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FORM 138 BAUARZDAR SACRED HEART SCHOOL - ATENEO DE CEBU GRADE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT H. Abetina Se. Canduman, Mandave City, Cebu, 6014 Phiippines OFFICIAL REPORT CARD Nam ALVARADO. Cys Tiana Halley A (CRRA. James Sates CiasNo | 16 (RINGS Ti| eecsee LRN stoomco10 ESRI aon-ae orm Rating Te Tem [2nd Tem | SelTem [Average ‘Chan Ue Farman Communication As nal Cog Mathematics Socal Studies APE crs Physisl Eacaion TEP | Ch Actinty ‘ACADEMIC AVERAGE — [GxcaenaeW efeolk Shee haet ae ae a ae ee ee ee See pera ciiephonlpoa PP Fitteds toward schookork a ‘Service to the community = | Te cna ROW Tegan ta ep! dees, Sh He ses 8 9 compl Br es aoe] ea ST ha a i aid pea anna i An Beaten * SE ee ee € Feta arena aN SDS Soe © Ryle nds tan Pi i ie i es ES Sp aac cv oncit ohnar Sat ance aa BP a tare sri 9 pa es nd ov bs Wie ee One Pr Feb [ Mar | Aor | May | TOTAL ‘Oe | Nor | Dec | Jon ‘ue | Ser [Seeotoas[ a [2 Days Present | 2 | aL ee Center for nF KAaOND11 Educational ALVARADO, CHRYS TIANA HALLEY A, Be a “Measurement, Inc Grade - dames Sales SY 20232026 rise aie poe ee Sad Hea Schl - Alan do Cbs oe Test Date: 08/18/2023 - Pretest English K to 12 Achoveret Test Grade 4 Examinee Repor Fom — PoRaren = SCALED SCORE 2 FO ce PR PRS Romo a mss ED Content AREA ar a 2 m Veeshry aa = Reading Comprehension 7 si COGNITIVE SRL ae sm a | Unsetanng 7 Me x —- ee 8 ue us ee Any sm ae | ening 8 mS oo LEGEND Saree 7 Sepeeeeauenen nmin cme -fopetrmpcmatnensti Seniorscetcaeene ‘Whats pr tle you [Tis rpat gs rag cig note an lap ave ceorsa re you lok on edo ng ato You cn se ow wal youd on ‘Slfeolyacecomld eat a Sard soe or cers eel eB stow tow wel you dé carta ea ow to road your test owuls [Te Tent Patorance Deion TP) end oper rat and comer is ep cociber your paras hSnparson wi re poromrance oH Poplar (Cette oe th xy) wha oes es ‘ouran sors on te et ene urbe of cored answe) comer to Prent Coe). Sealed Score), nd Percentile Rank PR) ako ner arene BC sone ges ou an Geerow na le wl est Yu ston’ corey eo he chutes mabe anstoraton oa rs) pins wae jo song ween uo pant eee hour sha (Ry) andr he Pepto (PR). {eor (wih extrait en oct “Te br HNRME?) nsectons Io Kl represent the dbo of scores of he Popatn. The etre eng of hese ars tees ram te owe! the ‘phe sess come canes by he exainees. Te shaded area represets he range cf seed scares ol maori mide ED) texans in te Population “Te barn seton IY shows you vera Se (or See mared by ©) and comers It wi he average Se$ ote Ppvaton a See marked by |). indcaes Tene facrSorets ove, eal oo ter Pan he aveoge Scr ol he Populate. A love soe mers Pat you turd he wil est moe fut an {Te opulttn an general he cbt han igh scre meas thal you found eet esr han he Popion dn gee ‘The basin sesons Eland i ston your pafomanc Your sors ee ha, equal, righ thane average seo he {Bimare atu than the Popa din geal: One ober had, than he Ppulaion di, n genera sonal fratin on what he esl covered in ams of leaing copetones. Each competency deszrbes an item ihe test. A check (W) re ret aver, a css (3) ls where your misites a, and act (© )arts tes wich you tank in each ol coin ras and corte hls stessedin he est Each bar shos in which areas esis aon. Alone etre mans ta yu ou paral cnt rea endoscope tre mens tha ou oun re paral cvtnt rea adr cove sil easier Secton Bl gies you ais ‘zk lems where youl eto ag 14 uae) ERLC KAZONON1 ALVARADO, CHRYS TIANA HALLEY A. beaadeninnisl AY seer Grade 1-8, Janes Ste, SY 20252124 ee ie alte oaet hare Gar Test Date: 08/18/2023 THE TEST OF EXCELLENCE English K to 12 Achievement Test Grade 1 