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Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬

The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Regulation of

Safety Procedures for Excavations in

Water and Sanitation Projects

Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

This translation is provided

for guidance. The governing
text is the Arabic text
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security


Whereas the “excavation works” in water and sanitation grids projects is one of the most dangerous
construction works due to the high rates of injuries and death cases resulting from soil collapses.

Due to sad accidents of death cases happened in excavation trenches in the projects affiliated to the
Ministry (Water Directorates and the National Water Company), therefore, Resolution No. (6/312)
dated 26/10/1426 AH of H.E. Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture was issued on forming
a committee to study collapses cases of deep water and sanitation trenches excavations resulting in
workers death cases, in order to develop techniques for shoring excavation sides based on soil type.
In addition, this resolution sets steps for inspecting excavation sites before permitting to go down
excavation trenches and identifying persons to be responsible for inspection and safety duties in
work sites by both contractor and supervision authority.

Thank God, the committee’s works were completed and this report was set, in which the committee
established this regulation on the customs, regulations, practices and requirements issued by
different governmental authorities and Saudi and international bodies/organizations.

Moreover, this regulation was approved under Resolution No. (1/335) 26/4/1433 AH of H.E.
Minister dated 26/4/1433 AH. This regulation was reviewed and updated in accordance with work

We hope achieving our goal of protecting souls and properties, God willing, in favor of the public
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security


• Pit:
• Any excavation in ground other than tunnels or excavated poles
• Trench:
• Any vertical excavation of a depth of more than its bottom width and of a width of no more
than 4.5 meter
• Trench collapse:
• It means falling down an amount of soil from the side part of trench into its bottom, which
may cause strangulation then death or severe injuries for workers.
• Shoring system:
• A system used for protecting trench walls against collapse, whether by sloping and benching,
by shoring or by shields.
• Sloping & benching:
• A digging trench walls in a sloping, benching way, as sloping degree depends mainly on soil
• Benching:
• A digging trench walls in a sloping way to ensure workers’ safety inside trench against
• Shoring:
• The way used for shoring trench walls by metal or timber sheets
• Shield:
• A box made with special specifications to be dropped into trench so that it provides full
protection for workers against trench walls’ collapse.
• Implementation entity:
• A contractor assigned to implement project
• Supervision authority:
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

• The competent authority in the Directorate, the National Water Company, or representative
thereof such as engineer or supervisor
• Periodic Regulatory authority:

The General Administration of Industrial Security or its representative competent authority

Contact engineer: An engineer assigned by the competent authority to supervise project

Contractor’s representative: A qualified and responsible person appointed by contractor.

• Consultant’s representative:

A qualified and responsible person appointed by consultant

• Competent authority: The projects administration in the Directorate or the assets

administration in the National Water Company
• Owner: The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture or the National Water
• (OSHA): The American Occupational Safety and Health Administration
• Regulation purpose: protecting human and material elements against damages and losses
• Scope of work: all water and sanitation projects
• Regulation objective: setting the correct procedures and techniques for working in water
and sanitation excavation projects.

Factors causing trench collapse, forms and shoring techniques:

First: Factors causing collapse:

Here are the most important factors leading to trench collapses. These factors are involved in
collapses at various rates depending on site nature and conditions, which are:

A) Types of soil:

Identifying soil type depends basically on the extent of the cohesion of soil. Soils can be categorized
based on the American specifications (OSHA):
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

1- Rocky soil: the soil types formed from solid, extremely cohesive materials that can be excavated at
right angel and keeps strong throughout digging processes (like granite rocks and sandstone)

2- Type (A) soil: cohesive soil types that can hardly be penetrated by a sharp instrument and can only
be excavated by using mechanical digging machines. In this type, there is no water seeping and has
not been exposed to any vibrations or previous digging. It can bear compressive strength of 1.5, or
more, tons per sq. ft. (like loam soil).

