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CRE0010.1177/0269215518771824Clinical RehabilitationLintanf et al.


Clinical Rehabilitation

Effect of ankle-foot orthoses on gait, 1­–14

© The Author(s) 2018
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balance and gross motor function
DOI: 10.1177/0269215518771824

in children with cerebral palsy: a

systematic review and meta-analysis

Mael Lintanf1,2 , Jean-Sébastien Bourseul1,2,

Laetitia Houx1,3,4, Mathieu Lempereur1,4,
Sylvain Brochard1,2,3,4 and Christelle Pons1,2,3,4

Objective: To determine the effects of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) on gait, balance, gross motor function
and activities of daily living in children with cerebral palsy.
Data sources: Five databases were searched (Pubmed, Psycinfo, Web of Science, Academic Search
Premier and Cochrane Library) before January 2018.
Review methods: Studies of the effect of AFOs on gait, balance, gross motor function and activities of
daily living in children with cerebral palsy were included. Articles with a modified PEDRO score ≥ 5/9 were
selected. Data regarding population, AFO, interventions and outcomes were extracted. When possible,
standardized mean differences (SMDs) were calculated from the outcomes.
Results: Thirty-two articles, corresponding to 56 studies (884 children) were included. Fifty-one studies
included children with spastic cerebral palsy. AFOs increased stride length (SMD = 0.88, P < 0.001) and gait
speed (SMD = 0.28, P < 0.001), and decreased cadence (SMD = –0.72, P < 0.001). Gross motor function scores
improved (Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) D (SMD = 0.30, P = 0.004), E (SMD = 0.28, P = 0.02),
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) (SMD = 0.57, P < 0.001)). Data relating to balance and
activities of daily living were insufficient to conclude. Posterior AFOs (solid, hinged, supra-malleolar, dynamic)
increased ankle dorsiflexion at initial contact (SMD = 1.65, P < 0.001) and during swing (SMD = 1.34, P < 0.001),
and decreased ankle power generation in stance (SMD = –0.72, P < 0.001) in children with equinus gait.
Conclusion: In children with spastic cerebral palsy, there is strong evidence that AFOs induce small improvements
in gait speed and moderate evidence that AFOs have a small to moderate effect on gross motor function. In
children with equinus gait, there is strong evidence that posterior AFOs induce large changes in distal kinematics.

Child rehabilitation, gait, cerebral palsy, orthoses, mobility

Received: 10 August 2017; accepted: 18 February 2018

1Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department, University 4LaTIM—INSERM UMR1101, Brest, France
Hospital of Brest, Brest, France
2University of Western Brittany, Brest, France Corresponding author:
3Pediatric Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Mael Lintanf, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department,
Fondation Ildys, Brest, France University Hospital of Brest, Brest 29609, France.
2 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

Introduction Methods
An important goal for the management of children Search strategy
with cerebral palsy is to improve gait and gross
motor function, because of their impact on auton- Five databases were analyzed: Pubmed, Psychinfo,
omy and participation.1 Ankle-foot orthoses Web of Science, Academic Search Premier and The
(AFOs) are often prescribed to correct abnormal Cochrane Library. The following combinations of
gait and facilitate gait training and functional activ- keywords were used: “Cerebral Palsy or Hemiplegia
ities.2,3 A recent French survey found that more or Diplegia” AND “Gait or Walk or
than 20% of children with cerebral palsy wear Electromyography or Muscle Activation or
AFOs during the day.4 Activity of Daily Living or Motor Function or
Systematic reviews evaluating the effectiveness Balance or Participation” AND “Ankle-foot
of AFOs on gait in children with cerebral palsy orthoses or Orthosis or Orthotic or Brace,” with no
concluded that they improve gait parameters; how- limits (Supplementary Material 1). Two investiga-
ever the size of this effect was not quantified5–7 and tors independently performed the searches for each
the most recent literature was not taken into database.
account. Furthermore, the impact of AFOs on cer- Articles were included if (a) they were written
tain gait parameters (velocity, cadence, energy con- in English or French, (b) were published before 13
sumption, hip kinematics), as well as on gross January 2018 and (c) if the main results reported
motor function, balance or participation is still the effects of AFOs compared with a control condi-
under debate.5,8 tion (barefoot or with shoes) in children with cere-
Many different types of orthoses have been bral palsy (aged 0–18 years). All orthoses that
developed, each with specific mechanical proper- encompassed the ankle joint and the whole or part
ties.9 Many prospective studies have also been car- of the foot were considered as AFOs.14 Articles that
ried out but the population sizes were small and the evaluated functional electrical stimulation devices,
type of orthoses varied. It is, thus, difficult to draw elastic derotation devices, the rehabilitation effect
conclusions with regard to the effects of each of AFOs (evaluation of motor tasks without the
orthosis on the different types of cerebral palsy.5 AFO) and shoes that support the ankle but were not
One systematic review of the literature, which only AFOs were thus excluded. Retrospective articles,
evaluated solid and hinged ankle-foot orthoses, case reports and case series were also excluded.
supported the use of hinged AFOs to increase peak The references of the selected articles were then
dorsiflexion and gait speed and decrease energy screened to complete the review process.
expenditure.6 Although studies involving large References from previous systematic reviews on
samples have been carried out, the quality of the the same topic were also checked.5–7 The titles,
conclusions is often limited by their retrospective abstracts and whole texts of the articles identified
methodology.10–13 by the search were independently evaluated by the
The primary aim of this study, therefore, was to two examiners. Any disagreements were resolved
evaluate the general effectiveness of AFOs, regard- by discussion with a third examiner.
less of their nature, on gait parameters, balance, The methodological quality of each of the
gross motor function and activities of daily living selected articles was evaluated by two independent
in ambulant children with all types of cerebral examiners using a modified PEDro scale15
palsy. The secondary objectives were (a) to evalu- (Supplementary Material 2). The three criteria
ate the effect of each type of orthosis on gait in regarding study blinding were removed16 and one
children with cerebral palsy and (b) to evaluate the criterion (description of the orthoses) was
effectiveness of orthoses on gait as a function of added.17,18 For the latter criterion, 1 point was
the unilateral or bilateral nature of the cerebral awarded if at least three of four parameters were
palsy. A systematic literature review was carried specified: material, ankle plantarflexion angle,
out with meta-analysis when possible. anatomical limits and manufacturer. The maximum
Lintanf et al. 3

