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Day 7
All flights at Luton Airport ……………………….. until the afternoon due to a ………………………..that engulfed a
terminal ………………………..evening.
The ………………………..structural ……………………… the multi-story car park, and
Bedfordshire ……………………….. believes ………………………..blaze that started in a vehicle.
Fortunately, ……………………….., though some ………………………..were treated for smoke inhalation. The
airport is focused on ………………………..and aims to ………………………...
The car park, ……………………….., may have ………………………... Sprinklers were ……………………….., and
recommendations ………………………..are expected. Numerous ……………………… the incident, leading
to ………………………...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has unveiled ………………………..……………………….., a 103.5-megawatt
initiative by ………………………..Masdar.
This development is ………………………..………………………..ahead of hosting the COP 28 climate summit.
The ………………………..………………………..annually across four locations and
is ………………………..………………………..yearly, equivalent to ………………………..………………………...
Masdar ………………………..with PowerChina and GoldWind International to ………………………..capable
of harnessing ……………………….., thanks to ………………………..and aerodynamics. Notably, the UAE’s move
toward renewable energy is complemented by its ………………………...
………………………..………………………..on Saturday morning, with tremors felt in Papua New
Guinea, ……………………….., and Afghanistan.
So far, ………………………..………………………..there are only casualties in one
country. ………………………..Herat in western Afghanistan, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake was
recorded, ………………………..……………………….., killing at least 15 people and ………………………...
However, ………………………..………………………... The initial ………………………..………………………..tremors
that collapsed ………………………..and left people trapped beneath rubble. Afghanistan
is prone to seismic ………………………..………………………..of the Indian tectonic plate with the Eurasian plate to
the ………………………...
……………………….., Mexico and Papua New Guinea were struck by quakes of 6.3 and 6.7 ………………………..,
but they ………………………..………………………... Mild shaking was felt
but ………………………..………………………..of ……………………… southern Oaxaca where it hit.
………………………..……………………….., India plays a significant, ……………………….., role in
the ………………………..
………………………..……………………….., exclusivity, and European
craftsmanship, ………………………..………………………..India for skilled labor
and embroidery work. ………………………..……………………….. concealed for years
to ………………………..………………………..about ………………………...
While Western ………………………..proudly display ‘Made in France’ or ‘Made in Italy’ labels, much of
the intricate embroidery and labor-intensive ………………………..………………………... This lack of transparency
has ………………………..ethics of the fashion industry. ………………………..………………………..and underwent
over 2,000 hours of embroidery work in India; however, it ………………………..………………………..touches in
Europe, despite bearing a ‘Made in France’ label.
Despite these practices, some luxury brands
are ………………………..………………………..India’s artisanal legacy. However,
it ………………………..……………………… an industry built on ………………………..and secrecy.
Day 8
In the Peruvian rainforest, scientists at Los Amigos ………………………..………………………..
gold mining is ………………………..………………………...
Scientists are studying Amazonian rodents, like a very ……………………….., to check for mercury contamination.
Mercury ………………………..………………………... It can hurt animals and
people. ………………………..……………………….., from rats to monkeys, are affected by this pollution. The
Amazon rainforest has many different plants and animals, but ………………………..………………………...
Mercury may cause animals to ………………………..………………………... Scientists want to ………………………..
and how it could affect animals around the world.
An 18-year-old German driver of a hatchback Toyota ………………………..………………………..with a 62-tonne
tank. She ………………………..unharmed ………………………..………………………..crushed.
People say that the learner driver pulled out in front of
a convoy of ………………………..……………………….., apparently ………………………..………………………..the
tank’s right of way. The 24-year-old ……………………… the controls of the Challenger 2 tank
was ……………………….., but he did manage to turn it so that it ………………………..………………………...
………………………..………………………..cleared of any ………………………..and people say
that ……………………….. ……………………….. (1,000 US dollars). ………………………..……………………….., the
tank was unscathed.
A video shows a ………………………..created to see how passers-by react to breastfeeding
in ………………………... Two actors ………………………..……………………… initiate the experiment.
One of the actors, a woman, ………………………..………………………..which was met with criticism from a
man ………………………..………………………... He, too, was an actor. He said that he felt ‘a bit uncomfortable
about’ the breastfeeding and would prefer that the woman not do it in front of
him. ………………………..……………………….., and ………………………..………………………..escalating.
After the seat between the two vacated, ………………………..………………………..took the seat and told the man
that ………………………..………………………... Not long after,
a ………………………..………………………..everyone of the experiment.
