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daily newspaper of the year

Friday May 17 2024 | | No 74411 £2.80 £2.00 to subscribers

(based on a 7 Day Print and Digital Subscription)

How to
Toyboys v older men? revamp
your home
No contest Katie Glass, 43
on a budget

Relief for homeowners as big lenders reduce mortgage rates

Rachel Mortimer will spur other lenders to follow suit. the rate on one of its five-year fixes landlords. TSB has cut rates on some of The average two-year fixed rate is
Hina Bhudia, of Knight Frank Finance, from 4.77 per cent to 4.32 per cent for its two and five-year deals. 5.92 per cent and the average five-year
Homeowners will have cheaper mort- said: “HSBC already had many of the borrowers remortgaging with a 40 per Lenders increased costs last month deal is priced at 5.49 per cent, according
gages after three high street lenders cut cheapest deals on the high street, so this cent deposit. For a borrower with a and early this month after forecasts of to the analyst Moneyfacts.
rates on more than 100 deals, ending is quite a statement of intent. We’ll have £200,000 loan over a 25-year term this an interest rate cut by the Bank of About 800,000 households will come
weeks of increases. to wait and see, but I’d be surprised if we would reduce the monthly payment England were pushed back. When the off fixed-rate deals and on to higher
Barclays, HSBC and TSB are all set to don’t see more lenders cut rates.” from £1,143 to £1,092. Bank held borrowing costs at a 16-year rates before November, according to
reduce fixed-rate deals, saving house- Barclays will reduce its fixed rates on HSBC will reduce interest rates on high of 5.25 per cent last week, it sig- analysis by the Liberal Democrats and
holds hundreds of pounds a year. purchase and remortgage deals by up to more than 100 of its deals fixed at two, nalled that a rate cut may come as soon the House of Commons library.
Brokers are confident that the cuts 0.45 percentage points today. It will cut five and ten years for homeowners and as next month if inflation keeps falling.

crisis means
extra NHS
cash wasted
Bosses take some of blame for stranded patients
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor as sending more patients home on the
day of their arrival, according to the
Hospitals are struggling to treat more review, but even after adjusting for this,
people despite increased funding and hospitals are 11 per cent less productive
extra staff because thousands more than before the pandemic began.
patients are stranded on wards without An increase in delayed discharges
anywhere to be discharged, an internal from hospital has been identified as a
NHS review has concluded. key problem as staff have lost focus on
The most comprehensive internal sending people home quickly. The
study of NHS efficiency has caused number of people stuck in hospital for
health chiefs to accept that they have a more than three weeks is 15 per cent
problem, while promising to improve. higher than before Covid.
However, NHS bosses also believe A source said: “Length of stay is one
that about half of the productivity of the biggest single issues [behind
problem is beyond their control. They falling productivity], particularly
say that the teetering social care system emergency patients who are stuck in Royal baby boom Queen Elizabeth cradling Prince Edward, Princess Margaret with her daughter Sarah, Princess Alexandra
makes it far harder for staff to free up hospital for longer. Some of it is because with James Ogilvy and the Duchess of Kent with her child Helen, photographed in 1964 by the Earl of Snowdon, Margaret’s
beds, that an older, sicker population people are now sicker and frailer, but husband. The previously unseen photograph is part of an exhibition at Buckingham Palace, from today.
requires more care and that strikes there are definitely more delays.
have delayed hundreds of thousands of “There are things the NHS can do
Rishi Sunak has been pressing the
about that in terms of improving
processes and every single trust and
King ‘is getting better but needs to behave’
NHS to improve its productivity as [care board] is trying to get back to the
figures show that it is performing barely levels seen pre-pandemic.” Kate Mansey carried out an investiture at Windsor, Ascot and Trooping the Colour, as well
more routine treatments than before Although NHS staff numbers are up, attended a garden party at Buckingham as the 80th D-Day anniversary com-
the pandemic, despite a £20 billion this is driven by inexperienced junior The Queen said yesterday that the Palace and a service at St Paul’s Cathe- memorations next month. On Monday
increase in funding and about 15 per staff, and older, more knowledgeable King was “getting better”, before dral, and unveiled a portrait of himself. he joins Camilla at the Chelsea Flower
cent more doctors and nurses. doctors and nurses have left the service. sneaking in a telling caveat: “Well, he The King returned to frontline public Show after it was announced that he
Last year the NHS opened its inter- Bosses believe that this has harmed would be if he behaved himself.” duties this month after his doctors were will be patron of the Royal Horticultur-
nal review after initially downplaying productivity and are planning a train- Camilla has made no secret of her “sufficiently pleased” with his progress. al Society, taking over from his mother.
concerns as a measurement issue. ing and management blitz to help view that the King should slow down Camilla, 76, told guests at a garden
Now Julian Kelly, finance director for junior staff. They have also promised a after his cancer diagnosis this year. party at Lamb House in Rye, East
NHS England, has acknowledged that host of other improvements, including Although palace aides have said Sussex, yesterday that her husband was
productivity “is still lower than it was modernising computer systems. Charles, 75, will not have a full summer “quite cross” that he could not attend
pre-pandemic”. However, the source said the review schedule of engagements, he has had a because he was a fan of EF Benson, the
About a third of the apparent drop in had concluded that about half of the busy diary this week. On Monday he writer who once lived at the property.
productivity is attributable to statistics
failing to capture improvements such
productivity gap was “outside the handed over his colonelcy of the Army
Air Corps to the Prince of Wales. He has
The King shows no sign of slowing
down. He is expected to attend Royal
y(7HB7E2*OTSNPQ( |||+$!"'
2 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Today’s highlights Only Tories can be trusted to

Peter Kyle, shadow science secretary
Matt Chorley speaks to former MP Gyles
Brandreth, right, about what it’s like in a
cut taxes, claims chancellor
government heading for electoral oblivion
6.15pm The Thick of It with Jonathan Yeo, Steven Swinford Political Editor the autumn statement and spring bud- ment as sure as night follows day,” he
portrait artist for the King get, this has been dwarfed by the impact will say. “Taxes will go down under a
6.35pm The Ladder with Dame Jo Da Silva, Jeremy Hunt will say today that the tax of so-called stealth taxes — freezes in Conservative government because we
disaster relief specialist rises the government has implemented the thresholds for income tax — which will do the hard work necessary to keep
7.30pm Alexis Conran live from The Sunday were “necessary” and that only his will drag millions of people into higher our economy competitive.”
Times Wine Club Festival at Kensington party can be trusted to lower them after bands as their incomes rise. Economists have said that the eco-
the election. Hunt will say: “Labour likes to criti- nomy is in such a dire state that who-
The tax burden is on course to reach cise tax rises this parliament, thinking ever wins the general election will need
37 per cent of national income, the people don’t know why they have gone to either raise taxes or cut public spend-
highest level since the Second World up — the furlough scheme, the energy ing to meet fiscal rules.
War, after a series of increases under price guarantee and billions of pounds Yesterday Sir Keir Starmer refused to
the Tories. of cost of living support, policies Labour rule out tax rises. Asked whether he
In a speech in central London, the themselves supported. Which is why it would repeat Tony Blair’s pledge not to
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N chancellor will say that the rises were is playground politics to use those tax raise income tax, he told Robert Peston
needed to fund the furlough scheme rises to distract debate from the biggest on ITV: “After the last 14 years, where
during the pandemic and shield people divide in British politics — which is we’ve now got a higher tax take than
from soaring energy bills after Russia what happens next. we’ve had in our entire history, I think
NEWS SPORT TIMES2 invaded Ukraine. “Conservatives recognise that whilst the last thing anybody wants is more
He will insist that under a Tory gov- those tax rises may have been neces- tax rises. And I actually think that if you
ernment, “taxes will go down” and will sary, they should not be permanent. La- look at the levers that a government
accuse Rachel Reeves, the shadow bour do not.” He will say the Tories are can pull, I know that traditionally La-
chancellor, of planning to raise them. “prepared to do the hard work” to bring bour may have gone for the tax lever,
Hunt will restate his ambition to down taxes “because we know doing so but that isn’t the way I operate. I want to
scrap national insurance, which Labour will lead to more growth”. He will stress go for the growth lever.
has said amounts to an unfunded that the Tories’ “ultimate aim” is to con- “There there are things we can do
£46 billion pledge. tinue cutting national insurance until it when it comes to planning that ... work-
The chancellor will attempt to tackle is eliminated, but only “when it is ing with businesses, forming the part-
head-on Labour’s criticism of the rising affordable to do so”. nerships that we need, so we can get
PYRAMID RIDDLE UNREFORMED HOODIE ROMEO tax burden under the Conservatives, in However, Hunt will claim that La- that growth going very, very quickly.”
an effort to shift the debate. While the bour will raise taxes if it wins. “Taxes will
A lost branch of the Gianni Infantino, the Tom Holland does Tories cut national insurance by 4p in go up under any future Labour govern-
Nile is revealed in Fifa president, rolls a totally teenage
satellite images back his changes Shakespeare
Labour denies green energy ‘Just 20’ will
be on first
415 days since Wall Street Journal
reporter Evan Gershkovich
was detained in Russia
scheme could cost £82bn
Aubrey Allegretti
Chief Political Correspondent
investment could be needed, Reed said:
“It may well.” He did not specify whe-
ther the sum was based on public or
Rwanda flight
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor
Labour has distanced itself from com- private investment, or a mixture of
COMMENT 21 WORLD 26 SPORT 56 ments by one of its shadow ministers, both. Reed added that for every £1 of The Rwanda scheme has been widened
LETTERS 24 BUSINESS 31 CROSSWORD 66 who suggested that a green energy taxpayers’ money invested, Labour to include all failed asylum seekers
LEADING ARTICLES 25 REGISTER 49 TV & RADIO TIMES2 scheme could cost as much as £82 bil- expected a further £3 would be com- because of “rising panic” that the Home
lion over the next decade. mitted by private investors. Office will not manage to get more than
Steve Reed, the shadow environment However, Labour intervened to say 20 migrants on the first flights, govern-
Why so many women secretary, appeared open to the signifi-
cant sum being spent to scale up Great
his comment was wrong. A party
spokesman said: “Steve misspoke. The
ment sources have said.
This week James Cleverly, the home
have traumatic births British Energy. cost of GB Energy is £8.3 billion, fully secretary, said that the UK and Rwanda
The Labour has pledged to create a pub- funded by our windfall tax on the oil had agreed to broaden the criteria to in-

Story An inquiry has called for a

transformation of maternity
care, exposing a system where
licly owned clean power company,
arguing that it would reduce consum-
ers’ bills and boost Britain’s energy
and gas giants making record profits at
the expense of the British people.”
Richard Holden, the Conservative
clude anyone who had ever been re-
jected for asylum in the UK. Previously
it covered migrants who have arrived
security by building greater resilience Party chairman, said Reed “accepted since January 2021.
poor care is “all too frequently against price shocks from imports. that figure from the TUC it could cost A Home Office source said that there
tolerated”. Hannah Barnes talks Sir Keir Starmer committed Labour £82 billion to create GB Energy”. He was concern that the high rate of attri-
to Manveen Rana about the to the plan in a speech in Essex yester- added that it showed Labour did not tion due to legal challenges would re-
day, hailing it as a way to “harness clean have a “clear plan”. duce the number of migrants on the
birth that left her traumatised British power” and an investment in the Labour has sought to “bomb-proof” first flight by so much that there would
Available on the Times Radio app or future. About £8.3 billion has been ear- its policies by only committing to be no more than 20 on board.
wherever you get your podcasts marked for the project over the course spending that it says is fully costed. The It is also thought that including asy-
of five years. money for GB Energy is said to come lum seekers who have had their claims
However, Reed was pressed on sug- from levying a “proper” windfall tax on comprehensively rejected and whose
gestions from the Trades Union Con- oil and gas giants. However, the party claims have gone through several ap-
OFFER gress (TUC) that the true scale of has faced calls to increase the amount peals will reduce the threat of legal
investment needed was between of money allocated to set up GB challenges scuppering their removal.
Save up to 30% with a subscription to £61 billion and £82 billion over ten Energy. In February the Common The Home Office said: “We do not re-
The Times and The Sunday Times years. Asked on LBC hours after Starm-
er’s speech if such a significant level of
Wealth think tank said there should be
an initial injection of £30 billion.
cognise these claims and they do not re-
flect our current operational planning.”

THE WEATHER continued from page 1 after her social care policy was called a cent and you are not doing any more
NHS admits productivity failures “dementia tax” in the 2017 election with it, you’ve got to confront that.”
campaign, but she insisted that the However, they warned against using
NHS’s control: industrial action, social “assumption that government is always wider problems as an excuse, saying:
22 care, rising [sickness] of patients”. going to pay” had to be challenged. “Social care is definitely an element of
Strikes alone are thought to account NHS bosses also argue that ministers this. But the NHS would need to make
for a third of the fall in productivity. must address a £12 billion maintenance sure it’s done everything within its gift
19 7 Councils contending with a budget backlog. The source said: “There is a before making those wider arguments
crisis are struggling to help frail elderly productivity hit to having operating about where else the problem is.”
people, making it harder for NHS staff theatres that are being closed because Dr Layla McCay, of the NHS Confed-
to send them home. “To finally solve the roof is leaking.” eration, said: “Health leaders recognise
the problem there needs to be a more However, they accept that they must they have an important role to make
21 sustainable position for social care,” the show they are addressing issues before the best of the resources they are
21 source said. seeking more money. They pointed to a given.” However, she said that improv-
11 On Tuesday the former prime fall of £500 million in the spend on ing productivity would “forever be a
minister Theresa May said that social agency staff, and to an increase in challenge if the government does not
care had “got to be addressed” as she diagnostic tests and GP appointments. wake up to the scale of the population’s
Most of the country will enjoy sunny warned that the middle classes would A government source welcomed the health problems”.
spells with the chance of a few have to pay more for their care in old findings, saying: “If you’re any organi-
heavy showers. age. May lost her Commons majority sation and your staff is up by 15 to 20 per
the times | Friday May 17 2024 3


Some of the cast of Megalopolis, which was written, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, centre with hat and cane, at the Cannes Film Festival. Adam Driver, below, plays an architect in the film

Coppola’s epic of
matter because — look — there’s Shia
LaBeouf, completely off the leash, and
seemingly acting in his own movie as
a Judas Priest groupie called Clodio
Pulcher. He’s about to be investigated
by Dustin Hoffman’s corporate fixer

hot air and waffle

Nush Berman until Hoffman
inexplicably disappears from the film.
Then there’s Laurence Fishburne,
effectively playing Catilina’s wise
black butler, which is not a great look.
Or there’s Aubrey Plaza miscast in

is a megaflopolis
one of only two sizeable female roles,
playing a vampy seductress called
Wow Platinum (I know, stop!), who
seems to have emerged directly from
a raunchy Sharon Stone thriller.
The other female role is the
idealistic Julia Cicero, played by the
British actress Nathalie Emmanuel at
Film Kevin Maher Godfather, and yes, it’s inspiring to a pontificating bore who likes For instance, Catilina plans his her most bamboozled.
witness an 85-year-old film-maker discussing the merits of city planning huge city-wide reforms from an office Julia’s tasks as a character include
working on ostensibly epic material, and human creativity. in the Chrysler Building, and there falling for Catilina’s genius, drooling
Megalopolis but also, well, no. This is 138 Catilina is the chairman of the becomes an enemy target for the evil over the size of his Megalon, and
stultifying minutes of ill-conceived Design Authority in a near-future banker Hamilton Crassus (Jon Voight) eventually succumbing to one of the
Cannes Film Festival themes, half-finished scenes, New York that has been awkwardly and the resentful mayor Franklyn worst, creepiest kisses in screen
HIIII nails-along-the-blackboard renamed New Rome and given a Cicero (yep, even the names become history. This is not a great movie for
performances, word-salad dialogue lethargic semi-classical makeover. wearisome). women.
and ugly visuals all seemingly in Here the locals read “Tempus” Catilina, we learn, has also invented It’s not, in fairness, a great movie
Forty years in the making, search of a story that isn’t there. magazine (for Time) and the women a new building material called for men either, or human beings in
$120 million of his money, and In its place, instead, is a bizarre are conveniently forced to wear Megalon that is glowy and yellow and general. It’s all hot air and waffle held
Francis Ford Coppola finally delivers version of exposition overload that transparent togas (the men still do promises to revolutionise something together, barely, by film-making at its
this head-wrecking abomination. mostly features Adam Driver in a suits, natch), but otherwise it’s about something that’s never fully most threadbare.
Yes, he changed cinema with The Madchester haircut as Cesar Catilina, basically New York. explained. But it doesn’t seem to In cinemas later this year

£22m auction is surreal turnaround for forgotten British artist

Kieran Gair for $475,500 ($974,500 today). The
Women of worth Lancashire-born artist created the
In the space of just ten minutes, the work at 28, soon after she moved to
biography of Britain’s “forgotten” surre- 6 Louise Bourgeois’s Spider became Mexico as part of a wave of surrealist
alist, Leonora Carrington, was rewrit- the most expensive sculpture by a artists who emigrated to the Americas
ten by an Argentinian billionaire. contemporary female artist, selling after the Second World War. Painted in
With the thud of the auctioneer’s for $32 million in 2019. 1945, the psychedelic scenes are
hammer, Carrington, who died in 2011 6 Jenny Saville’s works are the most inspired by the life of Frankish ruler
aged 94, became the most valuable expensive at auction for a female Dagobert, who lived in the 7th century.
British-born female artist at auction. painter. In 2018 her oil painting It shows a variety of moments includ-
“I was the underbidder 30 years ago,” The painting, Les Propped sold for $12.4 million. ing volcanoes, a lake of fire engulfing an
said Eduardo F Costantini, the win- Distractions de 6 Julie Mehretu broke the record for inverted idol and a watery world in
ning bidder and founder of the Museum Dagobert, by the the highest price for any work by an which a giant with a double animal
of Latin American Art. “I didn’t want to Lancashire-born African-born artist when Walkers head holds a human-faced puffer fish.
miss it this time.” He bought Carring- artist Leonora With the Dawn and Morning fetched “It’s got very complex imagery, all
ton’s Les Distractions de Dagobert, a sur- Carrington, is $10.7 million last November. those different vignettes,” said Emma-
realist fantasy completed in 1945, for considered one 6 Lee Bontecou’s collage-like work nuel Di Donna, an art dealer who
£22 million after a fierce duel at Sothe- of her greatest Untitled, from 1959-60, sold for included it in Surrealism in Mexico, a
by’s in New York on Wednesday night. $9.1 million in November 2021. 2019 exhibition at his Manhattan gal-
Carrington — whose colourful life 6 La Valse (The Waltz) by Camille lery. “It’s one of her great paintings.”
included several expulsions from Claudel sold in 2013 for £6.6 million. Gabriel Weisz Carrington, her son
school, family estrangement and a stay Source: Barnebys auction house and a professor of comparative litera-
at a psychiatric hospital — is now the ture, said: “Leonora studied with great
fourth highest-selling surrealist of all care and attention the northern Renais-
time and the fifth highest-selling however, has been the subject of admired works in the history of surreal- dios Varo and another record-breaking sance painters and the Quattrocento.
female artist of any era, Sotheby’s said. renewed interest in recent years as ism” and “an unparalleled masterpiece Frida Kahlo are also found.” Les Distractions de Dagobert combines
She was routinely described as for- audiences seek to re-evaluate female of Latin American art”, Costantini The sale exceeded Carrington’s pre- these influences in an extraordinary ex-
gotten, overlooked or neglected, her tal- surrealists. Widely recognised as the de- said. He added: “This masterpiece will vious record of £2.6 million, set in the ploration of objects and textures, con-
ent overshadowed by her relationship fining masterpiece of her career, Les Dis- be part of a collection where, amongst auction house in 2022. The unknown juring chromatic fire and illuminating
with the artist Max Ernst. Carrington, tractions de Dagobert is “one of the most others, two important works by Reme- seller bought her masterpiece in 1995 our inner space in a fiery meditation.”
4 S1 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Reddy for action
Air Vice-Marshal Quintagram® No 1944
Mark Flewin
Solve all five concise clues using
visited the
each letter underneath once only
Red Arrows on
Exercise 1 Satellite (4)
Springhawk in
Greece, a training ----
phase before the 2 Fierce mammal (5)
display season,
to see the new -----
choreography. 3 Traditional dairy deliverer (7)
He awarded the
Royal Air Force -------
Aerobatic Team, 4 Shame, ignominy (8)
as it is officially
known, Public --------
Display Authority 5 At sea, away from the coast (8)
for 2024.
The Red Arrows --------
team consists of A A C D E E E F
11 pilots, nine of
whom fly in the F G G H I I I K
display, and more L M M M N N O O
than 100 support
personnel. The O O R R R S S T
team is based at Solutions see T2 MindGames p15
RAF Waddington Cryptic clues T2 MindGames p14
in Lincolnshire.

6am to 10am
Our free radio station has all the
latest headlines, interviews and
debates every morning
Listen seven days a week
and smart

Universities ‘must change or die’ as Private school

‘out of reach’
student numbers fall and debts rise after fees soar
Nicola Woolcock Education Editor to recruit significant numbers of extra needs. However, these providers also number of home and EU applicants Nicola Woolcock
students means that there is significant often have healthy cash reserves, con- through Ucas fell by 3.1 per cent and
More universities are at risk of falling risk that the actual financial challenges siderable asset bases, capacity to bor- 2.3 per cent respectively between Janu- Independent school fees rose by 8 per
into debt and some need to make dras- facing the sector in the short, medium row if needed and a strong competitive ary 2022 and 2023. Non-EU applicants cent this year putting private education
tic changes to avoid closure, the higher and long term are greater than provid- position. This means they would be in a increased by 4.3 per cent but most over- out of reach for many families while
education watchdog said yesterday. ers are forecasting.” good position to weather multiple risks, seas candidates do not apply through some institutions are becoming more
A report by the Office for Students The report highlights key risks which including a reduction in recruitment the admissions service. reliant on China, a report suggests.
(OfS) says universities are too reliant include a continuing decline in the real- from a particular source.” Susan Lapworth, chief executive of The average annual cost for day
on international students and too opti- term value of income from UK under- Smaller and newer universities were the OfS, said the reasonable worst-case schools is now £18,060 — £22,000 in
mistic about income from student graduates and economic pressures on “less likely to have accumulated finan- scenario, which assumes a significant London — while boarding fees in-
growth, in the face of falling numbers. operating costs. Another concern is the cial resilience, or have as many assets reduction in international student creased by 9 per cent to an average of
The domestic tuition fee of £9,250 a recent apparent reduction in applica- they could sell or borrow against to numbers and no cost-cutting activity, almost £42,500.
year has been frozen since 2017 and tions after years of strong growth, espe- support their finances in the face of would leave more than 80 per cent of Fees were frozen at many schools
many institutions are reporting a drop cially from foreign students, it says. financial challenges”, it added. institutions in deficit. during the pandemic but then rose
in overseas students, who pay more. The report says research-intensive Pressures could lead more to try to The Russell Group of universities sharply. Combined with Labour’s pro-
The annual review of the sector’s universities recruit a lot of overseas stu- increase recruitment of overseas stu- partially blamed the threat to finances posed VAT on fees if it won the election,
financial sustainability found a decline dents, particularly from China, and of- dents, “but there are significant barriers on government rhetoric deterring the cost of private schooling would rise
in performance in 2022-23. It reported ten on one-year postgraduate-taught to entry and the market is already high- international students. by more than a third in a few years.
lower surpluses, cash flow and net li- master’s courses. They have high staff ly competitive”. Others could close Dr Tim Bradshaw, its chief executive, Private education is at a “watershed
quidity, with a “significantly higher” and pension costs. “This means that courses that are less financially sustain- said: “Application data suggests that moment”, said Barnaby Lenon, chair of
number of universities expected to fall they could be exposed to a recruitment able or pursue strategic mergers. recent changes in government rhetoric the Independent Schools Council. He
into deficit in the coming years. How- shock and changes in pension contri- Universities have forecast total stu- and policy, including the ban on post- added: “The effects of the latest policy
ever, it said there was evidence of some butions. They often have large estates dent numbers, across all levels of study, graduate students bringing depend- threat are already being felt.”
adjusting to respond to the challenges. that can be costly to maintain and de- to increase by 17.5 per cent in the period ants, are having a negative impact on Its annual census shows the number
It says: “Uncertainty about the ability velop and may face big investment between 2021-22 and 2025-26. The international student numbers.” of children in private schools has fallen
from 7 per cent to 6 per cent of all pupils.
The Times revealed last week that
entry numbers had declined by 2.7 per
Gaza protest hits Cambridge graduation ceremonies cent this academic year, and a survey by
Saltus, a wealth manager, indicates that
26 per cent of parents would remove
Seren Hughes to negotiate with us for divestment “alternative location that is fitting of with Oxford University. Video shows their children from private schools if
from Israel”. The protesters took their the occasion” because of the protests. protesters using ladders to access the VAT were added.
Cambridge University students will tents but flags and banners were left It is not known whether graduations Senate House lawn and setting up their Private schools are increasingly bol-
have their graduation ceremony behind. will return to Senate House now that second encampment on Wednesday. stering income with offshoots overseas.
moved from the building where they The “victory rally” began outside the protesters have left. The university Professor Bhaskar Vira, pro-vice- The census recorded 129 campuses
have taken place since the 18th century Senate House yesterday evening and has been approached for comment. chancellor for education, said previ- abroad, up from 107 last year, with 53 in
because of pro-Palestinian protests. moved to the main encampment at On social media Cambridge for Pal- ously that he was happy to talk to stu- China. There were also 18 per cent more
Last night protesters with the Cam- King’s College. Husam Zomlot, the Pal- estine said the university had met “a dents since the protests began but had Chinese pupils at schools in the UK.
bridge for Palestine group, which runs estinian ambassador to the UK, gave a number” of their preconditions and received only anonymous emails. Professor John Jerrim of the Institute
the protest encampment, left the Sen- speech at the rally. that the move was “a step towards dis- “We remain ready for constructive of Education said: “If Labour follows
ate House lawn where ceremonies were Yesterday the university said it had tancing our university from genocide”. engagement with our students, but it is through with its policy, some schools
due to take place today and tomorrow, taken the “very difficult decision” to The camp was set up last week out- impossible to have a conversation with will go to the wall. Parents will be asking
saying the university had “committed move the ceremonies to an undisclosed side King’s College in co-ordination an anonymous group,” he said. themselves if it’s worth the investment.”
the times | Friday May 17 2024 5


Broken air valve let animal waste

seep into Devon’s drinking water
Laurence Sleator
A damaged air valve that allowed
animal waste and contaminated
ground water to enter the drinking sup-
ply is behind an outbreak of sickness
and diarrhoea in Devon, South West
What is in the water that has made
Water has said. people ill?
On Wednesday, the UK Health Cryptosporidium is a microscopic
Security Agency confirmed at least 22 waterborne parasite and a common
cases of cryptosporidiosis, a disease cause of “traveller’s diarrhoea”.
caused by a parasite, in and around the There are at least two species that
coastal town of Brixham. can make humans ill.
About 100 other people have report- Cryptosporidium parvum can affect
ed symptoms, including diarrhoea and many types of mammal, including
vomiting, to their GP in the past week, people, but its main host is cattle.
while at least one school was forced to Cryptosporidium hominis usually
close yesterday because of a lack of only infects humans and appears to
drinking water. be responsible for the surge in cases
South West Water has apologised in Devon.
and told 16,000 households and busi-
nesses not to drink, prepare food or How does it spread?
brush their teeth with tap water with- It can be transmitted through
out boiling it first. contaminated drinking water and
Laura Flowerdew, chief customer food, especially unwashed salad.
and digital officer of South West Water, Raw milk is a common culprit, as is
said: “We sincerely apologise for the swallowing water from
impact this is having on our customers contaminated swimming pools. It
in the Brixham and Alston areas.” can spread from person to person,
Speaking to Sky News, Flowerdew with outbreaks often seen in
confirmed it was likely to have been a nurseries. Good hand-washing can
broken air valve that caused the water help to prevent it. In Devon, tests
to become contaminated with what she have found the bug in the network
said may have been cow’s faeces. “We that provides mains water to
absolutely want to make sure that’s the Brixham, Boohay, Kingswear,
only source [of the contamination],” she Roseland and northwest Paignton.
said. “We understand this [is] a valve on Symptoms appear between two and
one of the pipes heading towards the 12 days after it is contracted.
reservoir in a farmer’s field, there are
cattle in the field and it’s a possibility More than 20 cryptosporidiosis cases have been found around Brixham, where collection points for water were set up What are its effects?
that’s the source of the contamination.” It can cause diarrhoea, stomach
She was unable to say when the need lection points for bottled water and pains, nausea or vomiting, fever,
to boil water would end. offered to deliver to the most vul- fatigue and loss of appetite, which
Anthony Mangnall, the Conserva- nerable. Mile-long queues of cars were can last five to six weeks. In some
tive MP for Totnes, said: “[South West seen at the sites. cases diarrhoea can lead to
Water] believe they have located the “I have had no water all day because significant weight loss. Most
source of the issue and initiated a fix, everywhere is sold out of bottles. It re- infections are in children, but
but are continuing their investigations minds me of the panic buying of toilet cryptosporidiosis, the disease
and will be testing their network to en- rolls during Covid,” Karen Chapman, caused by the parasite, can occur in
sure water is safe. The boil water notice 65, said. people of all ages.
is therefore likely to be in place for at Chaz Attwood told Sky News that his
least a further six or seven days, with wife has been ill for more than two How is it treated?
bottled water available throughout this weeks. “My wife has been drinking Paul Hunter, professor of medicine
period. water to keep hydrated because she’s at the University of East Anglia, said
“I am very concerned about [South diabetic. We’re in a dreadful state. She most people recovered without
West Water’s] response to this situa- was so weak I even phoned 999, and treatment, although some had more
tion, as they have been slow to act and told the guy what was happening prolonged symptoms or suffered
communication with customers has because she’d collapsed.” relapses of diarrhoea for some
been very poor.” After criticism of an initial offer of £15 weeks. “There is no vaccine for
Asked by his constituents what the in compensation for customers, the human use and drug treatment can
source of the problem was, he said: “A company said it was increasing this to reduce the duration of diarrhoea but
damaged air valve in the Hillhead area, £100 to “say sorry for the stress and doesn’t reliably cure the infection,”
which may have allowed animal waste worry the situation has caused”. he added. People need to ensure
or contaminated ground water to enter Last year South West Water was they drink plenty of fluid. If
the local supply.” fined £2.15 million for polluting rivers in symptoms are severe, tell your GP.
South West Water opened two col- Devon and Cornwall.

Windermere polluter to give shareholders £339m payout

crease of more than £500 million on second year running that United Utili- have swollen by £1.45 billion with net ing, adding: “If we don’t offer investors
their bills over the next five years. It is ties shareholders have received a debt going from £7.31 billion to £8.76 bil- a fair rate of return they will take their
Clean it up
campaign of the year
wat e to
r persuade
c a m paOfwat
i g to
n raise char-
ges by 25 per cent before inflation.
bumper payout when the company’s
earnings have not performed. Last
lion. The company has said that it is
committed to distributing large divi-
money elsewhere.”
The company was responsible for the
The company, which serves 7 million year’s payout of about £310 million dends, raising them in line with inflation highest number and longest duration of
Robert Lea Industrial Editor people in the northwest of England, came when the company, battered by every year for the immediate future. sewage spills into rivers and seas last
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor came under fire from MPs this week rising interest rates on its debt moun- Large payouts over and above what year, with almost 100,000 events.
after it was revealed to have illegally tain, recorded a loss of £8 million. water companies are earning have be- It has the second highest spending
United Utilities is to pay £339 million of dumped the sewage into Windermere. The latest figures show that United come a big issue. “They are lining their plans of any water company, with a pro-
dividends to its shareholders for the last If found guilty of wrongdoing by the has been making shareholder payouts pockets instead of investing to clean up posed £13.8 million expenditure
financial year, despite coming under Environment Agency over the incident beyond its means — to the tune of at their act, with people and planet paying between next year and 2030. Ofwat will
fire for illegally dumping millions of in February, it could face fines, Robbie least £250 million — over the first four the price. United Utilities are profiting decide whether to approve the spend-
litres of sewage in Windermere. Moore, the water minister, has warned. years of the five-year regulatory period from pollution, plain and simple,” said ing plan on June 12.
The increased shareholder payout, He spoke to Louise Beardmore, the that ends next March. Over the past Giles Bristow, chief executive of the The Times’s Clean It Up campaign
up 9.4 per cent year on year, is substan- chief executive, about the dumping. four years it has declared dividends to- charity Surfers Against Sewage. has been urging greater investment by
tially more than the £227 million it The company insisted yesterday that talling more than £1.22 billion. Its cu- United Utilities said it planned to water companies and more resources
made in profits. United Utilities also it took its “role in protecting the envi- mulative earnings were £969 million. spend £13 billion to tackle storm over- for regulators to improve the state of
wants to hit householders with an in- ronment very seriously”. It is the Over the same period, its borrowings flows but could not do it without fund- the country’s waterways.
6 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

News Politics

Starmer: I’m not Blair,

it’s different from 1997
Aubrey Allegretti
security — rather than
Chief Political Correspondent
Purfleet, Essex Pledges on climate change — are the
focus of Labour’s green
Sir Keir Starmer has insisted he is not a
“copycat” of Sir Tony Blair and warned
that the economy is in a “very different”
eco power pitch to voters. A
state-owned company
that will invest in
place from 1997.
The Labour leader vowed not to be
and crime renewable energy sources
is at the core of one of its
boxed in to imitating any of his prede- most ambitious pledges
cessors, adding that “the challenges Analysis — to decarbonise the
now are different” to those Blair faced network by 2030. It is

on the cusp of taking office. ir Keir Starmer’s part of a wider goal to
Starmer sought to present himself as six-point plan reduce bills and
a prime minister in waiting at a rally in represents his kick-start regional
the Tory heartlands of Essex. He attempt to make growth by investing
unveiled his six “first steps” yesterday, Labour’s central heavily in green
designed to consolidate Labour’s pledges more relatable technology.
longer-term “missions” into more di- (Steven Swinford and Labour has watered
gestible policies on a pledge card. Aubrey Allegretti write). down plans for £28 billion
Some pledges were similar to those After criticism that his more green investment
made by Blair in 1997, including five “missions” last year and now promises only
improving education, cutting NHS were incomprehensible to £4.7 billion a year. The
waiting times and cracking down on most voters, Starmer is Tories argue that
antisocial behaviour. trying to distil his plan for Labour’s plans will lead to
The others were delivering eco- government into a format higher taxes.
nomic stability, setting up a publicly that can be deployed in
owned green power company, and the heat of an election 5 Crack down on
creating a border security centre to campaign. The addition antisocial behaviour with
tackle small boat crossings. of a sixth pledge on more neighbourhood
Starmer tried to head off comparisons migration is to quell police paid for by ending
with the last Labour politician to lead concerns — inside and wasteful contracts, plus
the party to victory at a general elect- outside Labour — that tough new penalties for
ion. He denied being a “copycat” Blair, the party is not doing offenders and a new
saying: “Ever since I’ve been leader of enough on small boats. Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge 40,000 appointments a network of youth hubs
the Labour Party, everybody’s been Given the fiscal card mirrors the 1997 list week is one of the few Labour has made a series
trying to say, ‘Which leader are you constraints he faces, how signed by Tony Blair, below, numbers on his pledge of ambiguous pledges on
most like?’ The answer is none of them.” radical are Starmer’s but with less emphasis on card — in contrast to crime that will be hard to
He also sought to temper voters’ plans in reality? numerical targets Tony Blair’s in 1997, measure but are designed
expectations about the pace of change After the Jeremy which placed a much to send a message to
a Labour government could achieve. It Corbyn years, there is a the highest growth in the greater emphasis on voters about their
would take up to ten years to imple- wariness of extravagant G7 group of developed targets. priorities.
ment Labour’s plans to reform Britain ambition and a sense that nations — no small feat Central to its offer is a
because the economy was not as strong voters need to be given that economists say 3 Launch a border pledge to put 13,000 more
as it was 27 years ago, he said. reassured with concrete Britain is on course to be security command with neighbourhood police
“This is going to take time,” he told offers that relate squarely the worst performer. hundreds of new and community support
activists, MPs and candidates in Pur- to everyday life. Labour is specialist investigators officers back on the
fleet, Essex. “This is a very different also acutely aware that 2 Cut NHS waiting times and use counterterror streets to ensure a “zero Sir Keir Starmer with Rachel Reeves,
moment to 1997, after the damage that’s with a stuttering with 40,000 more powers to smash the tolerance” approach to
been done in the last 14 years.” economy and crumbling appointments each week, criminal boat gangs antisocial behaviour. The
He defended not copying Blair’s pro-
mise not to increase taxes. In 1997, Blair
wrote on his pledge card there would be
public services, it might
soon run up against the
limits of what it can
during evenings and
weekends, paid for by
cracking down on tax
One of the biggest
challenges Labour faces
is on small boats. While
party says that it will pay
for it with £360 million of
savings from a new
They’re baby
“no rise in income tax” and a cut to VAT feasibly achieve. avoidance and non-dom Starmer has been clear national body for police
on heating. Starmer said only that he loopholes that he will scrap the procurement.
wanted to keep taxes, inflation and 1 Deliver economic This pledge to cut waiting Rwanda scheme on day Labour also promised Tom Peck
mortgages as low as possible. stability with tough lists, mirrors a promise one, senior Labour to halve levels of violence Political Sketch
He told ITV: “Where we are going to spending rules so we can made by Rishi Sunak in figures have raised against women and girls
raise taxes — for example, the changing grow our economy and January last year. Labour concerns that the within a decade, but has

of the tax rules for private schools — keep taxes, inflation and is expecting to inherit party lacks a yet to announce how that ir Keir Starmer’s “My First
we’ve been explicit about what we’re mortgages as low as public services it says are deterrent of its will be measured. Steps” is a very small six-page
going to do and what we’re going to use possible starved of investment, so own. booklet folded into a
it for.” He said the “last thing” anybody Labour has promised to it has been keen to say its Its answer is in 6 Recruit 6,500 new concertina that, if not handled
wanted was higher general taxation, strengthen the role of the plans to improve the NHS keeping with teachers in key subjects carefully, has a tendency to
pointing out that under this parliament Office for Budget are fully funded, while Starmer’s general to prepare children for spring open like Joey Tribbiani’s giant
taxes have risen to their highest since Responsibility as part of stressing “reform” rather approach. He life, work and the future, roll of condoms.
the Second World War. “I know that an effort to convince than higher spending. wants to “smash paid for by ending tax A copy had been diligently laid out
traditionally Labour may have gone for voters it can be trusted on Starmer’s promise of the gangs” and says breaks for private schools on all the seats at the Royal Opera
the tax lever, but that isn’t the way I op- the economy. Starmer is a new unit will use Teachers will welcome House for the Labour leader’s most
erate. I want to go for the growth lever.” putting stability first — counterterrorism this pledge, but Starmer recent not even thinly disguised
The Conservatives said that Starm- even arguing that powers and draft in faces a long-standing campaign relaunch.
er’s speech showed Labour had “no “stability is change” after MI5. The government problem with various Well, not the Royal Opera House
plan” for Britain. Richard Holden, the years of turbulence. This argues that this is causes. Not enough exactly. The Royal Opera House’s
Tory party chairman, said: “Sir Keir pledge is relatively already happening. The graduates are applying to costume and production centre,
Starmer is a serial promise-breaker straightforward to keep. real question is whether teacher-training courses, hidden away on an industrial estate
who doesn’t have the courage or The economy is Labour can secure some with particular shortages in Purfleet, Essex, right behind
conviction to stick to a single pledge he already on a more kind of returns in maths, physics and Lakeside Shopping Centre. It’s been
has ever made — just look at his last stable footing, with agreement with the foreign languages. there for nearly ten years, ten minutes
pledge card, which he abandoned the inflation expected European Union. Workload and stress from my house, as it happens.
second he got the chance. to hit the 2 per are deterring recruits and Whoever knew?
“Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives cent target next 4 Set up Great British prompting experienced Starmer’s “My First Steps” are
are sticking with the plan to build a week and interest Energy, a publicly owned teachers to leave. meant to be his first steps for
brighter future for British families ... as rate cuts likely clean-power company, to Another issue is government, but the title does rather
well as a fair immigration system with later this year. cut bills for good and funding. Experts have make it look like one of those twee,
boat crossings down.” But the original boost energy security, cast doubt on whether Instagram-friendly sets of milestone
missions included paid for by a windfall tax Labour can raise as much flashcards so beloved of rather
a more ambitious on oil and gas giants as £1.6 billion from VAT irritating new parents. We very
pledge to secure Cheaper bills and energy on school fees. much look forward to the obligatory
aerial photos of Sir Keir, snuggled
the times | Friday May 17 2024 7

May blames
Truss and
Johnson for
Tory failure
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor
Theresa May has accused Boris John-
son and Liz Truss of destroying the
Conservative Party’s popularity but
argued the disaster of her 2017 election
campaign showed Rishi Sunak could
still win the next election.
The former prime minister took aim
at the “expectation of celebrity” in
modern politics as she blamed social
media for driving polarisation and an
increasing threat to democracy.
Speaking to journalists in Westmin-
ster, May praised Sunak for stabilising
the government but aimed a series of
barbs at her two other successors.
She also reiterated her criticisms of
Sunak’s Rwanda policy, which she
warned made it harder to help victims
of modern slavery, and cautioned her
party against leaving the European
Court of Human Rights, which she in-
sisted was “reformable”.
May is standing down at the next
election after 27 years in parliament but
insisted the result was not a “foregone
conclusion”, comparing the attitude of
voters with those when she was first
elected. “Keir Starmer is not Tony Blair.
The view on those doorsteps is different
to the feel pre-1997,” she said. Pointing
to this month’s local election results, in
which Labour did not make as many
gains as the Tories did losses, she said:
“The message from that was a bit of ‘a
plague on all your houses’.”
May’s government was fatally weak-
ened after she called a snap election in
2017 on the back of encouraging opin-
ion polls, only to lose the Conservative
majority as Labour’s popularity surged.
Suggesting this was a sign Sunak
should not be written off, May said:
“We’ve seen one or two unexpected
election results in general elections. I
was probably 20 points ahead, the Con-
servatives 20 points ahead in most of
the shadow chancellor, and Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, at the launch of Labour’s pledges in Purfleet, Essex. The leader said his plans could take ten years the election campaign for the 2017
election, and look what happened to
that.” She added: “Against the back-
steps for a PM who’ll learn to toddle before he runs ground of the economy improving, I
think it is not a foregone conclusion.”
Asked why the Conservatives were
unpopular, she said: “Obviously we’ve
away in the Downing Street moses leader is talking in a stolen moment Cameron’s mate from the Bullingdon have anywhere near the money been in for 14 years, and it’s always
basket. in the middle of a long shift on the Club and still a close friend. My first required — there aren’t very many of harder for a party that’s been in govern-
Today I stabilised the economy. lathe. This time, we must assume the reaction was that it was some kind of them after all — but not just yet. ment for a significant period of time.”
Today I launched a new border security viewer is being invited to believe that act of revenge on behalf of his chum. Starmer was asked, at the end, why However, she went on to pin the
command. Today I said da-da for the Starmer has spent the rest of the Then I remembered his chum is it was that his six “first steps for blame firmly on her two immediate
first time. Today I significantly scaled morning busily sewing taffeta on to currently foreign secretary. change” were significantly less successors, pointing to the Downing
back my ambitions for my first term as Figaro’s pantaloons. When it came to the leader’s turn, ambitious than the “five missions” he Street parties scandal under Johnson
prime minister despite the largest poll If you’ve already decided that he strode on to the wide stage, and launched last year, which were and Truss’s tax-cutting mini-budget
lead in modern British political history you’re not going to actually say very prowled around it like a man who themselves vastly less ambitious than which prompted a market meltdown.
(more on that last one shortly). much, one thing you can do is put a knows his time has come. He spoke the pledges which won him the party “Let’s face it, with Boris the lockdown
It was, for most people there, a lot of effort in to who is going to say very movingly about a woman who leadership in 2020. parties exacerbated a sense, that was
normal working day. The shadow it, and they had certainly done that. came up to him at Knutsford services He had an OK answer: “These are already there from people, of it was one
cabinet arrived in two minibuses at Introducing the shadow cabinet, one at the weekend, and insisted he look just the first steps,” he said. They don’t rule for MPs and another rule for them.
the same time as a consignment of by one, was a remarkable coalition of at her ingrowing eyelid. Who’d be a replace his bolder ambitions, they’re And then with Liz, what happened with
stage wigs, ferried across the car parks people. There had been talk in the politician? just the first stage in how to get there. the markets, that just disrupted the
by excited looking students. The build-up of a “special guest,” so when She’d been waiting 18 months for Think of it as Fisher-Price My First sense that this was a party of economic
venue is also a wing of South Essex a young student from LSE started an operation, and she’d just been told Government. He’s still going to take management.”
College. The event itself took place on reading out the words of Labi Siffre’s she’d have to wait another 12. Starmer us to infinity and beyond, don’t worry She said voters had seen “quite a bit of
a wide production stage with full (Something Inside) So Strong some of had a clear promise for her. “40,000 about that. We’re just not ready for change under us and things happening.
lighting gantry. Most days, it’s us dared to dream that Barry from more NHS operations a week, paid the big boy toys quite yet. Learn to They wanted some stability, and I think
wannabe Boccanegras standing here EastEnders might be about to for by a clampdown on tax avoidance walk before you can run. Rishi has brought that stability.”
in their brand new robes, while they’re recreate that iconic moment from the on closing the non-dom tax Some politicians think the way to After warning about the dangers of
aggressively checked over to make 2014 World Indoor Bowls loopholes.” go is to aim for the stars and you populism, May was asked if this applied
sure they look the part, that they’re Championships in Great Yarmouth. We must hope that said woman might end up at the moon. A young to any of her successors. “There’s an el-
definitely ready for the big time. Sadly it did not come to pass. hasn’t yet googled: “Can you really Barack Obama claimed that his ement of politics today, which comes
Today was no exception. No, the show was most certainly pay for 40,000 NHS operations a election would be “the moment the into the populism issue, which is a sort
Starmer’s costume was, as ever, stolen by Nathaniel Dye, a terminally week by closing the non-dom tax rise of the oceans began to slow and of expectation of celebrity. And I think
minimalist. There were well over 200 ill cancer patient who ran the London loopholes?” The answer was clear. our planet began to heal”. certainly you could say that.”
people, sitting around in a wide open Marathon last month while playing Wes Streeting, the shadow health It didn’t quite work out that way Arguing for a more selfless concep-
hall on a chilly day. As is now the trombone, and who squarely secretary, had a variation on the but people enjoyed being taken along tion of politics, she said: “There is a real
customary, only one had no jacket, no blames the fact that he only has three theme. Rebuilding the NHS on the for the ride. Starmer, on the other need for us as politicians to instil that
tie, and sat with his sleeves or four years to live on the many back of tax avoiders would be, he said, hand, is aiming low so as not to sense of service.” Being prime minister
pre-rolled. Normally, this sort of thing targets the NHS missed. But arguably, “healthcare for the many, paid for by disappoint. It might not seem fair but “is a position of service, not of power”.
occurs on some kind of factory floor, the most remarkable was Sebastian the few”. At some point they’ll have to that is the strategy that far more
the intimation being that the Labour James, chief executive of Boots, David deal with the fact that the few don’t often backfires.
8 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


‘Epidemic’ of young High street

bank closures
uninsured drivers hit 6,000 mark
Ben Clatworthy IAM RoadSmart, said: “It is deeply con- James Hurley
Transport Correspondent cerning to see a surge in young drivers
breaking the law in this way. Unless The number of high street bank bran-
The number of young motorists caught there is intervention, we risk an epi- ches that have closed over the past nine
driving without insurance is surging demic of uninsured younger motorists years will pass 6,000 today, a consumer
because of the soaring cost of premi- taking to the roads. group has said.
ums, motoring groups have said. “Sadly, this is likely a consequence of Which? said the “avalanche” of
Between 2022 and last year the num- the soaring costs of insurance premi- closures highlighted the need for
ber of drivers aged 17 to 20 punished for ums over the last 18 months. For young replacement services for millions of
not having car insurance rose by 28 per drivers who have recently passed their people and small companies.
cent. The figure has jumped by more test, the cost of learning to drive, getting The closure of eight Barclays bran-
than 200 per cent since 2021. a vehicle, taxing it and then insuring it ches today will take the total to 6,005
IAM RoadSmart, formerly the Insti- is becoming extremely costly.” branch closures since 2015, Which?
tute for Advanced Motorists, warned of The average fully comprehensive said, with 200 more scheduled this year.
an “epidemic of uninsured younger car insurance quote for drivers aged 17 Millions of consumers have made the
motorists” on the roads. to 24 is £2,009 a year, according to the switch to banking digitally, leading to
The data was released by the Driver consumer site Compare the Market, up declining use of branches. However, a
and Vehicle Licensing Agency under from £1,365 in January last year. significant number of people, many of
the Freedom of Information Act. It re- As a result the total average annual them vulnerable, are still reliant on
vealed that 2,902 IN10 endorsements cost of running a car for a young driver physical banking. Small companies
— for “using a vehicle uninsured is now £3,043. Other expenses include that need services including cash de-
against third-party risks” — were fuel (£799), road tax (£180) and MOT posits have also been hit by the closures.
added to the licences of those aged 17 to (£55). This is a 25 per cent increase from Regional banking hubs, which have a
20 in 2021. The figure increased to 5,486 last year. counter service operated by the Post
in 2022 and reached 6,316 last year. Jonathan Fong, the manager of gen- Office, allowing people to conduct
An IN10 endorsement remains on a eral insurance policy at the Association routine banking transactions, are being
licence for four years and is often ac- of British Insurers, said: “Insurance is established to tackle the problem.
companied by six to eight penalty always based on risk and our data When a town’s last branch closes, a
points. There is also a fine of at least shows that the average cost and fre- nearby hub should be in place a year
£300. Should the case go to court, pun- quency of claims is higher for younger later. However, Anne Marie Morris, a
ishments can include an unlimited fine. drivers, which can impact premiums. In Conservative MP and member of the
The surge in the number of endorse- 2022 the average payout for drivers Treasury committee, told bosses of the
ments has coincided with a rapid rise in aged between 17 and 20 was 74 per cent City regulator last week it was “ex-
car insurance premiums, with prices up higher than for those aged 46-50. Sadly, tremely unlikely” that 140 hubs said to
by 25 per cent in the past year, accord- young drivers are also more likely to be be planned would meet the deadline.
ing to the Association of British Insur- involved in crashes resulting in mul- On the nose Nic Fiddian-Green guides his lead sculpture Serenity, which weighs UK Finance, the banking trade body,
ers. tiple serious injuries, which could lead one and a half tonnes, on to its permanent plinth near Oxshott in Surrey, the said there was “significant ongoing
Nicholas Lyes, director of policy at to very high insurance payouts.” start of the “oat belt” that fed the working horses that helped build London investment to ensure access to cash”.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 S1 9

Times Radio names political heavyweights for lunchtime shows
Alex Farber Media Correspondent Mariella Frostrup and Ruth Davidson, band, said that the station “is all about “Ed and Ayesha ooze that in spades. But Vaizey, a former culture minister, has
as Times Radio positions itself as the conversation, not confrontation”, add- they aren’t dry, pointy-head policy ana- bolstered his Friday 7pm show by ap-
Times Radio has appointed political election station. ing: “As the UK’s political parties gear lysts; they’re both lively, enjoyable pearing in the daytime schedule.
heavyweights Ed Vaizey and Ayesha Vaizey, who will continue to host his up for the serious business of cam- broadcasters, equally at home doing A new presenter will be announced
Hazarika to share presenting duties in Friday evening show, said: “The lunch- paigning ahead of a general election, breaking news as they are hosting in- shortly to take over Hazarika’s weekend
its weekday lunchtime slot. time show on Times Radio is perfectly I’m excited to be inviting listeners to depth conversations with news-mak- show until the end of the summer.
Lord Vaizey of Didcot will present on placed to digest the morning’s news lunch as we chew over the news of the ers. As the political temperature turns The station recorded 4.4 million lis-
Monday and Tuesday, and Baroness while working up an appetite for the day.” she added. up around the country, they’re the per- tening hours over the three months to
Hazarika will cover Wednesday and rest of the day ahead, in Westminster Tim Levell, Times Radio’s pro- fect presenters to cover all the latest de- the end of March, up 27 per cent on last
Thursday and present a longer show, and beyond.” gramme director, said that listeners velopments at home and around the year, according to Rajar. Its 500,000
from 1pm to 4pm on Fridays. Hazarika, a former adviser to Gordon love hearing from those who have world every weekday lunchtime.” weekly listeners tuned in for an average
From next week they will replace Brown, Harriet Harman and Ed Mili- worked at the heart of Westminster. Since he joined Times Radio in 2022, of almost nine hours each week.

New farm dig

for body of
Muriel McKay
Ben Ellery Crime Editor They were found guilty in what was
Kieran Gair one of the first murder convictions
without a body. After being released
Police will begin another search for the from prison, Nizamodeen was deported
remains of Muriel McKay after detect- to his native Trinidad and in January
ives flew to Trinidad and spoke to the the McKay family flew to meet him. He
man convicted of her murder. confessed he had buried her body at the
Metropolitan Police officers will back of the farm. This prompted the in-
make a “significant” dig at the farm in vestigation team to fly to Trinidad in
Stocking Pelham, Hertfordshire, where March and yesterday they announced
she was held hostage by her kidnappers, they had enough evidence for a search
the brothers Nizamodeen and Arthur at the farm.
Hosein. They killed Mrs McKay, 55, in A Met statement said: “The investi-
a bungled kidnapping in 1969 after they gation team visited Hosein in Trinidad
mistook her for the wife of Rupert Mur- to speak to him in person. He volun-
doch, who is now the chairman emeri- teered to help and was interviewed over
tus of News Corporation, publisher of the course of three days, with officers
The Times. carefully considering their approach
and strategy to achieve the best infor-
Muriel McKay was mation possible. On their return they
a victim of analysed all the information gathered ...
mistaken identity to come to the conclusion that a further
search will be carried out.”
Mrs McKay’s grandson, Mark Dyer,
59, visited Hosein in January, accompa-
nied by The Times, and elicited the lo-
cation where he claimed to have buried
her. Dyer said: “We are delighted at to-
Behind the story day’s news ... The police rang me this
morning and said they are going to be

n January The Times mounting a significant operation which
accompanied Muriel will involve taking down the barn
McKay’s family to Trinidad which has since been built at the spot
to witness the moment when where Nizam told us he buried her.
her daughter Dianne met “It’s been an incredible effort by our
her murderer, Nizamodeen family to prompt and nudge the police
Hosein. “It’s me,” were the first but we are glad they are taking this step.
words she said to Hosein, before It is a success but it is only half a job
kissing him on both cheeks. “We done. We want to find my grandmother
came all this way to see you.” and bury her at my mother’s farm.”
In 2021, Sky had made a Police searched the farm in 2022 Theatre and being The Broadway star massive sound,” she said.
documentary called The
Wimbledon Kidnapping,
after Hosein indicated to the family
that she was at the site, but he said offi-
I don’t expect the only one who
immediately jumped out
Stephanie J Block is to
appear opposite Adrian
“He’s got projection like
including an interview with
Hosein. The family had not
cers had dug in the wrong place.
Commander Stephen Clayman, of
outstanding of her seat, then thinking:
“Why isn’t anybody else
Dunbar, the Line of Duty
actor, in the musical Kiss
Dunbar, 65, said he was
“slightly out of his
realised he was still alive and
contacted him via a barrister on
the Met, said police would expand the
search area beyond a part of the farm
reception, doing that?”
Block is due to star
Me, Kate at the Barbican comfort zone”, and “not
so on top of the dancing”,
the island to see whether he where a “manure heap once stood”. says US star alongside Adrian Dunbar really.’ We give it away although he had always
would to talk. They offered him He said: “We will carry out a further — previously seen in Line and then allow it to be played in bands and had a

money but he refused, telling search at the Hertfordshire farm where roadway’s of Duty — in a big-budget what it is going to be.” musical background. He
them he would help them in it is believed Muriel’s remains may be. leading lady has revival of Cole Porter’s She admitted surprise later added that this year
order “to clear my conscience”. We carried out an extensive search admitted that comedy Kiss Me, Kate at a recent production of might be the first time he
Hosein told the family via a there in spring 2022 but unfortunately she may have to directed by Bartlett Sher. Standing at the Sky’s Edge would not reject an offer
videocall that Mrs McKay had it was unsuccessful. Our recent inquir- temper her Block said she knew when only half the to appear on Strictly
died after collapsing from what ies mean other areas have been high- expectations of standing not to “put any audience stood. Come Dancing.
they presumed was a heart lighted as being of potential interest ovations as she arrives in expectation” on universal The Tony Award- He said that the West
attack. He told them he had and it is these we will search. The main Britain to star in the standing ovations from winning actress praised End was in good shape.
buried her under a dung heap area is where a manure heap once stood musical of the summer British audiences. her co-star for his skill in “I’ve never seen the place
behind the barn. — we know now this was probably (David Sanderson writes). “Audiences stateside moving from a BBC so busy, so many things
The owners of the farm larger than ... thought and therefore ... Stephanie J Block said are more vocal, it is a full police procedural drama happening in the
allowed Scotland Yard detectives was not entirely searched in 2022. curtain calls in American body sport,” Block said. to singing and dancing in theatre,” adding that
to search a small section of a While we have concerns about incon- theatres were “full body “But I keep looking at a Cole Porter musical for musicals with upbeat
field near the house last year, sistencies in the account provided by sport”. She recalled her Adrian, saying, ‘We just a four-month run with tunes were in demand.
without success, but Mrs Nizamodeen Hosein, for completeness shock at attending a have to tell the truth, do eight performances a Kiss Me, Kate opens at
McKay’s family insist they dug in we want to do this.” performance of War it well, and the rest of it is week. the Barbican Theatre in
the wrong place. The “owners of the farm are fully Horse at the National none of our business “Adrian has this London on June 4.
aware and supportive”, Clayman said.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 11

Ex-Post Office IT boss weeps as she is sworn in to Horizon inquiry
Peter Chappell tions in a proper and sensible manner. row, a sub-committee that sought to get . . . select committee on all things Hori-
Sewell told the inquiry that she had rid of the forensic accountants who had zon/Sparrow and need to plug some
The former head of IT at the Post blocked Paula Vennells’s phone num- found bugs in the faulty system. memory gaps! My hope is this might
Office broke down in tears before giv- ber after the former chief executive Sewell’s statement read: “To the best help avoid an independent inquiry but
ing evidence at the public inquiry into sought her help to “avoid an independ- of my knowledge and research, Paula to do so, I need to be well prepared.’ I
the Horizon scandal. ent inquiry”. Sewell said Vennells had Vennells contacted me four times in had not spoken to Paula since I had left
Lesley Sewell, who was a senior ex- contacted her four times in 2020 and 2020 and 2021 via either email, tele- the Post Office in 2015.”
ecutive between 2010 and 2015, was 2021, five years after she had left the phone call or text message. It has taken More than 700 sub-postmasters were
questioned by Emma Price, counsel to company. me some time to locate all of these com- prosecuted and given criminal convic-
the inquiry, about her role. Sewell wept In her witness statement, Sewell said munications. tions between 1999 and 2015 because
briefly as she took the oath after she she blocked Vennells’s number because “On March 8, 2020, Paula Vennells Fujitsu’s faulty Horizon system made it
was called as a witness. she “did not feel comfortable with her emailed my personal email account appear as though money was missing
Sir Wynn Williams, the inquiry’s contacting me”. from a personal email account of hers. from their branches.
chairman, said he understood that giv- One of the emails from Vennells said In that email, she asked if I could spare Hundreds of sub-postmasters are
ing evidence might be “upsetting” for she needed to “plug some memory Lesley Sewell said she had blocked her some time for a call as she had ‘been still awaiting full compensation.
Sewell but that Price would ask ques- gaps” about Horizon and Project Spar- calls from Paula Vennells, her ex-boss asked at short notice to appear before a The inquiry continues.

