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Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements For the Course
Science, Technology and Society
Academic Year 2023 - 2024

A Research Paper Presented to:

Science Technology and Society Professor

Presented by:

May 2024
Table of Contents


 Background of the Study…………………………………………………………..4
 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….5
 Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………6
 Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………7
 Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….8

Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………...8

Review of Related Studies……………………………………………………………9

 Research Design…………………………………………………………………..15
 Sampling Technique………………………………………………………………15
 Setting of the Study……………………………………………………………….16
 Subject of the Study……………………………………………………………….16

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………………...17





Mobile Legends is one of the well known online games in terms of multiplayer and
battle arena — in which the players get to choose the hero that has different skills and
attributes. This was produced and developed by Shanghai Moonton Technology, a game
development company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and was launched in 2016.
This particular online game created a huge and rapid impact to many players because of
its game framework and unique-built heroes. According to an article, online gaming
provides many positive effects to a student’s well being along with their academic
performance. It can be a great source to develop early learning skills for younger children
and enhances memory, brain’s speed and concentration (Internet Matters, n.d.).

The researchers aim to understand and identify the impacts of the said game to the
overall well being of the students under Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
English first years. The researchers used a Quantitative Descriptive research design and
utilized survey questionnaires to gather data in a short amount of time. To interpret the
data, the researchers computed for the average that has a corresponding value. Based
from the results, it showed that playing Mobile Legends have a significant effect on the
students well being in terms of Academics, Social, Physical, Psychological, Mental and
Emotional. The game has its drawbacks and benefits and further study must be conducted
to elaborately examine different aspects. In conclusion, playing Mobile Legends has both
a positive and negative impact to the students lives as it enhance their skills and helps to
cope with different challenges, yet it also affects how they react to certain things and how
they consume their time playing the game.

Keywords: Mobile Legends, Well Being, Academics, Social, Physical, Mental,

Psychological, Emotional


We are aware that we owe a debt of gratitude to many people who assisted us in
completing this research study. First of all, we want to thank our Almighty God for
guidance and blessings. To our Science, Technology and Society Professor, Mrs. Raquel
Angeles, who supported, believed and guided us throughout this study. To the students of
the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English where we had done our interview
and was a very cooperative class. To the University itself that became the location of our
study. Thank you to all our teachers, friends and family members especially our parents
for undying support throughout the entire phase. To all of our colleagues and friends who
have been willing to share their time, thoughts and suggestions to us, we thank you.


Background of the Study

Online games are probably one of the variety of hobbies a person can do during

free time. With the help of technology and the internet, online games became popular

world wide and the evidences are almost everywhere. Online gaming is simply the

playing of a video game over the internet, usually with friends. Online games can be

played on any number of devices from dedicated video games consoles such as

PlayStations, Xboxes, and Nintendo Switches, to PCs, laptops and mobile phones (Klass,

n.d.). Online gaming provides many benefits. Unfortunately, it also comes with some

risks. As well as developing gaming disorder, the ability to play and chat online with

others around the world can leave children and young people open to scamming,

grooming and online bullying. Loot boxes and skin betting have also received widespread

attention for encouraging similar behaviour associated with gambling.

Mobile Legends is one of the well known online games in terms of multiplayer and

battle arena — in which the players get to choose the hero that has different skills and

attributes. This was produced and developed by Shanghai Moonton Technology, a game

development company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and was launched in 2016.

This particular online game created a huge and rapid impact to many players because of

its game framework and unique-built heroes. According to Chua (2019), Mobile Legends

has reportedly racked up over 500 million downloads and 75 million active players the

first time it was launched. Since then, it became popular and even held online

tournaments in different countries with professional players. In spite of this, it resulted in

various factors that affected the players in many aspects such as physical, emotional,

mental, psychological, social, and even academics. According to an article, online

gaming provides many positive effects to a student’s well being along with their

academic performance. It can be a great source to develop early learning skills for

younger children and enhances memory, brain’s speed and concentration (Internet

Matters, n.d.).