The UK’s first drone ………………………..………………………..that can be conducted permanently has been
launched in Orkney to ………………………..………………………...
Orkey’s a group of islands, and it’s ………………………..………………………... The Orkney I-Port initiative, in
collaboration with Royal Mail and drone company Skyports, ………………………..………………………... The
program involves ………………………..……………………….. council’s harbor ………………………..and Loganair
Airline. Initially ……………………….., the drone service
may ………………………..………………………..Orkney’s ………………………..and close
island proximity. ………………………..………………………..enhance delivery speed and reliability
to ……………………….. Graemsay and Hoy, often affected
by ………………………..………………………..disruptions.
The fully electric drones, operated by Skyports, ………………………..………………………..Speedbird Aero DLV-2
drone, ………………………..………………………... This effort is funded by the Department for Transport’s Freight
Innovation Fund.
Day 9
………………………..………………………..for Airbnb, film maker Leon
Stuparich ………………………..………………………..Glastonbury on foot, completely relying on
the ………………………...
He said that he wanted to test whether ………………………..………………………..………………………...
His group’s experience was that ………………………..……………………… understand that person’s story as
well, then people will ………………………..………………………... They automatically turn around and say, ‘Well,
what can we do for you? What can we offer?’
People made his group tea, ………………………..……………………….. and one time,
even ………………………..………………………... Stuparich said that it was probably the most drastic night when
they did not know ………………………..………………………..and one in the group was really sick. It was that night
that they were screening the film ‘………………………..’ in an ………………………..that someone said, ‘Here are
the keys. ………………………..………………………..!’
Difficult words: Airbnb (a website that helps people find homes to rent for vacations), rely (depend upon), turn
around (change how you feel suddenly), drastic (extreme), screen (to show a film).
A cost-conscious teen ………………………..………………………..Sheffield in ……………………… Essex, which
was around ………………………..………………………... He wanted to travel home by train but was
………………………..……………………… get a bus and a train from Sheffield to East Midlands Airport, get a
flight to Berlin, Germany, fly from Berlin to Stansted, London, and then get a bus back home.
………………………..………………………..Brian a few pennies, ………………………..………………………..door-to-
door. However, the ………………………..………………………..made his point as well as ………………………... He
said that he would definitely do it again.
………………………... ………………………... Penny is asking shoppers
to ………………………... ………………………... to ………………………... ………………………... of the
environmental impact of food production.
………………………...,………………………... ………………………... enjoying some of
Europe’s ………………………....………………………... However, this cheap food
production ………………………...,………………………... with German agriculture responsible
for ………………………....………………………...………………………...
During the true ………………………..., customers will be charged prices
that ………………………... ………………………... costs for selected products,
and ………………………... ………………………... to sustainable ……………………….... The initiative aims to make
consumers consider the ………………………... of their purchases.
Difficult words: awareness (when people know that something exists), initiative (an act or strategy intended to
resolve a difficulty or improve a situation).
The car carrier ship Fremantle Highway ………………………... off the northernmost Dutch
coast, ………………………....………………………...
The fire ………………………... ………………………... crew member, and
se………………………....………………………... Ship charter company K Line
confirmed ………………………... ………………………... among the ………………………....………………………...
BMW and Mercedes-Benz stated they also had cars on the ship. ………………………...,………………………... but
there are concerns about extinguishing it ………………………... ………………………... ………………………... of
lithium-ion battery fires.
Salvagers have managed to ………………………... ………………………... to secure tow lines,
and ………………………... ………………………... the incident.
Difficult words: duration (the time during which something continues), salvager (rescuer), tow line (a rope or cable
used for towing a vehicle or ship).
Day 10
………………………...,………………………... but a new venture has managed
to ………………………....………………………...
For ………………………...,………………………... tourists on a ………………………... can enjoy million dollar views
of Manhattan from the back of a taxi cab!
Entrepreneur Jonathan Powley ………………………... ………………………... vans and New York taxi cabs as
overnight rentals on Airbnb. ………………………... ………………………... ………………………... accommodate
a ………………………....………………………... There obviously is no ………………………...,………………………...
but Powley has made a list of restaurants in the area that ………………………....………………………...
The so-called “rolling rooms” ………………………... ………………………... ………………………... without a big-city
price tag – you’re only ………………………... Grand Central Station, and three stops from Times Square in less than
10 minutes.
………………………... said that he thinks, ‘People that do it are ………………………....………………………...’
Difficult words: venture (a business which involves risk), budget (the money you want/can spend on
something), entrepreneur (a businessman who comes up with a new idea).
………………………... and adorable baby pygmy marmosets were born at Sydney’s Symbio ………………………....
