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Class code: 231_DTA0600_26,27,33,34

Student’s name: Tran Minh Phuc

Peer editor’s name:
Date: 09/19/23



• 1st draft

• Self-assessment (checklist)
• Peer assessment (checklist)

• Final version

The chart above illustrates the different causes of air pollution in the UK
between 1990 and 2005.
In general, air pollution factors have tended to decline over the statistical
period, with the exception of road remains unchanged. Furthermore,
industrial activity is the main cause of air pollution, except where individual
householders contribute significantly.
First, the Total Atmospheric Pollutants figure showed a sharp decline over
the 15-year period, gradually decreasing from about 7 to just about 5
million tons in 2005. Among the elements, Nitrogen contributed about
5,000,000 tons. 5 million tons in 1990. However, the above figure went
through a period of serious decline, specifically in the period 1993 - 1996,
with total output falling by 2 million tons, before falling below threshold of 2
million tons 10 years later.
In comparison, at 1 million tons, the data of Households and Transport are 6
times lower than the data of Industry at the beginning of the study. Despite
small changes, household output increased over time, reaching 0.8 million
tons over 15 years. Finally, compared to related factors, Transport figures
remained unchanged at approximately 0.8 million tons over the study

• Rubric for grading

• Link Sharepoint/ Onedrive/ Google drive your collaboration space (optional)

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