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Annotated Bibliography

“Boston Dynamics Support Center.”,

Boston Dynamics has created a quadrupedal robot, similar in shape to a dog, and have

named it Spot. This robot is equipped with sophisticated technology that allows it to walk

effectively on four legs in almost any setting. This piece of tech is constantly being refined and

will increase in capability as years go by.

This cite is credible because it is the cite of the company that makes this robotic dog. This

company is a well renowned company that aim to expand robotic and other technological

advances. This company is also known for many more creations that have gained the attention of

the masses.

Going to this cite was the result of a conversation I had with the bomb expert in the

building at the time. Whenever she said that robots had already been being used in the bomb

setting, I was reminded of Spot. Because of this, I wanted to make a product that had something

to do with this robotic dog.

Regmi, Bishnu P., and Masoud Agah. “Micro Gas Chromatography: An Overview of

Critical Components and Their Integration.” Analytical Chemistry, vol. 90, no. 22,

25 Oct. 2018, pp. 13133–13150,

Gas chromatography is an important tool for fire investigators but the fact that It can only

be done with a large, immobile, piece of technology, it can be hassle with the time in between

sampling and discovering what said sample is. Micro Gas Chromatography is a theoretical idea
for Gas Chromatography to be more portable. This idea is a highly demanded concept that has a

good possibility of occurring.

This information comes from “analytical chemistry”-ACS Publications. This Is a well

trusted organization that publishes and provides in depth analytical articles and studies from a

multitude of scientific settings and practices. This can be trusted since it already has a big name

for itself and has provided more articles on many other research topics.

This idea came from a thought about what tech was already used to find out what certain

liquids are. This then led me to finding out about the whole concept of Gas Chromatography.

Then I wondered if a smaller, more compact, version of the tech existed.

“Toxic Gas List | School of Chemical Sciences at Illinois.”,

There is a multitude of gases that pose a threat to people. There are different gases that

have different hazard levels. Higher hazard levels show that a gas either can kill quicker or is

difficult to protect from.

This information comes from the University of Illinois, School of Chemical Sciences.

Since this is a real university, the information has to be correct in order to maintain the school’s

credibility. The wide range of gases listed shows knowledge of the subject.

I went to this sight to get information about the gases that are commonly encountered as a

firefighter or investigator. I wanted to know what would have to be searched for in order to

prevent possible miscalculation or overlooked dangers. With this info, I would know what to

research in order to further my ideas for my product.

Turner, Diane. “Gas Chromatography – How a Gas Chromatography Machine Works,

How to Read a Chromatograph and GCxGC.” Analysis & Separations from

Technology Networks, Technology Networks, 17 Mar. 2021,


This site explains how a gas chromatography machine works and how to read results. The

machine vaporizes a liquid sample, the machine reads the vapor and provides a graph of the

molecules in the machine. With these results, an investigator can read what the sample was.

This site can be trusted based on the amount of information it contains. The site provides

multiple sources on the info it has. A lot of possibly unknown words can be looked up through

the site itself.

Earlier, I wanted to know how fire investigators found out what a sample of liquid was,

and I knew it was a machine of some kind. I found this sight and read through it to understand

the basic mechanics of the machine. With this info, I was able to further my understanding of

what would be needed for a new technology

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