However, we need to consider that there are also negative effects of this platforms

such as addiction, can increase health issues, and also result to poor academics. This

study focuses on the impact of playing Mobile Legends that will revolve around BSE-

ENGLISH 1A as a chosen participants. This aims to further understand the gamers’

perspectives and for the researchers to analyze and evaluate how Mobile Legends

provides either benefits or drawbacks to the players.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand the impacts of playing Mobile Legends to the
overall well being of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English first years,
specifically to answer the following questions;

1. What is the Demographic Status of the Respondents;

1.1 Age:
1.2 Gender:
1.3 Number of Hours Using the Application:

2. What are the impacts of playing Mobile Legends to the overall Well Being of BSE-
ENGLISH 1 Students in terms of;

2.1 Academics

2.2 Mental
2.3 Social
2.4 Psychological
2.5 Physical
2.6 Emotional

3. Is there a significant difference between playing Mobile Legends and the overall
Well Being of BSE-ENGLISH 1 students in terms of the above mentioned?

Theoretical Framework

Online gaming for students has been very influential in different aspects of their lives.

Certain findings also shows the negative impacts of playing online games to a students

well being as well as positive. For this study, the researchers will utilize the Uses and

Gratification Theory which states that people choose to consume certain kinds of media

because they expect to obtain specific gratifications as a result of those selections. In

contrast to other theories about media, UGT focuses on the media consumer rather than

the media itself or the messages the media conveys. While other theories see people as

passive recipients of media messages, UGT sees people as active consumers of media

who are aware of the reasons they choose to consume media (Vinney, 2024).

Conceptual Framework

A paradigm below was prepared to show the variables and processes that were used

in the study. The paradigm shows the materials that were used in the study.

The Impacts of Playing Mobile Legends to the Overall Well Being of BSE-ENGLISH 1A
Students at University of Rizal System Antipilo Campus

Input Process Output

1. What is the Impacts of Playing

Demographic Status of The researchers sort and Mobile Legends to
gather data through the Overall Well
the Respondents;
Being of Students
1.1 Age:
1.2 Gender:
1.3 Number of Hours
Using the Application:

2. What are the impacts of

playing Mobile
Legends to the overall
Well Being of BSE-
ENGLISH 1 Students
in terms of;
2.1 Academics
2.2 Mental
2.3 Social
2.4 Psychological
2.5 Physical
2.6 Emotional

3. Is there a significant
difference between
playing Mobile
Legends and the overall
Well Being of BSE-
ENGLISH 1 students in
terms of the above

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Significance of the Study

In this section, the researchers expressed the value or importance of the research study

and this is where the significant contribution of the result was enumerated. This research

study will be beneficial for the following:

 Mobile Legends Players. The result of this study will help the mobile legends

players to know that playing online games (mobile legends) has an impact on their

overall well being.

 Students. The students themselves can benefit from this study by understanding the

impacts of their online gaming habits on their overall well being. This awareness can

empower them to make informed choices about their online gaming activities and

prioritize their overall well being.

 Teachers and educators. The result of this study will help teachers and educators by

providing insights into the potential impacts of playing mobile legends on students'

overall well being. This information can help design targeted interventions to address

potential negative impacts of playing mobile legends on students overall well being.

 Parents and guardians. The result of this study will help the parents and guardians

of the students by becoming more aware of the effects of playing mobile legends on

the overall well being of their children. With this knowledge, they can make

informed decisions regarding their children's online gaming habits and implement

appropriate limits or guidelines to ensure a healthy balance between gaming and

we'll being of their children.

 Future researchers. The result of this study will be serving as a guide for other

researchers who would embark conduct of study of similar nature.

Review of Related Literature

In the world of technology, certain activities are being introduced to every person to

ensure the development of digital literacy to the everyone. From using social media to

search engines and creating application software for entertainment purposes. For an

instance, the creation of gaming application has been timely and well known especially to

the generation of children that experienced advanced technology at a young age and one

if is Online gaming. According to an article, Online gaming can be referred to as simply

playing video games over the internet with the company of friends, personal or inside the

screen. Online games can be played using different devices such as phones, laptops,

computers, and many more (Klass, n.d.). Additionally, online gaming composes of

complex graphics and systems that became very popular due to its amazing features for

entertainment purposes (IGI Global, 2024).

Moreover, an article stated that though Online gaming is one of the most addicted

hobbies all around the world, over 2 Billion of people addicted to it are students. In the

Philippines, the most popular online game is Mobile Legends. Other games such as Call of

Duty, PUBG, and League of Legends are on the list, too. Students, not just in the

Philippines but also in other countries, play these games to relieve their stress, to entertain

themselves, to have fun with their friends, and to find more gamer friends because through

online games, they can interact with other players. However, the problem is, most of the

students cannot limit themselves in playing online games resulting of having negative

effects of online games in different aspects of their life. These effects may affect their

behavior, performance, and mostly their health. Certain effects have been cited that was

brought by playing online games such as isolation, addiction, behavior, in the academics,

health and more ( Hamor, 2021).