score was 9 points. Any disagreement on these above 0.8 was regarded as large. Values of P < 0.05
points was resolved with a third examiner. Articles were considered as significant. Subgroup analyses
with a score of 0–4 were considered to be of “poor were conducted for each type of orthosis and cere-
quality,” a score of 5 or 6 was considered to be of bral palsy type (unilateral and bilateral). The results
“moderate quality,” a score of 7 or 8 was “good” which could not be pooled in the meta-analysis
and 9 was “excellent.” Data from articles with a were reported in the systematic review. When an
score of less than 5 were not reported article tested several orthoses, the analysis was car-
(Supplementary Material 3). ried out as if each evaluation was independent. In
For each article, the two independent examiners this review, the word “study” is used to describe
collected information regarding the sample, meth- the comparison between one orthosis and the con-
odology, type of orthosis and the parameters stud- trol condition.
ied (gait, balance, gross motor function and
activities of daily living). For the evaluation of
gait, because of the multiplicity of gait parameters,
14 parameters were considered as clinically perti- The search identified 4866 articles. Thirty-two arti-
nent and were defined a priori. These included 8 cles that fulfilled the selection and quality criteria
kinematic, 1 kinetic, 1 energetic, 1 electromyo- were included (Figure 1). Twenty-three of the arti-
graphic and 3 spatio-temporal parameters (Table cles (38 studies) were of moderate qual-
1). Articles that did not provide any of these data ity,19–24,29–31,33,37,39–50 nine articles (18 studies) were
were excluded38 The following types of AFOs were of good quality25–28,32,34,36,51,52 and no article was
identified: solid, hinged, supra-malleolar, dynamic classified as excellent quality (Supplementary
(flexible posterior orthosis that encompasses the Material 2). Fifteen of the 32 articles reported
whole calf and foot, made with a material that multiple follow-up assessments or different study
allows plantarflexion) and ventral shell. Solid, cohorts,19–21,24–32,34,39,40,50 resulting in a total of 56
hinged, supra-malleolar and dynamic orthoses are different studies. Data from 35 studies could be
collectively termed “posterior orthoses” hereafter. pooled in the meta-analysis and data from the 21
Any inconsistencies in the data collected by the remaining studies were included in the systematic
examiners were resolved by discussion and, if nec- review. The funnel plots showed no publication bias.
essary, the authors of the original study were con- The methodological characteristics of the arti-
tacted for clarification, to obtain quantitative data cles are presented in Table 2. The 32 articles
for the meta-analysis and/or to complete missing included 544 children (mean age = 7.9 years,
data points. SD 2.1) and encompassed 56 studies with a
When possible for the meta-analyses, continu- total of 884 children. In 51 studies, only
ous outcomes were pooled according to their stand- children with spastic cerebral palsy were inclu-
ardized mean differences (SMDs) (dimensionless ded.1,19–29,31–34,36,37,39–41,43–45,47,48,51 In one study of
value) and 95% CIs (RevMan version 5.3). In order 28 children, 2 had ataxic cerebral palsy and 26 had
to limit heterogeneity, only the results of the arti- spastic cerebral palsy.42 In 4 studies, the type of
cles in which posterior AFOs were evaluated in cerebral palsy was not reported.49,50,52 Thirty stud-
children with spastic cerebral palsy and equinus ies included children with bilateral cerebral
gait were pooled in the meta-analysis. However, palsy,19,20,24,26–29,31,35,36,39,41,43,44,46,47,51,52 18 included
because of the remaining variability of both chil- children with unilateral cerebral palsy,21–
dren with cerebral palsy and of orthoses used, a 23,30,32,34,40,48 and 7 included children with unilateral