‘Kindest plumber’ is accused Teacher was

unfairly fired
for sleeping
of faking stories to raise £2m at his desk
Ali Mitib Jonathan Ames Legal Editor
A plumbing company that became re- A teacher at a school attended by
nowned for fixing pipes and boilers for Princes William and Harry was
vulnerable customers for free is under discriminated against when he was
investigation after being accused of fak- sacked for sleeping at his desk after he
ing stories to raise more than £2 million. “closed his eyes to think”.
Following an investigation, the BBC Jason Smith was head of religious
accused the social enterprise Depher education at Wetherby Preparatory
Community Plumbing & Heating (De- School for Boys in London, which is
pher CIC) of using images of vulnerable owned by Alpha Plus and charges
people without their consent and fabri- £27,000 per year, when he was accused
cating stories about its acts of kindness. three years ago of having been asleep at
James Anderson, the founder, who work. An employment tribunal has
was once dubbed “Britain’s kindest backed his claim for discrimination and
plumber”, was accused of spending unfair dismissal, and he will be in line
company money on a house and car, for compensation.
allegations he has denied. The commu- The tribunal found it “very plausible”
nity interest company is under investi- that Smith had been asleep because of
gation by the Fundraising Regulator to medication he was taking, but found
determine whether it breached charit- that the school had “jumped straight to
able rules, while the Information Com- dismissal” without following some of its
missioner’s Office (ICO) said it had re- own policies, and that Smith had been
ceived four complaints about Depher “dismissed without being heard”.
CIC that were under review. The tribunal was told that the man-
The BBC alleges the company faked a agement had made Smith feel like a
story about it preventing one elderly “disease” that needed to be got “rid of”
woman from taking her life, but she had because he had taken sick leave for
in fact died years earlier. The broadcast- anxiety and depression. He was sacked
er also said Depher posted video and after 15 years at the school when
images of a vulnerable man in his nine- managers said that his repeated absen-
ties more than 20 times, publicising in- ces and his behaviour at the school —
formation about his sexuality despite including falling asleep — were having
the man saying “God no” when asked a “detrimental impact” on pupils.
whether he would agree to be filmed. The Central London tribunal was
The stories were among hundreds told that before he had been dismissed,
allegedly posted by Depher, the Burn- Smith had had a “glowing” record and
ley-based company that claims to have his students had got “excellent” results.
helped people by using donations to In 2020, he suffered a breakdown in a
provide free food, pay gas and elec- personal relationship and took 18 days
tricity bills, carry out free plumbing of sick leave. After a referral for an
work and help with funeral costs. occupational health assessment, he
Depher’s social media stories went Stories about James Anderson’s plumbing firm helping out vulnerable customers have gone viral on social media was found to have anxiety and
viral during the cost of living depression. He was also said at the time
crisis, which led to it re- shows such as Good Morn- the investigation was ongoing, Ander- collect and intend to use their data. to suffer from poor sleep.
ceiving at least £2 million ing Britain, BBC Break- son deleted the main Depher social me- Anyone who has concerns about how He was signed off work, and when he
in donations, according fast, The One Show dia account, which had more than their information has been used can returned his attendence was intermit-
to a BBC analysis. Donors and The Russell 100,000 followers. complain to us.” tent and his bosses described his mood
included the singer Howard Hour. Before its publication, Anderson In response to the BBC’s allegation as “volatile and emotional” and said
Lily Allen, the In response to made a series of posts highlighting doz- surrounding the deceased woman, An- that parents had complained about his
Emmerdale ac- the investigation, ens of images of people his company derson admitted the post was a “lie” and treatment of pupils. They said that he
tress Samantha Anderson told the claimed to have helped. In a post shared promised to investigate how it was sent had twice been “found asleep at school”.
Giles and the ac- BBC: “I know I’ve last week, he accused the BBC and “on- from his company’s Twitter/X account. The tribunal noted that Smith made
tor Hugh Grant, done it wrong. I line trolls” of trying to shut down De- In response to the BBC’s allegation “various excuses”, including that he was
who donated apologise. But pher. He said: “They will show warrant- that he bought a house as an “invest- “a deep thinker and closed his eyes to
£75,000. what can I do? I ha- ed questions about safeguarding and ment property” for £73,125 and rented it think”. He also said on one occasion
Anderson ven’t got a magic pictures, mistakes that have been made to a member of his extended family, he that he had eaten “a big lunch”.
had been stick. I’m not Harry over the years, mistakes that have been said the house was bought using profits Smith was dismissed on the ground
praised for his Potter.” He pledged apologised for, and training is now in from the paid work and that the pur- of ill health because his absences were
work and re- to return some of place to stop it from happening again.” chase was permitted by the regulations “having a detrimental impact on the
ceived letters the donated A Fundraising Regulator spokesman for CICs. He also told the BBC that the school and the children” and because
of thanks from money and said he said an investigation has been opened purchase of what he described as “com- his behaviour when he was at work had
the late Queen had made mis- “into Depher CIC to determine whether pany cars” was permissible for a CIC. fallen “below the standard expected”.
and the King as takes because of a ... its fundraising has breached sections When asked about receiving a dona- However, the tribunal judge, Tamara
well as a Pride relentless online of the code of fundraising practice”. tion from Grant, he said: “If he wants Lewis, ruled in his favour and said he
of Manchester campaign of “bul- An ICO spokesman said: “All organi- the money back I’ll send it back to him.” had been “dismissed without being
award. He has ap- lying, harassment sations must be clear and transparent Depher CIC has been contacted for heard”. A hearing to decide compensa-
peared on TV and attacks”. While with people about how and why they comment. tion will be held later this year.
12 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

News Royal family

Candid camera captures

century of royal events Opening at the renamed King’s Gallery Royal Collection and the Royal the past hundred years — from Doro-
Ellie MacDonald
today, Royal Portraits: A Century of Archives will be displayed. Alessandro thy Wilding and Cecil Beaton to Annie
A previously unseen image of King Photography, will chart the evolution of Nasini, the curator, said: “The Royal Leibovitz, David Bailey, and Rankin.
Charles and Princess Anne as children royal portrait photography from the Collection holds some of the most “Alongside these beautiful vintage
is among intimate photographs at a 1920s to the present. enduring photographs ever taken of the prints, which cannot be on permanent
Buckingham Palace exhibition to cele- More than 150 prints and previously royal family, captured by the most display for conservation reasons, we
brate a hundred years of royal portraits. unreleased correspondence from the celebrated portrait photographers of are excited to share archival corre-
spondence and never before seen
proofs that will give visitors a behind
the scenes insight into the process of
creating such unforgettable royal

Visitors will be able to see the earliest
surviving photographic print of a
member of the royal family produced in
colour, showing Princess Alice, Duch-
ess of Gloucester — sister-in-law to

King George VI — on her wedding day.
Wartime images by Beaton will also
be on display to demonstrate how King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth used
photography to project a sense of sta-

bility and hope for the nation.
This includes a photograph of the
royal couple inspecting bomb damage
at Buckingham Palace in 1940, showing
them smiling at each other amid the
debris. A 1943 portrait taken at Royal
Lodge in Windsor shows them gath-
ered around the King’s desk with Prin-
cesses Elizabeth and Margaret, convey-
ing a sense of domesticity and calm.
A further unseen image of the four
royal mothers — Queen Elizabeth II,
Princess Margaret, Princess Alexandra
and the Duchess of Kent — holding
their newborn babies will be displayed.
It was taken by Princess Margaret’s
husband, Lord Snowdon, as a token of
thanks for Sir John Peel, the royal
obstetrician, who delivered all four
babies within two months in 1964.
The babies are Prince Edward (now
the Duke of Edinburgh), Lady Sarah
Armstrong-Jones (now Lady Sarah
Chatto), James Ogilvy and Lady Helen
Windsor (now Lady Helen Taylor) —
who all turned 60 this year.
The fashion photographer Paolo
Roversi’s portrait of the Princess of
Wales, taken to mark her 40th birthday,
will also feature. Kate’s off the shoulder
dress and sideways pose are described
by the Royal Collection Trust as bear-
ing a “striking visual resemblance” to
an 1864 painting of Alexandra, Princess
of Wales — later Queen Alexandra.
The Princess of Wales, a keen photo-
grapher, sparked a furore this year after
she edited a Mother’s Day picture of
herself with her three children. She has
since stepped out of the public spotlight
while she undergoes a course of chemo-
therapy for cancer.
The exhibition will include a section
on the history of retouching family
photographs. Nasini said: “We were
keen to give visitors a behind the scenes
insight into what goes into creating a
ANGELA SCANLON royal portrait, from the initial commis-
sion right through to the final release,
SATURDAY & SUNDAY 7AM-10AM and to give a sense of how commis-
sioner, sitter and photographer work
LEIGH FRANCIS together to achieve the final result.
SATURDAY 10AM-1PM “This was always intended to be one
of the themes of the exhibition, which
TOM ALLEN has been planned for a number of years.
“Retouching has many forms, from a
SUNDAY 10AM-1PM very simple cropping — as in Marcus
Adams’s portrait of King George VI,
DICK & DOM Queen Elizabeth and the young prin-
SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1PM-4PM cesses, in which the studio background
is cropped out — to creating a compos-
ite image from two or more photo-
ON DAB ON SMART SPEAKER ON THE VIRGIN RADIO APP graphs — as in Rankin’s portrait of
Queen Elizabeth II superimposed
against an image of the Union Flag —
so we wanted to show the full range.”
the times | Friday May 17 2024 13

Listen now to


A new podcast with

the royal editors
of the Sunday Times
and The Times
Photographs in Margaret, 1980 young daughters What the King’s How we walk
the exhibition (Norman at Royal Lodge in new portrait the diplomatic
include: Princess Parkinson), 1943, bottom; tells us about tightrope to do
Anne and Prince above; Princess and Queen his reign our jobs
Charles, 1956 Margaret Elizabeth and
(photo by Antony photographed in Prince Philip on
Armstrong- 1949 (Cecil Coronation Day, Available now on Apple,
Jones); Queen Beaton), below; 1953, below far Spotify and wherever you
Elizabeth and her the King and left (Cecil get your podcasts
sister Princess Queen with their Beaton)

William: Act
to stop rise
of superbugs
Kate Mansey Assistant Editor
The Prince of Wales has called for ur-
gent action to halt the resistance of su-
perbugs “for the sake of the generations
to follow”.
William was speaking at the World
Together Solving the Antibiotic Emer-
gency at the Royal Society in central
Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton,
the foreign secretary, sent a video mes-
sage in which he referred to the “terri-
fying prospect” of antimicrobial resist-
ance and announced an £85 million
package to tackle the “emergency”.
Delegates also heard a poignant
speech from Dame Sally Davies, the
former UK chief medical officer who is
now a UK special envoy on AMR,
whose 38-year-old goddaughter Emily
Hoyle died after contracting a drug-re-
sistant lung infection.
AMR occurs when microbes that
cause infections develop resistance to
treatments such as antibiotics and be-
come difficult or impossible to treat.
William said: “There is an urgent
need for new measures to access new
and existing vaccines, diagnostics and
medicines. We stand at a critical junc-
ture, where the interconnections
between drug resistance, climate
change and environmental degrada-
tion cannot be ignored.
“Rivers are polluted with antibiotics
and oceans are filled with micro-plas-
tics containing resistant bacteria.
Meanwhile, deforestation is playing
havoc with ecosystems, facilitating the
emergence of new infectious diseases.
“Unless we act now and together, the
ripple effects of drug resistance will be
felt across generations, jeopardising the
well-being of our children and our
Davies added: ‘It’s massive to have
the Prince of Wales’s support because
of his convening power. People listen to
The conference, part of a build-up to
the high-level meeting on antimicrobi-
al resistance at the United Nations gen-
eral assembly in September, was at-
tended by ministers from the Common-
wealth and representatives from UN
14 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Pyramids sat beside lost branch of Nile

Satellite images appear drought that began about 4,200 years
The ancient river Pyramid ago, was one of the reasons for the wa-
to solve riddle of why Great Pyramid Causeways Giza
terway first shifting to the east and
eventually vanishing as it silted up.
pharaohs’ tombs are in of Giza
Possible river EGYPT They first studied satellite imagery,
looking for evidence of a former river
middle of the desert, harbour branch running along the foothills of
the Western Desert Plateau, close to
writes Rhys Blakely Khafre
pyramid Western the pyramid fields. They then used geo-
Desert physical surveys and sediment cores to
Archaeologists have long wondered Menkaure confirm the presence of river sediments
why the ancient Egyptians built most of pyramid and former water channels beneath the
their pyramids on what is now a narrow, modern land surface.
inhospitable strip of desert. Ancient Ghoneim said that the findings
They may now have an answer after Ahramat underscore the role played by the Nile


scientists uncovered evidence that the in the rapid growth and expansion of

pharaohs’ tombs originally sat next to a the ancient Egyptian civilisation. “It

40-mile branch of the Nile that van- served as a lifeline in a largely arid land-

ished centuries ago but would once River scape,” she said. “And it provided a

have been a crucial artery for com- Giza plateau Nile route or a water corridor that allowed
merce, culture and building materials. Lisht for the transportation of goods and
The former waterway is now buried pyramids workmen and building materials.”
but was found using satellite images, Dr Campbell Price, an Egyptologist
geophysical surveys and the discovery at the University of Manchester who
of buried river sediment. When the was not connected to the study, said: “I
construction of the pyramids began think people often imagine Egyptian
about 4,700 years ago it would have run pyramids being marooned in the mid-
parallel to the current course of the dle of the desert. This research seems to
Nile, but to the west. It is likely to have demonstrate that they were, in fact,
been used to bring in materials and Source: Communications Earth & Environment closely connected with the River Nile.”
labourers, said Eman Ghoneim, of the Dr Nigel Strudwick, an Egyptologist
University of North Carolina Wilming- has been given”, Ghoneim and her col- Plateau in the north, where 31 pyramids She also notes that many of the pyra- at Cambridge University who was also
ton, who led the research. leagues wrote in the journal Communi- were built over a period of nearly 1,000 mids dating to the Old and Middle not involved in the study, said the idea
“We were surprised at just how large cations Earth & Environment. years. They now sit on the edge of the Kingdoms have causeways that lead to of pyramid complexes being connected
this branch of the Nile once was — at They propose naming the lost por- arid Western Desert, which is part of the branch. These walkways end with by water “seems extremely plausible”.
points it would have been half a kilome- tion of river the “Ahramat branch”, with the Sahara. temple structures that would have sat “Water transport was the main method
tre wide and 25 metres deep,” she ahramat meaning “pyramids” in Ara- Ghoneim suspects that the vanished on the banks of the lost river and may of movement in Ancient Egypt,” he said.
added. Until now, “no convincing bic. The researchers looked at a tract of river branch was used to bring in mate- have acted as harbours, Ghoneim said. “There are references in texts to various
explanation as to why these pyramids land in the northern Nile Valley rials such as granite from Aswan, about The researchers suggest that a build- channels, canals etc that we cannot usu-
are concentrated in this specific locality between Lisht in the south and the Giza 500 miles to the south of Giza. up of windblown sand, linked to a major ally locate with any certainty.”
the times | Friday May 17 2024 15


Oxford pulls studies

TMS | @timesdiary
over China DNA link
at only 32 and Bose tells the story
How lucky of him being visited in his nursing
home by GH Hardy, his mentor,
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent from China’s oppressed Uighur popula-
tion. A fear said to be circulating among
were we, boy? who remarked, as mathmos do, that
the number of the taxi that brought
him, 1729, was far too dull. “No, it is
The University of Oxford has been
forced to retract two scientific studies
that were published in a journal it runs,
the Uighur in Xinjiang, northwest
China, is that state-run DNA databases
will be used to match forcibly harvested
Moscow girls made the Beatles sing very interesting,” Ramanujan but which is funded by the Chinese gov- organs to suitable recipients.
and shout but if their fans back in replied. “It is the smallest number ernment, amid concerns that they The studies were flagged by Yves
the USSR wanted to hear them expressible as the sum of two cubes breached ethics rules. Moreau, a professor of engineering at
they had to go to hospital. Speaking in two different ways.” The studies both involved DNA KU Leuven, a Belgian university.
to promote his new EP, Crooked taken from ethnic minorities in China “There is a serious risk in all these cases
Boy, Sir Ringo Starr recalled how When maths goes wrong (such as by researchers linked to the country’s that genetic material from ethnic
Russian Beatlemaniacs got their major’s breach of protocol when I run out of fingers and toes) it police. Oxford retracted them after minorities obtained in violation of basic
hands on banned records. “One of As the slimmed-down monarchy can be disastrous. In a lecture at concerns were raised by a western aca- ethical standards was used to conduct
their leaders didn’t like our music struggles to cover duties, one royal Gresham College, Sarah Hart gave demic, including that genetic samples the academic research,” he said. “These
but people were pressing them on has always been unflappable. The the example of a Nasa orbiter in 1999 may have been taken from people who retractions are significant because the
x-rays,” Starr said. These biographer Hugo Vickers told that burnt up in the atmosphere of had not given informed consent. research used the newest human DNA
improvised discs, with a centre hole Lackey Jack that when John Major Mars because one piece of software The studies were published online by identification technology, which not
burnt in with a cigarette, were was prime minister there was some was calculating thrust in pounds but Oxford University Press (OUP) in a only allows identification of individu-
awful quality but cheap and easily hoo-hah over the procedure at a another assumed it was in newtons. journal called Forensic Sciences als, but also the prediction of ethnicity.”
shared. “Somebody gave me one formal dinner. With the protocol An error that cost $125 million. Research. It carries university branding Moreau has succeeded in having 31
and if you hold it up to the light you officer in a flap, Princess Anne but receives financial support from studies with links to China retracted
can see the break in the leg,” said swept in, organised everyone and power abuser China’s Ministry of Justice, which pays from western journals.
Starr, above. A Beatles samizdat decorum was soon restored. The As Theresa May tours bookshops for articles to be processed and pub- The articles appear online in Foren-
x-ray tracklist would perhaps go next day, the officer apologised to flogging her latest, The Abuse of lished. The unusual arrangement has sic Sciences Research under the “Ox-
from I’m Down to Doctor Robert, Major and admitted that he had Power, the former prime minister fuelled concerns about China’s efforts ford Academic” branding. However,
Getting Better then I Feel Fine. been glad of the Princess Royal’s has noticed some political books to influence UK academia, which has documents obtained via a freedom of
help. “Quite,” Major replied. “I wish are wrongly shelved. Tim Shipman’s included funding Confucius Institutes information request show it receives fi-
The letters page of Church Times has I could have her in my cabinet.” anatomy of Brexit, she said, should at 30 universities. nancial support from the Academy of
news of a surprising change of career. be under horror, while Liz Truss’s The collection of DNA was likely to Forensic Science, part of China’s Minis-
John Pockett writes that he recently back to square one Seven Weeks in the Salad Spinner spread fear among persecuted groups in try of Justice, which owns it.
bought a travel version of Cluedo and The sports reporter Mihir Bose should, “given Liz’s reputation”, be China, experts said. Genetic databases Oxford University Press said:
found that Reverend Green has always secretly wanted to be a classed as sci-fi fantasy. May also can be used to track people and map out “Earlier this year, we were alerted to
become Mayor Green, making him the mathematician. He writes in his told a press gallery lunch that Boris family relationships. concerns regarding two papers in Fo-
most famous clergyman to win elected new memoir about his admiration Johnson’s forthcoming memoir The retracted studies involved DNA rensic Sciences Research. Based on the
office since Chris Bryant. I just hope for the Indian prodigy Srinivasa “should be under current affairs”. from the minority Xibe community. information we received, we undertook
that Colonel Mustard hasn’t also Ramanujan, whose mind worked on OUP said it was still investigating one further investigation and took the deci-
received a dishonourable discharge. a higher plane than most. He died patrick kidd more study, which was published in the sion to retract the papers, in line with
same journal and used DNA taken industry standard processes.”


30% OFF
the times | Friday May 17 2024 17


Charity lifts
lid on ‘gross
neglect’ at 29
certified zoos Giraffes at Colchester Zoo, which was among those criticised by the Aspinall Foundation, which employs Carrie Johnson, below

Adam Vaughan Environment Editor and 12 alleged breaches respectively. wet, muddy enclosures for species such able”, with large parts of the enclosure Zoo managers had provided feedback
The report stated that rhino, zebra and as lions, which are used to dry habitats. appearing shallower than the mini- that countered “most of the reported
British zoos are among dozens in ostrich were left outside at Colchester Researchers found ten zoos had alle- mum recommended depth of 1.2m. issues” that Aspinall had raised.
Europe accused of gross neglect after for six hours without adequate shelter. gedly locked their elephants outside, in Damian Aspinall, chairman of the Chester Zoo, which recently voted in
an 18-month investigation outlined At Chester an alleged lack of bedding apparent violation of guidelines. In one Aspinall Foundation, accused Eaza of favour of more frequent and stringent
thousands of apparent breaches of for wild dogs and tapirs was criticised, case an elephant calf was locked out- being a “pointless organisation” unless inspections by Eaza, said the zoo was
animal welfare standards. along with elephants being left outside side when it was minus 1C. it was more honest with the public. The globally renowned for animal welfare,
Researchers who visited 29 zoos and without shelter for five hours. Many of the alleged breaches related researchers, with experience in audit- adding: “The authors of this report have
aquariums allegedly found elephants As well as the Eaza accreditation to the size of the enclosures, bedding, ing zoos and wildlife tourist facilities, made a host of erroneous assumptions
locked outside in the cold, bears shut in system, zoos must undergo inspections the complexity of the structures to aid arrived unannounced as paying visitors based on a brief five and a half hour visit
concrete-walled enclosures and wild for accreditation with the British stimulation, and shelters and refuges. during assessments from July 2021 to in 2021, during which they saw a mere
dogs left outdoors without bedding. and Irish Association of Zoos and At Budapest Zoo & Botanical January this year. The 29 institutions in fraction of our zoo and none of the
The research, by the Kent-based Aquariums — to which most UK Garden more than 20 Asiatic wild 12 European countries were chosen to behind-the-scenes areas that the
animal conservation charity the Aspin- zoos belong — and by the gov- dogs, or dholes, were allegedly give a sample of about a tenth of the 308 animals have access to. Meanwhile, day
all Foundation, focused on zoos that are ernment to ensure they meet locked outside with no access to that have full membership of Eaza. in, day out we deploy scientists, behav-
accredited by the European Associa- legal standards of modern zoo refuges. Guidelines say there The Aspinall Foundation called for iourists, conservationists and teams
tion of Zoos and Aquaria (Eaza). practice. Zoos do not receive a should be enough dens “in Eaza to reassess the effectiveness of its with decades of expertise.”
Eaza is supposed to act as a gold stan- public rating. the outdoor enclosure to accreditation process and its responsi- Laszlo Gajdos, Sosto Zoo’s owner,
dard to reassure visitors that the Sosto Zoo in Hungary had give all dholes a chance to bility for maintaining basic standards. said the report contained “extremely
animals they see are well cared for. the highest number of re- retreat from bad weather, Myfanwy Griffith, executive director harsh and dangerous criticism”. He
However, the Aspinall Foundation, ported breaches, at 418. It is visitors and pack members”. of Eaza, said: “Very simply, this report said: “Sosto Zoo has been named
which employs Carrie Johnson, the run by Endre Papp, the The zoo said: “Naturally, fails to truthfully represent the aims Europe’s best zoo in the under 500,000
former prime minister’s wife, claimed chairman of Eaza. Its specta- some parts of this facility are and effectiveness of Eaza’s accredita- visitors category three times for the
its findings showed that the accredita- cled bears were kept in a not visible to visitors. [It is] tion programme. This report shows a past decade, which Anthony Sheridan,
tion system was falling short, with concrete enclosure with no not possible to make a serious flawed understanding of animal wel- an independent zoo expert fellow and a
animals suffering as a result. shelter or bedding and little welfare assessment only from fare. Eaza is driven by the best science past member of the council of the Zoo-
Aspinall claimed its visits found 3,074 “complexity” to interest the the visitors’ perspective. Our available. This report claims that Eaza logical Society of London, has rated
breaches of Eaza’s guidelines. Ele- animals, all breaches of dhole exhibit complies with all does not help member zoos maintain based on scores from his own criteria.”
phants were the species most affected, Eaza standards, according regulations and standards.” adequate standards, whilst evidence Gajdos said the Aspinall Foundation
followed by rhinos, lions, tigers and to the report. In Wuppertal Zoo in Ger- shows that is untrue.” had visited during a period of intense
giraffes. In total 162 species of mammal At several zoos, including many, the depth of water in a She said it was impossible to assess construction at the zoo.
were affected, the charity stated. Sosto, drainage problems pool for king penguins was animal welfare from the perspective of Colchester, Wuppertal and Budapest
Colchester and Chester zoos had 17 are said to have had led to described as “highly question- visitors who were there only briefly. zoos were contacted for comment.

Widow hits out at failure to commemorate Mull of Kintyre crash

David Brown The aircraft was flying from RAF of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, was and to the families who still remain in claimed that senior officers and offi-
Aldergrove near Belfast to a security among those killed, has accused the limbo.” cials were never held to account.
The widow of a senior police officer conference in Inverness when it Ministry of Defence of a cover-up. A BBC documentary this year raised An MoD spokesman said: “The Mull
killed in an RAF Chinook helicopter crashed into a hillside in thick fog. “That is one more sign of a cover-up further questions about the crash and of Kintyre was a tragic accident and our
crash has expressed anger after being The reasons for the crash remain by the MoD — a mission which began its aftermath and why no one has been thoughts and sympathies remain with
told an official memorial has not been unclear. After an RAF board of inquiry, on June 2, 1994, when the Chinook held to account, including those who the families, friends and colleagues of
arranged to mark the 30th anniversary a report by two air marshals concluded crashed and continues,” she said. wrongly blamed the pilots. “Those of us all those who died.
of the disaster. that the pilots, flight lieutenants Jona- “They would prefer to sweep this all who are not dead will not stop asking “In 2010 the Mull of Kintyre inde-
Four RAF crew members and 25 pas- than Tapper and Richard Cook, had under the carpet, content in their ivory questions,” Phoenix said. pendent review was carried out and the
sengers, including some of Britain’s been “negligent to a gross degree”. towers waiting for all family members Her son, Niven Phoenix, a former findings were fully accepted. The re-
most senior intelligence experts, were However, a review in 2011 found the to die and fade away. military and now commercial pilot, view did not find new evidence to sug-
killed in the crash on the Mull of Kin- pilots should not have been blamed. “It is a dereliction of the duty they criticised the “scapegoating of two gest mechanical failure, and no safety
tyre on the west coast of Scotland on Susan Phoenix, 75, whose husband, owe to those who were killed, to the young pilots who were no longer able to issues with the Chinook mark 2 were
June 2, 1994. Detective Superintendent Ian Phoenix memory of those they wrongly blamed, defend themselves in death”. He raised in the report.”
18 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Concern at
New Yorker
article on
Lucy Letby
Ali Mitib
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor
A 13,000-word New Yorker article on
Lucy Letby that is blocked online in the
UK but available in the magazine’s print
edition has been discussed by the
Attorney General’s Office and the
Crown Prosecution Service.
Letby, a former neonatal nurse, is
serving 14 whole-life prison terms after
she was convicted of the murders of
seven babies and the attempted mur-
ders of six others after a ten-month trial
at Manchester crown court last year.
Letby, who worked at the Countess of
Chester Hospital, has sought leave to
appeal against her convictions. She is
due to be retried next month on one
charge of attempted murder, one of six
on which the jury could not reach a ver-
dict on last year.
An article on her trial was published
on Monday by the American magazine,
but readers in the UK are blocked from
reading it online. However, the article is
available in Britain through the New
Yorker app and from newsstands.
A court order has restricted report-
ing before Letby’s retrial. For legal rea-
sons, the details of her attempt to ap-
Stella performance Scottish Ballet’s adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire, based on the play by Tennessee Williams, runs until Sunday at Sadler’s Wells, London peal against her convictions cannot be

NHS bosses ‘use dirty tricks to Lucy Letby has

sought leave to
appeal against
her convictions

kick out whistleblower doctors’ reported at this stage. The Times un-
derstands that lawyers at the Attorney
General’s Office (AGO), which pro-
vides legal advice to the attorney-gen-
Tom Witherow The group ran a conference on whistle- sultant, said he had become a “pariah” bunal last October found he was not eral, chief legal adviser to the Crown,
blowing at the Royal Society of Medi- when he was confronted with bullying sacked because of whistleblowing, and have spoken to the CPS about the
Hundreds of senior NHS doctors have cine in London on Thursday. and harassment allegations after blow- ruled it was the “communication style matter. There is no suggestion that the
been driven out of their jobs after rais- “There are hundreds of cases ... ing the whistle on maternity care. The and not the message he was trying to contents of the piece were discussed.
ing concerns about patient safety, a [where those] who spoke out were ex- obstetrician gynaecologist, 58, who convey”. A spokeswoman for the AGO said:
campaign group has claimed. cluded, dismissed or made redundant,” worked for the Royal Hampshire Coun- Hampshire Hospitals said: “In 2019, “We are aware of the material which
The senior consultants say managers he said. “Regulating managers is No 1 ty Hospital, was driven into retirement four midwives raised a formal griev- has been published in The New Yorker.
of NHS trusts employ “dirty tricks” to because they are abusing taxpayers’ by his five-year ordeal. Despite 26 years ance into Mr Pitman’s behaviour, citing We continue to monitor reporting.”
sack whistleblowers or force them to money freely. Doctors who have been of what he called “flawless appraisals”, evidence of bullying and intimidation. Sir David Davis, MP for Haltemprice
move trusts or take early retirement. damaged significantly and left with no he was placed under a maintaining high An investigation concluded that his & Howden, used parliamentary privi-
Justice for Doctors (JFD), which repre- job should be compensated.” professional standards investigation behaviour had a significantly negative lege on Tuesday to ask why British
sents 140 whistleblowing doctors, Police are investigating 40 surgery when he raised concerns. impact on a number of his colleagues. readers were barred from reading the
claims that some have had to sell their deaths at University Hospitals Sussex He said he was met with allegations “Independent external investiga- article, “in defiance of open justice”. He
homes to pay legal fees, had their NHS Foundation Trust after two doc- of bullying, harassment and undermin- tions were commissioned — at Mr Pit- asked Alex Chalk, the justice secretary,
careers destroyed and had been pushed tors blew the whistle and were sacked. ing behaviour, and that when these man’s request — to ensure that the to review reporting restrictions.
to the brink of suicide. Medics said the trust’s internal inves- were dropped the trust found new rea- peer-led managing high professional Chalk said: “Court orders must be
They are calling for compensation tigations into doctors’ clinical practice sons to remove him. A process that was standards process was implemented obeyed and court orders can be
for those who have lost their jobs and or behaviour was the first of four key expected to take six months took many fairly, with one concluding that ‘[I] do displaced by someone applying to the
suffered mental health problems, and tactics used to force troublesome staff years. He claimed his concerns were not consider that the investigation itself court for them to be removed, so that
want hospital managers to be regulated out. Doctors claim they are then victi- confirmed in a Care Quality Commis- was unreasonably protracted.’” will need to take place in the normal
and face reprisals if patients suffered. mised and harassed, threatened with sion report in February 2022. A survey of 526 hospital doctors by course of events. I will just simply make
Salam Al-Sam, a consultant histo- referral to the General Medical He said his British Medical Associa- the Hospital Consultants and Special- a point on the Lucy Letby case — that
pathologist and whistleblower, is being Council, or sacked. Trusts are then able tion union representative told him that ists Association found that more than the jury’s verdict must be respected. If
compared by some to the Post Office to marshal taxpayers’ funds to defend- trusts “deliberately extend it because seven in ten doctors believed they could there are grounds for an appeal, that
campaigner Alan Bates after he cases at the employment tribunal. they want to break you”. not blow the whistle without harming should take place in the normal way.”
brought 140 doctors together in JFD. On Thursday Martyn Pitman, a con- The judgment in his employment tri- their careers. In September, the Thirlwall inquiry
will begin to examine the experiences
of the parents of the babies involved
in Letby’s initial trial, as well as the
Corpse was left to decompose for 70 days at hospital conduct of clinical and non-clinical
staff and NHS management and
culture. On Thursday, Peter Skelton
Poppy Koronka Health Correspondent cleaning schedules and remains reach- 2022, inspectors found serious flaws, Dr Magnus Harrison, chief medical KC, representing the families of six
ing states of “advanced decomposition”. including “two bodies in an advanced officer at Leeds Teaching Hospitals babies who featured in the trial, called
Bodies are being left to decompose at HTA guidance says bodies should be state of decomposition as a result of not NHS Trust, said: “We now have for the inquiry to be live-streamed to
NHS hospitals in England, with one moved from fridges to frozen storage being moved into frozen storage after improved systems in place ... to ensure the public to prevent the spread of
deteriorating for 70 days. after no more than 30 days, depending 30 days”. The same year, at King’s Col- this doesn’t happen again.” “grossly offensive” conspiracy theories.
A report from the Human Tissue on the condition. lege Hospital in London, inspectors A spokeswoman for King’s College The CPS declined to comment. The
Authority (HTA) inspectors revealed In one case at Leeds General Infir- reported “critical” shortfalls, with Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said: New Yorker did not respond to a
that inadequate storage facilities and a mary, reported last year, the HTA said: mouldy and infested conditions. “We have significantly increased the request for comment. A spokesman for
lack of freezer space had resulted in “The inspection team noted a body that The Health Service Journal, which size of our mortuary provision.” Condé Nast told the Columbia
some bodies being left for too long at had been in storage for 70 days that had first reported the story, said it had found A health service spokesman said: “All Journalism Review: “As there is one
unsuitable temperatures. not been placed into frozen storage at least ten cases since 2022 in which in- NHS trusts must follow the Human print edition of The New Yorker world-
The inspectors discovered mortuaries despite being released by the coroner.” spectors discovered that one or more Tissue Authority’s guidance on mortu- wide, subscribers in the UK will receive
that were not properly locked, a lack of At the Royal Blackburn Hospital in bodies had started to deteriorate. ary storage practices.” the same copy as everyone else.”
the times | Friday May 17 2024 S1 19

Newsagent living in Britain since 1977 must fight for his passport
Shayma Bakht Shardey told The Times that “people working in the UK with a national after he stopped a robber from attack- I go, I am regarded as a citizen. I have
from all across the northwest have insurance number, applying for a mort- ing a delivery man. been really downhearted. I spend hours
A retired newsagent who has spent come out to support” his legal chal- gage and paying taxes. Shardey came to the UK in 1977 on a in my bedroom and cry my eyes out.”
more than 45 years in Britain has lenge, with more than £22,000 raised in “When they told me that I could not student visa that allowed him to work, His solicitor, Nicola Burgess from
vowed to fight the Home Office after donations. get my passport, they acted like robots. but after a coup in Ghana stopped his Greater Manchester Immigration Aid
he was refused indefinite leave to He was told by officials in 2019 that I was shocked and disappointed,” family sending money he was forced to Unit, said that the Home Office should
remain here. he would have to restart the ten-year Shardey said. quit education and work full time. He have treated him as an exception
Nelson Shardey, 74, who lives in Wal- route to settlement — paying about The pensioner, who is recovering said his right to live in the UK was never because of the length of time he had
lasey on the Wirral and was born in £7,000 in fees and £10,500 for NHS ser- from prostate cancer, spent more than questioned. He married a British been in the UK and because of his ser-
Ghana, said he “cried [his] eyes out vices — after he applied for a passport 30 years running a newsagent’s in woman and had two children. “They vice to the community.
every night” after discovering he would to attend his mother’s funeral in Ghana. Wallasey — often using his shop to do want me to start an application ... like A Home Office spokesman said: “It
have to wait a decade before being Shardey said he had presumed he was a community outreach for the elderly. In someone who has just arrived here. But would be inappropriate to comment on
granted permanent residency. British citizen after spending decades 2007, he won a police award for bravery I’ve been here for 40 years. Everywhere active legal proceedings.”

Jails too full Baby killed

for repeat by car near
knife crooks church hall
Sian Bradley
A one-year-old girl who died after
Crime and Justice being hit by a Land Rover in a church
Commission car park has been named by her “abso-
lutely devastated” family.
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor Ivy Mae was hit by the car outside the
Plymouth Brethren meeting hall in
A record number of repeat knife Balmedie, Aberdeenshire. She was
offenders are being spared jail as judges taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, but
opt for non-custodial punishments was pronounced dead a short time later.
because of overcrowded prisons. The 40-year-old man who was driv-
Yesterday figures from the Ministry ing the vehicle on Wednesday evening
of Justice showed that 2,021 people con- was uninjured. It is understood that
victed of offences involving a knife last police have asked residents whose
year and who had at least one previous houses overlook the car park to come
conviction avoided a prison sentence. forward with any CCTV footage, The
This is despite a sentencing law that Telegraph reported.
introduced mandatory prison sen- In a statement, the girl’s parents said:
tences for repeat knife offenders. Until “We can confirm that our beautiful
2022 judges could use their discretion daughter, Ivy Mae, passed away follow-
to opt out of a custodial sentence if it ing a tragic accident last evening after
would be “unjust to do so in all the cir- our regular church gathering in Balme-
cumstances”. die, Aberdeenshire.
However, the threshold for not jail- “We are absolutely devastated and
ing repeat offenders was raised by new ask that our privacy is respected at this
regulations introduced last year that challenging time. We value all the
allow an exemption to the two-strikes- prayers and messages of sympathy and
and-you’re-out policy only if there are support we have received from the local
exceptional circumstances. community.”
Criminal justice sources said that Yesterday tributes of flowers and a
they believed judges had been inter- picture of a rainbow were laid against
preting the lack of space in prisons as an the locked gates to the car park.
exceptional circumstance. One woman, whose home overlooks
In October Lord Justice Edis, senior the car park, told The Telegraph: “It’s
presiding judge for England and Wales, such a horrendous thing to have hap-
issued crown court judges with emer- pened – completely heartbreaking. You
gency guidance to jail fewer people just can’t begin to put into words how
because of overcrowding. There are terrible the person who was driving
fewer than 300 spaces in men’s prisons. must be feeling.”
Of the 4,285 repeat knife offenders Inspector Scott Deans said: “Our
convicted last year, only 59 per cent re- investigation into the circumstances
ceived an immediate prison sentence. remain ongoing and we’d like to thank
Other figures published yesterday the wider Balmedie community for
showed that criminals with 15 or more their patience and understanding as
previous cautions or convictions made officers carry out their inquiries in the
up a third of all offenders last year. First past the post Kevin Mitchell, lord mayor of Exeter, with Patrick, unofficial mayor of Cockington, at Devon County Show area.”

Boy, 5, dies in fall from tower block unexpected, the Metropolitan Police should have placed the family on the dead she looked very upset. She had London Fire Brigade, London Ambu-
Shayma Bakht, Kieran Gair
have said. No arrests have been made. ground floor. been trying to talk to him but realised lance Service and London’s air ambu-
A five-year-old boy died after falling Maryan Hadafow, Alam’s aunt, said “All the staff are devastated. He has he was gone. A police officer talked to lance attended.
more than 150ft from a tower block in he had woken early for school and fell two siblings — both are in nursery.” her because she looked very emotional.” “At the scene a ... boy had fallen from
east London yesterday. out of the window while the family As people gathered outside the tower He added: “We all want a full an upper floor of an apartment block.
The child, who has been named were still sleeping. She told the Evening block with bouquets, several neigh- investigation into what happened. Despite the efforts of emergency
locally as Alam Makial, is said to have Standard that Alam’s mother had bours demanded answers from Whether there was a problem with the services he sadly died at the scene. His
fallen out of a window on the 15th floor complained to the council by email five Newham council. window or whatever, we need to know. family are aware and are being
of Jacobs House in Plaistow shortly times about unsafe doors and windows JJ Armstrong, 33, a father of two girls, I can’t get [over] the image of that poor supported.”
before 6am. His mother had com- but that “no one did anything”. said he had seen a man walking around boy laying there lifeless circled by the Newham council said: “The council is
plained to the council that their home Alam, who was an Arsenal fan, Alam’s body. He said: “I heard some- grieving man.” continuing to establish the facts
was unsafe, Alam’s aunt has said. attended New City Primary School in thing outside. I looked down and saw a A 28-year-old woman said: “We are regarding this tragic incident. Until we
Witnesses said they had seen a man Newham, according to Fatima, a Year 3 man standing over a child screaming in utter shock. We know the family. The have further information we are unable
circling the child’s body and screaming: primary teacher who was at the scene. ‘my boy, my boy, my boy is dead’ repeat- parents are at the hospital. Other to make any further comment.
“My boy, my boy.” She said: “The child is a special needs edly. He was distraught and walking in family members are in the flat.” “Our priority is to support the family
Police officers, the fire brigade, child. I saw him just yesterday at school. circles. It was terrible to see. A police spokesman said: “We were at this devastating time. We are deeply
paramedics and air ambulance crews “He shouldn’t have been living on “I couldn’t go down there, it was too called at 5.58am on Thursday, May 16, sorry to hear about this devastating
attended but Alam died at the scene. such a high floor. He needs different awful. A paramedic arrived to help the to reports of a child having fallen from incident. We extend our sincere
His death is being treated as space to a normal child. The council boy but when she realised that he was height at New City Road. Officers, condolences to all those affected.”
20 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


TikTok addicts are three

times more likely to vape
Eleanor Hayward Health Editor media may also be predisposed to other unlikely to achieve this, and the intro-
addictive behaviours such as vaping. duction and enforcement on bans on
Teenagers who spend hours scrolling Writing in the journal Thorax, Lav- material that promote this should be
TikTok or Instagram each day are three erty said: “First, and most straightfor- considered. In general, we think that
times more likely to vape, research has wardly, there is evidence that the cor- algorithms should not be promoting
found. porations behind cigarette smoking products to individuals that they can-
Experts warned that social media and vaping make use of social media to not legally buy. Legislation and
sites “entice” young people to take up advertise and promote their products. enforcement around this and other
vaping, with influencers presenting it as “This includes direct advertising corporate determinants of health con-
a “fashionable and desirable activity”. which is algorithmically targeted and cerns should be considered a core part
The study, led by Imperial College the use of paid social media influencers of online safety and child protection.”
London, looked at the smoking, vaping who present smoking and vaping as a The study has been published after
and social media habits of 10,808 fashionable and desirable activity. the government launched a crackdown
youngsters in the UK aged 10 to 25. Greater time spent on social media is on youth vaping, amid rising concerns
The more time they spent on social likely to increase exposure to these about an epidemic of nicotine addiction
media sites such as Instagram, Snap- forms of influence. in the young. Last month MPs backed a
chat and TikTok, the more likely they “Second, social media use has been law to ban anyone born after 2008 from
were to smoke and vape. shown to have features in common buying tobacco. Rishi Sunak, the prime
Nearly one in ten of those involved with reward-seeking addictive behav- minister, is also introducing new
said they spent more than seven hours iour. High social media use may in- restrictions on vapes, including a com-
on social media during a typical week- crease susceptibility to other addictive plete ban on disposable vapes.
day. This group were three times more behaviours like smoking. More than 4.5 million people in the
likely to vape than those who didn’t use “Third, as a space that is largely unsu- UK vape, according to the Office for
social media, and five times more likely pervised by parents/caregivers, social National Statistics, and the habit is
to both smoke and vape. media use may encourage behaviours most common in those aged 16 to 24.
Meanwhile, those who clocked that are transgressive, including ciga- The proportion of 11 to 17-year-old
between one and three hours a day on rette smoking and vaping.” vapers using disposable vapes in-
social media — the most common The study, funded by Cancer creased almost ninefold in the past two
amount of time to spend — were twice Research UK, concluded that social years, and more than one in ten of this
as likely to vape compared with those media platforms should take action to age group now use e-cigarettes.
who avoided the apps. ban posts promoting vaping and smok- Because the mass use of vapes is a rel-
The lead author, Dr Anthony ing among children. It said: “The com- atively new phenomenon, there
Laverty, from the Imperial College panies that own social media platforms remains considerable uncertainty over
London School of Public Health, said have substantial power to modify expo- long-term health impacts. A study by
this was partly explained by the mar- sure to material that promotes smoking UCL last month linked vaping to lung
keting and promotion of vapes online. and vaping if they choose to or are com- cancer, finding it damages cells in a Floral dance The Strictly star Johannes Radebe plugs Tom Massey’s Water Aid
Those who spend lots of time on social pelled to. Voluntary codes seem similar way to tobacco smoking. garden for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in an outfit made from resilient plants

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the times | Friday May 17 2024 21

RSPB Woman is ready

to come out swinging
Emma Duncan
Page 22
Starmer’s tussle with the unions isn’t over yet
Labour is committed to new workplace rights but a future government will need employers’ help to make them work
as everything else the party its announcement three years ago And next it will be business that has
Patrick announced in 2021. The days and was not a truth many held to be self- its say. How exactly the promised
Maguire weeks that preceded this week’s evident. At one point the unions single status of “worker” will look in
meeting were punctuated by well- were ready to walk out. practice is yet to be hammered out in
sourced suggestions of U-turns — on So it is a wonder that the discussions with the big employers
plans for a single contractual status afternoon ended as it did: with who spend more and more of their
for all workers, bar the genuinely union leaders confident that any time with Reeves and Jonny
self-employed, to stop exploitation in backsliding was over. Even Sharon Reynolds, the shadow business
@patrickkmaguire the gig economy, a ban on zero hours Graham, who as general secretary secretary. Not every firm will be
contracts, and an end to firms firing of Unite was the only leader to veto banned from firing and rehiring if

he conclave dragged on and rehiring. But in the end union the initial proposals, gave her full- they find themselves in financial
and on and on until, leaders emerged contented, speaking throated endorsement. They will trouble. How the rest of the
eventually, the door supportively and in one voice. meet again in the coming weeks. But
opened. Those waiting
expectantly outside the
This was not what Westminster
had been given to expect from all the
it is now a given that a Labour
government will introduce workers’
The director of strategy
room finally saw white smoke.
A deal at last? No, actually, just
briefing from both sides — even
though the five long hours did not
rights legislation that does more to
empower unions and constrain
is testing how it might
Angela Rayner’s vape.
Let nobody tell you that the
make for easy listening for the
unions. Their 90 minutes or so
bosses than any government has
contemplated since the 1970s,
best be sold to voters
nicotine-fuelled rooms full of trade with Rachel Reeves, the shadow whatever resemblance it eventually proposals are implemented will only
union leaders in which Labour once chancellor, and her deputy, Darren bears to what the party agreed at become clear after businesses are
did its most consequential business Jones, were among the most its National Policy Forum last year consulted. Soon we may not even
went out with Raleigh Choppers uncomfortable. Reeves frequently (of which more in moment). For hear of the New Deal for Working
and Alvin Stardust. They are still the speaks of workers’ rights as an that there is really a simple and People at all: I hear that Deborah
best place to start if you wish to essential ingredient of a thriving straightforward explanation. There has been friction between deputy Mattinson, Labour’s director of
understand how power is wielded economy, but those trade unionists Starmer wants to do it. leader Angela Rayner and the unions strategy, has been testing how it
inside the party that has every However testy his discussions with might best be sold to voters under
reason to believe it will be governing
Britain in a year’s time. And, on
The straightforward the unions on Tuesday, in the
following days he was privately
Whitehall mission boards that will
drive through his flagship policies,
alternative branding.
As they say in the City, past
Tuesday afternoon, that
quintessential scene unfolded before
explanation is that sanguine. In conversations with aides
he noted that the Conservatives
than the thoroughly modern
presentation of his campaigning
performance is no guarantee of
future returns. But in past discussions
Sir Keir Starmer at Labour HQ. In
keeping with the old traditions, there
Starmer wants to do it themselves had promised — and
subsequently failed — to bring
operation may imply. If Tuesday
proved anything, it is that even under
that have divided Labour’s extended
family, it is Reeves who has emerged
were sandwiches on the table. The inclined to suspect betrayal by the forward their own employment bill a leadership as dominant as this one, with what she wants — and that,
only thing missing was the beer. leadership blame her shadow in 2019. For a barrister who power is still diffused throughout the above all else, is the support of
There, the general secretaries of Treasury operation for the hostile represented the NUM and other shadow cabinet and wider labour businesses who will be expected to
Labour’s affiliated trade unions had press the New Deal has received. unions, the principle of stronger movement, as it always was. do much of the heavy economic
gathered for negotiations on the The shadow chancellor, they legal protections in the workplace But whose influence will prove lifting in the difficult early months of
package of workers’ rights policy grumble, is all CBI and no TUC. is uncontroversial. decisive? Rayner, the agenda’s a Labour government. Others have
known — for now — as the New (Team Reeves have always denied For all the Blairite overtones of his champion in the shadow cabinet; learnt this, to their disappointment,
Deal for Working People. For wanting to water down the policy). speech in Thurrock yesterday, with its business; or the unions? For there is since her arrival as shadow
months, both left and right of the When the discussions turned to shirtsleeves, open collar, FTSE100 a big difference between the brave chancellor. The unions may yet too.
party have spoken of little else. It is, the finer points of trade union chief executives and pledge cards, his face shown by union leaders on
depending on the ideological legislation, some in the room felt changed party owes much more to Tuesday and a lasting victory.
persuasion of whoever you find patronised and disrespected. Rayner, union leaders such as Gary Smith of Unions had been allowed to hope, red box
yourself speaking to, either the the former shop steward who the GMB, Paddy Lillis of Usdaw and since last year, that all this would For the best analysis
ultimate litmus test of Starmer’s remains responsible for the agenda, Christina McAnea of Unison than is be law within 100 days of Labour
commitment to Labour values or a did not escape their irritation either. commonly appreciated. And they will coming to power. Sue Gray, the
and commentary on
grab bag of liabilities that spooks Her suggestion that its contents had, play a bigger role in the machinery of leader’s chief of staff, has been clear the political landscape
business and belongs in the same bin if anything, been strengthened since his government, namely the cross- that doing so would be impractical.

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22 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


RSPB Woman is ready to come out swinging

She is socially conservative and voted Leave but cares for nature and is leaning to the Greens
England, where there have been economic concern is growth. She power to Labor. The Australian story
Emma plenty of environmental disputes. doesn’t like it because it often means could well have echoes in Britain this The National Trust
Duncan I stuck my finger into one particular
wasp nest a while ago when I wrote a
bulldozing nature.
She’s keener than the average Tory
year. RSPB Woman won’t win the
Greens many parliamentary seats,
is obsessed with race
piece criticising nimbys in Aldeburgh
who objected to the laying of cables to
on green issues such as wind power
and climate change targets, but what
but her defection from the Tories
could lose them a bunch.
transmit electricity from an offshore
wind farm. The feedback I got from
she really minds about is nature. She
wants the government to spend more
She isn’t a lost cause for them,
though. She’s not a natural fit with

ne election year ritual both friends and strangers suggested on preserving species and protecting the Greens, who are shifting left

requires pundits to the piece would have won the “most the countryside. She likes bats and and losing focus. She has no interest National Trust press
identify a new electoral subscriptions lost by a single article” newts and hates pylons with a passion. in Gaza and no sympathy for the release this week
tribe crucial to the prize at the press awards. There’s something particularly trans-rights lobby. Despite her mild announced a “new
outcome. Basildon Man, The Greens have done well out British about RSPB Woman. As the enthusiasm for redistribution she’s project that aims to
Worcester Woman, Mondeo Man of Suffolk’s environmental angst. inhabitants of a dense little country not going to vote Labour: Sir Keir improve representation
and Workington Man — each in They’re now the biggest party in the that industrialised early, intensified Starmer has identified his party as in the outdoors by supporting people
their time was said to be the swing East Suffolk and Mid Suffolk district its agriculture and wiped out much “the builders not the blockers”, and from the global majority to become
voter to watch. My contribution to councils. All three councillors in the of its wildlife, Britons have an intense she prefers blockers. qualified walk leaders”. “People
this dubious genre is RSPB Woman. ward that includes Sizewell, where a nostalgia for nature, expressed in our So what is Rishi Sunak to do to from the global majority”? What
My interest in her was sparked by new nuclear power station is enthusiasm for the birds that on the ingratiate himself with RSPB do they mean?
the recent local election results. The other side of the Channel get potted Woman? On economics, there’s not For those not in the know about
Green Party did exceedingly well,
gaining 74 council seats, boosting the
Sunak’s untrumpeted and put into pies. With 1.2 million
members, the RSPB has twice as
much more he can do. He has
already refused to unblock the
the latest updates to politically correct
terminology, the National Council for
number of its councillors to over
800, the most ever. That was a far
post-Brexit farming many members as all three main
political parties put together.
planning system, and the Tories have
done their best to satisfy her hostility
Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has
helpfully provided a definition of this
bigger proportionate increase than
Labour. The Greens are now the
policy would appeal But the rise of Greenery is a global
phenomenon. As people get richer,
to growth by bringing it to a halt. On
green policies, Sunak has rowed back
term, which apparently refers to “all
ethnic groups except white British
largest party in Bristol and a bunch proposed, are Greens. their concerns extend beyond on Boris Johnson’s climate change and other white groups, including
of other councils. Over the past five To get a sense of who these people looking after themselves and their commitments to placate motorists, white minorities”.
years, they have doubled their abandoning the Tories for the families to wider issues such as the which hasn’t endeared him to her. Why, in the 21st century, are some
councillor numbers. Greens used to Greens are, Steve Akehurst, a environment. You see it in China and There’s one trick the government people still transfixed by skin colour?
take most votes from Labour, but pollster, has drilled down into last eastern Europe, as well as in the has missed. Its post-Brexit farming Far from representing progress, this
that’s changed. In last year’s and year’s British Election Survey. West. The India Greens Party is policy is world-leading in its suggests society is regressing, simply
this year’s local elections, they took Though disproportionately female, fielding candidates for the first time. greenness. No other country has flipping racism in the other direction.
more seats from the Tories. they are standard Conservative This often coincides with switched virtually all its agricultural Terms such as these help nobody.
RSPB Woman doesn’t just support voters in some ways — homeowners, dissatisfaction with established subsidies to such measures as the Making any group feel insignificant
the Greens, however. She’ll vote for middle-income, middle-aged or older parties. That happened in Australia planting of wildflowers, the and unimportant only foments
whoever addresses her concerns. — but they’re not classic Tory in 2022, when the election was re-establishment of hedgerows and resentment and polarisation. And
The Lib Dems spotted her potential Remainers. RSPB Woman voted upended by a bunch of former the encouragement of wild birds. implying that everyone whose skin is
in the Chesham & Amersham by- Leave and reads the Daily Mail. supporters of the blue centre-right Nobody knows that’s happened, not “white” can somehow be lumped
election in 2021, focused their Socially, she’s conservative: she Liberal Party. They left it because of though, because the farming lobby together as a huge homogeneous
campaign on the threat HS2 posed thinks Britain lets in far too many green issues and therefore became doesn’t much like the policy, so the bloc is ignorant and patronising to
to the local countryside, and took immigrants and she supports the known as the Teals. Almost all the government has failed to advertise it. all — as is suggesting that white
the seat from the Tories. death penalty. She has some leftish Teal candidates were women. They RSPB Woman would appreciate it, itself is one uniform race, with
In local elections this phenomenon views — she’s anti-business and destroyed the Liberal Party’s base in though, and there are many more of English and Romanians, Spaniards
has been most visible in eastern pro-redistribution — but her main prosperous suburbs and helped hand her than there are farmers. and Poles basically being the same.
The strange thing is that some
people are advertising their
promotion and use of “global
Martin Samuel Notebook majority” and patting themselves
on the back for it. Many museums
Why didn’t she try to, well, educate? those over-privileged young men importing academic poses and heritage organisations have
Suggesting Toxic leadership were the school’s product, isn’t it an
abdication of responsibility?
and poseurs. adopted this terminology on the
advice and encouragement of the
Kids at the gig
a sushi joint M
eanwhile, at Yarra Valley
Grammar school in Strike a pose aby in the mosh pit at Taylor
Museums Association, the NCVO
and similar-minded groups.

shouldn’t hit
Melbourne, some teenage
boys made a vile little spreadsheet,
ranking female students, and not W
hen did posturing replace
educating? At Saint
Francis High School in
B Swift. Did you see that? Asleep
on a mat at its parents’ feet.
Social media was outraged, which
Some institutions have already
stopped talking about the “global
majority”, having realised that
on intelligence. The top categories San Francisco, around the time surprised as it’s usually so reasoned. such divisive rhetoric does the very
a raw nerve included “wifeys” and “cuties”, and
at the bottom was
“unrapeable”. Horrid. But
of the George Floyd protests,
principal Katie Teekell came
across a photograph of
Then again, in 2003 I took seven-
year-old Art to see the Super Furry
Animals at Norwich University. Only
opposite of solving the supposed
societal problems it claims to address.
But why would sensible institutions

laire Ozanne, provost of 16 and 17-year-old boys three white students in when we got to the door did I notice have so uncritically accepted these
the University of London’s can be. That’s why they “blackface”. Their parents the under-14 age restriction on the weird phrases in the first place? They
School of Oriental and need educating, steering, were given a choice: ticket. I told him to pull the snorkel should surely be doing other things —
African Studies, found guiding, mentoring. leave or be expelled. hood on his parka tight. He looked fulfilling their actual functions
herself in the company of a The head teacher No matter that the like Kenny from South Park. We might be a good place to begin.
Japanese professor. So she made Mark Merry favoured a boys were 14 when the nearly made it too. It was only the last The National Trust press release
small talk about sushi. Not the Burma different approach. He picture was taken, or that doorman that told his mate, “Tony, also refers to “individuals from African
Railway, or Pearl Harbour. Sushi. called the police. Said there it was now three years have a look at this.” They asked his and Asian minoritised backgrounds”.
Ozanne told Professor Nana Sato- was a threat of rape. old. No truck with the age. “Fourteen, today,” I said brightly. Again, what does “minoritised” mean?
Rossberg that she lived close to a Expelled two boys, explanation the make- “He’s a bit small but” — stage whisper Either people of African and Asian
sushi restaurant and her family suspended two more. And up was actually a — “don’t mention it, he gets upset.” backgrounds are minorities within the
enjoyed eating there. She ended up that’s one way of dusky green anti-acne I think they admired our chutzpah nation’s demographic make-up or they
in a tribunal hearing, which alleged addressing toxic face mask, and looked — when you still could at a British are not; they cannot be “minoritised”.
racism. Unsuccessful, thankfully. masculinity. It’s not much darker on camera. university without being hounded off This is a reminder that something
Even so, welcome to the wonderful exactly taking the boy and And no education around campus — because they smiled and is deeply wrong in the National
world of modern academia. making the man, though, why this might be thought let us through. “Not near the bar and Trust. They may argue that this kind
“Professor Ozanne tries to suppress is it? Some thought this a offensive, even as an not in the mosh pit,” Tony called. We of language is costless but using the
my voice, the voice of a woman of PR masterclass, given innocent mistake. Misstep, were good to our word. Though when term “global majority” indicates that
colour,” argued Sato-Rossberg. The pressure from Victoria’s gone. And that little pose they played The Man Don’t Give a F*** they have forgotten for whom and
tribunal decided that she’d just tried premier and a petition has just cost the school $1 as an encore I did let him on to my for what they were created. The clue
to recommend a sushi joint to a calling for action. million in compensation. shoulders. “Can I sing, Dad?” he asked. is in the name. It’s the National
Japanese person. And that’s a little But is that the priority Why do these events And it was his birthday (ahem), so he Trust, not the Global Trust.
clumsy. But it’s not racist. It’s not for a school? Image? matter to us? Because did. “You know they don’t give a f***
suppression. And if Sato-Rossberg A thumbs-up in the it’s all coming here. about anybody else,” about 100 times.
thought she was being racially Herald-Sun? It’s not As the Sato-Rossberg That’s what children need: a decent
profiled, why didn’t she engage? the hard path. Given case suggests, we are increasingly education, and a window on the truth.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 23


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This Trump trial looks shakier by the day

Courtroom spectacle, resting on a contorted legal theory and a tawdry cast of characters, chiefly hurts the Democrats
A recap: there are four criminal resolution by the state’s appeals court. falsifying business records (a Corleone. But the bumbling
Gerard cases against the former president; The federal cases now seem to misdemeanour under New York consigliere with a law degree from
Baker two at federal level, two in state face indefinite delay. Last week the law that carries no jail penalty) Thomas Cooley college was always
courts. The federal cases, brought by judge in the classified documents in furtherance of a supposed more of a Baldrick to Trump’s
Jack Smith, the special prosecutor case again postponed a trial date federal felony relating to the Blackadder. As a previous witness
appointed by President Biden’s because of the complexities involved election (a crime that, incredibly, put it, he was a fixer only in the
justice department, relate to Trump’s in the pretrial process of determining a month into the trial, Bragg has sense that he used to fix things that
@gerardtbaker alleged mishandling of classified what is classified information. And still not specified). he himself had broken.
documents after he left office, and the whole federal process now rests These shaky foundations are Another problem is that Cohen is

t was supposed to be a win-win to his attempts to overturn the result on a pending ruling from the matched by the tawdriness of the already a convicted felon himself,
proposition. Tie Donald Trump of the 2020 election, in which he Supreme Court, some time in the proceedings and a cast of characters having served time for tax evasion,
down in a Lilliputian web of stands accused of trying to defraud next couple of months, on whether out of a low-budget TV courtroom perjury and other crimes. The
criminal prosecutions and, the American people. One of the and in what circumstances a former drama. Last week, Daniels spent prosecution wants the jury to believe
whatever the outcome, it would state cases is in Georgia and also president may even be charged with this makes his evidence against
greatly enhance the likelihood that
he would never again win a
concerns Trump’s efforts to change
the election result in that state.
a crime. Meanwhile the clock ticks
down to November 5.
Bumbling consigliere Trump all the more compelling since
he has nothing to gain or lose by
presidential election.
Either he would be convicted in
The other is in New York, where
he is charged with illegally
So all we are left with, it seems,
between now and election day, is
was more of a Baldrick testifying. But resting your case
on the testimony of a convicted
at least one of the cases against him,
and those swing voters already
misrepresenting money paid to a
porn actress as a business expense
the lowering spectacle unfolding in
a New York courthouse. Even the
to Trump’s Blackadder perjurer is a risky call.
The wider impact of the trial —
uneasy about the man would have most spittle-flecked, Trump-loathing hours on the witness stand probably the only one Trump will
to decide whether they could
actually elect a bona fide felon as
He’s like a man who Democratic Party activists
acknowledge that this was always the
recounting details of her night to
forget from 2006 (which is irrelevant
face this year — is not working out
as planned. Even if he is convicted, it
president. Or, even if somehow none
of the cases produced a conviction,
falls down a well and weakest of the cases.
Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan
to the case since Trump is not
disputing that an encounter took
will be easy to portray the verdict as
the inevitable result of a preordained
he would still be so consumed in an
election year with trial proceedings,
finds a bag of gold district attorney, alleges that the
$130,000 hush money paid to Stormy
place or that she was later paid),
including answering such compelling
sham. Bragg is an elected Democrat;
the jury are all residents of New
the airwaves so full of sworn before the 2016 election, to keep her Daniels was an improper election questions about whether a condom York, where Trump is about as
testimonies to his moral turpitude, quiet about a sexual encounter. expense, designed to help Trump was involved (it wasn’t) and what popular as the rats on the subway.
that the sheer weight of it all Like a man who falls down a well avoid embarrassment and lost votes. Trump was wearing (silk pyjamas). They promised us an inspiring
would sink him. and comes up with a bag of gold But even if that can be judged a If that wasn’t enough for delicate picture of the administration of
We are less than six months from coins, Trump is blessed with timely crime (case law is not promising) it stomachs, the star prosecution sacred justice, where no one is
the election and it looks like the good fortune. The Georgia case has would be a federal offence, not a witness this week has been Michael above the law. The spectacle we got
multi-year, multi-jurisdictional effort been ensnared in a wrangle over the state one, over which a state official Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. The instead is this: the majesty of the law
to incarcerate Trump may prove his prosecutor’s romantic dalliance with has no authority. So to make the prosecution wants to portray Cohen enthroned on the testimony of a porn
redemption. Instead of sending him one of her investigators, and whether facts fit the law, Bragg has produced as a loyal fixer, always ready to bully star and a convicted liar, placed there
to the Big House it is more likely to she used public funds for the a contorted legal theory that Trump and bribe on behalf of his boss, a by a partisan prosecutor, all in search
propel him back to the White House. furtherance of it. Her fate awaits committed the minor crime of Tom Hagen to Trump’s Vito of a crime that may not even exist.
24 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Getting the unemployed back into work Oblivious to opera