According to a study by Zhang (2023), colleges students experienced positive

effects of playing Mobile games to their lives and it affected their personal growth, social

life, and academic performance. It was highly advises that more college students and

families should take consideration about these positive impacts to use the platform in a

reasonable manner. Furthermore, the study also elaborated that it provides happiness and

relieve the stress of students. They can surpass negative emotions and be more attentive

about their surroundings because it improved their self consciousness. College students

were also given a chance to create a reality where they can be free to express themselves

in any way they can with the use of avatars from the game. The students were able to

socialize in a low cost because of fast communication brought by technology with the

people that has the same interests as them. Through this platform, the students gained

skills that was a big help for their academic performance such as critical thinking skills

and problem solving abilities.

In accordance to an article, there are variety of reasons why students fail to comply in

school, especially on college students. It shows that 92% of students play online games

regularly and despite the multiple opportunities that online gaming provides, over usage

can potentially increase the negative impact to a student’s academic success. College

students have more independence, increased academic responsibilities, and a change in

environment which can lead to more stress and anxiety, because of this, online games

serve as an escape from that reality. Though online gaming provides many benefits such

as, increasing interest in certain fields of technology and enhance brain efficiency,

negative sides are still evident and that’s why further studies are still being made up until

today (Adair, n.d.).

Review of Related Studies

Online gaming has been very relevant in this generation of individuals. It serves as a

hobby and even became a sport that created a buzz in the arena. Though many studies

have been conducted beforehand, a certain online game called Mobile Legends has been

one of the most famous games that people seem to enjoy utilizing, however, certain

findings stated the effects of online gaming to the well being of individuals, especially

students. According to Huang (2024), students that are exposed to online games show

poorer “family self” and ”life adaptation” but greater “physical self” than non gamer.

Aside from that, it showed three contributing factors why students play online games

such as self affirmation, social interaction and leisure. Moreover, according to the

research report of Wang et al. (2019). It was revealed that adolescents with mobile game

addiction have higher self-reported depression, social anxiety, and loneliness. Moreover,

gender difference was also observed regarding to mobile game addiction, depression, and

anxiety. It shows that male adolescents who's addicted to mobile game may experience

more anxieties if they use mobile games addictively, compare with female adolescents.

Gwen Katrice A. Emano in her article called "Is Mobile Legends good?", stated

that "Mobile Legends" have both positive and negative effects on users. The positive

effects include: improving brain functions and educating children. On the negative side, it

can be a distraction while doing other activities, affecting social interaction, sleep

problems, and loss of productivity. Moreover, it was said that these negative effects can

be avoided by guiding the children and make a schedule for their games. Additionally,

Khefti Al Mawalia's (2020) perspective underscores a cultural shift towards distant

interactions due to virtual reality-induced behavioral changes. Immersion in digital

devices may lead to neglecting real-world connections and fostering a dual identity

through gaming. This detachment may induce feelings of joblessness and anxiety, driving

individuals to seek solace in online gaming. The preference for technological interaction

over societal engagement diminishes social communication, contributing to the reshaping

of behavior patterns and erosion of traditional culture amid rapid technological


(Garnada, 2020) suggests that while computer games can initially serve as a

remedy for boredom, the potential lack of self-discipline may lead to addiction among

technologically inclined youth. This concern is particularly relevant for students who

spend excessive hours on gadgets, causing them to prioritize entertainment over their

academic responsibilities. The ( 2018 ) study by Fabiro, Rodriguez, Diloy, and Trillanes

highlights that the lives of today's youth revolve around technology, particularly mobile

devices like cellphones and laptops. Online games, accessible anywhere with a gadget,

are immensely popular among students, played in short bursts. While mobile games

facilitate new friendships, they can also be time-consuming and detrimental to those

lacking self-discipline. It was indicated in the study conducted by Martisa et al. (2023),

the users of the mobile game "Mobile Legends" experienced such traumatic discourse

due to Cyberbullying. It shows that users who spend most of their time feel more

traumatized than those who have not. Bullies used derogatory language as the form of

bullying which has the greatest impact on users and they also involve the parents of the

victim. Moreover, the symptoms experienced by gamers are inner unease,

weakness/helplessness, shock/stuntedness, fear, reluctance to exist or live, an

uncomfortable mind, disappointment, and difficulty to control emotions.