3. Type (B) soil: types of cohesive soil that could have been exposed to vibrations or previous digging.
It has cracks or water seeping. It can bear compressive strength of greater than 0.5 tons per sq. ft. and
less than 1.5 tons per sq. ft. (like clay soil)

4- Type (C) soil: types of granular soil that can be excavated by manual digging instruments or be
immersed with groundwater, which can bear compressive strength less than 0.5 tons per sq. ft. (like
sandy soil)

B) Humidity ratio: humidity ratio in cohesive soils for samples brought from testing excavations is
identified in order to know the amount of water contained in natural soil, and to conduct tests to
identify liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL) used in categorizing soil, and in soil characteristics as
well. Identifying humidity ratio is one of the basic requirements for soil reporting. Natural humidity
percentage in sand soil or cumulous soil reaches 15-20%, whereas it reaches in clay soil and silt soil
to 18-100%, and for organic soil, it reaches 500%.

C) Vibrations: it is the strength of vibrations on or around trench (such as heavy traffic or trains),
which disturbs soil and lessens the strength of its cohesion.

D) Facilities and neighboring buildings loads: since trench is exposed to side compression due to
excavation beside facilities, which may damage trench walls, thus affecting such facilities.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

E) Additional neighboring loads: they are heavy loads or weights on both trench sides, having
effect on trench walls (such as excavated materials, backfilling materials, pipes, excavation
equipment and materials transportation equipment.

F) Site climate conditions: rains, freezing, floods and high temperature are factors affecting soil
cohesion rapidly.

G) Groundwater: it is water present beneath the earth’s surface in the pores of sedimentary rocks, as
formed through different ages, whether new or very old since millions of years. The source of this
water is often rains, permanent or seasonal rivers, or melted ice, as it seeps from the earth’s surface

Second: general forms of collapses:

Tension cracks: it often appears in the distance from half to three quarters of trench depth from the
trench edge, as shown in Figure No. 1.

(Figure No. 1)

Sliding: it may appear due to cracks near trench, as shown in Figure No. 2

(Figure No. 2)

Toppling: it is the toppling of trench wall in excavation, as shown in Figure No. 3

Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

(Figure No. 3)

Subsidence and Bulge: it is the subsidence of trench wall causing bulge in its wall, as shown in
Figure No. 4:

(Figure No. 4)

Heave at the bottom of trench: A heave at trench caused by soil compression, as shown in Figure
No. 5:

(Figure No. 5)

Boiling at the bottom of trench: deformations at the bottom of trench caused by high level of
ground water, as shown in Figure No. 6
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

(Figure No. 6)

Third: Techniques for shoring and protecting trench:

Studying the nature of site, the factors mentioned above, is the cornerstone of identifying the best
techniques for shoring trench against collapse. The influence strength of one or more of these factors
on trench can change over time despite trench shoring. This pushes us to control any signs for
potential collapses (such as cracks in the trench walls, falling parts from the trench walls, tension
cracks in the Earth’ surface near trench, and heave at bottom of trench). This requires shoring the
sides of trench in accordance with the international specifications and the following technical

1- Sloping and benching:

This technique is applied through excavating the trench walls in a sloping way, as the inclination
degree depends mainly on the soil nature, since a soil may be formed of one type or of different
category layers, as shown in Figure No. 7. Figure No. 8 shows the benching technique, as the sloping
degree is identified as per the following table, as stating the maximum inclination levels for each type
in excavations of no more than 20 ft. (6 meters) depth, as follows:

Soil type Height/depth Inclination angle

Rocky soil Vertical straight 90 degrees
Type (A) soil 1:3/4 53 degrees
Type (B) soil 1:1 45 degrees
Type (C) soil 1:1 1/2 34 degrees

Table No. (1)

Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Figure No. (7)

Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Figure No. (8)

2. Shoring:

This technique is made through shoring the trench walls using metal or timber sheets, as shown in
Figure No. (9).
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Figure . (9)

3- Shields (pre-fabricated shields system):

This technique is one of the best techniques to protect trench sides against collapse during
excavation works. This is made by using shields that fit the pit size, as dropped into pit to protect
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Figure No. 10


✓ Shields and sloping technique can be combined as per the technical need, as shown in Figure
No. 11
✓ When using shields or shoring, the total loading resulting from groundwater level must be
taken into account, unless it is disposed of.

