Dalcroze Exam

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1. Eu + rhythmos. Eu means good and rhythmos means rhythm.

2. Dalcroze is created by Emil Jaques-Dalcroze. He created this method because of his students. He
felt that his students just know about the theory and practicing. Dalcroze wanted his students to
feel the music, not only “know” the music.
3. Dalcroze principle:
- Learning music through body movement. The goals of Dalcroze are having experience how
to feel, hear, and express the music through body.
- Dalcroze is an active learning, which means that the students learn by doing.
- Experience before cognitive, which means that the students need to feel it before
understand it.
4. Body movement -> The goal of Dalcroze is using our own body as the instrument itself. The
students will hear the music, process and feel it, and express the music through their body.
5. Active learning = learning by doing -> It’s an approach for students to interact with their
environment in order to adapt and learn. It means that the students will learn more if they
perform the action (in short: listen – think – respond).
6. Experience before cognitive & theory follows practice -> It means that the students need to
feel the music first before they understand it. Basically, Dalcroze teacher will let the students go
to the practical right away, let the students to try and feel it first, and the teacher will explain
the theory later (practice comes first, theory later).
7. 3 main components of method:
- Solfege : It’s a solmization in musical scale. Solfege used to teach aural skill,
pitch, and sight reading. We can train this skill with singing both scale and sight reading in
fixed do.
- Eurhythmics : It’s a bodily movement as a form of expression. Eurhythmics used to
teach the concept of rhythm and musical expression through movement. We can train this
skill with clapping and stepping to the rhythm.
- Improvisation : It’s the creativity activity. Improvisation used to teach rhythm, melody,
and harmony. We can train this skill with making our own song with the chord, and so on.
8. Main activities – musical game (listen, sing, react, theory)
- Follow game (teacher demonstrates and students will follow)
- Quick reaction game (teacher does something and students need to react right away) – to
train quick thinking and respond
- Echo game (teacher does something and students need to do exactly what the teacher
does – copycat game) – to train short term memory
- Canon game (teacher and students do the same thing but start in different time) – to train
the focus
9. Time – space – energy
Throw the ball or doll with following rhythm – It sounds easy but actually it’s little bit difficult
and tricky. It’s really important to control the energy when throwing the ball so it can match with
the rhythm.
10. Dalcroze ceritification:
- Certificates : Getting the certificate takes 2 years. We can take the exam in many places in
the world. Teacher with this certification can teach from age 2.5 years until beginner in
- License : Teacher with license can teach the young beginner (advanced college
- Diploma : This certification is the highest. Teacher with the diploma can teach all level
and can be the judge of the exam. You can take the diploma only in Geneva.
11. Plastique Animee -> It’s a method to analyze the music with the body. It’s to demonstrate
musical element through movement or we can call it “mimicking” the music. This also a dance
but it has different purpose with the actual dance.
12. Personally, learning Dalcroze is really fun because this method is unusual than the others. As a
student, it feels like learning music is just having fun and enjoy the feeling. The activities in the
class also really fun and challenging and it makes me want to learn further about this method.
Dalcroze makes me realized that feel the music is important too. Because as a performance,
sometimes I only focus on practice to make my playing sounds perfect but never enjoy the
music itself.

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