distribution of effects was expected. A random- and bilateral cerebral palsy.25,33,42,45,49,50 In all the
effects model was therefore used. Consistency was studies, the children served as their own controls.
evaluated using I2. Publication bias was assessed The gait pattern was described in 27 studies.
using funnel plots. An SMD of between 0.2 and 0.3 Control conditions were barefoot in 32 stud-
was considered as small, of 0.5 was moderate and ies,22–25,27,28,30,32,33,36,38–40,43–45,48–50 with shoes in 20
4 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

Table 1. Results of pooled analysis of the effects of AFOs on gait.

Outcomes References No. of studies No. of subjects SMD (95% CI) P-value I2 (%)
Ankle dorsiflexion 19–28 28 384 1.65 <0.001 83
at initial contact (1.47, 1.83)
Ankle dorsiflexion 20,21,23,26,28 16 226 1.34 <0.001 74
in swing phase (1.13, 1.56)
PODCI sports and 24 2 30 0.91 0.001 81
physical function (0.36, 1.46)
Stride length 19–32 32 444 0.88 <0.001 82
(0.73, 1.03)
Cadence 19–31,33–35 33 468 –0.72 <0.001 77
Peak power 20,21,23,26–29 18 248 –0.72 <0.001 72
generation in (–0.91;–0.53)
stance phase
PEDI mobility 21,25 6 135 0.57 <0.001 0
(0.33, 0.81)
Hip flexion at 20,26,28,34–36 12 110 0.33 0.02 0
initial contact (0.06, 0.60)
GMFM D standing 21,24,25,37 9 188 0.30 0.004 26
(0.10, 0.51)
Speed 19–31,33–35 33 468 0.28 <0.001 76
(0.14, 0.41)
GMFM E walking 21,24,26,37 9 188 0.24 0.02 0
running jumping (0.04;0.45)
PODCI transfers 24 2 30 0.20 0.47 89
(–0.33, 0.73)
Hip flexion in swing 20,25,34 5 50 0.15 0.45 0
phase (–0.24, 0.55)
Tibialis anterior 19,26,28,34 4 44 0.11 0.59 0
activity in stance (–0.31, 0.54)
Knee flexion in swing 19,20,22,23,25,26,34 14 181 0.09 0.38 0
phase (–0.12, 0.3)
Knee extension in 19,20,23,34 8 103 –0.04 0.77 0
stance phase (–0.31, 0.23)
Hip extension in 20,26 5 44 –0.03 0.9 0
stance phase (–0.45, 0.39)
O2 consumption 21,23,25 7 146 0.00 1.0 52
(–0.23, 0.23)
Knee flexion at initial 19,20,22,23,25,26,28 18 211 0.00 0.98 53
contact (–0.20, 0.19)

AFO: ankle-foot orthosis; SMD: standardized mean difference; CI: confidence interval; PODCI: Pediatric Outcomes Data Collec-
tion Instrument; PEDI: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory; GMFM: Gross Motor Function Measure.
Values in bold represent statistically significant result (P < 0.05). Results are classified by decreasing effect size.

studies,19–21,26,29,31,41,46,47,52 barefoot and shoes in 2 AFOs,21,24,26,31,32,34,35,40,50 18 evaluated hinged

studies34 and no information was given in 2 stud- AFOs,19–24,26,27,30,31,36,39–41,43,48,50 11 evaluated solid
ies.37,42 Ten studies evaluated dynamic AFOs,19,21,25–31,39,40 5 evaluated supra-malleolar
Lintanf et al. 5

Figure 1. Flowchart.

