Sword World 2.0 - Fairy Force!

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1 Contents

3 Contents



5 Contents


Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”


This work is a replay of "Sword World 2.0", a Tabletop RPG (TTRPG)

where a game master (GM) and players create characters based on the
rules of "Sword World 2.0". A replay is a written reproduction of the
TTRPG for reading purposes.
Playing games together, enjoying snacks, and interacting with each other
provide a different kind of fun compared to computer games.

This replay is based on "Wizards Tome," a supplement to "Sword

World 2.0." It serves as the main supplement, and "Wizards Tome" aims
to enrich the rules of magic, with a specific focus on Fairy Magic users who
have undergone significant changes.
The setting takes place in the "College of Stone Towers, Cain Gara,"
located in the Feidan region. This location is introduced in detail in the
supplement "Player's Handbook Natural History of Feidan."

Mayfa, a right, energetic, former orphan girl, is a struggling student.

Haru is a calm and witty Tabbit girl.
Aloelina, aka Lina, is a dark, wry, and witty girl with a dark comedy.
Karin is an enthusiastic girl who is known as the fashion leader of the
Cain Gara Fairy Magic Faculty.

Each of these lively and spirited girls is a member of the Fairy Magic
Faculty at Cain Gara. They collaborate as a team known as "Fairy Force".
As upper-level students with unique abilities, the girls are responsible
for tackling challenging issues that arise within the faculty and the city.

Sit back and enjoy this vibrant and lighthearted adventure story, filled
with plenty of girl power (?).
7 Introduction

Translator’s Introduction – History of Fairy Magic

Fairy Magic underwent significant changes from its initial release in the
SW2.0 Core Rulebook I in 2008. It was then further revised in 2011 with
the release of the SW2.0 Wizard’s Tome, followed by another revision in
2018 in the SW2.5 Core Rulebook II, and finally in 2021 with the SW2.5
Magus Arts.
This replay was played/written based on the regulations of the Wizard's
Tome, as indicated in the original introduction. You don’t need to know
the rules in detail to enjoy the replay, but for those interested, I will briefly
explain the changes in all four iterations of the Fairy Tamer so that you
can enjoy this replay to the fullest.
In the original 2008 Core Rulebook I, Fairy Tamers were played
similarly to any Wizard-Type Class. They had one list of spells that they
could cast at each level, and they needed 6 gems to cast any Fairy Tamer
spell regardless of its type.
Then, in the 2011 Wizards Tome, Fairy Tamers received a more
complex and versatile version from all 4 books. There were Basic Fairy
Tamer spells, 6 Typed Fairy Magic spells, and Special Fairy Magic (aka
Chaos spells). This entire system is explained in detail later in the replay.
In short, Fairy Tamers with each level can now increase 2 type contract
ranks and gain access to spells of the chosen types. They could also change
contracted types, but it requires time. Please refer to Wizards Tome, p.
70, for SW2.0 Fairy Tamer rules.
These rules were simplified in the SW2.5 Core Rulebooks. Spells by
each type remained, but Special Fairy Magic was removed. Now, you can
select 4 types from the available 6 and cast their spells up to your Fairy
Tamer level.
The Magus Arts version returned more flexibility from the WT version
but still simplified the choice. You now have 3 patterns: 4 types up to your
level, 3 types slightly higher level than yours, or 6 types of lower level, but
you could also cast returned Special Fairy Magic.
I hope this history deep dive was useful to you, and I hope you enjoy
this replay even more.
9 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

“ ”
Wizards Tome was released in August 2011.
This supplement aims to enhance the magic classes of Sword World
2.0. It introduces Deep Magic (Wizard magic), Specialized Divine Magic
(new gods), and Artificer Magic. Notably, Fairy Magic, used by Fairy
Tamers, has undergone significant changes.
Now, Fairy Magic allows users to form flexible contracts with six types
of fairies: earth, water/ice, fire, wind, light, and darkness. This means that
even Fairy Tamers of the same level can create unique characters with
completely different spells.
By specializing and contracting with fairies of various types, players can
access a wide variety of spells. For example, a Fairy Magic user could
specialize in earth spells, or a Fairy Tamer could focus on contracting with
light fairies, known for their healing abilities.
These options provide players with diverse gameplay experiences.
They can become similar to Rangers and aggressive fire users.
Oh, you'd like me to write a replay for Role&Roll, focusing on Fairy
Magic? I would love to!
A request?

GM: So, we decided to do this session to introduce the new Fairy Magic.
Players: Yay!
Player 1: But I still don't know the rules of these new spells yet.
GM: Yes, I will do my best to explain the rules, even though I, Akita
Miyabi, am aware that I am the one who is the most careless and
disorganized in explaining and applying the rules in SNE.
Player 2: No way! (shocked)
GM: So, I have prepared my brain for explanations.
Player 3: Anyway, I will try to make a character. Do we have any
GM: Yes, I think that the higher the level, the more spell options there will
be, so add 12,000 experience points and 200 Reputation. You should have
about the 5th adventurer level. And you will have 20,000 gamel.

Player 4: Got it. I wonder where it is set. Do we belong to some

adventurer's guild?
GM: The setting is the Feidan region, in a scholar city called "College of
Stone Towers, Cain Gara", built on top of a huge ruin. You all belong to
the "Fairy Magic Faculty" there.

College of Stone Towers, Cain Gara

Located in the Feidan region, this academic city is built on layers of
huge ancient ruins. The city attracts many researchers who study the ruins
from different eras that are buried underground, giving the city its unique
Surrounding the city are towers with distorted shapes resembling fangs.
Each tower houses different magical faculties and laboratories.

GM: And all girls, please.

Player 3: Huh!?
GM: Because I was challenged by the editorial board! They should be all
pretty girls! How could I not accept such a reckless challenge!
Players: Don't accept it! (laughs)
Player 1: Well, let's get back on track... I guess I'm studying enough to
know that my adventurer level is around 5, regardless of Fairy Magic.
GM: This city is built on a huge ruin and there are many mad scientists,
so adventurers are in high demand. It is not uncommon for students to
dive into the ruins as adventurers to gain combat experience and earn
money for their studies.
Player 1: Scary town, Cain Gara (muttering).
Player 2: So, how has Fairy Magic changed its learning method?
Player 3: You have the ability to choose what you excel at and what you
struggle with. Additionally, you can aim to have a balanced skillset and
become more versatile.
Player 4: Well, versatile are also able to use special spells.1
Player 2: Also, I heard that you can summon fairies now.

Special Fairy Magic (Chaos spells)
11 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: Yes, in Fairy Magic, a Fairy Tamer can choose 2 different types of
fairies from the 6 types available: "earth", "water/ice", "fire", "wind", "light",
and "dark" for every 1 level gained or level up. When you move up to the
next level, you can contract with two more types. This means you can
contract with two types of fairies, even if they are the same ones you
contracted with at the previous level. Additionally, if you make a contract
with a fairy of the same type, you can increase the rank of the spells by
Player 2: In other words, can we think of each level as two more spells to
GM: No, it's not just that. There are basic spells that increase with each
level. Additionally, a Fairy Tamer can utilize additional types every time
they make a contract with a new type. In my opinion, I refer to these as
"fairy's help points". Every time you accumulate two help points, you can
increase the rank of one type. However, you can only use the help points
to raise your rank up to twice your original rank.2
Players: …what? (tilting heads)
GM: Hmmm. Here's the secret weapon: Quick Summary!
Players: Don't be smug! (laughs)

How to Learn Fairy Magic, Quick Summary

The new Fairy Magic is divided into three groups: Basic Magic, Six
Types of Typed Magic, and Special Magic. Basic Magic is automatically
learned when the Fairy Tamer class level is raised, just like other types of
magic. One spell, such as [Fairy Wish] and [Summon Fairy (new spell)],
can be learned per level.
Next, the user can learn "6 types of Typed Magic" based on the concept
of a "contract rank": for each level up of the Fairy Tamer class, 2 types are
chosen from the 6 types (earth, water/ice, fire, wind, light, and darkness),
and the contract rank is increased by 1 level. Each level up will deepen the
contract with each type, allowing the user to learn spells of that type.

It’s a Symbolic Sheet approach, see Wizards Tome, p. 75.

The "6 Typed Fairy Magic" has "ranks" from 1 to 15, with each rank
having one spell. For example, the 1st rank of Earth Fairy Magic is [Snare],
the 2nd rank is [Stone Guard], and the 3rd rank is [Earth Hammer (new
spell)]. When the Fairy Tamer class level is increased by 1, the contract
ranks of "Earth" and "Fire" are increased by 1 level, and the respective 1st
rank spells [Snare] and [Tinder (new spell)] can be learned. Note that
when the class level is raised by 1, you cannot raise two "contracted classes"
of the same type simultaneously.
However, the "contract rank" is not equal to the "available spell rank".
As the Fairy Tamer class level increases, the number of spell ranks that
can be learned increases according to the total number of "contract ranks".
For example, if the contract ranks of "Earth" and "Fire" are both 2 at the
2nd Fairy Tamer level, both "Earth" and "Fire" can be used for up to 3
ranks of spells. This is possible because the contracted class of "Earth" can
be partially utilized for "Fire", and the contracted class of "Fire" can be
partially utilized for "Earth" at the same time. The formula for this is as

“Available spell rank” = “Contract rank (A)” + "Sum of contract ranks

of other types/2 (B)"

In the example above, we obtained "A=2" and "B=1(2/2)", which means

that up to 3 ranks can be acquired. However, the number of "B" cannot
exceed the number of "A". In other words, even if the Fairy Tamer class is
raised and other contract ranks such as "Light" and "Dark" are raised, "B"
cannot exceed 2, and the "available spell rank" of "Earth" can only be up to
4. If "A" becomes 3 (by raising the maximal contract rank to 3), you can
learn the Fairy Magic of "Earth" up to 6 ranks by utilizing contract ranks of
other types.
Lastly, "Special Fairy Magic" can be acquired in ranks of 1 and 2 for
every "Contracted class of all 6 types". These are spells that require the
power of all fairies, such as [Chaos Shot], [Chaos Blast], etc. For example,
by making a contract with all 6 kinds of fairies (earth, water/ice, fire, wind,
light, and darkness) by the 3rd level, you can learn [Chaos Shot] of the 1st
13 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

rank of Special Fairy Magic. At this time, based on the above formula, you
can see that all types of spells can be learned up to 2 ranks (A=1, B=1).
To make the learning process easier to understand, "Wizards' Tome"
includes two types of "Fairy Magic Sheets". You can use whichever is easier
for you. Even if you make a mistake in which Fairy Magic to learn, you can
change it without changing the total number of Fairy Magic "contract ranks"
if you spend some time in the game.
The pleasure of learning new and unique Fairy Magic is the greatest
attraction of the new Fairy Magic and one of the selling points of "Wizards'
Tome". Examples of how to learn Fairy Magic are given at the end of the
book, so please refer to them when you first start out.

GM: …There are two types of people: those who prefer the theoretical
method and those who prefer the intuitive method, so there are also two
types of Fairy Magic Sheets (gives the copies).
Player 1: I’m the type of person who intuitively loves marking checkboxes,
and this symbolic sheet is easier to understand.
Player 2: The formulas are easier to understand, so I use this one.
GM: Yes, even within SNE, these two kinds of magic sheets were variously
called "right brain sheet/left brain sheet," "sensory sheet/theoretical sheet,"
"art sheet/science sheet," and so on, which caused a lot of confusion (sighs).

Despite receiving some light criticism, the players consistently created

characters. They had discussions about which Fairy Magic and class they
would choose, and there were subtle screams of excitement when they
rolled the dice for their ability scores. The situation was quite amusing.

GM: Now, please introduce yourself as a character.

Player 1: Yes! I'm Mayfa, a Human girl of 15 years old! My main class is
Grappler 6 level, and I have an extra Enhancer 1 level. Fairy Tamer is 4-
level, and I'm a little bit of an earth spirit user, but I'm not very handy!
(Raises hand)
GM: Hmm, you can shoot a special Fairy Magic [Chaos Shot], which can
only be used by signing a contract with all types and can summon earth

Player 1 (Hereinafter Mayfa): Yes, I'm a little short to call Gnome. Rolled
history says she had more than 5 brothers and sisters, but she was alone
when I remember, so she was abandoned. Hehehe.
GM: For a hard life, she is very cheerful.
Mayfa: I can't be depressed if I have to live by myself! I used to get into
random fights, but someone pleasant... maybe a mentor picked me up and
I started to study here. I have 40 gamel left. I couldn't buy an adventurer
set that I need to survive (smiling).
Player 3: Why? You got 20,000 gamel, didn't you?
Mayfa: I chose to buy Hard Knuckle +1. I'm going to live my life in the
front! (hahaha) I'm a little out of my league in Fairy Magic Faculty, but I'll
stand in front of the others.
Player 2: Surprisingly, it is a little bit silly.
Mayfa: Don't be rude! (in high voice)
GM: So, she is a cheerful and positive girl. Next.
Player 2: I am Karin Elf, 19 years old, Fairy Timer 6, Sorcerer 4, Alchemist
1, specializing in magic. Fairy Magic types are water/ice type 6 rank and
earth type 6 rank. Her familiar is Meringue, a black cat.
GM: Hmmm. Are any special features worth mentioning?
Player 2 (Hereinafter Karin): Yes, I know. My dad is an adventurer, but
he is currently missing. Thanks to him, I am able to earn my tuition for
this school and the Truespeech Magic Faculty by working as a waitress at
a bar and as a temporary worker. I have a passion for dressing up, so having
a Hand Mirror and Magic Cosmetics is essential. Additionally, I have
become skilled in jewelry craftsmanship to decorate my Gem Gates and
sell them to my classmates… to become wealthy! (grins)
Mayfa: Karin, you may seem glamorous at first, but you're actually quite
sly, aren't you? (But still cheerful.)
Karin: Silence, you pitiful girl. Adorn those nails.
Mayfa: No! They will immediately break when I get into a fight! (laughs)
Karin: Kick it, Grappler. As a famous saying goes, the way to becoming a
millionaire starts with a single gamel. There is also a saying that those who
laugh at a single gamel will laugh themselves to death at 10,000 gamel.
Player 3: There is no such saying. I am Haru, a Tabbit 10-year-old, Fairy
Tamer 6, Sage 4, Ranger 2, so I am also in the rearguard. My available
15 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

types are fire type 2, light type 6, wind type 4, and mainly a healer. I was
attached to Mayfa in the rough and tumble world of fisticuffs and found
myself in the same Fairy Magic Faculty. It's funny.
Mayfa: Haru, you're terrible! I was almost sold!
GM: …Really?
Player 3 (Hereinafter Haru): It's not true (bouncing). When I tried to help
Mayfa, who was about to be sold out by accident, they thought that I was
negotiating the price.
Karin: You lumped together "have saved someone" and "have been falsely
accused" from the history table (laughs).
Haru: Do you think Haru would sell her friend for such a small amount
of money? It's rude.
Mayfa: …Did you?
Karin: ...You'd better be careful, you rabbit. In many ways. (bossy)
GM: Well, then, the last person should introduce themself!
Player 4: Yes, I am Aloelina, also known as Lina. Unknown age. I feel
unloved by this world…
Everyone: Wow! Here comes a character in pain! (laughs)
Player 4 (Hereafter, Lina): Why! As a Nightmare in this world, this is the
perfect setup! (laughs)
Haru: No, I was taken aback for a moment by the overly direct and adult
style (laughs).
Lina: (to get back on track). My classes are Fencer 4, Scout 4, Fairy Tamer
5, contracted with fire type 4, dark 4, and light 2... yes, you guessed it...
light and dark warrior (subtly dressed up).
Mayfa: …Funny, I feel something creeping up my back.
Karin: Isn't that true? That's the right reaction.
Lina: ...Heh. No one understands me. It's okay... I'm a soulscarred
Nightmare... going down the path of loneliness. I find enjoyment in those
cold stares in various ways... (frowns).
Haru: The player is saying this while holding back their laughter.
Lina: I grew up as a child of a noble and had a.... fiancée, but he was so
reluctant to marry me that he left me immediately.
Mayfa: Hideous.

Lina: I've been away from home for several months in search of my
fiancée… I arrived at Cain Gara and made friends,...... but all I saw was
Fairy Magic, which made me nervous. I'm not even sure… that I'll be able
to get to cast [Counter Magic]... Okay, I'm going to continue on this thorny
Karin: Lina, that way of talking is very annoying.
Lina: It's okay... to be dismissive of me, I'm used to it... (smirk).
Mayfa: Why are you at school when you are looking for your fiancé?
Lina: ...I'm not sure. But I guess I'll go find him and ask about his true
feelings... That's my modest dream... (distant gaze).
Karin: Well, well...
Haru: I hate him (casually).
Mayfa: He even ran away from you.
Lina: (covers her ears)... No! That man had a reason, a deeper reason! I
believe that, and I will continue to live today...!
Karin: A happy thought process, in a way.
Haru: She lives in a dimly lit flower garden.
GM: Well... I didn't expect all of you to learn Fairy Tamer. I thought there
would be some who would just pretend to learn at level 1. It's really
appreciated. And to top it off, all of you are female students... I mean, what
a sight to behold (praise them).
Mayfa: What... the first level was fine too? (shocked)
GM: Oh, anyway… let's start the session, shall we?
17 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”
19 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”
21 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Fairy Magic Faculty Concerns

GM: Do you have the appropriate Gem for your level? If not, you won't
be able to use Fairy Magic, so please be cautious. The price of Gems varies
based on the spell rank of Fairy Magic.
Mayfa: Yeah!
Karin: Well, as students, we should be given allowances.
GM: That covers teaching material fees.
Haru: It's really very cute.
GM: Unfortunately, the Fairy Magic Faculty is quite poor and has no
money. However, you still need to purchase gems to summon fairies.
Karin: But Fairy Tamers & Sages, of the highest level in the region, should
be there, right!?
GM: It is about “The Jewel of Cain Gara”, isn’t it? I can't help it. She is a
recluse. Besides, Fairy Magic is a magic that relies heavily on the senses,
so it has not yet been systematically studied as an academic subject.

The College of Stone Towers, Cain Gara, has a Fairy Magic Faculty
with the highest level characters in both Fairy Timers and Sage. For more
information, please refer to Natural History of Feidan ir Replay "Perdition
Serpent" by Miyuki Kiyomatsu.

GM: So here we are. You are the students of Cain Gara's Fairy Magic
Faculty. If you have 5 or 6 levels, you are senior students.
Karin: Well, hey.
Mayfa: I'm a bit of an underachiever.
GM: Besides diving into various ruins and practicing practical skills, the
teachers give you some troublesome problems in the faculty, and you are
rewarded for solving them and getting grades. In particular, you are a group
known as "Fairy Force" in the faculty of Fairy Magic, and you are rather
Karin: I paid the Reputation.
Haru: I was the one who insisted on "Lovely Quartet" for the group's name.
Mayfa: It's a bit tacky, but it's nice. Everyone wants to help in the faculty.

Lina: Yes, the faculty is enough for… an adventurer's guild, but if I go

outside… I will be abhorred again.
Haru: Is it okay for you to leave a missing fiancée unattended?
Lina: …Well, anyway.
GM: One day, you are summoned by Professor Dresden, your mentor.
Mayfa: Oh, I have a part-time job.
GM: From the beginning, do you reject the call of your master? (laughs)
Haru: Mayfa, we have no money, so we have no choice. Haru drags her
along, kicking and screaming.
Karin: Grappler comes to us while being kicked by Tabbit. It's surreal!
GM: Haru and kicked Mayfa are greeted by a mature human man with a
mustache. He says, "As usual, you seem to be treated roughly, Mayfa." This
man is Professor Dresden, your teacher. Professor Dresden is a gentleman
with a good personality and appearance. He is sometimes responsible for
liaising with other faculties in the Fairy Magic Faculty, where many students
tend to go at their own pace.
Mayfa: Oh, teacher, Haru is awful!
Karin: Don't worry about it as usual, Professor Dresden.
GM: Professor Dresden, after confirming that all four of you were present,
asks cheerfully, "Well, you all look well, don't you? By the way, I believe it
would be beneficial for you to venture out into the real world and undergo
training as part of the Fairy Force within the faculty and to foster your
personal development. What do you think about that?”
Lina: Behind those words, I see darkness... I must be in your way...
GM: He didn't say any of those things! Although he does have an ulterior
Lina: You shouldn't do that, sir... I have someone I've made up my mind
about in my heart... Ah, but there's someone who cares about me, even
though I'm just a person like Nightmare… (swaying)
Mayfa: Karin, what is she talking about?
Karin: I'm sure it's all just the ramblings of a delusional girl.
GM: No, Lina! That's not what he meant!
Haru: I understand. The teacher is hoping that Haru and her friends will
take care of a troublesome matter.
23 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: Yes. The mentor pats his chest at Haru's guess. “Yes, that's right.
There's been a bit of a mess, and I'd like to ask you to help me solve it.”
Lina: What!? I totally thought you were telling me to fall head over heels
in love... and grow up even more…
Mayfa: What? If you fall in love, you'll grow up? Teacher! I will too! (raises
GM: "Love is something you should handle on your own, without declaring
it." aside from that, he has something else to say. "Actually, I've been
burdened with a troublesome matter.”
Karin: Hohoho.
GM: “Actually, there is a little forest outside Cain Gara.”
Mayfa: Hmmm.
GM: "It is Tiwaz Forest, one of the rare forests in Cain Gara where one
can connect with nature," the teacher explains. According to the teacher, a
few Fairy Tamer students are trained by immersing themselves in nature
instead of living in the city. As a result, the Fairy Magic Faculty manages
several forests as training and refreshment grounds for these students, with
Tiwaz Forest being one of them.
Karin: Should we think of it as a place where people can have fun and
learn by interacting with playful fairies for a little while?
GM: That's exactly what it looks like. This forest was developed by Mr.
Tiwaz, a Fairy Tamer teacher at this school in the past. It is said that people
who are stuck, in a slump, or tired of the city are often taken care of here.
Mayfa: I'll be there for you, too, when I have natural withdrawal symptoms.
GM: “Well, one of your juniors went missing in the Tiwaz Forest.”
Everyone: Huh!?
Mayfa: Isn't that tough?
GM: "No, I suppose it could also be considered a place for training. Maybe
she's just so absorbed in it that we can't get in touch with her... but the fact
is, the junior female student is a very rich young lady named Arietta,"
Professor Dresden seems somewhat hesitant to say this.
Karin: I've heard of Arietta... I've heard that her family provides donations
in addition to school fees! So, if she were to disappear, they would be in a
big panic! (index finger pointing)
Lina: ...what a disgusting fantasy... (muttering)

GM: No, you're right, but don't say such rude things (laughs). More than
the faculty and classmates, her parents' house is worried about her.
Mayfa: She could have just woken up her inner forest girl3, though.
Karin: Even if we disappear, they definitely won't search for us, will they?
GM: That's not true at all. Well, everyone is at quite a high level, so faculty
might just assume you went on a field trip and search for you after a few
Lina: …are we being shunned?
Haru: However, being a junior member implies that she may not be as
proficient in magic as Haru and the others. This is somewhat concerning.
Mayfa: Oh, that’s right. If she is a young lady, she may not be accustomed
to hiking in the mountains. Teacher, could you tell us more about Arietta?
GM: Yes, she is a 14-year-old Human, a slightly pampered girl. However,
she has been feeling a bit sluggish lately, so she went to the Tiwaz forest
for recreation to alleviate her depressed mood.
Mayfa: So, if she is lost, I feel sorry for her.
Karin: Yes, that's right. It might not be a bad idea to go to the forest for the
first time in a while to be surrounded by positive energy and refresh
yourself. Let's go to breathe in phytoncide and relieve stress! That's my
main purpose, not to go looking for the missus!
Haru: Karin, do you have something against rich people?
Mayfa: It's just that Karin is not being honest. Or, she is just jealous.
Karin: ... It annoys me when someone hits the nail on the head in a
cheerful manner.
Lina: ...That aside... About our reward, teacher...
GM: Yes, yes, of course. The reward is 3,000 gamels per person, which is
a fair reward for the level. Please ask the caretaker of the Tiwaz Forest for
more information about the traces of Arrieta.
Mayfa: Who's that?

