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Name : Rizkia Nur Annisa

Stambuk : A12120012

Class. : A

A. Background of The Research

In the learning process, students must have writing competence. Writing

competence can make students express their ideas creatively. Meanwhile, writing

is a difficult skill to be mastered by students, especially writing in English. It is

said that students can speak English fluently but they have difficulty in writing

with the correct use of linguistic rules such as composing vocabulary in writing.

Base on Richard and Renandya (2002:303) state in Ratnaningsih (Gardner,

2016), that writing is the most difficult skill for second or foreign language learner

to master. Some students can speak English fluency and confidently, although

they have diffulties in conveying their writing skills.

In school teachers rarely pay attention to student writing and there is no

test to test students’ writing skills for junior high school or senior high school

levels, which is why students’ writing skills are not good.

The writer chooses the Grammaly application as a technique in teaching

writing because the use of this application is in accordance with what is needed by

both teachers and students. By using this application, students can learn and know

how to use vocabulary properly in writing. That is why the writer chose “USING


this research.

B. Problem Statement

1. What is the process of teaching writing by using Grammaly


2. What are the result of teaching writing using Grammaly


C. Objective of the Research

1. To find out how the process of learning to write using


2. To find out the results of learning to write using the Grammaly


D. Significant of the Research

The writer really expects that this study will be useful and can give
contribution to some parties, as follow:

1. For the English teacher, they can use this application to improve
students' writing skills in the teaching and learning process.

2. For students, the use of learning models by using applications in

writing will certainly attract attention in learning. Students become
motivated to learn to write using this application because it is
considered not monotonous or boring so that students can easily
express creative ideas in writing.

E. Scope Of The Research

The research will focus specifically on using the Grammaly application

to improve students’ writing skills.

This study also explores students' ability in writing before using the

Grammaly application and after using the application whether there is a

significant change or not.

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