orthoses,20,25,28,29,37 2 evaluated ventral shell P < 0.001, n = 444, 32 studies).19–32 There was no
AFOs44,46 and nine evaluated the children’s own significant difference in O2 consumption with
AFOs (the orthosis usually worn by the child, out AFOs according to the data pooled in the meta-
with the study). analysis (SMD = 0.00 (–0.23, 0.23), P = 1.0, n = 146,
Forty-six studies reported results for gait over 7 studies).21,23,26 The results of the non-pooled
level ground, 15 reported the scores of functional studies varied: 3 found no change,31 3 found a
scales,21,24,26,37,40,41,50 2 reported standing balance decrease in energy cost, 1 found a tendency toward
outcomes,36,44 3 reported sit-to-stand transfer a decrease and 1 found an increase in energy cost.45
parameters,39,43 1 study was about gait over level
ground with obstacles,42 3 studies reported on stair
climbing40 and 2 studies were concerned with
Global effects on functional scales
activities of daily living.46,52 Different scales were used: 10 studies used the
GMFM (Gross Motor Function Measure),21,24,26,37,41
9 used the PEDI (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
Global effects on level ground walking
Inventory),21,26,40 and 2 used the PODCI (Pediatric
Although one study found a decrease in speed45 Outcomes Data Collection Instrument).24 Although
and 4 studies found no change in the non-pooled one study found no change in the GMFM (sections
data, there was an increase in speed with AFOs D: standing and E: walking/running/jumping) with
according to the other non-pooled data and the data AFOs,41 the pooled analysis found improvements
pooled in the meta-analysis (SMD = 0.28 (0.14, in sections D (SMD = 0.30 (0.10, 0.51); P = 0.004,
0.41), P < 0.001, n = 468, 33 studies).19–33,35,50,51 n = 188, 9 studies)21,24,26,37 and E (SMD = 0.24
AFOs decreased cadence (SMD = –0.72 (–0.86; (0.04, 0.45); P = 0.02, n = 188, 9 studies).21,24,26,37
–0.59), P < 0.001, n = 468, 33 studies)19–33 and The pooled analysis showed an improvement in the
increased stride length (SMD = 0.88 (0.73, 1.03), mobility score of the PEDI scale (SMD = 0.57

Table 2. Description of the articles.

Motor Task Author year Population AFO Intervention Outcome measures

Type Side Gait pattern Number Age (SD) GMFCS Type Usually Study Control Duration
affected of children wears an no. condition
(male/female) AFO?

Level ground
Mossberg et al. Spastic Bilateral – 18 (10/8) 8.3 (2.8) – Own AFO Y 1 BF Test day Energy cost (at self-
199051 selected speed)
Radtka et al. Spastic Uni-/ Equinus 10 (6/4) 6.5 (1.9) – SAFO; Y 2 BF 1 Mth Spatio-temporal,
199725 bilateral SMO kinematic, EMG
Carlson et al. Spastic Bilateral Equinus/ 11 (6/5) 6.9 (0.7) – SAFO; Y 2 S 4 Mth Spatio-temporal,
199729 crouch SMO kinematic, kinetic
Brunner et al. Spastic Unilateral – 14 (6/8) – SAFO; – 2 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
199830 HAFO kinematic, kinetic
Rethlefsen et al. Spastic Bilateral – 21 (13/8) 9.1 (2.2) – SAFO; Y 2 S 4–6 Wk Kinematic, EMG
199919 HAFO
Crenshaw et al. Spastic Bilateral – 8 (5/3) 8.4 (1.9) – 2 HAFOs; Y 3 S 4 Wk Spatio-temporal,
200020 SMO kinematic, kinetic
Maltais et al. Spastic Bilateral – 10 (8/2) 9 (2.1) 9 I/1 II HAFO Y 1 S 4–6 Wk Energy cost (at
200141 self-selected speed),
Buckon et al., Spastic Unilateral – 30 (21/9) – SAFO; Y 3 S 3 Mth Spatio-temporal,
200121 HAFO; kinematic, kinetic,
DAFO energy cost (at self-
selected speed/fast
walking), functional
Dursun et al. Spastic Uni-/ Equinus 24 (10/14) 6.7 (0.7) – own AFO Y 1 BF Test day Spatio-temporal
200233 bilateral
Smiley et al. Spastic Bilateral – 14 (8/6) – SAFO; – 3 S Test day Spatio-temporal,
200231 HAFO; kinematic, energy
DAFO cost (at self-selected
Buckon et al. Spastic Bilateral – 16 (10/6) 8.4 (2.3) 4 I/12 II SAFO; Y 3 S 3 Mth Spatio-temporal,
200426 HAFO; kinematic, kinetic,
DAFO energy cost (at self-
selected speed/fast
walking), functional
Lam et al. Spastic Bilateral Equinus 13 (7/6) 5.9 (1.8) – SAFO; – 2 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
200528 SMO kinematic, kinetic,
Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)
Table 2. (Continued)

Motor Task Author year Population AFO Intervention Outcome measures

Type Side Gait pattern Number Age (SD) GMFCS Type Usually Study Control Duration
Lintanf et al.

affected of children wears an no. condition

(male/female) AFO?