………………………... ………………………... (and were the size of human thumbs) but giving birth to them
was, ………………………...,………………………... comparable to a human giving birth to a ten-year-old child.
Their proud parents Gomez and IT ………………………...,………………………... when IT, the female, arrived at the
zoo. Years of bachelorhood ended for Gomez and ………………………....………………………... Apart from
their ………………………...,………………………... their birth is necessary for the ………………………... of
the endangered species.
They are members of the ………………………...,………………………... with adults weighing in
at ………………………....………………………... ………………………... They are facing extinction due to
deforestation and ………………………....………………………...
Difficult words: tiny (very small), adorable (lovable, cute, sweet), comparable (similar), bachelorhood (living as a
bachelor – unmarried/single man), endangered species (an animal kind which may die out
soon), extinction (dying out), due to (because of), deforestation (destroying forests).
Elon Musk is a ………………………... ………………………... Twitter. Last week, Musk tweeted
about ………………………... ………………………... X.
………………………... ………………………... ………………………... flickering X and said that
if ………………………... ………………………... X logo, it will go live worldwide the next day. Since Musk bought
Twitter, ………………………... ………………………... X Corp, to become as good as China’s WeChat app.
The ………………………... ………………………... and many people recognize it ……………………….... But Musk
believes that the logo needs to change and ………………………....………………………...
Many people ………………………... Twitter when it started to ………………………....………………………... The
company also faces a lawsuit from ………………………... who want at
least ………………………... ………………………... their contracts.
Difficult words: aim (something you want to achieve), recognize (to know or can tell what something
is), lawsuit (legal action against someone).
In Kumertau, Russia, ………………………... ………………………... hub is a plant that makes helicopters, and
horsemeat is a ………………………... cuisine there. ………………………....………………………...
These people attempted to create ………………………... ………………………... ………………………... sausages
and other ……………………….... The model was over ………………………...,………………………... and it weighed
about 120 kilos.
The helicopter’s blades rotated and people proudly ………………………... them to a ………………………...
and ……………………….... People ………………………....
Experts measured the model to determine if it could be in a ……………………….... No one was allowed
to nibble ………………………... ………………………... set the
record. However, ………………………...;………………………... people were horsing around!
Difficult words: hub (the centre of an activity), cuisine (a type of food from a certain place), nibble (eat small
amounts of food by taking very small bites), set the record (do something that no one has done before), horse
around informal (joke).
Day 10
Joaquin Guzman, Mexico’s notorious drug dealer ………………………... ………………………... El Chapo, escaped
from a maximum-security ………………………... in a mile-long tunnel.
………………………... the height, width and ………………………... of the tunnel, the
estimated ………………………... removed would have filled 379 lorries.
The ………………………... ………………………... for a speedy exit during which Guzman disposed of a bracelet
that only he and a few other high-risk inmates had to wear. ………………………....………………………...
All of Mexico’s ………………………... coordinated to capture the drug
lord, ………………………... ………………………... on offer and ………………………....………………………...
Difficult words: notorious (well known for doing something bad), extension (length), inmate (prisoner).
51-year-old Australian Tim Shaddock and his dog Bella ……………………….... The pair
apparently ………………………....………………………...
………………………... ………………………... from La Paz in Mexico in April. He intended to sail his catamaran to
French Polynesia; however, ………………………... knocked out his onboard ………………………... in May.
Shaddock was then left stranded ………………………... ………………………... until a tuna fishing boat’s scout
helicopter spotted his stricken vessel.
Despite the ordeal, Shaddock ……………………….... He’d covered himself under
a canopy to ………………………... sunburn, and Bella, his canine companion, also fared
well ………………………....………………………...
………………………...,………………………... ………………………... where Shaddock will ………………………...
medical attention.
Difficult words: catamaran (a type of boat with two parallel hulls), ordeal (a very unpleasant and prolonged
experience), canopy (a cloth covering).
According to US ………………………..., India-made eye drops
probably ………………………....………………………... ………………………... The drops contained dangerous
drug-resistant ………………………..., which ………………………....………………………...
A report said that ………………………... ………………………... infected. They used eye drops and artificial tears,
and ………………………....………………………... ………………………... A woman in Florida sued
a ………………………... after losing an eye due to an infection ………………………....………………………...
Health officials advised ………………………... ………………………... if they experience negative
symptoms………………………... ………………………... discharge from the eye, pain,
redness, ………………………..., or sensitivity to light.
Difficult words: artificial tears (drops which keep an eye wet), recall (to officially bring back), discharge (a liquid
which flows out from somewhere), vision (the ability to see).