Figure No. 11
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

4- Dewatering and drying trench:

When implementing works and after excavation, water may be piled up in trench due to high level of
groundwater, rainwater, or sewage water in some places. In order to ensure proper conditions and
protection for trench against collapse, contractor must secure dewatering and keep trench dry until
the completion of construction works and all fittings attached to service line by using the following

First: Securing temporary dewatering pipes or installing tubes along trench to discharge water into
stockpiling pits. Then water is withdrawn from stockpiling pits using enough-capacity pumps.

Second: Removal of water through well point system: well point system is used to decrease
groundwater level if it is high and there is way to use tubes along the bottom of trench to drain of
water. This method is used through fixing pipes at close distances along the way of excavation to
remove water by pumps, as the end of each pipe goes beyond the level of the excavation bottom.
After that, the water is discharged continuously until the drainage cone surface becomes constantly
no less than 30 cm below the level of excavation bottom. When using this method for water
discharge, contractor must provide hydraulic schemes describing the technique for lowering the level
of groundwater, the points of pipes depth and the capacity of withdrawal pumps.


❖ It is not allowed to commence water withdrawal works unless the approval of the engineer
supervising these schemes is obtained.
❖ It is necessary to use conversion blocks or any other means suitable for preventing water
found above the earth’s surface from seeping into the pit, with providing enough drainage
for the area next to pit and preventing water from gather in pit.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Procedures and application mechanism:

First: Execution entity (Contractor):

Before commencing excavation by the execution entity (contractor), represented by a qualified

person with field-related experience, the approval of contractor’s request for starting excavation
must be made in accordance with form No. (1) by supervision entity together with the requirements
ensuring implementing works in a safe worksite, as well as applying the safety procedures and
measures required to be taken by contractor as much as possible. These requirements can be
summarized as follows:

Submitting excavation permit application by contractor

Has the regulatory

excavation permit No
been obtained by
the related entities? Contractor’s application is refused
in writing, stating the reason and
requesting to resubmit it after
meeting and completing comments
Does contractor have
workers and worksite
safety requirements? No

Contractor is granted approval of work commencement
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Excavation commencement permit application form

Filled in by execution entity
(executive contractor)
Site information:
City: …………………………………………………. District: ………………………………………. Street: ……………….…..………..
Project name: ……………………………………… Executive contractor:……………….. Consultant: ………………………
Line No.: …………………………………………… Division No.: ………………………………. Division length: ………………..
Excavation information:
Excavation depth Notes Excavation width Notes
Soil type Rocky □ Type (A) soil □ Soil testing Yes □
Type (B) soil □ Type (C) soil □ No □

Dear Mr. ………………………………………………………………

Kindly approve excavation commencement permit, since we comply with completing all the required stipulations
Name: profession: date / / 14 AH signature:

Filled in by supervision entity

The extent of applying the requirements by contractor: Yes No
Has the work permit been obtained by the competent authorities? □ □
Has the site’s traffic control scheme been submitted as per the traffic control manual? □ □
Have the design and scheme of shoring system been submitted? □ □
Approved shoring type Sloping □ Benching □ Shoring □ Shielding □ Other □ Not required □
Personal safety Helmet □ Work overall □ Goggles □Safety boots □
requirements Protective gloves □ Ear plugs □ Protective masks □ Reflective traffic vest □
Safety harness and Gas detectors □ Breathing apparatus Others ……………..
ropes □ □
Other requirements as required by site
(1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Approving excavation commencement since all required stipulations are met □
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Not approving excavation commencement because of non-completion of the required stipulations □

Name: profession: date / / 14 AH Signature:

• A copy for the regulatory authority (General Administration of Industrial Security or its representative)
• A copy of project signboard be added

Form No. (1)

Whereas the responsibility of contractor is to execute the requirements and tasks stipulated in the
standard specifications mentioned in project’s terms and specifications with regard to security, safety,
health and environment in excavation works. It must comply with safety duties and conduct daily
self-inspection and control on worksites to continuously assess examine changes and to correct
situation, if so required. We can summarize the most important procedures, precautions and safety
duties required to be followed by contractor as follows:

Technical duties and shoring system

1- Conducting the tests necessary for soil categorization and knowing its characteristics and type.