Radtka et al. Spastic Bilateral Equinus 12 (6/6) 7.5 (3.8) – SAFO; Y 2 BF 2 Wk Spatio-temporal,
200527 HAFO kinematic, kinetic,
Desloovere et al. Spastic Unilateral Equinus 5.86 (1.8) – 2 DAFOs Y 2 BF + S Test day Spatio-temporal,
200634 kinematic, kinetic
Bjornson et al. Spastic – – 4.3 (1.5) I/II/III SMO Y 1 – Test day Functional
Romkes et al. Spastic Unilateral Equinus 10 (4/6) 9.7 (1.6) 8 I/2 II HAFO Y 1 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
200622 kinematic, EMG
Balaban et al. Spastic Unilateral Equinus 11 (7/4) 7.2 (1.2) – HAFO Y 1 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
200723 kinematic, kinetic,
energy cost (at 0.5 m/
Smith et al. Spastic Bilateral Jump gait 7.5 (2.9) 15 I HAFO; – 2 BF 4 Wk Spatio-temporal,
200924 DAFO kinematic, kinetic,
Vanwala et al. Spastic Uni-/ – – – – 1 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
201445 bilateral energy cost
Kerkum et al. Spastic Bilateral Crouch 15 (11/4) 10 (2) 2 I/11 VSAFO Y 1 S 12– Spatio-temporal,
201646 II/2 III 20 Wk kinetic, energy cost,
activity of daily living
Bjornson et al. – Bilateral Equinus/ 1 I/9 own AFO Y 1 S 4 Wk Activities of daily
201652 jump/crouch II/1 III living
Wren et al. – Uni-/ Equinus/ 10 (4/6) 7.5 (2.18) 6 I/4 III DAFO; – 2 BF 4 Wk Spatio-temporal,
201550 bilateral crouch restricted kinematic, kinetic,
HAFO center of pressure
velocity and
Schmid et al. Spastic Unilateral – 10 (9/1) 12 (1.4) 9 I/1 II HAFO – 1 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
201648 kinematic
Bhise Swati 201747 Spastic Bilateral – 10.0 (2.67) – own AFO Y 1 S Test day Spatio-temporal,
energy cost (at self-
selected speed)
Tavernese et al. Spastic Unilateral Equinus/ 8 (4/4) 8.0 (2.2) 8 II flex Y 2 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
201732 recurvatum- DAFO/ kinematic, kinetic
crouch own AFO


Table 2. (Continued)

Motor Task Author year Population AFO Intervention Outcome measures

Type Side Gait pattern Number Age (SD) GMFCS Type Usually Study Control Duration
affected of children wears an no. condition
(male/female) AFO?

Tavernese et al. Spastic Unilateral Equinus/ 7 (4/3) 7.2 (2.2) 4 I/3 II stiff AFO/ Y 2 BF Test day Spatio-temporal,
201732 recurvatum- own AFO kinematic, kinetic
Galli et al. 201649 – Unilateral 11 (7/4) Range = 4–13 I/II own AFO Y 1 BF Test day Gait profile score and
(SMO- gait variable score
Galli et al. 201649 – Uni-/ 10 (5/5) Range = 5–14 I/II own AFO Y 1 BF Test day Gait profile score and
bilateral (SMO- gait variable score
Quiet standing
Rha et al. 201036 Spastic Bilateral Equinus 21 (11/10) 6.1 (1.1) 4 I/13 HAFO – 1 BF Test day Center of pressure’s
II/4 III velocity and
Bahramizadeh et Spastic Bilateral Crouch 8 (2/6) 8.1 (2.4) I/II VSAFO Y 1 BF Test day Center of pressure’s
al. 201244 velocity and
Sit to stand transfer
Wilson et al. Spastic Bilateral Equinus – SAFO; – 2 BF Test day Temporal, kinematic
199739 HAFO
Park et al. 200443 Spastic Bilateral – 3.7 (1.1) – HAFO – 1 BF Test day Temporal, kinematic,
Gait with obstacle crossing
Kott and Held Spastic/ Uni-/ – 28 (20/8) 10.6 (4.5) 19 I/9 II own AFO Y 1 – Test day Functional
200242 Ataxic bilateral/
Stair, climbing/descent
Sienko-Thomas et Spastic Unilateral – 19 (11/8) – SAFO; Y 3 BF 3 Mth Spatio-temporal,
al. 200240 HAFO; kinematic, functional

AFO: ankle-foot orthosis; BF: barefoot; SAFO: solid ankle-foot orthosis; SMO: supra-malleolar ankle-foot orthosis; HAFO: hinged ankle-foot orthosis; DAFO: dynamic ankle-foot orthosis; VSAFO:
ventral shell ankle-foot orthosis; Y: yes; N: no; EMG: electromyography; S: with shoes; Mth: Month(s); Wk: Week(s).
Bold represents articles pooled in the meta-analysis.
Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)
Lintanf et al. 9

