parLy aggrleved by any order or resoluLlon of Lhe Labor
ArblLer lncludlng Lhose lssued durlng execuLlon proceedlngs may flle a verlfled peLlLlon Lo
annul or modlfy such order or resoluLlon 1he peLlLlon may be accompanled by an appllcaLlon
for Lhe lssuance of a Lemporary resLralnlng order and/or wrlL of prellmlnary or permanenL
ln[uncLlon Lo en[oln Lhe Labor ArblLer or any person acLlng under hls/her auLhorlLy Lo deslsL
from enforclng sald resoluLlon or order
SLC1lCn 2 C8CunuS 1he peLlLlon flled under Lhls 8ule may be enLerLalned only on any of
Lhe followlng grounds
a) lf Lhere ls prlma facle evldence of abuse of dlscreLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe Labor ArblLer
b) lf serlous errors ln Lhe flndlngs of facLs are ralsed whlch lf noL correcLed would cause
grave or lrreparable damage or ln[ury Lo Lhe peLlLloner
c) lf a parLy by fraud accldenL mlsLake or excusable negllgence has been prevenLed from
Laklng an appeal
d) lf made purely on quesLlons of law or
e) lf Lhe order or resoluLlon wlll cause ln[usLlce lf noL recLlfled
SLC1lCn 3 WPLn Anu WPL8L llLLu noL laLer Lhan Len (10) calendar days from recelpL of
Lhe order or resoluLlon of Lhe Labor ArblLer Lhe aggrleved parLy may flle a peLlLlon wlLh Lhe
Commlsslon furnlshlng a copy Lhereof Lo Lhe adverse parLy
SLC1lCn 4 8LCulSl1LS Cl 1PL L1l1lCn 1he peLlLlon flled under Lhls 8ule shall a) be
accompanled by a clear orlglnal or cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe order or resoluLlon assalled
LogeLher wlLh clear coples of documenLs relevanL or relaLed Lo Lhe sald order or resoluLlon
for Lhe proper undersLandlng of Lhe lssue/s lnvolved b) conLaln Lhe arblLral dockeL number
and appeal dockeL number lf any c) sLaLe Lhe maLerlal daLe showlng Lhe Llmellness of Lhe

peLlLlon d) be verlfled by Lhe peLlLloner hlmself/herself ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 4 8ule 7
of Lhe 8ules of CourL as amended e) be ln Lhe form of a memorandum whlch shall sLaLe Lhe
ground/s relled upon Lhe argumenL/s ln supporL Lhereof and Lhe rellefs prayed for f) be ln
Lhree (3) leglbly wrlLLen or prlnLed coples and g) be accompanled by l) cerLlflcaLe of non
forum shopplng ll) proof of servlce upon Lhe oLher parLy/les and Lhe Labor ArblLer who
lssued Lhe order or resoluLlon belng assalled or quesLloned and lll) proof of paymenL of Lhe
requlred fees
SLC1lCn 3 1PL u8LlC Anu 8lvA1L 8LSCnuLn1S lMLLAuLu ln 1PL L1l1lCn 1he
Labor ArblLer shall be [olnLly lmpleaded wlLh Lhe prlvaLe respondenL as a publlc respondenL
ln a nomlnal capaclLy As used ln Lhls 8ule Lhe prlvaLe respondenL refers Lo Lhe parLy
lnLeresLed ln susLalnlng Lhe order or resoluLlon of Lhe Labor ArblLer lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe
prlvaLe respondenL Lo appear and defend boLh ln hls/her behalf and LhaL of Lhe publlc
respondenL and Lhe cosL awarded ln such proceedlngs ln favor of Lhe peLlLloner shall be
agalnsL Lhe prlvaLe respondenL only 1he publlc respondenL shall noL appear or flle an answer
or commenL Lo Lhe peLlLlon or any pleadlng Lhereln
SLC1lCn 6 SL8vlCL Anu llLlnC Cl LLAulnCS 1he parLy flllng Lhe pleadlngs shall serve
Lhe oLher parLy wlLh coples Lhereof ln accordance wlLh 8ule 13 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
furnlshlng Lhe Labor ArblLer wlLh a copy
lf Lhe lasL day Lo serve and flle a pleadlng falls on a SaLurday Sunday or hollday Lhe pleadlng
shall be served and flled on Lhe flrsL worklng day lmmedlaLely followlng such SaLurday
Sunday or Pollday
SLC1lCn 7 AnSWL8 1C 1PL L1l1lCn WlLhln Len(10) calendar days from Lhe recelpL of