Forest girl (森ガール) is a popular Japanese fashion style from the 2000s, known for
loose and atmospheric clothing with a fantasy forest theme. It is not centered around
actual forest activities. The Forest Girl community started in 2006 and became popular
in 2008. Fashion elements include retro floral print dresses, layered silhouettes, and the
use of natural materials and colors.
25 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: In case you are wondering, not all of the students are accustomed to
camping out in the wild. There is a lodge at the entrance of the forest, and
the old couple who manages the lodge will take care of your meals if you
wish. Oh, and the teacher will pay for your stay during your request.
Mayfa: Thank you! (happy)
GM: “I'm counting on you, Fairy Force! I wish you all the best!” Professor
Dresden gives a waning smile like a commander in chief of a squadron and
sends everyone off. And.
Karin & Haru: Wow! That’s lame! Lina, you're embarrassing!
Lina: Maybe we should rename the team ...... Yes, just like we are from
the darkness...
Mayfa: (interrupts) What? I'm burning!! Fairy Force Out! (laughs)
27 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

At Tiwaz Forest
GM: So, here you are. About half a day from Cain Gara. Tiwaz Forest.
Everyone: Quick!
GM: Because it is not far from Cain Gara, and it is a safe road with little
chance of anything coming out of it.
Karin: I guess it is difficult for ordinary students to use the forest if it is
somewhat unsafe.
Mayfa: If it were me, I'd be happy to go to the training camp as a warrior.
Haru: Mayfa, you are not so much of a brainiac.
Lina: Unnecessary, it's better… not to waste effort…. You don't know what
will happen in the world…. That's life.
Karin: Indeed, it is hard to know when your fiancée will run away from
Lina: Currently, the murderous intent against Karin has increased by 60
percent... (muttering).
Mayfa: Yes! Can we see the lodge where the caretaker of the Tiwaz Forest
is located?
GM: Yes, you can see it. In the background of a densely forested mountain
is a moderately sized, well-maintained house resembling a log cabin. The
road continues deeper into the trees, with a sign along the way. There are
no fences or gates on the road.
Mayfa: Well, let's go talk to the caretaker and ask for permission - Hello!
3000 gamel, please!
Karin: You are so open and unabashedly aggressive, I must say.
Haru: Mayfa has a straightforward personality.
GM: Yes. A frail elderly couple, looking surprised, as if you were debt
collectors of some kind. But when they see you all, they seem to be
somewhat relaxed. It seems that Professor Dresden has already contacted
them by a fast horse or something. “Oh, they are the people who received
the search request from the Fairy Magic Faculty!”
Lina: ...I've been abandoned by the world, but if I have to be, I'm prepared
to devote myself to...
GM: “What is wrong with this girl?”

Haru: It is a spiritual overwhelming. She is always like this, so please don't

mind her.
Lina: This rabbit is terrible... but I can't help being despised... I'm
soulscarred Nightmare... (crying).
Mayfa: Lina, you are actually starting to feel pleasure in being turned down,
aren't you? (laughs)
Lina: Hmmm... You know exactly what I mean, Mayfa. Seeing everyone's
uncomfortable faces, little by little, makes me ecstatic... (grins).
Mayfa: Ugh. So, you are a masochist and sadist (laughs).
Karin: Please refrain from looking in my direction... Fairy Magic Faculty
has asked us to search for Arietta.
Haru: How long has it been since Arietta left?
GM: The old woman caretaker testifies that it has been about three days
since they lost contact with her.
Karin: Oops.
Haru: She has been gone for quite some time.
Lina: ...It's a surprisingly serious situation...
Mayfa: I would be fine, but Arietta is a young lady, right? I wonder how
well-equipped she was.
Karin: Can you tell us more about the situation?
GM: Certainly. Arietta ventured into the forest to provide a brief update
on the current situation, and initially, there was no cause for concern on
the first day. However, worry set in when she did not return to the lodge
the following day and could not be reached. The lodge staff contacted both
the Fairy Magic Faculty and Arietta's parents' house to check if she had
returned directly without stopping by the lodge, but she had not. It is worth
mentioning that Arietta was equipped with gear and possibly even a packed
lunch of preserved foods. However, the caretaker doubts that she took
everything with her.
Mayfa: In other words, she is not equipped for full-scale warrior training.
GM: No, it is not. She is a Fairy Tamer who felt a bit stuck and has come
to refresh and relax with fairies. Therefore, she was not equipped with
fully-fledged equipment. However, there is a resting place in the forest, so
she might have stayed there.
Haru: Might?
29 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Karin: You didn't go check on her?

GM: After all, they are an old couple. Walking in the forest is a little hard
for them. Sometimes, they ask young students from the faculty to take care
of the log house, but basically, they only take care of this log house. As for
the rest area, the people who use it clean it and hang the bedding on the
Mayfa: So, maybe she is resting there with an injury.
Haru: Yes, I think that's a good idea. If that is the case, I think it is a good
idea to first look for such a place where she can rest her body.
Lina: (suddenly realized) ...Oh no. I forgot to confirm something
important with the teacher... How careless of me.
Karin: What's wrong?
Lina: ...If we find a dead body, will we still get half the reward?
Haru: Oh, that is important.
Karin: Oh my! (sweats)
Lina: ...Of course, we will do our best to prevent that from happening, but
there are force majeure events in the world. Yes, just as I was born with a
soulscar without wanting it…
Mayfa: Let's keep Lina’s mouth shut. Well, from the grandma’s point of
view, did she notice anything strange about Arietta? In particular, did she
say where she wanted to go?
GM: According to the old woman's testimony, Fairy Magic Faculty
members enter the Tiwaz Forest after obtaining permission at this
mountain lodge. The forest is a solitary mountain encompassed by forests
and contains several amenities. Individuals who are not accustomed to
mountain hiking are permitted to stay at the lodge for meals and overnight
accommodation. Arietta was one such student.
Mayfa: I believe girls of this age like to gather in groups like us. However,
was Arietta alone?
GM: Yes, she was. She didn't seem to have any companion. She was a
Fairy Tamer who lost her edge and asked us where she could find a good
Haru: Then, I would like to ask later about what you taught her and such.

Lina: Are there any other... dangerous places in this forest? No... A
person's life is always in danger. The future is about to be shrouded in
darkness. You never know what might happen.
Mayfa: (interrupting) Barbarous, bandit, forest dangers, etc.
GM: Basically, the outer area of the forest is well maintained by people,
so there seems to be no great danger and no easy way to get lost. However,
for those who are not satisfied with that and want to try more wild life, the
center of the forest is almost uninhabited, so even the caretakers do not
know the details. The forest is open to anyone who wants to enter, so many
intruders exist.
Karin: What are your countermeasures against them?
GM: There is an unspoken agreement that Fairy Tamers in training may
attack anyone who does not have a permit issued here. Of course,
unnecessary killing is forbidden.
Everyone: Scary! (laughs)
GM: Also, senior students of the faculty and instructors come to inspect
the building on an irregular basis.
Mayfa: Anyway, Arietta is not the type to seek wild life. She is a young lady.
It's more natural to think that something happened to her.
Haru: If you were in a slump, I think you were looking for refreshment or
Karin: However, since she was a wild forest girl, her knowledge and
equipment for the forest were not enough, and she kept going deeper and
deeper into the forest and couldn't find her way back.
GM: “It is quite possible.” The caretaker's old woman worriedly said,
“Besides, about three days before or after we lost contact with Arietta,
there was an earthquake in this forest that occurred a few days ago... Oh, I
don't think it was anything that would cause much damage. But just in case,
I sent a quick errand to Cain Gara's Fairy Magic Faculty.”
Everyone: An earthquake!?
Mayfa: Then, isn't there a possibility that she might be injured?
Karin: That's not good. Unless you are a skilled adventurer like us. The
young lady was definitely not suitable for this. (proud)
Haru: Huh? Are we adventurers?
31 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Karin: ...Correction, she has to be someone like a skilled adventurer! And

I'm going to be a powerful lady on my own!
Lina: Well... I have no idea who I am... I know nothing... That's why...
Oh, grandma, could you please give us a map of the Tiwaz Forest? Or
maybe you could guide us...?
GM: You have started using the technique of putting the main topic in the
latter half of the phrases so as not to be interrupted (laughs). The old
couple has a simple map of this forest, but they will not be able to
accompany you to show you the way.
Lina: No... It's fine... When you enter the forest... That's when you decide
that's the end of your life…
Haru: It's not an abandoned mountain (laughs).
Karin: Just in case. Have caretakers heard about the history of this forest
or any suspicious rumors?
GM: They don't know much. They basically lived in the neighboring
village but retired as hunters and became the caretakers here. However,
even if they are former hunters, they do not often enter the forest.
Mayfa: What are you talking about? Don't say it's dangerous. You must
dive into any ruins as soon as you find them! (clenches fist)
Karin: That’s too much for ordinary people.
Lina: Ruins are... worlds of darkness, crypts where terrible nightmares
stir... that is, a place that is not good for newbies... because it is full of
Haru: Lina, I got tired of your painful way of speaking halfway through
GM: Of course, students are allowed to dive if they find any ruins, but they
are responsible for their own risk.
33 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Tiwaz Forest, Recommended Course

Haru: Entering the forest from this lodge, we will find a hiking trail, which
is a gentle ascent in a clockwise direction and a slightly steeper ascent in a
counterclockwise direction.
Mayfa: Is there a watchtower where they intersect? That's the highest one,
Karin: In other words, clockwise is the easier slope, and counterclockwise
is the harder slope. What is the Hot Spring mark on the harder slope?
GM: As you can see, it's a hot spring. It's not really for the reader's benefit
or anything.
Haru: You don't have to say it (laughs).
GM: The mark of a house in the direction of an easier slope is the Rest
Area mentioned in the story. The central area surrounded by two roads is
a dense forest. It looks almost untouched by human hands.
Lina: ...At any rate, there is no reason not to go to a hot spring… (excitedly).
Karin: Surprising. Lina got a bite. Well, I have no objection, but first of all,
let's look for traces of the missing Arietta. Oh, while we're at it…
Haru: Karin, I think you should do something about your lack of honesty.
Mayfa: Taking a bath with all your worries is not refreshing!
Karin: Well, I'm not worried! (in an overly tsundere style4)
Lina: ...Mysterious, when that happens... magic that makes any character
seem like a good-hearted boy or girl.
Haru: How long does it take to go around the forest course?
GM: If you are fit, you can make a round trip from morning to evening.
Mayfa: Then, if we climb up from the easier slope, it would be nice to take
a hot spring bath in the evening to relieve our fatigue!
Karin: No objections. I'm totally in the mood for a hike.
Haru: It's okay. In the meantime, we should be able to find Arietta.
Lina: ... Or perhaps she lost track of time at the hot springs… After all, a
girl can't resist them if she's just a regular girl!
GM: Well, I don't think that's always the case (laughs).

A tsundere is a character, most often female, who switches from being tough and cold
towards a love interest into being soft and sweet.

The schoolgirls set out cheerfully on a circular course through Tiwaz

They were searching for footprints and calling out Arietta's name as they
went along.
The easier slope was tranquil, with no significant enemies, and they
eventually reached a rest area.

Karin: ...Haha, as a lady's etiquette, you should always wear Fashionable

Shoes to trudge up any slope!
Mayfa: Absolutely, fashion is all about determination! (laughs)
Lina: Haha... I witnessed Karina's determination, comparable to Kobe's
young ladies5, as she gracefully descended the slope while wearing high
heels and taking small, precise steps (laughs).
Karin: The lady starts with the form.
GM: Along the road, you can see a little small bungalow. Just in case
Barbarous or animals attack, it has a wall. This place is used as a resting
place, probably because it has a well.
Mayfa: Yay, water!
Karin: We can sleep over here, right?
GM: Yes. It is open to the public free of charge, and it is not a very well-
equipped facility.
Mayfa: If it provides shelter from rain and dew, it makes a huge difference!
Haru: What's it like inside?
GM: Although no one is here now, several sets of bedding have been left
in use. Normally, it is an unwritten rule in a place like this that you should
clean up after yourself before leaving.
Karin: …As a lady, I wonder if Karin knows about cleaning up.
Mayfa: I'll have to lecture you later!

Kobe City, one of the central cities in Japan, declared itself a “Fashion City” in 1973 with
the aim of promoting fashion urbanization. This event soon set the standard of the city’s
future image. Now, Kobe is a city famous as a fashion center in Japan, and has its own
style of fashion. This is supported by the design of clothing and beauty care area, and the
famous Kobe fashion week and Kobe Collection.
35 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Haru: Wait a moment. I was about to ask GM about bedding. Maybe it

was Arietta who used this.
Lina: ...exactly, how many bedding are here?...
GM: 3.
Mayfa: Huh!?
Haru: …I thought there might be a possibility of eloping, but 3 beddings...
Arietta is surprisingly bold (muttering).
Everyone: Hey! (laughs)
GM: Please don't say anything too graphic with your pretty face (laughs).
Lina: …Anyway, let's check it out. No matter what the reality is, if we don't
accept it, we can't move forward... So, "Search" near the beddings (rolls)
GM: Hmm. Somehow, they seem to be strangely stained with dirt. Maybe
they used the bedding without cleaning them.
Mayfa: Dirt? I don't think that's the way of a lady!
GM: Besides, it was not used yesterday and today. It was a few days ago.
Karin: I wonder if someone else used it. Well, it seems that Arietta is not
the only one who came to this forest.
Mayfa: By the way, I forgot to ask you what other students visited this
Haru: However, we found out that there were other people in this forest,
too. And they were not so well behaved.
Lina: ...there's an ominous wind blowing...
Mayfa: But they might be local hunters.
Haru: Yes, it's men! Of course, it's men who are so ill-mannered! All men
are beasts!
Karin: You say this like a prey and not like an adult.
Haru: I have been almost hunted by hunters many times! (laughs)

Later, when Haru looked for footprints outside the rest area, she found
several footprints that appeared to be those of men.
Further solidifying the hunter theory, the schoolgirls, Fairy Force,
continue to search for Arietta.

From the Watchtower

GM: Continuing up the road, you will eventually reach the watchtower. It
is not as splendid as an observatory but rather resembles a gazebo. Made
of wood, it has a homemade appearance, perhaps designed to embrace
the spirit of the wind. Carved here and there are the names of the students
who have visited this place.
Mayfa: I'm going to carve too!
Karin: Stop it! Where's Arietta's?
GM: She is not here.
Lina: ...I wonder if we haven't reached this point yet. No, we are all on a
Haru: I will search for footprints nearby! (Raises hand) I am a girl who was
born solely to search for footprints!
Lina: ...I think you should broaden the meaning of life beyond just that
narrow perspective...
Haru: (rolls)… Uh. 12.
GM: You don’t find any.
Haru: (disappointed) ...Haru accepts Lina’s advice, reflects on her life, and
finds a new purpose in life.
Karin: Well, well, you don't have to carry that much burden. Lina is also a
Scout (taps on the shoulder).
Lina: Yes, I am. As the main Scout, I'm staying strong even though I've
already failed... without carrying the darkness.
Karin: No, you should be sorry about that.
Mayfa: I'm going up to the watchtower! Is there a ladder or something on
it? Does it look safe?
GM: It looks sturdy because it was put together by careful students. The
ladder is also there.
Mayfa: Climb, climb, climb! I love high places! (hurries). So, what do you
GM: Yes, you can see a slight steam smoke from a point in the direction
of a harder slope. The location is consistent with the map you received.
Lina: ...I thought it was hot water smoke, but it was fire...(muttering).
Mayfa: What! The whole place is on fire! (laughs)
37 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: No, it's not! It's a peaceful scene!

Mayfa: So, I don't see anything else?
GM: Nothing in particular. A few trees are leaning in the middle of the
forest, and it looks like there is a big black hole in the ground in the middle
of the forest...
Everyone: This is not a peaceful scene! (at the same time)
Mayfa: I'm seeing a lot of strange things! There's a strange hole in the
middle of the forest!
Lina: ...Dead body?
GM: You can't see such things. It's too far away.
Karin: Because it's far away? We just can't see it because it's far away?
GM: Well, anyway. From the watchtower, you can only see a large hole
and a plume of steam rising at the presumed location of the hot spring.
Lina: ...The gates of hell have opened... and no one can escape them now.
Haru: Mayfa, pass! (gesture of throwing)
Mayfa: (gesture of acceptance) Hey!.. What is that?
Haru: It's Telescope.
Mayfa: Thank you! So, let's take a closer look around the black hole!
GM: Yes. Now, let me explain in detail. It appears that the black hole was
recently created. The soil is not completely dry, giving it a blackish
appearance. The visibility of the hole suggests that the trees surrounding it
have been knocked down, but these fallen trees still appear green and
Haru: Are there any arms protruding from the soil?
GM: No, there are not. Also, it's probably near a hot spring but...on the
other side of the steam…
Lina: …naked lady (muttering).
GM: Yeah.
Karin: No way! Not happy! ...I mean, um, what kind of person? Arietta?
GM: No, Mayfa is also a Fairy Tamer, so for her, she is easily recognizable.
It is Bannik. Also known as Fairy of Hot Springs.

It is a water fairy in the form of a naked female with long hair. They like
clean and warm water and are usually found in places where there are hot

Mayfa: Panic?6
GM: No, Ban-nik (laughs).
Mayfa: All I heard was "banquet7". I thought it sounded delicious...
Lina: ...whereabouts of Arietta. Where she came from, where she went...
what that abyss is, can we talk to it...
Haru: Well, let's go to the hot spring, shall we?
Karin: Well, let's go to the hole first, anyway. It's off the tour route, and it's
going to get dirty. Don't you want to go to the hot springs later to refresh
Mayfa: Karin, you are so rational. I agree with you. I'm sure I'll get into a
Lina: ...I don't see a problem...
Mayfa: I'm worried about that hole, so I'd like to take the shortest route
through the forest if possible. Is it possible?
GM: It is your first time in the forest. Check will be needed to make sure
you don't get lost. (Oops, let's go to the hole first... so) Now, you are all
going to leave the route laid out around the Tiwaz forest and head for the
center of the forest. It's an unmarked path.
Haru: Haru is a Ranger, so she leads everyone so that they don't get lost.
Karin: Haru is sensitive because she can use Danger Sense with Tabbit
racial using an adventurer level. But don't overdo it. If you think you are
near the hole, be extra careful.
Lina: I'm sensitive too. When I get close, I will go near Haru.

Localized joke, but in the original she says, “Horse meat?” because 馬肉 (baniku) means
horse meat in Japanese.
Another localized joke, in the original she says, “plum meat” because 梅肉 (bainiku)
means plum meat in Japanese.
39 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: Now, you move on to the area around the hole. So far, there is no
particular obstruction or difficulty, especially from beasts. The smell of
fresh soil is still strong. A hole about 5 meters wide is opening, piercing
through the ground.
Mayfa: Can I see the bottom?
Karin: I'll take a look. I have Darkvision.
GM: Yes, you can see it. It is a big hole, but if you look closely, you can
see that it opens at an angle and reaches the bottom at about 3 meters, but
it seems to continue from there to the back.
Karin: Oh? (tilts head)
Lina: …Is it a result of the natural course of events of the earth, according
to the rules of... nature, or is it an unreasonable void forced upon us by
someone else's hand...?
GM: Let me see if I may interpret the meaning of the sentence
appropriately. Question: is it natural or intentional, right? It looks like a
natural cave where the entrance area has collapsed due to some kind of
impact, but the passage continuing towards the back appears to have
leveled ground.
Mayfa: …Ruins?
Karin: I heard that there was an earthquake a few days ago, according to
caretakers. So, the entrance was opened up..?
Haru: I want to explore the surroundings for any footprints.
GM: Yes, go ahead. The Target Number is 13.
Haru: I, this time, am a woman born only to look for footprints! (rolls)...
12… It's time to get serious and start my journey to find another purpose
in life (disappointed).
Lina: (rolls) 14... I wonder if I can find anything with these empty eyes of
GM: You can find small footprints. One is female in size. Not large. And
another one is even smaller.
Lina: Hm? Is that from..., or is it a young child or a wandering
GM: No, it is much smaller than that.
Everyone: Huh!?
Karin: Hey, Haru! When did you get here? (laughs)
41 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Haru: What? Haru's feet? Pitter-patter... (leaving footprints everywhere)

Mayfa: No! Haru, save the scene! KEEP OUT! (laughs)
Lina: ...evidence now is gone... (laughs).
GM: Oh, yes, that's right. Feet are about Haru's, or a little smaller than
that. While you are romping around the hole like that, you can hear a
voice saying in sylvan, "Oh my, oh my."
Mayfa: Everyone, be careful! Look around!
Karin: I'm a little worried... Maybe I will be taken to Fairy Garden
Mayfa: Don't worry! I heard that in the Fairy Garden, you can eat as much
food as you want for free! Follow me! (laughs)
GM: Are you only worried about the food? You hear the voice saying,
“No, I can't take you to… the Fairy Garden, but...”
Lina: ..."I can take you to the Mist Castle," (muttering) 8
Everyone: No! (emphatically quickly)
Haru: Who is the one who has such a terrible plan!
GM: I am not saying anything about that, but you can see a woman of
about one meter in height peering at you timidly from among the dirt
mounds. She looks like a young woman, but you, the Fairy Tamers, can
easily recognize her as Gnome.
Mayfa: Gnome! Earth Fairy?
Karin: A young woman... maybe she’s rare.

7th Level Monster
Gnomes are earth fairies in the form of human beings, about one meter
tall. They mainly look like old men with beards, but there are also Gnomes
who look like children or young women.

GM: Gnomes form families, but they are so protective of their children
and women that you don't see many women or children. “Oh my, you

Mist Castle and Fairy Garden are Sword World 2.0 campaign books.

recognize me, don't you?” She is looking at everyone with a puzzled look
on her face.
Mayfa: Yeah!
Karin: Greetings.
GM: “Hello, it's a beautiful day today, isn't it? It's a beautiful day today,
isn't it?” Even though she is half-hidden, she is smiling and seems very
Haru: …? (tilting neck)
Lina: ...now, isn’t that a little strange...?
Mayfa: Strange? What?
GM: (Oblivious) Gnome woman starts talking non-stop when she realizes
she can have a conversation with you all. She then says, “But, starting from
tomorrow, it's going to rain, isn't it? I feel like my heart is going to crumble.
There is a hot spring about two hours' walk away that is managed by Miss
Bannik. As a matter of fact, my husband went there a few days ago…”
Haru: I knew it! (proud)
Lina: ...You! You are not a regular Fairy…
Mayfa: Wha? What? What do you mean? (sweats)
Haru: Ordinary fairies have no concept of time. And yet, you understand
the passage of time more clearly than Mayfa, even distinguishing between
today, tomorrow, and even a mere two hours!
Mayfa: Ew! Why am I being dragged into this! (laughs)
Karin: Indeed, Gnome is a little bit strange. But I'm glad because it's easy
to talk with her.
Mayfa: I'm fine with it. If you know the concept of time, it's easier for me
to listen to you, so I have no problem with it. Hey, sis, about 3 days ago, a
Human girl went missing. Have you seen her? She looks like this… I
describe her!
Haru: Certainly, it is easy to collect information if you know the concept
of time. But... somehow, it doesn't make sense.
GM: “Yes, please come in, please come in!” miss Gnome comes out from
behind the clump of earth and tries to crawl into the gaping hole.
Everyone: Please come in?
Mayfa: Is she there?
Lina: ...Or does she mean for us to come here..?
43 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: (If the group came here first, they would meet...) "She is here but
injured. But she is injured. I was going to get her some medicinal herbs,"
she says, smiling without any sense of caution.
Lina: ...I wonder if the injury is serious enough... to change her future life…
Haru: Was she attacked by bad hunters?
GM: She is not a prey. “No, she fell from above and sprained her leg.”
Karin: Fell from above? In other words, when the earthquake opened this
hole, and she fell down?
GM: Lady Gnome applauds, “Exactly right. After the hole opened, she
seemed to fall when peered in.”
Haru: Arietta is a clumsy girl.
Karin: Well, our students seem to have caused some trouble (bows).
Mayfa: We are here to pick up Arietta.
Lina: ...In other words, the case is closed…?

Arietta at the Bottom of the Hole

Led by Miss Gnome, the schoolgirls descended into a deep gaping
A little further in, the footing became cobblestone pavement. It seems
certain that it leads to the ruins.

Mayfa: Thanks for taking care of our junior, Gnome!

GM: Miss Gnome smiles happily and says, “No, no, it's fine. We love
Humanoids. My husband has been very much indebted to Mister Tiwaz.
Sometimes, we rely on Humanoid adventurers.”
Karin: Tiwaz is the creator of this forest, isn't he?
Lina: ...husband, relying on adventurers...? (wrinkles between eyebrows)
Mayfa: There are some fairies who are funky about socializing like that.
Haru: Well, I think it's because she said they were taken care of by
someone called Tiwaz, or rather, a Human. So maybe they trust
Mayfa: You mean domesticated Gnomes?
Karin: I don't know if there are tame Gnomes. I wonder if it would be
something like that if we call them with Fairy Magic.