Sir, Concerning your report “Half the
Sir, Jeremy Hunt and Mel Stride have “participation crisis” is being driven by the pandemic. However, the nation wouldn’t notice if every opera
missed the opportunity to create a a lack of access to the kind of secure government is wrong to suggest that house closed” (May 15), if the Laidlaw
more informed debate on how to and flexible jobs that would enable unemployment benefits are a lifestyle Trust is concerned that many people
support people back into work those who are out of work to return. choice for many or that there is a would not notice if all our opera
(“When the going gets tough, Britons Britain may have historically low widespread sick-note culture. In fact, houses were pulled down, with the
show their resilience”, comment, May unemployment but it continues to be many people who are out of work implied threat to support for public
15). Perpetuating the assumption that an international outlier, with want to work, including 1.7 million funding, I have to admit (regardless of
Maternity culture unemployment is a lifestyle choice employment rates below those before who are economically inactive. But the state support for the Football
represents a simplistic level of the pandemic. Relying on the threat of only one in ten out-of-work disabled Association) that I probably would
Sir, Sir Cyril Chantler (letter, May 14) analysis that would almost be comical sanctions to push those out of work people get help to find work each year not notice if every football stadium in
observes that the compensation for if it weren’t harming people living into “any job” has failed, and it may and many people cannot find work the country were to be razed to the
birth injury based on a no-blame with mental illness and adding to have made the problem worse. It has that fits with their caring ground — but that does not mean
scheme in Sweden has “led to an their distress. Many of the people we contributed to too many people opting responsibilities or health conditions. that I feel they should not be there.
improvement in culture in the teams, support long to see an improvement out of the labour market altogether, This is a waste of potential and holds It is obvious from the volume of
which is a significant problem here”. in their health but face lengthy waits becoming stuck in insecure work, or back economic growth. We need bookings that there is no lack of
What is this “significant problem”? as an under-resourced health service dipping in and out of jobs as they are more support for people to find work support for opera (something we
Donna Ockenden, in her maternity struggles to meet rising demand. unable to find sustained employment. and improve their skills, and for seem to do rather well) among those
review, calls for “an end to the culture Then there are the barriers into work, We urgently need to see a new employers to look at how they attract who do enjoy it. As regards the
in many units of back-covering that and the need for appropriate support approach that de-risks returning to and retain staff. 25 most frequently performed
too often obscures the causes of from employers to help people stay work for the 633,000 of those who Stephen Evans productions (by which “works” is
errors”. This culture can not alter there. We face entrenched, systemic are economically inactive owing to CEO, Learning and Work Institute presumably meant, as productions are
unless the reasons for dysfunction are challenges that are having a ill health who say they want to find a continually updated) being more than
clarified and then addressed. devastating impact on the nation’s job. That means less talk of a Sir, Jeremy Hunt and Mel Stride insist 100 years old and needing to be made
Teams consist of midwives and mental health. It is more than a “sick-note culture” and more focus on that there are ample opportunities for “more relevant”, in my experience
obstetricians. The relationships question of having the right mindset improving the quality and flexibility the unemployed to find work. Not so. those exposed to opera for the first
between them are complex, involving towards work, although it would be of jobs on offer, as well as providing I have applied for hundreds of jobs time tend to prefer the melodic,
differences in training, skills and helpful if ministers shifted theirs. more tailored employment support. over the past four months — so far to traditional formats with hummable
senses of ownership of the Mark Winstanley Ben Harrison no avail. Moreover, I claim no tunes as used for TV adverts and
infant-mother process. Possessiveness CEO, Rethink Mental Illness Director of the Work Foundation at benefits. I am 63: it seems that which are even sung on the terraces.
leads to rivalry: between midwives Lancaster University employers do not want “the old guy”. Amanda Lunt
themselves, and between midwives Sir, Further to your report “Jobs are Jeremy Hunt should get out more. Chichester
and obstetricians. When something there if unemployed want them, Sir, The UK is the only G7 country Richard Yates
then goes wrong there can be a ministers insist” (May 15), this with lower employment than before Gerrards Cross, Bucks
natural tendency to blame a member
of the team: for interfering, for not
Church and state
intervening soon enough, for getting already know the cause of their “first steps” is to hire 6,500 teachers. Sir, I disagree with Chris Chivers that
something wrong or for being Obesity challenge problem. While losing weight may Fantastic — but how will it be “there was a time when to be Liberal
unaware of a complication. reverse type 2 diabetes and reduce achieved? Labour should retain our and Anglican was axiomatic” (May
The no-blame system in Sweden Sir, I find it depressing that there are the risk of heart disease, high blood charity’s career-change programme for 16). The Liberal Party overwhelmingly
lessens the understandable self- still some in the medical profession pressure, cancers and dementia, the teachers, recently defunded by the identified with the interests of the free
protective response, fuelled by rivalry repeating the outdated view that basic reason for weight reduction for Department for Education. We will (nonconformist) churches against the
and competitiveness, of fault-finding, tackling obesity is a simple matter of the NHS is not medical but probably have to stop hiring teachers Church of England associated with
blaming and denial. Well-functioning choosing a healthier lifestyle (letters, economic, because the long-term cost after September but a commitment by the Tory party. Hence the opposition
teams with proper staffing, training, May 15 & 16). It is all the more of treating the consequences of Labour could prevent the loss of nearly to the Conservative 1902 Education
pay, leadership and supportive baffling when we were taught, as far obesity far outweighs the cost of a decade of experience in this field. Act favouring C of E schools, Lloyd
management lead to good outcomes. back as the 1980s, that these weight-loss drugs. Declan Wilkes George’s crusade for the
Dr Marcus Johns conditions have a complex etiology Dr Ken Kwok Head of PR, Now Teach disestablishment of the church in
London SW12 involving biological, psychological, London W11 Wales, and the Liberal 1908 Licensing
social and environmental factors. It is Bill to reduce the number of public
Sir, Alice Thomson’s piece (“NHS
must end medieval maternity
much easier for some to choose
healthy lifestyles than others. We Labour’s pledges Growing more food houses to satisfy the nonconformist
temperance movement.
practices”, May 15) reminds me of need a systemic approach and we Sir, I fear that the concept of farm Jacquie Pearce
when I was in hospital 36 years ago have to stop implying that those Sir, Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge cards rewilding has become another victim Cowes, Isle of Wight
giving birth to my eldest daughter. My struggling with their weight are (May 16) are a rerun of Ed Miliband’s of the misinformation and
perineum had torn and I was in such greedy and lazy. monument. Recently, we were told misunderstanding that accompanies
a position that I was unable to move
due to my legs being in stirrups. The
Rachel Turner
GP specialising in addictions,
there would be 1.5 million new homes
at the end of the first five years of
the culture war (letter, May 16). While
there are targeted Defra grants for
Exotic Royal Navy
doctor/midwife, while stitching me up, Overton, Hants Labour rule. Now? Nothing about less intensive agriculture, I have yet to Sir, Your report “Titanic shipyard at
said: “Women are not designed to give housing, economic policy or council find — much to my frustration — any risk of sinking” (May 16) claims that
birth.” I was furious, and if I had had Sir, Most obese people must know tax bills: in short, a pile of waffle direct government financial support “no warship in British naval history
anything to hand I would happily that the reason for their obesity is dressed up as a request for a mandate. for rewilding per se. One person’s has been made by a foreign yard”. Not
have clobbered that woman. their lack of self-restraint in eating Labour’s policy is “We are better than rewilding is another person’s so. Apart from the many instances of
Siobhan Waters too much food and too many this mob”, but where is the hope? regenerative farming. It encompasses foreign-built ships taken prize and
London SE22 unhealthy foods. While prevention is There will be tears before bedtime. a broad spectrum of land incorporated in the fleet between the
better than cure, effective ways of Frank Keegan management, not an outright 17th and 19th centuries, there is the
Sir, I agree with Linda Miller (letter, changing their mindset is far from Alderley Edge, Cheshire abandonment of production. unique case of HMS Arno, an
May 15) that nothing really changes in obvious. Counselling is unlikely to be Justin Milward Italian-built destroyer bought during
standards of maternity care and would widely effective as those afflicted Sir, Pledge number six of Labour’s Landowner, Butcombe, Somerset the Great War for service in the
suggest that this will remain so until Mediterranean and lost in a collision
men are capable of giving birth, at in 1918. The Italians are keen to
which point drastic improvements will At this rate, were it continued, our counties choose different times at remind us of this.
be introduced — within nine months. IS THE breeding lapwings would indeed be which the collection of plovers’ eggs Captain Richard Channon, RN
Louise Donnelly on the point of extinction. But the should cease, illegal robbing of the Former naval attaché in Rome;
Talybont, Gwynedd LAPWING various enemies of lapwings or nests is not likely to be prevented. Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk
plovers and their eggs have not begun The sale of plovers’ eggs should be
VANISHING? their attacks only within the last five made illegal everywhere after the
Letters to The Times must be exclusive
and may be edited. Please include a full
seasons, and we may hope that a
breeding stock may return to this
same date. There is strong evidence
that eggs laid in late March or early
Rustic mortar
address and daytime telephone number. from the times may 17, 1924 district as they have to others. April have little chance of becoming Sir, Janice Turner (Notebook, May 16)
Experience shows that numbers of adult birds; the farm roller crushes writes of her dislike of white mortar to
Two salient points have emerged lapwings fluctuate on many of their them on arable land, and crows, repoint old brickwork. I commend the
Corrections and from the letters about the lapwing breeding-grounds greatly and over gulls, and other egg-eating birds and practice of including a small cowpat in
clarifications which we have lately published. No wide periods. While the cause is mammals raid them. Whether the a lime mortar mix to reduce brightness.
one appears to doubt the value of uncertain, the movements of these shooting of lapwings should be Henry Luce
this bird to agriculture, but there is birds in winter and the spot at which made illegal at all times and Ottery St Mary, Devon
The Times takes not the same unanimity about its they ultimately nest appear to a great everywhere is more doubtful. Many
complaints numbers. Is the lapwing in fact extent to be determined by the lapwings shot in winter are probably
about editorial
content seriously. We are committed to
vanishing? On a general review it is
doubtful. Mr H S Davenport
weather. After long winters they tend
not to return to high moors, but to
migrants from abroad and their
protection here would chiefly
Bottled secret
abiding by the Independent Press testifies that the same fears of its nest in the lowlands, or farther south. benefit others. Our Wild Birds Sir, My final edition of The Times
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules disappearance were expressed fifty Whether the lapwing should not be Protection Acts are far too complex (letters, May 13-16) will not need to be
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of years ago, while Mr J R B Masefield given more efficient protection is a and we urgently need effective published until I am well into my
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or reports that from Staffordshire, different question; and for those who international agreements. 99th year, and it will bear the
clarifications should be sent by email to Cheshire, and Derbyshire the say “Yes”, as on the evidence they well headline: “Scientists finally prove that or by post to nesting birds have diminished by may, it remains to decide what form is red wine is the secret to longevity.”
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge more than nine-tenths in five years. most efficient. So long as different Viv Mercer
Street, London SE1 9GF Southport
the times | Friday May 17 2024 25

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: David Lammy, the shadow foreign
secretary, gives a speech to the Institute for
Government; the education committee
publishes a report on teacher recruitment.

Nature notes
At last the sun came
out, and a large red
Diagnosing the Problem
nymphula) basked As an internal NHS review confronts a sharp decline in productivity, coherent
on a bramble leaf. It
had just emerged reform is needed to ensure our straining health service provides value for money
from the little woodland pond close by.
These insects have a two-year life cycle, The former chancellor Sir Nigel Lawson once why it comes as a relief to hear the NHS itself ad- more effectively and providing better training for
most of which is spent underwater in nymph memorably described the NHS as “the closest mit in an internal review that it has a serious prob- new staff. While these should be addressed as a
form. Large red damselfly nymphs live at the thing the English have to a religion”. If so, in recent lem with productivity. Increases in staff and fund- priority, what must also be confronted are those
bottom of ponds, among both living and years it has frequently tested the faith of its devo- ing are not delivering the expected outcomes for factors which lie beyond the NHS’s sole control.
decaying vegetation, and in their early tees. Many patients will still attest to exemplary patients: although the NHS has 16 per cent more They include the crumbling infrastructure of hos-
development eat the microscopic rotifers. levels of care and kindness from individual NHS staff and £20 billion more funding than before the pital buildings, and the difficulty in discharging
They then graduate to consume insect staff. But far too often they are also exposed to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of patients it vulnerable patients who — although medically fit
larvae, particularly those of midges. Once frustrating, even dangerous, fall-out from a creak- treats has remained roughly the same. to leave hospital — may have no suitable place in
they have left the water and grown wings, ing system which is failing to adapt to the demands A key reason for that, the report says, is a rise in which to receive ongoing help, due to the increas-
they do not live long. The mean mature placed upon it. Long waiting lists and the last-min- bed blocking: the number of people remaining in ingly patchy provision of social care.
lifespan of adult males is one week; females ute cancellation of operations are now a common hospital for more than three weeks has risen by 15 Too frequently, NHS reform has neglected to
average five and a half days. However, there feature of UK patients’ experience. The run-of- per cent compared to pre-Covid levels. That is consider the many interlocking factors that lead to
are records of both sexes surviving for six the-mill stresses on our health service, too, have clearly bad news for the smooth functioning of the sluggish functioning : the broken lift that wastes
weeks as adults. jonathan tulloch been sharply exacerbated by the recent wave of NHS: such patients, through no fault of their own, time transporting patients from ward to theatre,
junior doctors’ strikes. are taking up beds urgently needed by others. It for example, or the routine delays in providing
In the past, an oft-heard response to such fail- also carries risks for the patients themselves, par- medication without which patients cannot leave
Birthdays today ures has been simply to argue that the NHS needs ticularly the old and frail, since unnecessary time hospital. Earlier this year, The Times Health Com-
more money. But cash that is funnelled thought- in hospital brings a greater risk of contracting an mission came up with a number of ideas for im-
Queen Máxima of the lessly into an already faulty system will fail to de- infection or gradually losing precious mobility. proving NHS performance, including digital
Netherlands, pictured, liver the required change. That is now recognised Then there is the steep financial cost: the health “patient passports” which could streamline ap-
53; Vice-Admiral Sir not only by the government but by the opposition: think tank the King’s Fund recently calculated pointments and referrals. Truly coherent change
Thomas Baird, Flag the shadow health secretary Wes Streeting that it costs the NHS £395 a night to care for some- cannot come soon enough, not least since the
Officer, Scotland and warned earlier this year that “pouring more one when they could be discharged. challenge of making this complex system work of-
Northern Ireland (1979- money in without reform would be like pouring The report attributes a significant proportion of fers huge rewards. In some other settings, words
82), 100; General Sir water into a leaky bucket”. the productivity problem to faults within the NHS such as productivity and efficiency may not fully
Richard Barrons, The first step to mending the bucket, however, is itself, which could be helped by improving ineffi- fire the imagination. In the NHS they are often,
commander, Joint Forces Command (2013- correctly identifying the source of the leak. That is cient computer systems, co-ordinating discharges quite literally, a matter of life and death.
16), 65; Sir Rodric Braithwaite, UK
ambassador to USSR/Russia (1988-92), 92;
Richard Brooke, chairman, England Boxing,
70; Bill Bruford, rock and jazz drummer, Yes
(1968-72), 75; BS Chandrasekhar, cricketer,
India (1964-79), 79; Enya, singer, Orinoco
Promises, Promises
Flow (1988), 63; Anthony Eyton, figurative
painter, 101; Lucy Frazer KC, culture, media Labour’s latest policy launch was underwhelming but it probably won’t matter
and sport secretary, Conservative MP for
South East Cambridgeshire, 52; Martin Politicians, or rather the campaign shamans paid These six “first steps” are meant to “put flesh on It was a ragbag of goals for a party that may well
Harris, UK ambassador to Ukraine, 55; Prof to guide them, have become convinced that such the bones” of the five “missions” — keep up now — be in power by Bonfire Night. Where was a pro-
Cyril Hilsum, physicist and and material is the severity of the modern public’s attention set out by Sir Keir in January last year. Of hard mise to build X number of council houses or a
scientist, 99; Sir Simon Hughes, MP (1983- deficit disorder that a short list of bullet points is all figures there were few: 6,500 new teachers and commitment to spend 2.5 per cent on defence in an
2015), deputy leader, Liberal Democrats it can digest. This practice, now common in gener- 40,000 extra appointments per week to cut NHS increasingly perilous world? Also welcome would
(2010-14), 73; Alan Johnson, Labour MP al election campaigns, can involve a wallet-sized waiting lists. Except that in the latter case Sir Keir be an understanding of Labour’s plans for work-
(1997-2017), home secretary (2009-10), 74; printed card, as in the case of Tony Blair in 1997, or was unable to say by when, which is important if place reform, including pay settlements that could
Justin King, chairman, Ovo (energy group), a slightly less handy megalith, like the “Ed Stone” you are one of the 7.6 million people on a waiting saddle companies with new costs.
Allwyn UK (operator of the National that in 2015 marked the political resting place of list and in pain. Experience suggests that forecasting accurately
Lottery), Dexters (estate agency), 63; Ed Miliband. Rishi Sunak used the same tactic in The rest of it? A new Border Security Command what a Starmer government will do is a futile exer-
Johanna Konta, tennis player, former British mid-term last year with his five pledges. Simple, to smash the people-trafficking gangs and yet cise. Take the ten pledges he made when running
No 1, 33; Sugar Ray Leonard, boxer, five- punchy — and potentially lethal for your credibili- another crackdown on anti-social behaviour with for the Labour leadership. Four years old, they
weight world champion, 68; Taj Mahal, ty if you are too specific and fail to meet your self- tough new penalties (with no mention of how to read as from another world: abolition of universal
blues musician, 82; Jane Moore, journalist, imposed metrics, as the prime minister is cur- house more inmates in a crumbling prison estate credit, increased income tax for top earners, na-
columnist for The Sun, and broadcaster, rently in danger of discovering. at bursting point). Then there was “economic sta- tionalisation of rail, mail, energy and water.
Loose Women, 62; Baroness (Susan) Nye, Labour were at it again yesterday when Sir Keir bility”, the political equivalent of granny’s apple A cynic might conclude that Sir Keir follows
director, Government Relations, 10 Downing Starmer unveiled five — sorry, six — pledges to be pie. Previously, Sir Keir had promised the highest Groucho Marx: “Those are my principles and if
Street (2007-10), 69; Christine Ohuruogu, enacted in the early phase of his government. It sustained growth in the G7, an altogether chunki- you don’t like them ... well, I’ve got others.” He
athlete, Olympic gold medallist (2008), was meant to be a big moment, with Sir Keir exud- er ambition — and brutally measurable. probably needn’t worry. The public pays little at-
world 400m champion (2007, 2013), 40; Rt ing purpose in rolled-up shirtsleeves, the shadow There was also the promise to launch Great tention to bullet points. A general feeling of well-
Rev Stephen Platten, bishop of Wakefield cabinet corralled behind him and lobby journal- British Energy, a public green energy company. being, or rather the lack of it, together with disillu-
(2003-14), 77; Tamara Rojo, artistic director ists dragged out of Westminster to chronicle the But was Labour sticking with its apple-pie-in-the- sionment with those in power, or lack of, carries
and lead principal dancer of English momentous event. Result: a disappointing menu sky promise of a 100 per cent green energy supply the day. Sir Keir could have saved himself the
National Ballet (2012-22), 50; Jeremy Vine, of open-ended, generalised, or reheated promises. by 2030? Its days must be be numbered. trouble with one bullet: “I’m not Rishi Sunak.”
presenter and broadcaster, 59; Paul Walker,
chairman, Ashtead Group (equipment rental
company), RELX Group (information and
analytics company), 67; Paul Whitehouse,
comedian and writer, The Fast Show (1994-
2000), Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing
Dangerous Pursuit
(2018-23), 66.
Amending the law to punish reckless cyclists is long overdue
On this day When irresponsible cyclists who injure or, on rare It is an obvious anomaly that, currently, the The 21st-century cycling boom, encouraged for
occasions, kill pedestrians can only be prosecuted authorities have to resort to the small print of the many years by this newspaper, is a positive devel-
In 1990 the World Health Organisation under a law dating back to 1861 designed to deter Offences against the Person Act 1861 to prosecute opment. Cycling is a cheap, clean, quiet, quick (too
removed homosexuality from its list of the reckless handling of horse-drawn carriages, cyclists when they cause “bodily harm” by “wan- quick, in some cases), healthy and efficient way to
mental disorders. then evidently updated legislation is required. The ton or furious driving”. The antique language tells get around, particularly in cities. The continued
government has proposed to amend the Criminal the story. The existing maximum penalty on con- growth of pedal power is to be encouraged. The
Justice Bill, which begins its report stage today, in viction is a mere two years in prison. That is insuf- best way to do that is to make this mode of trans-
The last word order to include cyclists under the same legal ficient, both as a punishment and a deterrent. port as safe as possible, both for those on bikes
framework as motorists, so they face far harsher There is considerable public disquiet over the fla- sharing the road space with powered vehicles, and
“The truth comes as conqueror only because penalties for causing death or serious injury by grancy with which some cyclists flout the rules of for those crossing the road on foot at traffic lights,
we have lost the art of receiving it as guest.” “dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling.” the road, behaviour which can lead to the serious or walking alongside it on the pavement. Negli-
Rabindranath Tagore, philosopher and poet, This is a sensible measure, impressing on cyclists injury or death of pedestrians. Offences may be gent and selfish cyclists, like those horses targeted
The Fourfold Way of India (1924) the responsibilities they share as road users. rare but those in harm’s way must be protected. by the 1861 act, need to be reined in.
26 V2 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Gazans dream of
an end to brutal
rule of Hamas speak freely — taken by the Palestinian Nations. When asked by The Times in
Centre for Policy and Survey Research March about the extent of the destruc-
Gabrielle Weiniger Tel Aviv
in March, two thirds of Gazans are op- tion, he responded that “living in free-
Amal Helles Cairo
posed to Hamas, which is allied to Iran. dom and dignity is worth a thousand
Samer Al-Atrush Riyadh
“If elections were held tomorrow, times more than all the buildings”.
In the nightmare of Gaza, elections are Hamas right now has the support of Yet as offensives widen and intensify,
a distant dream. “There is no adminis- about a third of Palestinians in the West some residents have placed their confi-
tration at any level,” said Hajj Yazan, 60, Bank, and third of Palestinians in Gaza. dence in Hamas as a military force that
who has been imprisoned more than This is less than what it was before has fought back against Israel.
once during previous wars with Israel, October 7,” Khalil Shikaki, who was in “A lot of people who do not support
the first and second intifadas. “We lost charge of conducting the poll, said. Hamas, actually support the resistance
martyrs, our homes, our land and our With Israel’s central war strategy and support the decision to carry out
money.” aimed at destroying Hamas, Gazans are the [October 7] attack for various rea-
Tired from running from an assault aware of the heavy price of voicing sons,” Shikaki said. “It made the Pales-
on the southern city of Rafah, Atta, 39, support for the Islamist group. How- tinian issue a lot more fundamental and
a father of three, said many Palestinians ever, Hamas is also considered to be a important for regional actors, for the
now wanted an end to the war but merciless ruler. Aid organisations ac- international community, for a solution
feared the brutal rule of Hamas, which cuse it of detaining, torturing and un- to end the limbo in which the Palestini-
he believes will keep fighting to the bit- lawfully killing opponents and those ans found themselves, the end of Arab
ter end. “Hamas is determined to keep accused of “collaborating” with Israel. abandonment of the Palestinians and
going, holding Gaza as it began, and Some Gazans believe that Hamas is normalisation with Israel.”
does not want anyone to share power keeping humanitarian aid for itself and Israel is using the air space to turn the
— at the expense of the people and the its supporters, and others have been people cut off from the rest of the world
destruction of everything,” he said. angered by its official statements that against their government. Major Ella
Although many in Gaza blame Israel have been seen as callous. Waweya, 34, who is in charge of the
for laying waste to much of the territory Ghassan Khatib, a former Palestin- Arabic media desk for the Israeli mili-
in a war that, according to figures from ian minister, peace negotiator and lec- tary and who has 66,000 followers on
the Hamas-run health ministry, has turer at Birzeit University in Nablus, Instagram, believes her message is get-
killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, said there were two main debates ting through. “The Arab world knows
there is growing anger at Hamas for among the 2.5 million people in Gaza. and the Gazans know that Hamas
creating a conflict that has left hun- “First, why did you not expect this terri- brought pain down upon everyone,
dreds of thousands homeless and hun- ble reaction on the public of Gaza. opening the gates of Hell on to the
gry. This leads to the question: is Gaza Second, why did you not prepare? Why people on October 7,” she said.
ready to rise up against Hamas? do you have enough ammunition to She cited one elderly woman who in
The group won a majority in parlia- keep fighting but not enough medicine, a TikTok video shared with Waweya
mentary elections in 2006 with many why do you have bunkers for the said: “I voted for Hamas myself.
casting a vote for the militants as an fighters but not for the civilians?” Where’s the change and where is the
alternative to Fatah, the party that Comments by Hamas’s political reform? They’ve destroyed the entire

dominated the corrupt Palestinian leaders in Qatar have further angered country and impoverished the people. he leaders of
Authority. A year later its gunmen
seized Gaza after a week of bloody
Gazans. In one television interview
Mousa Abu Marzouk, the deputy
People can’t find anything to eat.”
The US has a vision for Gaza starting
Putin bonds with Russia and
China cemented
clashes with Fatah and have ruled
leader, brushed off a question on why
Hamas was not allowing civilians into
from the day after the war ends. It en-
visages a revitalised Palestinian ‘dear friend’ Xi to their anti-
Yet according to a poll — conducted its tunnels by saying the population was Authority taking over the territory, uni- alliance when President
“in whispers” so that people could the responsibility of the United fying Palestinians in the West Bank and
Gaza by rule although not in land. This
reinforce alliance Putin arrived in Beijing
for the first state visit of
The top image
shows tents and
vision is not supported by the majority
of Palestinians, who see the Authority
against America his fifth term in office
(Richard Spencer writes).
shelters west of as corrupt and beholden to Israel. Putin thanked
Khan Younis on “Even though Hamas has declined in President Xi for the role
May 4 and, support, it is still strong compared with
below, how the its next competitor, which is Fatah, the
spread of tents Palestinian Authority and [Mahmoud]
Abbas,” Shikaki said. Nor does Israel
and shelters has
expanded by
May 15. Hundreds
of thousands of
support the plan. On Wednesday, Net-
anyahu once again said that the Pales-
tinian Authority would not rule Gaza.
Kremlin accused of planting
people have fled For the majority of Gazans, Hamas is France which Russia is not invited. In one false
the south Gaza still the best of their limited options. “I story, dressed up as a real French tele-
Charles Bremner Paris
city of Rafah think most Gazans would prefer vision report, Paris is supposedly
amid intense Hamas to be in control. It would be Of the many threats that President crawling with bedbugs and chemicals
fighting and better if there were a non-political gov- Putin’s Russia has posed to Europe in for killing them have poisoned the city’s
destruction as ernment that all factions agree on, recent years, the scourge of bedbugs is water supply.
the war between including Hamas, that would be a tran- not often listed. This is just one of a torrent of Russia-
Hamas and Israel sitional, technocratic one that could French officials, however, say the fomented fake news items flooding
continues control Gaza for six months or a year Kremlin has fanned the fire of the in- France ahead of the Games.
followed by elections,” Shikaki said. sect panic as part of a cyberoffensive “The bedbugs were Kremlin interfer-
Hajj Yazan, sitting with children ahead of the Olympic Games. ence,” Valérie Hayer, head of President
around him in Rafah market, said: “I The Paris bedbug hysteria of last Macron’s Renaissance party candidates
hope the war will end, that there will be autumn, though likely home-grown list in next month’s European parlia-
an administration capable of ruling and driven by social and mainstream mentary elections, said.
Gaza that does not pursue its personal media, has been seized upon by Russian The plague of punaises de lit as they
interests and political ideas, and that propagandists in an attempt to feed are called in French, which involved
Gaza will be reconstructed as it was.” fears ahead of the Games in July — to reported sightings in cinemas, trains,
the times | Friday May 17 2024 V2 27

Fico shot by ‘lone wolf in Unlucky in love? Voodoo

election revenge attack’ priests have all the answers
Page 29 Page 30

Trump’s former fixer

admits he lied under
oath to protect wife
United States with whom I have spent countless
hours,” Cohen said on the podcast.
Will Pavia New York
“You have never met Alvin Bragg,
The star witness in the criminal trial of correct?” said Blanche.
Donald Trump acknowledged lying “That’s correct,” Cohen said.
repeatedly under oath during a gruel- Blanche said Cohen lied in a state-
ling cross-examination. ment to Congress about the number of
Michael Cohen, Trump’s former times he had spoken to Trump about a
attorney and fixer, was confronted with project to build a tower in Moscow.
false statements he had made to “You knew you were lying?” he asked.
Congress, to investigators and to a “Correct,” Cohen replied. “I worked
judge who jailed him for three years. with the joint defence agreement, and
He said that he lied in the past for the we crafted this document. In order to
benefit of Trump, and later, before a stay on message, a message that we all
judge, to protect his wife from prosecu- knew Mr Trump wanted, including Mr
tion. “The reason why you lied was Trump’s attorney at the time.”
because the stakes affected you person- He would later plead guilty to lying to
ally,” Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, Congress, to campaign finance viola-
told Cohen. tions, to making a false statement to a
“Yes,” he replied. bank and to tax evasion. But Cohen said
“Does the outcome of this trial affect this week that he felt he ought not to
you personally?” Blanche asked. have been charged with tax crimes.
“Yes,” Cohen replied. “No one induced you or threatened
Trump, 77, is charged with falsifying you to plead guilty, correct?” Blanche
business records to conceal a hush said, regarding his guilty plea.
money payment of $130,000 to the “I was provided with 48 hours within
adult film star Stormy Daniels, before which to accept the plea or the South-
the 2016 presidential election. Cohen ern District of New York was going to
told the court on Monday that he paid file an 80-page indictment that inc-
Daniels at Trump’s direction and had luded my wife,” Cohen replied.
called Trump, to get approval for the “So you felt that you were kind of
transaction. “You did not talk to Presi- induced or put under pressure to plead
dent Trump on that night,” Blanche guilty?” Blanche asked
said. Cohen said that he believed he did. “Correct,” Cohen replied.
Trump’s attorneys have said Cohen is Blanche said that Judge William
a criminal who sought to pin the blame Pauley had asked him if anyone had
on Trump when he was caught. offered any inducement or threatened
Blanche played a clip from Cohen’s him. “You said, ‘No’,” he said. “That was
podcast, Mea Culpa, in which he a lie.”
said he hoped Trump would “That was something
spend some time in prison, that’s not true, correct,”
as “revenge is a dish best Cohen said.
served cold”. “Do you think Judge
“I want to thank the Pauley would have
Manhattan district liked to know that you
attorney Alvin Bragg, had lied to him?”
China was playing in the initiatives they are putting western groupings such as President Putin said he was Cohen said: “I’m cer-
Ukraine war. Xi has forward to resolve this Aukus — Australia, the grateful for initiatives from Michael Cohen said that tain he would have.”
refused to comply with problem,” Putin said UK and the US — and he President Xi intended to he had lied to the judge The trial continues.
western requests to stop when he arrived. He also is concerned that Nato end the war in Ukraine who sentenced him to
supplying Russia with told Xi he backed China might turn its attention to three years for tax evasion
electronics, justifying his in trying to resist the the Pacific region. ever before. On Putin’s
decision by putting development of “closed Taiwanese officials said arrival in Beijing
forward his own “peace
plan” to end the conflict.
“We are grateful to our
alliances” in the Asia-
Pacific region.
that China, which claims
Taiwan as its own, had
been sending naval vessels
yesterday, Xi called him
“my great friend”. Putin
reciprocated by
Biden blocks publication
Chinese friends and
colleagues for the
Xi says China is
threatened by pro-
and fighter jets to patrol
closer to the country than
addressing Xi as “dear
friend”. of ‘poor memory’ tapes
Hugh Tomlinson Washington places Biden in a difficult position. Re-
leasing the recordings would be likely
bedbugs in Paris hotels before Olympics President Biden has blocked the release
of interview recordings with a special
counsel who characterised the US
to provide Republicans with fresh
ammunition for their attacks against
his age, but refusing to turn them over
hotels and schools, never happened, country with disinformation and information, especially among the leader as an “elderly man with a poor is certain to prompt allegations from
according to experts. Paris suffers from cyberattacks,” Macron said in March. populist right and radical left. memory” during an investigation into Trump and his allies of a cover-up.
the same infestation that has been Viginum, a government unit set up in The Russian campaign does not his handling of classified documents. Hur was appointed to investigate after
rising in world cities, including London 2021 for detecting malicious disinfor- mean, however, that the 15 million Republicans have demanded the classified documents from Biden’s time
and New York, since the 1990s, they mation, has reported an onslaught visitors expected in France this sum- audio of Biden’s conversations with as vice-president to Barack Obama were
said. “The fuss last autumn was not from Russia recently. The false reports, mer should lower their guard against Robert Hur, whose report this year found at a string of locations. The special
based on any increase in contamina- with cloned logos and formats of pres- bedbugs. The movement of so many dealt a blow to the president’s re-elec- counsel found that no criminal charges
tion in hotels,” Véronique Siegel, head tige French TV and print media and people and warm weather will mean tion campaign as the 81-year-old faces against the president were warranted,
of UMIH, the trade association of also of government websites, appear on higher infestation, experts say, with questions about his age. but his report added to concerns over
hotels, told le Figaro. “There is nothing Russian Telegram internet channels Airbnb-style rentals likely to be more Denying the release on the grounds Biden’s cognitive abilities.
to fear at the Olympic Games,” she said. and are aired on Russian state TV. They vulnerable than hotels, which have of executive privilege, the White House Biden sat for a five-hour interview
Bug fever is a front in what Macron are relayed through fake accounts into more rigorous hygiene standards. said Republicans only wanted to use the with Hur in October. The special coun-
calls a Russian disinformation offen- French social media. Nicolas Roux de Bezieux, who heads recordings for “political gain” and to sel’s report claimed that the president
sive that is striving to destabilise France Although the bogus reportage is an eradication firm called Badbugs, assist Donald Trump before his elect- had struggled to recall key dates,
as it hosts the Olympics amid simmer- often easy to spot, with grammatical said that in addition to bugs, visitors ion rematch with Biden in November. including the year his son, Beau, died of
ing political tensions. “The Kremlin mistakes and clumsy voice-overs, it could expect a surge in rats because of A transcript has already been re- brain cancer (2015) and when he served
regime has intensified its assault on our plays into French distrust of official the out-door eating during the Games. leased, but the move to block the audio as vice-president (2009-17).
28 S1 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Baroness Thyssen owns autumn work will begin
Interior a l’aire lliure by to turn it into a museum.
Ramon Casas, far left, and Cervera had maintained
Mata Mua by Paul Gauguin she would exhibit her
19th and 20th-century
€100 million to keep Catalan paintings in the
them on public display. museum, near the
Now Cervera, 81, aims residence in which the
to fulfil her ambition to baron died in 2002.
establish a museum in Whether the works
her birthplace of there will now fill her
Barcelona. She has planned museum in
presented a project to Barcelona is unknown.
the owners of the former Miquel Molins, an art
Comedia cinema to historian, told El Diario
convert the site into a that the baroness may
cultural centre. also move 27 paintings
“To be able to house that are kept at Museu
in my city, Nacional d’Art de
Barcelona, an Catalunya in
important Barcelona.
museum of They include
some of the Interior a
best works l’aire lliure by
of Catalan Ramon
art, is the Casas.
best legacy I Borja
can leave to the Thyssen-
next generations,” Bornemisza, her
Baroness eyes site for she told La
son, stands to share with
her some of the
Catalan cultural hub Sources told the
newspaper that
negotiations were in
dividends of the deal she
agreed with the
government for the

armen von Thyssen- their final phase and Thyssen museum’s
Cervera, the Bornemisza, to sell his that the project would rental of her collection,
Dowager collection of art, then involve a “long-term which includes a
Baroness Europe’s largest, to the concession of around Gauguin masterpiece,
Thyssen- Spanish state in 1992. 25 years”. Mata Mua. The deal is
Bornemisza and a It is housed by the Cervera has already worth €97.5 million over
former Miss Spain, is Thyssen-Bornemisza set up museums in 15 years.
famed for getting her National Museum in Malaga and Andorra. Cervera made her
own way (Isambard Madrid, which also Her building in Sant position clear at the
Wilkinson writes). exhibits works owned by Feliu de Guixols in time it was signed,
Tita, as she is known, Cervera, who struck a Girona, Catalonia, has saying she would not
won popularity for controversial deal with hosted temporary give up her works free of
persuading her husband, the government in 2021 exhibitions of Catalan charge. “I have heirs,”
Baron Hans Heinrich to pay her nearly paintings, but this she said.

Tunisia’s strongman kills dream Populists to

challenge EU
of democracy by jailing lawyers over migrants
Journalists, critics and ed migrants. The security forces have Tunisia’s migration crisis. With presi- ments in Tunisia, in particular the con- The Netherlands
allegedly rounded up black people sus- dential elections expected this year, comitant arrests of several civil society
Bruno Waterfield Brussels
opposition figures have pected of being migrants and dumped
them on the borders with Libya and
Saied is promoting conspiracy theories
that “traitors” who defend sub-Saharan
figures, journalists and political actors.
“Freedoms of expression and asso- A Dutch coalition dominated by popul-
been muzzled after Algeria. African migrants are being paid by “for- ciation, as well as the independence of ists and hard-right nationalists is on
On Saturday, as masked officers eign powers” to attack his government. the judiciary, are guaranteed by the course for an early confrontation with
protests, reports Elizia burst into the Bar Association building, Last year he claimed that “hordes of Tunisian constitution and constitute the European Union over asylum rules
Hamdi Tlili, a France 24 cameraman illegal migrants” were part of a conspir- the basis of our partnership.” and environmental legislation.
Volkmann in Tunis who was filming a live report, said he acy “to change the demographic com- Saied once heralded his legal back- The government, which said its
was attacked by officers and then taken position” of the country, echoing the ground at the Faculty of Law and Polit- motto would be “hope, courage and
Fourteen years after the Arab Spring away for interrogation. After being rhetoric of populists such as Viktor ical Sciences at the University of Tunis pride”, was formed yesterday after the
made Tunisia a beacon for democracy, released, he said: “I was so traumatised Orban, the Hungarian prime minister. as evidence of his enduring support for surprise victory of Geert Wilders and
the human rights lawyer Sonia Dah- that first night I couldn’t sleep.” Saied, a former law lecturer, has independent courts. Yet two years ago his Freedom Party in elections six
mani is witnessing her country’s slide France 24 later condemned a “brutal ruled by decree after a sweeping power he dissolved the independent high judi- months ago. “We are making history
back to autocracy — from a prison cell. intervention by security forces that grab in 2021. Despite international cial council. His new constitution has today,” Wilders said, announcing his
Her crime was committed on a tele- prevented journalists from practising alarm at his growing repression, last brought the courts entirely under his coalition with three other populist and
vision show in which she expressed sur- their profession”. A demonstration is control. conservative parties. “The sun will
prise that so many migrants were trav- planned in Paris today outside the Sonia Dahmani, One female lawyer who runs an asso- shine again in the Netherlands.”
elling to Tunisia despite its struggling Tunisian embassy. Lawyers staged a whose arrest has ciation defending free speech online Wilders, a peroxide blond nationalist
economy. “What extraordinary coun- second strike yesterday in solidarity prompted strikes said that she was attacked by a police sometimes called the “Dutch Trump”,
try are we talking about?” she asked. with Dahmani. Her daughter, Nour by lawyers officer and knocked unconscious. will not himself enter the new govern-
That was enough to prompt a raid by Bettaieb, said she had been “arrested “This has become a real nightmare,” ment as part of the deal with the con-
the security forces on the Tunis Bar for exercising her fundamental right to she said. “It’s not the first time that we servative VVD, the anti-establishment
Association on Saturday to arrest her. freedom of speech. This isn’t the have come under attack or been threat- New Social Contract and the BBB, a po-
She was charged under Decree 54, a Tunisia we strived for.” ened.” pulist rural party.
“fake news” law used to muzzle critics. Ibrahim Belghaith, a lawyer and year the European Union signed a A local journalist said: “Things are A new prime minister, expected to be
For her allies, the arrest marks a new friend of Dahmani living in exile in major co-operation deal with his gov- more brutal than in the days of Ben Ali,” Ronald Plasterk, a former Labour Party
phase in the clampdown by the increas- France, said: “She had no time to pre- ernment aimed at curbing the flow of referring to the president who fled pro- minister and scientist turned Euro-
ingly autocratic President Saied on the pare her defence. These are exceptional migrants across the Mediterranean in tests in 2011. “Those police officers sceptic newspaper columnist, will be
cornerstones of Tunisia’s fledgling circumstances.” exchange for cash. Last year 97,000 of know they’re doing something wrong, named in the coming days.
democracy — the right to a legal Belghaith said that in a subsequent the 157,000 migrants arriving in Italy so they hide their faces and dress in a The government will soon clash with
defence and a free press — as pressure raid on the legal headquarters on sailed from Tunisia. way that they could deny it was a police Brussels over a demand to ditch EU
from the EU intensifies over the migra- Monday night, the police charged into In March Germany’s Bertelsmann raid.” asylum rules it blames for an influx of
tion crisis across the Mediterranean. the building and “pointed guns at the Stiftung foundation added Tunisia to Stuart Russell, a former judge who migrants. “An opt-out clause ... will be
The National Union of Tunisian lawyers there; they came back to smash its list of autocratic states. Its global list founded the international campaign submitted as soon as possible to the
Journalists said more than 60 the glass door and break the furniture”. has been released every two years since group Defend Lawyers, said: “The raid European Commission,” said its ten-
reporters, lawyers and opposition Another lawyer, Mahdi Zagrouba, 2005. was intended to instil a high level of fear point programme. It pledged stricter
figures had been prosecuted under De- who took part in a protest against Dah- On Tuesday an EU spokeswoman into lawyers but it has backfired. This residency rules, a cut in environmental
cree 54 since it came into force in 2022. mani’s arrest, was detained. said: “The European Union has fol- one is a huge public relations disaster targets that it claims have hurt farmers,
Many of those arrested have defend- At the centre of the crackdown is lowed with concern recent develop- for the regime.” and 100,000 new homes a year.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 29


Slovakian prime minister ‘shot

by lone wolf angry over election’
Slovakia Robert Fico was bundled into
Kaya Burgess Bratislava a car by security forces after
Slovakia’s prime minister Robert Fico the shooting, while the others
“escaped death by just a hair” when he detained the alleged gunman
was shot several times, the country’s
president-elect said after a man was
charged with attempted murder.
The shooting was the first significant America’s spell. Fico was
assassination attempt on a European convinced. “No one is going to
political leader for more than 20 years attack anyone, there will be no
and has drawn international condem- war,” he declared in early
nation. Political analysts and politi- February 2022 despite the 150,000
cians said it has exposed an increasing- troops massed on the Russian and
ly febrile and polarised political climate Belarusian borders with Ukraine.
in Slovakia and across Europe. As far as his party, Smer, was
A 71-year-old suspect, named locally concerned, “war in Ukraine is one
as Juraj Cintula, was arrested at the gigantic hoax cooked up by
scene and has been charged with pre- Americans to drive a wedge
meditated attempted murder. between, and to frighten
Matus Sutaj Estok, Slovakia’s interior Europeans”. Fico has been saying
minister, said an initial investigation something similar for decades.
had found “a clear political motivation”. “The world has four cardinal
He said the suspect did not belong to points,” he said at the start of his
any political groups but apparently political career.“Not just west, but
wanted revenge after Peter Pellegrini, a also east, north and south.”
Fico ally, won last month’s presidential Russia duly helped Fico to
election. “This is a lone wolf whose ac- return to power in last September’s
tions were accelerated after the presi- elections. America hopes that new
dential election since he was dissatis- governments in Poland and the
fied with its outcome,” Sutaj Estok said. Czech Republic will bring Slovakia
A photograph on Facebook appeared and Hungary back into the fold, to
to show Cintula, an amateur poet and produce some kind of political
former supermarket security guard, in unity at the Nato’s 75th birthday
the company of members of Slovenski summit in Washington in July. But
Branski, a pro-Russian paramilitary the fact is that as long as Putin
group, in 2016. seems to be capturing ground and
Giving an update from outside the transforming the Russian economy
hospital where Fico, 59, is in intensive into a giant weapons factory, those
care, Pellegrini, who takes office next European governments on the
fence are likely to stay there.
Robert Fico is in a
critical condition
after being shot
Putin revels in spectre 50 miles
In Georgia, the Georgian Dream
party, backed by the Moscow-
linked billionaire Bidzina
Ivanishvili, has forced through a

of a fractured Europe Prague CZECH

bill banning foreign NGOs. Its aim
is to stifle western influence in the
country and block any progress
towards EU membership.
month, said the prime minister’s condi- Analysis of a declared neutral state. Bratislava This obstructionism merely
tion remained critical but he was able to Slovakia saw more long-term Vienna highlights the choice that is on the

speak to him in hospital. Pellegrini said ith European safety in Nato membership. And Budapest table for many fragile democracies
that if “the gunshot wounds were in a parliament that’s when its problems began. AUSTRIA in Europe: alignment with EU
different place by a few centimetres, to- elections only Bridges are the first things to be institutions (who have been
day we might have to talk about com- weeks away, the blown up when war breaks out. Former boundary of Czechoslovakia flagging interest in enlisting
pletely different things”. continent has When Russia launched its all- unstable new members) or a
Robert Kalinak, deputy prime minis- rarely been so anxious about the out invasion of Ukraine in 2022, arrival of cheap competition from deeper dependence on Moscow.
ter and defence minister, said it was too future (Roger Boyes writes). The Slovakia became a transit country Ukrainian grain. As in much of the Russia presents the alternatives for
soon to say if Fico would recover. assassination attempt on Robert for western weapons and a repair rest of Europe, Russia used its troll east Europeans as being about
In an earlier appeal for calm, Slova- Fico, the Slovakian leader, could hub for smashed-up Nato kit. But armies to sow doubts among national self-interest. Germany
kia’s outgoing president, Zuzana Capu- lead towards a kind of civil war, the populists knew that there were electorates, churning out black can afford to drastically cut back
tova, and Pellegrini made an unexpect- according to the country’s interior few votes to be won in acting in propaganda against Ukrainian on Russian energy. Bulgaria,
ed joint speech at the presidential pal- minister, throwing fuel on a solidarity with Nato and the EU. refugees, underlining Moscow’s Hungary, Serbia, Moldova less so
ace in Bratislava yesterday morning. society already polarised by the Farmers in Slovakia, as in Poland supposed desire for peace and — even if Gazprom is no longer
Pellegrini said: “I am horrified that Ukrainian conflict on its borders. and Hungary, objected to the warning against falling under the strutting geopolitical
on the receiving end of this hatred is the At the heart of this tension influencer it once was.
head of a democratically elected ruling creeping across eastern Europe is Choose the East, Russia says, the
party, fighting for his life after an assas- the question of where a violently Kremlin is the winning team,
sination attempt.” disruptive Russia fits into the backed by China and able to
Caputova said: “Yesterday’s attack is security architecture of the survive the most comprehensive
above all a great human tragedy, but it continent. Does the very idea of financial blockade launched in
is also an attack on the democratic Europe — once a beacon of hope modern days.
establishment ... We want to encourage for post-communist states — have The battle is on, even if the Fico
everyone to take a responsible ap- to be defined in opposition to attack does not easily fit into the
proach, to step out of the vicious circle President Putin’s territorial Kremlin narrative (the assailant
of hatred and mutual accusations.” ambitions? Or is there, as some was allegedly a maverick writer
Fico was shot in the abdomen and populists such as Fico and Viktor associated with a nationalist pro-
arm as he spoke to voters in Handlova, Orban, the Hungarian prime Russian group). The Moldovans
a town 80 miles northeast of the capital minister, believe, some kind of are concerned that the Russians
Bratislava. He was bundled into a car by halfway house? will mobilise the breakaway
his security team and taken to hospital. After the break-up of the Transnistrian statelet and make
Tomáš Taraba, the deputy prime Warsaw Pact in 1991 and the EU accession impossible.
minister, said Fico was shot “from very fracturing of the Czechoslovak The Russian interest in all of its
close” and “one bullet went through the state, Slovakian leaders declared endeavours, from cyberwar to
stomach and the second one hit a joint”. that their international role should influence operations, is in
Cintula, who is believed to come from be as a bridge between East and demonstrating that western
the town of Levice, was being held at West. Austria (Vienna is a short promises of security are
the National Criminal Agency in Nitra, drive from Bratislava) does much unreliable. In Putin’s embrace
western Slovakia. His wife was also the same but from the perspective The suspect, Juraj Cintula, is said to have links to a pro-Russian paramilitary group they are safe.
brought in for questioning.
30 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Missing man ‘imprisoned’
by neighbour for 28 years
Algeria into custody after trying to flee, the
government said.
Isambard Wilkinson
The victim said that he had been
An Algerian man who was presumed unable to call for help during his time
dead for almost three decades has in captivity “because of a spell that his
been found alive in an underground captor had cast on him”. Local reports
cell after allegedly being kidnapped have suggested that his diminished
by a neighbour. psychological state may have been
Omar Ben Omran, who was a the cause of his inaction.
teenager when he disappeared in The government said an investi-
1996, was found hidden in a squalid gation was continuing and that the
underground dungeon buried under victim was receiving medical and
layers of straw, according to Algerian psychological care after the “hei-
media. nous” crime.
Reports said that he had vanished Video shared on social media and
during the Algerian civil war, which broadcast on Algerian television
ended in 2002, and that his family networks showed the moment
had assumed he had been taken pris- Omran was found in what appeared
oner or killed. to be a hole in the ground, described
Now aged 45, he was found amid by authorities as a sheep pen.
hay bales about 200m away from his A photo posted online showed the
home in Djelfa, after the captor’s victim as a teenager with his dog. El
brother aired grievances, reportedly Khabar newspaper said the dog had
over an inheritance dispute, on social pined for him close to the spot where
media. he was being held. Omran’s captor
Djelfa is a mountain city with a has also been accused of poisoning
population of 500,000, about 140 the dog.
miles south of Algiers, the capital. The suspect is understood to have
The alleged culprit, a 61-year-old lived alone, but reports suggested
municipal security guard in the that he was regularly seen buying
nearby town of El Guedid, was taken enough food for two people. Light and shade Bright Dreams by the French artist Saype gives the illusion of a girl helping a sea rescue in Irchel Park, Zurich

Regal Rhine Cruise to Unlucky in love? Voodoo

Switzerland with Royal
Household Butler
priests have all the answers
In a village where the It’s time for a second opinion. A
and Chef CRUISE
religion was born,
voodoo priestess called Martine de
Souza Gandjaï Mabegbé offers more
broken hearts can be
practical advice. “Go slowly,” she says
after interpreting messages from a
band of woven sticks possessed by a
mended, writes Sam forest spirit called Cleviti. “You must
be patient and gentle with her if you
Seven nights on board
in your choice of luxury
Bradpiece in Ganvie want to be together.”
cabin or suite No voodoo quest to Benin is com-
All meals on board, The romance was as intense as it was plete without a visit to the coastal
including the Chef’s brief. She was a French infectious dis- town of Ouidah, from where more
dinner plus a Superior eases specialist and medical resear- than a million African slaves were
drinks package† cher — intelligent, beautiful and kind shipped to the New World, effectively
Expert talks and a royal — who left Senegal, where we both spreading the religion to the Ameri-
afternoon tea lived, to work in a Paris hospital. cas; large numbers of believers can
Return flights and Nursing a broken heart and a long- still be found in Brazil, the Caribbean
transfers standing interest in pre-colonial reli- Believers go for and the United States.
Services of a Cruise gions, I headed to the birthplace of business advice In recent years the Beninese gov-
Director and Concierge voodoo for answers, eventually glid- or medical help; ernment has tried to promote voodoo
ing across the dark waters of Ganvie, Sam Bradpiece to boost tourist numbers and cast off
a lake village in Benin known as the had a common its reputation as black magic. It is in
Expert talks from former Venice of Africa. A voodoo priest the process of building an inter-
Royal Bulter and Chef complaint
called Adjayifindé established a com- national voodoo museum and devel-
Cruise through the Rhine munity in Ganvie in the 18th century oping a voodoo convent tour that will
Gorge and the river bend to help locals escape raids by Euro- fertility, court cases or business traverse the country.
outside of Boppard pean slave traders. opportunities but most are nursing Désiré Kpassénon is custodian of a
Visits to Strasbourg, Legend has it that he transported lost love. Agbomadokan explains sacred forest on the outskirts of the
Koblenz, Rüdesheim and people from the mainland on the that a consultation will cost 10,000 city, where King Kpassé I, a 16th-cen-
Speyer backs of an enormous crocodile and a West African francs (about £13) and tury ruler, is said to have transformed
G lide past the pretty towns along the Rhine
River in the company of British royal
experts on a majestic cruise along the Rhine.
Drive through the Black
giant eagle. There is no eagle to assist
the journey to the village for an
he requests a further 5,000 to buy two
small bottles of gin.
himself into a tree in order to prevent
capture by troops from a neighbour-
Visit to idyllic Titisee audience with Houédanou Agbo- He spits into his hat and pours a ing kingdom. When the soldiers
Hear stories about life in Buckingham Palace On board live classical madokan, a spiritualist known locally selection of shells, stones and bones came looking for him, locals tell you
and Windsor Castle and dine like a King. quartet recital as Vava. Like more than half the on to the floor before passing clients they were attacked by pythons.
Railway journey up the people who come to see Agbomado- a small baobab seed. He tells them to “If you make an offering and touch
Departing October 17, 2024 Bernese Oberland kan, I had come for advice about my wrap the 10,000-franc note around the tree with your left hand, you can
love life. the seed, hold it to their mouth and ask for anything you want,” says
A wiry sixtysomething with cloudy silently tell it what is on their mind. Kpassénon, who says he is a descen-
eyes, he beckons clients towards the After a few minutes of chanting, dant of Kpassé. “People have come
0808 258 4397 quote KS687 door of his temple, asking them to
remove their shoes and purify
clapping and manipulating a string of
voodoo charms with his hands, Vava
here and been cured of cancer, dia-
betes and high blood pressure,” he themselves with a herbal potion at the
entrance. Animal skins, drums and
begins to address me directly. “This
woman regrets leaving and wants to
adds. “Others come because they
want to be able to have children.
axes adorn the interior. After come back to you,” he says. “It is poss- Some come to boost their business.
exchanging pleasantries, he rattles a ible that she will. But if you end up Some come seeking love.”
small metal bell against the concrete together, she will die first and it will Alas, there is no miracle to report,
floor, beckoning the Fâ, an ephemeral destroy you. The Fâ doesn’t want you so far. But Mabegbé’s words have
force through which the voodoo dei- to be with her.” To rectify this, Agbo- proved prophetic. Time is the great
Prices based on two people sharing. Single cabins available at a supplement. Additional entrance costs may apply. Travel insurance is not included but is strongly ties, or Vodun, communicate. madokan suggests, a sacrifice will be healer. Sometimes it just takes travel-
recommended. This holiday is operated by and subject to booking conditions of Riviera Travel, ABTA V4744 ATOL 3430 protected, a company independent of News UK. Only specialists can receive messa- required. To be precise, he adds, we ling into the heart of voodoo country
Subject to availability. Images used in conjunction with Riviera Travel. For further information please write to Riviera Travel, New Manor, 328 Wetmore Road, Burton
upon Trent, Staffs, DE14 1SP quoting The Times. KS687. See website for full details. †Unlimited quantity of drinks at lunch and from 6pm to midnight while on board ges directly from the Fâ, Agbomado- need a lamb, a chicken, some red to discover that. And no gin sacrifice
(selected drinks available). kan says. Some visit him for help with beans and more gin. has been required since.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 31

world markets (Change on the day) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
8,438.65 (-7.15) 39,869.38 (-38.62) $2,380.56 (-3.71) $ $83.06 (+0.34) $ $1.2677 (+0.0020) $ €1.1658 (+0.0006) ¤
8,500 42,500 2,600 120 1.400 1.300
8,000 40,000 2,400 100 1.300 1.200
7,500 37,500 2,200 80 1.200 1.100
7,000 35,000 2,000 60 1.100 1.000
Apr 17 24 May 1 9 16 Apr 18 25 May 2 9 16 Apr 18 25 May 1 8 15 Apr 18 25 May 1 8 15 Apr 18 25 May 1 8 15 Apr 18 25 May 1 8 15

Business secretary quizzes Royal Mail owner on Kretinsky bid

Alex Ralph yesterday met Martin Seidenberg, the ity to maintain that position. However, led by Keith Williams, over the under- progress being made on change at
Chief Business Correspondent chief executive of International Distri- she also welcomed the headline details takings to be submitted to the govern- Royal Mail to adapt the business to a
butions Services, Royal Mail’s parent of the contractual undertakings agreed ment and it has until May 29 to make a significant fall in the demand for letters
The prospect of government opposi- company, after Wednesday’s 370p-a- between IDS and EP Group as part of firm offer. Badenoch told Seidenberg and growth in parcels”.
tion to a proposed £3.5 billion acquisi- share “non-binding” proposal from EP the possible takeover, particularly that that details of any undertakings sub- EP Group has agreed to offer con-
tion of the Royal Mail’s parent company Group, a conglomerate controlled by Royal Mail will retain its headquarters mitted to the government would be for tractual undertakings to “protect key
has receded after the business secre- Daniel Kretinsky, a billionaire investor. in Britain and the commitment to con- the government to consider and agree. public interest factors and recognise
tary welcomed contractual under- At the meeting, which had been tinuing to carry out the universal ser- Williams said on Wednesday that the Royal Mail’s status as a key part of
takings being negotiated as part of a scheduled before IDS received the vice obligation, which involves deliver- board was “minded” to recommend the national infrastructure”. The proposed
Czech tycoon’s takeover. improved proposal, Badenoch empha- ies on six days a week and guaranteed proposal price to shareholders, which it undertakings also include protecting
In a potentially politically significant sised the importance of Royal Mail in standardised prices for post. considers to be “fair and reflects the employees’ existing rights and the Royal
moment for the deal, Kemi Badenoch UK society and the government’s prior- EP Group is in talks with IDS’s board, value of current growth plans and the

Sony Music
warning to
AI ‘pirates’
Tech groups accused of using content illegally
Katie Prescott that it would be “open to discuss licence
Technology Business Editor agreements” but that its “well-estab-
lished position” was that permission
Sony Music has written to more than was required in advance. Everything
700 artificial intelligence companies, from lyrics to images to compositions
accusing them of using its artists’ was protected, the label said, and un-
content without permission, as tension authorised use deprived artists “of
builds between the creative and control over and appropriate compen-
technology sectors. sation” for their work and “infringes our
The world’s second biggest record intellectual property and other rights”.
company has asked technology groups Sony will expand its list of AI compa-
including Google, Microsoft and Meta nies that are in scope of its ban and has
to reply within weeks, providing details told online platforms and services that
of lyrics and songs used to train their distribute and stream music digitally,
technology and how they had been such as Spotify, to make it “abundantly
obtained. clear” to users that mining and training
Sony said this was with a view to on its content is not permitted. Scott Timlin, a winner of Celebrity Big Brother, is among those accused of illegally promoting a foreign exchange betting site
discussing licensing or partnership Generative AI models require vast
deals to pay for content, but it is under- amounts of data in order to train their
stood that it could pursue legal action if
companies do not comply.
“Due to the nature of your operations
technology in pattern recognition,
which enables the creation of music,
images and text mimicking human-
Reality TV stars charged over promotions
and published information about your created material, as made by the likes of Patrick Hosking Financial Editor penalty of unlimited fines and up to two In 2021 he was rebuked by the Advertis-
AI systems, we have reason to believe ChatGPT and StabilityAI. However, years in jail. ing Standards Authority for failing to
that you and or your affiliates may there is increasing concern in the crea- Scott Timlin, a star of Geordie Shore, Also accused is Emmanuel Nwanze, disclose he was being paid to promote
already have made unauthorised uses tive industries, from musicians to pub- and five other reality show celebrities 30, who has been charged with running products and is on its blacklist of non-
of Sony Music Group content in rela- lishers, that their data may have been have been charged with illegally an unauthorised investment scheme compliant social media influencers.
tion to the training, development or used without permission to train AI. promoting an unauthorised foreign via an Instagram account and of issuing CFDs are in effect leveraged bets that
commercialisation of AI systems,” the Copyright use is proving a headache exchange betting site. unauthorised financial promotions. carry a high risk of loss. Their promo-
letter said. for policymakers, who are trying to Lauren Goodger and Yazmin Ouk- Other celebrities charged are the tion to non-sophisticated investors is
Sony said it demanded the disclosure tread a line between supporting hellou, who featured in The Only Way is former Love Island contestants Biggs strictly controlled by the FCA. The reg-
under the terms of the forthcoming innovation and protecting the creative Essex, as well as some Love Island con- Chris, 32, Rebecca Gormley, 26, and ulator has previously warned finfluen-
European Union AI Act, which re- sector. Britain has failed to agree a satis- testants are also being prosecuted by Eva Zapico, 25, along with the actor cers about misleading posts on social
quires companies making AI models to factory plan after talks between the two the Financial Conduct Authority. Jamie Clayton, 32. media. About 31 per cent of novice in-
reveal the content used for training sides, convened by the Intellectual The celebrities are alleged to have Timlin, 36, a winner of Celebrity Big vestors say they use social media to re-
“and to put in place a policy to respect Property Office, collapsed. The task of urged their 4.5 million followers to look Brother, is the most followed of the ce- search investment decisions, according
EU copyright law”. The business is creating guidelines has been picked up at an Instagram account that provided lebrities, with 3.5 million Instagram fol- to research for the AJ Bell investment
understood to already be in discussions by the Department for Science, Tech- advice on buying and selling contracts- lowers. He appeared in Geordie Shore, a platform; 17 per cent say they have
with 350 technology companies about nology and Innovation, but nothing has for-difference linked to currencies. It is programme that follows a group of bought a celebrity-endorsed product.
partnerships and licences. yet been published. the first time that the regulator has housemates in Newcastle upon Tyne, The defendants are due to appear at
Sony also warned companies about Microsoft, Google and Meta were prosecuted financial influencers, or from 2012 to 2019. He was declared Westminster magistrates’ court on
any future use of its copyright. It said approached for comment. “finfluencers”. The charges carry a bankrupt with debts of £147,000 in 2019. June 13.
32 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Need to know
Homeowners face cheaper
mortgages after three high
street lenders cut rates on more
Lundgren to Turbulent times
Comparative share price performance
easyJet Wizz Air IAG Ryanair
than 100 deals. Barclays, HSBC and
TSB are all set to reduce fixed-rate
deals in a move that could save
households hundreds of pounds a
hand over 60



Sony Music, the world’s
second biggest record
company, has written to more
than 700 artificial intelligence
companies, accusing them of using
its artists’ content without
the controls 0



at easyJet
permission, as tension builds
between the creative and −80
technology sectors. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

The prospect of government

3 opposition to a proposed
£3.5 billion acquisition of the
Royal Mail’s parent company has
Robert Lea Industrial Editor Jet boss had to deal with the efforts of
Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the carrier’s
receded after Kemi Badenoch, the Johan Lundgren will step down as the founder and largest shareholder, to get
business secretary, welcomed chief executive of easyJet at the turn of him sacked.
contractual undertakings being the year after seven years at the helm. When Sir Stephen Hester took over
negotiated as part of a takeover by He will leave an airline that has been as easyJet’s chairman in 2021, it was said
Daniel Kretinsky, a billionaire restored to health, with City forecasts that the City heavyweight was looking
Czech investor. suggesting that it will make £1 billion of for candidates to replace Lundgren. In
profits in the present spring quarter and the event, Hester has not looked far. He
Scott Timlin, a star of Geordie during the lucrative summer months has plumped for Kenton Jarvis, 56,

4 Shore, and five other reality

show celebrities have been
charged with illegally promoting
of July, August and September, the
equivalent of about £20 profit per pas-
senger flown.
easyJet’s finance director since 2021,
who preceded Hester into the board-
room by a few months.
an unauthorised foreign exchange The recovery has been helped by Hester, 63, praised Lundgren’s “clear
betting site. easyJet Holidays, the package holiday strategy and strong execution”. He said
business that Lundgren, 57, had envis- Jarvis had emerged as the selection
The Japanese economy, the aged building up when he arrived in late from “a strong internal and external

5 world’s third largest, shrank

by 0.5 per cent, faster than
expected , in the first three
2017, having previously been the deputy
chief executive of Tui, the package
holidays company. The pan-
field of candidates” and would “hit the
ground running” as Lundgren
winds down his commitments
months of this year, compared demic delayed the plan, but the after the end of easyJet’s financial
with the previous quarter, as holidays business, built up over year in September and before a
people trimmed their spending the past couple of years, is ex- formal handover on January 1.
and as businesses curbed pected to produce a £140 million Lundgren said he would leave
investment. profit this year. easyJet “with a great sense of pride
His tenure has faced frequent at the progress made”, adding that
A jump in online sales has turbulence, including Jarvis’s appointment was “fully

6 helped Walmart, America’s

largest retailer, to beat Wall
Street’s profit and sales
an initial turn-
around required
immediately after
The market reacted
to the news with
expectations and to increase its he had arrived to obvious disappoint-
forecasts for the year. Total sort out an ill-fated ment, with the winter first half to the end of March Essex, which has ambitions to be
revenue in the three months to the acquisition of Air shares closing were £350 million. With analysts London’s fifth international gateway.
end of April was up 6 per cent to Berlin piloted by down by 31¾p, expecting £655 million of profits for the The carrier’s departure from the airport
$161.5 billion. Dame Carolyn or 6 per cent, at full year, Lundgren’s last few months during Covid sent Southend, Britain’s
McCall, his predeces- 497¾p. will be judged on how far he can top only listed airport, close to insolvency
Allison Kirkby, the new boss sor who is now the The ann- £1 billion of profits for easyJet’s second before it was bought out by Carlyle, the

7 of BT, signalled her intention

to continue the FTSE 100
telecoms group’s sometimes
head of ITV. After that
came the groundings,
lockdowns and
ouncement came as
easyJet confirmed
that its losses over its
half from April to September. He has
given no guidance on what he expects
the outcome for the financial year to be,
American private equity firm.
Lundgren said that he had no new job
lined up to go to but instead would take
painful turnaround, laying out travel restrictions but has not contradicted City consen- a break and then would consider his
plans to cut costs further, to of the Covid-19 Johan Lundgren is sus forecasts. options. He noted that the latest finan-
monetise its newly built fibre outbreak, during preparing to take a EasyJet also said that it was returning cial results showed a net cash position
network, to leave some markets which the easy- career break to base aircraft at Southend airport in of £146 million compared with the
and to focus more heavily on the

Chevron, the American oil
major, is planning to sell its
remaining UK North Sea oil
Dow index hits 40,000 for first time continued from page 31
Royal Mail owner quizzed
Mail brand and name, continuing to
and gas assets in a move that Robert Miller largest economy has avoided a fall in the rate of inflation was revealed recognise the existing unions and re-
would mark its exit from the recession. Inflation hit a 40-year high on Wednesday, equity markets hit new taining its tax residency in the UK.
region after more than 55 years. America’s oldest equity index broke of 9.1 per cent in June 2021. records. Badenoch told Seidenberg that the
through the 40,000 level for the first The first-quarter earnings season Investors are betting on two quarter- government’s priority was a universal
time yesterday before slipping back to just completed was also generally point interest rate cuts from the Fed service that meets customer needs,
Revenue at Sage is unlikely to close at its second highest level. upbeat, although many companies this year and estimate a 70 per cent including those of vulnerable people,

9 rise this year by as much as

the technology company had
hoped as some of its small
The Dow Jones industrial average,
which started with 12 companies in
1896, hit 40,040 during morning
were cautious about the outlook for the
rest of the year. However, the primary
chance of the first reduction being in
September, according to the closely
watched CME FedWatch Tool.
those living in remote communities and
of small businesses, but she added min-
isters would consider any advice from
business customers delay signing trading in New York but reversed those Last night the S&P 500, widely Ofcom, the communications regulator.
up to its accounting and payroll
In 2021 Boris Johnson said
early gains to finish the session down
38.62 points, or 0.1 per cent, at
39,869.38, having closed at a new high
on Wednesday, its eighth record of the
5.8% regarded as a barometer of the health of
corporate America, fell by 11.05 points,
or 0.2 per cent, to 5,297.10, but it remains
up by 11.1 per cent this year.
Ofcom began a consultation in January
after putting forward options for
changes to the service obligation and it
is expected to report in the summer.