(0.33, 0.81), P < 0.001, n = 135, 6 studies).21,26 conditions (Supplementary Material 4). The meta-
Improvements in the PODCI score (sports and analysis found no significant difference in knee
physical function items) were also found for the flexion at initial contact (SMD = 0.00 (–0.20, 0.19),
pooled results of 2 studies (SMD = 0.91 (0.36, P = 0.98, n = 211, 18 studies),19,20,22,23,25,26,32 during
1.46), P = 0.001, n = 30, 2 studies);24 however, there swing phase (SMD = 0.09 (–0.12, 0.3), P = 0.38,
was no effect on PODCI score for transfers 181 children, 14 studies)19,20,22,23,25,26,28 and in knee
(SMD = 0.20 (–0.33, 0.73), P = 0.47, n = 30, 2 extension during stance phase (SMD = –0.04
studies).24 (–0.31, 0.23), P = 0.77, n = 103, 8 studies).19,20,23,28
The results of 5 non-pooled studies in children with
unilateral cerebral palsy did not show any real
Global effects on balance change in knee kinematics with AFOs.21,34 Hip
Four studies found no significant effect of AFOs on flexion at initial contact increased (SMD = 0.33
standing postural control in children with bilateral (0.06, 0.60), P = 0.02, n = 110, 12 stud-
cerebral palsy.36,44,50 Use of AFOs did not change ies).20,25,27,28,32,34 No other kinematic changes were
the pediatric balance scale score in one study.42 found for the hip in the meta-analysis.
There was a decrease in peak power generation
in stance in the studies included in the meta-analy-
Global effects on sit to stand transfers sis (SMD = –0.72 (–0.91; –0.53), P < 0.001, n = 248,
Two studies found a significant decrease in sit-to- 18 studies) and in the non-pooled studies included
stand transfer time as well as kinematic changes in in the systematic review.20,21,23,26–29,32,34 One study
young children with bilateral cerebral palsy with found a decrease in tibialis anterior muscle activity
AFOs.39,43 at initial contact using AFOs in the systematic
review.22 However, neither the other studies nor the
pooled analysis found a change in tibialis anterior
Global effects on gait with obstacle activation time (SMD = 0.11 (–0.31, 0.54), P = 0.59,
crossing and stair climbing n = 44, 4 studies of tibialis anterior activation in
One study evaluated obstacle crossing in children stance phase).19,25,27,28
with different types of cerebral palsy who were More specifically, hinged AFOs improved gait
wearing their own orthoses and found no signifi- parameters significantly more than other orthoses,
cant effect of the orthoses.42 Use of AFOs did not particularly gait speed (SMD = 0.35 (0.11, 0.59),
reduce stair climbing ability and they improved P = 0.004, n = 158, 11 studies).19–24,26,27,30,31
foot contact position during stair ascent.40 Dynamic AFOs produced the greatest effect sizes
on stride length (SMD = 1.47 (1.12, 1.82), P < 0.001,
6 studies, n = 89),21,24,26,31 cadence (SMD = –1.16
Activities of daily living (–1.50; –0.82), P < 0.001, 6 studies, n = 89),21,24,26,31
AFOs did not change the total daily strides in aver- and ankle kinematics at initial contact (SMD = 2.13
age hour of walking per day or the peak activity (1.68, 2.58), P < 0.001, 5 studies, n = 75).21,26,32
index.46,52 Supra-malleolar orthoses did not reduce peak ankle
power generation in stance phase (SMD = 0.00
(–0.5, 0.49), P = 0.99, 3 studies, n = 32),20,28,29 pro-
Effect of each type of orthosis on gait duced the smallest effect sizes on the ankle at ini-
For children with equinus gait, use of a posterior tial contact (SMD = 0.85 (0.38, 1.32), P < 0.001, 4
AFO increased ankle dorsiflexion at initial contact studies, n = 42)20,25,28 and during swing phase
(SMD = 1.65 (1.47, 1.83), P < 0.001, n = 384 chil- (SMD = 0.81 (0.16, 1.46), P = 0.02, 2 studies,
dren, 28 studies)19–28,32,34,48 and during swing n = 21)20,28 and also on cadence (SMD = –0.44
(SMD = 1.34 (1.13, 1.56), P < 0.001, n = 226, 16 (–0.88, 0.00), P = 0.05, 4 studies, n = 42)20,25,28,29
studies)20,21,23,26,28,32,34 compared with the control Solid AFOs reduced peak power generation with a
10 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