GM: As you proceed to the back of the room, you eventually see a petite
girl who appears to be sitting there as if at a loss. When she notices you all,
she expresses her delight by saying, “Oh! Are they the seniors?”
Mayfa: Yes! Seniors are here! (raises hand)
Karin: Seniors, indeed. I'm really sorry for coming all the way here and
bothering you, Gnome. Well, you should have a good hiking plan, or else
you'll be belittled like this, young lady, you know.
GM: After being scolded, she appears afraid. "I'm sorry for taking your
time," she says and bows.
Haru: You shouldn't go that far by yourself. You never know what might
GM: “Yes, I'm sorry,” she says with a small shrug, “It's... so rare to find a
big hole in such a place that I was surprised.”
Karin: Your parents and teachers were worried. You shouldn't have done
anything dangerous. It must have been scary, right?
GM: “Yes, I was startled. I didn't expect it to fall, and I was surprised to
see such a terrible thing in the back of it...” Arietta shakes her body.
Everyone: …eh?
Mayfa: Did you find something in the back?
Lina: ...What did you see...?
GM: “Yes,... At the back of this cave, there are a number of weird altars...”
Karin: Altar?
Mayfa: So, are they... scary? Suddenly, I can almost hear a pin drop.
Lina: Yes, there is no going back,... once you go down the road, you have
to keep walking until the end... (gloomy).
Haru: Lina, don't scare me.
Karin: It's a little unpleasant because of altars, but I'm glad I can spend a
leisurely time near them.
GM: Well, regardless of individual impressions. “Because Bannik and the
others were worried about...” you hear mumbling.
Mayfa: Worried? What did she say? What did she say?
GM: "Miss Bannik said rumors that there is a Daemonic altar here, sealed
by great Fairy Magic master Tiwaz..." Arietta replies quietly.
Everyone: Daemonic!?
Karin: You mean Daemons? Huh? Why would Bannik say that?
45 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: “I heard that Gnome's husband here went to Humans for help. You
didn't meet with him, did they? You are not together, are you?” she
Haru: No.
Mayfa: We've heard that Gnome's husband is relying on Humans.
Karin: Maybe it's a misunderstanding?
GM: You didn't follow the route to meet him.
Haru: Obviously.
Mayfa: Well, this place is dangerous because Daemons might appear! Let's
Haru: We need to heal injuries first.
GM: Arietta looks a little impatient, “What? Are you running away?”
Lina: ...I'll run away. More specifically, there's no reward for this either
GM: Then, Arietta says in a hushed voice, “You know. The best gems to
summon Gnomes are diamonds, you know? Do you know how many
diamonds the Gnome family has accumulated?”
Everyone: Hey, hey! (laughs)
Mayfa: Arietta, you are a scary girl!
Karin: For a moment, I thought you were a talkative girl (laughs).
Mayfa: No, it is not about the reward. It might be painful for me to leave
this place knowing that there is such evil here. I mean, Gnome took care
of our junior, with whom she has no relation, right?
Karin: Ah. ...Well, sure.
Lina: …I agree. It's not very polite to simply abandon them here... I guess
my soulscar is tearing up not only my soul but my heart as well…
Haru: (interrupts abruptly) If you know anything about the Daemon sealed
here, please let us know. Well, I can't promise that we can solve the
GM: Sure. Now, Arietta tells you what she knows. Originally, I planned to
have Bannik tell you, but you didn't go to the hot springs, so... (laughs)
Karin: No need for grudges (laughs).

The brilliant Fairy Tamer Tiwaz, who opened this forest, had a strong
friendship with the Gnomes in the area. It is said that he frequently called
upon them, strengthening their bond each time.
Tiwaz battled a specific Daemon, subdued him, and sealed him within
the altar of this place. The Gnomes, who had developed intelligence
through their interactions with Tiwaz, even grasped the concept of time,
which was obscure to ordinary fairies. They were entrusted with protecting
the seal alongside their family. The Gnomes took great pride in their role
and wore a symbol of their friendship as a coat of arms.

Mayfa: So, Gnome here understands the concept of time. She has evolved.
Haru: Indeed, it is difficult to have a meeting if you don't know the concept
of time.
Lina: …I wonder if she was waiting for this meeting (muttering)
Karin: And so, that altar is located further inside this place.
GM: “That's right! We can't leave them, who have taken such a proud and
honorable role, and leave here safely on their own!” Arietta's eyes sparkle.
Mayfa: ...I know I shouldn't say this, but ...I'd rather have 3000 gamels in
front of me than an uncertain diamond! Because I only have 20 gamels!
Lina: …I know exactly what you mean, Mayfa. That darkness in your
heart... It's a contradiction that we all have (laughs).
Mayfa: I'm sorry for getting irritated by your recent statement, Lina
Lina: ...why! No, I am not understood Nightmare...(laughs).
Haru: Be honest and keep our eyes on the diamond.
Karin: Besides, it's a seal of our fairy predecessor, and I'm a little
concerned about it...
GM: “I know! For the sake of our great predecessor, we must reseal the
seal and leave a mark for the future generations!” Arietta squeezes Karin's
arm tightly.
Karin: ...Surprisingly, you're a very solid young lady. I thought you were an
unreliable young lady who fell into a slump and got lost...
47 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

GM: "Miss Gnome, the lady who is guarding this place, is a bit nervous and
doesn't seem to know much about Daemons, but I think she's in a tight
spot!" Arietta is clenching her fists.
Haru: ...Helpless... cannot deny it.
Mayfa: Why is she in such a tight spot?
GM: “In fact, the Gnome husband here has disappeared while holding the
emblem of friendship given by Master Tiwaz, which is said to be the clue
to solving the mystery of the altar seal.”
Everyone: Huh?
Karin: What do you mean?
GM: Arietta says emphatically, “He was chased by Humans who were after
the emblem and got frightened. He tried to ask for help from Humans to
protect it but has not come back yet.”
Karin: What's going on! What's with the multiple incidents!
Mayfa: No, but there were traces of strange mud-covered men left at the
rest area!
Karin: Oh, that's right. Do you mean they're after Daemon's altar?
Lina: We don't know that..., but if the husband was chased, isn't that a
strong possibility?
Haru: I'm not sure. The mystery of the seal… is it supposed to open it or
solve the mystery?
GM: “Both! Seniors, please find Gnome's husband. Get the emblem and
Lina: Hmmm. If both, we certainly can't leave it as it is... No, I think we
Mayfa: The husband disappeared with something like a clue to Daemon's
liberation. The wife is helpless. Miss Arietta is injured and can't move.
Indeed, this is a super predicament!
Haru: I'm going to give Arietta a Healing Potion. Will it heal her injuries?
GM: ...Since this is an introductory replay, let's use Fairy Magic (laughs).
Haru: I can't waste my MP when I know I have to fight with something
dangerous (nope).
GM: You're a realist.
Karin: By the way, Arietta, when you are able to move again, you should
go back to the mountain lodge and tell them that you are safe.

GM: “Can't we stay together?” she says, a little shocked.

Mayfa: Not exactly. Arietta, I want you to report this to Mister Dresden of
the Fairy Magic Faculty, just in case something happens to us... Well, it's a
bit tricky to send you back all the way here by yourself on the road less
traveled, but... Hmm?
Haru: Once she has come this far, I think she can return home.
Everyone: …(strange silence).
Mayfa: Well…
Lina: (Khmm) ...Speaking of which. Arietta, you've been walking all the
way here... by yourself, haven't you? Because you found a hole? Why did
you do it?
Mayfa: But there was no sign of Arietta at the watchtower, right? How did
she find this place?
GM: (Oh, I got caught there. It's not good.) “I wanted to explore Tiwaz
Forest, you know. Besides, sensitivity is important for a Fairy Tamer. I
decided to follow my heart.” she responds lightly.
Karin: Wait a minute. But you were dressed quite lightly, weren't you?
What exactly were you wearing?
GM: Yeah. On her feet are Fashionable Shoes. Fluttering skirt and a small
shoulder bag. She says, “Hey, senpai. Let's find Gnome's husband.
Otherwise, the seal will be...”
Karin: Wait a minute! This girl… suddenly became very suspicious to me!!
Mayfa: Well, well, well... well, but it's definitely not right...
Karin: How dirty are the feet of fashionable shoes?
Lina: ...Hey, Arietta, I want you to continue the words you just said without
interruption... What will happen to the seal? Will it be broken? Or not?
Which is it?..
GM: …Arietta is silent with a smile on her face.
Mayfa: Oh, this is scary! Umm, that... seems a little... weird and dangerous!
Haru: I think that is bad. Can I do a "Detect check"?
GM: That's right. It's quite risky. Okay, please do a check. Oh, yes, Karin.
Her shoes are dirty, but despite being quite lightly dressed, there are no
stains or dirt from grass on the skirt. Despite being short-sleeved, not a
single scratch.
49 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Here, everyone recognized Arietta as suspicious and wondered if she is

real or not. They made a Detect check to verify the truth.
Hmmm, I suppose I couldn't deceive them enough.
My intention was to use her as a guide in the search for the missing
Gnome's husband and to find the emblem that holds the key to Daemon's
resurrection, all while creating a sense of suspicion each time. I had
prepared some small riddles, but unfortunately, they couldn't be utilized.
The guiding plan has failed.

I'm in Arrieta…
Karin: If we take her with us, she will stab us from behind for sure! (rolls)
Detect check… 17!
GM: Got it. “Hey, seniors, there is an altar in the back here. Wanna go
see it?”... Yeah. She is very suspicious. But you know, it doesn't look like
it is someone in disguise. She is not disguising their appearance. It is not
Mayfa: Hmm? (confused)
Lina: ... Enthralled, in other words, possessed... right...?
Haru: You are not Arietta!
GM: “Oh, no, I'm Arietta,” she says, smiling.
Mayfa: …gsh (equips Hard Knuckle +1).
Haru: Arietta, how did you know that there was an altar in the back when
you couldn't move due to your injury?
Karin: You didn't go to see it, you just knew about it, didn't you?
Lina: ...Daemon or Barbarous, I don't know, but... Do they foolishly think
they can revive their own subordinate or strong general, or want to control
Mayfa: What happened to the real Arietta!?
GM: Well, if you say so, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't fool you
anymore. She has been Detect-checked. A misty substance slightly
overflows from Arietta's lips. Roll Monster Knowledge check.
Everyone: Alright!
51 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

7th Monster Level
Redrug is a mysterious and elusive Daemon that seeks to infiltrate the
bodies of its targets in order to fulfill their desires. However, the advice
given by Redrug is inherently evil and self-serving, though it may sound
appealing to those under its influence.
When Redrug's presence is detected, it does its best to protect the
possessed target and will attempt to possess another individual once the
current host is defeated.
Redrug possesses the ability to cast Truespeech Magic and Spiritualism
Magic up to a maximum of 7 levels. In other words, it has the capability to
cast Deep Magic spells at a level of up to 7.

Haru: Wow... (expressionless).

Lina: …I don't know what kind of wish she was trying to make…
GM: In Arietta's voice, the voice of another entity clearly laughs. “It was
easy,” she says, “I guess I've been feeling stuck as a Fairy Tamer. Then, I
can follow in the footsteps of Tiwaz, the founder of this forest, and seal the
threat of Daemons once more. Then I will have the same prestige and
respect as Master Tiwaz.”
Karin: So, it tried to get her to release Daemon in order to seal them again.
It must have sounded like a sweet deal. If only she had some rationality
Mayfa: Well, how do we get it away from Arietta?
Haru: With Divine Magic [Remove Curse].
Everyone: Hey! (laughs)
Haru: Well, we have to reduce HP to 0. You must care about damage so
that she doesn't die!
GM: Then, when the Arietta makes a quick hand gesture, something
quickly responds. Three or so creatures enter quietly from the entrance of
the cave. They don't seem to hide their appearance.
Haru: ...well, can I make a Monster Knowledge?
GM: The data can be found with 9 and above. They are Lesser Ogres.

Lesser Ogre
4 Monster Level
This is a muscular Barbarous of about 2 meters tall with a preference
for human flesh. Although smaller in stature than Ogres, they can use
Truespeech Magic up to level 3.
The most important feature of Lesser Ogre is that they can shapeshift
into the same form as the Humanoid that has eaten its heart. Many of
those who actively take the Human form are well-versed in Humanoid

Karin: But isn't this a bad position? It looks like a pincer attack... well, it's
just a matter of using magic to round them up.
Mayfa: First of all, I'd like to clear out the minions in the back and then
concentrate on Redrug-possessed Arietta.
Lina: Yes... to be honest, Lesser Ogres are not a threat... the level
difference is too much...
Haru: In other words, they are enemies only to show our Fairy Magic and
GM: No, you're wrong! (laughs) I was a little bit mean and wanted to make
sure that the rearguard was also under threat. Anyway, let's start with the
Initiative check. Their Initiative is 13.
Mayfa: Lina!
Lina: Leave it to me (rolls). Oh... 12 (sweats).
Mayfa: Initiative has run away! (laughs)
Karin: Hey, isn't this a little dangerous? Line, what about your ring?
Lina: I'm sorry... The ring on my left hand is the Ring of Intelligence... Of
course, I'm a soulscarred Nightmare. I can't even flip the dice.
Mayfa: Are there any other Scouts out there? (sweats)
Haru & Karin: (shake their heads)
Mayfa: Oh! And Miss Gnome?
GM: Oh, Miss Gnome is panicking and fumbling in the corner because it
is like her husband's job to protect her.
Karin: Damn! You're the highest level out of all of us! (laughs)
53 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Mayfa: It's okay! Cain Gara Fairy Magic Faculty Members, Fairy Force! I'll
take it! (Guts pose9)
Lina: I surprisingly like that group name.

So, the battle started with an unexpected failure to take the first move.
Oh, no. They completely miscalculated.

Haru: Lina, why have you bought only "Ring Of Intelligence" when we had
7000 gamels?
Lina: …I'm sorry. I apologize, honestly. I had completely forgotten about
it, and my mind was… soaring into oblivion...
GM: Well, first of all, one of the Lesser Ogres tries to hit Haru, saying,
“Bunny!” and tries to hit Haru.
Lina: ...I'll be responsible for holding you back there... I'll be a shield for
my friends... (rolls) Huh? Cannot evade.10
GM: Hm? Then, the damage is 11 points. And the other one is [Reaping
Slash]... from behind... Oh, the skirmish area has been created, so he can't
aim at the frontline with its spells unless he has [Hawk Eye]...!
Mayfa: Oh, crap, I was going to stop the next Lesser, but... not against the
Lina: …It's okay, we can't have everyone on the frontline working on the
back on Lesser when Redrug is in front of us...
GM: Success Value is 13.
Lina: I hope it will work! (rolls) Resist... my will is firm.

The attacks and magic of the three Lesser Ogres were concentrated on
Lina. I was very upset because I thought players would go first.
Redrug, who had taken over Arietta, shot [Lightning] at Mayfa, and
everyone behind her, including Lesser Ogres who were in the middle of a
melee, was damaged, even though it was supposed to be a random shot.

The word comes from the peculiar pose struck after winning fights, where person pump
their fist up and down in the air. Made popular by Guts Ishimatsu, former boxing world
It seems that Lina blocked movement of the Lesser Ogre and formed skirmish with it.

Karin: Hey... This high rate of getting hit is... unfashionable!

Lina: I'm sorry, I'm just going to take a trip into the abyss of my mind... to
put it plainly, I've collapsed, unconscious.
Mayfa: What? This removed the skirmish area! (sweats)
Haru: Awake Potions?
Unconscious Lina: ...three in my pocket! (laughs)
Mayfa: No problem, I have one myself... I mean, how many times has the
GM rolled the dice?
GM: Because, it doesn't stop! (rolls) (rolls) (rolls) (rolls)... Wow, 5 times.
Lesser Ogre was killed by lightning from their leader, just 50 points.
Mayfa: So stupid! (laughter & applause)
Lina: In a way, that's as good as it gets... (laughs).
Karin: If we had been hit by them, we would have died.
Haru: I have never seen such a powerful magician! (laughs)
GM: Sarcasm? (laughs)(rolls) (rolls)... Ah.
Mayfa: It crits again! (laughs)
GM: 27 points… he's not dead, yay! I didn't expect to hit this much! Even
if I hit an ally, there should have been only one hit! (frustrated)
Karin: Such calculations usually end up being futile.
GM: I'll keep that in mind. I mean..., I don't learn no matter how many
times I do it (down-hearted).
Unconscious Lina: ...Well, here's what I’m going to do... Someone, first
of all, take me out of the dark world...(laughs).
Mayfa: Oh, my God, what am I going to do? I'm the only one with
medicine! There's an enemy right in front of me. I can't help it, so I turn
my back and run to my friends! Aaah! I'll pour Awake Potion on Lina’s
Lina: Awake! Now, I am back from the world of darkness...! But, 1 HP...
Karin: If you don't do something, you may end up in the world of darkness
Haru: Don't worry! Haru has made a contract with the fairy of light to cast
Fairy Magic [Extended Healing] for Lina! (rolls) Heals 28 points!
Lina: …Thanks! Full HP...
Karin: Well, I'll take care of Lesser Ogres with a water/ice type ranged
spell, [Chill Rain]! I have Magic Control, so I don't mind if my allies are
55 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

involved! I send a cold rain within a radius of 4 meters! (rolls) Success

Value is 15! And the other one... Same as before.
GM: Ahh, "Redrug, why so much…," they groan, and the other Lesser
Ogres die. Well, it's my own fault, but the cleaning was done in an instant.
Lina: …No, but if he does it again, in no time, our front will collapse...
Haru: When Lesser Ogres are gone, I can shoot as much [Lightning]!
Mayfa: No, no, no! Someone will fall down again! (sweats)
Lina: …[Summon Fairy II] summoning Sprite! The summonable level of
my fairy of light is 5! Fairy Magic can summon and use fairies of the
contracted type according to their level. ...Sprite has
Karin: I see, so you are going to increase the number of healers.
Lina: ...Exactly! Light Fairies are specialists in recovery magic. Even with
10 points of MP and 5 points mako stone, it should be worth summon..!
(rolls) Success! I will not be able to use Fairy Magic for a while, but I have
Fencer class, so I can still fight. And the invoked fairy can be used
immediately......, which means she can cast [Basic Healing] on Mayfa and
Haru immediately...!
Mayfa & Haru: Thanks!
Karin: Oh. You back into our world (laughs).
Lina: ...I don't need to be understood… that's my destiny...
GM: So, enemy turn... Ummm, Lesser Ogre really wants to run away. I
didn't expect such a huge lightning bolt from the boss to hit all.
Mayfa: Right? (laughs)
Haru: Run, run! Haru and my friends will not chase.
GM: Yeah, but if they run away now, they will shoot with magic even more
mercilessly, they believe. Instead, he casts on Haru a [Reaping Slash].
Haru: Crazy! (rolls) Resist, though.
GM: And Daemon Redrug casts at you all [Fireball]! “Too bad! I will get
rid of you and get on with finding the clue to unseal my master! I was going
to use you, but I've been blindsided!” (rolls)15!
Karin: That's right. No one is in a melee yet. We can shoot magic as much
as we want. And the maximum number of targets for [Fireball] is exactly 5
if you include Sprite (laughs).
Lina: Aaah! I was born a Dwarf... Fire, scary!

Then, again against Lina, the roll was critical, dealing a total of 35
damage, and she returned to the world of darkness. The summoned Sprite
also suffered considerable damage, and it became idle as there was no one
to command it.

GM: Wow (agonizing cries).

Mayfa: Wow! I don't have any more Awake Potions! (screams)
Unconscious Lina: …I have them in my pocket...(teh).
Karin: Wow, this is a tragedy. We didn’t win Initiative... We have to tell
the story.
Mayfa: Ugh... I think I got it. I'm going to go to Lina’s pocket, take out the
Awake Potion, and pour it on her. Otherwise, she won't be able to recover.
If we don't do anything, he's going to shoot another [Fireball], right?
Haru: There's no reason not to shoot. And there's also the reason not to
involve fallen Lina.
Mayfa: In that case, we should definitely wake up Lina and ask her to at
least use Sprite!
Unconscious Lina: But, take the potion out of my pocket and ...... apply
it. Wouldn't that take two rounds?
Mayfa: Oh.
Karin: Wait! I will put a Stone Wall in front of Daemon! With Earth Fairy
Magic, I can put up a stone wall at any point. If it's 3 meters high and 10
meters long, it can divide this cave, can't it?
GM: Ah, yes, that would create a perfect shield between you and Redrug.
It's possible since no one is in melee yet.
Everyone: Oh! (Applause)
Karin: Let's put up the wall and rebuild the frontline before it comes down!
[Stone Wall]! (rolls) Success! The Success Value is 12... Low.

Karin succeeded in creating a shield by erecting a wall of earth between

Daemon Redrug and the junior Arietta. In the meantime, Haru took a
potion from Lina’s pocket and tried to make her drink it.
Mayfa challenged the remaining Lesser Ogre to a fight and attacked
three times. The much inferior Lesser Ogre was almost helpless and was
easily knocked down by the second attack.
57 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Mayfa: Shaa! (Guts pose)

The damage to the Fairy Force was somehow recovered within one
round. Unable to pass over the wall, Redrug's next action was to dispel the
wall itself. The Success Value of the wall was initially low, causing the Stone
Wall to crumble. However, it is noteworthy that they were able to gain an
extra round.
Lina woke up once again, thanks to the potion that Haru had brought
out. This allowed Sprite, who had been inactive, to cast [Basic Healing]
four times, instantly revitalizing the party.

Lina: …This will take away the Sprite, but it was well worth it. And for my
own action, I do a Normal Move and attack Redrug!
Haru: Next, Haru calls Sprite. It is good enough as a healer and can protect
the rearguard.
Mayfa: I'm gonna hit her, too! I won't stop hitting her until she cries!
GM: Rather, without hesitation, she is going to beat up a junior. I thought
she would hesitate to do so... Redrug's Arietta is basically like a commoner,
so she can't avoid it. (rolls) Oh.
Everyone: Defensive fumble! 11(laughs)

Sometimes, it crits, and sometimes it fails.

Arietta's HP became negative, and she succeeded in her Death Check
but was unconscious. From there, the battle was on with the main body of
Daemon Redrug, which appeared as a misty fog.
Redrug attempted to make a plan to possess someone's body by
shooting spells into the frontline...

Mayfa: OK, OK! Haru, your Sprite is so good. Please heal wounds!

Refer to Alchemist Works for information on defensive fumbles. Essentially, when
rolling double 1s on Evasion, something negative occurs.

GM: Well, if that's the case... He was planning to defeat all of you and then
possess someone. It seems like he is up for the challenge sooner than
Mayfa: I'm going to keep on resisting!
Haru: Yes! Your chance will not come anymore.
Karin: Well, first of all, [Stone Blast]!
Mayfa: In addition to punching him three times, I'm a four-hit character
whose dream is to shoot [Chaos Shot].
GM: What? How is that?
Mayfa: The main thing I've done so far has been as a potioner! (laughs)
Lina: I apologize for that...(laughs).
Karin: Well, the show is finally here, so don't forget to put [Paralyzing Mist]
in there, preparing for the show (laughs).
Mayfa: (Raises her hand) I'm serious! Declare [Multi-Action] with [Cat's
Eye]! [Chaos Shot]"! Right fist, left fist, right fist...
GM: (rolls) No way, can't avoid them all and can't resist.
Mayfa: This is for my pain! 21 points of magic damage!
Karin & Haru: Oh (applause).
Mayfa: Then, fist damage! This is for me! 19 points! And also 16 points
for me!
Lina: ...wait, what about for me.... (muttering)
Mayfa: ...and this last one is for Lesser Ogres! 32 points with critical!!
59 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Everyone: Hey! (laughs)

Mayfa: Because I felt so sorry for those Lesser Ogres!
GM: Ah, two points remain.
Mayfa: What? (shocked)
Lina: I don't depend on anyone anymore... revenge is mine (laughs). Taste
it... my pain of being unconscious! (rolls) My hidden fire Fairy Magic
[Flame Arrow]!
Mayfa: Aa, you got it in the end! (laughs)

The momentum quickly turned to the schoolgirls.

Daemon Redrug, who had been trying to revive his fellow Daemons
from the seal, thus vanished into dust.

After the Incident - Altar of Tiwaz

GM: Arietta eventually wakes up, and once Redrug is out of her, she
realizes what she has done and starts to cry a lot. “I, I can't believe I... just
because my magic doesn't work well...”.
Karin: That's okay. You were having a bad dream.
Haru: That's right. That Daemon was not an opponent that a 2nd level
junior could resist.
Lina: …but ambition and merit are... different. You should reconsider what
you want to master Fairy Magic for...
GM: When Redrug disappears, you suddenly find yourself looking at a
small bearded Gnome nursing a frazzled Mrs. Gnome. He is wearing a
green triangular hat.
Mayfa: What's that? Could it be the Gnome husband who disappeared
with the mysterious seal?
GM: Yes. The bearded old man with the tiny tricornered hat nods his
head. “Thank you for defeating Daemon's scary minions. I was
determined not to give them any clues to break Daemon's seal, and I was
trying to keep Lesser Ogres and the others who had been ordered to track
us from going to my wife's place. I was hoping to get some help from the
Fairy Magic users who frequented the lodgings at the foot of the mountain.
61 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Well, thanks to your efforts, there is no longer any need for that. I didn't
realize that the leader was already with my wife.”
Mayfa: Well, did you get away with the emblem or something like that?
GM: Yes. Well, the emblem itself, which I brought out, is not so powerful
as a proof of friendship with Master Tiwaz. There was a related riddle on
the altar, but... Enough already.
Everyone: GM discarded it! (laughs)
GM: In other words, once you defeated Redrug, who was attached to
Arietta, no one left to release the seal, so there was no need for the riddle
(sulked slightly).
Mayfa: Well, can we leave it like this?
GM: “Yes, we will live here again, quietly guarding the seal of the altar.”
Mr. and Mrs. Gnome bow to everyone.
Haru: However, I am curious about what was sealed.
Lina: …There is not just one wind of evil... but a new wind is ominously
blowing... We cannot simply ignore it. To be certain, let us venture forth
and investigate, for the Fairy Magic Faculty would face dire consequences
if they were aware of the existence of such a perilous entity in the forest of
Tiwaz... Chaos looms ominously on the horizon...
Mayfa: Eh, going there? Isn't it dangerous?
Haru: Surely, there is no point in reporting without knowing what is there.
Haru is not an errand girl.
Karin: It would be better to have the teachers seal off the area and check
the situation.
GM: Huh. Are you really going?
Lina: ...Hehe. GM, you're making a face like the main request is over... I'll
leave Arietta in the care of the Gnome couple just in case and go to confirm
the depths of the cave... We will head towards the abyss...
GM: No, it's fine. I've already prepared it for you. Now, Mr. and Mrs.
Gnome are looking at you anxiously and turning their heads toward the
back of the cave...
Haru: From there, begins a dungeon scenario with 255 rooms…
Mayfa: Let's take a break first!

