Meals and Eating Out

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Look at the pictures and try to:

- guess which country this food is from;

- name some of the foods;

- say which cuisine is your favourite out of these;

- guess what is today’s lesson topic?

Answer the questions:

1. What do you look for in a good restaurant?

2. What are the best restaurants in your town or city?

3. What do you usually order when you go out for a meal?

4. What is the best drink to have with a meal?

5. Do you enjoy eating spicy food? How hot do you like it?

6. Do you usually order dessert when eating out? What is your favourite?

7. Have you ever had a bad experience in a restaurant? What happened?

8. Have you ever eaten anything very unusual in a restaurant? What was it?

9. Would you like to eat out every day? Would this be healthy?

10. Would you ever eat in a restaurant alone?

11. Do you enjoy giving tips to waiting staff? Do you tip generously?

12. Do expensive restaurants always serve better food?

13. Which country serves the best cuisine in your opinion?

14. Is restaurant food better than home-cooked food?

15. Do you ever eat in fast-food chains like McDonald's or KFC? Why or why not?

16. Have you ever tried an all-you-can-eat restaurant? Does this appeal to you?

17. Have you ever had a late-night kebab? Was it a good experience?

18. Should the man always pay for the meal while on a date?

19. Do you ever read restaurant reviews? Are they useful?

bill: rachunek
book a table: zarezerwować stolik
breakfast: śniadanie
continental: kontynentalny
course: danie (in the context of a meal, e.g., main course: danie główne)
crowded: zatłoczony
dinner: kolacja
fully booked: w pełni zarezerwowany
main: główny
meal: posiłek
menu: menu
packed lunch: suchy prowiant / lunch na wynos
recommend: polecać
serve: serwować / podawać
service: obsługa
table for two: stolik dla dwóch osób
takeaway food: jedzenie na wynos
take …. out: zabierać (kogoś) na (coś)
tip: napiwek
took … order: przyjął zamówienie
Words: Definitions:

1. main a. a table set up for two people to sit and eat together.

2. fully booked b. to write down what someone wants to eat or drink.

3. meal c. relating to countries in Europe other than Britain.

4. menu d. to ask somebody to go on a date to a restaurant.

5. recommend e. an extra amount of money given to staff for good

6. crowded
f. to suggest something as good or suitable for a
7. course particular purpose.
8. breakfast g. the most important dish in a meal.
9. service h. a list of dishes available to order at a restaurant.
10. dinner i. food that is cooked and bought from a restaurant but
11. took … order eaten somewhere else.

12. takeaway food j. the help provided by staff at a restaurant.

13. book a table k. the main meal of the day, usually eaten in the
14. serve
l. one part of a meal, such as a starter or main dish.
15. continental
m. to reserve a place to eat at a restaurant.
16. take … out
n. when a place is full of people and there isn't much
17. table for two space.
18. packed lunch o. a meal prepared at home and taken to eat elsewhere.
19. tip p. food that you eat during breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
q. to bring food or drink to someone at a table.
r. the first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
s. when all places are reserved and no more bookings
can be made.

1. g 2. s 3. p 4. h 5. f 6. n 7. l 8. r 9. j 10. k 11. b 12. i 13. m 14. q 15. c 16. d 17. a 18.

o 19. e
Do you agree with this quote? Why/why not?

A few more questions for discussion:

1. Have you ever booked a table at a restaurant before?

2. What is your favourite meal to have for breakfast?

3. Do you prefer continental or local cuisine when eating out?

4. Have you ever had a three-course meal at a restaurant?

5. How do you feel about dining in crowded restaurants?

6. What do you usually order for dinner when eating out?

7. Have you ever been to a restaurant that was fully booked (restaurant is empty at

the moment but they don’t allow you in)?

8. What is the main dish you always look forward to when eating out?

9. Do you usually check the menu online before going to a new restaurant?

10. Have you ever packed a lunch to take away with you?

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