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Java Resources

B.1 Resources1
The Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Web site is an essential stop when searching the Web for Java infor-
mation. Go to this site to download the Java 2 Software Development Kit. This site offers news, in-
formation, on-line support, code samples and more.
This site reviews the Sun Microsystems, Inc. code conventions for the Java programming language.
This site provides a wide variety of information on Java and other Internet-related topics. The Java
directory page contains links to thousands of Java applets and other Java resources.
The Gamelan site has been a wonderful Java resource since the early days of Java. This site originally
was a large Java repository where individuals traded ideas on Java and examples of Java programming.
One of its early benefits was the volume of Java source code that was available to the many people learn-
ing Java. It is now an all-around Java resource with Java references, free Java downloads, areas where
you can ask questions of Java experts, discussion groups on Java, a glossary of Java terminology, up-
coming Java events, directories for specialized industry topics and hundreds of other Java resources.
Another Earthweb.com Web site is JARS—originally called the Java Applet Rating Service. The
JARS site calls itself the “#1 Java Review Service.” This site originated as a large Java repository for
applets. Its benefit was that it rated every applet registered at the site as top 1%, top 5% and top 25%,
so you could immediately view the best applets on the Web. Early in the development of the Java lan-
guage, having your applet rated here was a great way to demonstrate your Java programming abilities.
JARS is now another all-around resource for Java programmers.

1. There are many Java-related Web sites that cover more advanced Java topics such as servlets, Java-
Server Pages (JSP), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), database, Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Java
2 Micro Edition (J2ME), Security, XML and many more. These sites are provided in our compan-
ion book, Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program (ISBN# 0-13-089560-1).
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Appendix B Java Resources 1349

On the Sun Microsystems Java Web site, visit the Java Developer Connection. The site includes tech-
nical support, discussion forums, on-line training courses, technical articles, resources, announce-
ments of new Java features, early access to new Java technologies and links to other important Java
Web sites. Even though the site is free, you must register to use it.
This page has several animated Java applets with the source code provided. This site is an excellent
resource for information on Java. The page provides software, notes and a list of hyperlinks to other
resources. Under software you will find animated applets, utility classes and applications.
The JavaWorld online magazine provides a collection of Java articles, tips, news and discussions. A
questions area of this site addresses both general and specific problems programmers face.
The Java Toys Web site includes links to the latest Java news, Java User Groups (JUGs), FAQs, tools,
Java-related mailing lists, books and white papers.
The Development Exchange Java Zone site includes Java discussion groups, an “ask the Java Pro”
section and some recent Java news.
This site provides the latest Java news. It also has some helpful Java resources including a Java FAQ
List, a tutorial called Brewing Java, Java User Groups, Java Links, the Java Book List, Java Trade
Shows, Java Training and Exercises.
Yahoo, a popular World Wide Web search engine, provides a complete Java resource. You can initiate
a search using key words or explore the categories listed at the site including games, contests, events,
tutorials and documentation, mailing lists, security and more.
The IBM Developers Java Technology Zone site lists the latest news, tools, code, case studies and
events related to IBM and Java.

B.2 Products
Download the Java 2 SDK and other Java products from the Sun Microsystems Java Products page.
The NetBeans IDE is a customizable, platform independent, visual programming development envi-
The Borland JBuilder IDE home page has news, product information and customer support.
At this site you will find information on how to enhance the performance of server-side Java applica-
tions along with free evaluation copies of native Java compilers.
Visit the Symantec site for information on their Visual Café Integrated Development Environment.
Download and read more about the IBM Visual Age for Java development environment.
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1350 Java Resources Appendix B

The Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE supports a few programming languages, including Java.

B.3 FAQs
This is a comprehensive resource for both Java language basics and more advanced topics in Java Pro-
gramming. Section 6: Language Issues and Section 11: Common Errors and Problems may be par-
ticularly useful, as they clarify situations that often are not explained well.
This is another FAQ which covers a fairly broad slice of topics in Java. This includes some good code
samples and hints for getting projects to compile and run.
The Java Toys Web site includes links to FAQs on a broad range of Java-related topics.
This is a thorough compilation of FAQs on Java and related subjects. Questions can be read in order
or searched for by subject.

B.4 Tutorials
Several tutorials are on the sites listed in the Resources section.
The Java Tutorial Site has a number of tutorials, including sections on JavaBeans, JDBC, RMI, Serv-
lets, Collections and Java Native Interface.
This site provides the latest Java news. It also has some helpful Java resources including the Java FAQ
List, a tutorial called Brewing Java, Java User Groups, Java Links, the Java Book List, Java Confer-
ences, Java Course Notes and Java Seminar Slides.