Lhe peLlLlon Lhe prlvaLe respondenL shall flle hls/her answer Lhereln sLaLlng Lhe ground/s
why Lhe peLlLlon should be denled lallure on Lhe parL of Lhe prlvaLe respondenL Lo flle
hls/her answer wlLhln Lhe sald perlod may be consLrued as a walver Lo flle Lhe same
SLC1lCn 8 CCSl1lCn 1C 1PL ln!unC1lvL 8LLlLl WPLn llLLu ln case Lhe peLlLloner
also prays for an ln[uncLlve rellef Lhe prlvaLe respondenL may flle hls/her verlfled opposlLlon
or commenL Lo Lhe appllcaLlon for ln[uncLlve rellef noL laLer Lhan flve (3) calendar days from
recelpL of a copy of Lhe peLlLlon
SLC1lCn 9 LllLC1 Cl llLlnC Cl L1l1lCn upon flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe proceedlngs
before Lhe Labor ArblLer shall conLlnue unless resLralned ln case of execuLlon Lhe
proceedlngs ln accordance wlLh 8ule xl of Lhese 8ules shall noL be suspended buL no money
collecLed or credlL garnlshed may be released or properLles levled upon be sold by publlc
aucLlon wlLhln flfLeen (13) calendar days from Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon lf no Lemporary
resLralnlng order or wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon ls lssued wlLhln Lhe sald perlod Lhe money
collecLed or credlL garnlshed shall be released and/or Lhe properLles levled upon sold by
publlc aucLlon and Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale applled Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL
ln case of execuLlon proceedlngs Lhe Labor ArblLer shall lmmedlaLely lnform ln wrlLlng Lhe
Commlsslon or Lhe ulvlslon where Lhe peLlLlon ls pendlng of Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe [udgmenL
and lf clrcumsLances warranL Lhe Commlsslon shall dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon for belng mooL
1he records of Lhe case shall noL be elevaLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon unless oLherwlse ordered
SLC1lCn 10 vL8lllLu ALlCA1lCn lSSuAnCL Cl 1LMC8A8? 8LS18AlnlnC C8uL8 C8
8LLlMlnA8? ln!unC1lCn 8Cnu upon Lhe flllng of a verlfled appllcaLlon for ln[uncLlve
rellef LogeLher wlLh supporLlng affldavlLs and documenLs Lhe Commlsslon may lssue a wrlL
of a prellmlnary ln[uncLlon based on any of Lhe appllcable grounds provlded for ln SecLlon 3
8ule 38 of Lhe 8ules of CourL for Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLles pendlng
resoluLlon of Lhe peLlLlon 1he wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon shall be effecLlve for a non
exLendlble perlod of slxLy (60) calendar days from servlce on Lhe prlvaLe respondenL
lf lL shall appear from facLs shown by Lhe verlfled appllcaLlon and affldavlLs LhaL greaL and
lrreparable damage and/or ln[ury would resulL Lo Lhe peLlLloner before Lhe peLlLlon can be
resolved Lhe Commlsslon may lssue a Lemporary resLralnlng order ex parLe effecLlve for a
nonexLendlble perlod of LwenLy (20) calendar days from servlce on Lhe prlvaLe respondenL
ln Lhe lssuance of a Lemporary resLralnlng order or wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon Lhe
Commlsslon shall requlre Lhe posLlng of a cash bond ln Lhe amounL of llfLy 1housand esos
(3000000) or such hlgher amounL as may be deLermlned by Lhe Commlsslon Lo
recompense Lhose en[olned for any loss expense or damage caused by Lhe lmprovldenL or
erroneous lssuance of such order or ln[uncLlon lncludlng all reasonable cosLs
An addlLlonal cash bond may be requlred by Lhe Commlsslon ln Lhe lssuance of a wrlL of
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon
SLC1lCn 11 LllLC1lvl1? Cl 1LMC8A8? 8LS18AlnlnC C8uL8 C8 W8l1 Cl 8LLlMlnA8?