In addition, based on the results of the study conducted by (Ong et al., 2023),

users or so called gamers are playing these games as a leisure compared with being

relevant in everyday life or academic achievements. Moreover, the result shows that

playing mobile games is a way for users to cope up with different negative emotions

such as anxiety, depression, stress, and boredom.

In a study written by (Rochmayanti et al.), The Mobile Legends has a significant

decrease on student's motivation to learn in the form of not wanting to learn, being

indifferent to lessons, and decreasing the value of subjects at school. Moreover, online

games has a negative impact on student's achievement as they became more lazy in doing

their homeworks, getting a low grades in their report card, and they're showing no sign of

enthusiasm when they woke up and sometimes mentally unstable.

Further studies imply that Mobile games greatly affect students in both sides of the

spectrum. For example. They can increase psychological flexibility, well-being, mood,

and school satisfaction, while reducing emotional and behavioral problems and loneliness.

One study found that a mental health game called eQuoo, which teaches psychological

skills through gamification, significantly increased resilience and decreased anxiety and

depression among students. Another study explored the use of mobile learning and

massively multiplayer online games to improve retention, engagement, and motivation,

and found that technology can be beneficial depending on the participants' influences.

Additionally, a proposed model for mobile digital content applications based on

gamification was found to be effective in developing psychological well-being among

graduate students (PubGenius, 2024).

According to different studies presented above, mobile/online games, such as Mobile

Legends, greatly affect the students’ well being both negatively and positively. However,

most studies are often generalized and did not focus to a specific level of education. This

study aims to focus on how playing Mobile Legends will affect the overall well being to

college students and to further elaborate the effects on their academics, social, mental,

psychological, physical and emotional, that can either result to a drawback or motivation.


Research Design

The researchers will utilize a Quantitative Descriptive research design in order to

conduct a study regarding the impacts of playing Mobile Legends to the overall well

being of BSE- English 1 students at University of Rizal System Antipolo Campus.

Quantitative research design relies on the collection of numerical data. This research

design can be in the form of surveys, experiments, quantitative observations, or

secondary data analysis. Standardized instruments, such as questionnaires or scales,

are often used to ensure consistency and reliability (Jain, 2023). For this study, the

researchers will use quantitative descriptive research design to interpret the overall

well being of students with regards to using Mobile Legends that may have or have

not a positive or negative impact. Moreover, in order to interpret the gathered results,

the researchers will find the mean based on the corresponding number for their

answers which will then be used to understand whether Mobile Legends has an impact

on the overall well being of the students.

Sampling Technique

The researchers will use a purposive sampling technique in choosing the

respondents. According to Patton (2002) Purposive sampling is a technique widely used

in qualitative research for the identification and selection of information-rich cases for the

most effective use of limited resources. (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011) This involves

identifying and selecting individuals or groups of individuals that are especially

knowledgeable about or experienced with a phenomenon of interest. Since the study

focuses on the impacts of playing mobile legends to the overall well being of BSE-

English 1 students at University of Rizal System campus, through the use of purposive

sampling technique the researchers will carefully identify and select the respondents of

the study, since it only focuses to the students who are experiencing the impacts of

playing mobile legends to their overall well being.

Setting of the Study

This study will take place within University of Rizal System, Antipolo Campus

under the supervision of our Science, Technology, and Society instructor, Mrs. Raquel

Angeles. The researchers decided to conduct this study particularly through the help of

BSE-ENGLISH 1A as respondents to evaluate and analyze the impact of playing Mobile

Legends to their overall well-being.

This study is largely dependent on the honesty and sincerity of the respondents.

Subject of the Study

For this study, the researchers will gather data from the first year students of the

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English with regards to the use of Mobile

Legends as the mobile game that the students mostly spend their time on.There will be 20

respondents for this study in order to determine the impacts of playing Mobile Legends

to the overall well being of BSE- English 1 students at University of Rizal System

Antipolo Campus.


Upon gathering the survey results out of the 20 respondents, with 12 boys and 8 girls,

the demography showed that the students, regardless of the gender, majorly consumed 1 -

2 hours of their time playing Mobile Legends per day with ages 19 - 21 years old. This

shows that the game has been a part of the students’ hobby which they do during spare

time or the times they feel like doing so.

