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PEE315: Industrial Safety and Oil Pollution Control

Assignment One

a. State five (5) consequences of air pollution

b. What is sustainable development

c. What are the components of the environment

Assignment Two

a. Write short notes on the followings

i. An accident

ii. Unsafe act

iii. Unsafe condition

b. State the guidelines for safety program inauguration

c. What is HSE case

Assignment Three

a. State five (5) reasons for accident investigation

b. Citing a particular operation, develop an accident investigation/report form and

fill/complete all the sections

Assignment Four

a. Explain in detail, the basic elements of fire

b. Explain the means at which fire spread.

Assignment Five

a. Explain the methods of fire extinction

b. In a tabular form, list the type of fire extinguishers considering BS color code, uses
and materials fuel types

c. List two each, the major, common and natural causes of fire

Assignment Six

a. List three each, the consequences of sabotage on the operating company and the host

b. State four (4) sources of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution

Assignment Seven

a. State the difference between containment and recovery of oil spill.

b. Write short notes on the followings with respect to oil pollution control

i. Booms

ii. Netting systems

iii. Skimmers

iv. Use of dispersants

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