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I. Put the verbs into present perfect tense.

1. I ___________(be) here for three hours.

2. My parents___________ (own) the house since 1980.

3. They__________ (have) those problems for a long time.

4. We__________(see) this movie already.

5. You_________ (check) my spelling.

6. Linda________ (buy) a new television.

7. Julie_________ (break) her leg.

8. Tim and Mary_________ (have) a baby.

9. I_________ (know) Susan for all my life.

10. David__________(work) here since last October.

II. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect).

1. Last week I was very busy and I_________ (not have) the time to do a lot in the household

2. On Monday I worked four hours overtime and_________ (come) home very late in the

3. From Tuesday to Thursday last week I__________(be) on a business trip.

4. On Friday I went to a friend's birthday party and at the weekend I___________ (visit) my

5. Tomorrow some friends are coming over. I have not seen them for ages and they__________
(never, be) here before.

6. I__________ (just clean) my house so I can show them around.

III. Choose the best answer in the bracket.

1. Mike (has never seen / never saw) this film but I'm not sure he'll enjoy it.

2. We haven't been on holiday (for / since) ages.

3. Susan (went/ has gone) to England last week.

4. Wow! (Did you already do / Have you already) done the housework?
5. They (got / have got) married last year.

6. My dog (dug / has dug) a hole in the middle of my garden last night.

7. Look! The plane (has just landed / just landed).

8. Ever since I was a child (I wanted / I've wanted) to go to England.

9. He (didn't decide / hasn't decided) what to do yet.

10. John (has bought / bought) a small house in France in 2000.

V. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs (Past Simple or Present Perfect

My name's Lisa and I'm from Spain. I ___________(1. leave) school last year and I
____________ (2.not find) a job yet, so I'm trying to improve my English in the meantime. I
have been studying in a private school here in Barcelona for three months, and I think I
___________(3. make) quite a lot of progress. Apart from studying English my other main
interest is sport, especially swimming and beach volley. I ___________ (4. win) several cups for
swimming and our team ___________ (5. win) the Regional Beach Volley Championship last

VI Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.

1. Tim: How many times (you/try)__________ to pass your driving test?

Mike: Three times so far.

2. When (you/go)_____________to Ho Chi Minh City?

3. You look different, (you/have)_____________a haircut?

4. I (not/see)_____________David at all this week. I don't even know where he is.

5. Tim: (you/speak)____________ to Peter yet?

Mike: Not yet.

6. When (you/start)____________your job?

7. I (move)_____________house three times in the last five years.

8. My sister (be)_____________to New York three times and she's going again next month.

9. The US President (be)_____________in our country last year.

10. He (visit)_____________this village three times in the last two years.

VII. Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn
1. Samuel started keeping a diary in 1997.
→ Samuel has …………………………………………………
2. We started leaming English fìve years ago.
→ We have …………………………………………………
3. I began living in Ho Chi Minh City when I was 8.
→ I have …………………………………………………
4. She has taught the children in this remote village for five months.
→ She started…………………………………………………
5. He has written to me since April.
→ The last time…………………………………………………
6. She hasn’t had a swim for five years.
→ She last …………………………………………………
7. They last talked to each other two months ago.
→ They haven’t…………………………………………………
8. The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999.
→ She hasn’t …………………………………………………
9. I last saw him when I was a student.
→ I haven’t.....................................................................
10. He hasn’t come back to his village for over 20 years now.

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