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Std. XI (2023-24)

Fill in the blanks

1. Circuit training consists of at least 6 to 10 exercises.

2. Polymetric training develops explosive strength of fitness.
3. Borg’s technique measures intensity of exercise.
4. Rest time period between two sets of plyometric exercise should be 3−5 minutes.
5. Cycling is an effective activity for enhancing endurance and stamina.
6. Walking running or swimming helps increase cardio vascular endurance.
7. Yoga involves asana, pranayama, meditation.
8. Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body.
9. WHO organisation has declared obesity as a disease and disability.
10. In India, obese people have tendency to store fat around their stomach and waist.
11. To calculate BMI, weight is measured in Kilograms and height is measured in meters.
12. Sanket has BMI of 29.9, so it will be classified as overweight type of obesity.
13. The whole universe is formed after the integration of five basic principles Panchmahabhuta.
14. According to Ayurveda the daily diet should consist of Shadrasas, the six tastes.
15. Ahar sanskriti is Indian diet of each state conducive with its climatic conditions.
16. Ritucharya helps in maintaining good health, and building a good immune system.
17. Mudras are gestures formed by some part of body.
18. Yoga maintains perfect balance of Body, mind and soul.
19. Filling of the lungs with air is Purak.
20. The process of holding the breath is called Kumbhak.
21. The process of breathing out is Rechak.
22. Practicing yoga is an effective medium for the holistic development of a child.
23. The unnatural use of performance enhancing drugs to improve the athlete’s performance is doping.
24. Doping may lead to emotional insensitivity, depression and lethargy.
25. Basic awareness about cause of injury is essential for players to reduce injury.
26. CPR is an emergency lifesaving first aid method.
27. Longer screen time leads to minimal physical activity.
28. In virtual games player cannot play without the guidance of others.
29. All the movements used in actual play on the ground are required while playing virtual games.
30. Every civilisation has its own sports culture developed as per climatic and physical conditions.
31. Sports, physically conditions the body and toughens mental attitude.
32. Sport inculcates very important life skill, self-discipline.
33. The first modern Olympic was held in the city of Athens.
34. The headquarters of the international Olympic committee is in Lausanne, Switzerland.
35. The first Asian games were conducted in the year 1951.
36. The commonwealth games were conducted in India in the year 2010.
37. The 2018 inaugural Khelo India youth games were conducted in New Delhi.
38. The motto of Olymic games is Faster, Higher, Stronger.
39. Five rings of Olympic symbol represents five continents.
40. In 1949 Asian games federation was formed due to efforts of Guru Dutt Sondhi.
41. Asian games are held every four years with a gap of 2 years between Olympic games and Asian games.
42. Khelo India is a national level multidisciplinary grass root games in India.

State whether true or false

1. Cycling is an effective activity for enhancing endurance and stamina−True

2. Yoga is just not exercise, it is a life style −True
3. Hiking and trekking increases blood circulation and relaxes mind −True
4. Intensity is an important factor while training −True
5. To increase muscle mass protein supplements are not necessary- True
6. Health is not merely the absence of disease or disability but it’s a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being.- True
7. W.H.R. (waist hip ratio) should not be more than 1 and in women it should not be more than 0.85-True
8. The Ritucharya helps in creating a homeostasis by reducing the tension.-True
9. Indian food culture is the manifestation of deep thought process of our ancestors.-True
10. Yoga is an effective pathway to a happy and prosperous life.-True
11. Mudras are a life enforcing invention in Yoga.-True
12. Doping by using forbidden drugs can be fatal.-True
13. When a player is not psychologically prepared then the chances to cause injury to self and others during
play is greater. -True
14. The sportswear should not be too loose or too tight. -True
15. Not limiting the use of technology will weaken mankind physically, although materialistic advancement is
being made by leaps and bounds. -True
16. Losing or wining in a game is not important, but the way you play the game is more important.-True

Answer in One Sentence

1. What are different training methods?

Circuit training, weight training and polymeric training are different training methods.

2. In which year was the first modern Olympics conducted.

Modern Olympics were first conducted in 1896

3. Who is known as the father of modern Olympics?

Baron pierce Coubertin is known as father of modern Olympics.

4. What is the motto of the Olympic games?

The motto of Olympics is ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’.

5. In which year was the Indian Olympic Association Established?

Indian Olympic association was established in 1927.

6. Who is the founder of the Asian games competitions?

Gurudatta Soudhi is the founder of the Asian games.

7. How many nations participate in commonwealth games?

54 commonwealth nations participate in commonwealth games.
8. Which sports event started in India to improve grass root games?
Khelo India started in 2017−2018 in India to improve grass root games.

9. What is screen time?

Screen time refers to time spent in front of TV, computer, mobile and video games.

10. Write five components of food according to ‘Panchmahabhuta’.

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are five components of food.’

11. Which are the ‘Shadrasas’ according to Ayurveda?

Sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent are the Shadrasas.

12. What should be the state of mind while having meal?

The state of mind should be pleasant while having meal.

13. What is the immediate source of energy for an athlete?

Carbohydrates are the immediate source of energy for an athlete.

14. Write four components of food that help replenish the athlete’s body?
Dry fruits, like figs, almond, raisins, bananas, ghee, jaggery, non-veg soup, milkshakes.

15. What is meant by Adana period?

Uttarayan which indicates ascent of Sun where strength of body goes down is Adana Period.

16. What is meant by Visarga period?

Dakshinayan which indicates descent of Sun where strength of body increases is Visarga period.

17. How are ‘Asanas’ classified?

Asanas are classified based on purpose/objective and body position.

18. What is Mudra?

Mudras are gestures formed by some part of the body.

19. Write food that reduces fatigue.

Sour juices, pomegranate juice, butter milk, sweet and sour drinks reduces fatigue.

20. What is ‘Asana?’

It is the state or position of the body in which we can feel comfortable and steady.

Complete the Web

Squat jump chin-ups

Plank hold
Circuit training lunges

Press ups Glutes bridges

Split Squat jump Squat jump

Polymetric training

Death jump Single leg hop

Polymetric training


Back pain Diabetes

Hormonal High BP
Side effects Heart
Breast Of obesity diseases
Joint diseases

Brain stroke Infertility


Modern Sedentary
Heredity life style
sleeping Laziness
Excess Of obesity
Cold drinks Eat more
Work less
Eating habits
Untimely eating

5. Carbohydrates Proteins

Balanced Diet

Vitamins Fats
& minerals water

Food Taste Sweet bitter Salty Sour

Function 1) Nourishing 1)Absorbs 1) Gives taste to 1) Creates

2) Increasing excess food appetite
body strength secretion in 2) Reduces 2) escalates
the body lethargy speed of
2)satiates digestive juice
Obesity Lack of
Weak Muscles concentration
and bones

Loss due to Physiological

Excess imbalance
screen time

Stress on eyes Neck/back


Weekly summary Duration of workout
Of exercises

Distance of
Meant role
Sleep time

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