large effect size (SMD = –1.24 (–1.61; –0.86), moderate level of evidence for small-to-moderate
P < 0.001, 4 studies, n = 69).21,26–29 None of these improvements in gross motor function. There was
orthoses induced significant kinematic changes at a low level of evidence (from non-pooled data) that
the hip or knee. AFOs affected neither balance nor activities of
Ventral shell AFOs reduced knee flexion in daily living. A strong level of evidence was found
stance by 2.4°, and a tendency toward a reduction for small-to-large changes in biomechanical
in energy cost was found in one study.46 parameters during level ground walking using pos-
terior AFOs in children with equinus gait (increased
ankle dorsiflexion at initial contact and during
Effects of AFOs on gait as a function of
swing). Some specific effects of type of orthosis as
type of cerebral palsy well as the effects in children with unilateral and
In the pooled results, gait speed only increased sig- bilateral cerebral palsy were highlighted.
nificantly with AFOs in children with unilateral There are some limitations to the conclusions
cerebral palsy (SMD = 0.45 (0.21–0.69), P < 0.001, drawn by this review. The strength of the conclu-
n = 174, 13 studies) (Supplementary Material 5).21– sions depends on the completeness of the data
23,25,26,30,32,34 The effect sizes for the parameters that reported. Non-bibliographic database sources were
changed significantly with AFOs (stride length, not searched and articles in languages other than
cadence and ankle dorsiflexion at initial contact English and French were not included, so some
and during swing) were greater in children with articles may have been missed. In order to be as
unilateral cerebral palsy than in those with bilateral complete as possible, studies reported within the
cerebral palsy. The decrease in peak ankle power same article were analyzed separately, which may
generation was similar in children with unilateral have increased the weighting of some of the data.
and bilateral cerebral palsy. Oxygen consumption However, the funnel plots for the meta-analysis
decreased significantly only in children with bilat- showed no publication bias. The articles included
eral cerebral palsy (SMD = –0.51 (–0.91; –0.10), were of moderate to good quality, but, apart from
P = 0.02, n = 48, 3 studies),26 a similar trend was one study,24 the number of subjects needed for sta-
found in four of the eight studies included in the tistical power was not calculated, which reduced
systematic review.41,46,47,51 Regarding kinematic the strength of conclusions that could be drawn
scores, two studies reported that the gait profile from the results. For future studies, randomization
score described by Baker35 was significantly and calculation of the number of subjects needed
reduced in children with unilateral cerebral palsy would improve robustness and the reliability and
and unchanged in children with bilateral cerebral quality of evidence.16 Despite the exclusion of arti-
palsy.49 cles evaluating ventral shell AFOs, and those arti-
cles where it was impossible to determine if the
children had an equinus gait in the meta-analysis,
Discussion the I2 results from 9 of 19 articles (Table 1) for the
This systematic review and meta-analysis reports total study population suggested that the study
current evidence and quantified effectiveness of designs and results were heterogeneous, a fact
AFOs in children with cerebral palsy, according to which can limit the generalization of results. This
the International Classification of Functioning dis- heterogeneity persisted in the subgroup analysis
ability and health (ICF) body function and struc- for each type of cerebral palsy and orthosis, prob-
ture (mechanical) and activity categories. The ably because of the diversity of the population of
studies found included a large majority of children children with cerebral palsy, different gait patterns,
with spastic cerebral palsy, and most evaluated tests conditions and designs of orthoses. More spe-
posterior AFOs. The results showed a strong level cific subgroup analysis, for example, of children
of evidence for small-to-large improvements in with the same gait pattern and the same AFO would
spatio-temporal parameters using AFOs, and a have provided more homogeneous results but were
Lintanf et al. 11