5 Examines Report on Learning Competencies CORTE ABER = sea LEARNING COMPETENCY ‘Skil Correct «Wrong Blank 1 emanian wo" ny re > 1 Glenn wn srr ee 1 Oa Rasaranpieann ie : |= Uses plural count noun as subject in a sentence APP v 1 Ut ent lom apron we i + Us tponon cepa a sece me + 1 Ustiposonsni penn esos NAR + Used pta penne ere moog + stemonte manna me + Use ec penance eae 1 UsSapoen toys wh oct eer i A 1 USS penn ay why ane nrorer ae 1 Uae ee ple nd es wee 1 Urrte comprar emote sete ne : 1 Goats lmtp gece ne 7 1 Glee pepstonc py en rns woo 1 Ulrpepepostn ope er nose mel ey 1 Glee peyton pane comes ee 1 Gsespeptindlpan or na vce i : Uebepeeiorlone na ee es : tuner nsseance ey + tenis wath ore fen 5 + Una ebewt ev rouse mal & + ts tg venece woe + Kates emnstermard we + Aso ing sees hey Uses ogeonr wn asad nana sibjet na 5 + Unt SVayeenet orp tft md, + Vin S¥ ayer poo ct mY 1 vocaauuaRr ene Maris te nronmd a grenoan v0 i * les e ony age eee Woy * ete ppd a gen veb mY + Metis te terete genet wo Y > rere sola re ace wo Y |= Identties words with rhyming long fal sound ANA v {enti vr a sah pun ak + te be vara tes win Sob na F 1 READNG COMPREHENSION Pen th in tet hes mY + ts poe ag at mY + Gn petting aay mY + ee tty ea easy wo + ie bana ure ag a mY + ening cornea eingen mY + ete te toeto cen arg mY + tn watt aps eve nag fe : rn rang ccs pon ec oe eget oo : ‘eis prs of plot Copyright ©2014. CEM, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 4 (Examines 48) "= Identifies the reason behind the character's action’behavior ANA % |= Makes predictions based on story details ANA, v s eolenasmt mY oa wt em eo im ie AS Balatng ‘The Examines Report on Leaming Competencies (ERLC) ers he exainedsperoance on every let lem by dag whee th sents coec d rong responses ae, nung tes ich th ste aldo provi an answer to. Each coect response, ated wi a check (7), may india the exaice's ‘ued crpeterces as mezsradin he et whi each Inco response, ated wih @ cross (x), may ideal fe lean competences wich be exarinoe would ned develop and wher teachers shoul ve mre assstanca nA shipped, ard wi ace (0), may net crlessoss cht em may ‘othave been covered in as. Tener 1776282 (ee the back for more information) Page 3 of 4 (Examinee 48) Examines Report Form ERF KAZO1403 forthe CEM K to 12 Achievement Tests Description and Interpretation ‘he CEM K to 12 Achievement Test is one measure of an examinees leaming in school under the K to 12. Curriculum. Wis primarly designed to measure the achievement level of students in teach of the core subject areas ofered in the national curicuum. Together with other cassroom assessments, information ftom the tests can be used to idently an individuals or a group's potential strengths and chalenges inthe specified subject partcualy in terms of the covered content areas and assessed cognitive skils and leaning competences. ‘The Examinoe Report Form (ERF) gives information on individual ‘examinee performance in the entire test and in its cifrent pats. ‘The score onthe whole test or overall sore is expressed in Percent Correct (PC), Scaled Score (ScS), Percentile Rank (PR), and Test Performance Description TPO), while scores inthe diferent content areas and cognitive sks ae reported in PC and ScS. Cis the proportion of cect answered items tothe total number of items in each content area, cognitive skil or in the whole test. An ‘overall PC score of 75 means thal the examinee correctly answered 75 items in a 100m test. ranges from 010100. cS is a mathematical vansformaton of the raw score (with extra points given to dffcul items) which allows forthe comparson of scores