Case Assignment MM 1

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1) Should Mr. Vora continue his business?

Ans: Yes, Mr. Vora should continue his business for the following reasons:
a) His product quality was good and could easily compete with their rival brand.
b) The listing price of Blossom was less when compared to the champion Oats. (Rs.
83 approx. vs Rs. 93)
c) Mr. Vora seems to have problem only with distribution part. Since he has already
identified problem, now he can continue improving his distribution system.

2) What are major problems faced by Vora and company?

Ans: Following are the major problems faced by Vora and Company:
a) Mr. Vora had disappointing sales all across the country.
b) Mr. Vora’s main distributors was serving as mere intermediary when in actuality,
Mr. Vora was expecting him to be the sole distributors to retailers.
c) The sub distributors appointed by R.C. Ramanathan and various other main
distributors of other regions were new in the business and they were not able to
efficiently handle the task.
d) Mr. Vora’s marketing campaign failed miserably and the company pulled out its
hands from advertising as the activity did not help in increasing the sales at all.

3) Should Vora make any changes in decision concerning

i) product and packaging
Ans: Yes, they should change the packaging as the packaging is almost similar to their
competitor’s. It is not original enough. Their packaging is also very simple and
doesn’t inspire a sense of being premium. The green background with big red font is
not suitable at all.
ii) advertisements and promotion
Ans: There is not much information given regarding how he spent Rs. 4000 in pursuit
of brand promotion. He also needs to revisit the promotion strategy and should focus
on such channels which directly reaches out to his target customers.

iii) pricing
Ans: The pricing of Blossom brand is already less than its competitors. So, no
revision is required here.
iv) sales and distribution?
Ans: This needs a complete overhaul. Either the main distributors need to be
summoned and ask to remove sub distributors and do the work themselves. Or the
main distributors must be removed after giving proper training and instructions to the
sub distributors, eventually making them the sole distributors.

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