The Hungarian ………………………... has fined the country’s ………………………..., Lira, nearly 36,000 dollars for
violating a law that bans depicting homosexuality to minors.
The ………………………... ………………………... is for not wrapping an LGBTQ ………………………...
Heartstopper in plastic foil. The controversial ………………………... ………………………... with LGBTQ themes to
be wrapped and sold separately, ………………………....………………………... ………………………... The law is
part of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Christian-conservative agenda and it’s
been ………………………....………………………...
Lira’s ………………………... Krisztian Nyary says the law
is vague and ………………………....………………………... This fine is the
highest ………………………... ………………………... Hungarian book trade. Despite using legal means, the fine
can’t be appealed.
Difficult words: minor (a person under the age of full legal responsibility), agenda (a list of things to be done or
achieved), vague (uncertain or unclear).
Day 11
………………………... ………………………... ………………………... severe conditions during the Charon heatwave.
Last week, ………………………... in Greece ………………………... ………………………... Celsius and authorities
closed the Acropolis to ………………………....………………………... European Space Agency warned of possible
record-breaking temperatures which ………………………... ………………………... ………………………...
………………………... ………………………... ………………………... were due to the heat. Southern
Europe ………………………...,………………………... too. Joan Ballester from Barcelona Institute for Global Health
said that it was ………………………....………………………... ………………………... The hot weather is very
dangerous to poorer ………………………....………………………...
Difficult words: severe (very great or serious), due to (as a result of something), air conditioning (a machine which
keeps the air in a room cool).
A volcano erupted ………………………... ………………………... ………………………... Litli-Hrútur, 30 kilometers
from Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland. ………………………....………………………... ………………………...
………………………...,………………………... ………………………... because it was spitting out lava
and ……………………….... They said that the gases were very dangerous. ……………….. ………………………....
But people are going to see the eruption even though it
is prohibited. ……………………….....……………………….... ……………………….... An Irish guide said it is warm
and nice, but the gas is too
hot. ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... for them.
Difficult words: spit out (to let something go with force from the mouth), prohibited (something what people mustn’t
do), ignore (not to notice or regard something).
Zookeepers from the Smithsonian’s ……………………….... wanted
to ……………………….....……………………….... ……………………….... They placed
a ……………………….... ……………………….... xylophone in front of the small-clawed otters. While the
otters ………………………....,……………………….... Bonnie the Orangutan enjoyed the xylophone.
An animal enrichment ……………………….... brought the impromptu music
lesson ……………………….... ……………………….... and to challenge and stimulate them.
The zoo is part of the Smithsonian Institution, ……………………….... ……………………….... ………………………....
complexes. The zoo ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... come each year.
Difficult words: impromptu (done without being planned or prepared), stimulate (excite, let them
learn), species (an animal kind).
Day 12
The UN ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... after data analysis showed that
the ……………………….....……………………….... ………………………....
The global temperature reached ………………………....,……………………….... breaking the previous record set on
Monday. ……………………….... ……………………….... human-caused ……………………….... and the return of the
El Niño weather pattern. ……………………….... ……………………….... couldn’t confirm the numbers, but they
agree that climate change is ……………………….....……………………….... Scientists predict that there will be
more record-breaking temperatures ……………………….... and El Niño.
………………………....,……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... are experiencing very
hot weather. The ……………………….... in the Antarctic also contributed to the high temperatures. This warming
could ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... to spread in polar areas.
Difficult words: data analysis (working with data to get useful information), weather pattern (when the weather
stays the same for some time), contribute (to help cause something).
The Dutch government has announced a ……………………….... ……………………….... ………………………....
starting from January 1, 2024.
……………………….... ……………………….... distractions during lessons
and ……………………….....……………………….... ………………………....
However, ……………………….... ……………………….... specifically required for digital skills lessons,
for ……………………….....……………………….... Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf stated that although mobile
phones are a ………………………....,……………………….... they are not suitable for the classroom
and ……………………….....………………………....
The ban is the result of an ………………………....,……………………….... and related organizations. Schools have
the flexibility to implement the ban ………………………...., but if the desired ……………………….... are
not ……………………….... by the summer of 2024, legal rules will be enforced.
Difficult words: distraction (a thing that diverts one’s attention or prevents concentration), flexibility (willingness to
change or compromise).
South Korea changed its system of ……………………….....……………………….... The new system will match
the ……………………….....………………………....
Previously, ……………………….... ……………………….... got another year each January 1st. That means that if
you were born on the 31st of December, ……………………….....……………………….... Troubles with this system
started ……………………….... ……………………….... when some people couldn’t
get ……………………….....………………………....
