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Name: Lady Jean Lagata Date: February 24, 2023

Program and Section: BEED II-A Course: The Teaching Profession

Module 1. Philosophy of Education

1. Kindly read Module 1, posted in your classroom.

2. As you prepare to create your own philosophy of education, consider these


✓ What elements of the Philosophical Roots of Education, do you agree with?

There are three elements of philosophical roots of education and I actually agree
with all of those. I'd like to start first on realism, since we are elementary majors,
teaching the children with reality is very essential because they are just starting to
explore the real world they are in. The children must know that everything they learn in
school is the reality; the teachers must show to students that education has a great role
in the reality of life. I also agreed on idealism, because we need to prepare the children
to face the future not just with reality but also mentally. Every student or child must be
mentally okay. Teachers need to put effort into how they will mold each student's
mindset so that they will not be that weak in the future. Teachers must show the
children that being intelligent and fed by information are also necessary because it will
be their foundation to think on what are the possible reasons that a certain situation is
happening which connects immediately to reality. Lastly, the reason why I agree with
pragmatism is because children also need to be taught about real life. They must know
that everything is surrounded by a problem and it has a solution together with it. For
example, people need food, which is the problem, the solution is for them to cook.
That's how the real world works and this is why teachers need to demonstrate on how to
come up with solutions that are accurate with the problem. Children must learn to
evaluate things to come up with the best solution. These three elements are actually
connected to each other and I think we should not disregard any of those because they
are actually working differently to each other and really have a sense to education.
✓ How would you incorporate these philosophical roots in your own philosophy
as a future teacher?

These philosophical roots will be my guide on what my goals are in teaching; why
I choose this path instead of just focusing on myself and earning money; why did I
choose to inspire and guide the young ones. I think these philosophical roots will be the
foundation of my own philosophy as a teacher because these are the basics of
education, the goal and vision. I will make my own philosophy of education with
consideration of these philosophical roots. Every time that I will be teaching in the
future, I will keep in mind that giving information is not just my work and goal in this field,
I’ll make sure to remember that I am teaching because I need to help each student to
grow and prepare them for the reality of the world when they grow up.

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