Based from the gathered data and after getting the mean of each aspect, the results with

regards to the students’ academic, social, physical, mental, psychological, and emotional

well being are as follows;

Number Average
1. Playing mobile games, specifically Mobile 2.4
Legends, helps me increase my performance in
class participation.

2. When playing Mobile Legends, I often forget 3

to do my school works.
3. I’m having a hard time focusing on class 2.35
because of Mobile Legends.
4. I often play Mobile Legends inside the class 1.4
even with ongoing discussions.

5. Playing Mobile Legends negatively affects my 2.8/3

overall academic performance in school.

Table 1: Academics

Under Academics, it showed that the students disagreed that playing mobile games

specifically Mobile Legends helps to increase performance in class participation with an

average of 2.4. Additionally, with an average of 3, the students showed neutrality when

it comes to forgetting to do school works when playing Mobile Legends. Moreover, the

students also disagreed that playing Mobile Legends gave them a hard time focusing on

class with an average of 2.35. Furthermore, with an average of 1.4, the students strongly

disagreed that they often play Mobile Legends inside the class even with ongoing

discussions. Finally, the students showed neutrality when it comes to playing Mobile

Legends negatively affects their overall academic performance in school with an average

of 2.8/3. On the other hand, even though there are negative impacts of playing Mobile

Legends on students Academics such as playing it does not increase the students

performance in class and sometimes they often forget to do school works. The positive

impacts of playing Mobile Legends simply outweigh it's negative impacts. Therefore, this

actively demonstrates that playing Mobile Legends has a positive impact on the students

Academics and does not negatively affect the students overall academic performance in

school, moreover, it does not interfere with their focus in class also due to the fact that

the students do not play ML during class.

Number Average
1. Playing Mobile Legends allows me to improve 4
my social skills even if it’s inside the screen.

2. Playing Mobile Legends improves my teamwork 3.75

skills which I can apply to different situations in real
3. I lack communication with my family and friends 2.4
because of playing Mobile Legends.
4. Mobile Legends boosts my confidence to interact 3.5
with different people, especially fellow gamers.

5. I tend to spend time on my phone playing even if 3.3

I’m with my friends and family.

Table 2: Social

Based on the survey results, the data revealed in terms of Social aspects, the

majority of the respondents — with an average of 4 — agreed that playing Mobile

Legends improves their social skills through screen. According to the players, teamwork

skills are also improving when they play, which is agreed to be helpful and applicable in

different situations in real life, with an average result of 3.75. On the other hand, the

average of 2.4 otherwise disagreed with the idea that playing Mobile Legends will make

them lack communication with their family and friends. Furthermore, in terms of

boosting confidence through social interaction, the results agreed to be neutral with an

average of 3.5 — almost the same as the results of spending time with phone despite

being with family and friends, it is being neutral with an average result of 3.3. Therefore

we can conclude that, in terms of social aspects, playing Mobile Legends meaningfully

creates a connection and relationships. It is not a hindrance to interact with family and

friends regardless of being in the game — it somehow shows there is still a balanced

connection between playing the game and dealing with people surrounding us.

Number Average
1. Playing Mobile Legends hinders me from 3.15
performing different physical activities
2. When playing Mobile Legends, I frequently feel 2.45
discomfort in my body.
3. Mobile Legends affected my lifestyle because of 2.85
the time I consumed playing it.
4. I feel the satisfaction that my body needs when I 2.7
play Mobile Legends.

5. Playing Mobile Legends disturbed my sleeping 3.5

routine and daily activities.

Table 3: Physical

The results of the survey under Physical showed that, the majority of the

respondents revealed that Mobile Legends significantly affects various aspects of

respondents' lives. The majority noted that playing the game hinders their engagement in

physical activities, with an average rating of 3.15. On the contrary,the respondents

reported that they don’t experience frequent bodily discomfort while playing, averaging

at 2.45. Furthermore, Mobile Legends' impact on lifestyle can somehow be significant or

not because of falling under neutrality, with an average rating of 2.85. Despite these

drawbacks, respondents expressed feeling some level of satisfaction when engaging in

Mobile Legends gameplay, averaging at 2.7 still falling under neutrality. Moreover, the

game's influence extends beyond mere enjoyment, as it also disrupts respondents' sleep

routines and daily activities, averaging at 3.5 and the majority still agreed with the events.