Now, most ……………………….... will use the new method. Some people want
to ………………………....,……………………….... but 86% of South Koreans plan to use the new system in their
daily lives. ………………………....,……………………….... for example, ………………………...., and doing military
Difficult words: method (way of doing something), exception (things which are different or not included), military
service (army training which young people must do in some countries).
……………………….... in Portugal ……………………….... ……………………….... obscured by smoke particles due
to Canada’s ongoing ………………………...., which are now ……………………….....………………………....
Satellite ……………………….... released by NASA show a vast plume of ……………………….... and soot stretching
across the Atlantic Ocean from Quebec……………………….... ……………………….... Azores islands on Sunday
and Western Europe on Monday, and ………………………....,……………………….... and Portugal. Unlike the
smoke in the United States that caused hazardous ………………………...., the smoke in Europe is higher in
the ………………………...., at ………………………..... Climate
agencies ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... vibrant sunrises and sunsets.
France ……………………….... ……………………….... of ash particles on Wednesday.
……………………….... ……………………….... relatively unaffected, ……………………….... ………………………....
alerts, with the number of wildfires increasing. The situation remains
concerning ……………………….... ……………………….... of abating.
Difficult words: obscured (unclear or covered), soot (black powder produced when coal or wood is
burned), abate (to become less intense or widespread).
Day 14
Mumbai, ………………………....,……………………….... is hoping that the upcoming Aqua Line metro
will ……………………….....………………………....
……………………….... ……………………….... alleviate congestion
and ……………………….....……………………….... The Aqua Line is set to open in December and it’ll connect
the ……………………….... ……………………….... suburbs, ……………………….... ………………………....
significantly. The metro system is long overdue ……………………….....……………………….... The Aqua Line
alone is expected to draw 85% of its commuters ……………………….....……………………….... In addition to
easing congestion, the ……………………….....………………………....
……………………….... ………………………....
The construction of the metro line has ………………………....; however, the ……………………….... are determined
to ……………………….... ……………………….... The metro network is part of a larger plan to transform Mumbai’s
public transport and stimulate ……………………….... ……………………….... the metropolitan region.
Difficult words: alleviate (to make something less severe), overdue (behind schedule), congestion (when a place
is extremely crowded and blocked with traffic or people).
………………………....,……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... with the cost of living
rising while wages remain stagnant.
……………………….... ……………………….... revealed the variations in child-rearing costs across
different metro areas.
By ………………………....,……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... the study found
that the average annual cost to raise a child is ………………………....;……………………….... however, it can
go ……………………….....……………………….... ……………………….... Childcare expenses make up nearly 50%
of the annual cost, ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... but reaching over 22,000
in certain areas.
……………………….... ……………………….... include Morristown and Sumter, while the least affordable
areas ……………………….... ……………………….... California and Massachusetts.
Difficult words: stagnant (not growing or developing), rear (to bring up and care for a child), metro (a major city or
metropolitan region).
In Poland, a pregnant woman named Dorota ……………………….... ……………………….... her pregnancy.
Poland has strict anti-abortion laws, which led to ……………………….....……………………….... Last week,
thousands of people protested after Dorota’s death. Activists said that
se……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... restrictions. Dorota died of septic
shock when her water broke in the 20th week of
pregnancy. ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... the pregnancy. Another woman,
Izabela, also died from septic shock in the 22nd week of pregnancy.
………………………....,……………………….... even in cases where ……………………….....………………………....
Over 70% of Poles think that the ……………………….....………………………....
……………………….... Difficult words: abortion (ending a woman’s pregnancy), restriction (an official limit or
control on what people can do), septic shock (a dangerous condition which an infection causes).
16 southern white rhinos ……………………….... ……………………….... to Garamba National Park in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, ……………………….... ………………………....
The last rhino was poached in the area ……………………….....……………………….... The introduction of these
rhinos ……………………….... ……………………….... in the park and potentially fulfill the role of the extinct northern
white rhino. The translocation ……………………….... ……………………….... ……………………….... between the
Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, ………………………...., and Beyond, with sponsorship from the
Barrick Gold Corporation.
By ……………………….... ……………………….... breeding nodes, this initiative contributes to
the ……………………….... ……………………….... of white rhinos in Africa. The reintroduction of the rhinos to
Garamba National Park holds ……………………….... for the park’s ……………………….... and the well-being
of ……………………….....
Difficult words: conservation (prevention of wasteful use of a resource), translocation (moving something from
one place to another), node (a line or point).

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