2- Setting, approving, and providing the technical support system appropriate for trench shoulders
based on soil category and type when digging trenches of more than 1.25 meters depth by a
qualified person or entity, and as per the sound engineering techniques according to what is
detailed in local or international standard specifications and the related regulations and systems.

3- Submitting design and scheme approved by a specialized and accredited engineering firm when
the excavation depth is more than 6 meters, or when there are neighboring facilities and high
level of groundwater.

4- Leaving at least one copy of shoring system design in the execution site.

5- Training labor and the technical team to communicate safety requirements and stress on
compliance therewith.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

6- Assigning daily self -inspection and control to an efficient safety official, having the following:

• Training, expertise and full understanding of the standard specifications stated in contract in
relation to security and safety field.
• Ability to categorize and test soil at site
• Ability to identify unsafe and risky excavations
• An expertise in the technical support types appropriate for excavations.
• Authorizations to give permits for workers to go down into pit or suspend works in the case of

7- Assigning the abovementioned efficient person to conduct the following inspection and control

o Examining pit at starting work every day to know its appropriateness for workers to go
o Reexamining pit when conditions are changed because of rain, a change in soil or pit
depth, increasing equipment and materials, or operating pumps adjacent to pit.
o Inspecting and examining excavation sides continuously if there are cracks or signs of
sliding in trench sides
o Inspecting and examining trench shores and sheets shoring vertical sides continuously to
ensure their soundness and fixedness and noticing any curves or dissociation therein
o Identifying services and utilities beneath the ground (water, electricity and sewage lines) or
above the ground (trees, walls, and utility poles) before starting work and providing the
required protection and upholding and preventing its collapse or falling down on workers.

8- Storing and retaining materials extracted from trench or other materials appropriately at a
distance of no less than one meter or more from the trench end, and the inclination degree of
excavated materials must be at 45 degrees, as shown in Figure 12
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

One meter One meter

at least Shoring must be made at least
when excavation is
more than 1.25

Figure 12

9- Extending trench shores or shields up to 30 cm height above the earth’s surface.

10- Keeping heavy loads like equipment and machines away from pit by no less than 1.5 meters

11- When it rains, pit must be evacuated from workers forthwith, and resuming works only after rain
is stopped and examining site by the responsible person to make sure that the trench is safe and
giving permit for going down.

12- If required, dewatering groundwater by the right technical techniques and under supervision of a
specialized person to avoid soil instability or preventing water above the earth’s surface from
seeping into pit or compiling at the trench bottom.

13- Following the recommendations of the manufacturer of shoring and supporting sheet during
assembling and fixing or removal from pit.

14- Allocating proper paths or bridges for workers

15- If there is any space between vertical pillars and soil and trench sides, it must be filled to prevent
any partial collapses.

16- Evacuating workers from the trench bottom during removing pillars and trench shield and

17- Testing trench air by a qualified person at site, as oxygen may be low or there may be gas
materials. Providing controlling means necessary for ensuring that air for breathing is flowed.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Providing ventilation, in addition to removing ignition sources if there are flammable gases, and
providing emergency equipment for rescuing persons like ventilators and safety ropes to be easily
accessible if there are bad breathing conditions in trench. Reference can be made to labor
regulation for information about the right methods to cope with such cases.

18- Removing or avoiding trees, walls and other impediments on the earth’s surface, which form risks
on workers at any time during implementing excavation works or on workers close to worksite,
before starting excavation works.

19- Developing an emergency plan for injuries cases at site

20- Registering all inspection and examination procedures in daily reports and sire manual and
keeping them ready when requested.

Traffic safety precautions at worksite

The stipulations and rules of traffic safety stated in worksite traffic control manual must be strictly
complied with. You can access to these stipulations and rules and have a copy thereof on the
Ministry’s website through this link

The following steps must be followed:

1- Fixing a signboard of 1 meter long and 60 cm width at the start and end of excavation and at
the main crossroads, with white background and blue font, stating the following
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

o The logo of the Ministry or the National Water Company

o Project name Project name
Project duration
o Project duration Form
No. (1)
o Owner Contractor name
Consultant’s name
o Contractor’s name Ministry’s Fax No. and email
o Consultant’s name
o Fax No. (01/4707262)
And email ( dedicated to receive public comments
o Adding a copy of excavation permit to signboard

2- Excavation zones on the road are divided into early warning zone, transitional zone, buffer zone,
work zone and end of work zone.