These findings underscore the need to consider the broader implications of gaming habits

especially on the physical aspect of a student’s well being. The game may not hinders

them from different activities but at the same time, it still affects their daily routines

especially their sleep.

Number Average
1. Playing Mobile Legends helps me to overcome 3.65
loneliness and anxiety.
2. Mobile Legends has become a place of comfort 4.15
whenever I have problems.
3. Because of playing Mobile Legends, I became 2.75
more hesitant to face my problems due to the
comfort that it’s giving me.
4. Day by day, I just want to play the game instead 2.9
of doing other things.

5. I like to think of it as a lifestyle rather than a 1.95


Table 4: Psychological

From the results gathered under Psychological well being, it showed that

majority of the students agreed that Playing Mobile Legends helps to overcome anxiety

and loneliness with an average of 3.65. Additionally, the game had also became a place

of comfort for the students whenever problems occur garnering an average of 4.15. With

an average of 2.75 and lies along neutrality, students doesn’t show hesitation in facing

problems because of the comfort that the game is giving them. Moreover, students also

showed neutrality with regards to wanting to play the game all day instead of doing other

things, having an average of 2.9. Lastly, students disagreed upon seeing the game as

lifestyle rather than a hobby with an average of 1.95. Therefore, playing mobile legends

have a positive impact on the students psychological well being due to the comfort that

its giving them with regards to anxiety and loneliness, but the students only see it as a

hobby during leisure time and not something that they want to do most of the time.

Number Average
1. Mobile Legends makes me forget about my stress 3.85
and it clears my mind from worries.
2. Playing Mobile Legends allows me to think 3.4
3. With Mobile Legends, it improves my critical 3.75
thinking skills especially in handling difficult
4. I always feel irritated whenever I’m losing a 4.15

5. Mobile Legends allows my mind to be more 2.75

active and productive after playing.

Table 5: Mental

Under Mental aspects, the majority of the respondents, with an average of 3.85,

agreed that playing Mobile Legends makes them forget their stress and clears their minds

from worries. Thus, it proves that playing this online game in the mental aspect of the

respondents is one of their coping mechanisms to release stress. On the flip side, a neutral

result revealed in the data shows that playing Mobile Legends allows them to think freely.

According to respondent number 1, playing ML (Mobile Legends) makes him more

broad-minded because it is a strategic game that needs critical analysis and strategy in

order to win. However, respondent number 2 disagreed; for him, playing Mobile Legends

makes him more distracted and preoccupied, especially inside the school. The data also

revealed that the majority of the respondents, with an average of 3.75, agreed that playing

Mobile Legends improves their critical thinking skills, especially in handling difficult

situations. Although playing this game is one of their coping mechanisms to release stress,

the majority of them, with an average of 4.15, agreed that it also somehow makes them

irritated, especially when they lose the game. Lastly, the survey result revealed that the

majority of the respondents had a neutral answer: Mobile Legends allows their minds to

be more active and productive after playing the game. Therefore, we can conclude that

playing Mobile Legends can both have positive and negative effects in terms of their

mental aspects. It is a sort of stress reliever and improves their critical thinking skills, but

somehow, it can also be a sort of addiction that can result in distraction.

Number Average
1. When playing mobile games, I tend to burst out 3.7
my feelings too much.
2. Playing Mobile Legends makes me very happy 3.95
and it takes away my sadness from different things.
3. I always feel devastated when I lose the game. 3.45

4. Playing Mobile Legends easily affects my mood. 3.35

5. When playing Mobile Legends, I always let my 3

emotions win even if it negatively affects me and
other people.

Table 6: Emotional

Based on the survey results, the data showed that in terms of emotional aspects, the

majority of the students, with an average of 3.7, agreed that when playing Mobile

Legends, the respondents tends to burst out their feelings excessively. Moreover, with an

average of 3.95, the respondents agreed that playing Mobile Legends makes them very

happy, and it also takes away their sadness from different things. Hence, the respondents

show neutrality when it comes to being devastated after losing a game by an average of

3.45. Additionally, with an average of 3.35, the respondents show neutrality with regard

to playing Mobile Legends easily affects their mood. Lastly, with an average of 3, the

respondents also show neutrality when it comes to letting their emotions win when

playing Mobile Legends, even though it negatively affects themselves and the people

around them. Therefore, we can conclude that in terms of emotional aspects, playing

Mobile Legends can significantly affect our emotions positively and negatively. Playing

such a game can easily change our moods. We can be happy upon winning, but it can

also get us upset upon losing a game.