Karin: Why are there so many rooms up to the processing limit of an 8-

bit computer! (laughs)
Lina: This GM is a Daemon... a Daemon, I tell you! Nightmare is also in
deep trouble... (laughs)
GM: I didn't say that. Oops, I forgot to mention that Gnome's husband
came running up to you and handed you the emblem that Master Tiwaz
had given to him. He said, "I leave this with you. Go there to the altar of a
Mayfa: Huh?
GM: The emblem that Gnome's husband was running away with is a
convex plate with a brilliantly decorated surface. On the back is a gem.
This is a proof of friendship between us and Mr. Tiwaz. Master Tiwaz has
the same thing. A proof that we are friends forever. It was said even if we
are apart, let us always be as one...
Haru: It is a little bit of a good story.
Karin: Hmmm... I'll borrow it... just in case. It seems to be useful for
Lina: I wonder if there is any other lore or... information. In other words,
it seems as if research from the past connects the present, and... eventually,
a great future will come our way…
GM: Gnome says, “If you put the emblem on the right altar, the Daemon
will be sealed. If you put it on the wrong altar, he will be released.”
Karin: So, in other words, Arietta was stumped by the altar seal because
she didn't have this. Don't let her out of our sight.
Mayfa: Let's go anyway!
GM: So. After walking for a while, you will reach the end of the cave that
the Gnomes have been guarding. And there, you will be able to find a
peculiar altar with seven strange shapes placed on it.
Mayfa: Seven!
Lina: ...Does that mean there are seven Daemons?
Haru: We can’t do that. It is out of our hands. We have to go home.
Mayfa: Oh, no, he said there are right altars and wrong altars, so one of
them must be the right altar to seal Daemon, I guess! (tilts her head)... I
don't like the idea of choosing the correct altar when the Daemon is
63 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Karin: Indeed, when I think of an altar, I think of a place of worship.

GM: Yes. Like this (shows the picture of the altar).
Lina: …(Gee).
GM: In the center of each altar is a convex depression in which the
emblem fits exactly. The intricate cut of the gem on the back may serve as
a key. Maybe one of them is supposed to seal the Daemon, and the other
represents six fairy types. As you guessed. Well, think of it as a special
magic ritual.
Karin: So, it means that they sealed Daemon with the help of fairies. Is this
typical of Fairy Magic users?
Mayfa: And one of them has Daemon. The others are for ceremonial
GM: That's right.
Lina: Second altar (casually).
Mayfa: What?
Haru: Is that so?
Lina: Maybe... Gnome's husband told us that the emblem should always
be two in one. This altar is all shaped with emblem parts stuck together,
just like Fairy Tamer always being close to fairies... But only ② is different.
GM: (Hint was too easy to understand... well, someday. In the end, it was
something that deviated from the main story.)
Lina: …Hehe. GM... You look frustrated as Daemon, who couldn't go
outside, is gritting their teeth.
GM: Is that so?
Mayfa: But if we know which is the right altar, we should report it to
Professor Dresden since the seal has not yet been broken.
Karin: We don't know what's out there, so it's reckless for us to go in alone.
Haru: I do feel like we can't just leave it be.
Mayfa: Yeah, I hope we can defeat it someday and truly achieve peace.
Karin: But maybe we should wait until we've grown a little more?
Mayfa: Anyway, we've got Arietta safely, and it seems that the strange seal
was not broken, so it's time for a triumphant return - let's go back to
Professor Dresden to get our reward! (Guts pose)
Everyone: Yeah!
65 Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!”

Once again, the female students of the Cain Gara Fairy Magic Faculty,
also known as the Fairy Force, became bright and cheerful.
Although, there was a GM who secretly regretted not being able to use
the plot properly behind the scenes. But it was OK because I got a lot of
use out of Fairy Magic... I played Arietta too suspiciously (remorse &

While engaging in lively and cheerful girl talk, the girls enjoyed the hot
springs and returned to Cain Gara. Upon their return to the faculty, they
resumed their studies and part-time jobs. Hopefully, the girls will
demonstrate how much they have grown…

“ ”

Fairy Force has decided to reunite. I was a bit puzzled because I thought
it was going to be just one session, but I am happy to see them again.
Last time, the purpose was to encourage people to use the new Fairy
Magic. However, I'm considering putting together a longer city adventure
scenario this time.
Cain Gara is the home of the Fairy Force and many students. It is also
the largest academic city in the Feidan region. Since they hiked in the
mountains last time, I am thinking of having them explore the city on foot
this time.

In any case, it might be a good idea to make it a sequel since I have

already foreshadowed it.
Incorporate various elements of deduction into..., but also add a sense
of tension. Depending on how the information is obtained, it may lead to
a number of unpleasant surprises. Additionally, give it a lighthearted
schoolgirl feel.

I need to be adaptable and make various preparations. However, even

if I create a random event table, I may not use it frequently.
So, it's no secret that I keep reusing things when I don't use them. A
slightly longer city adventure.
Fairy Force, this time, let's have you cause chaos in the city... if
everything goes according to plan. Yeah.

Gathering & Growing Again!

GM: Now, we are going to hold another session of "Fairy Force" since
"Fairy Force", which was published in R&R magazine, is going to be
included in the paperback edition. Thank you all for coming.
Mayfa: Yeah! (Applause)
67 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: It means that Haru and her team have been recognized for their
hard work.
Karin: Will we grow up if it's a sequel?
GM: Of course. You will receive 3000 experience points for growth and
50 for Reputation. After the last adventure, you have been gaining
experience little by little. You can roll growth 3 times.
Lina: …it's a big deal for paperbacks.
GM: I thought it would be more flashy. I think everyone wants to expand
not only Fairy Magic but also other classes, don't you?
Karin: That's for sure.
Haru: I also want a renowned item.
Mayfa: I'm excited that Grappler is going to be 7 levels. Oh, what do you
recommend for Combat Feat?
Lina: Yes... [Mana Strike].
Mayfa: Oh, I already have [Multi-Action].
Lina: …Are you going to use magic...!? (surprised)
Mayfa: I'm a Fairy Tamer! Well, at least that's what I like to call myself!
(laughs) I'm a member of Fairy Force!
Lina: Oh...I'm sorry. Come to think of it, I have used that, too. It feels like
a distant memory, almost forgotten... or maybe not... (laughs).
Mayfa: Wow, Lina, you are as annoying as ever!
Lina: I agree... seriously, I think Mayfa should choose [Dual Technique]...
Karin: You’ve still stuck at [Dual Wielding], even though you have [Twin
Strike]. With [Dual Technique], the penalty for the attack is removed, and
the Accuracy check goes up.
Mayfa: Oh! That's right, that's all there is! Why didn't I notice that? I
remember when I created my character, I was in agony because I couldn't
find enough Combat Feats (laughs).
Haru: Mayfa is still, as usual, lacking (muttering).

The Fairy Force was, as usual, working on the level-up work while
childishly bickering with each other.

Mayfa: I feel I've become stronger with the increase of Grappler from 6 to
7! The Combat Feat got is [Dual Technique]! And I also got [Counter].

Also, my Enhancer has increased by 1 level, and I have learned [Bear

Muscle]. Now his attack power is dramatically improved!
GM: Mayfa can hit 3 times, and if the damage is increased even a little bit,
it is quite a threat.
Haru: Now, let's look at Haru's growth: Fairy Tamer has grown to the 7th
level! And her new Combat Feat is [Weapon Proficiency/Staff]! Now she
can use Mana Staff!
GM: I see you have a policy of concentrating on developing Magic Power.
Haru: Haru, like Tabbits, has high intelligence. But even with the bracelet,
her intelligence is 35... A little short of Intelligence modifier 6.
GM: No, I think that's enough... I mean, that's what Tabbit is all about!
(laughs) Okay, next-.
Karin: Well, I feel a little uncomfortable because I feel like I'm stuck at
the 6th adventurer level, but Sorcerer has increased by 1 level to 5! So, I
took 2 levels of Sage and 1 level of Scout. It is nice to have a substitution
to not fail.
Lina: I wonder if the failure of the last battle is lingering in the back of your
mind... but it's okay. I'm stuck at the 5th adventurer level.
Mayfa: What? Is that so?
Haru: If that is the case, Haru and her friends might drop one level.
Lina: It's ok... It is dangerous for us. I don’t raise Scout, so I raised it to 5.
Fencer to 5 level because of the front line. You guys think about cleaving
the enemy as fast as you can, and I'll try to get us to go first. That's my
dedication. Lurking in the shadows, supporting everyone without being
conspicuous, the flower in the dark...
Karin: Lina is still the same as ever (laughs).
Lina: ...I'm embarrassed sometimes, but it's a secret... Also, I've started to
learn Rylock Magic Blade Art.
Karin: Me too! Since we are in the Feidan region, I'd like to learn
Lucheroine Magick Arts!..., though I can hardly use Secrets yet.
GM: Hmmm. You are all growing well. Is there anything else worth
Haru: Ah, yes (raises hand).
GM: What is it?
69 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: Since there is also Reputation, and since this is the time, Haru got
the title.
Mayfa: Besides Fairy Force?
GM: And that's a group name. It would mean that she has acquired an
individual title.
Haru: That's right! Haru is now called a "Fluffy Sailor Bunny"!
Everyone: (loud laughter)
GM: What, what is that? (laughs)
Haru: Haru is now famous inside and outside the faculty as a Tabbit in a
fluffy sailor suit! Both in name and in reality! (proud)
Mayfa: I like the title. I might get it, too. I have enough Reputation! (laughs)
Haru: Hmmm, Mayfa, as Haru's partner, you're going to be more than just
a Fluffy Sailor Bunny Haru's partner!! (points)
Mayfa: That's great...I'm so excited (enchanted).
Karin: Why are you so obsessed with it?
71 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: Anyway, how long has it been since that incident in the forest of...
Tiwaz, where the evil of temptation from the dark reached us?
GM: It has been approximately two months. During this time, you have
been earning gamels and grades by solving challenging problems assigned
by Professor Dresden, your teacher in the Fairy Magic Faculty.
Mayfa: In terms of experience points, I think we have completed the
request twice and failed once.
Karin: There is also the experience of monsters and rolling double 1s.
Lina: We have to do our best to score well in the regular examinations and
so on because… there are members who do not do so well. Yes, like a
water bird flying lightly just above the horizon. In no time at all, there are
those who were about to be swallowed up by the waves of expulsion.
Mayfa: Because I can't do two-digit math!
Haru: Hey... Mayfa, are you that stupid?
Mayfa: We have only 20 fingers on each hand and foot combined! Adding
more than that it is not humanly possible! (serious)
Lina: ...I don't know what you're talking about. ...Is it because I am a foolish
woman… who only gazes into the darkness with soulscar in her heart?
Karin: Mayfa, how did you get into Cain Gara's magic school! (laughs)
Mayfa: 13+8... don't know!! I'm missing one finger!12 (in agony)

13+8=21, more than Mayfa can calculate.
73 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: It should be a piece of cake if you know you are missing one.
Mayfa: I can't go further in my thinking than that. I have 20 intelligence,
Karin: What are you using it for, those useless scores! (laughs)
GM: So, last time, you all went to the Tiwaz forest to look for missing
junior Arietta, and there you rescued her from Daemon's grip.
Mayfa: Yes. Arietta, is she all right? Is she feeling any aftereffects?
GM: It seems there are some, but she seems fine.
Karin: "Seems there are some"!? They were there!? (laughs)
GM: So, the Tiwaz forest has been temporarily closed after your report.
Well, nothing has happened so far, so you guess you’ll just have to wait
and see. Students who want to get in touch with nature will be asked to go
to another managed forest area. They will investigate in the near future.
Lina: … I hope everything will be fine... I think the abyss monsters are
staring at us.
Haru: Well, it is a delusion. We already know which of the many pedestals
was the dangerous one. We will submit a report with the details.
Karin: But it's a waste that no one can use that hot spring for a while. We
enjoyed Bannik hot spring after the incident... Oh, by the way, what about
the emblem that seems to be the key to the seal?
Mayfa: I returned it to Mr. and Mrs. Gnome. Because it looks like their
treasure, and I feel sorry to take it away from them.
Haru: As long as they protect it, I think it will probably not be a problem.
Karin: Then, I wonder if the teachers' upper management will take care of
the rest, and we will be enjoying our school life.
GM: So, I am sure that you are enjoying your daily student life rather
peacefully. You are busy with part-time jobs, studying, adventures, getting
caught in an explosion in the city, and so on.
Karin: What, what with the last one? (laughs)
Haru: It's one of Cain Gara's usual city events (laughs).
Lina: …It is also a sign of a good student that is able to manage it...
Mayfa: Yes, that's right. After all, we can fight well enough, and we know a
lot about adventures. And we have been asked to be helpers for the juniors
who want to go to Cain Gara's Labyrinths for field work!
75 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: Well, since they are our juniors, we sometimes take on the task at a
low cost.
Karin: I, too, work part-time, have a part-time job, and enjoy the feeling of
being a student. Busy life.
Lina: …I'm super shut in. Because I am a Nightmare... a despised
existence... I can't interact with people...
GM: Now, I think it is after school after all the classes are over... means
that everyone is busy with different activities, right?
Haru: Haru is enjoying a cup of tea in the classroom, where she hangs out.
Karin: I also work as a part-time decorator in the classroom. It's a hobby
and a side job for practical use.
Lina: I have nowhere else to go, that's why ...... I find myself in a
Mayfa: What? Before I knew it, everyone was in the classroom! Well, I'm
going to go to the classroom after I finish my moving job, too, because I
thought everyone was hanging out there!
Haru: When Mayfa comes, the share of tea cakes is reduced (muttering).
Mayfa: Gah!
GM: Thank you for your concern. Now, while you are buried in your daily
life and enjoying your student life… you hear the sound of light footsteps
coming from the corridor and say, "Ah, senpai, senpai!" followed by a
cheerful voice. The one who jumps into the hallway is a junior student
whom you all know.
Mayfa: Let's see, the junior we know is Arietta, right? We saved her the
other day.
GM: Yes, that's right. “I knew you were here.”
Haru: What are you doing here, little girl? (in low voice)
Lina: Haru... I can understand the psychology of not wanting to meet
people, but …I think it's not a good idea to intimidate them with a low voice
that seems like something out of Fist of the North Star…13
Haru: Gah! Lina, Haru is not a shut-in!

Fist of the North Star (Japanese: 北斗の拳, Hepburn: Hokuto no Ken, lit. "Fist of the

Big Dipper") is a Japanese manga series written by Buronson and illustrated by Tetsuo

GM: Arietta says, "I just wanted to thank you all..." and bows with a slight
smile. She was sent back to her worried parents for a while, so she could
not come here, but now she is back to school looking very healthy. Her
expression is also cheerful.
Karin: Ah, you look well. You are always in good spirits (smiling).
Mayfa: Karin, you've been worried about her for a while, haven't you? You
are so resentful (laughs).
Karin: No, that's not true!
Haru: But why are Haru and her friends still students without graduation
or independence, even though they are at the 7th level?... Well, I can't
deny that this lukewarm student life is comfortable, though.
Lina: That's because we are neo-NEETs14... (grins).
Mayfa & Haru: No! (emphatically)
Lina: Why! A recluse, a Fairy Tamer, and a Dwarf-born Nightmare! It's
just denying me as if I’m not fully respected by the top-ranking member of
the Fairy Magic Faculty… That's still Nightmare discrimination...! Maybe
you could be my twin sisters...! (blushes)
Haru: If that is the case, then there is too much difference in experience.
What were you doing?
Lina: ...Your verbal sword is too sharp... This Tabbit... But even if you
slash my heart roughly, as it is a jewel that shines across the abyss...
Karin: I want to study a little more and be able to own a tower. To do so,
I want to leave a lasting impression on my teachers. Therefore, I want to
earn more points. And...
Haru: Become an attractive female student!
Mayfa: Wow! Raw truth! (laughs)
Lina: ...But we can't deny it... We run through the era between girls and
adults as if guided by the light of youth...
Haru: “Run” even though you are a Nightmare?
Mayfa: Here, here (soothing).
GM: Arietta, who was watching the scene, looks happy and says, “As usual,
seniors, you are the same as ever.”

Neo-NEET refers to a person who earns enough income without having to work.
77 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Karin: It's very disconcerting to be lumped together in one place.

GM: "I have a favor to ask of you," says Arietta, looking up at you sweetly.
Haru: A favor? Do you have a favor to ask Fluffy Sailor Bunny Haru?
Lina: Fluffy... It's funny... It's like your character is slightly changed by the
Mayfa: Yes! Arietta, do you want us, Fairy Force, to help you?
GM: “Oh, yes,” says Arietta, nodding her head. “I have a favor to ask you
Karin: What is it? Well, some things will cost you, but let's just talk about
it, shall we? As a noble young lady, I'm sure you will have a nice reward
for us.
GM: “Thank you very much,” says Arietta, bowing her head and beginning
to speak. “As a matter of fact,... you all know, two months ago, I committed
a delinquent act...”
Haru: ...Is that called delinquency? (muttering)
Lina: It was a kind of force majeure, but she was not without guilt. Yes, she
was almost swallowed up by the darkness in her heart...
Mayfa: Don't worry about it! Because now I'm studying with my friends
GM: Arietta is now trying harder to become a Fairy Tamer. She says with
a wry smile, “That's partly why my parents are watching me so closely right
Lina: …You've fallen to the dark side, and I don't trust you. It always
happens, but you must be reformed to overcome the prejudice.
GM: No, according to Arrieta, it is rather the opposite. “No, it's not like
that. It seems like they are even more worried... They become quite
overprotective compared to before," she says, her shoulders slumped.
Mayfa: What, that's fine. Your parents are worried about you, aren't they?
I don't have any family, so I envy you (calmly).
GM: Uu. "Well, that's true, but..." she says, feeling a little uncomfortable.
Haru: I feel somber mood.
GM: “Oh, you know, I appreciate it. Thanks to you, I’ve retuned back to
my parent's house, and they were worried about me. I want to study more
at school, but... they want me to quit Fairy Magic Faculty.”
Haru: It is a natural process.

Karin: From a parent's point of view, it might be so.

Mayfa: But, Arietta, you have a family home in Cain Gara, don't you? Why
don't you go to school from your home?
GM: “Yes, I know. The school itself is not a dormitory, and I can go from
home, but... parents have taken the liberty of choosing a fiancée!” Arietta
excitedly bangs on the desk, “I have to train to be a bride for marriage now,
so I don't have time to go to school… that's terrible!!”
Karin: Oh, really?
Mayfa: It's quite fortunate, isn't it?
Lina: …Why don't you go home?
Haru: Parents, let them feel at ease.
GM: Ugh. The whole world cannot understand her!15 (laughs) "No, no! I'm
going to study harder..." she cries half-heartedly.
Karin: It's rare that the four of us can agree on something like this. (laughs)
GM: Arietta is shaking her head. “I don't like it! So, seniors! Break this
marriage contract!”
Lina: That's fine. Get married... before your fiancée runs away.
GM: “Ummm…”
Mayfa: Lina, your fiancé ran away from you long ago. Let it go (laughs).
Lina: He didn't flee! He had his own motives for his actions. ...and he was
tormented by the inability to unveil the secret within his heart, the secret
he couldn't confide in anyone. Quietly, he departed, unnoticed by all…
GM: (I remember that) Arietta looks at all of you with pensive, upturned
eyes and says, "So, no?" like a pampered child.
Karin: Oh, no... Rich people should be pampered... (mumbling)
GM: “If you conclude this marriage story, of course, I will reward you.”
Mayfa: Reward! (eyes twinkling)
Haru: Yes, it is terrible news. It is unforgivable for a girl to be forced to get
married by her parents without her permission as if they are trampling on
her dreams (hmmm).

The original is a wordplay on the Japanese idiom "There is no home in the world for
women." It challenges the old notion that women have no place in this world where they
can truly feel at ease. In the rephrased version, it states "There is no home in the world
or among friends for women."
79 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Karin: Money is money, no matter whose pocket it comes from. I was

planning to take the advice from my juniors lightly, but... It would be rude
not to accept if they pay (nodding).
Lina: ...It's amazing, the duality of people, now...
Mayfa: ...I have 20 gamels lined up on my desk, and I sing sadly, "This is
my everything…" If I put it in my pocket, it will be 40 gamels… (laughs)
Karin: ...I always wondered why Mayfa always has 20 gamels with her?
Mayfa: I bought a Thermal Mantle with the previous reward (hehe).
Haru: Just out of curiosity, has Arietta been recovered? Really?
GM: The doctors say that there was no particular mental defect. In fact,
those around her know she is more proactive than before. In particular,
she seems to be enjoying her school life.
Lina: Seeing the dark side of her mind, being possessed by the Daemon...
and being released, her ordinary days seem more glorious. I guess that's
what you mean.
GM: Maybe. Arietta bows her head. She says, “... I want to break up the
marriage I was forced to enter into with my parents while keeping a good
face. Please help me, seniors.”
Mayfa: Good... good... She just said something very selfish! (laughs)
Haru: Maybe Daemon is still in her!?
Karin: That's a very extravagant argument, isn't it? Can't you persuade your
fiancée to postpone the wedding date?
GM: “I did consider that a little... but according to my parents, the other
party is already talking about a 'love nest' and is even starting renovations
on an old house for the purpose of marriage. Don't you think a 'love nest'
concept feels extremely outdated?”
Mayfa: Isn't that... going to be a pretty happy marriage? (serious)
Lina: However... isn't it a bit hard to accept for a 14-year-old girl things like
a love nest...? It's such a sensitive matter, but here we are, exposing
everything in an intense...
Haru: (interrupting) Indeed, he looks a bit like a creepy guy.
Karin: Is it annoying to have a pushy fiancé?
GM: "Yes. While I was on break, we had a few conversations... but it feels
like he’s being overly intrusive, asking about various things in great detail,

and it's an uncomfortable feeling." She furrows her brow. Well, it might be
biased since he’s a fiancé who was forced upon her, but it seems like
Arietta really feels that way.
Haru: In the meantime, I would like to hear about him. Is it alright if I do
a little research after that? (glances at everyone)
Mayfa: Hmmm. Let’s check if it's a good deal or not.
Karin: That's right. Even if he is a stranger, we shouldn’t not be
disrespectful. Since we have been involved once, I think we can take care
of junior. We'll think about whether or not to break the marriage
Mayfa: No objection!
Karin: Well, to be honest, I am interested in what kind of fiancée he is
Haru: It is fun to be able to meddle in other people's love affairs.

Junior's Boyfriend (Tentative)

Mayfa: So, what kind of boy is he? (quickly)
Karin: Tall? Short? Skinny? Fat? Handsome? Rich? How old is he?
Lina: ...If he is a 30-year-old fat pizza guy, I wouldn't hesitate to break...
GM: Maybe he has a kind heart (laughs). Well, according to Arietta, he is
a very ordinary person. “He is not handsome, but he is not ugly, and he is
neither tall nor short... Ah, a Human male, 27 years old.”
Haru: Well... in a way, that's not a bad prospect.
Karin: You could also say he is a prospect-lacking.
Lina: Yes... since there isn't anything exceptionally bad about him... even
if we decline, he can easily come across as confrontational... Truly, his
strengths and weaknesses are closely intertwined... like the constant duality
of light and shadow.
Mayfa: It's easy to understand for you, right, Lina?
Lina: Mayfa!? (sighs) You were one of those who had a prejudice against
the soulscars of Nightmares. I can't believe that people can be so close to
each other and still have darkness in their hearts...!
Mayfa: You're annoying, plain, and simple.
81 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: I won't argue about my personality. I am a traveler who will never be

understood, destined to wander in eternal loneliness... People can only live
and die alone... (crying).
Haru: But you know, Haru thinks it's okay to have both good and bad
things. It would be nice if there were no bad things.
Karin: Marriage is a compromise.
GM: Eh... Everyone's mind is already grown and mature, but Arietta is 14
years old, and her birthday is coming soon. Isn't she still at the age when
she can dream? (laughs)
Mayfa: Haha! Surely!
Lina: ...Now you're right, I said without feminine power... (laughs).
Karin: We, too, have not forgotten the hearts of young teens who are
freshly in love, have we?
Haru: By the way, Haru is 10 years old! It's time to start thinking about
marriage! I just remembered that I should pursue my ideal partner!
Lina: By the way, I wonder what aspects are considered overbearing...?
Yes, it is true that everyone has their own secrets that they do not want to
GM: “Um... I was possessed by a Daemon, and you helped me. As a result,
my parents became worried, and I had to take a break at my parents'
house, where I was introduced to him...”
Mayfa: But?
GM: “He inquired about the time when I was taken by a daemon and
asked about the forest. He appears to have an intellectual inclination...
However, I truly wish to put it behind me as soon as possible.”
Karin: I see. Well, I can see why you would be annoyed.
Haru: If you're once thought to lack sensitivity, it's hard to recover.
Lina: Sensitive... truly handle young girls with care, like fragile glass in their
teenage years... Except for Mayfa, she can be shameless, though...
Mayfa: It's embarrassing to be praised so much, you know...
Lina: …
Karin: Lina, your sarcastic curveballs don't work on Mayfa. Maybe it's time
to learn that, huh?
Lina: …I guess so. It's the embarrassment of throwing a wild pitch with my
signature move...