3- Spreading signboards along the excavation area at distances appropriate for each work, following
them up and maintain them continuously.

4- Fixing warning tapes around work area to show work area milestones.

5- Complying with the latitude in building permit with regard to excavated materials such as dust and

6- Providing good night lighting and fixing flashing arrows, reflective phosphoric signs, and flasher
lights at the start and end of workplace, so that the night lighting is made with standard, colored
and flashing lamps at both excavation ends. The capacity of switch must be no less than 15 watts
as per road lighting level and of distances of no more than 2 meters.

7- Fixing flashing banners and lights at the workplace entrances, to allow entering the machines
returned to workshops only.

8- Providing strong concrete barriers along trench to prevent movable machines and cranes or
nearby traffic to come close. Concrete barriers (New Jersey) or plastic barriers with reflective
colors coated with reflective colors or tapes can be used at sites.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

9- If there are night works at site, machines must be equipped with lights for remote distinction

10- Spraying dust and excavated materials with water during work to prevent spreading dust and
thus blocking vision

11- Installing shock absorbers at sites exposed to shocks such as bridge pillars and light poles

12- Contractor must remove dust and excavated materials at the end of workday, and not to put
them next to trench, and it must keep site clean.

Pedestrians’ safety precautions:

1) Installing safe bridges suitable for pedestrian, provided that the distance between two
bridges must not exceed 100 meters for inhabited sites, and 200 meters for uninhabited
sites, giving attention to special cases such as the entrances of public facilities (schools,
hospitals, etc.) which may need more than one bridge. The below Figures show pedestrian
2) Fixing plastic mesh with reflective phosphoric colors around worksite to isolate it completely
from pedestrians.
3) When using crossings for workers or equipment, they must be designed and constructed by
an entity qualified in accordance with sound engineering basis adopted in this industry.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

works end

Company Figure No. 13


works 150

Pedestrian path

Excavation track

Figure No. 15 Figure No. 14

Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Workers safety and protection precautions:

1) The worker’s age must be no less than (18) years and no more than (50) years, with a good
health and sound body.
2) Labor must be qualified for their assigned works
3) Labor must undergo training on their assigned works before undertaking these works.
4) Sufficient precautions must be taken to avoid workers’ injuries during working, such as
falling, collapses and other hazards
5) All workers must be obliged to wear reflective traffic vests
6) Ladders or safe means must be provided for workers to go into and exit from trenches,
provided that these ladders must extend up to one meter above the earth’s surface, and be
approximately 8 meters from workers site down trench.
7) These precautions include workers’ bodies protection measures against various work
hazards through providing them with personal protection equipment (protective suits,
helmets, gloves, goggles, safety boots, protective masks, gas detectors, reflective traffic vests,
breathing apparatus, safety harness, hooks, Ear plugs and, etc.)
8) For more details, you can refer to personal protection materials guide on the Ministry’s

Note: All the above-mentioned information will not relieve contractor from being obliged to
refer to the regulations and statutes applicable in the state and binding on contractors to be
followed when executing projects.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Second: Supervision authority (projects administration in the Directorate, the assets

administration in the National Water Company or consultant)

Upon issuing the approval of excavation start permit for contractor, works will be followed up
during implementation through daily inspection of site by supervising authority in accordance
with form No. (2). The role of supervision authority at site is to make sure of the compliance by
implementation entity (contractor) with providing and implementing the requirements and
duties stated in contract and with circulars issued to contractor. This includes conducting the
daily duties of inspecting and examining worksite and continuously assessing security and safety
measures and ensuring that contractor complies with providing sufficient support according to
the approved drawings and designs and filing daily reports to the contact engineer or the
competent authority. These required procedures and duties can be summed up as follows:

1) Reviewing soil report and making sure of the type and category of the soil expected to conduct
excavation in it.