forthe same test across ime ranges from 100 0 500. ‘The Percentile Rank is an examinees standing in relation to hisher schoolmates (PR) 01 examinees in the Population (PR) who took the same test This vale indicates the percentage of students inthe ‘Schoo o inthe Populaton who scored below the examinees overall score, It ranges fom 1- to 99+, A PR of 1 inccates that less than 1% of the students i the School scored lowe than the exainge and more than 89% scored higher. A PRe of, say, $8 means that 58% of the examinees in hisher school scored lower than hinder. In other words, the examinee belongs to the upper 42% who lok te test on the specified dates. A PRe of 99 indicates thal more tan 99% ‘scored lower and only less than 1% scored the same cr higher than ‘he examinee. A similar interpretation apples for PRe ony thal the ‘examinee is ranked against the Population instead of the Schoo, Copyright ©2014, CEM, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Test Performance Description (TPO) supplements the inerprelaion of the examinee’ PR, 1 descbes the examines’s veal achivement based on the nine categorie ofthe PRe. The 1 clogs ade creping TPD'S ashe PRe Category Test Performance Description (TPO) 96 9 9 — E Excolent 8 wo 9 8 «AE Approaching Excellence 78 7 60m 76 6 A Average M9 5 wo 40 4 12 0 23 3 —_MTA_ Moving Towards Average Som 2 0 4 = 1 NI Need improvement Section D shows the Examinee Report on Learning Competencies (ERLC). This reports the examinees performance on every test item by indiatng where the students’ cect and wrong responses are, Inducing items which the studens fled to provide an answer to. Each correct response, marked wih a check (7), may indicate the cexaminee's acquired competencies as measured in the test while ‘each incorrect response, marked with a cross (x), may indicate the tearing competencies which the examinee would need to develop ‘and where leachers should give more assistance in. A skipped item, ‘marked with a crcl (0), may indicate carelessness or thatthe item ‘may nothave been covered in cass Forfurher explanation, consut your guidance counselor. Page 4 of4 (Examines 48) Ae ene 1201311 Educational ALVARADO, CHRYS TIANA HALLEY A. ene Measurement, Ine. Gade 1B James Sales, S¥ 20232024 fe a ‘Sacred Heart School - Ateneo de Cebu (eecleallie Tet Date: 08872023 Pretest Moving Towards Mathematics Ko 12 Achievement Test - Grade laerine Ex Report Form Nee erunon SLED SOO PC ScSe Ra PRe Sco fe 0 ae Bora oe 319 | El CONTENT AREA - ante and Mune ene ms Gecnaty ® 38 Messsert nm Nea 2 20 Sttstes ad Pbaity ® a 1 cocnmve se Remeber 2» Ueno x 29 Aoeg ° sing sv a Tempranillo ‘ceieicieyemeneheee CE frets ‘What tis report tells you ‘Ths ep gives oration ha mwa and aly have donate ne et you oko We cia oe, Vou can se ho wal you ion he test by chi sects i ol ho pr. Secon shows your owl et poromaren whe actos EE sox ow we ou meta pas of How to read your test results ‘The Test Peformance Descripion (TPO) Tanda Wie upped camer is ropa esrb your perranc caparon wi te peemanes OTe Poputn all CEM test tae ass eco) who ak is You ra scr one es theres ol carec answer) recanted to Percent Correct (PC), Scaled Score (Sc), and Percentile Rank (PR 0 ma ther smoremaaingt PC score res you area few ma fe whos es ou anor ces. Se8on te cet hard sa mabematcalvastrmaton fhe aw ‘Zor (wih extra pons gen Isai tons) PR els whee you sand when ated agate exaitee nyu cho (PR) and inte Population (PR) ‘The bars (CNN) in sactons Mo I preset he dtiuon scr of th Popuston. The etre leg of hese Ears stthes tm he lowest fo he tight scale sere obaed by be examines The shaded area