GM: “He is very… concerned about my physical and mental health

problems, as I’m ill, which irritates me a little. Besides, he is old.”
Mayfa: Indeed, from a 14-year-old's point of view, a 27-year-old is old.
Haru: I can understand getting frustrated with someone's behavior when
you think they're out of line.
Karin: In other words, should we be looking for a fiancée?
GM: “If you can get rid of them peacefully, that would be the best,” she
euphemistically agreed.
Lina: So… all we have to do is eliminate them socially...
GM: "No, not that far!" It seems that she does not hate him to that point.

After hearing from Arietta, a junior student, the girls formed a circle to
make sure Arietta could not hear them.

Haru: Do you think it's OK if I accept this offer?

Mayfa: I feel sorry for her, a marriage that she doesn't want.
Karin: Certainly. It might be a little early if it's not unpleasant, but it's up to
the individuals involved.
Haru: …That's right. I mean... If we can put together a nice story, we can
talk to Arietta's parents and ask them if we can get a reward for this
Mayfa: Woah (spewed the tea that was drinking IRL)! Ha, Haru... you are
so smart!
Karin: Is that so? (laughs)
Lina: Arietta wants to break up with him without telling her parents, even
though they will 100% find out... (laughs)
Mayfa: We can win either way! We'll make money! We can! (laughs)
GM: Ah. Arietta's parents are known and wealthy, so it is easy to find them.
Haru: The GM's line is a heavenly voice saying that both solutions are
Lina: …That's nice. No one gets hurt. Double reward...
Karin: Is it only one-side reward that can be received? Can we break off
the marriage proposal and inform parents?
GM: Oh, my God.
Karin: The one who will fail will resent us.
83 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: I think it would be good if Arietta bears a grudge against us (calm).

Lina: This rabbit is evil! (laughs)
Haru: Marriage should be broken by the two people involved. Besides, it
sometimes has a good ending.
Karin: I agree. If they don't like it, I think it's better to break it. It might be
pitiful to turn a blind eye to the pushy person, knowing that she doesn't
like him. If the fiancée she wants to dump is rich... (smiles).
Mayfa: Karin's eyes momentarily turned into a predator! (laughs)
Lina: As expected of "Fluffy Sailor Bunny"... she's a genius (laughs).
Haru: …This is why I came up with the idea.
Mayfa: Let's do it!
GM: Wow, not even a moment's hesitation from Mayfa! (laughs)
Lina: …I have to ask you, do her parents know that Arietta doesn't want to
get married?
GM: In fact, Arietta is a good girl who cannot be selfish in front of her
parents, so she has not been able to reject him outwardly and strongly.
Haru: Ah, in that case, it might be worth talking to your fiancé. "Your
fiancée is reluctant about this conversation. We will handle it well for you."
Mayfa: Nice! Then we won't have to worry about Arietta's parents. Haru,
you're a genius! (laughs)
GM: (These girls... (laughs))
Karin: Well, anyway, don't we think we should check out her fiancée's
personality first?
Lina: ... I agree. Let's ask Arietta for more information about him. It's a
private matter... and she can't be sure, but we’ll look into it as much as we
can and see what we can find that will meet her needs…
GM: When everyone says so, Arietta nods her head, looking a little
worried. “I'm looking forward to working with you. I know it's selfish of
me, but I still want to live my young life. If there is anything I can do, of
course, I will help you. I don't mean to be rude. If you can make the
marriage proposal null and void, I'm prepared to pay 5000 gamel for each
of you.”
Mayfa: Five thousand! (astonished)
Karin: …this... rich girl! (laughs)

Haru: So, no wonder she sent us to look for her when she got lost in the
forest... It seems she makes substantial donations or something.
GM: Arietta gives you all the information on paper. It contains details such
as the history of your fiancée. It appears to have been given to her by her
Lina: Already investigated by them…
Karin: Well, it's not surprising if it's a famous family. I wonder what kind
of a person he is (peeking into the paper).

According to the document, Arietta's fiancé's name is Lorenzo Ander,

who is 27 years old.
As per his research certificate provided by his parents, he was born in
Rasbate in the "Land of Assemblence Lios" and attended the prestigious
Academy of the Holy Copper Angel.
Initially, he established a private school in Lios to teach school entrance
exams and currently holds the position of lecturer at Cain Gara's Faculty
of Sages.
He resides in an old mansion outside the center of Cain Gara, which
he is currently renovating and repairing.

Karin: His sounds like a lot.

Mayfa: Academy of the Holy Copper Angel... is he a priest?
GM: No, it is just a school that was established by a group of temples. It is
not for priests. However, there are many elites.
Lina: That sounds like a... winner.
GM: Of course, he was invited to be a teacher in Cain Gara, the best
academic city in the Feidan region. And when he came from Lios to Cain
Gara, it seemed that he caught her parents' attention. They wanted him to
become a husband of their only daughter.
Haru: Although he seems like an average person, what was the decisive
factor that caught their attention?
GM: “I don't know a...,” says Arietta, tilting her head. “They were not very
willing to tell me about it, and… I'm even more worried because of it.”
Karin: That might be a little unsettling.
Haru: How much do you know about the engagement?
85 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: It hasn't been announced yet, ostensibly. Arietta's family is doing

business extensively, so they may think such a congratulatory story should
be announced at a party or other occasion.
Lina: ...In other words, if we’re going to break it, break it now. (muttering)
I think we can sneak into the Sage’s Faculty and gather information from
female students... The moment there is an insulting story about touching
a female student's buttocks, you're out...
Haru: It is too easy a task.
Karin: I have a little bit of Sage, so I think I went to the beginner's class…
Do I know what kind of person Mr. Lorenzo is?
Haru: Oh, Haru is also a Sage! (Raises hand)
GM: That's right. Well, it is just a matter of luck whether the classrooms
are the same or not, so if two dice are rolled, and the score is 7 or more, it
means that you have attended his lecture before.
Karin: Well. (rolls). Hm… Yes!
Haru: (rolls)... Grr. Unfortunately, we were not in the same class.
...(disappointed) Karin is in the beginner class (2 level), and Haru is in the
intermediate class (4 level), so it's no wonder, excellence is hard...
Karin: …What is it about being casually obnoxious? (laughs)
GM: Yes. Let's see, Karin had a lecture with Lorenzo, a newly arrived
Karin: What did he look like?
GM: Yes. He is a gray-haired, dim-faced teacher.
Everyone: Dim… faced! (laughs)
Karin: My impression was a bit dim (laughs).
GM: Yes, it is. Let's see, super thin. You can draw his face using only lines
and dots.
Mayfa: Too easy!
GM: There's nothing particularly standout, but I might have thought of the
teacher as having a gentle impression. You’ve heard rumors that he spends
his break time in the library.
Haru: What else?
GM: You also heard that he enjoys walking and spends his spare time
walking around Cain Gara.
Mayfa: That sounds harmless enough.

GM: Arietta bows her head and says, “Thank you!” and then leaves.

Launch of the Fairy Force!

Lina: Karin and Haru, who are familiar with the Sage’s Faculty, should
gather information from around the campus.
Haru: Haru and Karin would like to learn more about Lorenzo from his
supervisor's point of view.
Karin: As for the rest of us, Lina and Mayfa, please take care of his
reputation in the neighborhood and on the streets.
Mayfa: Okay, let’s go! (one hand waving)
Lina: ...Good luck…
Karin: So, we enter the Sage’s Faculty.
Haru: Is there someone who is Lorenzo's boss as for the new instructor?
GM: You come to his Boss, Mr. Finn Dye. He greets you lightly, saying,
“Hello, you must be the experts of the Fairy Magic Faculty in cleaning up
troublesome matters.”
Haru: Haru and her team are quite famous.
Karin: Well, our Reputation speaks for us.16 We are here to ask for
information about Mr. Lorenzo... Does he have any new information?
GM: Basically, the information is similar to what Karin had heard. Also,
he heard that there was a marriage proposal going on, and he was worried…
about the young girl.
Karin: Lorenzo is aware of the marriage proposal, I guess, right?
Haru: Does he have any strange hobbies or anything like that?
GM: “If I had something like that, I wouldn't show it to others.”
Haru: What a good argument! Yes, we should hide our embarrassing
hobbies secretly, not to show them to anyone.
Karin: By the way, what kind of "embarrassing hobbies" do you have in
your history table, Haru? (laughs)
Haru: It's important, so I'll say it again: It's something that should be hidden

Meaning that they have high enough Reputation points to be known in the city.
87 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: "Well, in any case, he really doesn't make much of an impression.

He's so inconspicuous that I wonder if he does it on purpose. He's like a
daylight lamp."
Haru: The daylight lamp... means that he is very active at night?
Everyone: (loud laughter)
GM: Hey! (laughs)
Lina in the City: That's the first time I've heard that interpretation...!
GM: "No, well, even though he didn't graduate from a famous Cain Gara
school, he must have some abilities," he says as a weak defense. "Also, I
heard he's working hard to renovate his house.”
Karin: I remember that he was renovating an old house with the intention
of turning it into a love nest. Has his identity been confirmed?
GM: The teacher nods. “Of course, to a certain extent. Before coming
here, I heard that he graduated with honors from the Academy of the Holy
Copper Angel in Lios and opened a private school. Until his grandfather's
generation, they lived in Cain Gara, so he was interested in it and didn't
hesitate to close his own private school and come here to teach.”
Haru: Actually, it's not as if the Ogre ate him on the way and has already
replaced him... (muttering).
Mayfa in the City: Oh gosh!
Karin: I wonder if Lorenzo's family, the Anders, is a famous family. I heard
they were very rich in the past.
GM: The teacher tilts his head about it. Well, you can think of it as a not-
so-common surname. In Cain Gara, it is a common family name.
Karin: So, it doesn't ring a bell. On the other hand, a few people come to
GM: Yes, that's right. Make a check with Sage to see if there is any family
history that comes to mind. The Target Number is 14.
Haru: (rolls) Ah. Natural 3. I would have preferred double 1s anyway since
it would have given me experience points (laughs).

昼行灯 (hiruandon) – “Daytime lamp” is a Japanese phrase used to compare a person
to someone who is absentminded or useless.

Karin: (rolls double 1s)... wow, I learned something (desperate). The

overprotective parents of Arietta must think he is from a good family and
that they are willing to give their only daughter to him.
Haru: You certainly have a point, Karin, and we will have to seriously look
into it again. Thank you very much, professor... I bow and leave... Now,
let's see what we can do.
Karin: I heard that he often goes to the library, and I wonder if we can ask
the librarian about his personality? But I don't think they know much.
Haru: If we can confirm that he is borrowing only strange books about
young girls, Arietta should be OUT!
Karin: Yes, that's right. Well, let's go check on that, too.

Karin then went back to the classroom to gather more information

while decorating the magical implement of the juniors.
The vague impression of the teacher remained unchanged. There was
no attention given to the sleeping students in class from his side, resulting
in two different evaluations: being a kind and good teacher or simply being
a nonchalant and irresponsible teacher.

Karin: I guess motivated students would be annoyed if their teacher gave

them a boring lesson.
GM: "That's right. In this era of individuality, I can't understand why
someone would make themselves so inconspicuous. Sometimes, they
seem restless and absent-minded."
Haru: Is it because he is not married yet?
GM: When you tell this, the female student looks a little strange, “…I don’t
think this is the case”.
Karin: How can you be so sure?
GM: “Because, you know, when you are fidgety at such a time, you are
kind of happy, aren't you? You feel happy and ticklish like you can't stand
still. But, he seems to be preoccupied with something else.”
Haru: Hmmm... Something else (thinking).
Karin: But if the class is like that, I wonder why he was hired as an
instructor, even though he had his own private school in Lios.
Haru: Indeed, it is a matter of concern.
89 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

On the other hand, Mayfa & Lina were…

Mayfa: I thought I would gather information in Arietta's neighborhood, but

when I thought about it since her engagement has not been announced
yet, there is no way people could have known about him (laughs).
Lina: …Truth is still, is buried below, waiting for the time when the bright
sunlight will shine on it...
Mayfa: Help, Haru, Karin! I don't like to be alone with Lina, after all...
Lina: Ummm... don't worry, Mayfa. I'm a woman of soulscarred blood...
and I'm used to being hated. Now, curse me to your heart's content. I'll
endure it all.
Mayfa: Wow, you become even creepier (laughs).
Lina: Well, that's about all I have to say. We can't ask the neighbors. I'm
sure a maid who is close to Arietta can tell us a lot of stories. There is more
than one way to the truth...
Mayfa: Genius! (snaps fingers)
Lina: ...In Mayfa's world, there are indeed many geniuses overflowing... If
I think about it, it seems fun in its own way, but then I would lose... First,
let's pretend to be classmates and go listen to the maid’s story.
Mayfa: Let's have Arietta talk to the maid who is closest to her.
GM: Yes. Now, a maid in her early twenties named Sherry will answer
your call. She says, “Sorry to keep you waiting. You are apparently
schoolmates of my mistress.”
Mayfa: Yes!
GM: “I am sincerely sorry for having to go along with… my mistress’
selfishness,” she bows deeply.
Mayfa: Wow. She bowed to us!
Lina: 5000 gamel per person... In the presence of the shimmering silver,
human eyes are dazzled... Even though I know this scarred soul's blood
will repel silver... I am captivated.
GM: Modestly, the maid pretends not to have heard.

Mayfa and Lina attempted to gather information about Lorenzo,

Arietta's fiancé.

Overall, there were no significant inconsistencies in the details of

Lorenzo's background, but it created an impression of him being
somewhat mysterious.

GM: “I just want to say... that I feel sorry for my mistress, too. The master
and his wife are in love with Lorenzo and are pushing this marriage
proposal forward on their own. I don't know why they like him so much...”
Mayfa: Yes, I thought that was strange. I heard that the parents were
overprotective of Arietta, but wouldn't they want to keep her with them all
the time instead of giving her to Lorenzo?
Lina: That's true... I wonder if Lorenzo has been to this house a few times
GM: Yes. It seems that he often had dinner together in the evening. Also,
Arietta and her parents once visited the mansion that was prepared as their
new home. She says, “As for the new house, the old house that the master
was not using was given to Lorenzo.”
Mayfa: He is so popular that I can't help but notice it.
Lina: It's fine if they like him in general, but not revealing the reason to
their daughter is not natural.
Mayfa: Yes, if they really want their daughter to marry him, they will appeal
to various good points to make their daughter like him, so she can have a
happy marriage.
Lina: Miss Sherry... lately, your master and his wife have been acting
strangely... have you noticed anything strange ......?
Mayfa: That's right. Were they eyes were strange... like from spells, magic,
GM: As expected, the maid, Sherry, did not seem to understand. At least,
she testified that she did not feel any change.
Lina: ...It's okay, I'm just asking. I'd like to get to know Lorenzo himself,
so I wonder if there's any chance to make casual contact with him. Only at
GM: Actually, Sherry is assigned to help out and bring lunch boxes to Mr.
Lorenzo’s house, which is currently being renovated.
Mayfa: Nice (thumbs up).
91 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: This is... Fairy Force, Maid's Clothing Edition... Mayfa, let's meet up
with Karin and Haru.
Mayfa: I'm going to run all the way to the Sage’s Faculty (dashing).
Karin in Sage's Faculty: Geez. I got chills for a second.

GM: So, Fairy Force, you managed to meet up, and all of you changed
into maid uniforms even though you didn't need to (while looking away).
Mayfa: No, it's not unnecessary! Certainly, after Sherry prepared maid
outfits for us and we changed, only Scout's Lina needed to become a
maid... I just realized that!
Haru: Inadvertently, I also realized this after I changed my clothes.
Karin: But it's okay because we can support Lina when she screws up. We
are just there to support Lina.
93 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: …Leave it to me, I'm good at creeping in the dark. Darkness is closer
to me than anything else… it even envelops me in warmth.
Mayfa: (interrupting) Well, let's go. Let's ask Sherry to take us on a tour of
Lorenzo's house!
GM: Sure. Now, as apprentice maids following Sherry, you will be taken
to Lorenzo's house, which is currently being renovated.
Mayfa: Luxurious?
GM: No, it is not luxurious. It is not a very big house. The walls are also
quite dirty as if they have been neglected for a long time. It looks like he is
in the process of repainting and replacing the flooring, though.
Lina: ...I'll circle around and check the outer perimeter, always making
sure to check the exit. It's a sad habit of the oppressed...
GM: This is what the building looks like on the outside. Also, you can get
the general layout of the house. The house originally belonged to Arietta's
parents, so the floor plan before the remodeling should be perfect. Where
will Lina sneak into this place? (Writing on the board)
Karin: It has a strange shape.
Mayfa: It looks like it would be easy to hide.
95 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: Okay, I'll sneak quietly in the back to see everyone's clumsy maids
antics. It's an uneven house, so if I hide in the back, passersby won't be
able to see me, and yes, I'll be hidden from everyone's eyes… just hiding
my breath….
Mayfa: Leave it to me, Lina. I'll tear down every single part of this
renovated place!
Karin: No, if we do that, we might get sued for damages, and we won't be
able to complain (annoyed).
Haru: Then, hello, we have come!
GM: Sherry, the maid, says with a wry smile, “Well, we don't usually do
anything special. We deliver simple snacks and daily necessities and help
in any way we can...”
Karin: Let me introduce new maids for the future young master
GM: Sherry seems to agree, and as Haru is shouting at the front door, you
hear a voice from inside saying, “It's open.”
Mayfa: Well, I'll leave you to it.
GM: The interior of the house looks very rough and old. It looks deserted,
and there is no luggage yet. The living room is small, but there is no sofa
to sit on. There are only tools on the floor. Not much progress has been
made in the remodeling; the walls are cracked without being repainted,
and the paint is peeling off. Some of the carpets have just been peeled off,
and the floorboards that might have been rotten have been removed.
Karin: Oh, dear.
Lina behind the house: ...So it's not a big studio... What about room-to-
room partitions?
GM: Oh. There is a door leading to the back of the house, and there must
be a well-equipped bedroom in the back of the house. If Lina is sneaking
into the back of the house, the bedroom and the study room can be seen
from the back of the house.
Lina behind the house: ...I have to be patient in that place where the voice
of sin is calling me. Yes, I am a lonely Nightmare.
Mayfa: It's nice to be by your side without poking fun (laughs).
Lina behind the house: ...(looking a bit lonely)

GM: “The only room that has been cleaned up and is still usable is the
back room... but the remodeling doesn't seem to be progressing very well.
Why doesn't he leave it to the artisans? That's why I’m bringing in the
meals like this,” sighs Shelley when she sees the state of the room.
Haru: Why don't he ask someone who specializes in this field? Why not?
GM: "It seems that he likes doing this kind of work," she whispers softly,
but the young man she greeted seems rather clumsy, and he clearly lacks
experience in physical tasks such as interior remodeling. "Hey, Sherry. I'm
always sorry," says the scholar-like man with gray hair as he nods.
Haru: (sneering) What does he feel like?
GM: Super normal. Very ordinary. Not particularly distinctive but not very
memorable. Subdued.
Karin: ...this is funny. I thought I read in some book that the average
featureless face is the standard of the most beautiful face.
GM: Sherry introduces everyone as new apprentice maids and says you
are here to help out. Lorenzo says, “Oh... I'm sorry, but thank you. I’ve
been having a hard time cleaning up.”
Mayfa: I will do anything, even painting the walls and flooring... I say,
making a very nice smile (laughs).
Haru: We just need to bring in a contractor. He must like this kind of work
GM: When Lorenzo overheard this, he scratched his head in annoyance.
“I'm sorry. I've been a little... busy.” If you want, let's roll the dice and see
if you can help out properly, shall we?
Mayfa: Let’s roll! (very happy)
Karin: Ready for double 1s!
Haru: Earn XP while you can.
GM: If you have work skills related to housework, you can add it. If not,
you can make a straight roll.
All except Lina: Yeah! (rolls)
Mayfa: Okay, I'm short of double 1s, but I've got 4! Oh, I'll take this box
over there. And then, in a classic way, I'll spill its contents! (laughs)
Haru: Ah, Mayfa, that's not good... But while saying that, I'll pretend to
help... and amplify the commotion! Ah, Haru is a clumsy girl. I kick the
tin can!
97 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Karin: There is a possibility that Haru herself will become a brush! (laughs)
GM: What a specific description of panic! “Aaah! Please don't walk
around wearing that!” Lorenzo's voice becomes raised (laughs).
Haru: Oh my. I pretend to panic and run around all over the place!
Mayfa: Well, Haru, you're good. You are indeed a Fluffy Sailor Bunny!
GM: Does it have anything to do with alias?
Karin: Lina, now's the time! (gesturing)
GM: So, let's move on to Lina, who is hiding in the back of the house since
you are having a scene in the living room.
Lina: Hmmm, this chaos is what I could do, and now I'm slowly thinking
to myself… why we made such a reckless plan while he's around. He is a
teacher in the... Sage’s Faculty, we should have snuck in during class hours
Everyone: Oh…
Mayfa: Well, we wanted to know about Lorenzo's personality! (in high
GM: Be that as it may, the panic has already begun.
Lina: From the back terrace, open a window and go inside. Well, it should
be a study. Let's start with... Hide check (rolls) 19.
GM: You can hear noise and screams from the other side of the door.
Lina: Good luck, Lorenzo... Well, what's the situation inside?
Haru in the living room: ...A magic circle all over the floor!
Lina: Something mysterious is coming! (laughs)
GM: There is none. There is an old carpet and a large built-in bookshelf
covering the wall. And a big, decaying desk. There are quite a few old
books lined up here. It looks like it has been roughly dusted and cleaned,
but some whitish stains are still stuck to it.
Lina: Old books. I'd like to... pick one up and flip through it. Deep, old,
fountain of…. knowledge in my hands. First of all, what is the title? What
language is it in?
GM: Its in Trade Common, like Fairy Magic's instructional book...
Lina: Fairy Magic instructional book?
GM: Yes, it includes the description of the fairy lineage and the
compatibility with the gems that serve as the gateway. It's aimed at

beginners, but it's packed with so much writing that it doesn't seem like it's
really big.
Lina: ...Hmmm? ...You mentioned that it's collecting dust. So, I wonder if
this book itself is not Lorenzo's... (annoyed).
Karin in the living room: Maybe some of his predecessor's belongings?
Well, what about Lorenzo's belongings?
GM: If you pay attention with this in mind, you will notice that there are
some books packed directly on the floor, which have been swept to some
extent. This is a collection of books on various lines of knowledge. It seems
that some of them were published in Lios.
Lina: So, the unpacked items here are Lorenzo's personal belongings… I
wonder if he is going to replace them...
Haru in the living room: It is inefficient. It looks like they are easily
cleaned. Usually, I think it is right to take out books, clean the shelves, and
put in new books as they are.
Mayfa in the living room: Maybe he is simply interested in the books here.
Lina: I wonder if this is the study used by Arietta's dad or grandfather...?
(nods her head)
Karin in the living room: Maybe it belongs to a failed researcher who
bought this place long ago. It looks like the place was never occupied by a
big family before the floorboards rotted.
Lina: I see... I think I hear whispers from friends who are not here. Yes,
this is the voice of my heart. Truly, soul friends...
Mayfa in the living room: If possible, I'd like to keep the distance between
me and Lina at the level of a close friend (laughs).
Lina: Terrible! It's ok... I'm Nightmare... I'm unacceptable to anyone...
Haru in the living room: I feel like I'm turbo-dashing away from Lina.
Lina: ...Well, anyway. Let's check out the details later... Now, next... He
has an old desk, right? Speaking of desks... Drawers! (Wow! Widens her
GM: Please don't make a scary face. Yes. The desk has drawers.
Lina: Search check! (rolls) 20.
GM: Ah. It is locked. The Target Number is 11.
Lina: I will open it. Hehe, this is now in the hands of fate, not my own…-
oops. Just in case, "Spot Trap" (rolls).
99 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: You have good instincts. As you may have guessed, a trap is set. Even
though it is.., it is a poor trap with a Target Number of about 6. It is a
childish trick or a surprise. When you open the drawer, a doll pops out
like a surprise box.
Lina: Oh my... Standard Pierrot doll or...?
GM: No, it's the face of an old man.
Lina: Wow! ...I'm rather surprised at that fact! (laughs)
GM: It is an old man wearing a green triangular hat. It is made of a felt-
like fabric, but it is faded.
Karin in the living room: The green tricorn hat...? That's usual, but...
GM: Yes, he looks slightly familiar to you. Gnome's husband, whom you
met in your last adventure in the Tiwaz forest. They look strangely similar.
Everyone: What…?
Lina: ...hmm!? There is a book on fairies, Gnome's husband's doll...? ...
For now, I'm not sure about the doll, but...
Party in the Living Room: Steal it! (laughs)
Mayfa in the living room: A very natural theft (laughs).
Haru in the living room: However, if it wasn't for Lina, who discovered it,
I would have screamed. A doll with a familiar face...
Lina: …Silence is my friend, so what else is in the drawer?
GM: This is nothing else, but closer inspection reveals that the inside has
a double bottom.
Lina: ...I wonder if there's a Death Note in there. If so... (grins).
GM: No. It has an emblem.
Lina: An emblem? I wonder if it is a family crest.
GM: And you have seen it before. It is the crest that the Gnome husband
cherishes. It is the same design.
Lina: Woah! (Surprised)
Everyone: Woah! (Surprised)
Lina: When I saw Gnome's head, I thought it was a bit too early to tell,
but… I was right.
Mayfa in the living room: I remember that the emblem is one of two proofs
of friendship with Master Tiwaz, isn't it? Is it one-half of the pair?
Haru in the living room: It looks like that. Does this mean that the original
owner of this house might have been Fairy Tamer Master Tiwaz?