2) Reviewing and approving the design and scheme of protection and support techniques
provided by contractor and approved by a specialized engineering firm as per depths or where
there are nearby facilities and high level of groundwater before granting the excavation permit.

3) Conducting first examination of site before the actual commencement of excavation to

identify the appropriate safety requirements at site.

4) Conducting daily inspection on worksite in accordance with form No. (2), ascertaining the

o Implementing excavation side shoring techniques as per the approved specifications,

drawings and designs.
o Examining trench sides and ascertaining they are sound and free of cracks.
o Providing ladders by contractor for workers to go up/down
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

o Providing fixed barriers around excavation trench by contractor and removing excavated
materials and heavy loads and equipment away from pit at the distance set out in
o Providing workers safety equipment down and around pit.
o Providing sufficient protection for traffic.

5) Reexamining site when work conditions are changed after a rainstorm, increasing depths and
shoring techniques change, or if there is groundwater, in order to make sure of correcting
situation by contractor.

6) Controlling the methods of protecting services adjacent to pit or facilities above the earth’s
surface and providing protection for them and for workers at site.

7) Preparing daily inspection reports and writing down notes and recommendations in site book
and filing them to the related authority every day or if required for follow-up and providing
implementation entity (contractor) with a copy thereof every day and maintaining it in records.

8) Issuing notices and releasing penalties, if any, and advising to apply the necessary resulted
penalties and fines against implementation entity if it does not comply with the security and
safety requirements, and filing them to the related authority.

9) If it is established that the work method at site poses a risk to workers souls or to others’ souls
and properties, or if signs of trench collapses are detected, the authority supervising project
must direct executive contractor or its representative to the areas of risks and order it to
suspend works forthwith. In such a case, the suspension period is considered as being included
in contract execution duration until the safety procedures suggested by contractor are
followed. In all cases, executive contractor will be responsible for any accidents or damages
affecting workers or others. In addition, executive contractor is responsible for repairing
damages that may affect facilities adjacent to project site.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Project’s name: ………………………………………………………………….. Supervision authority: …………………………………

City: ………………… District: ……………………… Street: …………………………………. Contractor: …………………………………
Line No.: ……….... Division No.: .......……... Division length: …………..………. Excavation depth: ………………………
First: Site’s general examination:- Yes No N/A
1- There is a board containing the name of owner, consultant and contractor and including □ □ □
excavation permit.
2- There is a qualified responsible person assigned by contractor to follow up safety □ □ □
3- A traffic control manual is applied, followed and maintained on a daily basis, with providing □ □ □
traffic night lighting.
4- The procedures for protecting workers from utilities adjacent to excavation or facilities above □ □ □
or near trench are complied with and these services are protected.
5- All materials and equipment necessary for personal safety and workers protection are □ □ □
6- Excavated materials are kept at a safe distance from excavation edge of no less than (1 meter) □ □ □
and with 45 degrees inclination angle.
7- Heavy materials and equipment are kept at a safe distance from excavation trench of no less □ □ □
than (1.5 meters)
8- Pedestrian paths and bridges, and traffic are safe and constructed in compliance with □ □ □
technical specifications.
9- Sufficient ladders at safe distances allowing safe and easy going down/up are provided. □ □ □
Second: Trench sides shoring and protection:
1- Proper shoring technique is selected based on soil analysis, trench depth and loads □ □ □
2- Materials used in shoring are sound, fixed, stable and correct and in conformity with technical □ □ □
3- Trench shores and trench shields are extended up to (30 cm) height above the earth’s surface. □ □ □
4- Excavation is evacuated from workers before removing trench shores and shields. □ □ □
5- Excavation sides are in a good condition and free of cracks and signs of collapses. □ □ □
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Third: Groundwater and other work conditions: □ □ □

1- The requirements necessary for dewatering and preventing its compiling down trench are □ □ □
2- Groundwater is dewatered by the correct technical techniques and under supervision of a □ □ □
specialized person.
Notes and recommendations:
1- Addressing notes within 24 hours and notifying contractor □ or deemed violation by contractor □
2- Suspending work and forming a committee for studying situation urgently □
Contractor’s representative Consultant’s representative Contact engineer
Name: Name: Name:
Profession: Profession: Profession:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Day: date: / / 14 AH Time ( : ) □ Am □ Pm
Project site inspection form (filled by supervision authority)

Form No. (2)

Third: Penalties and fines:

If contractor does not comply with the instructions related to worksite security and safety as
stipulated in contract and this non-compliance is detected through follow-up, the statute of penalties
and fines is applied to it in accordance with the mechanism stated in the circular No. (6/270) dated
24/4/1426 AH of H.E. Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture.