10 “Britain will become the

Qatar of hydrogen” as
part of his government’s strategy
for reaching net-zero emissions by
The index, which now tracks 30 of
America’s biggest companies from
Boeing and Walt Disney to Apple and
Increase in the Dow Jones industrial
average this year

driver of the Dow and its fellow indices,

The technology-dominated Nasdaq
was down by 44.07 points, or 0.3 per
cent, at 16,698.32, but it remains 11.2 per
cent ahead this year.
Royal Mail made its own proposals to
Ofcom, which it says would cut costs by
up to £300 million a year, while first-
class letters would continue six days a
2050, but was the promise a load Cisco Systems, briefly fell below 20,000 the Nasdaq Composite and the S&P Silas Myers, chief executive and week. It would keep the “one-price-
of hot air? Not according to key points at the onset of the global Covid 500, to fresh records is the looming portfolio manager at Mar Vista Invest- goes-anywhere” service, but second-
players in Britain’s burgeoning pandemic in March 2020. This year it prospect of interest rate cuts this ment Partners in Los Angeles, said: class letters would be delivered every
hydrogen industry. Hydrogen UK, has risen by 5.8 per cent. summer. “The current environment seems to other weekday and not on Saturdays.
which represents the industry, Reasonable economic growth this The US Federal Reserve has been focused on what the Fed may or may Shares in International Distributions
claims it is poised to create 20,000 year, with GDP increasing at an annual cautious about lowering the cost of not do, given that we had started the Services closed up by 2.3 per cent, or 7¼p,
jobs and to contribute £26 billion rate of 1.6 per cent in the first quarter, borrowing from the present range of year with the expectation that the Fed at 322p, significantly below EP Group’s
in cumulative gross value added to and a fall in America’s rate of inflation 5.25 per cent to 5.5 per cent, the highest will cut rates up to six times but that proposed price, indicating that the
the economy. to 3.4 per cent in April has boosted in more than two decades, while infla- moved down more recently to one or market is sceptical a deal will be reached
investors’ confidence that the world’s tion has been stubbornly high. After the two times.” because of the perceived political risk.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 33


BT boss Kirkby
6% £1bn 180 shows her fibre
Decline in share price after profit target for 2028-29, an Average seats per Easyjet
Johan Lundgren’s exit was earnings increase of 50% aircraft. The airline aims business commentary Alistair Osborne
announced yesterday over the next five years to push this above 200

etting against BT has long to be even messier than it sounds,
been a lucrative trade. though Kirkby is confident that it’ll
Rewind to 2015 and the improve performance. Clearly, she
shares were just shy of £5. has plenty to prove. And nothing
So it makes a change to happens on speed-dial at BT. But at
see a new boss finally dial up a good least she’s off to a decent start, with
day on the stock market, complete an early victory over the shorts that
with the official unveiling of the were already hanging up.
company’s new motto: “I always
love to squeeze the shorts.”
It’s the line from Allison Kirkby, Airline back up
who took charge in February and
for a few months was marooned in irlines are, if nothing else, an
what she called “no-man’s land”, a
strategic purdah, while the market
wondered whether the new chief
A up-and-down business. And
no one knows that better
than Johan Lundgren, the easyJet
might “throw everything up in the boss retiring early next year after
air” and the short-sellers piled in. seven years in the cockpit.
Her answer to that has now Since he took the controls in
arrived with the full-year figures. December 2017, he’s been on a
The result? Shares up 17 per cent to rollercoaster flight. First, dealing
132½p, helped by the hedge fund with the parting gift of predecessor
rush to cover what the Financial Dame Carolyn McCall, now the ITV
Times said this week was a record boss who bequeathed him over-
£300 million bet against the group’s expansion in Berlin. Then the
shares (report, page 37). pandemic, complete with Grant
As Kirkby puts it: “I always learn Shapps’ disco-ball traffic lights
from the bears and the short-sellers system and a volcanic eruption from
and like to prove them wrong.” In Mount Stelios: the founder who
fact, their case against BT would used his far bigger stake back then
have been grudgingly recognised by to try to sack Lundgren and most of
most investors: that here was a low- the rest of the board.
growth, cash-burning company that And then the problems of getting
would struggle to get a return on its airborne again post-Covid, where
£5 billion-a-year capex. And that staff shortages saw Lundgren’s
even if it did manage to bring full- promise of “operational resilience”
fibre broadband to 25 million go into a tailspin. The share price
premises by the end of 2026, so- does not make the prettiest reading:
called alt-nets were muscling in down on his watch from almost £12
anyway and diverting BT customers to 497¾p, not helped by two Covid
to their alternative fibre networks. refuellings — 2020’s £419 million at
Source: FactSet
Even bulls of the stock expressed 703p and 2021’s £1.2 billion at 410p.
“disappointment”, Kirkby says, that Despite all this, Lundgren says
situation during the pandemic and its increase over the next five years of 50 up easyJet’s average seats per aircraft to BT had so far been “unable to get that “even on the bad days it’s been
immediate aftermath, when there were per cent, said that he had “three levers” 180 and in time to more than 200. The the story across” that it was already a privilege to run this airline”. And
fears for the carrier’s future and it was at his disposal to hit the target. new generation of Airbus jets will carry through peak capex and on the cusp he’ll be handing over a business to
forced into a highly dilutive rights issue The first is the elimination or at least 24 per cent more passengers and will of a big step up in free cashflow. As his successor, finance chief Kenton
in order to survive. “We have come out a significant reduction in winter losses burn less fuel. it happens, her predecessor Philip Jarvis, in better shape than it’s been
of what was an existential crisis now through a smarter route network and His third lever is the easyJet Holidays Jansen had been banging that drum for a long time — boosted by the
with positive cash, we have reinstated frequencies. business, attracting more passengers at his swansong half-year figures holidays business he launched that’s
the dividend, we have launched easyJet The second is what he called the “up- on to its network of European cities and last November. But Kirkby has now expected to deliver more than
Holidays and we have new fleet orders gauging” of the easyJet fleet. Among southern European sunspots with a brought overdue clarity, arguing £170 million pre-tax profits this year.
in,” he said. easyJet’s existing stable of 343 aircraft seamless offer of hotels, effectively that BT has reached an “inflection A record summer looms, with the
Jarvis, who inherits a pledge to are 88 A319 jets, which carry only 156 going into that part of the market vacat- point” and laying out clear targets. airline also poised to earn an extra
deliver £1 billion of full-year profits by passengers. The plan is that an inflow of ed by the fallen Thomas Cook and First, that last year’s free cashflow £3 per passenger per seat once it
2028-29 at the latest, an earnings newer, larger Airbus aircraft will bring Monarch groups. of £1.3 billion would hit £1.5 billion in replaces 88 156-seat A319 aircraft
the next financial year, £2 billion in with 186-seat A320s and 235-seat
the year to March 2027 and A321s. The shares fell 6 per cent on
£3 billion by fiscal 2030. Then that Lundgren’s exit, though there were
Watches of Switzerland dials into US there was a far leaner BT to come,
with a target £3 billion cost-cuts by
2029 on top of the similar sum it’s
also jitters over summer guidance.
Whatever, this is one of those cases
where the boss has done a better job
Jessica Newman at £1.54 billion, in line with its revised just achieved a year early: one cue than the share price suggests.
forecasts. In January, it sounded the for a 3.9 per cent dividend rise to 8p.
An aggressive push into the United alarm on profits amid a “volatile trad- Do these figures look achievable?
States is paying off for Watches of ing performance” in the run-up to Well, given the mixed-bag results, Knock on Wood
Switzerland as Britain’s “tourist tax” Christmas and reduced its annual sales investors are being asked to take a
continues to weigh on its sales of luxury guidance range to between £1.53 billion fair bit on trust. While the fibre aybe this is what Sidara
timepieces in its home market.
Seven years after the century-old
Rolex seller opened its first American
and £1.55 billion. The warning wiped
more than a third from the value of its
shares in a single day.
rollout’s up to 14 million premises,
the extra 397,000 customers BT’s
Openreach wing gained on that
M means by “making an
impact where it matters
most” — raising its mooted cash bid
outlet in New York, revenues from op- However, the absence of any new front last quarter are being offset by for Wood Group by just 3 per cent,
erations across the Atlantic have nasty surprises and a positive outlook the 491,000 it lost from its old up to 212p a share from 205p, and
already caught up with those generated prompted a 19.9 per cent, or 67¼p jump copper network. True, Openreach getting it rejected again. Yes, with
in Britain and Europe. in its shares to 405p. ebitda still rose 9 per cent to the shares at 187½p, there is no law
Revenue in the US in the quarter to Looking ahead, Duffy, 69, said the £3.83 billion, with the consumer that it must match the 240p that last
April 28 was up by 14 per cent on the Sales in America rose 14 per cent, in company had started the new year with wing, including mobile operator EE, year got private equity firm Apollo
previous year to £190 million. In Europe contrast to its performance in Europe “cautious optimism” and he was confi- up 5 per cent to £2.67 billion. in the door. And it has a case that,
and Britain, however, revenues were dent that the group’s “strategy, excep- Yet the business arm serving with Apollo failing to make an offer,
down by 4 per cent to £190 million, luxury retailers have warned that the tional client service and strong brand multinationals remains a drag: it’s no yardstick anyway. It’s also
“impacted by macroeconomic condi- wider economy is missing out on thou- relationships enable us to continue to ebitda down 16 per cent to true that the market’s unconvinced
tions in the UK”. sands of affluent international visitors. drive growth and gain market shares”, £1.63 billion. Kirkby’s fix involves by Wood’s free cashflow forecasts,
Brian Duffy, chief executive of the Duffy has been one of a number noting an “exceptionally strong refocusing an operation presently in where estimates for 2025 are wide:
FTSE 250 retailer, said that the per- campaigning for it to be restored, performance” in second-hand high- 180 countries on the UK: a process £245 million on Peel Hunt maths,
formance in Britain “continues to be warning that the country has “missed end watches. involving myriad partnerships, the just £17 million on Berenberg’s. But
driven by domestic clientele, with mini- an opportunity” for growth and Analysts at HSBC said that although closure of thousands of legacy Sidara will still have to do far better
mal return of tourist spending due to development. the UK “is still suffering from a lack of networks and the rollout of BT than these knockabout bids.
the lack of VAT-free shopping”. Watches of Switzerland’s strong per- tourists and a somewhat priced-out Global Fabric, a new cloud service
Since the VAT-free shopping scheme formance in America ensured that full- local consumer”, the group had ended for multinationals. All that’s bound
was scrapped in January 2021, Britain’s year group revenue was up by 2 per cent the year on a high note.
34 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Labour ‘rebalance’ raises hope of rate cut

Jack Barnett and labour supply are finally roughly MPC is moving toward loosening mon- tightness, as measured by the vacan- end of March. There is speculation that
Economics Correspondent equal,” Greene told an audience at etary policy. cies-to-unemployment ratio, is easing, the Bank will lower borrowing costs at
Make UK, the manufacturers’ organi- There had been “good news” on wa- supported by both moderation in la- its next meeting on June 20 if new infla-
The labour market is rebalancing and sation. “This should mean there is less ges growth, services inflation and la- bour demand and potentially some im- tion and labour market data matches
inflation is on a “benign” path, a Bank of upward pressure on wages.” bour market tightness in recent provement in matching efficiency.” the MPC’s predictions. The ONS will
England official has said, boosting At the previous MPC meeting this months, she said. Figures from Greene said that an unusually publish two inflation figures and one la-
hopes that interest rates could come month, Greene voted to hold the base the Office for National Statis- high degree of “labour hoarding” bour market publication before that
down next month. interest rate at 5.25 per cent, a 16-year tics show that private sector by businesses had kept unem- gathering.
Megan Greene, an external member high, alongside six other members of wages increased by 5.9 per ployment low amid a sluggish Greene said she needed more evi-
of the Bank’s ratesetting monetary the committee, including Andrew Bai- cent in the last quarter, lower economy and high interest dence of “inflation persistence continu-
policy committee, said that the supply ley, the Bank’s governor. than the Bank had expect- rates. If this trend continued, ing to wane” before voting for a rate cut.
of and demand for workers was better The economist, a senior fellow at ed. the Bank may have to keep “Data released ahead of our next meet-
aligned, having been out of balance for Brown University in the United States, “Inflation persistence policy tighter for longer, she ing will give a clearer indication of how
the past two years. She said that this joined the MPC in July last year. She has waned since I joined said. Joblessness crept up far along the ‘last mile’ [of inflation] we
would constrain pay growth and would has been characterised as a hawkish the MPC last July,” Gree- to 4.3 per cent in the have come,” she said. “In considering
suppress inflation, which has fallen to member of the committee after previ- ne said. “This is no mere three months to the for how long we must retain our re-
3.2 per cent, the lowest level since Sep- ous comments that rate cuts were “a coincidence. It has fad- strictive stance before policy should be
tember 2021. way off”. ed in part because of Megan Greene said eased, I think the burden of proof there-
“As vacancies have fallen back close Her remarks to Make UK yesterday our restrictive stance of pressure on wages fore needs to lie in inflation persistence
to pre-pandemic levels, labour demand indicate that the average view of the policy. Labour market was likely to ease continuing to wane.”

Japan goes
Inflation ‘has
backwards turned UK
as output into a nation
of savers’
he Japanese
contracted at Jack Barnett
a much faster
rate than Inflation has profoundly reshaped the
expected at the start economy by steering people towards
of the year as people the highest savings rate in three
trimmed spending and decades, alongside a £50 billion reduc-
businesses curbed tion in spending, according to the
investment (Jack Resolution Foundation.
Barnett writes). Household consumption contracted
In the first three by a greater degree than the fall in real
months of this year, incomes during the cost of living crisis,
the world’s third with the excess cash being deposited in
largest economy savings accounts, the economics think
shrank by 0.5 per cent tank said in a report.
compared with the Compared with the final three
previous quarter, the months of 2019, the final quarter before
Japanese Cabinet Covid-19 struck, real household dispos-
Office said. On an able incomes have contracted by 1.1 per
annual basis, output cent, or £280 per year. However, so-
dropped by 2 per cent. called real spending has dropped much
Performance was further, coming down by 4.7 per cent, or
constrained by weak £1,200 annually.
domestic spending, The near-£1,000 difference between
which dipped by 0.2 the two had been channelled into sav-
per cent on a quarterly ings, the foundation said, adding that
basis, worse than the The central bank in Japan has been hoping that higher wages would boost demand after years of weakness, but people trimmed spending families had saved 6 per cent of their in-
0.1 per cent drop in comes in the final quarter of last year,
the final quarter of sustainably higher for achieving this year for the first responded negatively the Japanese yen. the highest rate outside the pandemic
last year. Gross fixed after being mired for sustainable inflation” time since 2007 in to more restrictive “The weaker currency in 30 years. “Had they instead saved at
capital formation, a years in near-negative and for stronger wage response to marginally financial conditions. is a double-edged 2019 levels, this would have boosted ag-
measure of economy- territory are unlikely growth boosting higher prices growth. Even with tighter sword,” Pantheon said. gregate spending by £54 billion a year,”
wide investment, to materialise. demand, “leading to It also ended its yield policy, rates on “It obviously makes the think tank said.
slipped by 0.3 per cent, Analysts at higher consumption, curve control policy, Japanese government Japanese exports more James Smith, research director at the
after growth of 0.9 per Pantheon which should then be which had been bonds remain well competitive, but it also Resolution Foundation, said: “The
cent in the previous Macroeconomics, a translated into designed to ease below the returns puts companies’ sheer scale of this near-three-year in-
three months. consultancy, said the demand-pull inflation. financial conditions in offered on other finances under flation shock has reshaped the eco-
The gloomy figures central bank was Sadly, we don’t see this the economy to bolster developed economies’ pressure as it raises nomy and public finances and changed
suggest that the Bank “desperately looking in [the] GDP release.” demand. The weak fixed-income assets. costs of imported what people do with their money.
of Japan’s hopes of for stronger domestic The central bank figures indicate that This has put intense energy and raw “The crisis has made us poorer, with
inflation moving demand as evidence raised interest rates the Japanese economy downward pressure on materials.” the sharp rise in the cost of essentials
hitting lower-income families hardest.
It also has turned us from a nation of
spenders to a nation of savers, with
credit card spending falling by 13 per
Northern Rock investors to relaunch payout bid cent and families saving around £54 bil-
lion a year more than we might have ex-
Patrick Hosking Financial Editor cate Northern Rock shares with no information had come to light about gages. It was taken into public owner- Inflation climbed to a 42-year high of
compensation, saying that the bank’s the profits made by the government ship, with the retail side of the business 11.1 per cent in October 2022, but since
A group fighting for compensation for £100 billion mortgage book had turned from the mortgage book. He said it was being sold to Virgin Money and the then has fallen to 3.2 per cent. The Bank
150,000 Northern Rock shareholders out to be extremely valuable. “pure coincidence” the campaign an- mortgage book held in the state-owned of England increased interest rates to
whose shares were seized in the lender’s Hopes of any compensation were nouncement had come on the day the UK Asset Resolution, before its even- 5.25 per cent, a 16-year high, making it
2007 collapse and nationalisation is to dashed 12 years ago after the European chancellor was promoting London- tual sale to Cerberus Capital Manage- more attractive to save than spend.
resuscitate its campaign. Court of Human Rights dismissed the listed company investment and before ment, the American private equity firm. A sharp increase in government
The Northern Rock Shareholder action, saying the case was inadmis- a possible offer of shares in NatWest. The action group said that a report spending to offset the cost of living
Action Group accused the government sible. An independent report by BDO, The depositor panic at Northern from Rothschild had shown “a huge crisis and a greater prevalence of infla-
of grabbing profits of as much as £9 bil- the accountancy group, previously had Rock was the first significant run on a surplus of £9.6 billion from UKAR”. A tion-linked government debt pushed
lion after it took control of the mortgage deemed the shares at the time to be retail bank in Britain for 100 years. It re- separate report from the Office for Bud- up the UK’s debt-to-GDP ratio by six
bank in the wake of a depositor run. worthless. lied heavily on wholesale funding and get Responsibility in 2015 had shown an percentage points during the price
It has called on the Commons Peter Camponi, co-chairman of the was hit badly as wholesale markets “overall cash surplus of £13.3 billion surge. In previous periods of intense
Treasury select committee to review 2,000-member action group, said it had started to freeze and as markets began from all bank interventions”. inflation, the nation’s relative debt stock
the decision by the Treasury to confis- decided to reopen its campaign as new to worry about its 125 per cent mort- The Treasury declined to comment. fell.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 35


Harry Wallop Thames

Water faces
Be nice, but not just because you clearout of
think it will improve your share price directors
Robert Lea Industrial Editor

Are monstrous promotability. In other words, the
bosses bad for the more wise compassion you practise as The representative of Thames Water’s
bottom line? Last a leader, the faster and higher you will largest shareholder is among an ex-
week a top rise in the ranks.” Want to get ahead? pected clearout of disgruntled investor
executive of Baidu, Then be kind. directors from the company’s boards.
one of China’s leading technology The only problem with this is that, Michael McNicholas, of Omers, the
companies, was discovered to have as far as I can tell from reading their Canadian pension fund, has resigned as
been posting advice to her underlings studies, there is no hard definition of a non-executive director of Thames
on social media, lambasting their what makes someone compassionate. entities with immediate effect. Several
unwillingness to toil ceaselessly. She It was left up to the chief executives other director representatives are
criticised one for not wanting to work to define it themselves. And what do expected to follow suit.
at weekends and dismissed a you know? The more senior a person The nine shareholders of the crisis-
complaint that her late-night work is in an organisation, the more likely stricken Thames and of Kemble Water,
messages kept up one of her they are to say they are its parent company — led by Omers
employee’s crying children. “I’m not compassionate. Hougaard and Carter and also including the Universities Su-
your mum,” she said. have spent too long on their perannuation Scheme and Hermes, the
In the modern corporate world, you compassion retreats to realise that British pension funds, and the sover-
know you’re in trouble when you many of those who make it to the top eign wealth funds of China and Abu
have to “reflect”. When, according to are also quite likely to be sociopaths Dhabi — have already written off their
her statement, you have to “reflect who, of course, insist on putting investments in the group and have said
deeply and humbly”, you might as #BeKind in their LinkedIn biography, that they will pour no further money
well be handed a revolver and a bottle while simultaneously sacking 10 per into the business.
of whisky. Sure enough, within hours cent of their workforce every year. The future of Britain’s largest water
she had left Baidu. They suffer from the same malaise utility, whose obligations affect a quar-
The episode seemed to confirm that that infected the Zurich team and ter of the nation’s population, is on a
the era of toxic workplaces is over, countless business school studies: a knife-edge after its shareholders with-
even in communist China. Nothing desire to link financial performance drew their support. Thames has said
sullies a company’s reputation more to progressive business practices. Can that it wants to bring in new investors
than one of its executives failing to we not just say that being a caring that would enable it to raise money to
consider their employees’ boss is a good thing in itself without plug a £3 billion-plus gap in its funding
psychological safety or their refusal to trying to yoke this to the bottom line? to 2030.
give workers time off to attend to We all would like to work under Those hopes are dependent on a
their sick cat. someone who knows our name and funding settlement with Ofwat in
Now, though, according to an notices when we have done a good which Thames is demanding a 56 per
intriguing study, being compassionate job. A survey this week from Deloitte, cent rise in household bills over the
is not only good for a company’s the consultancy, highlights how Gen next five years so it can catch up on
reputation but also for its share price. Z workers (defined as below the age remedial work to prevent pollution
A group of academics at the executive of Zebra, a technology investors backed these companies so of 30) increasingly want to work only incidents and to fix leaking pipes. The
University of Zurich, the London company. the shares outperformed. for companies that “align with their regulator is due to publish a provisional
School of Economics and the Judge The research shows that the share Lots of people would love this to be values” and for bosses who take funding settlement next month.
Business School at Cambridge studied price of a company whose boss made true. “Compassionate leadership” has mental health seriously. An If that is not enough to entice new
company earnings calls during the one of these statements tended to become deeply vogueish on LinkedIn astonishing 50 per cent of them have investors, then it is likely that the com-
first highly unsettling weeks of the outperform the market during the and has prompted a rash of books. turned down a job or project because pany and its creditors standing behind
Covid-19 pandemic, between January following six weeks. Each additional The most well known was written in of “their personal ethics or beliefs”. £16 billion of borrowings will try to
20 and March 22, 2020, before “human care statement”, as the study 2022 by Rasmus Hougaard and For this cohort, a “positive workplace engineer a debt-for-equity swap in
lockdowns were imposed in most calls them, was associated with higher Jacqueline Carter, who run Potential culture” ranks just as highly as “high which those owed money take owner-
countries but everyone knew that cumulative returns of 2.49 percentage Project, a leadership consultancy salary” in choosing a job. ship of the company. There is also the
things were going to get worse and points. Given that the average market advising senior executives at the likes Being compassionate may help you option that Ofwat, in conjunction with
share prices were in freefall. value of the companies in the sample of Unilever and Accenture. They have to recruit and retain younger workers the government, appoints special ad-
They analysed 510 conference calls was $3.17 billion, this equates to each even worked with the Dalai Lama and and should help to foster goodwill ministrators to execute a restructuring
by 448 large American companies company saving millions from a boss run retreats “to help leaders find the among employees. It is undoubtedly and refinancing. The last resort is
and examined the language used by spouting nothing more sincere than renewal, inspiration and meaning the right approach, but to tie it to Thames being taken back into public
chief executives. Just under half made “it’s OK to not be OK” during Mental they seek”. Their book, Compassionate higher profits or an improved share ownership, as happened with Railtrack
no reference to their staff’s wellbeing, Health Awareness Week. Leadership: How to Do Hard Things in price seems a stretch. After all, I am when its privatised business model was
but any words of concern, however Lauren Howe, of the University of a Human Way, was a rallying cry for not sure that Tesla has ended up with found to have failed.
vague and woolly, were chalked up by Zurich, admits that there is no clear bosses to balance “business wisdom a $545 billion It is not immediately clear who or

the academics as “an expression of causal link between the nice with compassion”. And doesn’t that market value how many shareholders are expected
empathy”. comments and the better-than- sound nice? because Elon Musk to exit the board. In a statement that did
These statements tended to be average share price, but she thinks They said they had gathered data is an empathetic, not appear to address the outflow of its
perfunctory. “I’ll start by saying our that something is going on: “These from 15,000 leaders in more than considerate boss. directors, the company said: “Thames
first priority is making sure that our statements perhaps reinforce trust in 5,000 companies. “Through extensive Water continues to meet water regula-
employees, partners and customers leaders,” she told me. “They seem data modelling, we have discovered a Harry Wallop is a consumer tor Ofwat’s expectation that independ-
are safe,” was a typical one, made by more capable of navigating their clear correlation between higher journalist and broadcaster. Follow ent non-executive directors form the
Anders Gustafsson, then chief company through the crisis.” Maybe levels of wise compassion and him on Twitter @hwallop largest single group on the board.”


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36 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Walmart delivers
upgraded target as
online sales soar
Jessica Newman The strong performance could allay
concerns about falling spending. Amer-
A jump in online sales has helped Wal- icans have largely weathered higher
mart to beat Wall Street’s profit and prices, but prolonged inflation raised
sales expectations and to increase its concerns that shoppers could tighten
forecasts for the year. their belts and recovery would be slow-
America’s largest retailer, with its er than expected. By afternoon trading
vast stores throughout the US, is often in New York the shares were $4.22, or
considered as a bellwether for the eco- 7 per cent, ahead at $65.05.
nomy. Total revenue in the three Doug McMillon, 57, chief executive
months to the end of April was up 6 per at Walmart, said: “Our team delivered a
cent to $161.5 billion, with gains also great quarter. Around the world our
being driven by upper-income house- goal is simple: we’re focused on saving In the can Debra Crew, Diageo chief executive, gave a tour of the Guinness brewery in Dublin to Simon Harris, the taoiseach,
holds attracted by its lower prices. our customers both money and time.” after the company announced a €100 million plan to decarbonise the plant. This will include the elimination of fossil fuels
Its online sales grew by 22 per cent, This quarter, Walmart expects net
surpassing the 17 per cent growth dur- sales to grow by between 3.5 per cent
ing the typically strong holiday season, and 4.5 per cent, while operating profit
thanks to strength in its pick-up and de-
livery services and increased sales on
third-party marketplace. Net profits to
rises by between 3 per cent and 4.5 per
cent. For the full year it asys net sales
could beat its guidance of 3 per cent to
Price cuts boost Premier Foods’ profits
$5.3 billion, against $1.9 billion in the 4 per cent growth. Promotional price cuts to kitchen with volume-led growth, so increased Nissin instant noodles were among the
same period a year earlier. Walmart was founded by Sam Wal- cupboard staples and the suspension of volumes at a lower price per unit,” Alex fastest-growing brands, with sales up
During the pandemic, Walmart in- ton in 1962 when he opened his first pension deficit contributions have Whitehouse, 54, chief executive, said. 54 per cent over the past five years. In-
vested heavily in online operations by store in Rogers, Arkansas. Today it has helped to drive a double-digit rise in Last year the company pledged to creasing prices next year was “certainly
expanding its range of sellers and prod- about 10,500 stores and a stock market annual profits at Premier Foods. reduce prices on some ranges, such as not the plan”, the company said.
ucts while introducing Walmart Plus, a value of about $512 billion. The US is its The FTSE 250 group unveiled a Loyd Grossman sauces and Mr Kipling In March it suspended pension
$98 subscription service offering fast biggest market with 4,615 stores, but it 15 per cent rise in its adjusted pre-tax cakes, as the pace of inflation began to deficit payments, freeing up £33 million
delivery. These moves have appealed to has 5,402 stores in 19 countries, includ- profit to £157.9 million in the 12 months ease from historic highs. Its products this year. This will be used to automate
households earning more than ing Canada, South Africa and China. to the end of March, on revenues of now hold more than a quarter of the factories, seek takeover targets and
$100,000 per year, who have become a This week Walmart, which employs £1.14 billion. The profit figure was ahead market share in their categories. raise shareholder payouts. The com-
driving force for its online operations. 2.1 million staff, announced plans to cut of a consensus forecast for £153 million. Ambrosia is its fourth £100 million pany has proposed a 20 per cent in-
This year the Arkansas-based com- hundreds of jobs at headquarters and to “We went into the fourth quarter brand, driven by sales of porridge pots, crease to the final dividend to 1.73p a
pany agreed to buy Vizio, a maker of relocate most of its US and Canadian with essentially value-led growth, so a while Angel Delight ice cream and Oxo share. The shares added another 1½p, or
smart TVs, for $2.3 billion. remote workforce to three offices. higher price per unit, and we exited marinades are being sold more widely. 0.8 per cent, to close at 170p last night.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 37

Grainger to pay record half-year dividend after rents increase
Tom Howard were, on average, 8.1 per cent higher arrears — “a normal level” — while its renters have experienced compared year dividend, to be paid on July 5, was
than they had been in the same period a tenants, on average, are paying 28 per with homeowners, [an increase in rents also raised by 11 per cent to 2.54p a
The largest residential landlord listed year earlier. That represents the biggest cent of their incomes on rent. That is of] 8 per cent is actually very low share, the most Grainger has paid out at
on the London stock market is paying increase in prices that Grainger has unchanged from last year. compared with mortgage increases. the halfway stage of any financial year.
out a record half-year dividend after achieved since Helen Gordon took over One of the consequences of dearer For the first time in a long time, rents That was despite the group falling to
pushing through chunky rent rises in as its chief executive eight years ago. mortgage rates is that fewer Grainger are considerably cheaper than home a pre-tax loss of £31.2 million, compared
recent months. Gordon, 64, does not expect to raise tenants are moving out and buying ownership.” with a profit of £5.7 million in the year
Grainger, which lets out 11,000 flats rents by as much in the second half of their own homes. “Every year we Reflecting the rent increases and the before. This reflected the government’s
and houses in Britain, has been a bene- this year as inflation recedes and as usually lose about 9 per cent of our opening of new buildings, Grainger’s move to axe multiple dwellings relief
ficiary of the post-lockdown jump in wage growth slows. tenants who go and buy their own net rental income between October from next month. As a result, Grainger
rents as a shortage of rental homes has For the time being, Grainger insists home, but that’s fallen to around 4 per and March rose by 11 per cent to has marginally trimmed some of its
coincided with rising demand. that its rents remain affordable. Fewer cent,” Gordon said. £53.2 million, up from £48 million in the properties’ valuations. Grainger shares
Between October and March its rents than 2 per cent of its tenants are in “If you think about what private same period a year earlier. The half- fell by 8p, or 2.9 per cent, to 264p.

BT has reached
turning point
in its recovery,
says new boss
Katie Prescott believe that BT can uniquely make the
UK a better, more connected country
The new boss of BT has claimed that and that’s my aim.”
the telecoms group has reached an Openreach, BT’s broadband division,
“inflection point” in its strategy. had been connecting fibre to a record
As she presented her first set of full- 78,000 premises a week and was “well
year results, Allison Kirkby signalled on track” to reach 25 million premises
her intention to continue the FTSE 100 by the end of 2026, she said. It has cut
company’s sometimes painful turn- costs and this year will exceed four mil-
around, setting out plans to cut costs lion homes at a price that previously it
still further, to monetise its newly would have cost to reach 3.5 million. BT
built fibre network, to leave some has been named as the preferred sup-
markets and to focus more heavily on plier for a government contract for
the UK. hard-to-reach premises. £391.5 million in the six Price comparison revenues combat the high cost of
The programme, along with news
that BT has increased its annual divi-
The company would reap what it had
sowed and would make returns from
Buyback months to the end of
March, from £405 million
at GoCompare, which
Future bought in 2020,
living, especially in the
insurance sector as
dend by 3.9 per cent to 8p and expects
to more than double its free cashflow to
the new fibre network, after the vast
challenge and cost of building it, she
helps Future previously, with pre-tax
profits 30 per cent lower
increased by 30 per cent premiums rose.
Steinberg insisted the
£3 billion by the end of the decade,
drove a sharp rise in its share price,
said, which has weighed on the com-
pany over the past few years. The com-
look beyond at £46.6 million,
Jon Steinberg, 47, chief
magazines and runs
websites in sectors
company would not
replace journalists with
pany spent £4.9 billion on capital ex-
penditure last year, down by 3 per cent,
compare executive of Future, said it
had experienced a “tale of
ranging from technology
and video games to
AI. He said it had added
30 editorial staff since the
Dialling it down and it expects this to fall to £4.8 billion two advertising markets”, entertainment, women’s start of the financial year

by the end of 2026. uture plans to with improvements in the lifestyle and sport. Its and had increased news
BT Group share price
220p However, stiffer competition led to return United States while publications reach one in article production by
Openreach losing 491,000 broadband £45 million to its Britain continued to be two people in Britain and 23 per cent. “Real people
200 lines, a figure that it expects to increase shareholders “challenged”. He said: “I it is the sixth largest doing quality reviews and
180 in the year ahead. despite a fall in suspect that we’ve come media company in news is what is working
160 Kirkby set out a further £3 billion of profits (Katie Prescott out of it in the US and the America. In the UK, price for us right now,” he said.
140 cost savings to be reached by the end of writes). The publisher, UK will lag a bit behind.” comparison revenues at The publisher is using
2029, which will not come from more whose print and online Shares in the Bath- GoCompare, which it AI to assist with the
120 job cuts but rather from moving cus- media empire spans based FTSE 250 group bought in 2020 for creation of newsletters, to
100 tomers off older technology, “simplify- Country Life to Metal jumped by 160p, or £594 million, rose by help writers to gather
80 ing processes” and using new techno- Hammer, said its sales 18.4 per cent, to £10.30. 30 per cent as people product specifications
2020 21 22 23 24 logy such as artificial intelligence to im- had fallen by 3 per cent to Future publishes searched for bargains to and in video editing.
Source: FactSet prove productivity. Under plans
outlined last year by Philip Jansen, the
which was up by 19½p, or 17.1 per cent, to former chief executive, BT said it would
132½p at the close. cut up to 55,000 jobs by the end of the
A fall of 36 per cent in the shares over
the past five years had led a number of
short-sellers to bet against the group
BT reported a 5 per cent fall in busi-
ness revenue, which “continues to be
Vistry chief’s dual role triggers rebellion
and Kirkby told the Financial Times impacted by higher input costs, legacy Tom Howard corporate governance code’s recom- company acknowledged the rebellion
“she loved to prove them wrong”. declines, a one-off revenue adjustment mendation. “An important role of the and iit has promised to “continue to
Pre-tax profit at BT fell by 31 per cent and prior year one-offs”. Analysts at More than a fifth of Vistry’s voting board is to oversee the performance of engage”.
to £1.2 billion as it wrote down the value Megabuyte, the technology sector in- shareholders have opposed the the management,” Roger Barker, Fitzgerald, 59, joined Vistry, which
of past acquisitions, but its revenue was telligence provider, said: “It was the reappointment of Greg Fitzgerald, the director of policy and corporate gov- was then known as Bovis Homes, in
slightly higher, up 1 per cent at £20.7 bil- usual case of consumer and Openreach housebuilder’s chief executive, who ernance at the Institute of Directors, 2017 and merged it with the house-
lion. Earnings before interest, tax and good and business bad.” today takes over as chairman as well. said at the time. “If you are responsible building arm of Galliford Try, which he
other charges rose to £8.1 billion, from As she set out her plans to focus on The rebellion at yesterday’s annual for effectively overseeing yourself, you had previously run, three years later.
£7.92 billion previously. It forecast reve- Britain, Kirkby said that “we are explor- meeting in London resulted in 20.7 per are marking your own homework.” He has been trying to turn Vistry into
nue growth of 0 per cent to 1 per cent ing a number of options for all of our cent of participating shareholders The vast majority of companies listed a “partnerships” business focused on
next year and pre-tax earnings of international footprint”, including voting against Fitzgerald’s re-election. in London have separate chairs and building homes for local authorities
£8.2 billion. leaving some markets and making part- The dissenters were protesting at his chief executives, although the dual-role and big landlords rather than for pri-
Kirkby, 56, who is just over 100 days nerships with other operators. new role as chief executive and execu- approach is more common in the vate sale. Fitzgerald prefers this model
into the job, said the company had Kirkby is the first female chief execu- tive chairman. The move was an- United States, where a number of because demand is steady, regardless of
passed the peak of its intensive infra- tive in the former state monopoly’s 170 nounced in January and takes effect Vistry’s biggest shareholders are based. whether the housing market is doing
structure spending a year earlier than years. The group also owns the EE from today, with Ralph Findlay, the Vistry has previously argued that well. Vistry had hoped to build 17,500
expected and was moving into the next mobile network and it recently re- former chairman, having stepped down having Fitzgerald in the top two roles homes this year, but it is now guiding
phase of its growth. “I’m acutely aware branded all its consumer offerings as after nine years of service. “will ensure continuity and maintain towards 18,000 completions. Its shares
of the size of the task ahead of me and EE. It also operates TNT Sports in a Combining the chief executive and momentum in the execution of the rose 11p, or 0.9 per cent, to £13.02, valu-
the duty to get it right,” she said. “I do venture with Warner Bros Discovery. chairman roles goes against the UK group’s strategy”. Yesterday the ing the business at £4.4 billion.
38 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Chevron to sell remaining

North Sea oil and gas assets
James Hurley which it had said previously would in- has been in decline as companies focus Britain more energy-independent. Last
clude up to $20 billion in asset sales on newer assets elsewhere. Rishi Sunak year more than 200 North Sea oil and
Chevron is planning to sell its remain- worldwide. has pledged to “max out” remaining gas wells were plugged and 180 of
ing UK North Sea oil and gas assets in The departure of Chevron from the North Sea reserves and in 2022, during Britain’s remaining 284 oil and gasfields
a move that would mark its exit from North Sea will be the latest step in a the brief premiership of Liz Truss, a new are expected to close by the end of the
the region after more than 55 years. retreat of big oil and gas companies licensing round was launched for the decade. The industry has blamed
The planned sale comes as the from the emptying basin. first time in three years. high taxes for departures from the
American oil major prepares for its $53 Deepwater production was pio- Sunak has said that supporting the region.
billion acquisition of Hess, a rival, neered in the North Sea in 1970s, but it North Sea industry will help to make Chevron said that the North Sea sale
process was not related to a 35 per cent
windfall tax that the government
imposed on North Sea producers after
the sharp increase in energy prices in
BOOKS 2022.
Its assets include a 19.4 per cent stake
in the BP-operated Clair oilfield in the
West of Shetland region, the largest in
the North Sea with production of
120,000 barrels per day. Chevron is also

The inside story seeking to sell its marginal interests in

the Sullom Voe oil terminal, as well as
the Ninian pipeline and the Shetland
Island Regional Gas Export pipeline
systems, both of which are linked to

of the infected
Sullom Voe. The sale process is expect-
ed to be launched formally in June and
has been tipped to raise up to $1 billion,
excluding tax benefits.
The plan comes after a review by
Mike Wirth, 63, Chevron chief execu-

blood scandal tive, of its global portfolio as the group

seeks to focus on its most profitable
Chevron traces its history back to the
1870s to small California-based oil
companies that were acquired and
The Sunday Times and political editor, Caroline Wheeler, have been merged into Standard Oil of California.
It is the second largest direct descend-
reporting on this scandal for over two decades. Find out how the ant of Standard Oil and is active in
more than 180 countries. The company
worst treatment disaster in NHS history was uncovered in anticipation is involved in hydrocarbon explora-
of the Infected Blood Inquiry revealing its findings on Monday. tion, production, refining, marketing
and transport, chemicals manufactur-
To buy now visit, ing and sales and power generation.
In 2019, Chevron sold many of its
call 020 3176 2935 or scan the QR code North Sea assets to Ithaca Energy.
Other big oil companies, including Ex-
xonMobil and Shell, have sold assets in
the basin since the 2010s.
Chevron has said it will sell between
$15 billion to $20 billion in assets as part
of its planned acquisition of Hess, drives boom
which has hit a stumbling block amid
DISCOUNT a legal conflict with Exxon over assets
in Guyana. The deal is the latest in a se-
on the buses
FOR ries of large mergers and acquisitions in
MEMBERS the oil industry.

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the times | Friday May 17 2024 39


Wary small business

customers put brakes
on Sage expansion
Tom Howard Share price
Revenue at Sage is unlikely to rise this £13
year by as much as the technology com-
pany had hoped as some of its small
business customers delay signing up to 11
its accounting and payroll software.
“There’s a little bit of uncertainty in 9
the market, where maybe chief finan-
cial officers are just taking slightly

Source: FactSet
longer to make decisions,” Steve Hare,
its chief executive, said. The Newcastle- 5
based company has noted particular 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
weakness in the United States, its big-
gest market. America, its fastest-growing region,
“If you look at things like inflation or where it has 2,600 staff and derives 45
interest rates, people want to know per cent of its revenue. In 1999 it en-
where they’re going to settle long- tered the FTSE 100 share index, where
term,” Hare, 63, said. “If you’re sitting it is one of only two companies official-
there about to make a $100,000 invest- ly classified as being in the technology
ment, you want to have confidence in sector.
the environment you operate in. It Between October and March the
doesn’t help that both the UK and the group generated revenue of £1.15 bil-
US are in election years, because that’s lion, a 6 per cent increase on the £1.09
just another dynamic that people think billion that it recorded in the same
about.” period a year earlier. Pre-tax profits
Sage, one of the few software compa- jumped by 47 per cent to £203 million,
nies still listed in London, had expected from £139 million last year, when Sage
its organic revenues to rise by about decided to close some of its offices, a
10 per cent in its present financial year, move that cost it £20 million. There was
which runs until the end of September. also less merger and acquisition activi-
However, it now thinks growth will be ty this time.
nearer to the 9 per cent it achieved Instead, Sage used some of its spare
between October and March, the first cash to buy back £350 million of its
half of its year. shares. There had been a suspicion that
Hare said it was merely “fine tuning” it might announce another buyback
its forecasts, but investors were dis- programme now, but Hare said he had
appointed nonetheless. Shares in Sage, “never indicated” that it was in the off-
which had reached record highs only a ing. The half-year dividend, to be paid
month or so ago, fell by 113p, or 9.4 per on June 28, was raised to 6.95p a share,
cent, to close at £10.84½, the company’s a 6 per cent increase on the 6.55p it paid
biggest one-day fall in more than three this time last year.
years. Although there have been delays get-

he continued and Traders, the industry double-deckers sold in the segment of the market Sage provides accounting, human re- ting some would-be clients to sign up,
improvement in trade body, 851 minibuses period. that faces particular sources and payroll software to almost Hare said most small and medium-
public transport were sold in the three The SMMT found that challenges in moving to half of Britain’s small businesses. It em- sized businesses were “faring pretty
passenger months to the end of more than a fifth, or zero-emission operations. ploys 11,000 people worldwide, includ- well, whether that’s in the US or the UK.
numbers since March, more than double 22.9 per cent, of the Mike Hawes, chief ing 3,200 in the UK and Ireland, where We haven’t seen any material increases
the pandemic has pushed the number sold in the vehicles in this category executive at the society, it makes 28 per cent of its revenue. in bankruptcies in any of the markets
the number of buses, same period a year that hit the roads in the said: “Britain’s road It has a strong presence in North we operate in.”
coaches and minibuses up earlier. first quarter were zero- passenger transport
by nearly 75 per cent in The number of single- emission vehicles. sector is continuing its
the first quarter to 1,690 decker buses rose by However, it said that this recovery amid rising
(Jessica Newman writes).
According to the Society
33.6 per cent to 533, while
there was a 70 per cent
“green growth must
extend to all sectors”,
ridership levels and
growing operator
Auction group finds its
of Motor Manufacturers increase in the number of pointing to minibuses, a confidence.”
voice with extra services
0.7 percentage points to 3.9 per cent.
Weight-loss drug trial gives Roche a lift Patrick Hosking Financial Editor
Strong growth in the ancillary services
provided by Auction Technology
The group was one of a wave of techno-
logy-related businesses to float their
shares in London in 2021. Many subse-
Alex Ralph United States, which has launched ly encouraging” for further develop- Group prompted a flurry of stock quently disappointed amid a souring
Zepbound. ment and “underscore its potential to market bidding at the FTSE 250 view of their prospects in an era of
Positive early trial results for a recently In November AstraZeneca, Britain’s become a best-in-class therapy with du- company. higher interest rates.
acquired weight-loss treatment have biggest drugs company, agreed an ex- rable weight loss and glucose control”. Shares in the company, which However, it has been more resilient
boosted the ambitions of Roche in one clusive licence agreement with Ecco- Obesity is deemed one of the most enables auction houses to hold their than most and the share surge, which
of the most lucrative markets in the gene, of China, to develop a “next-gen- urgent health challenges in the world, sales online, surged after it revealed a took the stock up by 72p, or 14.6 per
pharmaceuticals sector. eration” treatment for obesity, type 2 di- with a range of comorbidities, such as 6 per cent increase in sales to $86 mil- cent, to 564p, brought it close to its
The Swiss drugs company said that abetes and other cardiometabolic type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases lion for the six months to the end of original issue price of 600p.
results from a study of CT-388, its obe- conditions as part of a deal worth up to and chronic kidney disease. More than March. Operating profit was down by The company said trading in the first
sity drug candidate, had found that a four billion people, about half of the 11 per cent to $10.5 million, but that was six weeks of its second half had been in
once-weekly injection over 24 weeks world’s population, are expected to be as expected. line with forecasts and it kept un-
resulted in “significant” weight loss in
healthy adults with obesity compared
with a placebo. It showed a mean place-
bo-adjusted weight loss of 18.8 per cent.
Roche, which is developing the drug
Projected value of weight-loss
treatment market by 2030
affected by 2035, according to Roche,
putting “an incredible strain on socie-
ties and healthcare systems around the
world”. Its treatment aims to regulate
blood sugar and to reduce appetite by
Gross merchandise value, the total
cost of goods auctioned by its services,
slid by 17 per cent to $1.9 billion because
of lower prices for industrial machinery
and weaker markets in art and antiques.
changed its estimate for full-year reve-
nue of $175 million to $180 million.
John-Paul Savant, 53, chief executive,
said the business was “executing
against the investments we are making
as a treatment for obesity and for type targeting and activating two receptors However, analysts and traders fo- and, where we’ve invested, we are
2 diabetes, acquired the asset as part of in the body, known as GLP-1 and GIP. cused on Auction Technology Group’s growing”.
the acquisition late last year of Carmot $2 billion. Analysts have forecast that Analysts at Jefferies, the broker, said success in winning more revenues from Based in London, Auction Techno-
Therapeutics, a privately owned, Cali- the market could be worth more than the results were “encouraging, but extra services such as payments proc- logy Group operates online auctions
fornia-based biotechnology specialist, $100 billion by the start of the next questions remain, given the highly essed for winning bidders, the shipping for 4,000 auction houses in North
for up to $3.1 billion. decade and to be a “major commercial competitive market before commercial of lots and digital marketing services America and Europe, specialising in in-
The purchase was designed to accel- space”, meaning that even late entrants potential can be assessed and whether for auctioneers. Revenues from these dustrial and commercial and art and
erate Roche’s attempts to catch up in can achieve significant sales. Roche’s move into cardiovascular is as- “value added services” were up by antiques. It hosts more than 85,000
the fast-growing market, which is led by Levi Garraway, Roche’s chief medical tute or costly”. 44 per cent. The closely watched “take auctions each year and is best known in
Novo Nordisk, the Danish company officer and head of global product de- Shares in Roche rose by SwFr7.30, or rate”, the proportion of the hammer Britain for its
behind Wegovy, and Eli Lilly, of the velopment, said the results were “high- 3.2 per cent, to SwFr234.80. price that goes to the group, rose by platform.
40 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Business Markets
Lauren Almeida Tempus news in brief
Buy, sell or hold: today’s best share tips
Job adverts stay high
The number of active job adverts
remained above 1.7 million in

Fund is a train well worth boarding April as Britain’s record number

of long-term sick kept demand
for labour high despite the
economic gloom, figures show.
With almost 770,000 new
finsbury growth & inc trust title, but it yields a relatively modest postings in the month, the
Back on track? 2.2 per cent, much lower than an number of advertised positions
Market cap Discount to NAV Share price Top ten holdings average of 4 per cent in the UK was above the pre-pandemic
£1.6bn 8%
950p Percentage of total investments* equity income sector. But Finsbury norm, according to the
has a respectable track record of Recruitment & Employment

y his own admission, Nick Relx 12.4% increasing payouts, with annualised Confederation and Lightcast
Train is mortified by the 900 dividend growth of 6.1 per cent each Labour Market Tracker, which
London Stock
recent performance of his 12.1% year in the decade running up to the said it indicated “issues with
listed investment fund. Exchange end of September last year, according long-term sickness and
Shares in the Finsbury 850 Experian 11.9% to analysis by Winterflood, the challenges in the skills system”.
Growth and Income Trust are up by Sage 10.9%
barely 1 per cent in the past three Shares in the trust are at an 8 per Illicit funds avoid fines
years and languish 11 per cent below 800 Diageo 10.6% cent discount to their net asset value.
their high in 2019. Unilever 9.6% This is much wider than its five-year A new register designed to shed
However, a focus on high-quality, average of 2.5 per cent, as well as the light on illicit funds owned by
high-growth and mostly British 750 Burberry 5.2% average discount in its sector at 5.8 overseas entities has done little to
businesses has meant the fund has a Schroders 4.8% per cent. It certainly makes the trust tackle the issue of illicit wealth
Source: FactSet

more impressive long-term track 700 Mondelez Intl more attractive relative to the open- tied up in UK property.
record, not to mention a devoted ended Lindsell Train UK Equity Companies House has fined 423
following of retail investors. Train Hargreaves
3.7% fund, also managed by Train, which unregistered overseas entities a
and his team have delivered a return 650 Lansdown has a very similar portfolio. total of £21.9 million, of which
of 99 per cent in the past decade, 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 *As at 30 April 2024 Source: Company report Train himself has a significant only £580,000 has been paid so
beating the FTSE All-Share index by stake in the trust, which was valued far. The UK launched the
almost 20 percentage points. single shareholder, has suffered from at £44.6 million in September last Register of Overseas Entities as
This is largely a result of Train’s ADVICE Buy a wider downturn in luxury year. Recent under-performance may part of the Economic Crime
high-concentration approach to the WHY Quality strategy by a spending. Some analysts also have cause investors to hesitate and Train (Transparency and Enforcement)
portfolio. There are only 21 blamed the trust’s recent below-par recently expressed his frustration to Bill in February 2022, in response
investments in the fund. Moreover, well-respected investor and at performance on a rally in value investors, saying that his team had to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
the top ten holdings make up 85 per a wide discount stocks in recent years, which has struggled to get the portfolio
cent of the total and within that helped the FTSE 100 index but has clicking, with “enough things Buffett piles into Chubb
Finsbury has its own “magnificent left Train’s portfolio behind. working at the same time”, but
five”: Diageo, the drinks maker; Relx, leaders. Yet some of his top holdings That is not to downplay the overall Train’s strategy remains compelling Warren Buffett’s Berkshire
the analytics and data group; London have been serious headaches over quality of the trust’s investments, and, importantly, consistent. The Hathaway has reported a new,
Stock Exchange Group; Sage, the the past few years, namely Diageo which have an impressive average trust reports a charge of 0.6 per cent, $6.72 billion stake in the insurer
accounting software business; and and Burberry. The former has lost return on equity (which measures in line with its peers and not overly Chubb, confirming months of
Experian, the credit checker. Each is almost a fifth of its value in the past how efficiently it generates profits) of expensive. Momentum is building in speculation that it had made a big
worth more than a tenth of the 12 months, after a shock profit 35 per cent and an estimated long- London’s stock market and, for those new investment. Berkshire owned
portfolio’s net asset value. warning in Latin America late last term earnings growth rate of 9.5 per who want a high-quality, 25.92 million Chubb shares at the
Train invests only in businesses year and a slowdown in sales in the cent. Relx, the top holding, has been concentrated portfolio at a discount end of March, according to a
that he believes are either No 1 in the United States. Meanwhile the particularly successful, rising by 113 and under the care of a well- regulatory filing. Shares in Chubb
world of what they do or are fashion group, where Lindsell Train, per cent in the past five years alone. respected manager, Finsbury Growth rose by 4.7 per cent, or $11.97, to
members of a small cohort of market his investment firm, is the largest Income may feature in the trust’s and Income remains a solid choice. $264.94 after news emerged of
Buffett’s interest. Cathy Seifert,
an analyst at CFRA Research,
experian analytics to make decisions around market that requires companies to between 6 per cent and 8 per cent, said “Chubb operates in a
credit risk, while it offers services have access to vast amounts of with margins to increase by between business Berkshire knows well”.
Market cap Forward p/e such as Experian Boost to personal and corporate data. 0.3 per cent and 0.5 per cent at a
£31.5bn ratio 29.7 consumers, designed to help people There is, however, some concern constant currency measure. This Trade deal boost
to improve their credit score. This around its leveraging, with its ratio of growth is compelling, certainly, but it
xperian, a member of Nick service has more than 15 million net debt to earnings before interest, is already highly valued by the The British Chambers of

E Train’s “magnificent five”, has

delivered for the fund this
week. Shares in the credit checker
customers in the United States
It is little wonder that this data-
tax and other charges finishing the
year at a multiple of 1.7. This is
relatively high, but is still below the
market, with the shares trading at a
forward price-to-earnings multiple of
29.7, which puts it, by this metric,
Commerce said the UK’s
ratification of a deal to join the
Comprehensive and Progressive
rose by almost a tenth after it said its rich company is a favourite among company’s target range of two to 2.5. among the top ten most expensive Agreement for Trans-Pacific
revenue had grown faster than investors. Its fundamentals are very Shares in Experian have risen by stocks in the FTSE 100. Partnership “will open up new
expected by 7 per cent to $7.1 billion strong: an asset-light model means more than a third so far this year, opportunities for investment”.
in the year to the end of March. that cash conversion stands at 97 per supported by enthusiasm for growth William Bain, its head of trade
The company specialises in credit cent and return on capital employed, in its Latin American operations, ADVICE Hold policy, said: “Trade rules will be
data and analytics, with businesses in which measures how effectively it where revenues were up by 13 per WHY Strong quality and more favourable for
both the consumer and business-to- turns investments into profit, at a cent to $1.1 billion in the period. The manufacturers looking to sell
business markets. It plays a vital role chunky 17 per cent. That is not to company thinks that overall growth already reflected in products to other member
in the financial ecosystem: its mention an extremely high barrier to revenues will grow again in its rich valuation countries and data transfers for
institutional customers use its entry for rivals trying to set up in a present financial year by somewhere firms in the services sector will
also be more straightforward.”