Lina: It's a surprising fact, but it doesn't make me suspicious of Lorenzo…

At any rate, I'll keep it in my mind... I'll get myself together and go to my
GM: Also, I think it's about time for the disturbing maid girls to be kicked
out by Sherry.
Mayfa Outside: I guess it can't be helped. We were a diversion, but we
caused a lot of trouble. Next time, I'll come back to make a proper apology
and go wash the paint off.
Haru Outside: Haru is a bit uncomfortable as the paint is starting to get
Karin Outside: That's all well and good, but doesn't that mean the search
for Lina is going to get tougher from here? I'm worried because the noise
has ended.
Mayfa Outside: Oh, you know what. Did Lorenzo seem strong?
GM: Hmm? Yes, you can check with "Monster Knowledge" to find out his
Haru Outside: That's what Haru is also wondering. Is Mr. Lorenzo really
just a dimly-lit person?
GM: Then roll the check.
Haru Outside: (rolls) 17!
GM: He has the 7th level of Sage. The Conjurer is 5th level. Alchemist is
Mayfa Outside: Doesn't it look like he can do melee combat?
GM: Yeah, he cannot.
Mayfa Outside: I lost interest (muttering).
Karin Outside: Oh, you were interested (laughs).
Mayfa Outside: Well, to be honest, junior came to us to talk about love
and even marriage, and I started feeling a little envious as a girl, or rather,
I became all shy (fidgeting).
Haru Outside: Mayfa, what is your ideal man like?
Mayfa Outside: I… don't mind marrying someone who is stronger than me.
Haru Outside: That is quite challenging.
Karin Outside: What if Lorenzo was strong?
Mayfa Outside: Well... he's clumsy.
GM: Quick! (laughs)
101 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: ...Somewhere out there, there's a happy girly talk blooming. I can't
join them... because I'm a soulscarred flower...
GM: Sorry. Let's get back to the story.
Lina: I'll keep looking for signs in the living room and check the bedroom
as well. Search check (rolls) 18!
GM: Now, something like a book is lying on the bed in the bedroom.
Lina: In bed! I'm not the kind of... woman to stare at a gentleman's
bedside...! Oh, but this is for the sake of my dear junior...! (glances through
fingers) So, what's in it?
GM: This is a detailed street map of Cain Gara.
Lina: A map?
GM: Yes. It seems like it contains big and easy-to-understand spots, like a
tourist map.
Lina: Come to think of it, I'm not sure if he's out and about a lot or if he's
got marks all over the entertainment district like I've heard... Men are
Haru Outside: Markings are all over the graveyard in a blood-red color ...
Mayfa Outside: And if you connect them, you can see a hexagram at...!
Lina: …shocking (muttering).
GM: It has marks on it. Like in the library. This house, the Fairy Magic
Faculty, the cemetery. And a few more...
Mayfa Outside: We have a cemetery! (laughs)
Haru Outside: And last but not least, the Arietta’s room!
Karin Outside: That's definitely a no-go! (gesture of out)
Mayfa Outside: I think that's a level of engagement breakage.
GM: … (laughs)
Karin Outside: ...what's up GM, you look strange.
GM: Oh no. Even if it is a prejudiced statement, it is right on the money.
It is not Arrieta's room, but the site of Arietta's parents' house is marked.
Mayfa Outside: I mean, we found a pervert!?
Lina: This is a little… bad, but I'll keep it in mind... I can't take it out of the
house... What else is of interest in the bedroom?
GM: An old gentleman's book, apparently borrowed from the library,
hangs on the bedside table.

Lina: Gentleman's book?

GM: This is a list of famous and influential people in Cain Gara. But it is
quite old, about 70 years ago.
Lina: … That's old... Yes, it's old now... But someday, I will surely deviate
from the flow of time and live eternally... 70 years is nothing but a tiny
speck of dust.
Mayfa Outside: Are there any markings on it?
Lina: I also wonder…
GM: As one would expect from a library, it is not marked in ink, but there
is a rape leaf inserted. There are descriptions of some famous people
Lina: Is the name of Ander's family there?
GM: Yes, there is.
Lina: I'll keep that in mind. What does it say?
GM: “Tiwaz Ander, Head of the Fairy Magic Faculty.”
Everyone: What? (stutter)
Lina: ...I am sure that Ander's family lived in Cain Gara until Lorenzo's
grandfather's generation. This would explain why it was 70 years ago... Or
rather, the timeline is quite accurate. ...Most likely, it would be his
grandchild or great-grandchild.
Mayfa Outside: Lorenzo, is he a descendant of Master Tiwaz, who created
that forest?
Karin Outside: I think this is quite possible... is the most common name,
though, so it may not be decisive.
Lina: ...Also, I'm going to check on Lorenzo through the door, just in case.
GM: Yes. Make a Listen check.
Lina: (rolls) 16... what darkness this man is hiding in his heart... come on,
reveal it to us!
GM: I wonder if it's safe for him to be mumbling. Well, in the living room,
Lorenzo is cleaning paint cans and stains with a half-stoned face.
Mayfa & Haru Outside: (Pause of quiet reflection)
GM: Well, sometimes you can hear the sound of chewing, probably
because I'm eating the food that was delivered to me. You can also hear
him saying, "Mmm, delicious." And then, the sound of organizing stops for
a moment. He sighs. “Arietta, I just can't figure it out... what should I do?”
103 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: …Hmm? (ears perked up)

GM: You hear a voice saying, "But, I have to take responsibility...," and you
hear footsteps walking toward the study.
Lina: I'm leaving. The bedroom and study are adjoining rooms, so staying
too long is dangerous...
GM: Got it. Well, you made it out safely. You can join your friends who
have been waiting outside.
Karin: It would be conspicuous if there were many maids hanging out in
the street, so we are back in the classrooms of the Fairy Magic Faculty.
Lina: …Hehe... I'm left alone, a pathetic clown…, and I'm heading to class...
Mayfa: I'm scared! Lina, you're scaring me! (laughs)

Ander's Genealogy
GM: So, you all met up in the classroom.
Lina: ... In the meantime, I will tell my friends what I have seen and heard.
Karin: It seems like there is some kind of intense destiny involved.
Haru: Or perhaps we could say it's strategic. My suspicion grows that he is
planning something to approach Arietta.
Mayfa: Also, let's look up a little more about a man called Master Tiwaz.
He is a famous fairy head, but if Lorenzo's history is correct, he left Cain
Gara for Lios, right? Maybe something happened to him.
Karin: If we want to know about Master Tiwaz, I think asking him at the
school would be faster. Fortunately, the current location is also a strategy
meeting in the classroom.
Haru: Then, we should go to the library of the Fairy Magic Faculty and
search through the materials.
GM: Yes, that's right. Then, please make a Literature check with a Target
Number of 15.
Karin & Haru: (roll) Success!
GM: You find that Master Tiwaz is mentioned in the local history as one
of the several masters who set up the system of what is now the Fairy Magic
Faculty. It seems that he was an excellent Fairy Tamer. However, he died
about 70 years ago.
Karin: What is the cause of death?

GM: You don’t see it listed. If you read carefully, you will find that the
achievements of Master Tiwaz themselves have been removed from a
certain date. Well, even in the same local history or reference book, some
of the older editions have the name of Master Tiwaz, but in the newer
editions, his name has been erased even though the contents themselves
have not changed.
Mayfa: It's been erased!? Why? And forest remains named after him?
Haru: ...Hmmm... This is just a guess. The Gnome husband of the Tiwaz
Forest was a firm friend of the Master Tiwaz. If you remove the name of
Mr. Tiwaz from the forest where Gnome lives...
Lina: …I think they are going to be angry.
Mayfa: And I think it is very, very sad.
Karin: But why would they do that? And what about Mr. Tiwaz's family?
GM: Although it is written that Tiwaz Ander's family line has ceased to
exist, there are references to him having a wife and children.
Haru: In other words, I think they moved from Cain Gara to Lios.
Karin: Don't you think the teachers know about such a great person in the
Fairy Magic Faculty?
Mayfa: Oh, sure. Well, I'm going to go grab Professor Dresden from the
staff room! (salutes)

Professor Dresden, the head of the Fairy Force, was easily kidnapped
by his students and forced into the classroom.

Mayfa: So, Mr. Teacher! We want to know about Tiwaz Ander! (raises her
Haru: Wow, it is straight and direct.
GM: Professor Dresden, the bearded gentleman, responds with a slightly
bitter smile, "What's the matter with you? Did you become interested in
him after your visit to the Tiwaz Forest the other day? It's good that you
are eager to learn."
Karin: Yes, we are very interested in him!
Lina: The cause of death is not given, and even in the same book, his name
is not listed in different editions... It is as if he has been ignored since a
105 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

certain era... Once you notice it, a researcher who doesn't seek the truth is
not worthy of being called a Cain Gara student. Teacher.
Mayfa: We’re really, really curious!
GM: "Certainly... Once you notice it, it seems very unnatural," Professor
Dresden furrows his brow. "I was also curious about it in the past."
Haru: Do you know something, teacher?
GM: Professor Dresden ponders for a moment and then says..., "Don't
spread it around too much to other faculties. It's a scandal in the Fairy
Magic Faculty."
Everyone: Scandal!
GM: “You have a right to know since you were a part of it, even if only
once. He was a good Fairy Tamer but deeply involved with Daemons.”
Karin: Yeah, well, that’s...
Mayfa: It has been sealed up in the forest.
GM: “Yes. It is said that he was able to control Daemons. In fact, I was
skeptical that he was involved in such a thing until I received the report
from Tiwaz Forest.”
Lina: And by our report, I guess you could say that the suspicion is the
true color of… darkness.
GM: “I can't deny that I'm very much biased toward the darkness. He was
a good Fairy Tamer, but why did he seal Daemon as if to hide it instead of
defeating it?” Professor Dresden's brow is wrinkled as he wonders.
Haru: It is not that he could not beat it, is it?
GM: “One theory is that he was trying to use Daemon, whom he had
sealed. Only Tiwaz would know the truth. And he had several such
Daemons... but no one could locate them.”
Everyone: Several! (shocked)
Lina: ...It would certainly be quicker to... erase his existence before it gets
out in the open... The great master of the Fairy Magic Faculty was, in fact,
a Warlock18. The small Fairy Magic Faculty is even smaller than it used to

The Warlock class was introduced in 2.0 supplement Cardia Grace, only half a year
after the release of this replay. Prior to that, they were considered outlaw magic system.

Mayfa: It's as if he left a Daemonic landmine near.

Karin: I'm not sure yet, but if Mr. Tiwaz's descendant was Lorenzo, then...
Lina, the marked places on the map she found could be where Daemons
are buried, right?
Lina: (A reluctant look)... That's something I've been thinking about for a
while… but most of the places where those marks are made are in the city.
I think it's a bit reckless to seal Daemon in the city, no matter how much
it is useful.
Haru: However, it is not impossible to think about the Tiwaz forest. It is
also a recreation area for the Fairy Magic Faculty and is often visited by
Mayfa: Besides, it's probably not feasible to seal all of them. Look, even in
the Tiwaz Forest, one of the altars was the actual sealing location, and the
rest were probably necessary for the magic.
Haru: This is not just a background check on the marriage of a junior
colleague but a hunch that we are involved in something much bigger than
we thought.
Lina: Well, this is not about stopping or recommending marriage... It may
be a good idea to confirm how much Arietta's parents know about
Lorenzo... Oh. I’ve made a mistake…
Mayfa: What's wrong, Lina?
Lina: I inadvertently brought a Gnome's doll from the drawer surprise
box... I was bouncing. Lorenzo might find out that he has been robbed.
Mayfa: Oh, the one that you put in your pocket so naturally.

The four Fairy Force members discuss carefully how to move forward
from here.
What can be done to clear or expose the strangely growing suspicions
about Lorenzo?
The parents must know something.
And once they have rescued Arietta, they should be trusted at least a
little, and so on...

Karin: However, I think there is a possibility that her parents may think we
are just bad seniors.
107 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Mayfa: What?
Haru: For parents who want their daughter to leave the Fairy Magic Faculty
and have her at their fingertips, friends from the faculty might create a
negative reaction.
Mayfa: But, there's no point in thinking like that, you know! You've got to
hit it and crush it!
Lina: …I don't think it's a good idea to crush. There are aesthetics in
Karin: I am interested in the story of why parents like Lorenzo very much
for no reason. Maybe it's not their own will.
Lina: For example, I wonder if it is medicine, magical, or .......
Haru: If he had done so, Lorenzo would have crossed all borders.
Mayfa: Especially, he didn't have the charisma to attract others, right?
Well, I wonder why they are so into him... I don’t like him.
Karin: Can we tell Arietta that Lorenzo is suspicious in many ways?
Haru: I think it is necessary to protect ourselves. It may still be just a
suspicion, but too many strange things are happening.
Lina: …Also, I'd like to meet with their parents in person to find out how
they're doing and, at the same time, ask them a lot of questions about
Lorenzo. Maybe they have some kind of backstory that makes them like
Mayfa: Well, why don't we go to Arietta's house and ask her to host a tea
party? Ostensibly, it was like inviting good friends. Her parents will be also
invited to attend.
Haru: Yes, nice. Leave the arrangements and invitations to Arietta.
GM: When called to discuss such arrangements, Arietta gives her a quick
answer. She must have sensed something unusual in the tense atmosphere.
“I'm glad I asked the seniors to help me,” she says with a nervous look on
her face, hoping for a breakup.
Everyone: Read the air, Arietta! (laughs)
GM: Well, that was just a joke. “If you want to meet my parents, how about
a dinner invitation?” Arietta suggests. Unlike the daytime tea party, the
father can attend the dinner.
Mayfa: Thank you very much!
Haru: Mayfa, have pride!

Lina: If that were to happen, of course, it would be most convenient ...I

wonder if they would invite someone like me to dinner ...No, I'm getting
nervous for no reason ...I wonder if they put up a sign at the entrance that
says no soulscarred allowed…
Karin: What a bitter thought.
Haru: The sooner, the better, if possible. If not today, then tomorrow.
GM: “I understand. I will let my parents know about a dinner party.”
Arietta readily agrees.
Mayfa: Oh, and. Could you tell me as much as you know about Lorenzo
and your parents? It would be helpful in many ways.
GM: Arietta responds with a curious look on her face. However, she wasn't
actually present at that time, so she only heard about it from others.

Arietta's Story, How Lorenzo and Her Parents Met

Arietta's parents run a highly successful food import business in Cain

Gara. When they were young, they were students at the Magitech faculty
and had hoped that Arietta would also study there.
However, they didn't force her to do so. Instead, they simply wished
that her future husband would be someone who pursued that path. It was
still just a vague idea.

Mayfa: Artificer, huh? But even Mr. Lorenzo is a Sage and Conjurer, so
he is not an ideal son-in-law at all.
Haru: That is true, indeed.

Lorenzo was introduced to them during a small meeting that aimed to

foster communication with Lios shipping guilds and ship owners to
facilitate the import business.
They became friends with Lorenzo because his grandfather used to live
in Cain Gara, and he was going to work at the Sage’s Faculty there. Meeting
him brought them great joy…

GM: Well, it seems to be roughly like this.

109 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Karin: But wouldn't it be better to attend gatherings like scholarly research

meetings instead of gatherings of importers or ship owners?
Lina: ...Well, I do feel it's a bit unnatural... But gatherings that are within
their means may not always be comfortable...
Mayfa: From what I've heard, it sounds like he approached Arietta's
parents as if he was targeting them. Is it my imagination?
GM: Now, Arietta is going home to ask for the preparation for the dinner
party. “Seniors, look forward to it”.
Mayfa: I'm so excited! I can endure licking stones until tomorrow night just
with that excitement! (20 gamel of money)
Karin: I'll buy you something, eat something! (laughs)
Lina: ...That's all well and good, but when it's a rich person's dinner party,
isn't a certain amount of formality expected? ...Isn't it a place where a
certain attire is expected... The moon wears the night, as the sun is in the
blue sky…
Karin: Dresses! (sparkles) Dresses to wear! I'm a fashion leader, and I will
dress everyone beautifully!! (with great excitement)
Mayfa: ...Jing... (She seems to be counting 20 gamels over and over again.)
One... two...
Karin: Don't worry! I'll lend you that much! Above all, a dress code that is
not appropriate for the occasion is a challenge to my pride! It's a woman's
duty to adorn herself beautifully! (clenches fist)
Mayfa: Wow... Karin, you are super fierce...
Karin: Underwear, dresses, accessories, shoes! No room for sloppiness! I
wonder what color would look good on Mayfa, maybe red. Don't
compromise. Visit several stores! Negotiate the prices! (Hurry up, hurry
Haru: Karin, Mayfa, you are to watch Lorenzo as much as possible
tomorrow morning. We have to be on time for the meeting.
Lina: …I sincerely wish you a safe return from Purgatory... (Seems to have
Mayfa: I was abandoned! (laughs)

Wandering in Academic City

GM: So, it's a bright morning the next day after.
Mayfa: I'm going to the meeting place. Ugh... I ended up being dragged
around until late at night... Karin's passion for fashion is unquenchable...
Haru: If she is a costume sponsor, you can't help it. It is Mayfa's fault for
leaving only 20 gamel.
Mayfa: Ugh... it touches my heart.
Karin: I'm going to the rendezvous point without thinking about it, with my
glowing skin. For the sake of fashion, it is necessary to have the best-
looking skin condition.
Mayfa: ...Oh. Karin’s passion is dazzling...
Karin: It's because the white powder has glitter in it.
Haru: Now, are we waiting for Lina?
Lina: …I'm sneaking up behind everyone's back without them noticing...
No one notices... I'm invisible to anyone...
Mayfa: I wonder why... I really don't want to catch their attention anymore
(smiling and looking towards the day after today).
Haru: I think it is permissible to pretend to be someone else.
GM: You are all here, Fairy Force, cheerfully jibing with each other since
this morning. So, what are you going to do?
Mayfa: I'm thinking of keeping an eye on Mr. Lorenzo at the Sage’s
Faculty, just in case. I wonder if he is teaching a class today?
GM: Yes, he is having classes as usual. But, you heard that he was more
absentminded than usual, you hear it from the students.
Mayfa: Although it was due to momentum, I made a mess inside the
house. I should reflect on it. However, I also wanted to see the person
directly, so it was self-defense.
GM: So the day passes normally, seemingly without incident. Soon, it's
past noon. Lorenzo is going out of the faculty.
Haru: Dinner? Or going out? I check the timetable and follow him.
GM: It seems that he is going out. You check the timetable, and it seems
that he has free time before the next lecture. He wanders around with the
map in his hand.
Karin & Lina: Tailing.
111 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: Then please do Hide checks.

Mayfa & Haru: We will follow those two following him.
Karin: ...(rolls) ah... (Success Value 9) Sorry, I got too caught up in dressing
up and wore high heels! I ended up screaming! (big shock).
Lina: ...stupid. Okay, back up to those two, just one step back...
GM: Lorenzo continues walking down the street.
Karin: …Haven’t seen us?
Lina: (tilts head)... Hmm?... Come to think of it, this is his style.
GM: Yes. As you may have guessed, he is a Sage, Conjurer. He couldn't
even hear the sound of high heels! (laughs)
Haru: Lucky!
Karin: The serious mood I had until yesterday was blown away at once
Mayfa: So, Lorenzo, where are you headed? If he does something
dangerous, I can just punch him and be done with it.
GM: Lorenzo, perhaps because of his small presence, sometimes bumps
into people's shoulders and wobbles about... (Rolls. Okay.) He is heading
for the cemetery.
Karin: GM had rolled something!
Lina: The place where life ends... everyone arrives, to the cradle of
silence... what are we going to do... I'm sure the map in his bedroom had
a cemetery marked as well...
Haru: Is it for Conjurer training or something? I am peeking at him.
GM: Despite being a cemetery, Cain Gara doesn't have much land... I
mean, there isn't much land within the fang towers that grow in a
semicircle. As a result, most of the graves are located in a communal
Lina: ...The Anti-Barbarous Swords of Protection are stored in towers
surrounding the city. ...I wouldn't want to live outside of those towers. I'm
sure you'd never find true and peaceful sleep.
GM: That's how it is. So, even though it's called a community cemetery,
it's more like a large stone monument with names engraved one after
another. Perhaps it's because it's located in the city, but there's no gloomy
atmosphere. It's like a small park in the city with greenery.
Mayfa: Is the monument big?

GM: It is quite large. It looks a little distorted, but there are small letters
engraved in the thick center. All of them are names and death age.
(Casually draws a diagram of the monument on the whiteboard.)
Mayfa: It looks like a cross.
GM: The shape is similar.
Haru: So, what is Lorenzo doing? Sweeping the graves, greeting the
ancestors? He's not just a nice guy!
GM: Bingo.
Haru: What?
GM: No, that's right. He is praying and polishing a part of the...
monument. And, while pulling out weeds around the monument, he
seems to be looking for something subtly.
Mayfa: ......?? I don't know. I might be fooled by this. I think he is a good
person. It's a good person who can thank his ancestors with a high
Karin: I remember well which area is being cleaned up.
GM: Now, if you keep an eye on Lorenzo like that, roll... "Scout class level
+ Intelligence modifier". The Target Number is 15. By the way, since it is
outside19, Ranger can also be used.
Mayfa: (rolls) Oh, no. Because double 6s is the only option.
Karin: (rolls) Ummm, 14 is not enough.
Lina: Don't worry, Haru and I noticed.
GM: Yes, there is, in fact, someone who is apparently following Lorenzo
as he fumbles around the tomb.
Mayfa: Huh?
Haru: When did this happen?
Lina: ...Of course, it's not about us, is it..?
GM: Of course not. You didn't notice it in town, but here in the cemetery,
it's like, “Oh? That person, we walked in the same direction on the road?”
Karin: Ugh, idiots.

For readers familiar only with 2.5. Ranger class in 2.0 had limitation for some skills
checks for outdoor use only, instead of 2.5 in natural environment only.
113 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: Notice, everybody! (laughs) So, who is this guy who is stalking
Lorenzo? Is it a man? A woman?
GM: Male in terms of body. He is wearing a hood.
Mayfa: ... looks very suspicious! Can I tie him? (snaps fingers)
Karin: Is he coming towards us?
GM: No, it seems that he is also looking at Lorenzo. But he seems to have
just noticed you as well at the same time.
Mayfa: Wow, awkward! (laughs)
Lina: It's hard to make a move here, too. Like mirror images, we are
watching each other. What is the target, Lorenzo's move?
GM: He is unaware of you watching him, so he moves around the
cemetery fidgety, exploratory. Eventually, he tries to leave.
Karin: ...Hmmm. I'm curious about that guy. I move a little out of his sight.
GM: You can. In that case... I guess you're trying to “Hide”. You’re sure
the other side is aware of you.
Karin: Hide check! That's tough... (rolls) Oh, it's double 6s.
GM: Well, it was an easy success. He was so busy watching the Lorenzo
that Karin was out of his mind (laughs).
Karin: OK, then I'll leave familiar alone. My familiar is a cat named
Meringue. He pretends to be a stray cat and gets closer to Lorenzo... just
to confirm the name that he was cleaning.
GM: You know, the names of the deceased are engraved on the
gravestones, but in one corner, intentionally or accidentally, it seems like
part of the name section has been scraped off.
Karin: Hmm? All of them?
GM: Not all of them. Only the name part is made unreadable. However,
you can barely read the last name part.
Karin: Ander?
GM: Yes. Lorenzo, who seemed to be looking around awkwardly for
something, eventually sits up and says, "I wish I had a little more
knowledge," with a dazzling look mixed with grumbling.
Karin: Knowledge?
Haru: (whispering) Hey... I've noticed something, you know?
Mayfa: (whispering back) What is it, Haru?