S. Violation description First time Second time Third time

1 Not fixing a board bearing the name of owner, 10,000 + written 15,000 +
consultant, contractor, and email and fax No. 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
dedicated for receiving public comments (for notice project’s manager project’s
each site) manager
2 Not obtaining excavation permit “form (1)” for 30,000 + written 50,000 +
worksite by the supervising authority in the 10,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
Directorate or not fixing thereof on the project notice project’s manager project’s
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

board manager
3 100,000 + written 100,000 +
Not providing and applying trench shoring 100,000 + notice of excluding excluding
system in accordance with the specifications written notice project’s manager + project’s
approved by the regulation written notice of manager
project withdrawal
4 10,000 + written 15,000 +
Not maintaining trench shoring system 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
notice project’s manager project’s
5 10,000 + written 15,000 +
Not dewatering groundwater from trench 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
notice project’s manager project’s
6 Not applying traffic controls correctly, including 15,000 + written 20,000 +
ground fences, concrete barriers, and reflective 10,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
warning boards and signs notice project’s manager project’s
7 Not maintaining ground fences or reflective 10,000 + written 15,000 +
warning boards and signs (for each site) 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
notice project’s manager project’s
8 10,000 + written 15,000 +
Not securing pedestrian ferries, paths and 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
bridges notice project’s manager project’s
9 Not lightening excavations at night as per the 15,000 + written 20,000 +
regulation’s specifications 10,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
notice project’s manager project’s
10 15,000 +
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Not backfilling excavations and restoring the 5,000 + written 10,000 + written excluding
status quo ante after completing works at site notice notice of excluding project’s
project’s manager manager
11 10,000 + written 15,000 +
Not removing excavation wastes after 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
completing works notice project’s manager project’s
12 Opening the main manholes during works 10,000 + written 15,000 +
without referring to the Ministry’s competent 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
authority notice project’s manager project’s
13 Leaving excavation open for a long period with 10,000 + written 15,000 +
no need or reasonable reasons for that 5,000 + written notice of excluding excluding
notice project’s manager project’s
14 Not giving attention to providing safety and 15,000 +
workers protection precautions 5,000 + written 10,000 + written excluding
notice notice of excluding project’s
project’s manager manager
15 Negligence by contractor which causes workers 100,000 + excluding 100,000 +
or citizens accidents, injuries, or death cases 100,000 + project’s manager + project
written notice written notice of withdrawal
project withdrawal
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

B) Subject to the circular No. 1/598 dated 19/7/1433 AH of H.E Minister, if consultant fails to follow
up contractor’s compliance with the safety practices and procedures, the same penalty applied to
contractor as stated in the penalties and fines table in paragraph (A) will apply to consultant.

(C) The penalties and fines table stated in paragraph (A) will apply to any violation to the safety
regulations issued by the Ministry, which are accessible through the Ministry’s website at

Fourth: Periodic Regulatory authority (General Administration of Industrial Security or

specialized senior authority or representative thereof):

The General Administrations of Industrial Security or the specialized senior authority will conduct
random sudden periodic field visits for a number of projects in directorates and fill in Form No. (3) to
help in ascertaining the compliance extent of contractors and supervising authority as per the report
and through reviewing the necessary records such as excavation permits, follow-up records, warning
records, penalties and fines records and other related records or papers. This General Administrations
of Industrial Security or the specialized senior authority will issue notices and release the necessary
breaches, penalties and fines to project’s execution entity or the authority supervising project directly
in case of non-compliance with security and safety requirements and file the issue to H.E Minister.
This is to be conducted in order to ensure that entities/authorities comply with safety requirements
at site and to avoid shortcomings with a view to save souls and properties, God willing.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Project’s name: ………………………………………………………………….. Supervision authority: …………………………………

