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Soal Ujian Tengah Semester

Mata Kuliah Masyarakat Transnasional

Kelas B Indralaya

Dosen Pengampu : Abdul Halim,S.IP.,M.A


 Make the analysis in the form of an essay with a total of 150-200 words
 using at least 2 valid references with APA Style citation.
 Do it in 60 minutes processing time.
 You are allowed to use English or Bahasa in your essay.
 Using good English will give you additional score
 Submit your essay in Google class room with code : cnmp5ma and choose your class
 Submitted deadline : October 6th 2021 (15.30)

In understanding of transnational society approaches, English school is used as an analytical tool.
Give your understanding regarding the English school approach, what is the correlation between
English school and transnational society and give a concrete example of a phenomenon or
condition that is possible to use English school approach in analyzing it.

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