ln!unC1lCn 1he Lemporary resLralnlng order or wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon shall become
effecLlve only upon posLlng of Lhe requlred cash bond
ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon for a wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon ls denled or noL resolved
wlLhln Lhe sald perlod Lhe Lemporary resLralnlng order ls deemed auLomaLlcally vacaLed
1he appllcaLlon for a Lemporary resLralnlng order or a wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon may be
denled or lf granLed may be dlssolved on any grounds provlded for ln SecLlon 6 8ule 38 of
Lhe 8ules of CourL
SLC1lCn 12 LllLC1 Cl ln!unC1lCn 1he lssuance of a Lemporary resLralnlng order or a
wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon unless oLherwlse declared by Lhe Commlsslon shall noL
suspend Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe Labor ArblLer or sLay Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe wrlL of
execuLlon buL shall only resLraln or en[oln such parLlcular acL/s as Lhereln decreed Lo be
resLralned or en[olned

SLC1lCn 13 8LSCLu1lCn Cl L1l1lCn lf Lhe Commlsslon flnds LhaL Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe
peLlLlon are Lrue lL shall a) render [udgmenL for Lhe rellef prayed for or Lo whlch Lhe
peLlLloner ls enLlLled and/or b) granL a flnal ln[uncLlon perpeLually en[olnlng Lhe Labor
ArblLer or any person acLlng under hls/her auLhorlLy from Lhe commlsslon of Lhe acL/s or
conflrmlng Lhe prellmlnary ln[uncLlon Powever Lhe Commlsslon may dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon lf
lL flnds Lhe same Lo be paLenLly wlLhouL merlL prosecuLed manlfesLly for delay or LhaL Lhe
quesLlons ralsed Lhereln are Loo unsubsLanLlal Lo requlre conslderaLlon
SLC1lCn 14 8LCCvL8? l8CM 1PL ln!unC1lCn 8Cnu 1he amounL of damages LhaL may
be recovered by Lhe prlvaLe respondenL from Lhe ln[uncLlon bond of Lhe peLlLloner shall be
ascerLalned and awarded ln Lhe declslon/order/resoluLlon flnally dlsposlng of Lhe lssue on
Lhe appllcaLlon for ln[uncLlon
SLC1lCn 13 nC ALAL l8CM 1PL C8uL8 C8 8LSCLu1lCn Cl 1PL LA8C8 A88l1L8 A8lSlnC
l8CM LxLCu1lCn 8CCLLulnCS C8 C1PL8 lnCluLn1S LxcepL by way of a peLlLlon flled ln
accordance wlLh Lhls 8ule no appeal from Lhe order or resoluLlon lssued by Lhe Labor ArblLer
durlng Lhe execuLlon proceedlngs or ln relaLlon Lo lncldenLs oLher Lhan a declslon or
dlsposlLlon of Lhe case on Lhe merlLs shall be allowed or acLed upon by Lhe Commlsslon
SLC1lCn 1 SLAL Cl 1PL CCMMlSSlCn 1he seal of Lhe naLlonal Labor 8elaLlons
Commlsslon shall be of sLandard slze clrcular wlLh Lhe lnscrlpLlon runnlng from lefL Lo rlghL
on Lhe upper ouLslde edge Lhe words nA1lCnAL LA8C8 8LLA1lCnS CCMMlSSlCn and Lhe
lower ouLslde edge Lhe words 8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS wlLh a deslgn aL Lhe cenLer
conLalnlng Lhe coaL of arms of Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL
SLC1lCn 2 1PL LxLCu1lvL CLL8k 1he LxecuLlve Clerk shall asslsL Lhe Commlsslon when
slLLlng en banc and when acLlng Lhrough Lhe llrsL ulvlslon and shall perform such slmllar or
equlvalenL funcLlons and duLles as are dlscharged by Lhe Clerk of CourL of Lhe CourL of