reesei tango sald sores of majo (mle 80%) of examinees ine Poulin ‘The barn secon BN shows you veal Se (x See mar by ©) ans compart win tho average Se ofthe Poulton (a SeS> mated by |). nceates whether yor score lower an, equ, e ghar han the aterape sara fhe Poplin, Alone screens ayo ound te whl est moe cut hen ‘he Popuston an general One et hand sige sore oars a you ond et ai ta a Pople ng ‘The basin sect and ston your prtornanceln each te cntrt reas an og sis assesed nets. Each bar shows in which areas ils our sori ower an, eau a, hgh a ne aerage ser othe Popa. Aloe” sore reas tal ou found he pacalr covet es dor comnts {hil mee aut tan fhe Popuaon in guneral. One cer hand, ahgher sore means ht os fur he parlor coven rea andor cove sil eset than ne Popiaton din genera ‘Section El gies you sional inomatnon wha he st covered ines of ang competences. Each competency descibes an lam in ts. A check (¥) ‘Rats lems wer you go he conectarewe, 0s (3) es whee your sakes se ard acsle| © Jars re which you a lak Tracer 1276258 (ee he back for mor information) Page 1 of 4 (Examinee 72) REERESE BEELER i | I ERLC KAZONSHt ALVARADO, CHRYS TIANA HALLEY A, = ABS cameo ae en aes 52003204 toca ‘sos Sea Reve detaa a Test Date; 08/18/2023 pe Atha skeet Tet re i tne Repro ering Competence TER TRE = LEARNING COMPETENCY ‘Skil Correct Wrong Blank ses i NONERSENRE mention f ommpepareripeere epee et ae 2 ener we ‘ See eared Pee, Ct rrstetor eran ea Beemer eter rales dr wa : ee ce eens esterase) res + meateattpectanamroe oe 1 Caayiteresremn ve i Seer nea eae ee Mera Sr nino oor atiiees ua & See imekanay amin tee claus = : 1 ote liao wiser tomes Ne 1 Soiate! Stamecsstmencacs hed 2 ee eer nanee ne iette a : "© Adds three one-digit numbers having sums up to 18 using the order and grouping properties of addion ‘UND v © eee eam ieme veoiaoname mg : Aaleiiarunne Seah ane saimraate = 4 : Simecnaeanoencen = ° + Sento at hase alt aap oe ctes fiom oa cys eu ne : — Satan ree acer tee cea ee a : ores "© Subiracts one to two digit numbers with minuends through 18 (basic facts) ‘UND ~ : teenie i. : + tart eyed bm ope sus om agatg te A + Sttenetag mann eset aaaees meet gg oo : + Sdeensdpaonbenay Sateen pee eS i nacleepbinunand SO : reales panes can ey CaaS eae a oe i + es coer ES ae be ar aoe 1 tein ae IE tee conn 7 fi een eee Sieresences rea ee : Senco mer: ate ee a + Copetaeiprecesomnesracsi onan name in 2 Sree i + Covi mene ecg nngde ail mY ——— ee Cae oli ey nsw pe { Gaicertaemrantene oo : + Tonlsnerreenme x : ecto 7 ‘ ee ag ie ote shes rae = : eae a ees me ae oereattoamevaniiacs oF i naareenae = : aac oe ae wo : tien cetommanieceiecy wo : Capra ©2014. CEM, he. igs Reso Piptasgeansie + Completes the number pater accrdng oats 1 nts ad expan spl repeating atoms 1 Makes patos of shapes Makes patos of ubers Finds he msg runbergtinakstn prblens 1 Finds the issing nubs in sutacon problems 1 Find and cpl pres foo: wo fhe allowing tbls: shape, sie clr, number \V, STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY "Answers queson about infomation preseriedin a pictograph wih ss ihan 10 items “Ansersquesonsabouiforaton presertdin 2 picogragh wth mote than 10 ems = Colocs andeparizes dla ung ales and tates 1 Represents dai using ogaph witout uing a cle ‘+ Reads andres a pctorarh 1 Prodi and rcs outcome of experiments and chance games LeGEND UND Undertnaing 39° = piv faa > kaha ‘The Examinee Report on Leaming Competencies (ERLC) repors the examinee's performance on every tes! lem by indicating where the student's correct and Repmmen Silage otter aaesae ane eae eat na meee eraae ose _acqured competencies 3s