 The conducted research showed many effects on how playing Mobile Legends

affects the students well being in different aspects. Some questions showed neutrality

which somehow manipulated the interpretation of the results, however, the answer

was also clear based on the majority of the chosen answer.

 Academic : Playing Mobile Legends under Academic aspect showed both positive

and negative in terms of the respondents’ classroom performance, moreover, the

game does not really have a negative impact during class participation since most

students don’t initiate with playing during those times.

 Social : aspect showed that the game indeed enhanced their social skills and builds

relationship with other people. The time that they consume playing the game does

not have a negative impact on their surroundings due to the fact that it also became

their way to connect with more people.

 Physical : aspect, the results showed how the game can affect their daily routines

such as sleeping patterns but it does now necessarily affect their capabilities to do

different tasks outside the game.

 Psychological : aspect, the gathered data showed that playing Mobile Legends

positively affects their well being especially to cope with loneliness and anxiety, it

had became a hobby of the respondents especially when facing problems, however, it

did not showed the idea of turning it into a lifestyle and just focusing in all of that.

 Mental: In addition to that, playing Mobile Legends can both have positive and

negative effects in terms of their mental aspects. It is a sort of stress reliever and

improves their critical thinking skills, but somehow, it can also be a sort of addiction

that can result in distraction.

 Emotional : Mobile Legends can significantly affect our emotions positively and

negatively. Playing such a game can easily change our moods. We can be happy

upon winning, but it can also get us upset upon losing a game.

Therefore, this study shows not only how students use the game as a source of escape

from certain things they want to avoid for a while, it also shows how the game builds a

side of them that they don’t know about their selves. Not only does the game enhance

their skills in different aspects such as mental, social, and psychological, it also helps

them cope with the idea of stress under emotional, and physical that somehow affects

their academic performance in class. This study may have captured the positive and

negative impacts of playing Mobile Legends to the students overall well being, further

studies needs to be done to analyze certain things in different aspects, especially those

that showed neutrality. However, we can conclude that playing Mobile Legends has a

significant difference amongst difference aspects of a person, and both its benefits and

drawbacks may vary from person to person depending on the level of their willingness to

play the game.


Based on the findings presented, the following recommendations are suggested:

 Academics - For academics, it is advised to conduct other researches to further

elaborate the effects of playing the game with regards to the overall academic
performance of the student and how it can affect the performance in class
participation. The researchers recommend that students can play mobile games
specifically mobile legends as long as they know how to manage their time
productively so it won't affect their academic performance.

 Social - In terms of social aspect, it is recommend to continue building a strong

foundation and enhance relationship through playing the game with teamwork skills.

 Physical - In terms of physical aspect, it is recommended to acknowledged specific

activities that students tend to forget because of playing the game solely. It is advice
to further elaborate whether all physical activities are being neglected or just few that
is somehow irrelevant to the student’s overall schedule.

 Psychological - With regards to psychological well being, it is recommended to
conduct face to face interview and examine the student at a given period of time
before playing the game, during, and after to understand how can the game really
affect a student psychologically that may affect his/her overall perception of the
things around them.

 Mental - In terms of mental aspect in playing Mobile Legends, it is recommended to

incorporate strategic skills that can enhance individual's mental capacity. Though it is
stated in the conclusion that playing ML can be a sort of addiction that can result in
distraction, the researchers recommended to limit the time allotted in playing the
game to avoid detrimental effects in terms of mental aspects.

 Emotional - In terms of emotional aspect, it is recommended to further examine

whether a student can be easily affected by the utilization of the game especially
whenever failure or victory may be experienced. Further studies must be conducted
to completely understand whether the game majorly affects the student in a negative

 Because there was a lack of respondents, because not every student is playing Mobile
Legends, a handful of points were identified. It will be beneficial to look at a follow-
up study with the same participants using a new methodology, set of questions, and
setting in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the individual’s

 Due to lack of time, the elaboration of the different aspects such as academics, social,
physical, psychological, mental, and emotional must be prioritized to have a strong
foundation with the findings. It is advised for the future researchers to focus on one
aspect at a time.

 To help researchers and future researchers who could perform a similar study, it is
advised that participants of the study should dedicate time to, engage with, and
participate honestly in the questionnaires being presented to them.

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