Haru: Why are we all secretly following? This time, too, couldn't we have
had Karin's familiar track him...? Or better yet, if we had a familiar, we
could have had it constantly keep an eye on him! It's just a silly thought I
Everyone: …Ah! (laughs)
Karin: Sorry! I forgot I made familiar until just now. Sorry! (laughs)
GM: I know, right? In fact, I had made a detailed list of Lorenzo's activities
in anticipation of this (laughs).
Karin: Aww, that's kind of disappointing, to be honest!
Mayfa: We are action-oriented people who love to move around by
ourselves! (laughs)
GM: Eventually, Lorenzo leaves the cemetery… leaving two tailgating
Karin: Well, Lorenzo, I'm going to send a cat on him this time and keep
an eye on him.
Mayfa: That hooded guy. Can I close?
Lina: …I think it is a good idea. I would like to know who they are to
expose the suspicion that has crawled out of the darkness to the light of
day now.
Mayfa: Well then, I'll boldly walk forward, glaring at them.
Haru: We didn't think of hiding our faces at all, so we are exposed. The
identity of this Fluffy Sailor Bunny should be a mystery!
Lina: Well, I don't really care about that…
Haru: Oh no, being dismissed by Lina is really embarrassing! (laughs)
Mayfa: Staring at him, I walk straight ahead and approach the hooded
guy... “Hello. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?”
GM: …Oh? Well, after a moment of hesitation, he says, "Hi, hi," in a
hushed tone.
Haru: Mayfa, you are very polite (laughs).
Mayfa: It would have been a little awkward to hit him right from the start.
“Why were you sneaking around, Mr. Lorenzo?” I say to him as he is a
student at the school. Oh, it seems like I've become friends with Sages. It
makes me a little happy (laughs).
GM: A low, alarmed voice responds, "Are you Lorenzo's guards?"
Mayfa: No, not at all. I mean, why were you following him?
115 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: “That's because it's dangerous,” utters the hooded man.

Haru: Dangerous? Haru is also behind Mayfa.
GM: “He is ......,” he says after a moment's hesitation, “He is looking for
Haru: How do you know that?
GM: The hooded man takes out a holy symbol from his pocket. "This is
who I am" (rolls... got it). It's Grendal's holy symbol.
Lina: Did you just casually roll the dice? No, it is more difficult to trust a
person who cannot show his face than his affiliation ...Yes, just as a girl
with soulscar in her heart cannot look the sun straight in the eye...
Karin: What Lina says is generally annoying, but it's also true.
GM: “Oh, excuse me,” the man says and takes off his hood. He's a sturdy
man in his late 20s.
Mayfa: Do we know him?
GM: No, you have never seen his face. “I came from Lios and marked
that man.”
Karin: I call out from a little distance away. Let's see... How did you know
that that man, or rather Mr. Lorenzo, was looking for Daemons? Indeed,
we had the same suspicions, too.
GM: "He is looking for the whereabouts of Daemons, which his ancestors
had sealed somewhere in Cain Gara. I would prefer if this information was
kept confidential... His great-grandfather, Tiwas Ander, once made a
contract with Daemon in Cain Gara and controlled it. It's better for you
young ladies to stay away," he warns.
Lina: ...So this pursuer knows about that…
Mayfa: I mean, my suspicions have been confirmed! (sweats) Mr. Lorenzo,
I thought you were a little nice guy!
Haru: If you are the first to tell us, there is no reason for us to keep it a
Karin: He may have tried to warn us away because we are students, but we
wanted that certainty.
GM: “What?” The man is a little surprised to see that everyone seems
unperturbed. “Do you believe such a wild story?”
Haru: Haru and her team know that Tiwaz sealed Daemons. In fact, he
had a battle with the Daemons in one place.

GM: “What! Where?” he is astonished.

Mayfa: It's called Tiwaz Forest, a place managed by the Fairy Magic
Karin: Also, we had a faint idea that Daemon might be in this town. We
haven't figured out the location yet..., or rather, we found out about it
yesterday and were wary.
Lina: ...Lorenzo was checking out various places in the city...
GM: “He had been doing a lot of research on Daemons since his days in
Lios, and I suspect he is trying to find out what legacy his ancestor Tiwaz
Ander left behind when he was no longer in Cain Gara. And his great-
grandfather was an excellent Daemon Tamer...”
Mayfa: Does that mean Lorenzo can use Daemons, too?
GM: “I guess there's a chance of that happening, right?” priest, wrinkles
between the eyebrows.
Haru: ...Wow (reluctant face).
Lina: When you put it that way, it's a bit...
Mayfa: He was surely moving around in the city looking for something...,
or rather, we were beginning to suspect that.
Lina: The fact that he was gesturing as if he was looking for something in
a cemetery marked on the map like this... indicates that the places checked
on the map of that city are not the locations he has searched so far. I believe
these could be potential sites.
Haru: Lorenzo is an amateur who does not notice Haru and her team
following him. When he said earlier, "I wish I had a little more knowledge,"
he was probably referring to the Scout class, which is the reason why his
search was not going smoothly and he had to search the same place over
and over again, right?
Mayfa: You're right! Haru, you're a genius!
Karin: It's hard to do a search with a straight roll.
GM: “I see… We were still only vaguely guessing, but... Have you all
actually laid eyes on the legacy of Tiwaz?” The man seemed deeply
moved, or rather, a little excited.
Mayfa: Yes. In the Tiwaz Forest.
Karin: What do you want to do? Do we tell this person about what
happened in the Tiwaz Forest and the situation at Arietta's house?
117 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: “Oops, I forgot to tell you my name. Please call me Stark.” The priest
bows his head. He seems to be rather skillful. And another man appears
from a little distance away. This is my brother Turney.
Haru: There were two of you? I think that the two-man group is the basic
way to follow a person...
Mayfa: Oh, I’ll say our names too. I forgot!
Karin: Oh, and... just to make sure you don't take offense, I'd like to
confirm something. Are these people just Humans? Or are they Barbarous
turned into Humans?
GM: Stark can't help but burst out laughing. He suggests, "Maybe we
should go to the temple of Lyphos and use [Search Barbarous]..." Oh, you
can make a Detect check to see if there is any suspicious behavior from
them as Humanoids.

Female students introduce themselves to each other and a man who

claims to have marked Lorenzo, who calls himself Stark.
He seemed relieved that information was exchanged in a way that
solidified his vague suspicions about Lorenzo and that he was able to
identify the gray as black.
Stark is a Human, according to the girls. His classes are Priest 5, Fighter
5, and Scout 4. The man who called himself Turney has Fighter 6, Priest
4, Alchemist 3, and Enhancer 2.

Mayfa: Mr. Stark lacks fighting skills. Mr. Turney is somewhat reserved,
but his fighting abilities are impressive.
Lina: Mayfa, I don't think you can expect to find love like this... But love
can sometimes begin unexpectedly, like a sudden storm...
Karin: Even though they have exposed their secrets by making such a bold
statement, there is no guarantee that these people are not lying.
GM: …(Silent).
Haru: It is indeed true. After all, level-wise, they are just like the middle
bosses... (muttering).
Everyone: Right (nodding deeply).
Haru: Well, it means that we might be on the road to battle.
GM: …I'm not sure about that interpretation.

Haru: Well, that’s fine. Haru's Detect check is 20. Did they lie with their
GM: ...You didn't feel any lie in what they were saying.
Mayfa: Well, maybe we cooperate with them?
Karin: I think the place where Lorenzo had mark was also a Fairy Magic
Faculty, right? If he is a teacher, he might be able to do whatever he wants,
don't you think? Wouldn't he be a good candidate to hide something?
GM: After listening to you, Stark begins a sort of consultation with Turney.
“You may have guessed that we are in a tight spot, but we want to make
sure of a few things. We would like to confirm some things about Daemon,
who is sealed up in the Tiwaz Forest. Are we sure about that? How was it
sealed, and how dangerous or safe is it? We want to check with our own
eyes as soon as possible.”
Haru: Ah, I see. That might be the case indeed.
Lina: ...It is now guarded by Mr. and Mrs. Gnome, but ...it was closed by
the Fairy Magic Faculty, in case you are wondering… Yes, so that no one
can take any risks…
GM: "You guys, who are in a position to casually monitor Lorenzo through
your position, could keep an eye on him for a while. If we examine that
altar or whatever it is, we may be able to find some patterns behind
Daemon's sealing."
Mayfa: So, we must go to Fairy Magic Faculty to get a permit to enter the
Tiwaz Forest!
Lina: Also… I will talk about the details of the altar as much as possible. I
will write a report and submit it to the school. It is our Fairy Force's secret
Mayfa: Actually, we were going to look for something to cancel the
engagement at Arietta's request, but we've already gone beyond that realm,
haven't we?
Haru: In fact, it is a very serious situation.

To ensure the care of Lorenzo, Karin's relative Meringue the cat was
entrusted with the task. Meanwhile, Fairy Force hurried to obtain
permission for the Paladins to enter the Tiwaz Forest and locate Stark, the
priest, and his brother. Additionally, they informed their teacher,
119 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Professor Dresden, from the Fairy Magic Faculty, about Lorenzo's

background and goals and requested his vigilance.

GM: The Stark and his brother say, "Since you are young, don't be too
reckless," as they head for the Tiwaz Forest.
Mayfa: Good luck!
Haru: That was the last time we saw brothers (muttering).
Mayfa: Haru, that's a bad omen!
Karin: Meringue, do you see Lorenzo now?
GM: You see that Lorenzo is wandering around the city, looking at what
looks like a dirty old notebook and the marked map. Well, it is almost
Lina: Ah. Oh, yes, we’re invited to dinner at Arietta's...
Mayfa: Yes, I know. But I think we should keep an eye on Lorenzo too...
Ugh. Delicious food... (disappointed).
Karin: Don't be that disappointed. Oh, I wonder if Arietta's parents invited
Lorenzo to the dinner table. You know, they said they sometimes have
dinner with him and introduce his fiancée to her friends (glancing at GM).
GM: Hmmm. Yes, it might be possible. Well, it depends on the mood of
the father, so I guess I'll roll the dice. (Rolling in the background)
Haru: Ah, but wouldn't it be easier if we told parents about Lorenzo's
origin and purpose?
Karin: I see. But I can't help but think that I don't want Lorenzo to walk
around too much. Anyway, we had a talk with her parents at the dinner
party as was originally planned.
Lina: Yes, to destroy the marriage proposal that was about to be finalized...
Mayfa: Lina, your dark side is coming out! (laughs)
Karin: Now, I've been preparing since yesterday, and I'm ready to go!

The Truth After the Dinner

Karin: I'll make sure Lorenzo's in sight before the dinner, though...
GM: Through the eyes of Meringue, you see that Lorenzo has come to an
old library. It is quite old and dilapidated. He is sitting on a rough, slightly

uncomfortable-looking stone chair in the garden, looking around

Karin: Shouldn't he really sit on a carved chair? The guard scolded him
GM: But it's such a simple-looking chair that asks you to sit on it. It looks
like a bench.
Karin: ...Ah, that's a practical product. Forgive him.
Lina: …Oh.
GM: Lorenzo checks the time on the sundial in the garden and tries to
leave the library in a bit of a hurry. Meringue hears him blurt out, "”..After
all, it's best to hire adventurers, isn't it?”
Karin: That's disturbing...
GM: So, you were invited to a dinner party at Arietta's house. Cain Gara
is a cold place, but the temperature and humidity in the city are kept soft
and comfortable, as if the whole city is protected by a special magic device.
In other words, the climate is always constant.
Mayfa: It's convenient because you don't have to worry about what to wear.
Karin: My only complaint is that I can't enjoy seasonal fashion.
Mayfa: ...Karin, you are very girly.
GM: Therefore, we invited them to a little garden party. A large table is set
in the front yard of an H-shaped elegant pavilion with a concave shape.
Arietta will welcome you. “Thank you, seniors, for accepting our invitation.
We are very proud of our garden.”
121 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Mayfa: Thank you for inviting me, Arietta. I'm a bit shaky, like a newborn
fawn in my first pair of heels, but I'm trying my best to keep my balance!
Karin: Greet gracefully.
Haru: Greet adorably.
Lina: Ah, by the way... I will greet mysteriously... ...H-type. No, that's not
right... (muttering).
GM: I'm scared of Lina. Arietta is going to introduce everyone to her
parents as seniors who have been very kind to her. Then, the father says,
“Thank you very much for your kindness to our Arietta. No amount of
words of gratitude is enough. This is a kind of private gathering, so please
make yourself comfortable. I would like to introduce you to someone
important later.”
Haru: ...Private gathering? (tilts head)
Karin: Check Lorenzo's situation at Meringue.
GM: As you can see, Lorenzo rushes home and quickly changes his
clothes. And the Arietta, realizing her father's intention, made a face
behind him.
Haru: I was calling it (laughs).
Mayfa: That's what I'm hoping for. If possible, I'd like to see an off-site
brawl. If that happens, the heels will come off. Oh, I've got a Hard Knuckle
+1 in my pocket.
Lina: ...I am more surprised by Arietta's funny face than by the additional
guest. She is a surprisingly good entertainer... (laughs)
GM: So, now, the dinner party begins in a graceful and friendly
atmosphere. The father is in a good mood. A messenger comes, and father
says, “I'm sorry, the other guest I invited is going to be late. Let's start
without them.”
Karin: ...As expected, it wouldn't be appropriate to show off my "serious
fashion sense" here, right? (worried)
Haru: Haru wants to observe parents' words and actions to see if there is
anything artificial or suggestive about them.
GM: Hmmm... do a "Detect check" first.
123 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Lina: ...So as not to be noticed for throwing rude glances ...I, will offer a
variety of topics to get their attention... First, the subject is about ...soulscars
and discrimination... (grins).
Mayfa: Lina, you're heavy! The topic is so heavy, the table is frozen!
Karin: (rolls) I did it, double 1s.
Haru: (rolls) 20.
GM: Haru did not seem to spot any suspicious behavior or influence.
Haru: (Mute gesture) "Sa-ne."
Karin: Huh?
GM: ...That was a serious "Huh?" with a surprised tone... (laughs).
Mayfa: Really? So, they actually liked Lorenzo without any manipulation?
Karin: Then, in a very cheerful voice, I tell Arietta's father. I'm sure you'll
be able to find a way to get him to come to the house. Yes, yes. The other
day, Arietta told us about some very happy news. Please tell me all the
juicy details (in a gossipy tone).
Mayfa: Oh, I want to hear it! Arietta never tells me anything (raising her
hand & reading from the script).
GM: When the topic is directed at him, her father seems to be in a good
mood. "Well, well, I see. I'm really happy that you're celebrating. Oh no,
he's a promising young man, you know." Arietta, sitting next to him, distorts
her face even more.
Lina: …I wanted to see how far she could distort and her limits, but... Well,
not now. Our purpose is to pursue the truth... and reveal the hidden truth...
Haru: Enough with the pretense, Lina. Let's chase after it like
entertainment reporters do.
Karin: But, although “promising” sounds good, it doesn't seem to be
sprouting yet, doesn't it? What was the deciding factor for you?
GM: The father, who is also light on wine, answers in a good mood, “I'll
introduce him later. He is the great-grandson of a prominent Cain Gara
figure. Oh, I guess he is also not a stranger to you guys either. He is in the
Fairy Magic Faculty like my daughter, isn't he?”
Mayfa: You know that he is the great-grandson of Master Tiwaz.

GM: “I talked with him for a while and found him to be a very ambitious
and admirable young man. Along with providing assistance, I came to
consider the idea of introducing him to my daughter. I hope Arietta likes
him too.” Arietta, who was sitting next to me, didn't need to say anything -
her expression said it all.
Karin: Pops, shouldn't you look a little closer at people? (laughs) Anyway,
I'm curious about what made you think he was someone to look up to.
GM: Then, the father is a little hesitant to say anything. They are
wondering whether he should talk or not ..., and he shakes his head. “No,
this is not something I should talk about.”
Haru: Why?
GM: “Ummm... Well, but if you can hear it from him...” he mumbles.
Haru: ...Mmm, it came out too much. I'm sorry. Then, I will concentrate
on my meal for a while. The follow-up may come after Lorenzo himself
Mayfa: We didn't hear anything directly from Lorenzo even though we
were in contact with him, right? We just ransacked his house.
GM: Actually, that’s true (laughs). As the dinner party progresses,
Lorenzo, dressed in formal attire, is ushered in by the maid. Only
Meringue & her master know that he secretly ran up to this place and
breathed at the entrance, collecting himself.
Karin: As I observed this and giggled and laughed to myself.
GM: Then, Mr. Lorenzo is introduced to everyone again... He looks
around at everyone and looks suspiciously at everyone except Lina. “I feel
like I've met you somewhere before.”
Mayfa: Geez! I forgot about maids! (sweats)
Haru: But don't worry. Haru was covered in paint, so he should not be
able to recognize her true form.
GM: (rolls) ...He hardly recognized her because Haru is so beautifully
dressed. But only when he saw Mayfa his face became austere.
Mayfa: Not to be outdone, I imitate Arietta's face! (distorts face)
GM: Are you sure about that, miss? (laughs)
Lina: Actually, I was just gossiping about Mr. Lorenzo, who is a very high-
minded, handsome young man, but they won't tell me... what it is about
you that makes you so special.
125 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Mayfa: Lina, nice move to off-topic.

Haru: Yes, I wanted to ask.
Karin: I'd love to hear about it.
Mayfa: Let's hear it!
GM: Wow. A pseudo-innocent four-stage attack.
Mayfa: It’s not a pseudo! (laughs)
GM: Lorenzo, with a deeply troubled expression, glances at everyone... It
seems he was able to tell that you are associated with Fairy Magic because
of the gems you are wearing. His expression darkens. “I don't have lofty
aspirations. I am a man driven by various calculations.”
Haru: Oh, really? What kind of various calculations? (sparkling eyes)
Karin: No, I don't want to be calculating. But for the sake of my junior
student, I'd like to ask him what he is calculating. Let me confirm, but the
parents seem to be decent, right?
GM: Yes.
Karin: ...No, I have a really bad feeling about this... (reluctant expression)
Lina: Yes, we were quite mistaken... or rather, we should have listened to
your story thoroughly first...(distant glance).
GM: Perhaps noticing Lorenzo's fidgeting, the father offers a helping hand.
“…Lorenzo, it's time to get comfortable. Trust me, it's not a bad idea to ask
for help.” After listening to this, Lorenzo waits for a long time and finally
begins to speak. “Actually... my great-grandfather was Tiwaz Ander, a
graduate of the Fairy Magic faculty here in Cain Gara.”
Haru: What?! That is amazing! (super exaggerated)
Lina: ...Haru, your acting is too bad...(laughs)
GM: Lorenzo chuckles and says, “I knew you knew that. My great-
grandfather was a Fairy Tamer who had the ability to use Daemons. And
some of those Daemons are still in Cain Gara.”
Mayfa: Yeah, we know.
Haru: We’ve seen that before.
GM: “Oh! You have?” He is rather surprised at that.
Mayfa: And what you are going to do about it is the biggest problem.
Lina: Yes. Expose your dark mind to the world. Otherwise, we won't be
able to help our junior get married to someone she doesn't know.

GM: Arietta looks a bit puzzled at her words. Lorenzo seems to be the
most surprised that everyone already knew about it. “…I see. Perhaps it
was you who rescued Arietta from Daemon when she was caught in the
middle of all this.”
Mayfa: Yes, we did. We call ourselves Fairy Force! (pauses)
Karin: Wow, I'm so embarrassed! (down on the ground)
GM: Lorenzo ponders for a while. “My grandfather told me that my great-
grandfather had made a contract with Daemon and had used him as an
emissary... And because it became public knowledge, his achievements
were erased, and his family could no longer stay in Cain Gara... As a
researcher, Cain Gara, the academic city, was my dream city. I was secretly
proud of my great-grandfather, who had made a name for himself in the
city. That is why...”
Mayfa: That is why?
GM: “I wanted to identify and destroy all the sealed Daemons and restore
my great-grandfather's honor. In doing so, I asked for the cooperation of
the man who had purchased my great-grandfather's home in the past.”
Karin: It was Arietta's father.
Haru: What the hell!
GM: “According to a part of the documents left by my great-grandfather
Tiwaz, the ritual to seal Daemon requires an altar with fairy magic and an
altar on which Daemon sleeps. And the location of the altar is…”
Lina: …Places marked on the map... And this house, the monument in the
cemetery, and the bench-like sculpture in the library. The new house is
under renovation. These are the altars. You see, it is the same as the forest
of Tiwaz. The two convex emblems are combined.
Everyone: Oh!
Lina: I should have realized it earlier... by the way, GM was eagerly drawing
so many sketches.
GM: Yes. Mr. Lorenzo nods many times. But he did not know that there
were two emblems of Master Tiwaz and about the shape of the altars. So,
he had to search for them blindly.
127 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Mayfa: So, what does that mean? Could it be that Mr. Stark is...
Haru: …Enemy?
Karin: Oh......! So, I figured it out. We thought something was wrong with
the renovation of the new house, too! Why is the person who is apparently
not good at hard work without professional help, even peeling the
floorboards? Maybe he was looking for ...Daemon to see if it was sealed?
GM: Ding dong. Great answer. He knew that his great-grandfather had
prepared several altars, but he did not know they were necessary for the
ceremony and that Daemon was sealed on only one.
Lina: ...But then again, it's a huge ritual, using the whole city…
GM: Lorenzo laughs, looking a little annoyed. He says, "I want to restore
the honor of my... great-grandfather Tiwaz. But he may never have been
innocent. He also had evil thoughts. That is why he sealed a Daemon in
the city and made a sealed place of worship. In other words, if things go
wrong..." He seems reluctant to say anything more.
Mayfa: Let's see, there was some god that Daemons worshiped a lot.
Haru: He is a God who loves freedom.
Karin: Laris... I wonder if his great-grandfather was a freedom-lover.
GM: “I don't know... but for some reason, when I was at Lios, I was
sometimes chased by the dark priests of Laris, who knew that my great-
grandfather was a Warlock, to hand over their research materials.”
Karin: This is all connected to freedom, after all! (quickly understands)
GM: There is no proof. That was the great-grandson's argument, who
wants to protect his great-grandfather. That is why he was searching for
Daemon's seal without telling anyone.
Lina: …So, what did Arietta's father find in him...
GM: “He is a modest young man. It's not everyone's place to try to
eliminate the Daemon threat in secret. He is very protective of his great-
grandfather and relatives,” father says proudly.
Haru: It is, however, understandable that he can only say vague things. You
can’t normally say, "Lorenzo is trying to find his great-grandfather
Daemon, who was a Warlock, all by himself. He is a good guy.” Moreover,
he is a former head of the Fairy Magic Faculty to which his daughter
129 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: “My apologies for causing trouble to a young lady with the
involvement of my great-grandfather's Daemon. Also, it is the heartfelt
wish of the person who deeply understands my actions... if possible, I
wanted to bring happiness. Well, things don't always go as planned,” he
says with a wry smile. It seems he knows he is disliked.
Everyone: Right? (laughs)
Mayfa: Oh, can I ask you one question? (timidly)
GM: Yes?
Mayfa: ...Do you remember which Laris followers once stalked you?
GM: Yes, strong paladins, the Stark brothers.
Everyone: Wow!
Mayfa: I knew it! (Holding her head)
Karin: ...I had a feeling halfway through, but why didn't we suspect anything
at all! (in despair)
Haru: No, I did pay attention to them, but the Detect check didn't catch
them. I was too overconfident. They would have been caught if they hadn't
talked about our wrong assumptions!
GM: Besides, most of the responses were guesses or questions.

It is a cowardly technique that clearly showed no intent to lie.

Although there are various suspicions, there is a lack of evidence to
confirm them, so I tried to take advantage of the psychology of believing
in someone who affirms those suspicions.
After all, people are easily inclined to believe stories they want to

Haru: ...The Stark brothers were nice guys!

Karin: I taught them about the details of the Tiwaz Forest. We even gave
them permission to go there! (laughs)
Mayfa: As for an enemy, it was really impressive! Everyone, we definitely
can't leave it alone. Let's go, Fairy Force, GO!!
Lina: Hehe.. I can't help but get excited... Darkness against darkness,
which one is darker, let's compete! (smirks)
Mayfa: Lina, I couldn't care less about that competition...

Tiwaz Forest, Again!

In fact, my plan as a GM was to have them search for the remaining
sealed places after this.
If they could guess the shape of the altar, they would have asked
Lorenzo to run around the town based on the clues Lorenzo knew since
the female students who had been staying in Cain Gara for a long time
were more familiar with the town. The Stark brothers, who were also dark
priests who wanted to free the Daemon, got the location of the altar where
the Daemon could be found, permission to enter the forest and even
instructions on how to solve the riddle. In other words, they no longer had
to take risks in the city.
In that case...

Mayfa: Full speed ahead, straight to the Tiwaz Forest!

Karin: Mister, lend me a horse!

Naturally, to make up for their mistake, Fairy Force borrowed a horse

and headed to the Tiwaz Forest at maximum speed.
They were quite desperate.
The dinner party was called off, and the group rode off on borrowed
horses, armed to the teeth.