Major indices London Financial Futures Commodities

© 2021 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved.

The Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing Prices information contained
herein is proprietary to Tradeweb; may not be copied or
re-distributed; is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely; and does not constitute
investment advice. Tradeweb is not responsible for any loss or damage that might result
from the use of this information.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 41

Markets Business

GSK decides time is right

to sell rest of Haleon stake
Tom Saunders Market report

alk about surprises. Minutes
before the market closed, telecoms
GSK announced its
intention to sell its
remaining shareholding in
Haleon, about 4.2 per cent of the
Signals look positive at Helios
company, in what will be its fourth
and final transaction since the July trong demand Its average revenue
2022 demerger.
The FTSE 100 pharmaceuticals
company said that the placing price,
S for telecoms
services in the
Democratic Republic
per tenant increased
by 3.5 per cent to
handled by Bank of America and of Congo, Tanzania The strong results
Goldman Sachs, would start and Oman has led led analysts at
“immediately”. The latest disposal will Helios Towers to Berenberg to suggest
mark GSK’s fourth in the Sensodyne beat expectations for that its forecast for
toothpaste maker in the past year. sales in its first 2024, which has not
Haleon was formed in 2019 by quarter. changed since its full-
$8.25 billion. It beat 23 per cent to merging GSK and Pfizer’s consumer The mobile phone year results last year,
John Deere second-quarter
estimates but net
$3.19 billion. Revenue
for the production and
healthcare businesses. Last year GSK,
which initially retained a near 13 per
mast operator
reported a 14 per cent
Helios has added to
both its portfolio and
looked “more than
endures a income nonetheless precision agriculture cent stake in Haleon, had said that increase in sales in its tenancies per tower Helios added 69
was down by 17 per unit, which includes first quarter to sites to its portfolio of
barren run cent to $2.37 billion large and certain mid- $194.6 million, which it then leases 14,166 towers ,but has
and net sales were 15 sized tractors, Wall Street report beating a market out to telecoms focused on increasing
ne of America’s per cent lower at combines and other forecast of providers. It signed the number of

O oldest
companies has cut its
$13.61 billion in the
three months to April
equipment, slipped by
16 per cent to
$6.58 billion.
Indices may have retreated from
their midweek record highs but the
prospect of a September rate cut is
$192.9 million and
pushing the
company’s shares up
761 new tenancies in
its first quarter, up
10.2 per cent year-on-
tenancies per tower,
which rose to 1.95,
meaning that on
full-year profit forecast Farm income is It expects sales of likely to maintain investor 13¼p, or 12 per cent, year and bringing the average each tower
for a second time as expected to fall by large agriculture confidence. The Dow Jones to 123½p. total number to was leased out to
farmers, who are 25.5 per cent from 2023 equipment to decline industrial average shed 38.62 points, Helios Towers buys 27,686, well above about two telecoms
battling declining to $116.1 billion this by between 20 per cent or 0.1 per cent, to 39,869.38. and operates towers, consensus estimates. providers.
prices for their crops, year, a second and 25 per cent this
buy fewer tractors and consecutive annual year, compared with its
other equipment. drop, according to the previous estimates for the spin-off and subsequent stake the company to reduce its organic airline’s competitors, with Wizz Air
Deere & Company US Department of a fall of about 20 per sales would allow the company to growth expectations in the division falling by 102p, or 4.6 per cent, to
was founded in Illinois Agriculture, as corn cent. Industry sales for sharpen its focus on vaccines and from the high single digits to £21.16 and International Consolidated
in 1837 by John Deere, and soya bean prices large agriculture infectious diseases and fund deals to something “between the mid-and- Airlines Group losing 5p, or 2.8 per
the name under which decline and as equipment were bolster a lacklustre drug pipeline. high-single-digit” range, pushing its cent, to 177p.
it trades. It cut its production costs projected to fall by Shares in both companies were shares down by 10¾p, or 4.1 per cent, BT rose by 19½p, or 17.2 per cent, to
profit outlook to increase. The company about 15 per cent, at largely unaffected due to the timing to 225½p. Analysts’ estimates of the 132½p, the largest single-day rise in the
$7 billion from a reported that revenue the low end of its of the announcement, with Haleon impact of the changes on Convatec company’s history, after Allison
previous range of $7.5 for its small agriculture previous forecast. up by 1p, or 0.3 per cent, at 332½p and varied, with Peel Hunt downgrading Kirkby, the new chief executive,
billion to $7.75 billion. and turf division, The announcement GSK down by 29p, or 1.6 per cent, at the company when the draft changes unveiled her plans to turn around the
Initially, the company which includes ranges sent shares in John £17.83½. On the broader health front, were first announced to “reduce” telecoms group. Despite that, the
had forecast a 2024 of mid-sized and small Deere down by $19.61, it was not quite a case of adding insult while Berenberg has maintained a FTSE 100 as a whole fell by 7.15 points,
profit between tractors and other or 4.7 per cent, to close to injury, but the pain for Convatec’s “buy” rating. or 0.1 per cent, to 8,438.65, while the
$7.75 billion and equipment, fell by at $394.41. share price was clear enough. A down The largest faller on the FTSE 100 more FTSE 250 rose by 47.21 points, or
day for the healthcare group was was Sage, the accountancy software 0.2 per cent, to 20,822.84.
driven by fears over how Medicare, developer, which fell by 113p, or 9.4 per Rank Group, the gaming company,
The day’s biggest movers the American federal health cent, to £10.84½. Analysts attributed lauded the government’s response to a
insurance programme for anyone the drop to a small cut in its organic consultation launched last July that
over the age of 65 and for younger growth forecast and Peel Hunt termed will lead to the present maximum of
people with disabilities, will cover the company’s outlook a “damp squib”. 20 gaming machines per licence
certain wound care products. EasyJet was also down, by 31¾p, or being increased to 80. It said that the
Several administrators of the 6 per cent, to 497¾p, after it warned of changes would result in its
programme that covers 65 million a slightly softer peak summer season Grosvenor Casinos broadly doubling
individuals have proposed draft and announced the departure of gaming machine numbers from the
changes that would have a significant Johan Lundgren, its chief 1,361 it operates. Shares in the
impact on Convatec’s advanced executive. The downbeat news on the company rose marginally by ½p, or
wound care business. This prompted summer season filtered down to the 0.7 per cent, to 90p.

Gold/Precious Money rates % Dollar rates Exchange rates

Owing to a technical issue, the gold fix
prices are from Wednesday

Sterling spot and forward rates

Other Sterling

European money
deposits %

Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
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the times | Friday May 17 2024 43

Unit trusts Business

The Times unit trust information service
Yld Yld Yld Yld Yld Yld
Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- %

British funds

This is a paid for information service. For

further details on a particular fund, readers
should contact their fund manager.

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for information
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or this publication
44 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Business Equity prices

Dividend yields Please note dividend yields are 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
supplied by Morningstar. The yield is the sum of a High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

company’s trailing 12-month dividend payments divided

v v
by the last day’s closing share price.
v v
12-month high and low High/low prices for UK
equities are based on closing prices. Investment trust
high and low prices are based on intra-day figures. v

v v
12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E
Automobiles & parts v

Banking & finance v v

v v

v v
v v v
v v
v v

v Consumer goods

v v
v v v

v v

v v

v v

Investment companies v
12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 12 month Price Yld Dis(-) v
High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm




v Health
v v v

v v
v v v



v v


Engineering v
Construction & v


v v
v v

v v

v v
the times | Friday May 17 2024 45

Equity prices Business

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

v v

v v v v

v v v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v

v v v v v v

v v v

Industrials v v Real estate

v Professional & v

support services Retailing v

v v
v v

v v

v v v
v v

v v
v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
v v

v v

Natural resources v
v v
v v
v v
Leisure v
v v

v Transport
v v

v v v

v v
v v v
v v

v v
v v
Technology v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v

v v

v Utilities
v v v
v v v
v v

v v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
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v v
v v
v v v v
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v u
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v v
Data as shown is
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46 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Business Recruitment

Green hydrogen ‘is not just hot air’

Production projects are Six from the best
at a tipping point and As a writer on the past, present and
are ready to generate future of work, Julia Hobsbawm has
observed thousands of companies.
up to 20,000 jobs, Working Assumptions,
her latest book,
Jane Hamilton writes discusses the post-
Covid changes
In 2021 Boris Johnson boldly declared, rippling through the
“Britain will become the Qatar of workforce. Here
hydrogen” as part of his government’s she shares her tips
strategy for reaching net-zero emis- on navigating this
sions by 2050. The plan was for new world.
hydrogen to supply up to 35 per cent of
Britain’s energy needs, but was the
promise a load of hot air? Not according Embrace uncertainty. Do
to key players in the country’s burgeon-
ing hydrogen industry.
Already the government is investing
1 not expect anything but a
bumpy ride right now.
There is too much
in 11 big new hydrogen production turbulence in the economy and in
projects, slated to support 700 jobs and technology. Embrace those famous
to unlock £400 million in new invest- “known unknowns”.
ment. This week the energy company
RWE announced plans to build a so-
called green hydrogen plant in Scot-
land on the site of the Grangemouth
2 Become a workplace
diplomat. There are more
culture wars than there is
petrol refinery. Meanwhile, Hydrogen culture at work at the moment. Ask
UK, which represents the industry, people to respect difference in
claims that it is at a tipping point, poised troubled times but also set boundaries
to create 20,000 jobs and to contribute for expression and behaviour at work.
£26 billion in cumulative gross value
added to the economy. Get to grips with what AI is,
Put simply, the “green” technology
splits water into hydrogen and oxygen
using renewable energy. Using green
3 and isn’t. Drill into the
detail: do you need
automation and robotics or do you
hydrogen causes significantly lower need to set up “prompt” libraries of
greenhouse gas emissions than other large-language models for generative
forms of hydrogen and than gas and oil. AI?
Advocates claim that it can help the
drive towards net zero and will boost There’s no one size fits
Britain’s energy sector expertise. “We 4 all. Feel OK about learning

are at a critical juncture in the and listening rather than
evolution of the UK’s hydrogen supply
chain development,” Clare Jackson, the
‘The work ia Diepman is a
project manager
at Protium. She
fuel,” she said. “It opened
my eyes to a whole new
space in the energy
resilience in energy
systems are just a handful
of examples of why it’s
trying to copy others.

chief executive of Hydrogen UK, said.

“Navigated correctly, we have the
unparalleled opportunity not only to
is dynamic took up the role
after working as
a systems engineer
ecosystem. Green
hydrogen has the ability
to address some of the
such an exciting solution.
“Working in the green
hydrogen sector is 5
Don’t fixate on pointless
presenteeism. Productivity
comes through
reap significant economic benefits, but
also to achieve our net-zero objectives
and very writing software for
intelligent power
world’s biggest energy
dynamic, challenging,
exciting and overall just
engagement, creativity and
a sense of purpose.
and to bolster domestic energy secur-
ity. However, we must recognise that fulfilling’ solutions. “I caught the
green hydrogen bug after
“Decarbonising hard-
to-abate sectors such as
very fulfilling. I love
being part of an industry Test your assumptions
hydrogen is still a relatively nascent
industry and as such necessitates a high
degree of collaboration between Case study
writing my thesis on the
feasibility of green
hydrogen as a vehicle
steel and petrochemicals,
displacing fossil fuels in
transport and creating
that is ... playing a pivotal
role in the race against
climate change.”
6 regularly. Are you doing
something because you
always did it or because it is
government and industry.” right for now?
The Hydrogen Energy Association
and Hydrogen UK have more than a however, is hampering growth. Accord-
hundred members each, with jobs The green light ing to the Hydrogen Energy Associa- Appointment of the week
being added in aspects of hydro- tion and the Hydrogen Skills Alliance,
gen supply chains including produc- Ready to bond with a change. You will need to companies doing work 84 per cent of employers note an insuf- Play a part in overseeing
tion, storage, network development role in green hydrogen? be flexible and agile. that interests you. ficient number of skilled workers, with
and “off-taker markets”, which are the Here’s how to start. Learn as quickly as you Connect with companies 61 per cent warning that this is having public services in Wales
final customers for the product. In add- 6 Understand the basics. can and do not be afraid on LinkedIn and social an impact on their ability to expand. Audit Wales is seeking an
ition, Britain is experiencing significant There’s a lot to learn, so of challenges. media and establish Protium, a London-based green independent member for its audit and
growth in the number of makers of be an avid consumer of 6 Find out about the communication with hydrogen business, works worldwide risk assurance committee. As
original equipment, from lorry manu- news and information. whole value chain. There people in the sector now. and is seeking more women staff. “We the independent public sector audit
facturers, such as Electra, to compres- Follow trade are more opportunities 6 Attend industry events need to give the young people more body within Wales, Audit Wales is
sor producers, such as Haskel. organisations such as the out there than it seems. and use them to awareness about hydrogen and the responsible for examining public
Key growth jobs include engineers Hydrogen Energy 6 List your transferable network. You never know possible career paths to attract them,” spending by the Senedd and locally
and operation, servicing and mainten- Association and skills and update your when your dream job Yaying Chen, its engineering manager, elected representatives and finding
ance specialists, as well as vehicle main- Hydrogen UK and read CV. Many workers are might be available. said. “We need to be open-armed ways to improve public services.
tenance technicians trained on fuel government information. moving across from 6 You do not have to be towards people from different back- In conjunction with other members
cells. There are also opportunities for 6 Consider if you can heavy industry and fossil an engineer. Nothing grounds with transferable skills. If you of the committee, the successful
policy experts, finance and legal roles, keep the pace. The fuels, but skills are also happens without finance, care about the environment, want to applicant will attend and play a full
plus project management. industry is new and is needed in other areas. insurance and HR, so have a new challenge and become a part in the conduct of committee
A lack of awareness about the sector, going through constant 6 Reach out to broaden your job search. pioneer in this area, you should apply.” meetings and will contribute to the
committee’s annual formal report to
the board. Applicants will be expected
Working week to attend learning and development
activities and to participate in other
Wellbeing stresses ‘Ripples of unease’ over AI Silence deters jobseekers ‘Presentees’ cost £24bn activities as requested by the board or
the accounting officer.
Nine in ten UK managers feel Three in four employees are bringing Jobseekers do not hear back from Poor employee mental health is This is a time-limited appointment
responsible for the wellbeing of their AI tools to work but are keeping it almost half the jobs they apply for, costing employers £51 billion a year. of up to three years, which may be
team and three in five say that the secret from their bosses. The trend, according to a report from the Research from Deloitte shows a renewable for a second and final term.
pressure has had a detrimental dubbed “shadow AI”, is leading more recruitment platform Indeed. Two in decrease from £55 billion in 2021 but The successful candidate will be
impact on their own health. In a companies to hire chief AI officers to five admitted that not receiving a an increase from £45 billion in 2019. paid £5,000 per annum, plus
study by Perkbox, 62 per cent of identify and manage the assets response to a job application had Its study shows that “presenteeism”, reasonable expenses incurred.
managers say their teams increasingly created by generative AI. Mithu significantly affected their confidence when staff work while ill, is the This is a part-time role. The
need advice on non-work matters, Bhargava, executive vice-president for in their job search and 52 per cent largest contributor. Deloitte estimates committee’s business normally will be
such as the cost of living crisis. Doug digital solutions at Iron Mountain, a had considered halting their search, that presenteeism costs £24 billion conducted at four meetings during
Butler, chief executive of Perkbox, data management specialist, said: meaning that staff remain in roles in annually. The cost of living, personal the year. Additional meetings may be
said: “The pressure placed on “[Shadow AI] is causing ripples of which they are unhappy and less finances and job security were also convened as business demands. Apply
managers has quietly been growing.” unease for IT and data leaders.” productive, the report said. identified as key stressors. at

Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Resource Allocation

(ACRA) VAC-8138
Ministers are seeking to appointment a new Chair to the board of the Advisory Committee on the
Resource Allocation (ACRA).
ACRA is an independent, expert committee comprising GPs, public health experts, NHS managers
and academics. The Chair is a joint appointment between Ministers and the NHSE Chief Exec-
utive. ACRA is responsible for providing recommendations and advice on the funding for health
services in England, that reflect the objectives of the funding formula. This is currently to the Chief
Executive of NHS England for NHS allocations and may also be to the Secretary of State for public
health allocations.
Applicants must have the ability to lead strategic development of a key national Committee, antic-
ipate emerging issues and develop strategies to enable the Committee to achieve its objectives.
We are seeking candidates who can demonstrate an awareness of health economics or health
analysis and who have an understanding of the financial systems in the NHS and the role of ACRA.
With strong interpersonal and communication skills you must be able to interpret and act upon
complex, sometimes conflicting information, and assess and appropriately challenge recommen-
In addition, you must have exceptional leadership skills and feel comfortable using authority in a
committee environment, ensuring all views are captured, explored and decisions are made based
on sound judgement.
The ACRA Chair is not remunerated and requires a time commitment of up to 10 days per year.
Ministers determine the length of appointment, which may be for up to a maximum of 3 years.
For more information, please visit the Public Appointments website:
Role details – Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Resource Allocation (ACRA) – Apply for a
public appointment – GOV.UK (
If you require an alternative format such as braille, large print or audio please call Karen Dinsdale
on 0113 254 5414 quoting the reference VAC-8138.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 49

Soprano known for her

Wagnerian performances

Margaret Curphey
Page 50


Tristram Powell
TV director and son of the novelist Anthony Powell who forged a career collaborating with the likes of Alan Bennett and Michael Palin
Tristram Powell inherited the curiosity an Oxford whose career is threatened by
about people that marked his father, his involvement with two women he
the novelist Anthony Powell. His natu- meets walking in Switzerland.
ral warmth came from his mother, Vio- Powell also directed, in 1987 and 1998,
let Pakenham. The combination ena- two of the monologues in Alan Bennett’s
bled him to become a particularly Talking Heads series: Soldiering On, with
skilled and versatile director, notably of Stephanie Cole; and Nights in the Gar-
arts documentaries for television. dens of Spain, with Penelope Wilton.
His gifts and his upbringing made Bennett, watching, would relieve the
him interested in and comfortable tension inherent in filming the mono-
around authors, artists and actors. He logues in a single take by chewing on his
was sensitive to their abilities and deft handkerchief. The strain was such on
at soothing difficult temperaments. His one occasion, it was said, that he swal-
insight into how they thought allowed lowed it whole.
him to get the best out of those central Tristram Roger Dymoke Powell was
to the culture of their time. born in Oxford in 1940, the elder of two
From the late 1960s onwards he di- sons. His father, known for his 12-vol-
rected profiles of the likes of Samuel ume sequence A Dance to the Music of
Beckett and Malcolm Lowry, secured Time (1951-1975), was then stationed in
rare, filmed interviews with Lucian Belfast. When Powell and his mother,
Freud and Marcel Duchamp, and Lady Violet, a daughter of the 5th Earl
worked with Harold Pinter and Philip of Longford, arrived in the city, his
Roth. Powell could also direct drama father had neglected to find lodgings
and he forged partnerships with, among for them. For a while they shared those
others, Michael Palin and Alan Bennett. of the future Liberal leader Jo Grimond.
The mutual trust established often per- During his childhood in Regent’s
sisted beyond the end of a shoot and Park, London, and Frome, Somerset,
bore its own fruit. Powell encountered writers such as
In 1979 he made a documentary Malcolm Muggeridge, Graham Greene
about women who had been held in a and George Orwell, whose wake in
Japanese camp in Sumatra during the 1950 was held at the Powells’ house.
Second World War. The idea had been His cousin, Lady Antonia Fraser,
developed by the producer, Lavinia lived with them for a time as a teenager.
Warner. Powell then persuaded her to With his mother — “the right arm,” he
fictionalise the women’s experiences. recalled, “of my father’s imagination”
— they would visit art galleries.
Lucian Freud called his Tristram Powell’s upbringing made him deft and sensitive with artists. Below, filming American Friends with Michael Palin Another mentor was VS Naipaul, from
whom Powell eventually bought his
eyes ‘beautifully cut, like 1971 in a review for The Times of Mishi- claimed a fatwa against the writer for his in Ireland. It starred Trevor Howard, house. He could remember swimming
ma’s testament, Sun and Steel. “One novel The Satanic Verses. It was not until who gave an acclaimed performance with Ernest Hemingway.
high-class binoculars’ hoped he achieved the longed-for 2012 that a feature film of Midnight’s that owed much to Powell’s ability to At Eton he was given a cine camera
catharsis.” Children was made — in secret, in Sri cajole people when required, given that and projector by his grandfather, with
This became the series Tenko, broad- A documentary about the Pitmen Lanka — by the director Deepa Mehta. Howard had not wanted the part and which Powell made skits with his
cast by the BBC between 1981 and 1985. Painters of Ashington was made with Powell was not short, however, of op- then refused to read the script. friend, the actor Jonathan Cecil. After
Another friendship that arose out of the art critic Bill Feaver, who had re- portunities to direct drama. In the late Just as tricky was Philip Roth, whose Trinity College, Oxford, where he read
filming was with the writer Beryl Bain- vived their reputation and would be- 1970s he collaborated with Beckett on novel The Ghost Writer he filmed in history, he worked as a sub-editor on
bridge. During the making of a pro- come their biographer. Feaver also Shades, three plays for the BBC, and then 1983 for the BBC. Powell recalled the Queen magazine. He married Virginia
gramme based on her autobiographical wrote a biography of Freud, about a television staging of the playwright’s contrasts between “sane, enthusiastic, Lucas, an artist, in 1968. She survives
novel A Quiet Life, she and Powell went whom Powell made a film for the BBC Happy Days. It starred Billie Whitelaw, generous, erudite, good Philip” and the him with their daughter, Georgia, for-
into a junk shop. There he convinced in the 1970s, now thought lost. who also featured in 1978 as Thomas one who “loved provocation and disor- merly a newspaper obituary writer and
her to buy a full-sized stuffed bison. Er- That encounter led to Freud painting Hardy’s first wife, Emma Gifford, in a der as a source of drama”. Although now Duchess of Beaufort, and their
ic, as it was named, took up much of the a portrait of the director in 1995-96. For film about their marriage. Other drama- involved in every aspect of its making, son, Archie, a film-maker.
hallway of Bainbridge’s house, obliging Richard Cork, art critic for The Times, it tised profiles included those of Ivy Roth told Powell he hated the film. Powell’s later work included an adap-
every visitor thereafter to squeeze past depicted “the gaze of a man who seems Compton-Burnett, with Celia Johnson Palin was an easier proposition. For tation of Kingsley Amis’s The Old Devils
the animal to get in, or out. to live through his eyes. Powell looks like as the writer, and for Omnibus, We Think TV, Powell directed East of Ipswich (1992), as well as episodes of Kavanagh
Powell began in television at the re- someone long accustomed to scanning the World of You, about the famously (1987), a comedy-drama based on the QC and Foyle’s War. For radio, he direct-
cently founded BBC2. Melvyn Bragg, a with care, selecting the most revealing dog-loving author, JR Ackerley. The film actor’s memories of childhood holidays. ed versions of The Heat of the Day, Eliza-
friend from Oxford days, had been ap- aspect of a subject.” The artist himself won a Bafta in 1981. The pair then made the feature film beth Bowen’s novel of wartime London,
pointed editor of the channel’s arts pro- was particularly taken with the direct- Another award-winning production American Friends (1991). Loosely based and of Elizabeth Smart’s By Grand Cen-
gramme, New Release. Over the next or’s eyes: “They are beautifully cut, like was No Country for Old Men (1981), on the diaries of Palin’s great-grandfa- tral Station I Sat Down and Wept.
few years, Powell directed for it films high-class binoculars, and they seem ex- which dealt with Jonathan Swift’s exile ther, it revolves around a don in Victori- He published two books about the
about Federico Fellini, who revealed traordinarily observant.” photographer Julia Margaret Cameron
how he had struggled with the shift to Other subjects of Powell’s thoughtful and in 1971 put on an exhibition of her
making cinema in colour, Susan Sontag lens included Marcel Marceau, Jean work at Leighton House, Kensington.
and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. Rhys, Nadine Gordimer, Alfred Hitch- “Full of the confidence of class,” he
The film about Duchamp, Rebel cock and the artist Paul Nash. For the wrote, “Cameron, in her best work,
Ready-Made, shot in 1966 on the occa- BBC’s arts strand Arena in the 1980s, broke all the rules of art and allowed the
sion of the first retrospective in Europe there were documentaries about the new medium to dictate what appealed
of the artist’s work, revealed the French director Louis Malle, the travel to her own eye.”
Frenchman not as enigmatic but as a writer Norman Lewis and the writer It was not a judgment that could be
chic New Yorker about town. Karen Blixen’s time in Kenya. applied to Powell, who was no kind of
In the Shadow of Cain (1964) contained A Tall Story, made in 1981, profiled snob, intellectual or otherwise, nor a
the last footage of Julian Maclaren-Ross, Salman Rushdie through the eyes of self-conscious revolutionary. More ac-
a friend of Powell’s father and the model the protagonist of his novel about India curate was the verdict in 1973 of The
for his character X Trapnel, author of post-independence, Midnight’s Child- Times that he was a “deceptively gentle
Dogs Have No Uncles. A profile of the ren, published the same year. Seven- film-maker whose grasp of thematic es-
Japanese author and nationalist Yukio teen years later Powell was chosen to sentials is unemphatic because it is so
Mishima was entitled A Writer and His direct for the BBC a five-part adapta- firm and whose memory for the sug-
Sword (1968). Two years later, Mishima tion of the book, scripted by Rushdie. gestive image is usually sharp, and
took his own life in a ritual seppuku after One hundred and ten speaking parts sometimes unforgettable”.
attempting a military coup. had been cast and the first sets built in Sri
“His suicide was the last act of a sensi- Lanka when its government withdrew Tristram Powell, director, was born on
tive writer ... who in middle age became permission for filming. India itself had April 25, 1940. He died of leukaemia on
a cultural kamikaze,” wrote Powell in rebuffed the production after Iran pro- March 1, 2024, aged 83
50 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Werner Spitz
Forensic pathologist whose expertise was called upon in high-profile cases, including the assassination of President Kennedy
The Zapruder film of the assassination the neck for an entrance wound. His as- States. After a stint in Maryland he re- died. The authorities had ruled him out
of John F Kennedy was first shown on sessment poured cold water on talk of a located to the Detroit area, where he as a suspect and Burke filed a defama-
American television in 1975, turbo- second gunman and confirmed the was named chief medical examiner of tion lawsuit against Spitz seeking $150
charging conspiracy theories about the conclusion of the Warren Commission Wayne County. Business was brisk: De- million in damages. It was settled in
shooting 12 years earlier. that Kennedy was shot twice from be- troit recorded 751 homicides in 1973. 2019 on undisclosed terms.
In response, Washington politicians hind. In King’s case, Spitz concurred He had the grisly task of identifying Spitz charged $5,000 a day to act as a
established a Committee on Assassina- with the original autopsy’s finding that all 156 bodies, most by dental records or trial expert. In 2008 a defence attorney
tions to reinvestigate the deaths of Ken- the civil rights leader was killed in 1968 fingerprints, when a Northwest Air- asked him to fly to Orlando on Christ-
nedy and Martin Luther King Jr, setting by a single rifle shot. lines flight crashed shortly after take- mas Eve to examine the skull of Caylee
what proved the overoptimistic goal of Thereafter Spitz was invited to opine off in 1987 from Detroit Metropolitan Anthony, two years old, whose remains
bringing closure to the controversies. on some of America’s most sensational airport. Spitz also co-edited a re- had been discovered two months after
They turned to one of America’s fore- killings. In the late Eighties he studied nowned textbook, Spitz and Fisher’s her mother, Casey, had been charged
most forensic pathologists. Werner morgue photographs of more than a Medicolegal Investigation of Death, and with her murder.
Spitz had vast experience with gunshot dozen victims before testifying at was a professor at Wayne State Uni- “It isn’t really a matter of it being hard
wounds: he worked in Detroit, at the the trial in California of Richard versity School of Medicine. for me to do it because I’ve done lots of
time dubbed the “murder capital of the Ramirez, a serial killer nicknamed the He is survived by his wife, Anne (née such cases,” he recalled in 2022. “But I
world”. Night Stalker. Keates), a nurse whom he married in then go home and go to sleep, and I
Pathology and its top practitioners Testifying for the plaintiffs at the civil Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, in dream about it, and it’s horrible.”
had been gaining respect. The Los An- wrongful-death trial of OJ Simpson in Werner Spitz’s media-friendly style 1961 during a period in England after Fuelled by the lurid excesses of roll-
geles-based pathologist Thomas Nogu- 1996, Spitz said that the NFL and Holly- did not always work in his favour they met on a blind date in Baltimore, ing cable news and the freedoms of ex-
chi was known as “coroner to the stars” wood star’s former wife, Nicole, died and their children, Daniel, a patholo- pression afforded by social media, the
and television dramas such as Quincy, mistrial but Spector (obituary, January gist, Jonathan, a surgeon, and Rhona, a televised proceedings of Anthony’s trial
ME placed medical examiners at the ‘The photos were so 17, 2021) was convicted of murder at a lawyer. After Daniel succeeded him as in 2011 arguably had the highest profile
centre of police procedurals as scien- retrial in 2009. chief medical examiner of Macomb since Simpson’s. Wielding a model
tific expertise became more important explicit they made Werner Uri Spitz was born in 1926 in County, Michigan, in 2004, Spitz — skull, Spitz testified that duct tape was
in solving crimes. Stargard, then in Germany but now who had no hobbies — worked as a full- attached to the child’s face to hold her
Spitz relished detective work, the my hair stand on end’ part of Poland. His Jewish parents, time private consultant until a few decomposing jaw in position, contra-
challenge, he once said, of “piecing to- Siegfried and Anna, were doctors. Flee- weeks before his death, motivated by dicting the prosecution’s theory that it
gether a story using the shell of a from loss of blood caused by a “devas- ing Nazi persecution in the mid-Thir- the quest for answers. “I’m still working was used to suffocate her. He also ac-
human who could no longer explain tating slash” from a knife that sliced her ties, the family moved to Mandatory because I enjoy the work. Because I like cused the local medical examiner of
why he or she died”. Every fragment voice box in two. Simpson (obituary, Palestine (now Israel) and he studied the work. Because with time, you have performing a “shoddy” autopsy. Antho-
and mark was a potential clue, every April 11, 2024) was found liable for dou- medicine at Geneva University in a new or a broadened ability to see ny was acquitted of murder, avoiding a
sliver of brain or speck of blood a poss- ble murder, having earlier been acquit- Switzerland and the Hebrew Univers- things that in early life you did not see,” potential death sentence, but convicted
ible narrative thread. ted in a criminal trial of the killing of his ity in Jerusalem. Fearing he was falling he told Time magazine in 2022. of lying to the police.
In Kennedy’s case, he was given ac- ex-wife and her friend Ron Goldman. in with the wrong crowd, his father in- He was known for sparring with law- Spitz estimated that he had conduct-
cess to evidence such as clothes and en- As an expert witness for the defence sisted his son spend his summer holi- yers while giving evidence and energet- ed or assisted more than 60,000 post-
larged photographs of his body. “They in the 2007 murder trial of Phil Spector, days on work experience in a Tel Aviv ically delivering trenchant views in a mortem examinations. Asked whether
were so explicit they made my hair Spitz asserted that blood spatter ana- pathology unit. distinctive accent, but his media- Kennedy was his most memorable ex-
stand on end,” Spitz told The Macomb lysis indicated the music producer was Watching autopsies left Spitz spell- friendly style did not always work in his pired client, he replied: “When people
Daily. “You could see every pore in his as far as six feet away from the actress bound. After qualifying as a doctor, favour. JonBenét Ramsey, a six-year- are on the autopsy table, they are all the
skin.” He assailed the autopsy carried Lana Clarkson when she died in his however, he was only offered one old beauty queen, was killed in Colora- same.”
out by inexperienced pathologists in mansion. Spector claimed she died murder: an open-and-shut stabbing do in 1996. The case is unsolved but in
1963 as “botched”. Studying the direc- from a self-inflicted wound after plac- from a dispute between rival bagel sell- a 2016 television documentary and a Werner Spitz, forensic pathologist, was
tion of the broken skin, he declared that ing a gun in her mouth, a theory Spitz ers. Seeking a more homicidal work en- radio interview, Spitz accused her born on August 22, 1926. He died after a
doctors had mistaken an exit wound in said was plausible. A hung jury led to a vironment he moved to the United brother, Burke, who was nine when she short illness on April 14, 2024, aged 97

Margaret Curphey
Leading soprano known for her pioneering performances in English translations of Die Meistersinger and the Ring cycle
Aided by a soprano voice that com- Orfeo ed Euridice and La Traviata. months later to star in Weber’s roman-
bined power with emotional appeal and Twelve months later, along with Al- tic masterpiece, Der Freischütz.
an acting ability rare in singers, Marga- berto Remedios, Rita Hunter, Norman In tandem with her numerous oper-
ret Curphey became one of the leading Bailey and Clifford Grant, Curphey be- atic assignments, Curphey remained a
operatic stars of her generation. came a key member of the team chosen great supporter of the English choral
She impressed when singing the part by Goodall for his Die Meistersinger. society tradition. Equally at home in a
of Eva in Sir Reginald Goodall’s pio- With the production proving an out- cathedral as a concert hall, she was a
neering English translation of Richard standing success, between 1970 and regular visitor to Manchester, where
Wagner’s Die Meistersinger, which re- 1973, they were all reunited for the Ring she enjoyed productive relationships
ceived its premiere at Sadler’s Wells in cycle. Granted an unusually long re- with Maurice Handford and the Hallé
1969. Further success followed playing hearsal period, this team of singers Choir. Similarly too with Meredith
Sieglinde, Gutrune and Brunnhilde in would spend months in Goodall’s eyrie Davies and the Royal Choral Society.
Goodall’s Ring Cycle. Played out against high in the gods at Covent Garden on a While Verdi’s Requiem remained popu-
a futuristic landscape designed by line by line preparation of Andrew Por- lar, at the Royal Festival Hall in 1983
Ralph Kotai (obituary, December 17, ter’s crisp new English translation. they explored more rarefied repertoire,
2018), it remains a landmark in British This led to a successful provincial tour, including Carl Nielsen’s Hymnus Amor-
operatic history. broadcasts and a series of highly praised is. She was a regular visitor to Ireland,
Born in Douglas, Isle of Man, in 1938, recordings. To Curphey, Goodall re- where she broadcast with the RTÉ Or-
Susan Margaret Curphey, always mained a seminal figure in her musical chestra; she also appeared on BBC’s Fri-
known as Margaret, was the eldest of development. She later reflected to day Night Is Music Night.
four daughters of William Curphey, a Humphrey Burton in a 2008 tribute to Curphey married Philip Summer-
harbour policeman, and his wife, Susan Goodall on the BBC television arts pro- scales, a fellow singer, in 1967; he later
(née Gelling). It was a musical family: gramme Omnibus: “When you learnt developed a portfolio of business inter-
both mother and daughter performed something with Reggie, it’s not just in ests. Their daughter, Helen, is now at
together at many of the local competi- your voice or mind, it’s in your soul.” the helm of the family’s public relations
tive music festivals. Curphey initially won wider acclaim company.
Her stage experience began when as a prize winner at the 1970 Inter- Having long battled a troublesome
she was a pupil at Castle Rushen High national Young Opera Singers compe- hip complaint, Curphey retired from
School. Winning the coveted Rose tition in Sofia, Bulgaria. Throughout professional singing in 1994, but re-
Bowl the 1960 Blackpool Music Festival the later 1970s and 1980s, increasingly united in a special gala concert with her
brought her to the attention of adjudi- inhabiting a much more international lifelong friend, the tenor Alberto Rem-
cator, Gordon Clinton, principal of the landscape, she reprised her Wagner edios. Moving back to the island of her
Birmingham School of Music. It was he roles throughout Europe, the Far East birth, she remained a revered figure in
who suggested that she study there. Margaret Curphey as Micaela in Bizet’s Carmen, her debut at Sadler’s Wells and North America. In Valencia she Manx musical circles. Latterly she had
Her teachers were John Carol Case and played Maddalena in Umberto Giorda- been the patron of the Mananan Inter-
David Galliver. When in London she Montserrat Caballé (obituary, October included a moving Ellen Orford in no’s opera Andrea Chénier, while in national Opera Festival.
further refined her vocal technique in 6, 2018) and performing at the Proms. Peter Grimes, Pamina in The Magic Geneva she was Miss Jessel in Benja-
the company of Joan Cross. In 1965 she made her Sadler’s Wells de- Flute, Violetta in La Traviata, Elisabeth min Britten’s The Turn of the Screw. Margaret Curphey, opera singer, was
Curphey began her professional but playing Micaela in Bizet’s Carmen. in Don Carlos and the title roles in both Back in England, in September 1982 she born on February 27, 1938. She died of
career in 1963 as a member of the Art Over the next 13 years at what would Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda and Weber’s made her debut with Opera North in heart failure on March 13, 2024, aged 86
Council’s Opera for All programme. soon evolve into English National Op- Euryanthe. Among her initial contribu- the highly praised recreation by David
Twelve months later she joined the era (ENO) she would undertake a wide tions to Scottish Opera were their Lloyd-Jones of Borodin’s Prince Igor.
Glyndebourne Chorus understudying and varied range of leading roles. These 1967 productions of The Magic Flute, She returned to the company 12 Email:
the times | Friday May 17 2024 51

Court Circular Births, Marriages and Deaths Legal Notices
The King, Patron, this House Terrace, London SW1, To book a Birth, Marriage or Death GARD Richard Metherell, passed away
peacefully at home on 10th May 2024, Air Canada United Kingdom Pension Trust Fund
evening attended a Gala and was received by the announcement in the Register, visit: aged 86. A loving husband of the late
(“the Scheme”)
Performance at the Royal Reverend Canon Dr Flora Heather and a much-loved father and Notice to Creditors and Beneficiaries under Section
grandfather. All inquiries to C. P. Coombe 27 of the Trustee Act 1925
Opera House, Covent Garden, Winfield (Deputy Lieutenant for help, please call 020 7782 7553
Funeralcare, 01579 383349. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 27 of the
London WC2, to mark Sir of Greater London). or email Trustee Act 1925 that the Trustee is winding-up the
Antonio Pappano’s twenty- His Royal Highness, Patron INGLEFIELD Christopher Samuel (Sam) Scheme.
on 30th April 2024, aged 87. Devoted
two-year tenure as Music of the Appeal, the Fleming AND TAKE the helmet of salvation, and husband, beloved father, grandfather,
Any creditor, member or beneficiary of the Scheme
or any other person who believes they have a claim
Director, and was received by Centre, this evening held a the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
God: praying always with all prayer and
stepfather and step-grandfather. against, or entitlement to a pension or any benefit
from, or an interest in the Scheme is requested to
Buckingham Palace Mr Stuart Shilson (Deputy Reception at St James’s Palace. supplication in the Spirit, and watching
Thanksgiving service 3pm, 30th May 2024
in St Michael’s Church, Aldbourne, Wilts.
write to the Trustee: James Duggan, Vidett Trust
16th May, 2024 Lieutenant of Greater thereunto with all perseverance and Corporation Limited, 3rd Floor Forbury Works, 37-43
Blagrave Street, Reading, England, RG1 1PZ or by
supplication for all saints.
His Excellency Mr Ravshan London), the Chairman of the St James’s Palace Ephesians 6.17-18 (AV)
JARVIS Peter Jack CBE, died peacefully email to, to make a claim.
on 18th April 2024, aged 82. Bolton
Usmanov was received in Royal Opera House (Sir Lloyd 16th May, 2024 schoolboy, Polio survivor, Cambridge Blue,
Claimants should provide their full name, address,
date of birth, NI number and, if applicable, dates of
audience by The King this Dorfman) and Mr Alexander The Duke of Edinburgh this Bible verses are provided by the CEO of Whitbread, chairman of employment. If any other person believes they have
Bible Society
afternoon and presented the Beard (Chief Executive). afternoon attended a Debenhams, board member of Rank, a claim against or an interest in the Scheme, they
are requested to write to the same address setting
Barclays and his beloved Bolton School. A
Letters of Recall of his The Queen, Patron, the Luncheon with Births private and humble man for all his success,
out full particulars of their claim. Please quote the
Scheme name in all correspondence.
predecessor and his own Charleston Trust, this morning Commonwealth Education SALAM
many sought his counsel. Loved dearly by
Letters of Credence as visited Charleston Literary Ministers at Marlborough on Saturday 4th May 2024 to
all of his family and sorely missed. Private
funeral on 17th May in West Sussex.
All claims must be received by 20 July 2024. After
this date, the Trustee will proceed to complete the
Ambassador from the Republic Festival, Charleston House, House, London SW1. Mousumi Akter Rima and Abdul wind-up of the Scheme and secure benefits for any
remaining beneficiaries, having regard only to the
of Uzbekistan to the Court of Firle, and, having been Salam, a son, Rafi Owaj, was born at LLOYD Professor David Allden BA (Hons claims and interests of which they have prior notice.
4.11am in UCLH. Birth weight 3,040g. Cantab) MB BChir FRCS SA FRCS FACS.
St James’s. received by Mr Graham Peters St James’s Palace Thank you for joining us, Abbahjan. Emeritus professor of paediatric surgery at
The Trustee shall not be liable to any person of
whose claims and demands they have not had
Mrs Usmanova was also (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of East 16th May, 2024 Der Aaye Durust Aaye. Alhamdulillah. Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, notice.

received by His Majesty. Sussex), attended a talk The Princess Royal, Royal died 2nd May 2024. A much-loved Any person who has been contacted by the Trustee
husband, father, grandfather and a at their current address or has already made a claim
His Excellency Mr Léopold entitled “the Power of Patron, National Coastwatch Forthcoming Marriages dedicated surgeon whose life touched and received a response need not re-apply to the
Tonguenoma Bonkoungou was Reading” and a Reception. Institution, this morning MR J. H. S. C. HARBORD many others. Funeral at 12pm, Friday 31st Trustee. It would also be helpful if you can bring this
notice to the attention of anyone else you know of
received in audience by The Her Majesty this afternoon visited Bembridge Station, 25 AND MISS C. E. L. BROOK
The engagement is announced between
May at St Michael’s Church, Liverpool L23
8SP. No flowers please but charitable
who may have a claim or interest.

King and presented the Letters met representatives of local Forelands Field Road, James, son of Mr and Mrs Jeremy Harbord, donations welcome at david-allden- Issued on behalf of Vidett Trust Corporation
Limited (as the Trustee of the Air Canada United
of Recall of his predecessor organisations and community Bembridge, followed by a of Netheravon, Wiltshire, and Charlotte, Kingdom Pension Trust Fund)
and his own Letters of groups at the Parish Church of Reception at Brading Haven daughter of Mrs Alison Brook, of Heathfield,
East Sussex, and the late Mr David Brook, MERCER Jeremy Lawson died on 2nd Dated 17 May 2024
Credence as Ambassador from St Mary, Church Square, Rye, Yacht Club, Embankment of Frensham, Surrey. May 2024, aged 79, in hospital after years
Burkina Faso to the Court of and was received by Mrs Sarah Road, Ryde, and was received of ill health borne with fortitude and good MS. MARY SUSAN
MR A. R. St V. NORMAN humour. Beloved husband to Jane, adored BERNADETTE LAWLOR
St James’s. Kowitz (Deputy Lieutenant of by His Majesty’s Lord- AND MISS A. V. MARTIN father of Ben and Wiggy/Pippa and The said Mary Susan Bernadette
Mrs Bonkoungou East Sussex). Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight The engagement is announced between grandfather to Georgie, Jack, Edward, Lawlor, whose place of residence is
Ouedraogo was also received The Queen afterwards (Mrs Susan Sheldon). Antony, eldest son of Sir Nigel and Lady
Norman of Wilcote, Oxfordshire, and Alice,
Scarlett and Marina. Funeral at Yeovil unknown, is hereby notified that her
visited Lamb House, West Her Royal Highness, Crematorium Friday 31st May at 12:40pm husband MOHAMED HANIFFAH BIN
by His Majesty. younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy and afterwards at home. MOHAMED MYDIN whom she married
Sir Philip Barton Street, Rye, and attended a President, Royal Yachting Martin of Barnes, London. on 02 June 1983 in the London Borough
Reception for the EF Benson Association, later opened the of Southwark, has applied for divorce.
(Permanent Under-Secretary MORTON Alan passed peacefully at Marie She is required to acknowledge his
of State for Foreign, Society, the Friends of Tilling Sea View Yacht Club’s Training MR F. B. R. WATHEN Curie Hospice on 3rd May 2024. His family application. She has seven days from
Commonwealth and and National Trust volunteers. Centre, Duver Road, Seaview, AND MISS I. M. BIRCH were by his side. A dearly loved dad and the date of this notice to respond to
REYNARDSON grandad, and highly respected structural either to the HMCTS Divorce Service -
Development Affairs) was Isle of Wight. The engagement is announced between engineer. Service will be held at Grenoside Email: /
present. Kensington Palace Francis, son of Mr and Mrs Simon Wathen Crematorium on 23rd May at 11.30am. Telephone: 0300 303 0642 or to his
The King received 16th May, 2024 Kensington Palace of Owlpen, Gloucestershire, and Isabella, Family flowers only. instructing solicitors, FLK Solicitors -
daughter of Mr Charles Birch Reynardson, Address: 304 High Road, Leyton,
representatives from the The Prince of Wales, Patron of 16th May, 2024 of Chelsea, London, and Mrs Frederick ROGERS Dr Michael Derek, formerly of London, E10 5PW / Email:
Sustainable Markets Initiative. the Appeal, the Fleming The Duke of Gloucester, Satow, of Kew, London. Tokyo and Brussels, who died on 5th May We
Centre, this afternoon Patron, Richard III Society, 2024. The funeral service will be held at St advise that she seek legal advice on the
The Rt Hon Mark Drakeford Mary Magdalene Church, Sherborne DT9 contents of this notice.
attended “the World Together this afternoon attended the Deaths
MS was received in audience 3SA, on 6th June at 1pm. Please no flowers.
by His Majesty upon Solving the Antibiotic Society’s Centenary Tea at AISHER Valerie Diane born 12th Donations may be made to the Lewy Body CR-2024-001660
September 1933. Fashion model, garden Society c/o IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
relinquishing his appointment Emergency” Conference at the Wax Chandlers’ Hall, 6 designer, dedicated fundraiser for RNLI and BUSINESS
as First Minister of Wales. Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton Gresham Street, London EC2. treasured friend to so many, died TRUSTED Jean Helen (née Illingworth) AND
peacefully on 8th May 2024. She is loved died peacefully on 9th May 2024, aged 77.
Beloved mother to Jos and Dominic, much-
and missed by sons Andrew and Henry and
grandchildren Joseph, Nathaniel and Sasha. loved grandmother, adored sibling and
She was predeceased by her beloved friend to so many. Funeral service for family AND
husband of 45 years, Robin, last year. and friends at 11.30am on Wednesday 19th WALES
June at Chelsea Old Church, Cheyne Walk, COMPANIES COURT (ChD)
BOURNE Henry Graham Stanley (known followed by a reception. IN THE MATTER OF

Readers’ Lives
as Graham) died peacefully on 5th May
2024, aged 89. Much-loved husband of VALLANCE Mary Winifred Ann (née AND
Julia, father of Joanna, Lukey and Fiona, Garnett) died peacefully on 2nd May 2024. IN THE MATTER OF
and Boompa to Amelia, Katie, Annabel, Beloved wife of Michael (deceased), mother THE COMPANIES ACT 2006
Olivia, Rose and George. A service of of Rachel, Emma and Vivian, Granny to NOTICE is hereby given that on 9 May
thanksgiving will be held at St John’s Ashok and Arian, Heather and Benjamin, 2024 the Registrar of Companies
Church, Hartley Wintney RG27 8ED, on Hannah and Eleanor. Funeral at St Mary’s registered an Order made by His
Wednesday 19th June at 2pm. Church, Wallingford, Wednesday 29th May Majesty's High Court of Justice on 30
at noon. Family flowers only. April 2024 confirming the reduction of
share capital of the above-named
GIVEN that on the same date the
Registrar of Companies registered the

discount for
The simple way to
place your Birth,
statement of capital approved by His
Majesty’s Court of Justice by the said
Order of 30 April 2024.
Dated: 17 May 2024
Ward Hadaway LLP, 5 Wellington
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Listen to Matt Chorley on Company
announcement in
Times Radio, Monday to
the Register. Available Friday at 10am
24 hours a day. Go to: Company No: OC318448
Company No: 09361164 PRESTBURY SIR 2 LIMITED
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(All In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation)
Principal trading address: (All) Cavendish House,
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Malcolm Cohen and Stacey Brown of BDO LLP, 55 Baker
Street, London,W1U 7EU were appointed Joint Liquidators
of the Limited Liability Partnership/Companies on 7 May
2024. Creditors of the Limited Liability Partnership/
Companies are required, on or before the 19 June 2024 to
send in their full names, their addresses and descriptions,
full particulars of their debts or claims and the names and
addresses of their solicitors (if any) to the Joint Liquidators,
and, if so required by notice, to come in and prove their
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For further details contact: Pauline Durrant,
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Executive who changed Malcolm Cohen, Joint Liquidator


fortunes in the car trade High Commission of India, London has
received a notice of intended marriage
from Mr Soham Chakraborty, S/o
Sanjay Chakraborty, holder of Indian
Manya Dua, D/o Vijay Kumar Dua,
holder of Indian Passport No.
Commemorate the life of a friend or relative in U3215072 under the Foreign Marriage
Act, 1969 of India. Objection, if any
Readers’ Lives, a service in contracted tributes (along with valid reasons), to the
intended marriage may be conveyed to
the High Commission of India, London
within 30 Days of publication of this
Call 020 7782 5583 or email notice at the following address : Second Secretary, High Commission of
India, India House, Aldywch, London,
the times | Friday May 17 2024 55

Today Sunny periods with the chance of a few heavy showers. Max 24C (75F), min 7C (45F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Drier over the weekend 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 17 23
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder and on Monday with Slight 10
*=previous day **=data not available sunny spells, turning Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* unsettled from Tuesday 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
17 9
15 PC 0.0 6.2
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Sunny periods and scattered heavy
Aberporth 15 S 0.0 6.4
showers in England, Wales and At 17:00 on Thursday there were 18
Anglesey 18 S 0.2 6.9 southern and eastern Ireland. Largely 29 flood alerts and no warnings 23
Aviemore 20 PC 0.0 8.5 dry elsewhere with spells of sunshine. in England and no flood alerts or

Barnstaple 17 PC 7.8 ** Max 23C, min 6C 20 C F riminals take note — the
warnings in Wales or Scotland. Aberdeen
Bedford 13 R 6.4 ** 35 95
For further information and updates weather can have a
Belfast 19 PC 0.0 3.9
in England visit flood-warning- 30 86
Birmingham 15 R 4.8 **, for Wales 25 77 surprising impact on how
Bournemouth 15 R 0.4 8.2 22 NORTH the justice system works. A
Bridlington 13 C 0.8 ** and 20 68
for Scotland SEA 15 59 vast study of records from
Bristol 17 S 0.0 7.0
Camborne 16 S 0.0 6.7 22 10 50
10 million arrests across Texas
19 Edinburgh 5 41
Cardiff 18 PC 0.0 4.3 22 Glasgow
Edinburgh 12 R 0.0 3.6
0 32
revealed how sweltering hot days led
Eskdalemuir 14 C 0.0 1.0
19 7 -5 23 to curious results — the police
Glasgow 15 D 0.2 2.6
-10 14 tended to make fewer arrests, and
Hereford 17 S 0.0 ** Londonderry
Herstmonceux 13 R 22.0 10.8 ATLANTIC
-15 5 those arrests that were made were
Ipswich 13 R 12.2 5.1
Newcastle more likely to get thrown out by
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 16 C 0.0 7.0
Sunday Belfast prosecutors, possibly because they
Isle of Wight 14 R 2.4 ** 17
Jersey 15 PC 3.0 3.8 Sunny spells with the chance of an 20 19 were based on shaky legal grounds.
isolated shower in central Scotland,
Keswick 16 C 0.0 ** southern Ireland and the far south of
York But woe betide those defendants
Kinloss 14 M 0.0 12.0 England. Dry with spells of sunshine brought to trial in hot weather.
Leeds 14 C 0.0 **
Lerwick 14 S 0.0 15.5 Max 22C, min 5C Manchester Hull
Judges dismissed fewer cases and if
Leuchars 14 PC 0.2 3.0 Liverpoo
Liverpool 20 defendants were successfully tried
Lincoln 13 R 5.4 2.6 Galway IRISH 1
and found guilty, the judges were
Liverpool 17 M 0.6 ** 21 SEA Sheffield
London 16 R 0.4 9.3 Dublin
20 more likely to impose longer prison
Lyneham 16 S 0.0 10.2 sentences or bigger fines. The
Manchester 18 C 1.2 0.3
Margate 14 R 1.8 5.9
20 19
Nottingham implications of the study were both
Milford Haven 18 S 5.0 ** 19
fascinating and unsettling,
Newcastle 14 M 0.2 ** 6 20 suggesting that hot weather can tilt
Nottingham 14 R 13.4 0.7 Birmingham
Orkney 15 S 0.0 14.3 21
Cambridge the scales of justice by influencing
Oxford 17 PC 0.4 ** 18 both the police officers making the
Swansea Oxford 21
Plymouth 16 C 0.4 ** arrests and the decisions of judges.
Portland 14 C 0.0 ** Cardiff
Scilly, St Mary’s 15 S 0.0 **
Monday Channel Islands CELTIC 21 These results back up a previous
Shoreham 15 R 4.0 10.5 Sunny spells with the chance of an
SEA Bristol London study by researchers who looked at
isolated shower in Scotland and
Shrewsbury 15 M 3.6 5.7 21
Snowdonia 17 PC 0.2 **
Ireland. Dry with spells of sunshine in
England and Wales. Southampton
207,000 immigration cases in the
18 US. Judges involved in these cases
Southend 14 C 0.6 7.2 Max 22C, min 4C eter
South Uist 16 PC 2.2 ** 6 Plymouth Brighton were found to make harsher
Stornoway 18 C 0.0 7.1
Tiree 16 C 0.2 **
decisions on hotter days; when the
Whitehaven 14 C 0.0 0.1 17
18 outdoor temperature increased by
Wick 14 S 0.0 ** 8 6C the judges made less favourable
Yeovilton 15 R 0.8 1.3
decisions in nearly 15,000 cases,
18 General situation: Sunny periods with periods with the chance of one or two morning with the odd spot of rain even when their judgments were
The world the chance of a few showers. Driest heavy showers. Light and variable or drizzle, turning brighter in the made in courts with good quality
All readings local midday yesterday
and sunniest in eastern Scotland. winds. Maximum 22C (72F), minimum afternoon although a few isolated air-conditioning.
Alicante 25 S Madeira 22 PC 21 N Ireland, Republic of Ireland: Dry 8C (46F). heavy showers may develop. Gentle
Amsterdam 19 SH Madrid 15 B
These studies seem to suggest that
in the northwest with sunny spells. London, SE Eng, E Anglia, E Eng: Sunny east or northeasterly winds. Maximum
Athens 20 PC Malaga 24 PC A cloudy morning with patchy rain periods with the chance of a few heavy 22C (72F), minimum 9C (48F). hot days affect the psychology and
Auckland 17 B Mallorca 22 PC
elsewhere, bright spells and scattered and perhaps thundery showers. Mist Edinburgh and Dundee, Glasgow, cognition of police and judges. It is
Bahrain 38 S Malta 29 S Tuesday
Bangkok 34 T Melbourne 17 PC Cloudy in Scotland and Ireland with
heavy showers in the afternoon. Light and fog may linger around coastal Aberdeen, Cen Highland, NW Scotland, also well known from many studies
Barbados 32 PC Mexico City 30 PC outbreaks of rain spreading eastwards. to moderate north or northeasterly areas through the day. Light and NE Scotland, Moray Firth: Sunny that hot days, especially with heat
Largely dry elsewhere with spells of winds. Maximum 21C (70F), minimum variable winds. Maximum 21C (70F), spells with the chance of a heavy and
Barcelona 18 PC Miami 34 PC
sunshine. 9C (48F). minimum 10C (50F). thundery shower in western areas. and humidity, can remove
Beijing 25 S Milan 16 R
Beirut 23 PC Mombasa 31 PC Max 21C, min 4C Wales, NW Eng, Mids, Cen S Eng, NE Eng, Lake District, IoM, Borders, Gentle easterly winds. Maximum inhibitions in people’s behaviour and
Belgrade 21 S Montreal 19 DU Channel Is, SW Eng, Cen N Eng: Sunny SW Scotland, Argyll: A mostly cloudy 24C (75F), minimum 7C (45F). cause arguments to erupt, tempers
Berlin 24 S Moscow 18 PC to flare and in worse cases drive an
Bermuda 21 B Mumbai 34 **
Bordeaux 13 PC Munich 21 PC
16 Tides Noon today
HIGH 1016 increase in violent crime.
Brussels 17 PC Nairobi 25 B Tidal predictions. LOW 1024 The connection between heat and
20 S 29 S Heights in metres
Bucharest Naples
human behaviour extends well
Budapest 21 S New Orleans 30 S Today Ht Ht 1008
Buenos Aires 15 S New York 18 C 18 Aberdeen 09:48 3.3 22:48 3.3 1032
beyond crime. School pupils taking
Cairo 29 S Nice 20 PC Avonmouth 02:58 9.4 15:39 9.4 1016
1024 HIGH standardised exams in New York
Calcutta 35 ** Nicosia 25 PC Belfast 07:03 3.0 20:26 2.7 City were found to be 10 per cent
Canberra 15 DU Oslo 21 PC 19 LOW
Cardiff 02:42 9.0 15:23 8.9
Cape Town 20 S Paris 18 PC 01:14 4.3 14:21 4.1 1024 1016 1008 LOW
less likely to pass when the exam
Devonport 1016
Chicago 18 PC Perth 27 S
Dover 07:25 5.1 19:49 5.3 LOW
was taken in a temperature of 24C.
Copenhagen 19 S Prague 17 PC LOW
23 B 10 C Wednesday Dublin 08:05 3.4 20:49 3.2 LOW
And a survey of 10 million pupils in
Corfu Reykjavik LOW
Delhi 41 ** Riga 20 S Cloudy with outbreaks of rain in Falmouth --:-- -- 14:01 3.8 the US found that those who took
Scotland, Wales and northern England. Greenock 07:50 2.8 21:37 2.6
Dubai 41 S Rio de Janeiro 25 C
Sunny periods with the chance of a HIGH
1008 Cold front exams in schools without air
Dublin 18 PC Riyadh 40 S Harwich 08:02 3.2 20:10 3.1 1008
Faro 19 PC Rome 22 PC
few showers elsewhere.
Holyhead 06:41 4.4 19:39 4.3 LOW
LOW 1008 Warm front conditioning scored lower than
Max 22C, min 2C Occluded front expected in hot weather.
Florence 26 B San Francisco 19 PC Hull 02:38 5.3 14:52 5.6
Frankfurt 20 PC Santiago 9 B Leith 11:02 4.3 23:41 4.3 1008 Trough
Geneva 15 PC São Paulo 17 D Liverpool 07:21 7.3 20:06 7.1
14 London Bridge
Synoptic situation Highs and lows
24hrs to 5pm yesterday
Hours of darkness
Aberdeen 21:55-04:12
Speak directly to one
Hong Kong 30 S Singapore 29 PC A decaying cold front will bring
Honolulu 27 PC St Petersburg 22 S
Milford Haven
7.0 a mostly cloudy morning in Warmest: Altnaharra,
Sutherland, 25.0C
21:30-04:36 of our forecasters on
Istanbul 19 PC Stockholm 20 S
Newhaven 07:30 4.8 20:04 5.2 Ireland and northern England Coldest: Sennybridge, 3.6C Cardiff 21:31-04:45
Tel Aviv
Newquay 01:13 5.2 13:55 5.0 with outbreaks of patchy rain.
Through the afternoon the cloud
Wettest: Herstmonceux,
East Sussex, 22.0mm
Exeter 21:29-04:50 09065 777675
Oban 02:11 2.9 15:17 2.8 Sunniest: Lerwick, 15.5hrs* Glasgow 21:56-04:28
Kuala Lumpur 26 T Tenerife 24 B will thin and break although
** ** 20 B 21 Penzance --:-- -- 13:29 4.1 Liverpool 21:39-04:36 8am to 5pm daily (calls are charged
Kyiv Tokyo this will allow some heavy London
24 B 16 B Portsmouth 07:41 3.6 20:32 3.9 Sun and moon 21:19-04:33 at £1.55 plus network extras)
Lanzarote Vancouver and perhaps thundery showers For Greenwich Manchester 21:36-04:32
Las Palmas 24 PC Venice 17 R Shoreham 07:13 4.5 19:57 4.8 Sun rises: 05.04
The Times weather page Southampton 07:03 3.5 22:20 3.7
to develop. A slack pressure Newcastle 21:41-04:22
Lima 17 S Vienna 18 B Sun sets: 20.48
02:10 7.0 14:52 6.9
pattern elsewhere will bring a Moon rises: 14.12 Norwich 21:18-04:22
Lisbon 18 B Warsaw 20 S is provided by Swansea
day of sunny periods with the Moon sets: 03.18 Sat Penzance 21:35-05:00
Los Angeles 18 C Washington 19 C Tees --:-- -- 12:07 4.4
Luxor 33 S Zurich 16 PC
chance of a few showers. Full Moon: May 23 Sheffield 21:32-04:30
Weymouth 01:41 1.3 15:50 1.2

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56 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

the computer games industry, long- from school, while also developing his While he receives support from

Can this teenager haul flights have become the norm.