SLC1lCn 3 uLu1? LxLCu1lvL CLL8kS 1he uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerks of Lhe oLher ulvlslons
shall asslsL Lhe Commlsslon when acLlng Lhrough lLs ulvlslon and shall perform slmllar
funcLlons and duLles as dlscharged by Lhe uepuLy Clerks of CourL of Lhe CourL of Appeals and
as enumeraLed hereln as funcLlons of Lhe LxecuLlve Clerk relaLlve Lo Lhelr respecLlve
ulvlslons (3a)
SLC1lCn 4 uu1lLS Anu lunC1lCnS Cl 1PL LxLCu1lvL CLL8k Anu uLu1? LxLCu1lvL
CLL8kS a) CusLody of Seal and 8ooks Pe/she shall keep ln hls/her care and cusLody Lhe
Seal of Lhe Commlsslon LogeLher wlLh all Lhe books necessary for Lhe recordlng of Lhe
proceedlngs of Lhe Commlsslon lncludlng Lhe records flles and exhlblLs
b) llllng of leadlngs Pe/she shall recelve and flle all cases and pleadlngs and documenLs
lndlcaLlng Lhereon Lhe daLe and Llme flled All pleadlngs shall be flled ln Lhree (3) leglbly
LypewrlLLen coples ln legal slze c) 8affle and AsslgnmenL of Cases Pe/she shall asslgn
appealed cases for sLudy or reporL sLrlcLly by raffle or as dlrecLed by Lhe Chalrman ln Lhls
connecLlon Lhe raffle of cases for sLudy or reporL musL be aLLended by Lhe duly deslgnaLed
represenLaLlve of Lhe Members of Lhe approprlaLe ulvlslon
d) Servlce of rocesses Crders and ueclslons Pe/she shall serve parLles and counsel
processes noLlces of hearlngs coples of declslons resoluLlons or orders lssued by Lhe
Commlsslon by reglsLered mall by courler or by personal servlce and lmmedlaLely aLLach Lhe
reLurns or proofs of dellvery Lhereof Lo Lhe records
e) Commlsslon Calendar and MlnuLes 8ook Pe/she shall prepare Lhe Commlsslon or
ulvlslon calendars of sesslons aLLend such sesslons personally and lmmedlaLely prepare Lhe
mlnuLes Lhereof lor Lhls purpose he/she shall keep a mlnuLes book
f) Ceneral uockeL 1he LxecuLlve Clerk shall keep a general dockeL for Lhe Commlsslon each
page of whlch shall be numbered and prepared for recelvlng all Lhe enLrles ln a slngle page
and shall enLer Lhereln all orlglnal and appealed cases before lL numbered consecuLlvely ln
Lhe order ln whlch Lhey were recelved and under Lhe headlng of each case Lhe daLe and
hour of each pleadlng flled of each order declslon or resoluLlon enLered and of each oLher
sLep or acLlon Laken ln Lhe case so LhaL by reference Lo any slngle page Lhe hlsLory of Lhe
case may be known
g) romulgaLlon and romulgaLlon 8ook Pe/she shall promulgaLe declslons and flnal
resoluLlons on Lhe same daLe Lhe same ls flled wlLh hls/her offlce and lndlcaLe Lhe daLe and
Llme of promulgaLlon and aLLesL Lhe same by hls/her slgnaLure on Lhe flrsL page Lhereof
Pe/she shall lmmedlaLely furnlsh Lhe Chalrman wlLh a copy of such declslon resoluLlon or
order wlLh a summary of Lhe naLure Lhereof and Lhe lssue lnvolved Lhereln Pe/she shall keep
a promulgaLlon book whlch lndlcaLes Lhe daLe and Llme of promulgaLlon Lhe case number
LlLle of Lhe case Lhe ponenLe Lhe naLure of Lhe declslon or flnal resoluLlon and Lhe acLlon
Laken by Lhe Commlsslon by quoLlng Lhe dlsposlLlve porLlon Lhereof noLlces of sald
declslons resoluLlons or orders shall be senL ln sealed envelopes Lo parLles and Lhelr counsel
wlLhln forLyelghL (48) hours from promulgaLlon