B.5 Magazines
The JavaWorld on-line magazine is an excellent resource for current Java information. You will find
news clips, conference information and links to Java-related Web sites.
Catch up with the latest Java news at the Java Developer’s Journal site. This magazine is one of the
premier resources for Java news.
The Java Report is a great resource for Java developers. You will find the latest industry news, sample
code, event listings, products and jobs.
The JAVAPro is an excellent Java developer resource with up-to-the-minute technical articles.

B.6 Java Applets

This page contains a variety of Java applet resources, including free applets you can use on your own
Web site, the demonstration applets from the J2SDK and a variety of other applets. There is a section
entitled “Applets at Work” where you can read about applets in industry.
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Appendix B Java Resources 1351

On the Sun Microsystems Java Web site, visit the Java Developer Connection. This free site has close
to one million members. The site includes technical support, discussion forums, on-line training
courses, technical articles, resources, announcements of new Java features, early access to new Java
technologies, and links to other important Java Web sites.
Gamelan, a site owned by EarthWeb, has been a wonderful Java resource since the early days of Java.
This site originally was a large Java repository where individuals traded ideas on Java and examples
of Java programming. One of its early benefits was the volume of Java source code that was available
to the many people learning Java. It is now an all-around Java resource with Java references, free Java
downloads, areas where you can ask questions to Java experts, discussion groups on Java, a glossary
of Java-related terminology, upcoming Java-related events, directories for specialized industry topics
and hundreds of other Java resources.
Another EarthWeb Web site is JARS—originally called the Java Applet Rating Service. The JARS site
calls itself the “#1 Java Review Service.” This site originally was a large Java repository for applets.
Its benefit was that it rated every applet registered at the site as top 1%, top 5% and top 25%, so you
could immediately view the best applets on the Web. Early in the development of the Java language,
having your applet rated here was a great way to demonstrate your Java programming abilities. JARS
is now another all-around resource for Java programmers.

B.7 Multimedia
This is the Java Media Framework home page on the Java Web site. Here you can download the latest
Sun implementation of the JMF (see Chapter 22). The site also contains the documentation for the
The NASA multimedia gallery contains a wide variety of images, audio clips and video clips that you
can download and use to test your Java multimedia programs.
The Sunsite Japan Multimedia Collection also provides a wide variety of images, audio clips and vid-
eo clips that you can download for educational purposes.
The Australian National Botanic Gardens Web site provides links to the audio clips of many animal
This site provides an HTML-based on-line guide to the Java Media Framework API.

B.8 Newsgroups
Newsgroups are forums on the Internet in which people can post questions, responses, hints
and clarifications for other users. Newsgroups can be a valuable resource to anyone learning
Java or anyone with questions on specific Java topics. When posting your own questions to
a newsgroup, provide specific details of the problem you are trying to solve (such as a prob-
lem with a program you are writing). This will enable other people reading the newsgroup
to understand your posting and (hopefully) provide a response to you. Be sure to specify a
subject heading that clearly states your problem. If you are responding to other people’s
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1352 Java Resources Appendix B

questions, verify your response before posting it to ensure that the response is correct.
Newsgroups should not be used to promote products or services, nor should contact infor-
mation (such as email addresses for other newsgroup users) be used for unrelated purposes.
These are generally not forums for chatting, so posts should be courteous and to the point.
Normally, newsgroup reader software is required for you to interact with a newsgroup.
Such software is provided as part of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Outlook Express,
and there are many other newsgroup software programs available. You also can access
newsgroups through the Web. If you do not use newsgroups already, try the Google site


Type the name of the group you would like to view (you can also search for newsgroups)
and you will be presented with a list of that newsgroup’s current topics and questions. List-
ed below are some Java newsgroups that you may find useful.
This group is an active center of discussion for current Java culture, including the merits of different
programming languages.
This group provides announcements on major additions to Java, new class libraries and conferences.
This groups contains questions about bugs, compile errors, Java specifications and which classes are
most appropriate for different situations.
This group responds to problems encountered working with Java graphical user interfaces. If you are
having trouble with a particular component, layout or event, this may be a good place to start.
This group is particularly active. It addresses many language and environment issues. Questions in-
clude requests for classes or algorithms that solve a specific problem.
For people interested in the inner workings of Java, this group focuses on the Java Virtual Machine.
This group contains everything from job postings to questions about the Java documentation and is
mainly for questions that do not fit into other Java newsgroup categories.
This group is another extremely active forum that addresses a range of questions. Posts tend to be
largely project-oriented and concerned with overall program style and structure.
This newsgroup is centered around Java software products, their uses, their faults and possible mod-
ifications. Some questions about writing effective software are also included here.
This is a new group devoted to the technical aspects of Java and its inner workings.

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