not possible because of a lack of description of The main results of this study were reported
study samples and orthoses. Most articles provided for ambulant children with spastic cerebral palsy.
partial information regarding gait patterns, but not These data are useful for global decision making
clear kinematic data. Similarly, the description of in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Because
each orthosis should have included its goal, type, of the large majority of children with spastic cer-
material, full details of design, stiffness and ankle ebral palsy included, results cannot be general-
angle;13,17,18,53 however, this was rarely provided. It ized to children with dyskinetic and ataxic
is thus not possible to conclude regarding the bio- cerebral palsy. Subgroup analyses were con-
mechanical effect of the different orthoses in sub- ducted to determine specific effects in children
groups with specific gait patterns. with unilateral and bilateral cerebral palsy, as
This meta-analysis and systematic review well as for posterior AFOs and other types of
reports evidence of a positive effect of AFOs on orthosis, data which are more pertinent for clini-
gross motor function (ICF: activity) in children cal practice. The results suggested AFOs improve
with cerebral palsy, as shown by the D and E sub- gait parameters (step length, ankle kinematics
sections of the GMFM, the mobility subsection of and gait speed) more in children with unilateral
the PEDI and the sports and physical function sub- cerebral palsy than with bilateral cerebral palsy.
section of the PODCI. The results showed AFOs Reducing energy cost may be a better target for
produce a large increase in stride length, and a mod- children with bilateral cerebral palsy. Regarding
erate decrease in cadence, inducing a small increase the type of orthosis, hinged AFOs increased gait
in gait speed. In children with equinus gait who speed, dynamic AFOs had a large effect on ankle
used posterior AFOs, these effects were largely due kinematics at initial contact and stride length,
to large increases in ankle dorsiflexion in the stance supra-malleolar orthoses did not alter peak ankle
phase and moderate increases in dorsiflexion in the power generation and solid AFOs had a large
swing phase. No moderate or large changes in hip negative effect on propulsion. These results from
or knee kinematics were found. Some parameters the meta-analysis help to understand the effects
that could have improved gross motor function of AFOs and can be used to guide the prescription
(ICF: activity) were not modified or were actually of orthoses in a specific subgroup of children
worsened with AFOs (balance, oxygen consump- with cerebral palsy, depending on the improve-
tion, peak ankle power generation). Thus, it seems ment sought. For example, the results suggest
reasonable to attribute the small-to-moderate that if the aim is to improve the gait speed in a
improvement in gross motor function to the distal child with unilateral cerebral palsy, a hinged AFO
biomechanical effects of AFOs in those children. would be the most appropriate. In a child with
There was a positive relationship between the bio- either unilateral or bilateral cerebral palsy, if the
mechanical effect and the effect on activity with aim is to improve ankle kinematics, a dynamic
AFOs. Most of the studies in this review evaluated AFO would be appropriate. Because of the lack
gait during level ground walking, therefore more of studies of ventral shell AFOs, no conclusions
studies are needed to evaluate the biomechanical can be drawn regarding their efficacy. The analy-
effect of AFOs in different conditions (e.g. stair sis of other specific subgroups such as different
climbing and running) to increase understanding of gait patterns was limited by the lack of descrip-
the improvements in gross motor function. tion in the articles included. Further robust stud-
Interestingly, only two recent articles evaluated ies are required to provide high levels of evidence
activities of daily living as an outcome. Given the for different subgroups and specific gait patterns.
paucity of data in this area and low level of evi- Such studies would increase understanding of the
dence regarding the effects of AFOs on activities of biomechanical effects of AFOs, as well as the
daily living and participation, we believe that more relationships between body function and struc-
studies should be carried out. ture (mechanical) and activity.
12 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

5. Figueiredo EM, Ferreira GB, Moreira RC, et al. Efficacy

of ankle-foot orthoses on gait of children with cerebral
Clinical Messages palsy: systematic review of literature. Pediatr Phys Ther
2008; 20(3): 207–223.
•• Ankle-foot orthoses improve slightly gait
6. Neto HP, Grecco LA, Galli M, et al. Comparison of articu-
speed and small to moderately gross lated and rigid ankle-foot orthoses in children with cer-
motor function in children with spastic ebral palsy: a systematic review. Pediatr Phys Ther 2012;
cerebral palsy. 24(4): 308–312.
•• Posterior orthoses induce large changes 7. Aboutorabi A, Arazpour M, Bani MA, et al. Efficacy of
ankle foot orthoses types on walking in children with cer-
in ankle kinematics in children with equi-
ebral palsy: a systematic review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med
nus gait. 2017; 60: 393–402.
•• Few data on the effect of ankle-foot 8. Morris C, Bowers R, Ross K, et al. Orthotic management
orthoses on activities of daily living are of cerebral palsy: recommendations from a consensus
available. conference. Neurorehabilitation 2011; 28(1): 37–46.
9. Kerkum YL, Brehm M-A, Buizer AI, et al. Defining
the mechanical properties of a spring-hinged ankle
Acknowledgements foot orthosis to assess its potential use in children with
The authors sincerely thank Johanna Robertson for her spastic cerebral palsy. J Appl Biomech 2014; 30(6):
help with the English translation of this article. 728–731.
10. Van Gestel L, Molenaers G, Huenaerts C, et al. Effect of
dynamic orthoses on gait: a retrospective control study in
Declaration of Conflicting Interests children with hemiplegia. Dev Med Child Neurol 2008;
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest 50(1): 63–67.
with respect to the research, authorship and/or publica- 11. Ries AJ, Novacheck TF and Schwartz MH. The efficacy
tion of this article. of ankle-foot orthoses on improving the gait of children
with diplegic cerebral palsy: a multiple outcome analysis.
PM R 2015; 7: 922–929.
Funding 12. Lucareli PR, Mde O, Lucarelli JG, et al. Changes in joint
The author(s) received no financial support for the kinematics in children with cerebral palsy while walk-
research, authorship and/or publication of this article. ing with and without a floor reaction ankle-foot orthosis.
Clinics 2007; 62(1): 63–68.
13. Brehm M-A, Harlaar J and Schwartz M. Effect of ankle-
Supplementary material foot orthoses on walking efficiency and gait in chil-
Supplementary material is available for this article dren with cerebral palsy. J Rehabil Med 2008; 40(7):
online. 529–534.
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