Hieu - Table Ex2

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Ex 2
The table gives information about the cost of life living for a single person and a
couple in aAustralia after they retire.
 The table gives information about the cost of living for a single person and a
couple in Australia after they retire.

Overall, the total money a retired couple needs for their life is higher than a
single person. But the average amount per person is lower than living alone.
 Overall, the total money a retired couple needs for their life is higher than a
single person. But the average amount per person is lower than living alone.

Housing’s expense of for a single person is 184 dollars, 10 dollars lower than a
couple. Leisure activities’s expense for a couple is 202 dollars and 140 dollars
for a single person. Hospital fees for a retired couple is are also higher than for a
single person, at 177 dollars and 122 dollars, respectively.
 Housing’s expense for a single person is 184 dollars, 10 dollars lower than
that of a couple. Leisure activities’ expense for a couple is 202 dollars and 140
dollars for a single person. Hospital fees for a retired couple are also higher than
for a single person, at 177 dollars and 122 dollars, respectively.

The expense of transport for a retired couple is 108 dollars, just 1 dollars higher
than for a single person. While the the cost of food is twice as many high as the
cost for a single person, it is 100 dollars for a couple and 50 dollars for a single.
The price of clothing and others expense other expenses for a retired couple is
also almost twice as many high as the expense for a single person. Retired
couples spend 80 dollars for on clothing and 70 dollars for others on other
activities, while single people spend 44 dollars and 37 dollars, respectively.
 The expense of transport for a retired couple is 108 dollars, just 1 dollar
higher than for a single person. While the cost of food is twice as high as the
cost for a single person, it is 100 dollars for a couple and 50 dollars for a single.
The price of clothing and other expenses for a retired couple is also almost
twice as high as the expense for a single person. Retired couples spend 80
dollars on clothing and 70 dollars on other activities, while single people spend
44 dollars and 37 dollars, respectively.

- addresses the requirements of the task
- presents and adequately highlights key features
- arranges information and ideas coherently
- makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce

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