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 Sebutkan bagian-bagian tumbuhan yang berguna bagi sistem transportasi

pada tumbuhan!

 2.

Sebutkan perbedaan fungsi antara xylem dan floem!

 3.

Jaringan pengangkut tumbuhan adalah ...

 A.

Xilem dan floem

 B.

Mesodermis dan epidermis

 C.

Stomata dan trikoma

 D.

Kloroplas dan protoplas

Correct Answer
A. Xilem dan floem
The correct answer is xylem and phloem. Xylem and phloem are the two types of transport
tissues in plants. Xylem is responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to
the rest of the plant, while phloem transports sugars and other organic nutrients from the
leaves to the rest of the plant. These two tissues work together to ensure the efficient
distribution of essential substances throughout the plant.

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  4.

Daya kapilaritas adalah salah satu proses untuk mengangkut air dari akar ke
daun, yang dapat terjadi karena ….

 A.

Air di daun menguap sehingga daun mengambil air di pembuluh.

 B.
Daun memiliki urat-urat daun yang banyak.

 C.

Terdapat pembuluh-pembuluh kapiler yang bisa menarik air ke daun

 D.

Adanya tekanan dari akar ke daun

Correct Answer
C. Terdapat pembuluh-pembuluh kapiler yang bisa menarik air ke daun
The correct answer suggests that the presence of capillary vessels in plants allows them to
draw water up to the leaves. Capillary action is the process by which water molecules are
attracted to the walls of narrow tubes, allowing them to move against gravity. In plants,
capillary vessels, or xylem, serve as these narrow tubes, enabling the transport of water from
the roots to the leaves. This explanation aligns with the concept of capillary action and its
role in the movement of water in plants.

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  5.

Pembuluh yang mengangkut zat-zat makanan hasil fotosintesis ke seluruh

tubuh tumbuhan adalah pembuluh ...

 A.


 B.


 C.


 D.


Correct Answer
B. Floem
The correct answer is floem. Floem is the plant tissue responsible for transporting the food
substances produced during photosynthesis to all parts of the plant. It consists of sieve tubes
and companion cells, which work together to transport sugars, amino acids, and other organic
compounds. Xylem, on the other hand, is responsible for transporting water and minerals
from the roots to the rest of the plant. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels found in animals, not
plants. Leaves are involved in photosynthesis but do not transport food throughout the plant.

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  6.

Peranan penting daun bagi tumbuhan yaitu untuk ....

 A.

Serap air

 B.


 C.

Meyebarkan sari makanan

 D.

Sebagai jaringan pengangkut

Correct Answer
B. Fotosintesis
The important role of leaves in plants is to perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the
process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose (food)
and oxygen. Leaves contain chlorophyll, a pigment that captures sunlight and converts it into
chemical energy, which is used to fuel the photosynthesis process. Therefore, the correct
answer is "fotosintesis".

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 0
 7.

Terdapat 3 faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi transportasi pada tumbuhan

yaitu daya serap akar, kapilaritas batang dan daya hisap daun

 A.


 B.

Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because there are indeed three factors that can affect transportation in
plants: root absorption, stem capillarity, and leaf suction. These factors play a crucial role in
the movement of water, nutrients, and other substances throughout the plant. Root absorption
refers to the ability of roots to take up water and minerals from the soil. Stem capillarity
refers to the ability of water to move upwards through the xylem vessels in the stem. Leaf
suction refers to the process by which water is pulled up from the roots to the leaves through
transpiration. These three factors work together to ensure the efficient transportation of
essential substances in plants.

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  8.

Jaringan pada tumbuhan yang berfungsi mentransportasikan air dan mineral

dari akar menuju daun adalah floem

 A.


 B.


Correct Answer
B. False
The correct answer is False. The network in plants that transports water and minerals from
the roots to the leaves is actually called xylem, not phloem. Phloem is responsible for
transporting sugars and other nutrients from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

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 0
 9.

Proses yang terjadi pada penyerapan air tanah menuju sel akar tanaman
adalah proses osmosis sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya tekanan akar

 A.

 B.


Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the process that occurs during the
absorption of groundwater into plant root cells is osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water
molecules from an area of higher water concentration (the soil) to an area of lower water
concentration (the root cells) through a semipermeable membrane. This movement of water
creates a pressure called root pressure, which helps in the absorption of water and nutrients
from the soil. Therefore, the statement that the process of water absorption in plant root cells
is osmosis and leads to root pressure is true

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