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The story about Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in the German city of Frankfurt am Main. She had a sister,
Margot, who was three and a half years older. Hitler rose to power and growing
antisemitism changed the Anna´s family way of living. His father, Otto Frank and his mother,
Edith, decided to leave Germany. For a while there was hope that The Netherlands would not
become involved in the war, but on 10 May 1940 German troops invaded the country. Soon, The
Netherlands surrenders was occupied. Anti-Jewish regulations quickly followed. Jews were allowed
into fewer and fewer places. They tried to emigrate to the U.S.A., but it failed. On 5 July
1942 Margot Frank received a call-up to report for a German work camp. The next day the Frank
family decided to hide. They were helped by office workers, who not only arranged food, clothes
and books, they were the group’s contact with the outside world. Before going into hiding Anne
received a diary for her birthday. She started to write during her time in hiding. she wrote about
events in the secret annex and about herself. Her diary was a great support to her. Anne also wrote
short stories and collects quotations from other writers.
When the Dutch minister of education in exile in London appeals on British radio for people to
keep war diaries, Anne decided to edit her diary and created a novel called 'The Secret Annex'. She
re-wrote it, but she and the others are discovered and arrested before she had finished.
Finally, they were deported to Auschwitz. Immediately after the arrests Miep Gies and Bep
Voskuijl (They were the ones who helped them) rescued Anne's diary and papers that had been left
behind in the secret annex.
Otto Frank was the only one of the eight people in hiding to survive the war. He tries to find his
daughters, but later he received the news that they both died of disease and deprivation in Bergen-
Belsen. Miep Gies then gave him Anne’s diary papers. Otto read the diary and discovered a
changed Anne. He is very moved by her writing.
Anne wrote in her diary that she wants to become a writer or a journalist in the future, and that she
wanted to publish her diary as a novel. Some friends persuaded Otto Frank that the diary had great
power, so on 25th June 1947 “The Secret Annexe” was published.
People from all over the world was interest in the Anne Frank's story. In 1960 the Anne Frank
House becomes a museum. Otto Frank was involved in campaigns for human rights and respect
until his death in 1980.

“I've found that there is always some beauty left -- in nature,

sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.”

“It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals,

because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I
keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that
people are really good at heart.”
― Anne Frank.

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