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convert Yeshimebet Tilahun to BCD 4 bits

To convert the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" to BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) using 4 bits for each
character, we need to represent each character in the name as its ASCII value in binary, and then
encode each digit of the ASCII value using BCD.

1. Convert each character to its ASCII value:

Y: 89 e: 101 s: 115 h: 104 i: 105 m: 109 e: 101 b: 98 e: 101 t: 116 T: 84 i: 105 l: 108 a: 97 h: 104 u: 117
n: 110

2. Convert each ASCII value to binary:

Y: 1001 1001 e: 1100 0101 s: 1111 0011 h: 1101 1000 i: 1101 1001 m: 1101 1101 e: 1100 0101 b: 1100
0010 e: 1100 0101 t: 1110 0100 T: 0101 0100 i: 1101 1001 l: 1101 1100 a: 1100 0001 h: 1101 1000 u:
1110 0101 n: 1101 1110

3. Convert each binary digit to BCD (4 bits):

Y: 1001 1001 → 1001 1001 e: 1100 0101 → 0001 0000 0000 0101 s: 1111 0011 → 0001 0000 0001
0011 h: 1101 1000 → 0001 0000 0001 1000 i: 1101 1001 → 0001 0000 0001 1001 m: 1101 1101 →
0001 0000 0001 1101 e: 1100 0101 → 0001 0000 0000 0101 b: 1100 0010 → 0001 0000 0000 0010 e:
1100 0101 → 0001 0000 0000 0101 t: 1110 0100 → 0001 0000 0001 0100 T: 0101 0100 → 0000 0101
0000 0100 i: 1101 1001 → 0001 0000 0001 1001 l: 1101 1100 → 0001 0000 0001 1100 a: 1100 0001 →
0001 0000 0000 0001 h: 1101 1000 → 0001 0000 0001 1000 u: 1110 0101 → 0001 0000 0001 0101 n:
1101 1110 → 0001 0000 0001 1110

So, the BCD representation of the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" using 4 bits for each character is:

1001 1001 0001 0000 0000 0101 0001 0000 0001 0011 0001 0000 0001 1000 0001 0000 0001 1001
0001 0000 0001 1101 0001 0000 0000 0101 0001 0000 0000 0010 0001 0000 0000 0101 0001 0000
0001 0100 0000 0101 0000 0100 0001 0000 0001 1001 0001 0000 0001 1100 0001 0000 0000 0001
0001 0000 0001 1000 0001 0000 0001 0101 0001 0000 0001 1110

B. convert Yeshimebet Tilahun to BCD 6 bits

To convert the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" to BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) using 6 bits for each
character, we need to represent each character in the name as its ASCII value in binary, and then
encode each digit of the ASCII value using BCD.

1. Convert each character to its ASCII value:

Y: 89 e: 101 s: 115 h: 104 i: 105 m: 109 e: 101 b: 98 e: 101 t: 116 T: 84 i: 105 l: 108 a: 97 h: 104 u: 117
n: 110

2. Convert each ASCII value to binary:

Y: 1011001 e: 1100101 s: 1110011 h: 1101000 i: 1101001 m: 1101101 e: 1100101 b: 1100010 e:
1100101 t: 1110100 T: 1010100 i: 1101001 l: 1101100 a: 1100001 h: 1101000 u: 1110101 n: 1101110

3. Convert each binary digit to BCD (6 bits):

Y: 1011001 → 010110 010001 e: 1100101 → 011000 010001 s: 1110011 → 011100 011001 h: 1101000
→ 011010 000000 i: 1101001 → 011010 000001 m: 1101101 → 011011 000001 e: 1100101 → 011000
010001 b: 1100010 → 011000 000010 e: 1100101 → 011000 010001 t: 1110100 → 011101 001000 T:
1010100 → 010101 010000 i: 1101001 → 011010 000001 l: 1101100 → 011011 000000 a: 1100001 →
011000 000001 h: 1101000 → 011010 000000 u: 1110101 → 011101 010001 n: 1101110 → 011011

So, the BCD representation of the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" using 6 bits for each character is:

010110 010001 011000 010101 011100 011001 011010 000000 011010 000001 011011 000001
011000 010101 011000 000010 011000 010101 011101 001000 010101 010000 011010 000001
011011 000000 011000 000001 011010 000000 011101 010001 011011 011000

convert Yeshimebet Tilahun to EBCDIC

To convert the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" to EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
Code), we need to find the EBCDIC representation for each character in the name.

Y: 1001 1001 → EBCDIC: 10110001

e: 1100 0101 → EBCDIC: 11101010
s: 1111 0011 → EBCDIC: 11111100
h: 1101 1000 → EBCDIC: 11101000
i: 1101 1001 → EBCDIC: 11101001
m: 1101 1101 → EBCDIC: 11101101
e: 1100 0101 → EBCDIC: 11101010
b: 1100 0010 → EBCDIC: 11001000
e: 1100 0101 → EBCDIC: 11101010
t: 1110 0100 → EBCDIC: 11110100
T: 0101 0100 → EBCDIC: 10100101
i: 1101 1001 → EBCDIC: 11101001
l: 1101 1100 → EBCDIC: 11101100
a: 1100 0001 → EBCDIC: 11000001
h: 1101 1000 → EBCDIC: 11101000
u: 1110 0101 → EBCDIC: 11110101
n: 1101 1110 → EBCDIC: 11101110

So, the EBCDIC representation of the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" is:

10010001 11101010 11111011 11010000 11010001 11011001 11101010 11000100 11101010

11110100 10100101 11010001 11011000 11000001 11010000 11110101 11101110
convert Yeshimebet Tilahun to ASCII -8
To convert the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" to ASCII with an offset of -8, we'll subtract 8 from the
ASCII value of each character.

Y (ASCII: 89) - 8 = 81
e (ASCII: 101) - 8 = 93
s (ASCII: 115) - 8 = 107
h (ASCII: 104) - 8 = 96
i (ASCII: 105) - 8 = 97
m (ASCII: 109) - 8 = 101
e (ASCII: 101) - 8 = 93
b (ASCII: 98) - 8 = 90
e (ASCII: 101) - 8 = 93
t (ASCII: 116) - 8 = 108
T (ASCII: 84) - 8 = 76
i (ASCII: 105) - 8 = 97
l (ASCII: 108) - 8 = 100
a (ASCII: 97) - 8 = 89
h (ASCII: 104) - 8 = 96
u (ASCII: 117) - 8 = 109
n (ASCII: 110) - 8 = 102

So, the ASCII representation of the name "Yeshimebet Tilahun" with an offset of -8 is:

81 93 107 96 97 101 93 90 93 108 76 97 100 89 96 109 102

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