City: ………………… District: ……………………… Street: …………………………………. Contractor: …………………………………
Line No.: ……….... Division No.: .......……... Division length: …………..………. Excavation depth: ………………………
First: Site’s general examination:- Yes No N/A
1- There is a board containing the name of owner, consultant and contractor and including □ □ □
excavation permit.
2- There is a qualified responsible person assigned by contractor to follow up safety □ □ □
3- A traffic control manual is applied, followed and maintained on a daily basis, with providing □ □ □
traffic night lighting.
4- The procedures for protecting workers from utilities adjacent to excavation or facilities above □ □ □
or near trench are complied with and these services are protected.
5- All materials and equipment necessary for personal safety and workers protection are □ □ □
6- Excavated materials are kept at a safe distance from excavation edge of no less than (1 meter) □ □ □
and with 45 degrees inclination angle.
7- Heavy materials and equipment are kept at a safe distance from excavation trench of no less □ □ □
than (1.5 meters)
8- Pedestrian paths and bridges, and traffic are safe and constructed in compliance with □ □ □
technical specifications.
9- Sufficient ladders at safe distances allowing safe and easy going down/up are provided. □ □ □
Second: Trench sides shoring and protection:
1- Proper shoring technique is selected based on soil analysis, trench depth and loads □ □ □
2- Materials used in shoring are sound, fixed, stable and correct and in conformity with technical □ □ □
3- Trench shores and shields are extended up to (30 cm) height above the earth’s surface. □ □ □
4- Excavation is evacuated from workers before removing trench shores and shields. □ □ □
5- Excavation sides are in a good condition and free of cracks and signs of collapses. □ □ □
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Third: Groundwater and other work conditions: □ □ □

1- The requirements necessary for dewatering and preventing its compiling down trench are □ □ □
2- Groundwater is dewatered by the correct technical techniques and under supervision of a □ □ □
specialized person.
Notes and recommendations:
1- Addressing notes within 24 hours and notifying contractor □ or deemed violation by contractor □
2- Suspending work and forming a committee for studying situation urgently □
Contact engineer Representative (Industrial Security or its representative)
Name: Name:
Profession: Profession:
Signature: Signature:
Day: date: / / 14 AH Time ( : ) □ Am □ Pm
Project site field inspection form (filled by regulatory authority)

Form No. (3)

Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

Penalties and fines table application manual

Clauses Nos. (6, 7, 9) include:

1- A traffic control manual is applied, followed and maintained on a daily basis, with providing
traffic night lighting.

Clause No. (14) includes:

1- There is a qualified responsible person assigned by contractor to follow up safety

2- The procedures for protecting workers from utilities adjacent to excavation or facilities
above or near trench are complied with and these services are protected
3- All materials and equipment necessary for personal safety and workers protection are
4- All workers wear reflective traffic vests

Clause No. (3) includes:

1- Excavated materials are kept at a safe distance from excavation edge of no less than (1
meter) and with 45 degrees inclination angle.
2- Heavy materials and equipment are kept at a safe distance from excavation trench of no less
than (1.5 meters)
3- Proper shoring technique is selected based on soil analysis, trench depth and loads
4- Materials used in shoring are sound, fixed, stable and correct and in conformity with
technical specifications.
5- Excavation sides are in a good condition and free of cracks and signs of collapses.

Clause No. (4) includes:

1- Materials used in shoring are sound, fixed, stable and correct and in conformity with
technical specifications.
2- Trench shores and shields are extended up to (30 cm) height above the earth’s surface.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Ministry of Water & Electricity ‫وزارة المياه والكهرباء‬
The General Directorate of ‫اإلدارة العامة لألمن الصناعي‬
Industrial Security

3- Excavation is evacuated from workers before removing trench shores and shields.

Clause No. (5) includes:

1- The requirements necessary for dewatering and preventing its compiling down trench are
2- Groundwater is dewatered by the correct technical techniques and under supervision of a
specialized person.

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