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Topic Name
1 An overview of database management system
2 Database System Vs File System
3 Database system concepts and architecture
4 data models
5 schema and instances
6 data independence and data base language and interfaces
7 Data definitions language(DDL)
8 Data Manipulation Language(DML)
9 Overall Database Structure
10 Conceptual Modelling of a database
11 The Entity-Relationship (ER) Mode
12 Entity Types, Entity Sets
13 Attributes, and Keys, Relationship Types
14 Relationship Sets
15 Weak Entity Types Generalization
16 Specialization and Aggregation
17 Extended Entity Relationship (EER) Model
18 Relational data model concepts
19 integrity constraints
20 entity integrity, referential integrity
21 Keys constraints, Domain constraints
22 Introduction to SQL
23 Characteristics of SQL
24 advantage of SQL
25 SQl data type and literals
26 Types of SQL commands
27 SQL operators and their procedure
28 Tables, views and indexes
29 Queries and sub queries
30 Aggregate functions
31 Insert, update and delete operations
32 Joins
33 Unions, Intersection, Minus
34 Cursors, Triggers
35 Procedures in SQL/PLSQL.
36 Functional dependencies
37 normal forms
38 first, second
39 normalization using FD
40 Multi valued dependencies (MVD), Join dependencies(JDs)
41 ACID Properties, Transactions and Schedules
42 Concurrent Execution of transaction,
43 Lock Based Concurrency Control, Performance Locking,
44 Serializability, and recoverability
45 Introduction to Lock Management, Lock Conversions
46 Dealing with Dead Locks

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