He has been competing on the pro
circuit for more than two years, and
in that time has been to Argentina,
Brazil, Rome and Dubai (twice). “It
skills at local skate parks.
The presence at the Olympics of
sports such as skateboarding and
breaking divide opinion. But compare
skating with, say, track cycling, where
Skateboard GB as well as some expert
guidance, Calvert is essentially self-
coached. His mum, Lisa, has an
acquired knowledge of the sport that
allows her to give an opinion — it is

be Britain’s next would be my first time in Paris,” he

says. “So that would be cool.”
Having moved to the US at three,
Calvert now speaks with a soft
Californian accent and is home
a bike that allows you to be
competitive can cost tens of thousands
of pounds, and there really is no
contest when it comes to inclusion
and accessibility.
likely that a parent would have to stay
with him at the Olympic village, given
that he would have just turned 14 —
but he selects his own routines and
the tricks he will attempt. “Yeah, I’ll

Olympic star? schooled because of the sheer amount

of travelling involved with skating.
“My younger brother, he’s ten,
still goes to school as normal,”
Calvert says. “But I’ve been
Calvert details the price of his
equipment. “I use Bones wheels and
they are about 40 bucks [US
dollars] for a set,” he says. “And
then a really good board, when
decide,” he says. “Before the contest
the judges make a video that is sent to
all the athletes, outlining what they
are looking for. You kind of feed off
the energy of what everyone is doing.”
Skateboarder Tommy He explains how he also gets in the home schooling for three or four you take in the cost of the trucks He thrives on being in the company
zone. “Before I compete I just prepare years now. It’s not too hard to and the tape, can be up to about of the skaters he so admires. He has
Calvert, 13, is already on myself, take a minute,” he says. “It’s
about being in my own state of mind
balance my schoolwork with
skating. I train for about 2½
200 bucks [about £158].”
This seems very cheap; not
performed his tricks at the park on
Venice Beach with Great Britain’s Sky
sport’s pro circuit – now and preparing my head for what I’m hours a day. I wouldn’t much more, from memory, Brown, who won a bronze medal in
about to do, because it is dangerous.” say I dislike school. than it was in the 1970s, Tokyo at the age of 13, and says he
he wants Paris place, It certainly is at Calvert’s level. He is But I enjoy being when all we wanted for likes the style of Keegan Palmer,
the highest-ranked park skater in the able to travel to all Christmas was a Australia’s 21-year-old defending
Matt Lawton writes Great Britain team — not to mention these places. Grentec GT Coyote or, Olympic champion, the American
37 years younger than one of his “I like being better still, a board Jagger Eaton and Brazil’s Pedro

ommy Calvert was 11 years contemporaries, Andy Macdonald — outdoors. I’m not really boasting a set of Kryptonics Barros. The world No 1, Gavin Bottger,
old when he first nailed the and hopes to be among the 20 skaters into gaming. I’d rather be wheels. “Skateboarding is for another American, is only 17.
mega ramp, an Evel Knievel- vying for a place on the Olympic outside, playing basketball. I everyone,” Calvert says. “It’s exciting and having it at the
style skateboarding trick podium in the spectacular setting of like track too. I have strong “That’s one of the cool things Games will make other kids want to
that involves rotating across the Place de la Concorde. legs so I’m a good sprinter.” about the sport — you can skate,” Calvert says. “I think it was one
a 50-foot chasm, board momentarily Today he will compete against the It is as a skater, however, skate anywhere and you find of the most-watched sports at the last
in hand, before landing on a second very best, Tokyo Games medallists that he excels, and he is the yourself in a public skate park Olympics, but because of Covid
ramp at a speed in excess of 30mph. “I among them, in the first of two youngest of the male park with someone like Tony nobody could see it live. This time
had to look in the opposite direction,” Olympic Qualifier Series events. It specialists competing in Hawk [a pioneer and skating people will be able to watch it and
his dad, Paul, says. takes place in Shanghai. At the end of Shanghai today. legend] and can see that they you’ll feel the energy. The mega ramp
Now 13, Calvert remains unfazed. next month he will travel to Budapest. His father saw have the same equipment. is not in the Olympics but there will
“When you start skating you learn Either Mum or Dad will accompany immediately that he was “Age doesn’t really matter be lots of cool stuff. Tickets have
how to fall,” he says, having embarked him. “I haven’t decided which one a natural, and decided to either. I think it helps that I’m already sold out.
at seven on a sporting journey that yet,” he says, with a cheeky smile. buy him a board. Calvert young, my muscles are more “It’s also one of those sports that
may take him to this summer’s Paris For a teenager born in Liverpool was soon skating to and flexible. But really there are no almost anyone can win on the day.
Olympics. “How to go down on your Women’s Hospital but now living, for advantages or disadvantages. Just to get to the Olympics would be a
knees and elbows, how to protect your the most part, in San Diego, where his Calvert started skating Everyone can compete at the great achievement. But if I do qualify,
head. But you get that adrenaline.” father works as a graphic designer in at the age of seven same level.” I think I have a chance of doing well.”

6.20 Handicap Chase (£6,337: 2m 4f) (9)

Rob Wright

8.40 NH Flat Race (£4,423: 2m 1f) (12)

8.05 Handicap Hurdle (£3,961: 2m 4f) (14)

5.45 Novices' Hurdle

(£4,084: 2m 1f) (5) 7.30 Handicap Chase (£12,254: 3m 1f) (10)

6.55 Handicap Hurdle (£10,075: 2m 4f) (12)

Yesterday’s racing results

3, Donso Star (11-2). 10 ran. NR: Better Getalong, 3.30 (6f) 1, Thunderous Love (Olivia Tubb, 6-1); 2, Northern Express (8-1); 3, Bopedro 3, Briefly (13-2). 13 ran. NR: Desirable Walk.
Perth Dalileo, Wasdell Dundalk. 1 l, 10l. M Hammond. 25-1); 2, Revenue (5-1); 3, Dame Darcey (9-2). (16-1). 17 ran. NR: Dashing Roger, Metal 6 l, 1 l. N J Henderson. Lingfield Park
Going: good to soft 4.50 (2m 4f 20yd ch) 1, Imperial Rule 8 ran. NR: Black Jack Davey, Layoftheland. Merchant, Navagio. Nk, 3 l. E Bethell. 5.40 (3m 1f 166yd hdle) 1, Earth King Going: standard
(R Chapman, 18-1); 2, Sword Of Fate (17-2); 2 l, 1 l. J G Portman. 3.15 (1m 2f 56yd) 1, Bluestocking (Rossa Ryan, (H Cobden, 9-2); 2, Island Run (15-8); 3, Norton
1.50 (2m 47yd hdle) 1, Medieval Gold (Emma 5.52 (1m 4f) 1, Sun Dancer Girl (C Hutchinson,
Smith-Chaston, 9-4); 2, Vocito (7-4 fav); 3, Claret Dabbler (12-1). 9 ran. NR: Leitrim 4.00 (1m 1f 201yd) 1, Master Builder (B D L 5-2); 2, Free Wind (15-8 fav); 3, Infinite Cosmos Hill (13-8 fav). 5 ran. 6l, 9l. N P Mulholland.
Chief. 1 l, 1 l. R Menzies. Sayette, 5-2); 2, Subsequent (10-1); 3, Crown Of (7-1). 5 ran. NR: Novus. 6l, nk. R M Beckett. 10-1); 2, Miss Dubai (20-1); 3, Marmalade Lady
3, Kinbara Firstdraft (11-1). 10 ran. 1l, 8l. Micky 6.10 (2m 3f 104yd ch) 1, Rajjamataz (14-1). 10 ran. ns, 1 l. A M Balding.
Hammond. 4.38 (1m 3f 55yd Flat) 1, Forlio (C T Keane, 7-1); India (10-1). 9 ran. Hd, l. D Menuisier. 3.45 (1m 2f 56yd) 1, Economics (T Marquand, (C Hammond, 5-1); 2, Millies Mite (11-2);
2, Nusra (5-1); 3, Spinning Web (100-30 fav). 4.32 (1m 1f 201yd) 1, Oxford Comma 6-1); 2, Ancient Wisdom (7-4 fav); 3, War 3, Guivinec (15-8 fav). 9 ran. 10l, 2 l. Dr 6.22 (1m 7f 169yd) 1, Abraaj (J Mitchell,
2.20 (2m 47yd hdle) 1, Imaginarium (D R Fox, 2-1 fav); 2, Young Endless (15-2); 3,
6-4 fav); 2, Traveling Soldier (9-2); 3, Lance Les 14 ran. NR: Calmafterthestorm, Lisamaria, (H Crouch, 3-1 fav); 2, Galaxy Princess (22-1); Rooms (25-1). 7 ran. 6l, l. W J Haggas. R Newland & J Insole.
Lord Of Excess, Magic Charm, Special 3, Power Of Destiny (12-1). 10 ran. NR: 4.15 (5f) 1, Big Evs (T Marquand, 4-7 fav); Doublethetrouble (9-1). 9 ran. 3l, nk. S Pearce.
Des (10-1). 7 ran. NR: Dance Floor Drama, Jony 6.40 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Mermaids Cave (Mr
Protector. Nk, 3 l. P W Flynn. Bittalemon, Catch The Light, French Mistress, 2, Sommelier (12-1); 3, Dark Vintage (14-1). A Chadwick, 11-8 fav); 2, Executive Pool (11-2); 6.52 (6f) 1, Symbol Of Honour (H Davies,
R, Presenting Max. 1l, nk. Miss L V Russell. 9-4 fav); 2, Afentiko (5-1); 3, Feeraas (11-2).
Placepot: £36.40. Quadpot: £19.60. La Cadalora. 3 l, 1 l. R M Beckett. 7 ran. 1 l, 1 l. M Appleby. 3, Gorcombe Moonshine (9-1). 12 ran. 2l, 5l.
2.50 (2m 47yd hdle) 1, Just Dottie (B Smith, 7-2 8 ran. 3 l, 3 l. C Appleby.
5.02 (1m 4f 5yd) 1, East India Dock (R Havlin, 4.45 (6f) 1, Andesite (D Tudhope, 7-2); 2, Yah James Owen.
jt-fav); 2, Belle Na Bann (11-1); 3, Game Beaaa (16-
1). 9 ran. NR: Solway Molly. 6 l, l. R M Smith.
Salisbury 5-2); 2, Cracker Star (13-2); 3, Aulis (7-2). 5 ran. Mo Be There (7-1); 3, Jorge Alvares (40-1). 7.10 (2m 3f 29yd hdle) 1, Hecouldbetheone 7.22 (4f 217yd) 1, It’s Showtime (J Gilligan,
Going: soft NR: Spartan Warrior. 9 l, nk. J R Fanshawe. 11 ran. NR: Mr Chaplin. Sh hd, 3 l. K R Burke. (Mr A Chadwick, 6-5 fav); 2, Baltray (100-30); 10-3 fav); 2, So Obsessed (4-1); 3, Sir Bolton
3.20 (2m 7f 180yd ch) 1, Statuario (S Bowen, (4-1). 10 ran. NR: Majolica. 2 l, 1l. C Allen.
12-1); 2, Busty Boy (11-8 fav); 3, Windance (5-1). 2.00 (6f) 1, Beau Jardine (S Mohd, 11-10 fav); Placepot: £105.70. Quadpot: £39.40. 5.20 (1m 3f 188yd) 1, London City (R L Moore, 3, Cape Vidal (4-1). 4 ran. NR: Baddesley,
2, Willingly (5-1); 3, Big Bard (11-2). 7 ran. 11-2); 2, Align The Stars (11-2); 3, Palace Green Thahab Ifraj. 2 l, 17l. James Owen. 7.52 (4f 217yd) 1, Cinque Verde (J Doughty, 7-2
6 ran. l, 19l. P & M Bowen.
4 l, l. R Cook & J Bridger. York (9-2). 8 ran. NR: Per Contra. 1l, 3l. A P O’Brien. 7.40 (2m 1f 165yd ch) 1, Call Off The Dogs jt-fav); 2, Bang On The Bell (13-2); 3, Skallywag
3.50 (2m 47yd hdle) 1, Mack The Man (Mr Bay (7-2 jt-fav). 7 ran. 1 l, ns. A Carroll.
K Alexander, 4-1 Co fav); 2, Dance Thief (4-1 2.30 (1m 6f 44yd) 1, Kyle Of Lochalsh Going: good Placepot: £32.00. Quadpot: £6.50. (Caoilin Quinn, 11-4); 2, Ferrybridge (2-1);
(B Loughnane, 15-2); 2, Pawapuri (7-2 fav); 2.15 (5f) 1, Clarendon House (T Marquand, 3, Kalkas (7-4 fav). 4 ran. 6l, 5l. G & J Moore. 8.22 (6f) 1, Arlecchino’s Gift (G Rooke, 13-2);
Co fav); 3, Cuban Cigar (15-2). 9 ran. NR:
El Jefe, Malangen, Polisud, Wolfburg. 6l, nk. 3, Rathgar (5-1). 12 ran. 6 l, 4l. H Morrison. 8-1); 2, Looking For Lynda (15-2); 3, Spartan
Fontwell Park 8.10 (2m 1f 162yd Flat) 1, Groovy Blue 2, Diamond Dreamer (11-2); 3, Profit And Loss
Arrow (8-1). 17 ran. NR: Equilateral, One Night Going: good to soft (good in places) (B Jones, 9-1); 2, Jubilant (10-11 fav); 3, Elysian (9-4 fav). 10 ran. 1l, 2 l. M D I Usher.
N W Alexander. 3.00 (5f) 1, Pont Neuf (C Bishop, 8-1);
4.20 (2m 4f 35yd hdle) 1, Singapore Trip 2, Kassaya (5-2); 3, Megalithic (13-8 fav). 6 ran. Stand. 1 l, l. R M H Cowell. 5.10 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Break My Soul Knight (5-1). 12 ran. 2 l, 8l. B Pauling. Placepot: £304.20.
(B S Hughes, 8-1); 2, What A Johnny (5-4 fav); l, 1 l. Eve Johnson Houghton. 2.45 (7f 192yd) 1, Point Lynas (C Rodriguez, (J Bowen, 1-3 fav); 2, Shantwopointfive (10-1); Placepot: £32.00. Quadpot: £15.30. Quadpot: £8.00.

Results Fixtures
Hermans (Bel, Alpecin-Deceuninck) 32; 4, M AlUla) 5:23; 9, E Rubio (Col, Movistar) 5:28; 10, Schmidt (Ger). 69 M Oertengren (Swe), E Spitz Blackpool Lancashire v Durham. Trent
Football Valgren (Den, EF Education-EasyPost) 43; 5, C T Arensman (Neth, INEOS Grenadiers) 5:52. (Austria). 70 A Försterling (Ger), N Komulainen Football Bridge Nottinghamshire v Hampshire.
Scaroni (It, Astana Qazaqstan) same time; 6, M Other British 66, B Swift 1:24:55. (Fin), A Utama (Tha), A Belac (Slove), O Taunton Somerset v Kent. Kia Oval
Sky Bet Championship play-offs Trentin (It, Tudor Pro Cycling) 1min 30sec; 7, S Mehaffey, T Chan (HK), T Arafi (Switz), 71 B Law,
Sky Bet Championship play-offs: Semi-final,
Surrey v Worcestershire. Division Two:
Semi-final, second leg Clarke (Aus, Israel-Premier Tech); 8, G Darts M Stavnar (Nor), L Fünfstück (Ger), C Gorlei
second leg Southampton (0) v West
Bromwich (0) (8.0). Derby:Derbyshire v Northamptonshire.
Leeds (3) 4 Norwich (0) 0 Leemreize (Neth, dsm-firmenich PostNL); 9, BetMGM Premier League 16 (SA), L Sobron (Sp), L Walsh, C Chevalier (Fr). 72 Sophia Gardens Glamorgan v Middlesex.
Gruev 7, Piroe 20 36,384 M Maestri (It, Polti Kometa); 10, B Thomas (Fr, A Prashanth (India), H Briem (Ger), G Cowley, C Cinch Scottish Premiership play-offs: Leicester Leicestershire v Gloucestershire.
Cofidis) all same time. British 17, G Thomas Utilita Arena, Sheffield (England unless Gainer, C Palomar-Herbin (Fr), J Melichova Semi-final, second leg Raith Rovers (2) v Hove Sussex v Yorkshire.
Rutter 40 stated): Quarter-finals L Littler bt P Wright
Summerville 68 (INEOS Grenadiers) 5:25; 50, H Wood (Cofidis) (Cz), I Laklalech (Mor), O Sattayabanphot Partick Thistle (1) (7.45).
7:16; 59, B Swift (INEOS Grenadiers) 7:47; 66, C (Scot) 6-4; M Smith bt N Aspinall 6-3; L (Tha), S Gal (Ger), L Osala (Fin), T Malik (India). Second women’s Twenty20 international:
(Leeds United win 4-0 on agg) Cinch Scottish League One pay-offs: Final, Northampton England v Pakistan (6.30).
Swift (INEOS Grenadiers) 9:15. Overall 1, T Humphries bt G Price (Wales) 6-4; M van
second leg The Spartans (1) v Dumbarton (2)
Cycling Pogacar (Slove, UAE Team Emirates) Gerwen (Neth) bt R Cross 6-4. Semi-final
Smith bt Littler 6-5.
Tennis (7.30). Rugby union
45:22:35; 2, D Martínez (Col, BORA-hansgrohe)
Giro d’Italia at 2:40; 3, G Thomas 2:56; 4, B O’Connor (Aus, Golf Internazionali BNL d’Italia
Rome: Men: Quarter-finals T Paul (US) bt
Cricket Gallagher Premiership (7.45): Newcastle
Leading positions: 12th stage (Martinsicuro Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale) 3:39; 5, A Tiberi Falcons v Bath; Sale Sharks v Leicester Tigers.
to Fano, 193km): 1, J Alaphilippe (Fr, Soudal (It, Bahrain Victorious) 4:27; 6, R Bardet (Fr, Women’s Amundi German Masters H Hurkacz (Pol) 7-5, 3-6, 6-3; N Jarry (Chile) bt Vitality County Championship: First day
Quick-Step) 4hr 7min 44sec; 2, J Narváez (Ec, dsm-firmenich PostNL) 4:57; 7, L Fortunato (It, Berlin: Leading first-round scores (Great S Tsitsipas (Gr) 3-6, 7-5, 6-4. Women: Semi- of four (11.0; 96 overs minimum): Division United Rugby Championship (7.35):
INEOS Grenadiers) at 31sec behind; 3, Q Astana Qazaqstan) 5:19; 8, F Zana (It, Jayco- Britain and Irelnad unless stated): 68 P final I Swiatek (Pol) bt C Gauff (US) 6-4, 6-3. One: Chelmsford Essex v Warwickshire. Dragons v Stormers; Edinburgh v Zebre.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 57

Racing Sport
Giavellotto set for repeat Cup win Corach Rambler is retired
Corach Rambler, who won the 2023 syndicate of owners who won the
Rob Wright Racing Editor the same rival in group two company at yesterday’s renewal merely served to Grand National at Aintree and finished greatest steeplechase in the world.
Meydan. On each occasion he has muddy the waters. Economics, trained third in the Cheltenham Gold Cup in More than anything we want him to go
Giavellotto won the Boodles Yorkshire given weight to his rival, who reopposes by William Haggas, was an impressive March, has been retired at the age of ten. out at the top, in excellent physical
Cup (3.45) 12 months ago and he is today, but the tables are turned here as six-length winner but he is not entered Lucinda Russell, his trainer, revealed condition and able to hopefully enjoy a
taken to stage a repeat in a fascinating he receives 3lb from Tower Of London. in the Derby, having been pulled out at the news on X, saying: “We have decid- long and happy retirement.”
renewal on the Knavesmire today. That should be enough for him to the latest confirmation stage. He could ed that Corach Rambler is going to be Twice a winner at the Cheltenham
He has run well on both starts this reverse the form at a track that suits. still run at Epsom on June 1 if connec- retired. In some ways the decision is Festival, he unseated rider Derek Fox at
year, finishing third to Tower Of The Dante Stakes usually offers use- tions want to pay a £75,000 supplemen- laced with sadness. Corach has been a the first fence when bidding for a
London at Riyadh and then fifth behind ful clues for the Derby at Epsom but tary entry fee, but that seems unlikely. horse of a lifetime for his seven-strong second National at Aintree last month.

Rob Wright

2.15 Clipper EBF Marygate Fillies' Stakes ITV

(Listed) (2-Y-O: £39,697: 5f) (16 runners runners)
4.15 Darley EBF Novice Stakes ITV
(£20,616: 1m) (6)
5.20 Irish Thoroughbred Marketing
v Handicap (3-Y-O: £12,885: 5f) (20)
3.15 Sky Bet Fillies' Stakes (Listed) ITV
(Registered As The Michael Seely
Memorial Fillies' Stakes)
(3-Y-O: £39,697: 1m) (9)

4.45 Yorkshire Equine Practice Handicap
(£12,885: 7f) (20)

2.45 Knights Solicitors Handicap ITV

(£25,770: 1m 2f) (16)

v 3.45 Boodles Yorkshire Cup Stakes ITV

(British Champions Series)
(Group 2: £102,078: 1m 6f) (7)

3.30 Novice Stakes (3-Y-O: £6,480: 7f) (20) 3.53 Novice Stakes 6.05 Maiden Stakes (2-Y-O: £4,860: 5f) (5)
Newbury (2-Y-O: £15,462: 6f) (13)
Rob Wright 5.40 Handicap (£5,757: 1m 4f) (12)

6.40 Handicap (£5,286: 6f) (7)

2.00 Handicap (£5,757: 1m) (13)

Newmarket 4.25 Handicap (£10,308: 1m 4f) (8)

Rob Wright 7.15 Handicap (£15,462: 1m 4f) (6)

4.00 Maiden Stakes

(Div I: 3-Y-O: £6,480: 1m 2f) (12)

2.30 Handicap (£18,900: 1m 2f) (15) ITV

2.23 Handicap (£4,381: 7f) (11)

7.50 Handicap (£3,664: 1m) (11)

4.55 Handicap (3-Y-O: £4,381: 6f) (13)

4.35 Maiden Stakes

(Div II: 3-Y-O: £6,480: 1m 2f) (12)

2.53 Novice Stakes (3-Y-O: £5,154: 1m) (15)

8.25 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,664: 1m 1f) (8)

3.00 Maiden Stakes (2-Y-O: £6,480: 6f) (20)

Hamilton Park
Rob Wright

5.10 Handicap (3-Y-O: £5,757: 1m 2f) (13) 9.00 Handicap (£3,664: 6f) (11)
5.30 Handicap (£3,664: 5f) (8)

3.23 Handicap (3-Y-O: £10,308: 1m) (6)

58 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Sport Rugby union

What it is like to lose every

As Newcastle look set to relegation they relied on a young and Weepu, we’re up against it but we’re
inexperienced squad and prepared to ready to give it a go. And we get
suffer league whitewash, suffer short-term pain in the hope of
avoiding the fate suffered by those
beaten 52-0 in front of an Exeter
crowd in our home ground.”
John Westerby recalls other three clubs. The next game did actually
Newcastle have at least cobbled generate a degree of optimism. That
other members of club together five bonus points, four of was the visit to Bath, where London
which were losing bonus points for Welsh scored four tries and remained
no one wants to join coming within seven of their in the contest until the final ten
opponents. Rotherham managed three minutes, only to finish 53-26. “I think
ocus on the process rather of those, but London Welsh never that game gave us some belief for

F than the outcome, they say,

and if the quality of your
performance is good enough,
the results will come. Well,
try telling all that to the players of
Newcastle Falcons, rock bottom of the
Gallagher Premiership, who will finish
came that close to winning a match.
Their solitary point in that 2014-15
season was for scoring four tries in an
early-season game away to Bath.
Their narrowest losing margin was a
24-13 defeat at home to Harlequins
and over the course of a 22-match
quite a few weeks afterwards,” Thorpe
said. “You’ve got to hang on to any
little bit of hope you can. But then you
get three months without a win and it
becomes harder to believe.”
Enthusiasm for the job becomes
harder to sustain as winter draws in
a full season of defeats if they lose season their points difference finished especially if, like London Welsh, your
away to Gloucester tomorrow. as a whopping minus 798. The average training facilities are not on a par with
Played 17, lost 17, their record reads. scoreline was a 46-10 defeat. the wealthier Premiership clubs. “The
For most of the players, it is a dream How did they stay motivated? “Up toughest bit of the season was
come true to play professional sport until Christmas, it was very painful,” November and early December, the
for a living. But how do you keep Richard Thorpe, the former London nights start drawing in and we haven’t
going throughout a long season, in Welsh flanker, said. “We were being got floodlights on training at Old Deer
such a physically demanding sport, outgunned everywhere but we were Park,” Thorpe said.
when the results are so relentlessly still hoping we’d get a win. By “After some of those Tuesday
bleak? As Steve Diamond, the Falcons Christmas we’d accepted as a group afternoon full-contact training
director of rugby since January, said: that a win probably wasn’t going to sessions, you’re saying to yourself,
“It’s very difficult to have any happen. So we set ourselves a target ‘Why am I doing this?’ You start to
positivity in the building when you only to lose by 20 points or under. If weigh up where your life is going at
keep losing every week.” we did that, it was a win for us. That those points. But you find out about
If Newcastle’s young side are really lifted the pressure and helped people at times like that. Others
indeed beaten by Gloucester to us come back together.” struggled. Like Warren Buffett said,
complete their whitewash, they The writing had been on the wall ‘When the tide goes out, you find out
will not be the first Premiership in their first game. After beating who’s been swimming naked.’ ”
team to draw a blank for a full Bristol in a two-legged play-off to In March, after 17 defeats, the head
season. The same happened secure promotion, their first coach Justin Burnell was sacked and
to Rotherham Titans in game was at home to Exeter replaced by Rowland Phillips. Alex
2003-04 and London Chiefs. The phrase “at home” Codling, the Newcastle coach, made it
Welsh in 2014-15, two rings a little hollow here, through to January this year and lost
teams promoted from the though, because they had his job after 11 defeats. At Rotherham
Championship who did relocated from Old Deer in 2003-04 a change was made in
not have the time or Park in Richmond to the early December, again after 11 defeats,
resources to assemble a Kassam Stadium in with Mike Schmid replaced by Steph
squad capable of Oxford to satisfy Nel, a little-known South African who
competing in the Premiership entry had been coaching Connacht.
top tier and so were requirements. Among Yet all three of those teams had
unceremoniously traditional London known they were facing a steep uphill
relegated again. Welsh supporters in battle from the start. London Welsh
In contrast, Newcastle’s southwest London there was did not know they would be playing in
owners have cut their spending little enthusiasm for the move, the Premiership until they had beaten
a season after three other despite the late signings of high- Bristol in the play-off final on June 4,
Premiership clubs — Worcester profile half backs in Piri Weepu, by which time the vast majority of
Warriors, Wasps and London a World Cup winner with New players of Premiership calibre had
Irish — went bust. With no Zealand in 2011, and Olly Barkley, signed elsewhere. London Welsh
credible threat of the former England fly half. made 25 signings, but few of the
The crowd for that first game was requisite quality. Rotherham had
Thorpe’s London Welsh 2,776. “I reckon 2,500 of those were similar difficulties after winning
had no lighting for Exeter fans,” Thorpe said. “We’re back promotion in 2003, but found that
winter training in the Prem, we’ve signed Piri other Premiership clubs were hanging Newcastle Falcons are unable to stop a Sale Sharks try, with the club ownership



the times | Friday May 17 2024 59


game in a season Give Curry a rest,

it’s time to have on to more fringe players with a
World Cup to be played over the first
A woeful season in brief two months of the 2003-04 season.
Their narrowest defeats:
Newcastle 14 Gloucester 18
Second league game of the season, a late
Falcons rally — but fell just short
They too moved grounds to comply
with Premiership entry requirements.
But some of their backroom operation
was still more in keeping with the
amateur days. “We had no analysis of
a look at Mercer
Newcastle 14 Northampton Saints 16 any opposition,” Nick Lloyd, the doesn’t have what it takes at the next
All-square at half-time with the club now former Rotherham prop, said. “We level but his recent club CV demands
top of the table, but let it slip away Stuart Barnes
were so far behind the curve in terms at the very least the opportunity to
Newcastle 13 Leicester Tigers 19 of what others were doing. We’d just make his case.
After the Six Nations break, Leicester had turn up and play our game.” It is a complex call because
three men sin-binned but hung on
Nel’s coaching methods also proved England’s outstanding Six Nations
. . . and the most galling: somewhat unorthodox. Rotherham’s performer was their starting No 8,
Bristol Bears 85 Newcastle Falcons 14 best chance of a victory came when Ben Earl. This was a triumph for the
Thirteen tries for the home side they were leading Gloucester 16-0 at England management team, who

How they stand half-time. But Nel had decided before ad news for Sale Sharks; ignored his overwhelming experience
P W D L F A B Pts
Northampton 17 12 0 5 543 410 12 60 the match that he would rotate his good news for England. as an out-and-out open-side flanker
Saracens 17 11 0 6 512 367 12 56 back row for the second half: he Tom Curry isn’t quite ready for Saracens and stuck him at the
Bath 17 10 0 7 468 401 15 55 removed the influential Des Tuavi’i for Sale’s crucial visit to base of the scrum, where his
Sale 17 11 0 6 390 374 8 52
Exeter 17 10 0 7 490 397 10 50 and Neil Spence and Gloucester ran Saracens for the last round dynamism was England’s most
Harlequins 17 9 0 8 458 467 14 50 out 35-21 winners. “Steph polarised of Gallagher Premiership regular- explosive attacking weapon.
Bristol 17 10 0 7 538 419 9 49 opinion,” Lloyd said. “There were season fixtures. The titanic back-row Far from Earl’s form being a reason
Leicester 17 8 0 9 395 386 8 40
Gloucester 17 4 0 13 346 581 11 27
some strategies we’d never seen before forward is running out of chances to to overlook Mercer, that successful
Newcastle 17 0 0 17 239 577 5 5 and we’d never see again.” prove himself fit for the England tour gamble should encourage England to
In spite of the turmoil, Rotherham to Japan and New Zealand. think similarly original thoughts.
remained competitive. “We had a Sale’s season could come to an end Who knows whether Mercer can
really good pack, which meant we tomorrow. If that is the case, Curry translate his Montpellier/Gloucester
were never easy to play against,” Lloyd will not have played a solitary minute form into the international arena?
said. “The spirit generally remained of rugby in 2024 since the hip Only the evidence of a Test
good, although it got tough in the last operation that ruled him out of the performance can tell us. It would be
couple of months and behind the Six Nations. The easy option for the both a travesty and mistake to leave
scenes it was pretty chaotic. But we England head coach, Steve Mercer behind.
always knew it wasn’t a level playing Borthwick, would be to leave Curry in Chandler Cunningham-South is a
field that season.” the northern hemisphere to complete 21-year-old with Kiwi roots. Ethan
The season ended with Rotherham his rehabilitation in somewhere less Roots (and Mercer himself, whose
the subject of a proposed takeover by challenging than the great rugby father was a distinguished New
a group of South African stronghold of the All Blacks. Zealand rugby league international) is
businessmen. The aim was to relocate There is, of course, the possibility of another whose game was grown in
them to become London Tribe, a club using what should be a tricky but less the “Land of the Long White Cloud”.
in the capital that expatriate South demanding game against Japan to A man of Lincolnshire, Ollie
Africans could support. That did not ease Curry in. Yet the thought of then Chessum, is unavailable because of a
happen but Rotherham never facing the All Blacks with so little shoulder operation. The Leicester
returned to the Premiership and this rugby under his belt seems something Tigers star is a terrific option as a
season they have played in the fourth of a gamble. Especially when England second-row turned blind-side, adding
tier of English rugby, earning have so many back-row options to another element to the lineout.
promotion to National League One. work through before deciding upon He is the nearest England have to
London Welsh, after their the best combinations. the next Courtney Lawes. His
relegation, played another season and Borthwick knows what Curry is unavailability is a blow but it is a
a half in the Championship before capable of. A fully fit Curry is an wonderful opportunity for Borthwick
their pursuit of Premiership rugby immense asset. Even more handy to take both Roots and Cunningham-
caught up with them and they were would be for England to be assured of South and establish whether one is
expelled from the second tier after the strength in depth of their back ahead of the other in the pecking
going into liquidation. Their amateur row by the time the three-match tour order or if the two work in tandem:
team finished third this season in is over. To achieve this, Borthwick one starting, the other finishing.
Regional 1 South Central, the fifth tier needs to select the combinations with Roots, of Exeter Chiefs, is the
of the game. All of which is a warning the potential to star in the future, in selfless type of player who may enable
for Newcastle, with the English club particular at the 2027 World Cup in Mercer, for instance, to be freed up as
system in disarray. They aren’t very Australia. a creative force. Cunningham-South,
having fielded an inexperienced side to keep short-term costs down this season good this season, but they still exist. If the head coach knows what to the Harlequins youngster, has made
expect from the Sale man, there is giant strides this season. He is a more
one player about whom the general obvious ball-carrier, a man to get his
public hasn’t a clue, certainly as far as team over the gainline.
Bearman begins audition for Haas seat the Borthwick era is
concerned. Zach Mercer has
to be seen in an England
Last week the most prominent
back-rower on display in the Exeter
rout of Harlequins was Greg Fisilau.
Formula 1 Surrounded by the world’s media at but Bearman is ready if the Dane does shirt if the theory that he He bettered the England No 8 Alex
Molly Hudson Motor Racing Reporter Haas’ motorhome, Bearman took a face punishment. isn’t the right fit for Dombrandt but — post Toulouse —
picture of the array of phones in front of “I’m going to be in Canada as a re- Borthwick’s team is to have Harlequins were exhausted.
The British teenager Oliver Bearman him, a sign that all the attention serve for Ferrari, but I’m also a reserve credence. Twice capped This was no level playing
will today begin his push to prove to directed towards him is still something for Haas when I’m a reserve for Ferrari, under Eddie Jones in field. Dombrandt is both
Haas that he should claim their vacant of a novelty. His focus, though, is clear: so of course I’m ready [if Magnussen is 2018, he was a different, a subtle lineout
seat in Formula 1 next season. that these practice sessions will be banned]. I showed in Saudi Arabia that less complete player then. forward and an
Bearman, 19, is the favourite to crucial to determining his future, as will I’m ready. It’s never the way you want to To play a part in immensely skilled
replace Nico Hülkenberg, who is his progression in F2. do a race if something like that happens, Montpellier winning the ball-carrier. Does
departing at the end of the season to join “I haven’t been set any goals, no, but I’ll happily oblige,” he added. Top 14 title in 2022 and he have what it
Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber on a multi- the pressure is mainly coming Meanwhile Adrian Newey, to be adjudged Top 14 takes against
year deal, with the team becoming Audi from myself,” Bearman Red Bull’s departing chief player of the season is the All Blacks,
in 2026. The teenager, who impressed in said. “I just want to keep Emilia technical officer, has said some testimony. I am or is Fisilau
his last-minute F1 debut in Saudi learning, keep improv- he expects to join not sure whether his the rising star?
Arabia in March, is a Ferrari reserve ing. Every time I drive Romagna GP another team after his persistent excellence in a And what about Sam Underhill,
driver. He is driving in six practice the F1 car I’m increasing Qualifying: tomorrow, exit. In Miami this bedraggled Gloucester Curry’s “Kamikaze kid” brother
sessions for Haas, Ferrari’s customer my experience. These from 3pm month Christian Horn- team isn’t an even greater when England were last in Japan?
team this season, the first of which is six FPs are great er, the team principal, statement. Curry should not be hurried back
today at Imola. opportunities to prove Race: Sunday, 2pm explained that Newey no He is a fantastic footballer into Test action. Mercer should be
“Of course I see it [Hülkenberg’s my talent.” TV: Sky Sports F1 longer has access to data, with an incredible array of given an opportunity. Earl is a
departure] as my chance but just He could get another sits out all weekend briefings attacking options. There is definite starter, but where? There
because there is a seat free doesn’t mean chance in a full race weekend other than race strategy and is something of the Ardie Savea in are an exciting set of options
I’m entitled to it,” Bearman said. “I still this season, with the Haas driver not drawing any parts for the car. him but, until this mature version in a back row of potential
have to go out there and earn it through Kevin Magnussen having accrued ten That is crucial given that Newey can steps on to the Test stage, we will fluidity but selection will
good performances in F2, but even penalty points on his licence, only two join a rival next spring. Ferrari are the not know whether he has Ardie’s not be straightforward.
more so the six FPs [free practices] that short of a race ban. Magnussen favourites to sign him, while Aston Mar- iron in the soul. Borthwick can no
I’m doing. I have to perform well and admitted that he will “have to” race tin are also understood to have made a longer justify omitting Mercer Mercer’s club form for Gloucester
show that I’m ready to win the F1 [seat].” differently to avoid further penalties, bid for the Englishman’s services. from his squad. Perhaps he warrants a place on England’s tour
60 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Sport Boxing

Meet 19-year-old
who sparred with
Joshua and wants
Tyson’s record
Moses Itauma trained with overawed by a big stage in Riyadh’s Kingdom
Olympian while still at school “A lot of things are out of my reach and
control, but if I keep blasting these boys out like I
and wants to become youngest am then I believe I can achieve it,” he says.
There is much to like about Itauma, who has a
heavyweight world champion, Nigerian father and Slovakian mother and
moved to the UK when he was a toddler. At
he tells Rick Broadbent school in Kent he hated bullies and would be the
unofficial vigilante. Here, he has been concerned

oses Itauma used to take time out about the shooting of the Slovakian prime
from school to climb into a ring minister, Robert Fico, and although he has
with some of boxing’s battle- attracted wild praise from the great and good
gnarled leviathans. He would even during undercard cameos, he speaks with a
have to change out of his uniform flatliner calm that verges on boredom.
before sparring with the likes of Joe Joyce and So when Tyson offered some advice to Itauma,
later Anthony Joshua. The oddity of that after- known as “Enriko”, when he was on the card for
school club is partly why many believe he is not Fury’s bout with Francis Ngannou last October,
merely doing the boasty boxer drill when the 19- he was far from giddy. “If I was overwhelmed by
year-old states his aim of becoming the youngest people I wouldn’t be where I am today,” he said.
world heavyweight “Mike Tyson has
champion in history. achieved a lot of
That accolade great things in his
belongs at present to career but he’s only a
the raw wrecking human being. It was
ball that was Mike a privilege to be in
Tyson, who was 20 his presence, but he’s
years and 145 days human, I’m human,
when he knocked I don’t idolise people
out Trevor Berbick like that. I have
in the second round taken more
at the Las Vegas inspiration from
Hilton in 1986. working with Tyson
Remarkably, that Fury in Saudi Itauma, who has been part of Fury’s preparations, below left, for his showdown with Usyk tomorrow
was Tyson’s 28th Arabia. We don’t night, and will feature on the undercard in Riyadh, displays a maturity beyond his years as he seeks
fight in 20 months as have the same to become the youngest world heavyweight champion since Tyson defeated Berbick, above left
a professional. upbringing, but it’s
Itauma has won his eight not too different, and I’m Then you go into this sort of worry about how says, adding that school taught him how to be
bouts since turning pro at learning from him. That was they are doing. Obviously, a lot of people have around people and to communicate.
the start of last year, just more valuable than meeting died in the ring or not been the same afterwards. In 2022 he became the World Youth Amateur
after his 18th birthday. His Mike Tyson.” You do have that real sense of worry. People Champion in Spain but, to outsiders, it is the idea
debut, which came minutes So what has Fury told have kids to go home to, families to go home to, of the schoolboy stepping into a ring with the
after watching his brother him? “The ins and outs of and you’re not trying to knock someone out for likes of Joyce and Joshua — who won the world
Karol, a Youth Olympics boxing, a few tips, but he a lifetime, just those ten seconds. It is a sport and title when Itauma was 11 years old — that strains
champion, suffer a loss, also said he could tell me a it’s a business. You want to maximise everything belief. “The first time I sparred with Joe Joyce
lasted three punches and 23 million things but I was never you can and get out.” was Year 11,” he says. That is GCSE year in old
seconds. In black and white, his going to know what it’s going Fury is 35 and Usyk is 37. Itauma says money. “I see that as normal. If I saw it as
ambition sounds like outlandish to be like until I experience it for scientific advances are enabling boxers to stretch abnormal I wouldn’t be here. I was 6ft 4in when
attention-seeking, but add the myself. I have set myself big goals, their careers while looking after themselves, but I was 15. I feel like I have stopped growing up
palpable belief evident in his tone, as but it will be baby steps to get there.” he does not paper over the potential and started growing width-wise.”
well as the surprise at being questioned Few sports are so addicted to the quest for consequences with youthful bravado. “The most He had added a couple of inches by the time
about it, and you wonder if the older generation the next big thing as boxing. The blood is often heartbreaking thing was going to a dinner in Frank Warren signed him and the promoter
will be left in his contrails. wet and the bruises barely blue before fans, Saudi Arabia and seeing a lot of old fighters who wasted no time in hailing him as the future of
“I’m not one of those people who just says promoters and journalists look ahead to the next were punch-drunk,” he says. “I thought I can’t be the division. Again, Itauma shows an
things and doesn’t want to do it,” he says in fight. Yet Itauma, who was sitting ringside with in this boxing game too long. I have this window encouraging lack of enthusiasm for such
advance of a step up in class on the undercard of his family during Fury’s public workout in a and have to make the most of it.” accolades. “The best thing is not to listen to
Tyson Fury’s clash with Oleksandr Usyk for the theme park on Wednesday night, is well aware of He says he was a good student until around praise,” he says. “I have not listened to the people
undisputed heavyweight title. Itauma’s opponent, the dangers inherent in his nascent career and Year 9 when he started misbehaving and “not who said I couldn’t get to this position. And I
Ilja Mezencev, is a German with 21 knockouts in the power in his hands. taking it serious”. Now, at the ripe old age of 19, haven’t listened to the people who said I could. I
28 fights, but having sparred with Fury too and Describing a knockout, he says: “At first you he looks back and says his school days were the knew what I was capable of and I intend to leave
been part of his camp, Itauma is unlikely to be have a bit of joy that they are not getting up. best days of his life. “I was a bit of an idiot,” he my mark on history.”

Fury and Usyk opt for poetry and peace over face-off fireworks
continued from back As for Usyk, he kept his last media predicting a tough night ed a “great fight”. away Monday’s headbutt by telling
address even briefer, saying: “I’m happy tomorrow. Lewis and Evander the audience at Wednesday’s public
from the scenes that marred the media to be here. I’m excited. I’m grateful. SugarHill Steward, Fury v Usyk Holyfield, the man he beat workout that “we’ve lost our way” in
day on Monday when Fury’s father, Let’s make history. Enough.” Quizzed Fury’s trainer, predicted to claim that accolade in the UK.
John, headbutted a member of on a drawing he had been doing, he said a knockout for his man, Kingdom Arena, 1999, were sitting next to Maybe, but boxing is about fighters
Team Usyk. it was his “homework”. but also caught the Riyadh each other in the crowd. rather than those living vicariously
Indeed Fury even declined to stare at If anything summed up the subdued sentimental mood Tomorrow, from 7pm The urge for wistful through the skill and bravery of others
Usyk in the traditional face-off, mood it was the fact the most aggres- when talking about his TV: Sky Sports Box
nostalgia when it comes in hotel walkways.
prompting social media psychologists sive act was when Usyk’s manager late uncle Manny, Office, TNT Sports Box
to huge heavyweight The two undefeated boxing
to say that he was concerned. Fury’s quoted Longfellow at Fury. “Into each renowned for his work Office, DAZN PPV
contests is natural and it is champions have clearly had enough of
explanation, however, was: “He’s a life some rain must fall, some days must with Lewis, the last undis- exacerbated when you listen the build-up. It is almost time for the
scary-looking dude.” be dark and dreary,” he said, by way of puted champion. He predict- to a man like John Fury explain combinations to replace the couplets.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 61

Cricket Sport

The day when ECB boffins Queen’s to

host women’s
analysed my ‘right-arm filth’ tournament
next year
Elizabeth Ammon Tennis
Elgan Alderman
comes in off her long The Queen’s Club will host a women’s
run at Lord’s under tennis tournament in 2025 for the first
time in more than 50 years as part of a
the gaze of the newest revamped grass-court calendar.
Last held in 1973, the women’s event
technology available will take place the week after the French
Open, with the men’s tournament

y cricketing career following immediately after. There will
before this week not be equal prize money across the two
consisted of a handful as purses are set by the ATP and WTA.
of Sunday friendlies for The women’s tour has pledged to have
my local club and a equal prize money at all 1000 level
couple of trial matches for MCC 20 events and some 500 level events — of
years ago. These days you are far which Queen’s is one — by 2030. Carlos
more likely to find me on the Alcaraz, last year’s men’s champion,
boundary with a scorebook and a received about £400,000 for winning.
pencil case than in the middle. The championships at Queen’s were
So it was with a great deal of for men and women for almost 100
trepidation that I agreed to have a years until 1973, after which both were
bowl on the Nursery Ground at discontinued because Nottingham
Lord’s in front of a handful of media became the main event in the week
colleagues, the Sky Sports cameras, before Wimbledon. The Queen’s Club
a professional umpire and — most Championships returned as a men-only
intimidatingly of all — the ECB’s event in 1977.
data and insights team. In the 2025 calendar the Surbiton
It was alarming to think of them Trophy, which will kick off the British
watching my “medium” pace — grass-court season next month, will no
known in the game as “right-arm longer exist. Its place, during the latter
filth” — but far worse would be the half of the French Open, will be taken by
analysis produced by the innovative a new men’s and women’s challenger-
technology, named iHawk, now being level event in Birmingham.
used by the ECB in all men’s and During the new Queen’s fortnight
women’s professional cricket. The there will be lower-level events in Ilkley
fears multiplied in my mind: would I and Nottingham. After that, the head-
even hit the cut strip? And what if I line event in the week before Wimble-
bowled so slowly the technology don will be Eastbourne, downgraded
wouldn’t even register it? from WTA 500 to 250 level because of
Well, the results from the ECB jury the Queen’s tournament. The quality of
are in, and they are not pretty — but the field on the south coast is likely to
more on that later. decrease as a result, as it will clash with
The technology is fascinating and the WTA 500 event in Bad Homburg,
genuinely game-changing for the way Germany.
promising bowlers can be identified Part of the reason behind the change
and their talent harnessed. is the belief at the LTA that players
It relies on a camera, strapped to would rather move straight on to a
the umpire’s chest, capturing five- high-profile grass tournament after
second clips. They are sent to a Roland Garros, rather than in the week
mobile phone in the umpire’s back before Wimbledon. “We know that post
pocket and then analysed via the the clay-court season, players want to
same Hawk-Eye technology used move quickly to grass to maximise the
for reviews in international cricket. playing opportunities ahead of the
The team’s analyst can have the championships,” Chris Pollard, the
information within a few balls if LTA’s digital and events director, said.
there is fast wi-fi, meaning Ammon’s decidedly unremarkable overs, above, are tracked forensically “We also give consideration to the fact
messages can be passed to by iHawk, below; in its pilot year it has been used in 200 matches and has that fewer men typically play that third
players during breaks in play, given unprecedented insight to analysts on so many aspects of the game week pre-Wimbledon.”
especially if the data has picked The LTA and All England Club have
up something less obvious to technology, but there is So how did iHawk conclude I got been reviewing the six-week grass-
the naked eye. already interest from other on? In a word: badly. I bowled a court season over the past two years.
For each delivery, the nations in purchasing the couple of overs, most deliveries hit Their objectives were to increase the
technology shows the tracking intellectual property, jointly the cut strip and were in the right half profile of the run-up to Wimbledon, to
of the ball (the flight, where it owned by the ECB and Hawk- of the pitch (which wasn’t the case for promote women’s tennis to a larger
pitched, and so on) as well as Eye. The governing body all my journalist colleagues). One did audience and to have all events as men’s
the speed, swing and deviation. declined to say how much it hit the stumps (it’s much easier to hit and women’s combined.
It also records the angle of the has cost to develop and roll out the stumps when there isn’t a batter There were concerns that the grass at
bowler’s spine, plus bounce, spin iHawk, but it does say it has there!) but several were horrible Queen’s would suffer from two weeks of
and accuracy. already influenced selection leg-side wides, and one hit the play, but organisers are confident, from
Last season, which was decisions, especially in cases side-netting. My speeds were Wimbledon’s example, that conditions
essentially a pilot year for the where relatively inexperienced embarrassingly slow, with a high of will remain suitable for the men’s event.
technology, it was used in 200 players have been fast-tracked. 39.4mph, comfortably slower than The ATP has given the green light for
matches and analysed more Shoaib Bashir, the off most club seamers and even slower next year, but no guarantee beyond
than 50,000 balls from 250 spinner, was picked for England than most professional spinners — that. “The ATP would like to consider
bowlers; this year it is being based on his technique and the stand aside Shoaib Akhtar. what happens after 2025,” Pollard said.
deployed in all men’s and data from iHawk rather than But it can be useful to be reminded “But we remain very confident that it
women’s domestic matches. his first-class stats. When how huge the gulf is between the pros will be a permanent change.”
There are differences to Hawk-Eye nurturing of young talent. Umpires England need a squad to tour and casual amateurs like me, and also The BBC is in the final year of its
and the way it is used in the Decision are also being encouraged to use it to Australia, the data will be ordered quite how much can be gleaned from agreement to broadcast from Queen’s.
Review System (DRS) to rule on analyse their decision-making and with a special focus on release height attaching a small camera to an New rights will be in place for next year’s
disputed umpiring calls. DRS needs observe trends, while it also makes and matches using Kookaburra balls, umpire’s chest. tournaments, with terrestrial and pay-
six to eight cameras, whereas this the analysis of how pitches are which have been trialled in county At the moment the technology is TV options to be considered, although
tracking system has only one. Unlike behaving more sophisticated. games. prohibitively expensive to be used Pollard said the championships would
in DRS, this does not project the Funded by the ECB, the data goes The scouts, selectors, performance below professional level, but it is remain on free-to-air channels.
expected route of the ball, just to counties and helps analysts predict directors and coaches are all given developing so quickly that it may not The final Surbiton Trophy will begin
tracks it. how a bowler might develop, as well several “dashboards” — one lists the be long before it can be deployed in during week two of this year’s French
Nonetheless, the data is considered as which scenarios and conditions top ten bowlers in the country in club and junior cricket, and it may Open, with Andy Murray looking to
extremely valuable to England and their attributes are suited to. England terms of speed, release height, swing even unearth some gems that haven’t defend his title, which suggests he is not
the counties for the spotting and are the only country using this movement and seam movement. been picked up by the county system. expecting to go far at Roland Garros.
62 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Sport Football

Infantino rolls back his own reforms

Fifa president pledged to “It is a form of institutionalised
vote-buying,” he said. “You generate
clean up governing body political allegiance — you reward
people for their support but in a way
but is now reversing his that doesn’t get you into trouble. It is a
system of patronage.”
changes, Martyn Ziegler Other football bodies have also
been overturning reforms. The Asian
writes from Bangkok Football Confederation met in
Bangkok yesterday and voted in

ight years ago Gianni favour of a proposal made by Saudi
Infantino was a member of Arabia and Qatar to remove 12-year
the Fifa reform committee term limits for elected officials. Now
that introduced a series of its president, Sheikh Salman bin
measures to rescue the Ibrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrain and
scandal-hit governing body from a other executive committee members
near-terminal crisis. Today, now as can remain in their positions for as
Fifa president, Infantino will oversee long as they wish. Infantino revealed
rule changes that critics say will roll in 2022 that the Fifa Council had
back some of the most important agreed that his first term in office did
reforms. not count towards the 12-year limit as
The 2024 Fifa Congress in Bangkok it was a partial term — three years
is set to reverse a ban — brought in as instead of the full four.
a result of the vote-rigging in 2010 for Few national associations will speak
Russia and Qatar to host the 2018 and out about the latest proposed statute
2022 World Cups — on two World changes, but the president of the
Cups being awarded at the same time. Norwegian FA, Lise Klaveness, has
The statute change will allow Fifa to described them as worrying. She told
award the 2030 and 2034 World Cups The Times: “This is not according to
later this year: to Spain , Portugal and the reforms that were brought in after
Morocco in 2030 (with three matches Gianni was elected to avoid the
in South America) and — more rigging that we saw with Qatar-Russia
importantly for Fifa and Infantino — and after the terrible period of
to Saudi Arabia in 2034. criminality. The short deadline we
The Fifa Congress will also vote to saw in October, and the lack of
multiply the number of committees transparency around the
from seven to 35, even more than pre- process, was a big missed
reform levels, in a move seen by some opportunity in
as a return to the system of patronage implementing the
that the disgraced former president reforms, or at worst a
Sepp Blatter had constructed. way of avoiding
When he was elected president in implementing the
2016 Infantino promised to clean up reforms.”
Fifa after Blatter’s reign. Until then he Infantino heads the ball during a match in Bangkok, where he is hosting the 2024 Fifa Congress, right Asked about
had kept a low profile in football Maduro’s
administration. A Swiss lawyer, he ran Fifa’s surprise announcement gave that “both you and Infantino proposed bidding process. It criticisms, Fifa said
Uefa’s legal department before potential bidders less than four weeks the idea to me that I praised”. was a top-down, “it does not agree
becoming general-secretary and found to register their interest. Within Fifa has denied that the 2030 or non-competitive, with this sentiment
himself thrust into the Fifa minutes of the news, the Saudi Crown 2034 World Cups are rewards for non-transparent at all” and “has
presidential election after his boss Prince Mohammed bin Salman issued Infantino’s supporters. It says the process. Now they are massively changed
Michel Platini was banned from a statement saying the Gulf kingdom decisions on the bidding process were going back formally on since 2016”. It said the
standing. Infantino appeared to take was bidding — it would turn out to be taken by the whole Fifa Council. the reform. They don’t fear increase in committees
to flying in private jets and mixing the only bid. By contrast Australia, Miguel Maduro, a Portuguese law the reputational costs.” reflected that it had “greatly
with political leaders and celebrity which had previously indicated an professor, was the chairman of the There are now seven Fifa standing expanded its activities, competitions
chefs with relish. The grey suits were interest in 2034, was given no advance Fifa governance and review committees, compared with 26 before and areas of intervention”, adding:
replaced by designer hoodies and warning of Fifa’s announcement. committee set up in 2015 that the reforms, and the congress is being “Critically, an increased number of
white trainers and Infantino appeared Last month it was confirmed that Infantino also sat on. He says Fifa urged to approve that number being standing committees will mean more
to be particularly drawn to Saudi the Saudi state-owned oil giant appears to be “unashamedly reversing increased to 35. Some are important female representation in the decision-
Arabia, perhaps anticipating the Aramco had become Fifa’s biggest the reforms of 2016”. changes, such as having a committee making processes of Fifa.”
country’s growing power in sport. sponsor and been given a sponsor He told The Times: “Everything for women’s football and one for anti- Fifa also claimed its reform process
The change to allow the dual award category all of its own. seems to have been organised so that discrimination after its anti-racism had been “acknowledged by several
of World Cups follows Fifa’s sudden The inclusion of Morocco — the World Cup of Portugal and Spain task force was dissolved in 2016, six external organisations, including the
decision in October to fast-track the another big supporter of Infantino — included Morocco and then South months after Infantino’s presidency United States Department of Justice”.
bidding process for the 2034 alongside Spain and Portugal for 2030 America, to make sure the following began. John Marzulli, a spokesman for the
tournament to run alongside that for may also have much to do with the World Cup could be awarded to a But Maduro argues that the United States Attorney’s Office for the
2030. It caught most of the football Fifa president. Leaked WhatsApp country in the Middle East — Saudi committee places become prized as Eastern District of New York, told The
world by surprise and was seen as messages from Spain’s prime minister Arabia. The tender and process was they offer attractive per diems and New York Times: “Our office has not
stacking the deck in the favour of the Pedro Sánchez to the then Spanish FA already not in accordance with the travel, as well as opportunities to endorsed the effectiveness of any of
Saudis, now Infantino’s biggest allies. president Luis Rubiales in 2018 said promise of a transparent, competitive progress within Fifa. Fifa’s current reform efforts.”