h) LnLry of !udgmenL Pe shall keep a book of enLrles of [udgmenL declslons resoluLlons
and orders conLalnlng ln chronologlcal order Lhe enLrles of all flnal declslons resoluLlons and
orders of Lhe Commlsslon
l) ulsposlLlon and 8emand of 8ecords upon enLry of [udgmenL he/she shall lmmedlaLely
remand Lhe records of Lhe case Lo Lhe 8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranch of orlgln 8eglonal
ulrecLor or hls/her duly auLhorlzed offlcer as Lhe case may be 1he 8ecords unlL shall
lmmedlaLely posL sald records wlLhouL delay wlLhln Lwo (2) worklng days

[) MonLhly AccompllshmenL 8eporLs Pe/she shall submlL a monLhly accompllshmenL
reporL of Lhe Commlsslon or ulvlslon noL laLer Lhan Lhe 7Lh day of Lhe followlng monLh
k) CLher luncLlons Pe/she shall perform oLher funcLlons as dlrecLed by Lhe Chalrman or
Lhe Commlsslon en banc (4a)
SLC1lCn 3 8CA8u SLC8L1A8lLS 1he 8oard SecreLarles of Lhe Commlsslon shall asslsL Lhe
LxecuLlve Clerk or uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerks ln Lhe performance of Lhelr duLles and funcLlons
relaLlve Lo Lhe Commlsslon or Lhelr respecLlve ulvlslons
SLC1lCn 6 lSSuAnCL Cl CL81lllLu CClLS unless oLherwlse resLrlcLed by SecLlon 8
hereof Lhe LxecuLlve Clerk uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerks and Lhe auLhorlzed offlcers of Lhe
8eglonal ArblLraLlon 8ranches shall prepare for any person asklng for Lhe same a cerLlfled
copy under Lhe Seal of Lhe Commlsslon of any paper record declslon resoluLlon order or
enLry by and ln hls/her offlce proper Lo be cerLlfled afLer paymenL of Lhe sLandard fees Lo
Lhe Commlsslon duly recelpLed for rovlded LhaL a pauper llLlganL as deflned by law shall
be exempLed from paylng any fee for cerLlfled coples of any documenL lncludlng LranscrlpLs
of sLenographlc noLes
SLC1lCn 7 CWL8 1C AuMlnlS1L8 CA1P 1he Chalrman Members of Lhe Commlsslon Lhe
LxecuLlve Clerk Lhe uepuLy LxecuLlve Clerks Lhe LxecuLlve Labor ArblLers Lhe Labor
ArblLers and oLher persons deslgnaLed or commlssloned by Lhe Chalrman of Lhe
Commlsslon shall have Lhe power Lo admlnlsLer oaLh on all maLLers or proceedlngs relaLed
Lo Lhe performance of Lhelr duLles
SLC1lCn 8 ACCLSS 1C CCMMlSSlCn 8LCC8uS All offlclal records of Lhe Commlsslon shall
be open Lo Lhe publlc durlng regular offlce hours excepL Lhose kepL by lL ln Lhe naLure of
confldenLlal reporLs records or communlcaLlons whlch cannoL be dlvulged wlLhouL vlolaLlng
prlvaLe rlghLs or pre[udlclng Lhe publlc lnLeresL MlnuLes of hearlngs or sesslons may noL be
dlvulged unLll afLer promulgaLlon of Lhe declslon or resoluLlon
SecLlon 1 lMCSl1lCn Cl llnLS 1he Commlsslon and Labor ArblLers by auLhorlLy of Lhe
Chalrman may afLer hearlng lmpose admlnlsLraLlve flnes whlch shall noL be less Lhan llve
Pundred esos (30000) nor more Lhan 1en 1housand esos (1000000) Lo ensure
compllance wlLh declslons orders or awards
1he lmposlLlon Lhereof may be enforced Lhrough lssuance of a wrlL of execuLlon (n)
SLC1lCn 1 LllLC1lvl1? 1hese 8ules shall Lake effecL flfLeen (13) days afLer publlcaLlon ln
Lwo (2) newspapers of general clrculaLlon
Slgned Lhls 31sL day of May 2011 aL uavao ClLy hlllpplnes

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