measured in te lest while each incorrect response, marked wih a cross (x), may indicate the leaming competencies which the examinee wad eed dev an wer las tel ve mae asince A spedion mated wih a ci o), mayne caresses Ral he em may taltne booms ‘Tracer 12762606 (see the beck for more information) Page 3 of 4 (Examinee 72) Examinee Report Form ERF KAZ01403, {for the CEM K to 12 Achievement Tests Description and Interpretation ‘Ine CEM K to 12 Achievement Test is one measure of an Trainee’ Ieaming in school under the K 10 12 Curiguum. tis marly designed to measure the achievement lve of student in Pont of the core sutjct afe2s ofeed inthe national curcuum. STogeher wh other dass0om assessments, infomation fom the teas con be used 10 enify an incvduals or 2 group's potential Srengts and calenges in he specifi sbjct partly in terms Sr pe covered content 2128 a0 assessed cognitive shils and tearing competencies, Form (ERF) gives information on indidual ymineo Ref bakes omnes ands diferent parts examinee performance in score onthe whl es or veal scare is expressed in Percent ere nth Parl Rank PR) and Tet peforncnce Description (TPO, whe sesin he erent content teas and cone sis re repre in PC and cS. oe sto eto bert a negate srtens releba epi cre al ee ce At dom ri tne anne Coreen 75 dems in a 100+tem est ranges frm 010 100 eS is 2 nahematcal ansforaton ofthe raw score (with extra pont ger fo dfleut ams) whch allws fr the comparison of Scores forthe same test css time, Iranges fm 100 o 500. ‘The Percentile Rank isan examine's standing in relation to hisher schoolmates (PRe) oro examinees inthe Population (PRe) who took the same test This vale indicates the percentage of student in the ‘Schoo rin the Population who scored below the examinees overall score. It ranges fom 1- to SSF. A PRe of 1 indcaes that less than 1% of he students in the School scored lower than the examinee and ‘more than 99% scored higher. A PRa of, say, 58 means that 58% of the examinees in hisher school scored lower than himher. n other words, the examinee belongs to the upper 42% who tok the test on the specifed dates. A PRe of 99+ incates that more than 99% ‘scored lower and only less than 1% soored the same or higher than the examinee. A simlar interpretation applies for Pe only thatthe ‘examinee is ranked against ne Populaton instead of the Schoo. Copyright © 2014. CEM, inc. All Rights Reserved. The Test Performance Description (TPD) supplements the intepetaton ofthe exarinee's Pre. It desorbes fhe examinees eral achievement based onthe nie catogries of the PRe. The nie algae and fe conesponing TPO a shown i Belle ‘est Performance Description (TPO) PR Category % 1% 9 Excelent eee 8 ‘AE Approaching Excellence 7% 7 0 Obme 6 AA Mb 5 = Mem 4 MTA. Moving Towards Average + to 4 1 NI Needs improvement Section D shows the Examinge Report on Learning Competencies, (ERLC), This reports the examinee’ performance on every test tem by Indicating where the students’ comect and wrong responses are, Inctuding tems which the students faled to provide an answer to. Each comect response, marked with a check (¥), may indicate the cexaminee's acquited competencies as measured in the test while each incorrect response, marked wit a cross (x), may indicate the leaming competencies which the examinee would need to develop and where teachers should give more assistance in. A shipped item, rmatked wit a cre (0), may indicate carelessness or thal the item ‘may not have been covered cass. For futher explanation, consuit your guidance counselor. Page 4 of ¢ (Examinee 72)

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