The secret of Rice’s success? Pancakes Ten Hag hopes Maguire will
Tom Allnutt God, it’s the best thing … When I joined
the club, I could see the [Ar-
we did all the medical tests, mobility was
one of my biggest strengths. It’s crazy —
be fit to play in FA Cup final
Declan Rice has revealed the secret senal] players eating them and thought I’m really, really flexible,” Rice said.
behind his brilliant performances for to myself, ‘What is going on here?’ But “Most people in the sport don’t have the continued from back appearance in the win away to Luton
Arsenal this season: eating up to eight honestly, it’s been a game-changer. same range. I don’t know why I’m built Town in mid-February.
pancakes before matches. “I don’t understand the science be- like that, but when I’m tackling, it allows played only 13 games for Chelsea Lisandro Martínez returned as a
Rice has been nominated for the hind it, but it gives me such a high my legs to go into positions that look a this season. substitute in the win against Newcastle,
Premier League’s player of the season energy boost. I think that’s why I’m able bit weird. It feels natural to me.” Shaw has only a “small chance” of while Raphaël Varane and Victor
award after a superb first campaign for to rattle around the pitch so much. If To beat Manchester City to the title making the FA Cup final next week, Lindelof are back in full training before
the club, in which the 25-year-old has we’re playing at 5.30pm, I’ll sometimes on Sunday, Arsenal need to win at home while the centre back Harry Maguire is the final league game away to Brighton
been instrumental to Arsenal’s impress- have eight pancakes in a day. I’ll have to Everton and hope City lose or draw at on course to return for Wembley. & Hove Albion on Sunday.
ive title challenge. some at breakfast and I’ll have some home to West Ham. Rice will then turn “For England I can’t say because it is Ten Hag has also played down a pre-
Only William Saliba has played more more at 3.30pm before we play.” his attention to the European Champi- not up to me,” Ten Hag said yesterday. match spat between Marcus Rashford
than Rice’s 3,142 minutes for Mikel Ar- Rice has played either at the base of onship, which starts on June 14, with “But for the cup final we’re working on and a United supporter. Social media
teta’s side in the league and the former Arsenal’s midfield three or as a more ad- England among the favourites to go all it. I think Harry Maguire has a fair videos circulated of the England star
West Ham United midfielder has made vanced No 8, which gives him greater the way in Germany. chance that he will be available, we being led away by team-mates. “I have
a big impact offensively too, by contrib- freedom to join attacks. Rice is third in Rice said of England’s chances: “With are planning [on it]. Luke is more seen [it],” Ten Hag said. “The 68,000
uting seven goals and eight assists. the Premier League this season for total the team we’ve got, the players we have complicated. Let’s say it’s less of a fans were very enthusiastic, very
Asked for the key to his energetic per- carries with the ball and top for starting and everyone in form playing well, you chance he will make it.” positive about the mood and the spirit
formances, Rice told Men’s Health UK: “I moves that ended with a shot. He said need to back yourself to win. I feel like it Shaw appeared in 31 Premier League and the vibe and the ambience in the
have four pancakes before a game. his agility is key to his all-round is our chance, it’s time. We can do some- games for Ten Hag last season. He has stadium. That shows the strong bond we
Covered in syrup or honey. I swear to game. “When I signed for Arsenal and thing really special this summer.” played in only 12 this term with his last have between the team and the fans.”
the times | Friday May 17 2024 63


Matt Dickinson
Senior Sports Writer

Alonso is greatest
his players think deeply about strategy, but he in 1963-1965. Their unbeaten run now stands at
was doing that 20 years ago. “He always told me 50 games, a testimony to self-belief.
to relax and use my brain. It didn’t always work,” In hindsight I was perhaps not sticking my
Jamie Carragher once said of his Liverpool neck out when I concluded that interview in
team-mate. Alonso’s brain whirred incessantly 2017 by writing that “Alonso as the successful
after matches, replaying them for days. coach of an intelligent, passing team is not at all

coaching sensation
He never could understand the inefficiency of hard to imagine”. But it is not just his record but
charging around, and this belief that intelligence also how he has gone about the job that is so
is paramount led to his famous remark that “I impressive and, yes, different.
don’t think tackling is a quality”. True to Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard leapt
his word, Leverkusen’s 13 tackles per into their first managerial jobs before they
game is the lowest tally recorded by a had completed their coaching badges. Alonso

since Mourinho
team in any of Europe’s top leagues. started with Real’s under-14s and then spent
An ability to understand three seasons with Real Sociedad’s reserves.
movement and positioning, in an When he took a senior post, it was not a
intricate game of possession and fast shortcut to the top but a Leverkusen team
changes of tempo, has inevitably sparked sitting 17th in the Bundesliga. How easy it
comparisons with Pep Guardiola, one of would have been to cash in now by jumping to
Alonso’s esteemed former coaches alongside Liverpool or Bayern but Alonso will see out at

stanbul airport, May 26, 2005. The flight Instead, Alonso grabbed a pair Rafa Benítez, Mourinho and Ancelotti. least another year because this endearingly
back home with the Liverpool squad is of boots, slung them over his Over the years ahead we can expect earnest man thinks this city of 160,000 people
bedlam, befitting the bonkers night before. shoulder and wandered over to comparisons too with his good is the best place to develop.
Normally the media are shoved at the back a park pitch with his wife and friend from childhood in It is not only his playing talent that he
of the plane but overjoyed, hungover phone. A simple black-and- the Basque country, attributes to his father, a footballer with
players and their partners are sprawled all white photo of a shy man Mikel Arteta. Born less Sociedad and Barcelona, but his studiousness
over the place. Last to board, I cannot find waving was captioned: “Lived than 20 miles and six and patience given Periko demanded that his
anywhere to sit. it. Loved it. Farewell months apart, they will son always finish his homework before going
As I walk up and down the aisle, everyone beautiful game.” Like I said, be shaping the game for out to play.
looks the other way. No one wants to have to the man is different. many years. There is a seriousness of purpose to Alonso,
squeeze up next to a pesky reporter. And then, Happily, I learnt that Alonso’s team also has who looked dismayed when I asked him to pick
as we are about to take off, a friendly voice says: again when I went to its own stamp, notably — his best XI of team-mates. Politely he declined
“Do you need a seat? You are welcome to join Munich to sit down with shades of Istanbul? — in to undertake what he regarded as a frothy
us.” It will not be the last time that I am left Alonso (it took two text the character to win or save so exercise, just as he has also knocked back many
concluding that Xabi Alonso is different. messages to arrange, no many games in the closing offers to write a memoir. As he explained:
Just one tiny moment of courtesy? Yes, but PRs or fuss) shortly moments. In stoppage time after “Some part of me is shy as well. I like to
sometimes the little things tell you a lot — and before his final match as the 90th minute, Leverkusen have preserve some parts for me.”
attention to detail is among the many reasons a player. Carlo outscored opponents 16-0. Holding back a little of himself will not
that Alonso is close to pulling off one of the Ancelotti had offered A stunning late recovery be easy now that he has announced his
most extraordinary feats in coaching. to take Alonso under against Roma in the coaching calibre in such spectacular style.
In his first full season with Bayer Leverkusen his wing at Bayern, to Europa League semi- After 11 straight German titles for Bayern,
he is three games from an unprecedented, give him the sort of final second leg, Leverkusen sit 15 points clear going into the
invincible Treble of Bundesliga, Europa League fast start in coaching including a 97th- final game tomorrow, when victory over
and German Cup. All this at “Neverkusen”, enjoyed by many minute equaliser, Augsburg will make it 28 wins, 6 draws and
a club without a single league title in more players of his allowed Leverkusen 0 defeats. Atalanta follow in the Europa League
than a century and no significant honour in renown. to claim the final on Wednesday and Kaiserslautern in the
three decades. Instead, Alonso longest unbeaten German Cup final. A Treble beckons for the
It is the most stunning managerial arrival told me that he had streak in Europe great invincibles.
since a chap called José Mourinho won an a vintage BMW in postwar How has Alonso done it? Not with superstars.
almost identical Treble with Porto — league, motorbike waiting football, Smart recruitment enabled the club to sell last
Uefa Cup, Portuguese Cup — in 2002-03. in a garage. He surpassing season’s star, Moussa Diaby, to Aston Villa for
Never a star player, Mourinho went even was looking Benfica £50million and bring in Nathan Tella from
further the following season (winning the forward to Southampton and Granit Xhaka from Arsenal,
Champions League) yet still had to strain for some road trips, among others.
attention, to be noticed. time with family Above all, this unbeaten campaign is a
When Alonso decided it was time to and to recharge. It tribute to the leadership and clarity from
announce his retirement as a player, he chose was not his legs Alonso, whose midfield style always seemed
not to highlight that jaw-dropping comeback in that needed a a precursor to coaching: “My idea was never
Istanbul to win the Champions League with break but his about my game individually. It was always
Liverpool, or the celebrated La Decima with Real mind, which about that collective. If I do this, how does it
Madrid in 2014. He ignored league titles with revealed a lot help the team?”
Bayern Munich. He even passed over the 2010 about this most In that sense he has been preparing for this
World Cup with Spain, when one of the finest cerebral of role all his life. Yet knowing that should not
midfielders of his generation started every footballers. As a coach Alonso demands lessen in any way the stunning impact of a
game. There was no sponsored photoshoot or This is a coach that his players think season like no other, from a man who dares to
carefully managed interview. who demands deeply about strategy act and think a little differently.

Trippier critical of trip to Australia Foden: Fourth title won’t be beaten

continued from back a feat that he believes will never be
Martin Hardy expected to link up with their just got to get on with it, but of course, repeated. Speaking after being awarded
international squads on the back of a for me as a player, it’s not really ideal. 30-year-old Brazil international, the the Football Writers’ Association
Kieran Trippier has criticised 21,000-mile round trip for the matches. “I understand why the club are doing medical team were satisfied that he was (FWA) footballer of the year
Newcastle United’s decision to go to The Times revealed last month that it, but we’re players, we’ve got to do not concussed, but Guardiola decided award, Foden said: “It would mean
Australia three days after the Premier the FA is looking into changing its rules what’s right for the club, for the club to to take off Ederson because he was told everything to me. We’ve got two finals
League season ends to play two to ban clubs from staging lucrative move forward. When we’re there it’ll be the swelling around the goalkeeper’s left and we’ll give everything to try to do
friendlies against Tottenham Hotspur friendlies beyond the end of the season. good, we’ll embrace it.” eye would increase. Further tests the Premier League four times which
and the A-League All Stars, calling the The Professional Footballers’ Gareth Southgate, the England man- revealed the fracture, which has never been done before.”
timing “not ideal”. Association is also understood to have ager, was also critical of the timing of the means Ederson will be un- Foden, who sent his apol-
The England defender questioned concerns about the demands placed on friendlies. He said it was “not great available for City’s final ogies for being unable to
the amount of travel involved at the end the players after a long season. news” for his squad’s preparations. Premier League match, attend the FWA dinner
of a gruelling 51-game campaign for “It’s not ideal because it’s a tourna- Newcastle will play Tottenham at the at home to West Ham on Thursday, credited
Newcastle and with the European ment year,” Trippier said. “I’ve done it at Melbourne Cricket Ground on May 22, United on Sunday, Guardiola — “the
Championship finals and the Copa Tottenham and Madrid but from my 24 hours after Southgate names his and the FA Cup final best manager in the
America set to start in June. own experience of it — in a tournament squad for the Euros and three days against Manchester world” — for helping
Trippier will be among a number of year [with the Euros and Copa America] before the FA Cup final. The game has United six days later. him to develop as a
players — including his club-mates it’s not ideal. It’s not like it’s Benidorm, been billed as a homecoming for Ange Phil Foden, mean- player.
Anthony Gordon, Joelinton and Bruno round the corner, it’s 25 hours away. Postecoglou, the Spurs head coach, who while, urged his team-
Guimarães, and Spurs’ James Maddi- “It’s not just England, you’ve got so grew up in Melbourne and managed mates to seize the Foden receives his
son, Richarlison, Giovani Lo Celso many nations and clubs. Tottenham are South Melbourne. Newcastle then play chance to win their trophy from FWA
and Cristian Romero — who will be doing it. It’s one of those where you have the A-League All-Stars on May 24. fourth successive title, chair John Cross
64 S1 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Sport US PGA Championship

McIlroy chasing Schauffele

Tom Kershaw Louisville, Kentucky
Rory McIlroy banished the psychologi-
Leaderboard Schauffele’s stunning opening round yesterday
cal demons and personal drama that Early leading first-round scores
United States unless stated Par 71 Eagle Birdie Par Bogey
had accompanied him in the build-up to
the US PGA Championship, but he will R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total
have to contend with another familiar X Schauffele -9 62 — — — 62 Par 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 71
foe to finally end his decade-long major Round 1 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 62
drought. T Finau -6 65 — — — 65
It was only last week that the North- S Theegala -6 65 — — — 65
ern Irishman surged from behind to Rounds of 62 in major championships
ruthlessly snatch victory from Xander R McIlroy (N Ire) -5 66 — — — 66
Schauffele at the Wells Fargo Champi- R MacIntyre (Scot) -5 66 — — — 66 Tournament Year Course Round Finish
onship. A terrific five-under-par open- Branden Grace The Open 2017 Royal Birkdale 3 T6
ing round here at Valhalla Golf Club B Kohles -4 67 — — — 67 Rickie Fowler US Open 2023 LA Country Club 1 T5
would ordinarily have left him perfectly B Koepka -4 67 — — — 67 Xander Schauffele US Open 2023 LA Country Club 1 T10
poised, but McIlroy was left looking Schauffele US PGA 2024 Valhalla 1 ?
upwards again after Schauffele’s T Moore -4 67 — — — 67
sublime round of 62 shattered both the A Hadwin (Can) -3 68 — — — 68
course and tournament record. “It’s a
great start to a big tournament,” the M Kaymer (Ger) -3 68 — — — 68
world No 3 said. “One I’m obviously C Smith (Aus) -3 68 — — — 68
going to take, but it’s only Thursday.”
Heavy rainfall in Louisville had left V Hovland (Nor) -3 68 — — — 68
the course susceptible to this kind of low M Homa -3 68 — — — 68
scoring, but a round featuring nine bird-
ies and no bogeys verged on as close to K Kitayama -3 68 — — — 68
perfection as golf allows. There can be B DeChambeau -3 68 — — — 68
no surprise that Schauffele was capable
of such a score, having already shot a 62 D Ghim -2 69 — — — 69
at the 2023 US Open, but the question is L Herbert (Aus) -2 69 — — — 69
whether he can finally marry his ability
with mettle on the biggest stage. J Thomas -2 69 — — — 69
Arguably the best current player yet K Bradley -2 69 — — — 69
to win a major, the 30-year-old has of-
ten worn that tagline like a millstone J Spieth -2 69 — — — 69
around his neck and squandered chan- J Wells -2 69 — — — 69
ces of a first PGA Tour victory since July
2022 in recent weeks at TPC Sawgrass D Burmester (SA) -2 69 — — — 69
and Quail Hollow, where a final round
71 was found sorely wanting, have done Other scores
little to alleviate Schauffele of that 70 C Conners (Can), L Donald (Eng),
burden. R Henley, S Jäger (Ger), H Matsuyama
“For me, not winning makes you want (Japan), A Otaegui (Sp), P Rodgers, J Rose
it more and more and more, and it (Eng), A Svensson (Can), S Valimaki (Fin),
makes me want to work harder and M Wallace (Eng), T Widing (Swe).
harder and harder,” Schauffele said. 71 An Byeong-hun (S Kor), A Bjoerk (Swe),
“The top feels far away, and I feel like I E Cole, L Glover, T Hatton (Eng),
have a lot of work to do, but I’m just R Hisatsune (Japan), L Hodges, A Schenk,
S Straka (Austria).
slowly chipping away at it.”
McIlroy will certainly relate to that 72 L Aaberg (Swe), T Fleetwood (Eng),
R Fox (NZ), P Malnati, K Mendoza,
sentiment and there is always a slight
G Murray, T Pendrith (Can), A Scott (Aus),
fragility about the 35-year-old in the N Taylor (Can), E van Rooyen (SA),
first round at a major. The time since he T Woods, D Puig (Sp).
won his last here in 2014 had tempered
expectations, but this venue is inevita-
73 A Bhatia, Z Blair, T Collet, B Griffin,
D Johnson, J Jones, A Ogletree, B Polland.
bly poignant and McIlroy’s emotional round
74 N Dunlap, Lee Kyoung-hoon (S Kor),
plight, having filed for a divorce from his A Meronk (Pol), A Smalley, J Speight,
wife of seven years, Erica, on Monday, US PGA Championship
A Svoboda.
left a palpable air of suspense. Today, from 1pm
75 P Cole, T Kanaya (Japan),
He answered those doubts emphati- R van Velzen (SA), T Lawrence (SA). TV: Sky Sports Main
cally with two birdies in his opening Event/Golf
76 M Block, S Micheel, M Dobyns.
four holes, continuing in the same vein
of form that carried him to victory at 77 Z Oakley.
Quail Hollow. When that early 79 L Gross, V Perez (Fr).
momentum became mired in jeopardy, 82 J Daly. 87 J Kellen.
sand and water around the turn,
McIlroy rallied brilliantly and three Tony Finau and Sahith Theegala were already drenched in sweat when he
consecutive birdies, including a chip-in
at the 6th, on his back-nine assured him
safely in the clubhouse at six under par
by then, while Robert MacIntyre joined
took to the tee just after 8am and the
harsh gradients at Valhalla offered little
MacIntyre’s home comforts
of a fine start. McIlroy on five under. relief. A man of ordinary substance
“I had a little bit of a scrappy part Brooks Koepka, the champion, might have folded after two early Tom Kershaw touched the golf clubs, done some
around the turn there, but overall backed up his recent form with an bogeys, but Woods is nothing if not stupid stuff and just enjoyed myself.”
I’m really happy. Not really happy opening round of four under par. resilient and ground out a one-over-par Robert MacIntyre said a return to home MacIntyre claimed he arrived with
with how I played but at least Fellow LIV players Cameron Smith, round of 72. “I am getting stronger for comforts and his mother’s cooking was “zero expectations” but was in a “good
happy with the score,” he said. Bryson DeChambeau and Martin sure,” he said. “It’s just that I don’t play a the secret to his five-under-par opening frame of mind” and a tied-13th finish at
Asked implicitly about how he Kaymer are all at three under lot of competitive rounds. I haven’t round at the US PGA Championship. the Myrtle Beach Classic last week
is faring with the tumult in a strong showing for the played since the Masters.” The Scot has struggled to adjust to offered plenty of promise. Having his
surrounding him off the Saudi-backed breakaway Woods might be reluctant to commit life on the PGA Tour since uprooting to mother join the team for the week in
course and his ability to league. A notable caveat to the Ryder Cup captaincy in 2025, but the United States after the Ryder Cup Louisville has also helped to alleviate
compartmentalise it, to that was Jon Rahm, his potential counterpart, Luke Donald, but tied Rory McIlroy at Valhalla Golf the lingering feelings of homesickness.
McIlroy was more curt. who bogeyed four of his enjoyed a rare day to savour with his Club to sit four shots adrift of Xander “She’s cooking and cleaning for my
“It’s always nice to be opening six holes and own clubs and finished one under par. Schauffele. After missing the cut in five whole team,” he said. “I’m having too
inside the ropes,” he said. wore a deranged “I’ve played four events on the PGA of his ten PGA Tour events this season, many cakes and desserts this week, but
“Happy to be here.” scowl that would Tour and missed cuts in all four,” the MacIntyre decided to spend three we’re having a good time. When I can be
Scottie Scheffler was make you cross the world No 430 said dryly when asked weeks at home in Oban last month around friends, family, people that actu-
among the late starters road in a hurry. about his expectations. And there was and has returned with a far sunnier ally care about me, they speak to me as
but immediately eradi- Tiger Woods did his solace for Viktor Hovland, too, the star disposition. Bob the human rather than Bob the
cated any suggestion best to match that of Donald’s team in Rome. The Norwe- “It’s no secret I’ve been living in golfer. That’s when I’m at my happiest,
that a shortage of prac- expression, although gian has endured a slump since then, America and it’s been tough,” he said. when I’m not talking about golf.
tice, owing to the birth of his was more of a gri- tweaking his swing and swapping “It’s not like Oban. When I go back “I’m more than happy playing the
his first child, might de- mace. A raucous crowd coaches to little avail. A three-under- home, it’s a lot of friends and family to PGA Tour. For me, I’m just trying to
rail his imperious form dutifully followed the 48-year- par 68 conjured more than a ray of hope spend time with, my nieces, everyone work out life, to be honest. That’s been
with an eagle from 167 old in his latest pursuit of pride out of that darkness, even while Schauf- that’s close to me and cares for me. I got the more difficult side of being in
yards at the first hole. and punishment, but Woods was fele threatened to storm out of sight. three weeks at home there and I hardly America.”
the times | Friday May 17 2024 S1 65


after ‘great start’ Leeds surge into

final as Gunn
fluffs his lines
must have triggered an internal panic
Leeds United
Gruev 7, Piroe 20, Rutter 40,
Summerville 68
4 button in Gunn.
Suddenly the ball was flying low to the
opposite corner. There was a desperate
Norwich City
0 scramble across but the movement was
too late. The ball crashed into his net.
Elland Road blinked at the incredulity
Leeds win 4-0 on aggregate
Sky Bet Championship play-off of it all and then roared. It is not going
too far to say that Norwich looked
semi-final, second leg already done, even then, as Gunn
Martin Hardy
slapped his unused gloves together in
Leeds United are going to Wembley. frustration. There would be only one
London be warned. A football club have flicker of life in the opening 45 minutes,
regained their unity. They really will and that came after Leeds had doubled
march on together, to the capital and their lead. Gunn again was culpable.
potentially back to the Premier League. A cross from the right did come this
It is 52 years since Leeds won a time, in the 20th minute from Wilfried
meaningful game at Wembley, against Gnonto, and it was high, bending and
Arsenal in the 1972 FA Cup final. They deep. Gunn followed the flight of the
have never won a play-off and this is ball like a hawk, and that was another
their sixth attempt. Yet on this form, error, as it kept tantalisingly out of his
Daniel Farke and his players will believe reach. Waiting for it at the far post was
they can bring some glory back to a Joël Piroe and he headed back across
famous old football club. goal into the far side of the Norwich net,
It was a night of extraordinary noise past the desperate dive of Shane Duffy,
and passion. Elland Road has three old who ended up tangled and stuck. Fans
stands and at times they shook. This fell over the seats behind him as Leeds
really was Leeds United: every chal- celebrated again. White scarves were
lenge won by a Leeds player greeted twirled, a city delighted by and
with wild applause, each run roared on marvelling in the changing emotions of
and when the ball flew past Angus play-off football.
Gunn in the Norwich City goal, which it Only when Ashley Barnes rolled a
did all night, they tumbled over fine through-ball to Josh Sargent
McIlroy, left, made a strong start with a five-under-par 66, seats in celebration. was there consternation. It
matched by MacIntyre, below. They were both outshone by It was a whitewash in the was a chance to change the
white-hot atmosphere
Schauffele, above, whose 62 is a course and tournament
record, while Woods, below left, struggled in the heat Farke had promised. “We Southampton direction of the game as he
outpaced Ethan Ampa-
scored four goals and v West Brom du and set off for goal.
should have scored His first touch, however,
many more,” the Leeds Second semi-final, was heavy and when he
manager said. “We had second leg (0-0 on agg) tried a delicate chip Illan
total control bar one Tonight, kick-off 8pm Meslier stuck out a giant
scene. Yes, many compli- TV: Sky Sports right arm and parried the
ments to my young side. It Main Event ball to safety. The crowd re-
was one of our most complete action was as if there had been
performances of the season. It was another goal.
nearly a perfect night for us. This place A third arrived five minutes before
was rocking. It was unbelievable.” half-time. Leeds were irresistible. Piroe
Not for one minute did it feel like crossed low from the left, Summerville
Norwich would be anything more than and Duffy helped it along and there was
fodder. Leeds led early and had a semi- Georginio Rutter to blast in another.
final won by half-time, by which point “This fairytale does not have a
they were three goals to the good. happy end,” David Wagner, the
Norwich desperately needed Norwich head coach, said. “It is bit-
their players to handle the occasion terly disappointing. It was a poor
and it overwhelmed them. Gunn performance from us and Leeds
will look back at a calamitous were very good. More or less
night. He erred for the everything you should not do,
two goals that gave we have done. It is life and
Leeds an early football: you have some
Second round tee-times hold in the game downs. We were poor. It
and they never let go. was impossible to come
United States unless stated 2.27 C Gotterup, V Norrman 7.57 P Cole, A Otaegui (Sp), 2.32 Kim Seong-Hyeon (S Kor), Everything about Leeds was back.”
all times BST (Swe), W Worthington II. T Widing (Swe). B Shattuck, Pan Chengtsung switched on, an electric aura and There should have been
(starting at hole 1) 5.45 T Collet, D Ghim, A Meronk (starting at hole 10) (Taiwan).
an electric display. Norwich were many more. Gunn denied
12.15pm R Beem, K Kobori (Pol). 12.20pm M Dobyns, T Lawrence 5.40 M Block, L Donald (Eng),
(Japan), S Soederberg (Swe). S Micheel. not even on the grid and when Gruev and Summerville
5.56 L Gross, L Herbert (Aus), (SA), D Puig (Sp). Joe Rodon was hacked to the before the latter cracked
12.26 J Bevell, A Rai (Eng), G Murray. 12.31 D McCarthy, K Nakajima 5.51 J Kellen, B Kohles, A Smalley.
J Smith (Eng). 6.02 R Fox (NZ), J Speight,
ground 30 yards from goal with in a fourth. “Leeds, Leeds
6.07 L Glover, R Henley, S Jäger (Japan), T Phillips.
12.37 C Hoffman, J Muller, (Ger). M Wallace (Eng). the game still to reach the are falling apart again,”
12.42 C Davis (Aus), H English,
A Putnam. 6.18 L Aaberg (Swe), T Gooch. 6.13 R Hisatsune (Japan), seventh minute, Leeds had they roared all around the
12.48 T Hoge, Kim Si-Woo (S Kor), X Schauffele, J Thomas. 12.53 J Day (Aus), N Hoejgaard Z Oakley, A Svensson (Can). their chance. ground. It was glee for Leeds.
A Noren (Swe). 6.29 K Bradley, A Scott (Aus), (Den), S Lowry (Ire). 6.24 A Hadwin (Can), M Kaymer The free kick was off centre. They will march to Wembley
12.59 M Pavon (Fr), J T Poston, T Woods. 1.04 B Horschel, C Kirk, (Ger), T Pendrith (Can). Every part of Gunn’s experi- together and they will take some
Yang Yong-eun (S Kor). 6.40 D Johnson, R McIlroy Lee Min-woo (Aus). 6.35 An Byeong-hun (S Kor), ence told him an outswinging stopping if this form can be replicated
1.10 J Dufner, J Knapp, (N Ire), J Rose (Eng). 1.15 Kim Joo-hyung (S Kor), A Bjork (Swe), E Cole. ball was coming to the far post, in the play-off final on May 26.
F Molinari (It). 6.51 V Hovland (Nor), J Niemann (Chile), G Woodland. 6.46 C Conners (Can), N Dunlap, where white shirts were ready to
1.21 T Detry (Bel), R Hoejgaard H Matsuyama (Japan), 1.26 M Fitzpatrick (Eng), A Schenk. bear down on him. Crysencio
(Den), J Walker. C Smith (Aus). P Mickelson, C Morikawa. 6.57 J Daly, L Hodges, Summerville ran as if to deliver Leeds (4-2-3-1): I Meslier 7 — A Gray 7,
1.32 A Eckroat, M Hughes (Can), 7.02 M Homa, B Koepka, 1.37 R Fowler, J Rahm (Sp), R MacIntyre (Scot). just that, but instead stepped over J Rodon 7, E Ampadu 7, J Firpo 8 — I
L List. J Spieth. 7.08 K Kitayama, P Malnati, Gruev 8 (L Cooper 83min), G Kamara 7 —
C Young. the ball and moved to his right. Ilia W Gnonto 7 (D James 70, 5), G Rutter 8 (C
1.43 C Bezuidenhout (SA), 7.13 T Finau, T Hatton (Eng), V Perez (Fr).
1.48 W Clark, B Harman, Gruev, who had been standing Roberts 74, 5), C Summerville 8 (J Anthony
B Hossler, Im Sung-jae (S Kor). S Theegala. S Scheffler. 7.19 Z Blair, B Polland,
R van Velzen (SA). with Summerville, made a 74, 5) — J Piroe 8 (M Joseph 74, 6).
Booked Gruev, Rutter.
1.54 K Mitchell, T Olesen (Den), 7.24 A Bhatia, B DeChambeau, 1.59 P Cantlay, C Villegas (Col),
T Fleetwood (Eng). W Zalatoris. 7.30 Lee Kyoung-hoon (S Kor),
straight run to the ball and he Norwich (4–4-2): A Gunn 5 — J Stacey 5, D
B Todd.
7.35 T Kanaya (Japan), S Straka 2.10 S Burns, P Harrington (Ire), S Valimaki (Fin), J Wells. cracked a left-footed shot that Giannoulis 6 (C Fassnacht 63, 4), S Duffy 5, B
2.05 B Garnett, J Somers, Gibson 6 (S McCallum 63, 5)— K McLean 5, Gabriel
J Svensson (Swe). (Austria), N Taylor (Can). P Reed. 7.41 J Jones, T Moore, P Rodgers. Sera 6, J Rowe 5 (J Sorensen 81)— A Barnes 6
7.46 D Burmester (SA), B Griffin, 2.21 M Hubbard, B Marek, 7.52 K Mendoza, A Ogletree,
Rutter added a third goal (S van Hooijdonk 81), J Sargent 5 (B Sainz 46, 4).
2.16 E Bowser, E Grillo (Arg),
A Tosti (Arg). A Svoboda. M McNealy. E van Rooyen (SA). for Leeds before half-time Booked Rowe, McLean. Referee J Gillett.
Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Sport Leeds off to Wembley

Championship play-off final
next after thrashing Norwich
Better than Mourinho
Xabi Alonso is a coaching
sensation – and a nice guy

Historic Fury Shaw to miss

Euro 2024

fight will not

Ian Whittell
Luke Shaw is almost certain to miss out
on a place in England’s Euro 2024 squad
after the Manchester United defender
suffered a setback in his comeback

be on radio
from injury.
Gareth Southgate is due to name his
provisional squad for the tournament
in Germany this summer on Tuesday
but the United manager, Erik ten Hag,
has revealed that Shaw is still suffering
from a muscle problem that has kept
broadcaster of the Saudi promoters, him out since February.
exclusive having raised questions over Saudi While Southgate will be able to pick
Owen Slot, Rick Broadbent Riyadh Arabia as a boxing venue in the past; in an expanded group of 26 players when
particular, it criticised the big fight he has to reveal the full squad on June 7,
The biggest heavyweight fight in 25 atmosphere in the kingdom. it would be a big risk to include Shaw,
years will take place in Riyadh tomor- The BBC confirmed that it had failed 28, who would have been the England
row night without any radio coverage to secure the audio rights to the fight. manager’s No 1 choice at left back, a
in the UK. However, it said that it would have problem area for the national side.
The BBC sent a team to Saudi Arabia sent a small team to Riyadh to cover Ben Chilwell, the back-up to Shaw for
this week expecting to conclude a deal the event across various platforms England, is also out injured and has
for the rights to broadcast the fight. regardless.
However, the deal fell through on Fury kept it short and respectful
Wednesday. during the final pre-fight press confer-
The bout between Tyson Fury and ence yesterday. Instead of fireworks, the
Oleksandr Usyk will be the first time
that two heavyweights have fought for
bemused fans gathered by an outdoor
stage in a Riyadh theme park were
Ederson out of
the unified title since Lennox Lewis
achieved that feat 25 years ago.
Despite the significance of the
treated to a few lines from the American
poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Fury, the WBC champion, refrained
FA Cup final
contest, there will be radio silence. Fans from the sort of unbridled baiting that Paul Hirst
will be able to watch the fight on televi- marked his trilogy with Deontay
sion on either DAZN PPV, Sky Sports Wilder and merely said: “I’m going to Stefan Ortega will be in goal for
Box Office or TNT Sports Box Office, keep this short and simple.” Manchester City’s final two matches of
all for a fee of £24.95. He then thanked God for the victory the season after Ederson was ruled out
It is not unusual for radio broadcast already received, Usyk for “turning up” for the rest of the campaign with a
rights to be settled in fight week. The and fans for coming from the UK in broken eye socket.
Saudi promoters were still in negotia- hard times. “I’m ready. I’ve got nothing Ederson suffered what City de-
tions this week. However, their public to say apart from I’m ready for a good scribed as “a minor fracture” in the 2-0
relations team said that a decision had fight. If it’s tough or easy, either way I’ll win over Tottenham Hotspur on Tues-
been made not to sell the radio rights in be ready,” Fury added. day. Cristian Romero, the Tottenham
the UK because it is believed attracting When pressed for a message for Usyk centre back, caught the goalkeeper in
a radio audience would diminish the by a compère clearly hoping for more the head as they both attempted to get
number of pay-per-view sales. boxing blarney, he said: “God bless to the ball in the second half.
Other industry observers have him and I’ll say a prayer for him before After being treated by the club
suggested that the build-up to a big we walk out that we both get out doctor, Max Sala, Ederson carried on
fight by a radio broadcaster tends to sell of the ring in one piece and go home to playing for a few minutes before Pep
more pay-per-view packages. our families, because that’s what it’s Guardiola, the City manager, decided
The alternative broadcaster to the
BBC would be talkSPORT. However,
all about.”
Sitting on the other side of the stage
Smile, Rory – you’re doing well to replace him.
City insisted that all the correct
talkSPORT has a poor relationship in a resplendent white suit, Usyk McIlroy, who filed for divorce this week, begins US PGA Championship with protocols were observed in the on-field
with Fury, who is influential in these applauded. It made a nice key change five-under-par 66 while Xander Schauffele sets course record, pages 64-65 treatment of Ederson. After testing the
matters. It is also not the favourite

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twisted round (5) 16 Lifted a jewel with another picked
20 Possibly go and haunt this place? up — it’s a lot of work (9)
20 21 22 23 (4-3) 18 A slip crossing over large ditch (7)
22 Ashes holder punching Aussie 19 Speed and ecstasy’s under a
bounder in tour (7) hundred pounds (7)
24 Tree resin extracted from lime 21 Revolutionary women’s movement
24 25 26 leaning to the west (5) with time for old, symbolic item (5)
25 Spooner’s inhabited part of 23 This person, breaking funny bone,
Western Europe’s land (5,4) petrified mother (5)
27 Perhaps stuff Scot’s to put back (3) 26 Perhaps novice’s news, entertaining
27 28
28 Thesp and France’s main female for all (3)
novelist getting Oscar for musicals

Pick up your copy in The Sunday Times this weekend or read it online today
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May 17 | 2024

d o e s S h ake s p e are !
Spid e r- Ma n
Tom Holland’s Romeo
brings teenagers flocking
to the West End (and some
are paying £600 a ticket)
2 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

the arts column

Richard Morrison ‘I’ve had my fill

Goodbye ENO, hello £300
opera tickets — is this
what Labour wants?
of toy boys —
y left-wing friends That Manchester move will would have no obligation to
now I’m dating
M (amazingly, I still
have them) had
better look away
now. These opening
paragraphs are going to read an
awful lot like “private sector good,
public sector terrible”. But they
almost certainly imperil another
subsidised company, Opera
North, which has toured
successfully for years across
northern England, including to
Salford. And just to complete the
public sector picture, let’s bring in
undertake educational work or
nurture the careers of exceptional
young performers, composers
and librettists.
In short, we would be turning
back the clock about a hundred
years, to the days before Lilian
men over 50’
have to be written. In the opera Scottish Opera, which started this Baylis pioneered the notion that with. For a while I dated a younger
world, at least, the contrast right grim reductive dance several opera — presented appealingly For Katie Glass, 43, artist who showed me a whole new
now is striking. years ago when it ditched its and sung in English — could be scene of young London artists I’d
This week Glyndebourne began chorus and full-time orchestra. successfully sold to ordinary Anne Hathaway’s never heard of.
its summer festival. That marks Let’s be clear about two things. people around the country, rather I introduced him to Nick Drake and
the start of a three-month period
in which half a dozen private
The first is that none of these
subsidised companies is in this
than being merely the preserve of
moneyed toffs. That notion was
age-gap rom-com he played me Die Antwoord. I took
him to the opera and he showed me
opera festivals will open for
business in the posh parks of
mess by accident. The dire
circumstances they face have
subsequently enlarged into the
much broader ideal underpinning
brought back how to buy drugs on the dark web.
Mind you, there can be downsides to
southern England.
During that time (if my rusty
the Arts Council when it was
founded in 1946. It was the belief
memories of her dating someone with different
references — when I joked to one
arithmetic is correct), they will that all top-quality art, even of younger lover that I felt like Mrs
put on about 200 performances the highbrow variety, could and days as a cougar Robinson, he didn’t know who I was
between them, sell about 170,000 should be made accessible to talking about.
tickets, achieve a combined everybody. can’t think of anything more When you’re dating someone

turnover of well over £50 million That ideal has been eroded for annoying than having a toy boy. younger it can feel lighter. It’s less
and provide crucial summer decades but seems to have sunk Although right now being a competitive because you are at
employment for more than 1,000 entirely in the past five years. cougar is in vogue: there’s Sam different life stages so it’s harder to
orchestral musicians, singers, Instead the funding bodies have Taylor-Johnson with her compare yourselves. You can celebrate
stagehands, technicians, shifted their priorities from younger, Bond-hopeful husband, their aspirations — to be in a band! To
carpenters, costume-makers and supporting quality professional Aaron (24 years her junior); write a great novel! — rather than
catering staff. All without a penny performances to promoting Kate Moss’s on-again, off-again commiserate about what they
of public subsidy. Leaving aside diversity, amateur activities and romance with Nikolai von Bismark haven’t done.
for a moment the mostly high environmental goals. (37 to her 50); Sienna Miller, 42, with When I was focusing on my career
ticket prices and the not exactly These new priorities required her boyish beau, Oli Green, 27; and didn’t want to be pinned down
variegated social mix of the Glyndebourne in East Sussex radical shifts of funding. Opera, Madonna, 65 with … whoever the to marriage and children, the
audiences, you would have to say being the most labour-heavy and latest sapling is that she’s seeing. casualness of relationships with
that — for these summer months therefore most expensive art And now there’s Anne Hathaway’s younger men suited me. I had a
anyway — opera is far from the form, was seen as taking up far age-gap rom-com, The Idea of You, situationship with a rugby player ten
dying art form some recent too big a slice of the funding cake. which I sat down to watch with a years younger than me and loved the
surveys suggest. Expect more So opera companies have been sense of déjà vu. The story of a woman way he’d turn up then disappear and
Meanwhile, in the public sector,
the slashing and burning of black-tie nights clobbered — and, in truly
Machiavellian style, in such a way
on the cusp of 40, Solène (Hathaway),
who falls for the 24-year-old boy band
not text for a week.
He complained that girls his age
Britain’s subsidised opera
companies continues, like a
of Bohème that their chief executives were
made to feel that if they kicked up
star Hayes Campbell (Nicholas
Galitzine), felt familiar. Not because
were desperate to pin him down to a
relationship, which was the last thing
Viking raid on high culture.
Despite a ferocious letter of
and bubbly a fuss the punishment would be
even worse. They were muzzled.
I’ve dated pop stars, but because for
most of my thirties I was a cougar. But
I wanted from him. (Although the
downside of keeping it casual was that
protest from Simon Rattle and been entirely engineered by They still are — those few who now, in my forties, I’m over it. after a few months he ghosted me.)
200 other luminaries, and (this powerful anti-opera factions haven’t already abandoned ship. The reason I dated younger men In hindsight, something else
week) the threat of industrial operating within their public Will the potential arrival of a was simple: they were more fun and appealed to me about age-gap
action from the performers’ union funders: Arts Council England new government make any better-looking. When I was wildly relationships. In my teens and early
Equity, the dismantling of Welsh and its Welsh and Scottish difference? Ominously, Thangam running around London, I sought twenties I’d felt used by older men; in
National Opera looks likely to go equivalents, endorsed by culture Debbonaire, Labour’s shadow partners with the energy to keep up. my thirties dating younger men felt
ahead, with the formerly full-time ministers who have (at the very culture secretary, suggested in a Being with someone younger fitted my safer. It felt like a feminist statement
orchestra and chorus placed on least) averted their eyes from the recent speech that the arts chaotic personality. And it had other somehow because it signalled that as
part-time contracts, touring cut impending catastrophes rather needed a “private finance model perks. I found younger partners less a woman my attraction was down to
and no guarantee of any reprieve than wading in and demanding to to attract funding from different cynical, less judgmental and more more than my youth or looks; being
from the Labour-led Welsh know, like the Count in Figaro, sources”. The implication is that optimistic than grumpy old men. older gave me a bit more power (I
government (which is also what the hell is going on in their somehow bringing in more That they looked good was a bonus. could choose where we went to dinner,
apparently endorsing the closing own house. philanthropic donations, not And clearly I’m not the only lady with even if I did get lumped with the bill),
of a national museum to save And the second thing is that — increasing state subsidy, is the an eye for boyish charms, considering but there wasn’t a genuine imbalance
costs, and the scrapping of as those flourishing summer way to generate more money for the audience of middle-aged women that felt creepy the way old men
Saturday music and drama tuition festivals prove — cutting off the arts. cooing over stars such as Timothée dating younger women can — perhaps
for talented teenagers at the subsidy won’t kill opera. It will But as has been pointed out by Chalamet and Harry Styles (on whom, because I wasn’t rich enough.
Royal Welsh College of Music just make it very different. It will the theatre director Dominic rumour says, Hayes is based). Of course it wasn’t all great sex and
and Drama). all look like those country house Cooke, philanthropists As Germaine Greer, who penned a roses — having a younger partner
So WNO will be up the same companies do now. customarily bestow their largesse paean to male Lolitas, The Boy, noted: throws up problems. There can be
stinky creek as English National There will be short seasons, not on well-connected arts “Everyone thinks the only people who communication issues when you’re
Opera, whose musicians are being year-round provision. It will be organisations in or near London. like looking at pictures of boys are gay dating someone whose texts you have
forced onto part-time contracts, concentrated in affluent areas, They don’t usually support men. That’s not true. I, for one, love to look up in Urban Dictionary.
their future funding dependent on not toured across the country. It regional tours to Plymouth or looking at them.” Besides, as we’ve It gets boring being the one who’s
a vague, uncosted move to will buy in symphony orchestras schools projects in Darlington. known since Kinsey, women reach done everything before: reliving
Manchester, the position of chief and period instrument bands Applied to opera, that strategy their sexual peak in their mid-thirties, another summer in Ibiza and fresh
executive still vacant (who would as necessary, rather than build would produce only one outcome. just as men’s is fading. rounds of east London house parties,
want it?) and just-announced in-house ensembles. It will offer Goodbye to ENO and WNO in Dating someone younger made me but this time worrying about
plans for 2024/25 signalling a wraparound experience of their present forms. Hello to more feel cooler because it kept me in touch heartburn while everyone talks about
perhaps the flimsiest season ever wining, dining and schmoozing to £300-ticket black-tie nights of with what was on trend. I’ve enjoyed bands you’ve never heard of.
mounted by a supposedly leading appeal to a clientele that can Bohème and bubbly. I can’t believe having partners I can cross-pollinate In The Idea of You, Solène is dating
opera company. afford £250-plus tickets. And it that’s what Labour wants. generational pop-culture influences a pop star who flies her around the
the times | Friday May 17 2024 3


Is there any way back

for Kevin Spacey?
The actor’s celeb chums want to save
his career. Good luck, says Ed Potton
t’s a seven-year saga featuring Van Damme is trying to secure at the

I downfall, redemption (of sorts)

and dramatic late cameos from
Sharon Stone, Stephen Fry and
Liam Neeson. Can there really be
a way back for Kevin Spacey?
It seemed unlikely this month when
the documentary Spacey Unmasked
Cannes Film Festival this month.
“We’ve been very clear that we can’t
guarantee that we’ll be able to finance
the film with him,” he says, but Spacey
and his people “know better than I do
how complicated the situation is. The
Channel 4 documentary didn’t help,
aired on Channel 4. Ten men claiming for sure, but there is quite a big
that Spacey had groped and humped movement of famous people who are
them and, on one occasion, pressed his saying, ‘Kevin Spacey should be back
groin into a man’s face. “I just felt I was at work.’”
staring at a soulless monster,” one of Others have bounced back from
them said. If any of the allegations are controversy. Johnny Depp did so after
true, they are sleazy and unacceptable, losing a defamation trial in London
although Spacey insists that he has stemming from claims that he had
done nothing illegal. abused his former wife Amber Heard,
Yet since the documentary which he denied. Yet Depp kept
something has happened that its his legions of fans and has a strong
producers may not have predicted: track record of money-spinning
for the first time since allegations blockbusters. Spacey’s success was
about Spacey’s behaviour surfaced in founded more on artistic ability than
2017, there has been a rise in sympathy commercial appeal, which may explain
for him, or at least urges for why his recovery has been slower. The
proportionality. Almost a year after he work never completely dried up, it just
was found not guilty by a British jury plunged in quality, and like Depp he
of sexually assaulting four men has found European cinema more
between 2004 and welcoming. In 2022 he appeared in the
2013 (a US jury had ropey Once Upon
dismissed a separate a Time in Croatia
lawsuit in 2022), a and an Italian
string of high-profile movie, The Man
partners I was conscious of wrinkles figures have broken Who Drew God,
and cellulite appearing. cover to support his playing a blind
My most significant relationship was rehabilitation, man who draws
with a man seven years my junior. including Fry, Stone, people by hearing
Some mean people said it wouldn’t Neeson and Trevor their voices;
work because of the age difference. Nunn. coming up is
They were right. Long term it became Spacey, 64, another Italian
clear we wanted different things — pre-empted the production, The
heading into my forties, I was ready documentary by Contract.
for quiet nights and country life, while giving an interview “I can’t wait to
he still wanted to party in the city. to the journalist see Kevin back at
When we started thinking about Dan Wootton and work. He is a
having children we were conscious my he gave another genius,” Stone said.
age gave us a time limit. after the film aired Sharon Stone and “People wanted
In my thirties dating younger people to The Daily Kevin Spacey in 2011 and want to be
was fun, but now in my forties I Telegraph. “There around him; it’s
couldn’t stand it. If growing old was definitely a rush to judgment,” terrible that they are blaming him for
gracefully means anything it should said the actor, who cut a defiant, not being able to come to terms with
not be having to keep up with fashions. articulate and sometimes emotional themselves for using him.” She was
It’s so cringey when you see men in figure, apparently breaking down presumably referring to the men who
world in private jets, feeding her Top: Katie Glass. their fifties on TikTok doing dances several times in the second interview. have admitted to engaging in sexual
champagne in glamorous locations, Above: Anne Hathaway with their younger girlfriends. Put it “I am absolutely accepting that, at activity with Spacey in the hope that
but the reality of dating someone in and Hayes Campbell in away, Grandad! times, I behaved poorly,” he said. he could help their careers.
their twenties is they can’t afford to The Idea of You Recently, instead, I’ve started dating “No one can doubt that he has Spacey is not out of the woods yet.
pay for dinner. older men. Now it’s nice to be the been clumsy and ‘inappropriate’ on One of the men involved in his
With my younger partners, it was young one. I went out with a 50-year- many occasions,” Fry said. However, previous court case has brought a civil
always me paying for holidays, old man who called me a “gorgeous he added, “to bracket him with the case seeking damages from Spacey for
cocktails and Ubers. Anyone girl” — and made this 43-year-old likes of Harvey Weinstein … how an alleged sexual assault in 2008. It
considering a fling with a blush. I’m enjoying going to the can that be considered proportionate will be tried in the UK next year. It
twentysomething should be prepared theatre and talking about politics and justified?” remains to be seen whether any of the
to go back to the days of house shares rather than having kinky sex and There are chinks of light for those allegations in the recent documentary
and bedrooms with a mattress on the watching shit TV. Maybe I grew up? on Team Spacey. He has at least two will result in legal action.
floor smelling of Lynx. But now I’d find dating someone in films in the pipeline, including The Some think that his history of
You have to watch someone make their twenties boring. I’m sure they’d Bleeding Ground, a Belgian-financed playing malevolent characters has
the same mistakes you did and wonder find me boring as well. film with a South African director, influenced this saga. Well, Spacey isn’t
whether to say anything — knowing The plus side of dating older men Donovan Marsh, and a British writer, likely to start playing saints — quite
that if you do you’ll sound like has been feeling looked after. I never Mathew Bayliss. Based on a true story, the opposite. In The Contract he plays
someone’s mum. You are always at risk felt cared for when I dated younger it is set to star Spacey as the president “The Devil”, a character thought to be
of becoming someone’s mother. Or You are men, I always had to do the caring. of an oil company who is kidnapped in similar to Pacino’s Satan-as-lawyer in
worse, dating someone with mummy
issues. It makes me cringe when always at It makes a change now to date
someone I can ask for advice, and
the Niger Delta.
“He’s not been convicted so we said,
The Devil’s Advocate.
Can he return to his former
occasionally I get a message on
Tinder from a man in his twenties
risk of who takes charge when I get drunk.
And it makes a nice change to be
‘Why not?’” says Jean-Luc Van
Damme, the Belgian lead producer on
glories? “Anything is possible in this
crazy world,” says a film industry
calling me a milf. No one wants to be
someone’s fetish!
becoming paid for, for once. I wish I’d thought
of it sooner, I could have cashed in
the film. They approached Spacey in
January, six months after he had
insider who doesn’t want to be named.
“If you listen to the Italians, they
There is an anxiety that goes with
being the older woman. We don’t all
someone’s my youth and found a rich older
husband, instead of spending my
been acquitted. They hope to start
shooting in November, but the film
would have him back instantly, but
there’s an awful lot of murkiness
look like Sienna Miller. With younger mother pension on sugar babies. has yet to receive financing, which around it. I think it would be tricky.”
4 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

cover story

Swoon! He’s the totally teenage

As Tom Holland does the Bard in the West End, Jake Helm
and Susie Goldsbrough join his fans in the stalls and track
his rise from ballet brat to web-slinging screen superhero

hus with a kiss I tickets. “I just have to see him,” said has clearly crafted this production
die.” Or should that Zoe, a 20-year-old musical theatre with a younger crowd in mind. Taking
be a radioactive student from Essex who’d spent two their seats before the performance, the
spider bite? Spider- hours in a virtual queue for one of the teens head-bopped along to the kind
Man swung his way golden handful of £25 tickets (the of techno beats that coincidentally —
into the West End official top price is £275, but you can or otherwise — provide the
this week as the easily spend £600 on the secondary soundtrack to Zendaya’s latest big-
teen heart-throb market). “He’s a great actor, he’s good- screen hit, the sexy tennis drama
and Marvel superstar Tom Holland looking, what more do you want?” said Challengers. Nor is it much of a spoiler
unveiled his Romeo in Jamie Lloyd’s Migle, a 23-year-old Marvel fan from to point out that Lloyd has deployed
new West End production of the star- Lithuania who had been one of the giant-screen close-ups of the actors’
crossed lovers’ story. And although he first 1,000 in the virtual ticket queue. faces in real time, even following
might have left his Spidey suit at home Asked if she also liked Shakespeare, them backstage at points.
and stopped short of webbing his way she was confused. “Who?” Not everyone was taken in. “What
up Juliet’s balcony, as a sweaty, Fans had travelled from all over — do the cameras add?” wondered
grinning, muscled-up Holland made from Belgium to Baltimore — to see Damien, a frustrated 34-year-old
his bows at the end of Tuesday’s night their hero on stage. But serious Belgian, in the interval. He also
preview, it was clear whom the feminists will be pleased to hear that lamented the compressed script and
whooping, whistling and strikingly quite a few seemed more interested in minimalist staging. Another group of
teenage audience had come for. Don’t Holland’s girlfriend than his teenagers we talked to didn’t know
sweat it, Shakespeare — leave this one performance. “We’re really Zendaya that the original play contains a
to Spider-Man. fans. We love them as a couple,” said couple of fight scenes, which have
There’s a long (and not entirely 28-year-old Katie, sipping a large glass been virtually excised from this
glorious) history of glitzy celebrities of white on the theatre balcony with version. “Oh, that would have been
venturing into West End or Broadway two friends. She’d spent four hours in cool,” one 18-year-old said wistfully.
theatres, bringing ready-built flocks of the virtual queue and paid £90 a ticket There are appreciative whoops
their fans in exchange for a magic (“a lot for bad seats”). when Holland is at his most Spidey-
dusting of theatrical prestige. “We’re very tall and we love that like. Fans have enthused about the
Sometimes it works: in the past year Zendaya’s dating someone shorter shots of him staring moodily out
the Sex and the City star than her [Zendaya is 5ft 10in while from the theatre’s roof, as a Marvel
Sarah Jessica Parker’s Plaza Suite, the Holland is 5ft 8in]. I don’t think I’d hero would. “God, he’s sexy,” one girl
Pussycat Dolls pop star Nicole muttered behind us as Romeo shed
Scherzinger’s Sunset Boulevard his baggy hoodie to reveal a gym-
(another Lloyd production) and the honed torso beneath a skimpy white
Succession villainess Sarah Snook’s tank top. Another mentioned the
Picture of Dorian Gray have charmed Asked if she liked chemistry between him and his Juliet,
crowds and critics alike.
But Holland is something new, a Shakespeare, a played by Francesca Amewudah-
Rivers, whose casting provoked racist
teen idol (he may have reached the
grand old age of 27, but his fans
23-year-old fan abuse and forced the show’s producers
to release a statement. Meanwhile the
certainly haven’t) whose casting is a
clear attempt to attract a much
said: ‘Who?’ women who told us that they fell for
Holland after watching his viral lip-
younger crowd. Through his have done that at 23,” said Lori, 39, sync performance of Rihanna’s
relationship with his Spider-Man from Maryland, who was there with Umbrella were presumably delighted
co-star Zendaya, Holland is one half of her sister. They had paid £165 each — when, during a moment of loved-up
Gen Z’s favourite celebrity couple — “that includes champagne and ice exuberance, Romeo broke briefly into
between them the pair have about cream” — and resold a spare ticket a crotch-clutching hip grind.
250 million Instagram followers. Will two days earlier for £250. “I think I Yet it’s not the first time that
Holland loosen up (and pack out) the could have got more,” she said. Holland has hoofed across the West
increasingly silver-haired West End? Lloyd is considered something of a End stage. Long before Spider-Man, as
Can Spider-Man do Shakespeare? theatrical rainmaker. The 44-year-old a child he would bop around the living
The preshow buzz at a preview this director’s hits include his 2019 room of his Kingston-upon-Thames
week was promising: scrunchie- Broadway revival of Betrayal starring home to his favourite tunes. Then, on From top: Tom Holland with Naomi Watts and Samuel Joslin
ponytailed teens flooded the Tom Hiddleston, and 2022’s Cyrano Saturday mornings, with his two in The Impossible (2012); with Saoirse Ronan in How I Live
auditorium, thrilled to have nabbed de Bergerac with James McAvoy. He brothers he would attend hip-hop Now (2013); and on stage in Billy Elliot The Musical in 2010

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the times | Friday May 17 2024 5

cover story

hip-grinding Romeo in a hoodie

possible,” says Jon Watts, the director
of Holland and Zendaya’s three Spider-
Man films. Later he revealed to the
director how much pain he was in.
Holland and Zendaya’s relationship
was made public in 2021 when
paparazzi captured them kissing in a
car at a red light in Los Angeles. But
it came as little surprise to Watts.
“They made each other laugh. It made
things easier while filming — that
affection that you see between them
on screen is real.”
The pair reportedly own a £3 million
six-bedroom pad in Richmond,
southwest London. Locals have
spotted them popping into Gail’s
bakery and Waitrose to peruse the
tinned goods aisle. On Instagram
Holland recently posted a poster of
Challengers with the comment: “I
know what I’m doing this weekend.”
Why return to the stage now?
Holland has had onscreen misfires
trying to shed his superhero suit — if
you’ve watched Cherry or Crowded
Room, in which he plays, respectively,
a heroin addict and a mentally
disturbed criminal, you’re quite
classes at a leisure centre in For Kevin Macdonald’s apocalyptic unusual. It wasn’t just the bad reviews
Wimbledon, where, at the age teen romance How I Live Now, which of the latter drama that took their toll.
of nine, he was advised to try also starred the rising stars Saoirse He said: “The mental aspect really
out for the hit musical Billy Elliot. Ronan and George MacKay, the beat me up and it took a long time for
“He just had that something that director knew “right away” that he me to recover afterwards, to sort of get
is so difficult to explain,” wanted to cast Holland. “He had the back to reality.” He went to Formula 1
says Lynne Page, the choreographer otherworldly combination of races, played golf and tried therapy.
who ran the dance school and charisma, openness and self- Last year Holland said he had given up
pointed him out to Stephen Daldry, confidence,” he says. drinking after he became “really
the director of the show. “He was Then came the role of Spider-Man. worried” he had an alcohol problem.
concentrated, focused, consistent and But the films will keep coming. A
had a natural movement style. It’s not fourth Spider-Man movie seems
easy for a young boy to attend a dance inevitable, and the actor is set to play
class — and stick with it.” Fred Astaire in a biopic directed by
Page sat down with the actor and his He saw off an Paul King, the brains behind
parents, Nicola, a photographer, and
Dominic, a stand-up comedian. She estimated 7,500 Paddington and Wonka. In a 2017
interview conducted by, erm, Zendaya,
warned them about the arduous
training needed to play Billy, and how
hopefuls to play Holland said: “The 20-year goal is to
be a film director. The 15-year goal is
they must shield him from any
disappointment. He had delivered an
Spider-Man to win an Oscar.”
Now, though, come the star-
“extraordinary acting audition”, The casting director Sarah Finn and crossed lovers. The Mirror has
Daldry says, impressing him and the her team saw an estimated 7,500 reported that Lloyd’s staging will
choreographer Peter Darling with his hopefuls for Spidey, reportedly transfer to Broadway after 12 weeks
“balletic shapes and innate rhythm”, including Timothée Chalamet and in London. That’s a lot of rhyming
but needed to perfect his ballet. Sex Education’s Asa Butterfield. Over couplets. Watts believes “he will get
He trained for two years to ensure several months Holland went to satisfaction from having that ability
he landed the part, practising seven auditions. Finn reveals that she to act night in and night out, flat out,
pliés, tendus and relevés in had already spotted him in The on stage. He knows what he’s doing.”
tights while other kids at his Impossible and was confident that after Page puts it more simply: “I think his
Catholic boys’ school in Billy Elliot he would have “the Romeo will break many hearts.”
Wimbledon looked through the dedication and discipline to work in a Throughout the performance the
windows or played rugby. He production like this”. laughter, gasps and groans suggested
was bullied for it, but “it’s But it wasn’t until his screen test an audience seduced by a clever piece
just what I had to do if I with Robert Downey Jr that Holland of casting — for Holland’s totally
wanted to get this job”, he stood out from the rest. In the teenage Romeo, with his mood swings,
later said. Soon Holland was on scene Iron Man (Downey Jr) surprises his mumblings, his nosedive into love
stage, first as Michael, Billy’s friend, the teenager with an offer to help him and despair, turns out to be,
and then, in 2008, as Billy. to fight Captain America. “Not only essentially, Spider-Man. At least an
A first screen break for Holland did Holland hold his own, he was iambic pentameter Spider-Man.
came as one of Naomi Watts’s sons in confident, funny and capable of “He needs to come out in his
the tsunami drama The Impossible. bouncing the metaphorical ball right Spider-Man suit,” one wit quipped at
The casting director Shaheen Baig, back,” Finn explains. “He could make the stage door afterwards as the crowd
also responsible for casting all six Spider-Man deeply human, then clogged up St Martin’s Lane, desperate
series of Peaky Blinders, watched seamlessly also bring the strength and for a sighting. The previous night
hundreds of audition tapes and was nobility of a superhero.” For his Holland had done his own impromptu
struggling to find a young boy who second screen test Holland entered balcony scene from the theatre
didn’t “hide their emotions”. She — to everyone’s surprise — with an terrace. This time he just gave a
rewatched the tapes, only stopping aerial flip. In June 2016 he got the brief wave then hopped into his
when she saw Holland’s. Baig and the job. (Marvel’s Stan Lee, co-creator of chauffeured car.
film’s director, JA Bayona, invited him Spider-Man, said Holland was the Oh well. There never was a story of
to an audition where they “pushed “exact age and height” he envisioned more web and woe than this of Juliet
him to quite difficult places when he first wrote the character.) and her Romeo. If only Zendaya had
Tom Holland with Zendaya, his emotionally but he responded so The first week of filming was mostly been there to see it.
girlfriend and Spider-Man co-star, brilliantly”, she says. “He was mature stunt scenes. “He was so gung-ho and Romeo and Juliet is at the Duke of
and, top right, as the webslinger and grounded for someone so young.” wanted to do as many takes as York’s Theatre, WC2, to August 3
6 Friday May 17 2024 | the times


Scott Thomas saves the holiday the classic film
Hannie Caulder (1971)
15, 82min
The star stops a
This Raquel Welch western is one of
trip to Greece from Tarantino’s favourite films and it’s
easy to see why. It’s not just because
being a Mamma of the Kill Bill-style central drama
about the murderous misadventures
Mia! also-ran, of Welch’s eponymous rancher
turned gunslinger. It’s the
says Kevin Maher surrounding material that’s quietly
magnificent, and it includes a deeply
lovely performance from
he “holiday porn” season Christopher Lee at his most

T begins in earnest with this

affable tale of Aegean island-
hopping for three French
female friends. Technically,
by genre, it’s more of a MAWITS
entry. You know, middle-aged women
in the sun movies — think Mamma
naturalistic and unaffected as a
kindly gunsmith called Bailey.
Then there’s Stephen Boyd from
Ben-Hur, entirely wordless yet
black-clad and ridiculously suave
as a mysterious sharpshooter called
the Preacher. And watch out for
Mia!, Love Is All You Need, Under the Diana Dors playing a brothel
Tuscan Sun, Adore. The big draw is madam, delivering an ear-shattering
Kristin Scott Thomas, proving yet scream when Caulder executes her
again that she’s more interesting and first villain.
unleashed in French movies than in The violence is gory, splattery and
anything available on the home front. very 1970s, and there’s a misstep
Here she plays Bijou, a hippy sequence — part comedy, part sleaze
hedonist and jewellery designer who — featuring Welch and a pair of
lives in a fabulous villa in Mykonos shrink-to-fit cowboy chaps. But
and is hiding a painful secret. When otherwise this is an important, even
she bursts into the film, racing down The sequences pre-KST are fine, if Frivolous fun: Olivia Blue. The friends are Blandine (Olivia definitive, entry in the canon of
the harbour wall on a quad bike, her unremarkable, and concern two Côte, Laure Calamy, Côte) and Magalie (Laure Calamy kick-ass female avenger flicks. KM
long white locks flowing manically in former childhood friends who reunite Kristin Scott Thomas from Call My Agent!), and they are On Blu-ray from May 20, and
the wind, you know that she’s going to in adulthood and hatch an impulsive and Panos Koronis catastrophically mismatched. streaming on Prime Video
have an impact. There’s just one snag. plan to visit Amorgos in the Cyclades, Blandine is an introspective and
By then you’re an hour in. the site of their favourite film, The Big depressed radiographer who’s reeling
from her divorce two years earlier.
Magalie is an extroverted
nymphomaniac who’s jarring, loud and
Two Tickets abrasive, and proudly reveals that her
to Greece nickname back home is “tinnitus”.
15, 111min This chalk-and-cheese dynamic
{{{(( pushes our protagonists into
arguments, scrapes with authorities,
parties and near-romances with hunky
Belgian surfers — until finally, at the
60-minute mark, everyone’s favourite
Four Weddings scene-stealer arrives to
save the day.
Scott Thomas’s character, as
conceived by the writer-director Marc
Fitoussi (another Call My Agent!
alumnus), is a godsend, and grounds
the movie in something more earthy
and less frivolous than was initially
evident. The tear-jerking finale, alas, is Strother Martin, Jack Elam,
slightly overdone. Raquel Welch and Ernest Borgnine
In cinemas