Haru: Lorenzo, please tell Professor Dresden of the Fairy Magic Faculty
what you just heard ASAP, that Haru and her friends are going to the
Tiwaz Forest to stop the release of Daemon!
Lina: ...Doom… is coming...
Mayfa: I won't let them do it! (angry)
GM: Well then, ladies, the Tiwaz Forest is not so far away, as you know.
The forest itself is now sealed off, but the hut remains, and the old
caretaker couple, whom you know very well, are looking worried. Even
from the outside, the forest seems to exude a strange atmosphere.
Lina: ...Grandpa, Grandma, get as far away from here as possible....!
131 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: The whole forest seems to be strangely rustling. This must be the first
time for such a thing to happen, “...you, Fairy Magic Faculty... what the
hell happened?”
Mayfa: It's a bit difficult for us, who just came here, to answer that. Sorry!
Haru: And it is not “happened”, it is going to happen... and because of
Haru and her team!
Lina: ...I can't deny it. I'm sorry, no, wallowing in regret won't help. All we
can do is fight fate and hope for a better future.
Mayfa: (interrupts) Grandpa, grandma, if you don't have any means of
transportation, you can use our horses.
Karin: We don't have time to go into details. Sorry to bother you, but we've
got to go stop an anomaly in the forest! (salutes)
GM: Well, the elderly couple who are the caretakers are looking worried
as they borrow a horse and head towards Cain Gara. Since everyone
remembers the way to the altar before, there is no need to roll on your way
Mayfa: We'll go as fast as we can, but not so fast that we leave Haru behind!
Haru is also a force to be reckoned with... no, a Fairy Force! (laughs)
Haru: Wow, for a moment, it sounded so empty and hollow (laughs). But
you know, I don't actually mind the dirty world of "Leave Haru behind and
go ahead" either, you know?
Lina: ...hehehe, I won't allow any abandonment... (smirks).
Karin: Friendship, as people call it, for now (laughs).
GM: Soon, you see the large hole in the mountainside that you all know
and remember. The entrance is a little smaller than you remember,
perhaps because of the Mr. and Mrs. Gnome. However, there is a sweet
and heavy smell coming from there.
Lina: …I know... that's the smell of death...
Karin: For the first time, this is not a joke.
Haru: Is that the teacher's smell? Is it body odor?
Mayfa: Professor Dresden, you stink! (laughs)
GM: As you continue, you see a small man and woman holding hands
escaping from a hole.
Karin: Mr. and Mrs. Gnome?

GM: Seems like it. When they spot all of you, they approach, half-crying.
"Everyone! What's happening? Why are you all in a place like this? Oh,
but more importantly, the humans have taken my emblem and gone
further in...!"
Lina: ...We know. It is going to be okay...
Karin: Anyway, I'm glad you are safe.
Mayfa: Stay where it's safe! I'll beat them! (Flexes bicep)
GM: Gnome husband is crying and being comforted by his wife. “A
precious emblem given to me by my master Tiwaz. I swore I would never
give it to anyone...”
Lina: That's right. I've been keeping this, but it's a hindrance when
fighting... So, I take out a gnome that I stole from Lorenzo's new house,
which was in my pocket….
GM: Oh.
Lina: You and Tiwaz trusted and loved each other to make something like
that. ...Fairy Tamer and Fairy. I envy you a little... because I'm a Nightmare
with soulscar that even fairies abhor,... and I can't let anyone into my heart.
Mayfa: (interrupting) Come on, let's get on with it. Let's go to the back!
Karin: It was going to be a great scene until about halfway through (laughs).
GM: You have all been to this cave before. The air feels heavier and more
stagnant than usual, and when you reach the end of the cave, you see two
big men about to open the altar with the description that you gave them...
Mayfa: Don't move any further!
GM: You see, the men stop moving for a moment because of the
suddenness of the situation.
Mayfa: You lied so much! I won't forgive you!
GM: Stark laughs a little slyly. “I didn't lie, miss. We are indeed like this,”
he says, as he removes only the outer part of the Grendal's holy symbol he
was holding in his hand, revealing the Laris' holy symbol inside…
Karin: I thought so, but even if my prediction is correct, I'm not happy at
all! Sigh... If only I had the [Affirmation Of Faith]!
GM: Monster Knowledge check only tells us the Priest level. The point is
that you don't know the god of the priest.
133 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: Ha-ha-ha! You didn't even know you were being tricked, and yet
here we are! ... It's frustrating to have been deceived, so we'll show you our
true face.
GM: “What!?”
Haru: At that time, Haru and the others knew you were bad guys, but! We
lured you here because we thought you would harm civilians if you fought
with us in the city!!
Mayfa: Oh! That's right! (laughs)
Haru: Hey! Tabbit kick!
Mayfa: Ah, the paws feel so soft and comfortable (laughs).
GM: By the way, ordinary rabbits do not have paw pads. Tabbits have paw
pads. A trivia. Anyway. “When it comes to Daemons, it's Lord Laris! And
we speak of Lord Laris. It’s all about Daemons! With his protection, we
will never be defeated in this land!”
Karin: I won't assert that.
GM: "To deceive the enemy, it is wise to practice deception, starting with
your allies." Just as those words of praise were spoken, the heavy lid of the
altar, which should have been firmly closed, trembles even more.
Lina: Something is coming.
GM: Yes. Let's roll the Initiative here, shall we? Let the battle begin.
Everyone: Yeah!
Lina: (rolls). So far, 14 seems to be the highest.
Mayfa: Sorry, it was double 1s.
Lina: Don't worry. Even if it was double 6s, you won't get a first strike unless
you have Scout…
GM: Actually, they have 16.
Lina: ...Clank. (She breaks the ring.)... I've already bought a ring that
increases agility... I will never make the mistake I made once again...!
GM: The distance between them is 10 meters. Let's start the battle.
Karin: I might go back 3 meters. I'm afraid of magic.
Haru: If they were created using PC data, does that mean they are wearing
a ring or something? Do they have [Sword's Grace/Change Fate]?
GM: Yes. Of course (laughs).
Everyone: Wow!

Lina: ......First of all, just in case, I’ll use the dark support magic ......[Brave
Heart]! Darkness! Lend me your strength! (rolls) Yeah, no problem...
Mayfa: Thanks!
Karin: I will cast [Paralyze] on a high-level Fighter Turney! (rolls) The
Success Value is 17!
GM: (rolls) Oh, resists.
Karin: (angry) Also, make sure to include [Paralyzing Mist].
Haru: It is unsurprising that if the boss has a sword shard in him, the
resistance may have increased. How about HP?
GM: It is 70 with modifications.
Haru: Then, [Fluffy Firestorm]! (rolls) 18!
135 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: (rolls)(rolls)... Oh, they all can't resist.

Mayfa & Karin: Yay!
Haru: The MP is a little heavy, but the power is 40! The damage is 18 and
GM: Ow... that's pretty painful. Haru, please roll the dice again. Please give
me one more damage.
Haru: Oh! It is... (rolls) 17.
Lina: …There is something lurking in the shadows...?
GM: (mmmm) Apart from the two responses, there was an additional
resistance check that you didn't know about (laughs).
Mayfa: Scary! (Pale)
Haru: There is something out there! I know what it is. Remind me quickly!
Everyone: You don’t know (laughs).
GM: Yes. Even if you can faintly detect its presence, you cannot see it
because it has not yet fulfilled the condition of ending invisibility. Please
do a Danger Sense check, and if you can sense its presence, you can roll
the Monster Knowledge.
Haru: Leave it to Tabbit! (rolls) Even if I roll 3, I still get a ...15!
GM: Anyone else with a higher result?
Lina: (rolls) …17.

Lina barely sensed the presence of the Daemon Godbell, which she

9th Monster Level
Godbells are Lesser Daemons, also known as "formless daemons."
They are completely invisible, even after death, so their true appearance is
unknown. However, their unique skills enable Godbells to be
extraordinary assassins, capable of attacking twice per turn.

Karin: Assassin, huh? Why is it here? (gritting teeth in frustration).

GM: The Starks are happy to hear the Daemon. “Something was coming!”
Lina: …Hey, this is a bit too much, isn't it! I can only say that the gods have
put me through too many trials….
137 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

GM: Oh. I haven't included any shards.

Lina: Is this meant to be a consolation? (laughs)
Haru: Once again, you summoned a Daemon with such unclear visuals!
You should be scolded for not being visually appealing! (laughs)
GM: Oh, yes. Last time, it was an obsession type. But I won't go that easy
on you!
Mayfa: But I don't know how to attack the invisible Daemon. Magic! I'll
beat up Priest! I'm going to kill Stark!
GM: “Miss, there's a limit to being tomboyish,” they say, trying to maintain
a certain appearance.
Mayfa: Huh? Are you saying I'm not feminine enough!? Watch me
transform with a [Bear Muscle] and become super muscular!!
Karin: I listen carefully to what's feminine about it (laughs)
Mayfa: And, attack! (rolls) Oh, critical. (rolls) 20 points of damage.
GM: Gha.
Mayfa: And then, an additional attack!

Although he managed to avoid the third attack, it was quite a painful

attack to his HP.
Stark tried to fight back but only managed to damage Mayfa a little.
Turney attacked with [Multi-Action] but was hit back with [Counter]. Oh,
his magic healed his partner's wound.

Karin: Why can't we see him?

GM: Hmm? There is no sign of attack. However, the lid of the altar behind
me, which no one should have touched, is slowly shifting with a low
grinding sound... grr... grr... It's starting to move even more noticeably.
Karin: Ugh, what a horror story!
Lina: Maybe he's trying to call in some friends.
GM: Handprints on the dusty area appear as if it is slowly prying open the
altar, swaying back and forth.
Karin: What's next?
GM: Oh, and before I go any further, there is someone coming from the
Everyone: What? Another new trick? (shocked)

GM: No, it is slightly different. Gnome's husband stands trembling,

holding a doll that looks just like him. He seems to have been inspired to
come to the rescue because you brought a memento of Master Tiwaz and
proof of their friendship.
Lina: …(silent thumbs up).
Karin: Oh, no, I'll do it again! [Chill Rain] with magic control! It's not very
powerful, but it's important to be able to damage invisible Daemon for
sure! (rolls)
Haru: This is huge!
Karin: (rolls) Yes! Double 6s!
Everyone: Yay!
GM: As expected, cannot resist.
Karin: Damage is (rolls) 14 to Stark! (rolls) critical for Turney (rolls), 24
points. (rolls) But, invisible... (rolls) Oh, crits again. Maybe I was a little
moved by the sight of Gnome. 26 points.
Karin & Haru: Oh (applause).
GM: You're critting too many times! (laughs)
Karin: Gnome, [Stone Blast] against two Humans! You have
[Metamagic/Targets], don't you?
GM: “I haven't done this for a long time!” says Gnome. Resist but still
some damage will come through.
Mayfa: I'm getting excited (laughs). We’re not going to lose!
Haru: Then, Haru moves! [Flame Arrow]!

Then, after a critical roll with Fairy Magic by Haru, Turney was hit by
a 36-point damage, and Stark was hit by a 21-point damage and died. Too

Mayfa: Well, only an invisible enemy is left! I can't see them, but I'm going
to hit them with -4! And then comes [Multi-Action], [Earth Hammer]! This
time, I'm giving up half of my fist's attack!!
Lina: This time ... Natural History of Feidan for the first time, Rylock
Magic Blade Art ...School Secret [Magic Light Wall]! Currently, the
Defense is 11...... That's about all there is to do. The role of the tank is
139 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Haru: Lina can't hit the target, so she has no choice.

GM: Well, since he is an assassin, he will aim at the rearguard, but there
is a strangely thick and annoying wall in front of him...
Lina: ...Hahaha, don't think you can defeat me in annoyance...!
Mayfa: Wow, she knows it! (laughs)
GM: Then, even if he manages to get through Mayfa, he can't dodge Lina,
who stands in your way next. After all, I can only move 2 meters with
[Space Warp].20

So, when he tried to hit Rina with his fists, even though she's a Fencer,
she was surprisingly tough and didn't take much damage.

GM: I can't help it. This one is finished. In no time at all, the two Priests
are gone. But something comes out loosely from the lid of the altar, which
is a little off. (rolls) 6.
Mayfa: Geez!
Haru: What! (rolls) It's 16 on Monster Knowledge!
GM: Yeah... Imps come up.

2nd Monster Level
Imp is a small demon with a brown body, bat-like wings, and a pointed
tail resembling a spearhead.
Despite being the weakest of all demons, it is known as the messenger
of the Daemon. A more powerful Daemon is said to be located near the
area where Imp is spotted.

Haru: Why did you come out, little things!

GM: You are terrible.
Lina: ...However, the more time passes, the stronger one may emerge...

BT, p. 151. Space Warp: Godbell can move through space itself, unaffected by any
obstacles or magic effects therein. Godbell can only move through space once in a round
of movement, at a distance of up to 2 meters.

Mayfa: That's possible. This is the altar that needs to be closed! Even if
they hit me, it won't be a big deal...
Haru: Gnome's husband, you are a fairy, but can you do something like
throwing mud or anything else to make him slightly visible?
Mayfa: If even a mud ball without damage can make him visible, it's okay!
It really makes a difference whether it becomes a target for magic or not!
GM: Hmm. Well, he says, "Understood, I will give it a shot." It's a bit
unconventional. So, I'll make a poorly made mud ball and try throwing it
as a [Pebble Shot]. If it hits, the target will become more visible for attacks.
Since the mud will likely fall off during intense movements in battle, should
I make it a rule of one-round duration for Gnome to throw it every round?
Lina: …Mister, please take care of the muddy dumplings...
Mayfa: Okay, go for it! I can do it! (cheers)
GM: But this time round, Gnome's action is over.
Karin: I will summon another Gnome with [Summon Fairy] this time! And
he is going to cast [Stone Guard]. I don’t have [Metamagic/Target]!
GM: I am sure the Gnome in the nearest place will be called. Normally,
Gnome husband who is near you would be called.
Lina: But he is participating of his own will, isn't he?
GM: You're right. It wouldn't be fair to call him in this situation. It wouldn't
count as increasing your fighting force.
Karin: That means. The next closest Gnome is...
Haru: His wife? (muttering)
Everyone: (loud laughter)
Karin: A married couple doing their best! Summon Married Woman!
GM: Well, you never know what you're going to get. “Oh, you! I'm here
too!” says Mrs. Gnome. The husband who let his wife out of the house
looks like his jaw is about to drop off, though (laughs).

Although Godbell was invisible, he was still quite battered and bruised
from being hit by multiple rounds of ranged magic.
Part of the reason for this was that I allowed Godbell's body to be
covered in mud, making him a target for magic, but that may not have been
141 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

While advancing, Lina also summoned Sprite using [Summon Fairy].

Sprite used [Basic Healing] to heal the wounded.
Additionally, Haru summoned Salamander using [Summon Fairy]!
The composition of the four Humanoids and four Fairies challenging
Daemon was unusual!
Once Mayfa defeats Imp with two attacks and occupies the altar, closing
the lid, no more backup will come!
All that was left was Godbell... Of course, landing a melee attack wasn't
easy, but after a few rounds, various support effects were arranged to help...

Haru: I want to see the passionate [Double Stone Blast] of Mr. and Mrs.
GM: Unfortunately, the husband is making mud dumplings. And the wife
is busy chanting [Stone Guard] and so on.
Karin: I would like Mr. and Mrs. Gnome to join in the attack, but I would
like to finish it by our own hands if possible because my MP is suffering.
Mayfa: We’ve caused a lot of trouble in this forest.
Karin: Hey, [Reaping Slash]! (rolls). Kuu, low.
GM: (rolls) Oh.
Everyone: Double 1s on resistance (laughs).
Mayfa: It’s time! Karin!!
Karin: I'll do my best! (rolls) Oh, critical!
Everyone: Let's go!
Karin: Yay! (roll)s (rolls), Oh, 18 points. How about this?
GM: (calculating)… falls.
Karin: Yay! Truespeech Magic, which is not the main part of the story, was
the final touch! (Hooray!)
GM: Mmm... Then, something invisible is collapsing on the spot. Oh, its
arms are dirty from the mud ball attack, though.
Mayfa: Are they gone? No enemies? ...We won!
Lina: I don't know how much Laris' followers know about Lorenzo, but
this is… something.
GM: Remnants may be in Lios, though.
Mayfa: If that's the case, we have to ask the teacher to provide personal
protection for Lorenzo in the Fairy Magic Faculty, right? After all, Mr.

Lorenzo has done nothing wrong. He was just looking for the Daemons
left by his ancestor.
Haru: Also, I advise Professor Dresden to do something about this altar
as soon as possible. It is because we neglected the altar for two months that
it was in danger this time.
Mayfa: Also, Arietta would be perfect if she could say, "No, I don't want to
get married" by herself.
Karin: But Lorenzo knew that she doesn't like him, and if he is given a
little encouragement, he can say so without any hesitation.
Lina: ...I'm sure the future is bright enough for my eyes to feel the pain…
Mayfa: If you try hard, you'll be fine. Yeah! It's just that it'll be tough coming
back because we gave the horse to the caretaker couple. But if we do our
best, it'll be okay!
GM: After one night, people from the Fairy Magic Faculty, including
Professor Dresden, will come to pick you up.
Karin: I see. Then it's all right. (relieved)
GM: Also, and this will be after you return, Arietta's parents will reward
you all for the trouble that she has caused.
Lina: …I think it's better to put the engagement on hold for now and take
things slow…
GM: That's right. I guess the Daemon fiasco will keep them busy for a
Mayfa: Well... at least we fulfilled Arietta's wish, Daemons didn't come
back, and the Laris priest brothers got their misdeeds undone...
Haru: It's a mission complete.
Mayfa: Yes! Let's go back to Cain Gara and relax!
Karin: Dear Professor Dresden, I hope you will consider our performance
for this time's evaluation. Although we made a few mistakes, we did our
GM: Yes, that's right. It's possible that faculty might let you all collectively
hold the tower soon...
Lina: Yes... There are various things about the seal location of the Daemon
that are suitable for research, as well as the methods to do so.
Karin: No thanks.
143 Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!”

Mayfa: Heh heh heh. But, to be recognized it makes my cheeks loose a


Although there was a commotion in the city of Cain Gara due to a

report from the Fairy Magic Faculty's Fairy Force, students eager to try
magic began searching for Daemon in every faculty as part of the Daemon
extermination campaign.

However, the female students managed to avoid any disturbance and

returned to their daily lives.
It was their decision whether to become independent or continue
enjoying the carefree student life for a little longer.
They were undoubtedly enjoying their youth, appearing happy and
lighthearted every day.

College of Stone Towers, Cain Gara - Fairy Magic Faculty

Cain Gara, located in the Feidan region in the south of the Terastier
Continent, is an expansive academic city that can be considered a capital
of education in its own right.
Built upon the remnants of past eras, this seaside town is surrounded
by numerous tower-like structures, forming a semicircle. Each tower serves
as a center for studying magic and as a laboratory for the most skilled
A wide range of magical disciplines are systematically explored, and it
is widely acknowledged that anyone aspiring to study magic in Feidan must
visit "Cain Gara" at least once.
Undoubtedly, this city holds a prominent place in the pursuit of magical

The most powerful faculties at Cain Gara are "Truespeech Magic" and
"Spiritualism Magic," but "Magitech" also has notable research
However, the "Fairy Magic Faculty" stands out as being different from
the others.
Unlike the systematic research and study conducted in other faculties
as an academic discipline, Fairy Magic heavily relies on the senses. It is
said that the perception of magic varies greatly from person to person, and
natural talent is considered crucial for success in this field.
Although individual sensibilities play a significant role, Fairy Magic has
proven to be more than just talent. This is evident from the fact that fairies,
who are supposed to have an aversion to soulscar, can be summoned by
Nightmare and Barbarous.

Most applicants to Cain Gara's Fairy Magic Faculty have already had
some contact with fairies. However, if your parents are Fairy Magic users
and you have a strong desire to learn Fairy Magic, or if you have seen Fairy
145 Appendix

Magic users and admire them, you will be admitted if you have a strong
It is no exaggeration to say that very few students in primary education
at Cain Gara apply to the Fairy Magic Faculty. It is said that most students
who have seen and experienced the results of magic from a very young age
will choose to study in the leading Truespeech Magic Faculty. They
perceive the Fairy Magic Faculty as "magic without effort" because it is more
about the senses.
However, this does not mean that the Fairy Magic Faculty is taken
lightly. Students may feel something akin to awe towards a type of magic
they do not know how to handle.

Lina: ...So we, Fairy Tamers, are shunned due to our ability to control
hearts with a contract with dark fairies.
Mayfa: (interrupts) Oh, by the way, I skipped Cain Gara's elementary
education and joined Fairy Magic Faculty! The teacher who picked me up
told me at first sight that I should go to Fairy Magic Faculty. I wonder if I
was that talented!
Haru: … I think that they simply couldn't find any other faculty suitable for
Mayfa (muttering).

It is said that most of the students in the Fairy Magic Faculty are
recommended by the head. Although the number of applicants is small
and the popularity of the faculty is not as high as it could be, the faculty
takes pride in providing individual care to each student. Once enrolled,
students are guaranteed to become full-fledged Fairy Tamers by the time
they graduate.
Unlike many students in other faculties whose goal is to have Cain Gara
use their towers as laboratories, graduates of the Fairy Magic Faculty do
not have many towers. Instead, they often choose to leave the sheltered
environment of Cain Gara in search of contact with high-level fairies in
harsh natural settings. Some may also opt to go to rural villages, where they
can serve as witch doctors and earn the gratitude of the local people, or
they may become adventurers to spread their knowledge.

Karin: I will be rich soon, so I don't think I will leave Cain Gara so easily.
Mayfa: But maybe the outside world has its own way of earning money,
Karin: Oh.. (trembling).
Haru: Well, you can still take your time to think about your career after
graduation. Since there are almost no examinations, it is a comfortable
place for you, Mayfa.
Mayfa: Hehehe.

The Fairy Magic Faculty at Cain Gara places little emphasis on exams.
Memorizing spells is not necessary, as magic is invoked through contact
and contracts with fairies. The only practice that occurs is the occasional
summoning of fairies from the gem that serves as a gate. The majority of
your time will be spent under the guidance of your own master, interacting
with fairies at your own pace and deepening your understanding of each
Grades in the Fairy Magic Faculty are primarily based on practical
training and real-world competition. It is not just about what is done in a
classroom, but also the tasks assigned by the master or requests from the
adventurer's guild, and so on.
To facilitate contact with various fairies, many classrooms in the Fairy
Magic Faculty are equipped with fountains, fireplaces, and ornamental
plants instead of desks and chairs. This creates an environment where
students often gather, even when they do not need it.

Among the various faculties at Cain Gara, the Fairy Magic Faculty
stands out for its unique atmosphere and the carefree and easygoing
student life. However, it is also known as one of the Seven Wonders of
Cain Gara because the number of students in this faculty never seems to
147 Afterword

Akita Miyabi

Nice to meet you, or perhaps it's been a while. My name is Akita


We have recently released Fairy Force, a "Role&Roll" replay featuring

female Fairy Tamers. How did you like it? I hope you enjoyed it as much
as I did.
The party consisted only of Fairy Tamer masters and girl characters,
which created a unique and unconventional party structure. As a writer, I
thoroughly enjoyed this aspect, although I do have some regrets about the
game's progression.
I would be delighted if more people took on the challenge of becoming
TTRPG GMs, even if they approach it with a more lenient mindset like
In that case, we would greatly appreciate your support for "Sword
World 2.0". The game can be played using just a single rulebook, and the
addition of the supplement "Wizards Tome" provides a major revision of
magic, further expanding the game's possibilities.

Well, let's see. Allow me to share a bit of background information.

This replay was planned to have fun, giggle, and play with a group of
young girls. However, during the session, they actually engaged in a lively
roleplay while trying to demonstrate their feminine power.
It seems that both the GM and the players were somewhat lacking in
girl power21, so we even considered implementing a rule that would impose
fines for inappropriate actions in a teenage girl roleplay (oh, don't worry,
there was no actual exchange of money involved). We had discussions with
lots of laughter, deciding whether actions were safe or out of line.
Although cutting out such silly exchanges was a bit unfortunate, as usual,
I approached the session with a fresh mindset.

Akita Miyabi is a woman, so she is likely referring to a youthful girly energy.

Sword World 2.0 will continue to expand vigorously.

In June, Sanae Fujisawa's highly acclaimed 3rd volume of the replay
"Sweets" will be released, along with "Barbarous Royale," a newly written
version of Tanaka Kouji's R&R replay.
Kei Kitazawa's "A Crusader’s Tale" series is currently being serialized in
R&R magazine, with its second volume. The sixth book in Bethe Yuli
Kurosaki's excellent replay series, "From USA," is scheduled for release in
The 2.0 team is currently busy writing and test-playing the annual major
supplement, which will be released in the summer. This supplement will
introduce new data and elements that will further expand our world. We
are working hard to ensure that it lives up to your expectations, so please
look forward to it.
Additionally, I am secretly planning to move on to a new stage 22 after
the break. I hope to be able to share more details with you soon, so please
let me know if you are interested!

Sword World 2.0 will continue to work hard to bring you even more
enjoyable adventures in the future. We appreciate your ongoing support.

First Appearance
Fairy Force! “Invincible Girl Power!” Role&Roll Vol. 83
Fairy Force! “Reckless Girl Power!” Newly written
Appendix Newly written

She is discussing the upcoming "Seventh Chronicle" replay series, which was released a
few months later. I also translated the first volume of Seventh Chronicle.
149 Afterword


Cover Illustration, Text Illustrations: ............ Syungo Sumaki

Cover Design: ............................................... Tetsuya Asakura (designCREST)
Map Illustration: ........................................... Yuya Kobayashi
Yukikaze Nanatsu
1C Design: ……………………………………….…… Arc Light
Translation and Editing: ...…...…………………. Auquid

Original Release Date: 2012/05

Translation Release Date: 2023/10

This is a free, unofficial, fan-based translation.

Please support original creators by buying Sword World books and


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