Luna Carmoon, the debutant writer- between young Maria and her loose
director of this mesmerically strange cannon mother, played by Hayley
Hoard drama, claims she secretly sprayed its Squires. The second finds the unruly
18, 126min set with a perfume smelling of semen, teenage Maria living with a more
{{{{( sweat, milk and blood, which may conventional foster mother, Michelle
explain the instinctively unhinged (Samantha Spiro), getting high and
performances she draws from her cast. becoming fascinated by Michael,
Set in the Eighties and Nineties, Hoard Michelle’s 29-year-old former charge
is the story of the traumatised free (Joseph Quinn). Her birth mother is
spirit Maria, played at the age of 8 by still in her head though.
Lily-Beau Leach and at 18 by Saura There’s some of the sweaty
Lightfoot Leon, who gives an claustrophobia of Andrea Arnold’s Fish
extraordinary performance. Tank and the warped domesticity of
Carmoon has said the film began Andrew Birkin’s The Cement Garden,
as a suicide note when she had but Carmoon is very much her own
lockdown-induced depression and that film-maker. The scene in which Maria
the act of writing it may have saved and Michael rampage through the
her, and there’s certainly an house, she playing bull to his
authenticity to Maria’s emotional bullfighter, is a thrilling cinematic
odyssey. The first part details the fever dream. EP
close, riotously creative relationship In cinemas
the times | Friday May 17 2024 7

film reviews

Ryan Reynolds, Cailey

Fleming and their
invisible monster mates

Furry fable from a sure-footed softie

arents, meet your next Inc., to Blossom, a posh, arch, knights duel with a dragon and Bea

rainy-day buster. the big film humanoid butterfly. leads a razzle-dazzle music routine
Featuring Ryan Bea decides to help Calvin in his with a virtual Tina Turner. Back at the
Reynolds in goofily
melancholic mode, one
John Krasinski’s film about forlorn mission to help to find new
children for the defunct IFs who are
hospital, Krasinski’s character tries to
lighten the pre-op mood with a series
of the starriest
supporting casts in
imaginary friends has a big cast languishing in the Memory Lane
retirement home on Coney Island.
of appalling dad jokes, hiding in a
cupboard and dancing with his saline-
recent memory and
a van-sized furry purple monster (including his wife, Emily Blunt) The air is thick with famous voices:
Blue is played by Steve Carell,
drip stand. “You gotta stop,” Bea says.
“Never!” he replies.
called Blue, IF is a children’s fantasy Krasinski’s old boss from The Office It’s by no means flawless. The large
of wistful wonder and another and a bigger heart. By Ed Potton US, and Blossom by Phoebe Waller- cast doesn’t give much room for
satisfying chapter in the career of the Bridge. In addition, Krasinski and character development, and there is
actor/film-maker John Krasinski. Reynolds have roped in their wives, some subtle narrative signposting that
Having proved himself a horror friendly), but instead stands for Emily Blunt and Blake Lively, and a may be lost on younger viewers, as
director with the first two Quiet Place imaginary friend. When her dad goes string of A-list mates to play other IFs. well as a few gaps in plausibility. Why
films, Krasinski moves into mushier IF into hospital for a heart operation — George Clooney is an astronaut; Amy is the preteen Bea left to wander
terrain with the surefootedness of a U, 104min this girl is put through the wringer — Schumer is a gummy bear; Matt around New York for several days
massive softie. What links the two {{{{( Bea moves in with her grandma, Damon is a sunflower. Bradley Cooper accompanied only by invisible
projects is family and loss: while played by Fiona Shaw with a mostly channels his Oscar-chasing thespian monsters?
the dad was chomped by aliens in A American accent, in her Brooklyn zeal into portraying a talking ice cube Plausibility is not the point here,
Quiet Place, in IF it’s the mum who Heights apartment. in a glass of water. though — it’s a film featuring a talking
dies from cancer in an Up-style Living in the same building is Calvin The script, written by Krasinski ice cube. IF is a wonky, big-hearted
prologue. Fast forward a few years (Reynolds), who is one of the few from a concept he dreamt up with fairytale that, crucially, evokes a world
and Bea (an astute Cailey Fleming), adults who can see IFs: creatures that Reynolds — I picture them on Malibu adults don’t understand. There’s a
12, and her pop (Krasinski) are putting help their assigned kids through sunloungers, margaritas in hand — is sense of delayed gratification when it
on their brave faces. childhood but who are forgotten when big on the power of childish creativity. comes to the emotional payoffs and a
Note that both letters of the film’s the children grow up. Bea discovers As Memory Lane and its residents sweet final twist that will be guessable
title are capitalised — IF has nothing that she can see them too, from the are revitalised by Bea’s rampant for grown-ups but less so for children,
to do with Lindsay Anderson’s If …. loveably cack-handed Blue, who looks imagination, the film blooms into life. who may squeal with delight.
(which was nobody’s idea of family- like the cousin of Sully in Monsters, Calvin bursts from a painter’s canvas, In cinemas

this portrait of the actress, an unpublished memoir that was solace Pallenberg found in the
model and Rolling Stones discovered posthumously by her son, nurturing company of Keith Richards.
Catching Fire: “muse” Anita Pallenberg is so Marlon, who features prominently. We also get some clarity on her
The Story of shocking. The co-directors Alexis Bloom and relationship with Mick Jagger.
It’s a near two-hour exposé, Svetlana Zill have cannily hired The film is strong on her part in
Anita Pallenberg endlessly fascinating yet Scarlett Johansson, one of the great Stones lore: how she seemingly
15, 115min
punishing as we chart the movie voices, to narrate excerpts inspired Richards to write Gimme
{{{{( downfall and drugs-based from the tome. Pallenberg’s knockout Shelter and Jagger to write You Can’t
Be careful what you wish destruction of this pivotal intro states: “I’ve been called a witch, Always Get What You Want. But it
for. At a time when the countercultural figure. The real a slut and a murderer. I’ve been dwells mostly on the wreck of her
biographical documentary kicker? It’s not even a hatchet hounded by the police and slandered personal life with Richards, their
format is under threat job from partisan commentators in the press.” Then comes the hopelessness as parents and the dark
from branded Netflix dross or deranged Stones fans. The announcement: “I don’t need to settle days that culminated in the suicide
such as Beckham, Arnold narrative is built around the scores. I’m reclaiming my soul.” of their teenage groundsman
and Gaga: Five Foot Two, words of Pallenberg, culled from It’s a bold tease, but what follows is Scott Cantrell in 1979. It’s impossibly
the very concept of an the reclamation of a legend that pivots bleak in places. But there is, it seems,
unvarnished celebrity profile The actress is voiced by around her relationship with Brian truth here. KM
seems obsolete. That is why Scarlett Johansson Jones, his abusive behaviour and the In cinemas
8 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

music reviews

At 22, Eilish is an old soul New Kids on the Block

Still Kids
Kate Hudson

forging a whole new sound BMG

The original Eighties boy band are
definitely not still kids, which becomes
Kate Hudson’s place in rock’n’roll
history is assured. As Penny Lane,
obvious after one listen to the groupie/muse for the mediocre rockers
The singer’s third Massachusetts-raised five-piece’s use Stillwater, she was the breakout star of
of dated production effects and the 2000 movie Almost Famous. Penny
album is testament Eighties-style rapping. Lane surely had a great album in her
Still, there’s a certain peppy charm freedom-loving soul — something that
to both her youth to their returning album, just as your
dad dancing at a wedding can be
might have sounded like Janis Joplin
jamming with the Rolling Stones. All
and maturity, says embarrassing yet loveable. Kids
celebrates the fact they’re still small-
these years later, and after hitting the
Hollywood mainstream, Hudson has
Will Hodgkinson town kids to a tinny beat and the odd
Coldplay style “wuh-oh”, while In the
made her own musical debut.
She certainly hasn’t contravened the
Night revives the yacht rock spirit of Trade Descriptions Act. This is,
hat is it like Hall & Oates with a synthesizer-led unquestionably, music: guitars chug

to be a tale of an illicit liaison after dark. along, drums keep a solid beat,
home- Donnie Wahlberg called this “the backing vocalists get vaguely soulful.
schooled kid most mature album we’ve ever made”, Hudson delivers a perfectly
from Los which makes you wonder what serviceable impression of someone
Angeles arrested development they’re suffering giving it her all as she asks a guy if he’s
who started through, but the unabashed cheesiness going to come up to her house (Gonna
writing and uncool enthusiasm brings its own Find Out) or tells another one that his
songs with her elder brother, Finneas, reward. If nothing else, this has lies have got him into hot water (Fire).
at 13, only to witness those songs, with nostalgic appeal for NKOTB fans. With help from the established hit-
their unlikely blend of bossa nova, maker Linda Perry, who has worked
musical theatre, Beatlesesque pop and with Christina Aguilera and Gwen
gothic drama, becoming massive Stefani, the songwriting is pretty solid,
global hits? On her third album Eilish if unremarkable. The Nineties honours
lets us know, while also dealing with Jack Savoretti its title by sounding like an Alanis
coming out, body issues and the Miss Italia Morissette-style emotional pop-rocker,
inescapable pressures of being a role Absolute but as if it were written as the theme
model to millions of people she has {{{(( tune to a Netflix rom-com. The
never met. And she’s still only 22. of step with the brash, synthetic mood problem is that nothing feels truly
The maturity of Eilish’s vision is on pop of contemporary pop. Even when she Having convincing. As a result, this comes
display, as is her refusal to take the heads toward dance music on Chihiro, built a across as something Hudson
easy route towards conventional pop. Billie Eilish she does so in a way that is more reputation thought would be a fun thing to
Skinny features nothing more than Hit Me Hard suited to chilling on a beach than as a do, rather than an expunging of her
acoustic guitar and a touch of strings getting messy at a rave. smooth- very soul.
against Eilish’s light, pure voice, as she and Soft There is also a rather traditional voiced Of course, if you want undemanding
deals with other people’s concerns Interscope quality, despite its S&M-leaning title, balladeer with soft rock à la Stevie Nicks from a
about her weight, feeling like a bird in {{{{( to the album. It is ten songs long: a an old-fashioned, charismatic Hollywood star, Glorious
a cage, and the possibility that she rarity for a leading pop star in an age Frank Sinatra-like is perfectly . . . well, not exactly
may have already passed her career when chucking out lots of tracks at quality, Savoretti, whose father is glorious, but at the very least
peak, all within the framework of a once means dominating streaming Italian, has recorded his first album in inoffensive. The title track is a
sweet love song. Lunch is an services on the week of release. There the language. And he really goes for it. twinkling piano ballad with a phones-
unequivocal expression of lesbian lust are stylistic touches from decades On Come Posso Raccontare he sounds aloft sense of yearning. Live Forever
set to a thumping bass and a sultry past: The Diner has an oompah- like an Italian Joe Cocker, while the is sadly not a cover of the Oasis
funk beat. This is going to be a staple oompah sound that would not be out title track is a sentimental homage to classic but a sweet love song with a
in gay bars for years to come. of place on the soundtrack to Cabaret the country he misses (geddit?) now catchy chorus.
For the most part Eilish plays it cool. and the gliding dream-pop in Blue that he lives in the English Then you start noticing the vocal
Vocals are subdued, arrangements recalls the hazy, empty atmosphere countryside. Guests come and go, mannerisms employed to denote
exhibit classical elegance, expressions of Twin Peaks. among them the Scouse good-time feeling, the dips in pitch on Gonna
of love are romantic rather than Eilish has displayed impressive guy Miles Kane and the Nineties pop Find Out, the throaty croaks on Talk
explicit. Birds of a Feather floats along confidence by making such a sensation Natalie Imbruglia. But the About Love, the breathy moments
on a cloud of infatuation, while The Leyla McCalla characterful work at the height of simple appeal is in the romance of on Not Easy to Know, and the whole
Greatest is a light jazz tune about The singer-songwriter her career. She may be addressing Savoretti’s voice and the way the thing falls apart. Hudson has every
unrequited love that builds into a blends classic folk and young concerns, but she’s an old soul. mellifluous, jazz-inflected music right to make an album and hopefully
yearning power ballad. west African rhythms That comes across in an album that makes you want to go to Rome, ride she had a great time doing it. Glorious
For all Eilish’s global popularity, this on her new album. builds an impressionistic world that’s about on a Vespa and pretend you’re does, however, come across as the very
mostly acoustic album is strangely out entirely her own. in La Dolce Vita. essence of a vanity project.

This conductor knows the secret to truly sizzling Sibelius

n 1940 the American composer Sibelius conductors around. Part of his YNS’s mastery of the two related chords. Maybe Thomson in his

I and critic Virgil Thomson couldn’t

see the point of Sibelius. “Vulgar,
self-indulgent and provincial
beyond all description.” That was
his nutshell comment on the Finnish
master’s Second Symphony, one of the
most popular of his seven. The
Yannick Nézet-
Atma Classique
excellence stems from the close bond
between conductor and
orchestra, sealed in 2000
and, on paper at least,
set to continue for
lifetime, despite his
essentials in Sibelius’s symphonic
language. One is a firm
control of the music’s
quirky ebb and flow.
The other is the ability
to build and maintain
tension. The finale of
afterlife could think again?
Sibelius wasn’t one of the British
composer Anthony Payne’s special
gods: he veered more towards Elgar
and other early 20th-century English
masters, whose influences keep
popping up in selected bars of the
question is, would Thomson have commitments the Second, a work three thoughtful and fascinating
rejigged his opinion had he lived to elsewhere (the New shallowly described orchestral pieces presented here in
hear Sibelius conducted by Yannick Anthony Payne York Metropolitan in the programme past BBC recordings. Andrew Davis,
Nézet-Séguin, right? Visions and Opera for one). note as “sunny and who died in April, conducts the title
The latest release in the Canadian’s Journeys Everyone in Montreal joyful”, provides a good work, Visions and Journeys, the most
symphony cycle, taken from live NMC thinks, breathes and feels example of both. Yet it’s immediately enjoyable, although in
performances with the Orchestre {{{{( in sync, although there’s an outclassed by his electrifying every case I sat engrossed by Payne’s
Métropolitain of Montreal, contains added glory when the music’s delivery of Symphony No 5, unshowy ability to cast a spell and
the Second and the equally popular argument is majestically conveyed by through all the score’s twists and turns be modern and romantic at the
Fifth, and confirms Nézet-Séguin’s the horns, trumpets and trombones. from the magical opening horn calls to same time.
status as one of the most persuasive The key ingredient, however, is those towering closing chiselled Geoff Brown
the times | Friday May 17 2024 9

first night
thespian and drink-sodden master of
pop misrule. The Irish actor Robert opera
Sheehan lacks Grant’s imperious
Dionne Warwick voice but as he staggers about from Hallé/Elder
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, WC2 one self-inflicted mishap to another Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
{{{(( we gradually fall for his dubious {{{{(

tage left was a vast sofa; stage charms. Adonis Siddique, as his long- ttending this afternoon
right three backing musicians suffering friend Marwood, is very good concert was like stepping
sat patiently. For this show value too. Appalled by his pal’s antics, into the world of yesterday.
the veteran singer Dionne he occasionally aims melancholy Mark Elder conducted the
Warwick spent a lot more time soliloquies at the audience. Best of all, Hallé in tenderly nostalgic
on the sofa talking about the hits of a Malcolm Sinclair makes for a performances of English classics by
fabled career rather than singing memorably fruity Uncle Monty, the George Butterworth (A Shropshire
them. The first half featured just two leering old public school aesthete who Lad) and Edward Elgar (Enigma
songs — Don’t Make Me Over, the hit is determined to seduce Marwood Variations), as well as an ardently
that started it all, and a lightly jazzed after the two friends escape cold, romantic interpretation of Dvorak’s
I Say a Little Prayer. This was duetted grimy Camden Town and find refuge Scherzo capriccioso. You could imagine
with her son, David Elliott, whose in his Lake District cottage. It’s a the orchestra playing the repertoire at
soulful delivery threatened to steal a midweek matinee 100 years ago.
the limelight. It was fitting, then, that the concert’s
Warwick’s voice is a shadow of its new work was called The World of
supple Sixties glory. The Burt Yesterday. Stephen Hough, its
Bacharach ballads may be immortal, A convincing composer, pinched the title from
but vocal cords are not and her tone
was often harsh, the pitching wayward. replica of the Stefan Zweig’s memoir of life in
Vienna before the First World War,
Well, she is 83 and her UK “farewell”
tour was two years ago.
Camberwell though Zweig penned it decades later,
after he had fled the Nazis. He posted
How to present artists whose powers
have waned but are still beloved is a
carrot is served it to his publisher the day before he
and his wife committed suicide.
challenge as old as showbusiness itself. measure of Sinclair’s comedic skills These dark shadows don’t really
Nina Simone, BB King, Sinatra, that he banishes memories of the late, appear in Hough’s mostly joyous
Satchmo … they all played a tour too great Richard Griffiths. 20-minute piano concerto, which has
many. Not everyone wishes, let alone Sean Foley’s production gambols a virtuosic solo part clearly written for
can afford, to be an Abba avatar, so along. It was a clever decision to add a himself to play. But Zweig’s nostalgia
this format, billed as “in person and in Robert Sheehan as Withnail and Adonis Siddique as Marwood live band, who occasionally take for a past epoch that is seemingly
her own words with live band” seemed centre stage and also supply a Sixties irretrievable is most certainly a factor
a reasonable compromise. It was as soundtrack from behind the scenes. in the music. We are returned to a
much fan convention as gig, and you
can imagine Taylor Swift doing the
same in, oh, 2075.
The evening relied heavily on
excerpts from a documentary, Dionne
Let’s drink to The four members — Morgan
Philpott, Matt Devitt, Adam Sopp
and Sooz Kempner — also play
supporting roles, including Jake the
Poacher, the grim fellow who walks
world of tonality and tunefulness in
which a Viennese waltz can provide
the theme for a series of delicious
variations and the orchestra can open
with a tune that seems plucked from
Warwick: Don’t Make Me Over. Scenes
were cued up by its director, Dave
Wooley, who shared the couch
with the singer. We heard about the
stories of her early rise, her role in the
Withnail again around with an eel in his pocket. As
the spaced-out dealer Danny, Adam
Young serves up a convincing replica
of the Camberwell carrot spliff.
Sticking closely to the screenplay
golden age Hollywood.
At first the piece seems loosely
constructed. After that orchestral
opening, with the piano silent,
everything stops except the soloist,
battle against Aids and the time she Bruce Robinson’s adaptation of his 1987 means there are an awful lot of scene who rhapsodises alone for minutes.
showed Snoop Dogg the error of his changes but they’re mostly done with You wonder whether piano and
gangsta ways. comedy delivers the goods, says Clive Davis aplomb. Alice Power’s designs make orchestra will ever interact. But
But what may have irked some imaginative use of scrims to conjure Hough’s compositional craft is subtler

ticket holders stumping up hefty ere comes another screen- up the different locations alongside than these initial impressions suggest.
West End prices is that the 2021 theatre to-stage adaptation, just Akhila Krishnan’s atmospheric video The harmonies grow more complex,
documentary has been available for days after adaptations of projections and Jessica Hung Han and the ending is a pulsating dialogue
free on iPlayer for some time. Little of Withnail and I Spirited Away and Minority Yun’s lighting. Hardcore fans can rest between soloist and band.
what was said here would have been Birmingham Rep (135min) Report. In addition, Fawlty assured that the battered Jaguar Mark The “world of yesterday” sometimes
news to anyone with the BBC app, or {{{{( Towers has been exhumed and a 2 makes an appearance too, albeit in looms larger than Hough perhaps
indeed who had read the interview version of the French film The Artist sawn-off form. intended. The influence of
with her in this paper last month. has its press night next week. It’s The audience cheered along at Rachmaninov’s Paganini Variations
Finally Warwick abandoned the certainly a sign that theatre is in a “we want the finest wines available to seems fairly evident, and Hough’s use
couch and joined the band for a run- cautious frame of mind as it continues humanity” and other classic lines, of the waltz as metaphor for fin de
through of hits: Walk on By, Anyone its recovery from lockdown. although I couldn’t help wincing when siècle decadence can’t help but remind
Who Had a Heart and Alfie. A mass That grumble aside, the good news Monty complained about his former you of Ravel, Richard Strauss,
singalong from the adoring crowd is that Bruce Robinson’s adaptation of agent as “this dreadful little Israelite”. Bernstein and a few others. But that
enveloped the (sometimes uncertain) his own film, one of the funniest of Perhaps that’s one sliver of period doesn’t spoil the fun. Hough has gifted
notes coming through the mike. British comedies, still delivers plenty detail that could be jettisoned. The himself a concerto that will entertain
John Bungey of manic fun — yes, even without the rest is spot-on. audiences wherever he takes it.
Touring to Sunday, irreplaceable Richard E Grant in the Clive Davis Richard Morrison role of Withnail, the unemployed To May 25, Repeated on Sunday,

earning a language as an adult lives in Canada. Eighteen-year-old individuals. As they practise tongue
theatre is a battle. Your voice feels Goli (Sara Hazemi) has wanted to twisters, study English songs, improve
alien; the words can’t quite learn a language since she was young. and regress we get to know them as if
English find their shape. Sanaz Toossi’s Star of the class Omid (Nojan Khazai), we were part of the class. While their
The Other Place, Stratford- 2023 Pulitzer prizewinning who suspiciously speaks English with tentative speech is fertile ground for
upon-Avon (90min) drama, having its European premiere almost no accent, has an upcoming US comedy, Toossi stops it feeling cruel.
{{{{{ presented by the RSC, articulates this green card interview. When their Instead we get a little insight into
struggle in meticulous detail. It’s set in teacher Marjan (Nadia Albina), who their minds. When the students
a 2008 classroom in Karaj, Iran, at a lived in Manchester for nine years and speak Farsi they talk easily, fluidly;
time of travel restrictions and is gradually forgetting her once when they speak English it is accented
generational migration, where a group flawless English, decides to ban their and jerky. We understand it all —
of students arrive for a triweekly native Farsi the students’ identities are until a final, genius scene forces
preparation lesson for the English as thrown into question. Does learning a the audience into the position of
a foreign language test. language mean giving up the person non-fluency. It is a masterful way of
Each of the four students has a you are? dramatising the experience of being
different motive. Elham (Serena The director Diyan Zora’s a linguistic outsider, shut out from
Manteghi) has won a provisional place production is small in scope but in one the conversation and struggling to
at medical school in Australia. Roya tiny classroom it gives each know more.
(Lanna Joffrey) wants to be able to personality the space they need. Anya Ryan
communicate effortlessly with her Toossi’s skill as a writer lies in making Serena Manteghi as Elham in Sanaz To June 1, then the Kiln theatre,
granddaughter, who was born and her characters multilayered Toossi’s Pulitzer prizewinning drama NW6, June 5-29,
10 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

first night
dance opera
Ballet Black L’Olimpiade
Barbican (95min) Linbury, Royal Opera House (160min)
{{{(( {{{{(

he two works on Ballet he evening felt a little cursed.
Black’s new double bill, There was an onstage illness,
HEROES, can be viewed as with one cast member
having a common theme — having to walk their part, an
the desire to honour the offstage medical emergency,
unsung heroism of those who struggle which briefly held up the show before
to get through the challenges of the interval, and I was a little bit
everyday life. This is vague enough under the weather myself … But the
to cover all eventualities, which it gods were still smiling on this
does here. production of L’Olimpiade, Irish
In If at First Sophie Laplane takes National Opera’s second collaboration
inspiration from Jean-Michel with the Royal Opera House on some
Basquiat’s painting Eroica and lesser-known Vivaldi after their
Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony to ask award-winning staging of his Bajazet
what it means to be a hero. The in 2022.
soundtrack includes excerpts from the Supported by the slick and
symphony along with 21st-century unobtrusive Irish Baroque Orchestra
compositions of a less classical and under Peter Whelan, this relative
more nervy disposition. The balletic rarity resounded with some excellent
choreography for nine dancers (in singing and even better acting. This
unflattering white underwear) features was aided by some sophisticated
vignettes that highlight life’s struggles Tamsin Greig, with Nicholas Farrell, excels as Hester, one half of a couple in an unhappy love affair decisions from the director Daisy
while, as Laplane says, “celebrating the Evans, and the set and costume
persistence and perseverance of the designer Molly O’Cathain, who made
human spirit”. In between we get
scenes of chaos and discord, in which
dancers rush around making a greedy
grab for a crown that represents
power. Why?
She’ll sweep you away the most of the opera’s setting —
during the ancient Greek Olympics.
Taking place in the round of what
looked like an amphitheatre seen from
afar, against a backdrop alternately

The best parts are the pas de deux, Tamsin Greig is erence Rattigan wrote The in front of the gas fire after a suicide backlit terracotta and deep-sea blue,
be they confrontational or consoling, Deep Blue Sea in 1952 after attempt, it’s quickly eclipsed by the the opera (very simply put) follows a
but Laplane’s approach in general is so superb in an his former lover Kenneth gossiping neighbours who crawl over pair of lovers trying to get it together
ambiguous and the messages so mixed artful Rattigan Morgan disconnected the her story like cockroaches. after having been separated by
as to be self-defeating. rubber hose from a stove and Greig brilliantly conveys a woman domineering fathers. But given the
I reviewed The Waiting Game three
revival, says gassed himself. While many have calcified by misery — her brittle actual balletic complexity and pacing
years ago but it has been completely Rachel speculated that the central character, sophistication gives the sense that if of the plot, the production’s very
reimagined by Mthuthuzeli November. Halliburton Hester, actually represents a man, you tapped her too hard she would effective signposting, such as jerseys
He has added a lot of choreography Rattigan’s raw, elegant depiction of disintegrate to dust. In Rattigan’s script embroidered with the characters’
and written new music (a co- a woman adrift in an unhappy love we see how her plight is not to be initials, stayed for the most part on the
composition with Alex Wilson, not
especially memorable). We have a man
theatre affair has proved to be one of the great
female roles of our time.
unloved but rather to be torn between
two men whose ideas of love cannot
right side of early Noughties children’s
TV and was kept there, in any case, by
(Ebony Thomas) overwhelmed by an The Deep Blue Following in the footsteps of Peggy address her increasingly complex the commitment of the cast.
existential crisis. We know this Sea Ashcroft, Penelope Wilton and awareness of who she is. Sarah Richmond was full-bodied in
because the voice in his head (Isabela Theatre Royal Bath Helen McCrory, Tamsin Greig is the Nicholas Farrell gives a finely presence and sound as Argene,
Coracy) tells us so. What we don’t (150min) latest to tackle a part as filled with calibrated performance as Hester’s weighed down with the melancholy of
know (yet) is that he’s an artist {{{{( mordant wit as with vertiginous ex-husband, Sir William Collyer, a being forgotten about by her former
experiencing a crisis of confidence just despair. In Lindsay Posner’s artfully judge whose attempts at humanity are flame Licida (Meili Li). For his part, Li
minutes before he is due to perform. claustrophobic production, with its stifled by patrician superiority. Oliver was a little too anchored to the
After writhing in self-doubt, he is meticulously observed period detail, Chris is perhaps a little too gung ho conductor to inhabit his character
joined by other dancers to help him she delivers a performance as poised as Freddie, the young pilot who, like fully but he held his own with his
work through his pain and get him up as it is lacerating, showing Hester Hester, is utterly lost in life. high-set countertenor, especially
on stage. unpicking others’ delusions at the Felicity Montagu is a bustle of pious against Maria Schellenberg, who
The choreography abounds with the same time as she is destroyed by nosiness as the landlady Mrs Elton, flawlessly sang the role of Licida’s
energy of a tight group dynamic and is her own. and Finbar Lynch is a model of wry mate Megacle from the pit (subbing in
infused with showbiz sparkle. This is Etta James’s Stormy Weather is philosophical restraint as the disgraced for the ailing Gemma Ní Bhriain).
a company that has experienced a lot playing as the lights come up on a medic Miller. Preston Nyman in There was perhaps an added limitation
of turnover and although Laplane’s shabby but respectable apartment. Yet particular excels as Hester’s priggish for Li that the most virtuosic arias go
piece highlights the weaknesses of the most crucial to Peter McKintosh’s naive young neighbour Philip Welch, to fairly incidental roles — brought off
new recruits, November’s work plays design is the way it conveys how the who with every word he utters here by Rachel Redmond (Aminta)
to their strengths. walls are so thin that all the occupants encapsulates the pink-faced hypocrisy and Seán Boylan (Alcandro) with flair
Debra Craine of the house have become voyeurs of of the society Hester is trying so and charisma respectively.
To Sunday then touring to June 28, each other’s lives. Though the first desperately to escape. Daniel Lewis image is of Hester’s body lying prone To June 1, To May 25,

he original production of while intoxicated, performing a scene digging into her true feelings. But this
theatre Duncan Macmillan’s from Chekhov’s The Seagull, but soon is much more than a play about one
gruelling play about the stage warps into her hedonistic person’s experience: it is total, hellish
People, Places addiction catapulted its kingdom — nightclub lights glare, immersion.
and Things lead, Denise Gough, to heavy music pounds — before we land It isn’t flawless. The supporting
Trafalgar Theatre, SW1 superstardom. It was 2015’s must-see at the doors of a clinical 12-step characters are undeniably
(140min) ticket, the next great play after rehabilitation centre. Emma cycles underwritten. The group scenes of
{{{{{ Jerusalem. And now it is back, with between delusion and consciousness, therapy sometimes seem to have no
Gough as well as the original director, twitches furiously, grinds her jaw and clear end. But it doesn’t really matter:
Jeremy Herrin, not to mention the slurs her words. Slowly and painfully, as nauseating and adrenaline-spiking
same set and staging. Why do it again? she weans herself off the drugs in a as it gets, this is also theatre at its most
After all, part of the beauty of an colossal, relentless unravelling. vivid. Gough, who recently revealed
acclaimed production is that it is Some things have changed since that she is a former addict herself,
sealed in time. But as Gough takes 2015. There are new drugs to get appears to be devoured by her
to the stage as Emma, the wayward addicted to; we have lived through character; she has an answer for
drug and alcohol-using actress Brexit and Covid. However, the everything but fear in her eye. Bodies
constantly chasing highs and experience of addiction remains much rise from beds. There are flashes of
pretending to be people she is not, the same. Macmillan writes it as a darkness, the clang of white noise. It’s
that doubt quickly evaporates. violent paradise that grabs a person’s an unforgettable night.
It is an extraordinary Danny Kirrane as Foster and Denise soul and clings on tight, a mask for Anya Ryan
transformation. Emma is introduced Gough as the wayward addict Emma trauma that protects Emma from To August 10,
the times | Friday May 17 2024 11

television & radio

Nicola Coughlan shines in a sexed-up season

the touching of “parts” had not been wallflower Penelope Featherington,
Carol overly taxed. For this one they
possibly needed back-up netballs. But
plus the frustrating will-they-won’t-
they dynamic between her and Colin,
Midgley don’t get too excited: Netflix has
split Bridgerton in half as it did The
Crown, with four episodes now and
it would be a fairly shallow affair. A
shout out, by the way, to Coughlan’s
quivering décolletage, which gets so
TV review four in June. And some of the how’s-
your-father comes in part two, which
much screen time it should appear in
the credits as a separate character.
I’m not allowed to talk about but Penelope, knowing she is close to
which, between us, is much the better being on the shelf because it’s her
half. That’s because of the plot, to be third year on the marriage market,
clear, not the posh rumpy-pumpy. undergoes a “glow up” in a desperate
You never take Bridgerton too attempt to land a husband. She looks
seriously: it pulls the shirt off Colin lovely, but then the series’ bitchy mean
Bridgerton (Luke Newton) in the first girl Cressida Cowper (Jessica Madsen)
six minutes. To be fair, it doesn’t often treads on her dress at a ball and
Bridgerton series 3, part 1 take itself seriously, what with the accuses her of using cheap material.
Netflix simpering man-hungry ladies’ almost There’s decent, hostile momentum
{{{(( parodic fan-fluttering, the hugely between Penelope and Eloise
overmannered manipulations of Lady Bridgerton (Claudia Jessie), who has
ridgerton, the toff, tits and Danbury (Adjoa Andoh) and the discovered that Penelope is the gossip

B titles drama, is back for a

third series. And, Lordy, the
intimacy co-ordinators have
been busy. Get ready to
desteam your spectacles because the
sex has returned too. It’s all here:
threesomes, oral sex, long scenes of
fondness for comic slapstick.
At one point it emerges that
Penelope Featherington’s dim sisters,
married and not getting pregnant, to
the despair of their mother, Baroness
Featherington (Polly Walker), don’t
realise that penetrative sex is a basic
diarist Lady Whistledown and is not
pleased. But it’s the chemistry between
Penelope and handsome, confident
Colin, whom she overheard telling
friends that he could never court, that
makes this series, and Newton brings
complexity and heft to a character
amorous congress in a horse-drawn requirement. “We kiss and then he who could easily have been a two-
carriage and on a chaise longue, six- makes an odd sound and then he goes dimensional walking washboard.
packs, naked breasts — well, obviously to change his breeches,” says Philippa Coughlan punches through this
naked breasts. Swinging mammaries (Harriet Cains). “His breeches remain often stilted comedy of manners to
are kind of a given. on?” her aghast mother squawks. offer real vulnerability. “I don’t want to
During the more chaste second Be in no doubt, though, that this is die without ever being kissed,” she
series I wrote that the semi-inflated Nicola Coughlan’s series. Without her says tragically at one point. As you’ll
netball used as a “barrier” between luminous, showstopping performance see in episode four, that situation finds
actors filming sex scenes to prevent as the overlooked and underestimated Penelope Featherington (Coughlan) gets a ‘glow up’ in series 3 its remedy.

4.00 Composer of the Week: 9.00 Desert Island Discs 10.45 Deep Calm — 7.00 5 Live Sport: The Friday Football Social.
Radio choice Times Radio Elizabeth Maconchy (1907-1994) Comedy actor Greg Davies selects eight with Michael Mosley A look ahead to the weekend’s football action
Ben Dowell Digital, web, smart speaker, app
5.00am Rosie Wright with Early Breakfast
Kate Molleson and guest Erica Siegel recordings to take to the island (1/14) (r) How calming music can tap into the body’s 9.30 5 Live Formula . The team preview
examine how Elizabeth Maconchy refused 10.00 Woman’s Hour relaxation response. Last in the series (5/5) the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix 1 10.00
6.00 Chloe Tilley and Calum Macdonald with to let old age quench her creative fire. Magazine exploring issues from a female 11.00 Americast Stephen Nolan 1.00am Lisa McCormick
Times Radio Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley. They assess her profile today, and discuss perspective, presented by Anita Rani Analysis of stories breaking in the US
An insider’s take on politics 1.00pm Times
Radio Afternoons. Politics in-depth and
why she remains a composer whose legacy
is yet to be properly recognised and
11.00 The Food Programme
How food is helping a new wave of
11.30 Today in Parliament
12.00 News and Weather
consumer features 4.00 Cathy Newman with MW: 1053, 1089 kHz
appreciated. Maconchy (There is no rose; Hong Kongers to settle in the UK 12.30am Book of the Week:
Times Radio Drive. Friday’s headlines and 11.45 Book of the Week: 5.00am Early Breakfast 6.00 talkSPORT
Trittico; Epyllion; Morning, Noon and Night; The Immune Mind (r)
discussions 7.00 Ed Vaizey. The Conservative The Immune Mind 12.48 Shipping Forecast Breakfast with Alan Brazil 10.00 Jim White
and String Quartet No 13 — Quartetto Corto
peer and former MP sits in bringing his take On this edition, writer Dr Monty Lyman 1.00 As BBC World Service and Simon Jordan 1.00pm Hawksbee and
5.00 In Tune
on the day’s news 10.00 Henry Bonsu explores the power of the mind to influence Jacobs 4.00 talkSPORT Drive with Andy
7.00 Classical Mixtape
Goldstein and Darren Bent 7.00 Live Kick
1.00am The Story 1.30 Highlights from
Matt Chorley 2.00 The Best of Times Radio
A selection of classical favourites mixed with
jazz, folk and music from around the world
physical health and discusses “contested
illnesses”. Abridged by Libby Spurrier and
Radio 4 Extra Off: Southampton v West Bromwich Albion
Digital only (Kick-off 8.00). The Championship play-off
7.30 Friday Night Is Music Night read by Gunnar Cauthery (5/5)
8.00am Says on the Tin 8.30 Brooklyn 8.45 semi-final second-leg match 10.00 Sports
Radio 2 Ben Palmer conducts the BBC Concert
Orchestra in a concert from Saffron Hall
12.04pm AntiSocial
An investigation into the issues of the day,
The Mill on the Floss 9.00 Yesterday in Bar 1.00am Extra Time with Martin Kelner
FM: 88-90.2 MHz Parliament 9.30 Britain at Sea 9.45 Daily
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show. With featuring film and classical music on the presented by Adam Fleming (7/9)
CrowdScience guests Tom Felton, Jo Brand and Danny theme of flying. With a guest appearance by 1.00 The World at One
Service 10.00 Soul Music 10.30 Arise Black
Man: The Peter Tosh Story 11.00 The Call of
O’Donoghue 9.30 Vernon Kay. Crowded violinist Kristina Balanas. Presented by Katie 1.45 Shadow War: China and the West Digital only
World Service, 8.30pm the Wild 11.30 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
House frontman Neil Finn chooses his Tracks Derham. Walton (Spitfire — Prelude and Gordon Corera explores the possibility of 5.00am James Max 6.30 Mike Graham
12.00 The Older Woman 12.30pm Albert
of My Years 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00pm Fugue); John Williams (Flight to Neverland conflict between China and the West (5/10) 10.00 Alex Phillips 1.00pm Ian Collins 4.00
Another excellent and Me 1.00 Says on the Tin 1.30 Brooklyn
Scott Mills 3.30 Scott Mills’ Wonder Years from Hook); Korngold (Violin Concerto in D 2.00 The Archers (r) Peter Cardwell 7.00 Kevin O’Sullivan 10.00
1.45 The Mill on the Floss 2.00 The 3rd
programme that seeks to 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Michelle Visage 8.30 major); Ben Palmer (Window Seat — Flight 2.15 Drama: Money Gone
Degree 2.30 Do Nothing ’Til You Hear From Andre Walker 1.00am Martin Kelner
ask another excellent Michelle Visage’s Handbag Hits. Feelgood for Orchestra — world premiere); Bliss By Ed Sellek. The Prime Minister discovers
Me 3.00 Bowen and Betjeman 3.45 The
question from a listener: party classics handpicked by Michelle, whose
mood this week is Everybody Everybody 9.00
(March from Things to Come); John Williams
(Three Pieces from Schindler’s List Suite);
the true cause of the crisis. Satirical drama
starring Robert Bathurst, Charlotte Ritchie,
Amorous Ghost 4.00 Soul Music 4.30 Arise
Black Man: The Peter Tosh Story 5.00
6 Music
how does praying affect our Martinu (Thunderbolt P-47); and John Josette Simon and Aaron Heffernan (4/5) Digital only
The Good Groove with Gary Davies. Gary The Call of the Wild 5.30 One, Two, Buckle 5.00am The Remix with Chris Hawkins 5.30
brains? The 17th-century Davies sits in for DJ Spoony with a mix of Williams (Across the Stars — Love Theme 2.45 Child
My Shoe 6.00 The Older Woman 6.30 Nathan Shepherd 7.30 Lauren Laverne 10.30
poet George Herbert called joyful floor fillers, soulful house and lyrical from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones; India Rakusen considers crawling
Albert and Me 7.00 Says on the Tin. Comedy, Jamz Supernova 1.00pm Craig Charles 4.00
3.00 Gardeners’ Question Time
prayer “the soul in garage tunes 11.00 The Rock Show with Flying Theme from ET; and Imperial March
Experts answer listeners’ queries
by Christopher William Hill 7.30 Brooklyn. Huw Stephens 7.00 The People’s Party with
paraphrase, heart in Johnnie Walker 12.00 Romesh Ranganathan: from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) By Colm Toibin 7.45 The Mill on the Floss.
3.45 Short Works Afrodeutsche 9.00 6 Music’s Indie Forever
For the Love of Hip-Hop (r) 1.00am Who Are 9.45 The Essay: Music in Bloom By George Eliot 8.00 The 3rd Degree. Three
pilgrimage”, but the We: Doctor Who? 2.00 My Life in a Mixtape Katie Derham chats to professor of An Affliction, by Lottie Mills
Gonville & Caius College Cambridge students
11.00 The Ravers Hour 12.00 6 Music’s
presenter Caroline Steel, 4.00 Last Word Rave Forever 1.00am 6 Music’s Emo Forever
(r) 3.00 Abba at the BBC (r) 4.00 Sophie psychobiology Daisy Fancourt about why take on their dons 8.30 Do Nothing ’Til You
A selection of obituaries 2.00 Focus Beats 4.00 Ambient Focus
above, takes a more Ellis-Bextor’s Kitchen Disco music and gardens are beneficial to our
4.30 Life Changing
Hear From Me. Roy mourns the loss of his
scientific approach, talking physical and mental health, before hearing trombone. Originally broadcast in 2003 9.00
to the neuroscientists who Radio 3 from baritone Roderick Williams about how People talk about extraordinary turning
points in their lives. Last in the series (r)
Bowen and Betjeman. By John Banville. First Virgin Radio
his garden helps him balance the pressures aired in 2014 9.45 The Amorous Ghost. By Digital only
are researching the subject. FM: 90.2-92.4 MHz of an international performance career. 5.00 PM
Enid Bagnold. Originally broadcast in 1991 6.30am The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
6.30am Breakfast 6.00 Six O’Clock News
Is there a spiritual part to Petroc Trelawny presents Radio 3’s classical
10.00 Late Junction 10.00 Comedy Club: You Heard It Here First. with webuyanycar 10.00 The Ryan Tubridy
Presenter Jennifer Lucy Allan serves up a 6.30 Dead Ringers Show 1.00pm Jayne Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky
our brains? Or is prayer just breakfast show with the Friday poem and Comedy impressions series with Jon
With Donna Preston, Jon Long, Glenn Moore
compilation of rare psych rock by Los Angeles and Sara Pascoe. Last in the series 10.30 Wilson 7.00 Ben Jones 10.00 Stu Elmore
one mind-altering activity music that captures the mood of the morning
label Now-Again Records, and fresh Culshaw, Jan Ravens, Jess Robinson, Duncan 1.00am Harpz Kaur 4.00 Rich Williams
The Maltby Collection. Comedy, by David
among many? It’s an 9.30 Essential Classics
rudimentary machine rhythms from Wisbey and Lewis Macleod (4/6)
Nobbs. First aired in 2008. 11.00 Absolute
engaging listen that delivers Georgia Mann plays new discoveries, some 7.00 The Archers
something else Herbert
musical surprises and familiar favourites
Osaka-based electronic artist Kopy
11.30 ’Round Midnight There is a sad goodbye for Chris
Power. Prentiss McCabe attempts to save
New Labour from a total voter humiliation
Classic FM
1.00pm News 7.15 Screenshot FM: 100-102 MHz
said about prayer in the Presented by British saxophonist Soweto 11.30 Bird Island. Graham reveals a new
1.02 Classical Live Ellen E Jones and Mark Kermode take a look 6.30am Classic FM Breakfast with Dan
Kinch and reflecting the rich history of jazz scientist is coming to the island. From 2012.
same poem: “something With performances from the BBC Radio 3
12.30am Through the Night
at the numerous career achievements of
Last in the series 11.45 Tina C Goes Down
Walker 9.00 The Classic FM Hall of Fame
understood”. New Generation Artists. Mendelssohn actress Meryl Streep. Last in the series Hour with Dan Walker 10.00 Alexander
Under: The Aborogynal Monologues Armstrong 1.00pm Anne-Marie Minhall
(Overture to the Fair Melusina); Scarlatti 8.00 Any Questions?
(Piano Sonata no.1 in D minor); Vivaldi Radio 4 Topical discussion 4.00 Margherita Taylor 7.00 Classic FM
(Concerto for Mandolin); Babadjanian (Piano FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz LW: 198kHz MW: 720 kHz 8.50 A Point of View Radio 5 Live at the Movies with Jonathan Ross. With
our tv newsletter Trio in F sharp minor); Walton (3 Songs after 5.30am News Briefing A reflection on a topical issue MW: 693, 909 scores from Toy Story 2 and Chariots of Fire
Edith Sitwell); Elgar arr Simon Parkin 5.43 Prayer for the Day 9.00 Free Thinking 5.00am Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live 9.00 The Sound of Bridgerton: Kris Bowers
(Nimrod — Enigma Variations); Prokofiev 5.45 Farming Today Ideas shaping modern life (7/13) Breakfast 9.00 Nicky Campbell 11.00 Chiles in Conversation with Margherita Taylor
(Piano Concerto No. 2); Rodrigo (Concierto 6.00 Today 10.00 The World Tonight on Friday 1.00pm Elis James and John 10.00 Calm Classics 1.00am Katie
de Aranjuez); and Handel (Nisi Dominus) With Nick Robinson and Justin Webb With Shaun Ley Robins 2.00 Nick Bright 4.00 5 Live Drive Breathwick 4.00 Sam Pittis
12 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

television & radio

Viewing Guide superstellar in 2020 Teddy Sheringham, team exhibited the good football team”. As true story of how the
there has been an Ole Gunnar Solskjaer United spirit that goes it takes us through the
The Big Cigar Black Panther founder
James Jackson AppleTV+
endless feed of and, yes, David back to the Matt Busby team’s season it will Huey Newton (André
retrospective sports Beckham among them era. It starts with how give an overall portrait Here’s one of those hip Holland) escaped the
99 series on the streamers. — along with Alex the 1998 season began of the players’ 1970s-set dramas that FBI to Cuba with the
Prime Video
So what does the Ferguson himself, a in inauspicious fashion, mentality that helped come with a superfly help of the Easy
Sports three-part 99 promise somewhat more jovial the club’s superstar them to achieve soundtrack, split- Rider producer Bert
Topdocuseries to bring to the well-told figure these days. Beckham a pariah after miraculous comeback screen montages, Schneider (Alessandro
were hardly
pick story of Manchester Nothing that new there, his World Cup victories. That team cocaine-addled men Nivola) — it
non-existent United’s treble-winning though. It also gives the ignominy. But what is really did have with bad hair in involved a fake movie
before The Last Dance, season of 1998-99? context of, as Gary fresh is how the something about it and wide-lapelled suits — production. It vividly
but since that Netflix For starters there are Neville puts it, “the “personal stories will the dramas of those think Boogie Nights, evokes a time when
series about Michael interviews with most of history of the club, give more depth than victories still thrill — Blow, American Hustle, Hollywood revolution
Jordan’s basketball the key players — Andy what we stood for”. Or just a retrospective unless you’re a City White House Plumbers. collided with social
heroics went Cole, Peter Schmeichel, rather how the 1999 documentary about a fan, of course. It tells the (mostly) revolution.

BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 Channel 4 Channel 5

6.00am Breakfast 9.30 Morning Live. Magazine show 6.30am Money for Nothing (r) 7.15 Garden Rescue (r) 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 Lorraine. 6.30am 3rd Rock from the Sun (r) (AD) 7.45 Everybody 6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine. The broadcaster

with Gethin Jones and Gaby Roslin 10.45 Defenders: 8.00 Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow (r) (SL) 9.00 BBC Entertainment, current affairs and fashion news, as well Loves Raymond (r) (AD) 9.40 Frasier (r) (AD) 11.10 and Storm Huntley discuss the latest news and get views
Busting the Bad Guys. Asbestos is found illegally dumped News 1.00pm Impossible. Quiz hosted by Rick Edwards as showbiz stories and celebrity gossip. Presented by Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. The chef visits a and opinions of the day 11.15 Storm Huntley. The
in a storage container near a school (r) 11.15 Homes (r) 1.45 Mastermind. Specialist subjects include Harold Lorraine Kelly 10.00 This Morning. Daily magazine, Japanese restaurant in California (r) 12.05pm Channel 4 presenter carries on the discussion and takes calls to
Under the Hammer. Properties in Bolsover, Dawley and Larwood and Edouard Manet (r) 2.15 Mastermind. featuring a mix of celebrity chat, showbusiness news, News Summary 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares discuss the biggest stories of the day 12.45pm Friends
Darlington (r) 12.15pm Bargain Hunt. Ben Cooper and Specialist subjects include the Inspector Morse novels lifestyle features, topical discussion, health and beauty USA. The chef helps a restaurant in California (r) 1.05 (r) (AD) 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away.
Kate Bliss help the teams find a bargain in Exeter (AD) and the films of Richard Curtis (r) 2.45 Great Coastal advice and more. Including Local Weather 12.30pm Find It, Fix It, Flog It. Simon O’Brien repurposes an old On the night of the fundraiser at Salt, Bree gets flirty
1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional Railway Journeys. Michael Portillo crosses the Pentland Loose Men.An all-male panel to mark Mental Health butcher’s block (r) 2.10 Countdown. Sunetra Sarker is in with Levi in an attempt to get a rise out of Remi. Upon
News; Weather 1.45 Hope Street. Niamh and Ash stage a Firth to the Orkney Islands (r) (AD) 3.15 Dogs in the Awareness Week 1.30 ITV News; Weather Dictionary Corner 3.00 A Place in the Sun. Two women seeing this, Remi becomes enraged and storms off (r)
protest (AD) 2.30 Money for Nothing. Sarah Moore and Wild: Meet the Family. Rescuers in South Africa try to 1.55 Regional News; Weather 2.00 Live ITV Racing. seek a retirement property in Famagusta, eastern Cyprus 2.15 FILM: The Stranger in My Home (12, TVM,
designer Lucy Tiffney upcycle old lamps and a display combat Broken Heart Syndrome in wild dogs separated Ed Chamberlin and Francesca Cumani present coverage of (r) 4.00 Narrow Escapes. Two sailors continue their 2020) A man meets a woman who seems like the perfect
cabinet (r) 3.00 Escape to the Country. Nicki Chapman is from their families. Last in the series (r) (AD) 4.15 day three of the Dante Festival from York, including the journey into London and join an organised group taking house-sitter, but she ends up posing as his new girlfriend
in Norfolk to help a family find their dream home in the Summer: Earth’s Seasonal Secrets. Documentary revealing 3.45 Boodles Yorkshire Cup. Plus, action from Newbury. narrowboats onto the tidal Thames and under Tower with no intentions of leaving. Thriller starring Anna Marie
countryside (r) 3.45 Garden Rescue. Charlie Dimmock that although summer is a season of abundance, the heat With analysis from Jason Weaver and Adele Mulrennan, Bridge (AD) 5.00 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals. Dobbins, Vivica A Fox and Jason-Shane Scott 4.00
returns to Stoke Gifford, Gloucestershire, to see a garden can create challenges for a whole range of animals (r) reports by Rishi Persad and Mick Fitzgerald, and In Sheffield, professional chefs battle it out for a £1,000 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun. In Manilva, a children’s
the team built four years earlier — and finds it has been (AD) 5.15 Flog It! David Harper and Philip Serrell commentary from Richard Hoiles. 4.30 Tipping Point: prize 6.00 Four in a Bed. Toilet troubles, bathroom entertainer is booked by a local family friendly venue to
turned it into an amazing cottage garden 4.30 The Finish examine items in Norfolk (r) 6.00 Richard Osman’s Best Ever Finals. Compilation of some of the show’s bothers and some very picky comments are all on the host a Hallowe’en event, while a man’s pygmy goat seems
Line. Four more contestants race in moving podiums House of Games. Yasmine Akram, Stephen Mangan, Ingrid most dramatic endgames. Hosted by Ben Shepherd (r) agenda before the payments are disclosed and it is to have gone into labour (AD) 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00
across the studio to try to win £5,000. Hosted by Roman Oliver and Tom Rosenthal take part (r) 6.30 Simply 5.00 The Chase. A group of contestants from Nottingham, revealed who has won 6.30 The Simpsons. Homer gets Police Interceptors. An officer and his rookie colleague
Kemp and Sarah Greene 5.15 Pointless. Quiz hosted by Provence. Chef Marcus Wareing visits a man who takes Cardiff, the Wirral and Swindon try to beat one of the far more than he bargained for when he gets Flanders a pursue a speeding driver, who eventually decamps and
Alexander Armstrong and Gabby Logan 6.00 BBC News at inspiration from Provence to create chocolates with country’s finest quiz brains. Bradley Walsh hosts (r) job at the nuclear plant, while Marge starts to feel as makes a run for it, while a dog handler goes to the aid
Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather unusual flavour combinations, like almonds and olives 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather though her marriage has lost its sparkle (r) (AD) of the armed response team (r) 6.55 5 News Update

The new podcast about the

Roya Nikkhah, royal editor at The Sunday Times, and Kate Mansey, royal editor at The Times, present a new podcast examining
the royals and everything they do. With their unique insight and wit, prepare to be both informed and entertained.

7.00 The One Show Live magazine show 7.00 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Rivers 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.00 Jane McDonald: Lost in Japan

hosted by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp Paul Murton follows the River Forth The presenter explores Kyoto, a place
from the picturesque Trossachs to the of beautiful shrines and temples,
Kelpies statues in Falkirk (5/6) (AD) atmospheric tea ceremonies and
7.30 MasterChef The semi-finals end with 7.30 Beechgrove Garden Calum Clunie 7.30 Emmerdale Tom keeps manipulating 7.30 Unreported World Amelia Jenne geishas dressed in kimonos (3/4) (r)
the participants tasked to present food plants out a bed to produce cut flowers Belle, Laurel gives Gabby food for investigates the illegal logging trade
inspired by cooks who have preceded all summer long, while Lizzie Schofield thought, and Kim is jealous when she in Romania. See Viewing Guide (AD)
them in the MasterChef arena (AD) continues to revamp the herb garden finds Lydia and Rose bonding (AD) 7.55 5 News Update

8.00 Granite Harbour Lindo and Bart face 8.00 Gardeners’ World Monty Don moves 8.00 Coronation Street David is under 8.00 Double the Money The challenge 8.00 The Big Steam Adventure: Here

a race against time to save innocent his tender succulents outdoors, Adam suspicion of attacking Nathan, Simon gets tougher as round 3 sees the We Go Again! John Sergeant, Peter
lives. Meanwhile, the depth of Frost meets a Leicestershire couple falls back into bad habits when Leanne remaining teams afforded one week Davison and Paul “Piglet” Middleton
betrayals are finally revealed — with who have created a garden boasting a goes away, and Kevin reads some to double £1,000. A pair of twins host climb aboard a fully restored T3 train
shocking consequences for all year-round display of bulbs, tubers and worrying information online (AD) an event for local ladies in Leeds, for a journey through the Dorset
connected. Thriller starring Romario corms, and Frances Tophill visits the while a married couple offer a webinar countryside, and enjoy sights including
Simpson. Last in the series (AD) gardens at Newby Hall to marvel at on how to have a happy marriage. Corfe Castle and Chesil Beach (3/4)
their display of candelabra primulas Hosted by Sue Perkins (3/6) (AD)

9.00 Have I Got News for You Labour MP 9.00 Hidden Treasures of the National 9.00 It’ll Be Alright on the Night 9.00 Gogglebox The armchair critics share 9.00 Sue Perkins: Lost in Thailand

Jess Phillips and comedian Glenn Trust Cameras focus on teams who With outtakes from Heartstopper, their opinions on what they have been The comedian heads south to Phuket,
Moore join in the satirical quiz (7/10) care for Cliveden House and Polesden Plebs, and Coronation Street. Plus, watching during the week with the country’s largest island, and makes
Lacey, luxurious mansions on the Jordan North forgets the name of the cameras capturing their instant her diving debut in the Andaman Sea.
9.30 The Young Offenders Conor starts edge of London that have long played show he is presenting and Steve reactions and discussions (AD) She also travels to Khoa Phra Theo
working at the fishmonger’s, still a pivotal role in society through Backshall ends up in pain when he Wildlife sanctuary, where she learns
desperate to get back together with the country house weekends they films with a grumpy piranha (AD) about the plight of gibbons (2/3)
his former flame Linda (2/6) (AD) hosted. See Viewing Guide (2/6) (AD)

10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.00 QI More of the best moments from the 10.00 ITV News at Ten 10.00 Late Night Lycett Host Joe Lycett 10.00 Queen’s 30 Greatest Moments

U series of the quiz show hosted by catches up with big-name guests from The classic rock band’s career
Sandi Toksvig. Last in the series the worlds of comedy, television, music highlights, from Freddie Bulsara’s early
and film in a lively chat show (6/8) days in Zanzibar, to his life-changing
10.30 BBC Regional News and Weather 10.30 Newsnight With Faisal Islam 10.30 Regional News days as Freddie Mercury with the band
Smile and eventually Queen. Aside
10.40 The Imitation Game (12, 2014) 10.40 ITV Studio Sessions Tom Walker from featuring clips from their first TV
Biopic of the mathematician Alan performs new music alongside his appearances, Live Aid, and the
Turing, whose work during the Second biggest hit and a favourite cover song Oscar-winning biopic Bohemian
World War translated seemingly 11.05 Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour 11.05 Joe Lycett: More, More, More! Rhapsody, there are also contributions

unbreakable Nazi codes. In the years Rob Rinder and Rylan Clark enjoy the 11.10 Casino Royale (15, 2006) James How Do You Lycett? How Do You from biographers, superfans,
after the war, his life would be culture of Europe, starting in Venice, Bond is dispatched on the trail of the Lycett? The performer’s first stand-up actors, celebrities, music
destroyed as his homosexuality was where Rob conducts an orchestra and international criminal responsible for touring show in several years is packed experts and journalists (r)
exposed, leaving him facing criminal Rylan discovers the hidden side of the financing terrorist organisations across with more jokes, more comedy
charges. Starring Benedict Italian city’s carnival (1/3) (r) (AD) the world. Spy thriller starring Daniel anecdotes and more inappropriate and
Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley and Craig and Mads Mikkelsen (AD) arguably disturbing paintings (r)
Charles Dance. See Viewing Guide (AD)
12.05am Secrets and Spies: A Nuclear Game Britain 1.35am Shop on TV 3.00 EFL Play Off Semi Final 12.05am FILM: Mean Girls (12, 2004) Comedy 12.00 Queen: A Night at the Odeon (r) 1.15am

identifies Mikhail Gorbachev as a new contender for Highlights. Action from the Championship second-leg starring Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams (AD) 1.45 PlayOJO Live Casino Show 3.15 Secret Scotland with
Soviet leader (r) (AD) 1.05 Sign Zone: Panorama. Current matches, as the two teams going into the final, and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. A tyrannical Susan Calman (r) 4.05 Great Artists (r) (SL) 4.30
affairs report (r) (SL) 1.40 Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts. battling for a place in the Premier League, were confirmed front-of-house manager in Babylon, New York (r) (SL) Divine Designs (r) (SL) 5.00 Wildlife SOS (r) (SL) 5.25
Andi organises an arts festival in Stoke-on-Trent (r) (AD, (r) 3.35 Unwind with ITV 5.05-6.00 Katie Piper’s 2.30 Come Dine with Me (r) 4.35 Grand Designs Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Thomas: Big World! Big
12.35am-6.00 BBC News SL) 2.35-3.05 David & Jay’s Touring Toolshed (r) (AD, SL) Breakfast Show. With Gabrielle and Sara Pascoe (r) (SL) Australia (r) (AD) 5.30-6.00 Beat the Chef (r) Adventures! (r) (SL) 5.45-6.00 Paw Patrol (r) (SL)
the times | Friday May 17 2024 13

television & radio

protected areas, ones (curious, given she’d surprise that here is a
Unreported World that are also rich in
Hidden Treasures go on to be a Nazi
Rebus new Rebus. So this time
Film The
Channel 4, 7.30pm of the National BBC Scotland, 10pm/iPlayer Imitation Game
wildlife. The reporter sympathiser). In the Richard Rankin (no
Trust BBC1, 10.40pm
Another illuminating Amelia Jenne meets a Surrey Hills there is With Ian Rankin’s relation) is John Rebus,
spotlight on an government forester BBC2, 9pm Polesden Lacey, which Rebus novels having a few years younger As Alan Turing,
international scandal turned whistleblower Tonight, a tale of two the society hostess been translated into than Stott’s incarnation, Benedict Cumberbatch
— this time illegal and goes up into the mansions. In Berkshire Margaret Greville 36 languages, adapted but already having is as brilliant,
logging in Romania. mountains, where he is Cliveden, once home used to propel herself into four series his moral code enigmatic and often
The Carpathian chases down a of the first woman to into royal circles. As (starring John challenged on the mechanical as the
mountains are the truckload of suspected take a seat in ever this is as much Hannah, then Ken Edinburgh streets German encryption
“lungs of Europe”, illegal timber. But it parliament, Nancy about the restorers’ Stott) and with the when his brother gets machine he lives to
yet the Romanian seems whistleblowers Astor, who threw work: of Astor’s success of Endeavour involved with rival break. His fragrant
government is are receiving death parties attended by portrait by John Singer showing how a gangs. And the early colleague Joan Clarke
apparently continuing threats, beatings and Charlie Chaplin, Sargent, and Greville’s detective prequel can signs are suitably is played by Keira
to authorise logging in poisonings. Gandhi and the like Fabergé treasures. work wonders, it’s little brooding and Scottish. Knightley. (12, 2014)

Sky Max Sky Atlantic Sky Documentaries Sky Arts Sky Main Event Variations
6.00am NCIS: Los Angeles (r) 7.00 DC’s 6.00am Fish Town (r) 7.55 True Blood (r) 6.00am Dark Horses: Italy’s World Cup Triumph 6.00am Darbar Festival 2022 7.15 Gilbert and 6.00am Sky Sports News 7.00 Good Morning BBC1 N Ireland
Legends of Tomorrow (r) (AD) 8.00 The Flash 10.05 Billions (r) (AD) 12.15pm Game of (r) 7.00 Discovering: Helen Mirren (r) (AD) 8.00 Sullivan: A Motley Pair 7.50 The Joy of Painting Sports Fans 9.00 Live NRL: Canberra Raiders v As BBC1 except: 12.30am I Kissed a Girl.
(r) 9.00 Stargate SG-1 (r) 11.00 NCIS: Los Thrones (r) (AD) 1.20 Ray Donovan (r) (AD) The Directors (r) 9.00 McMillion$ (r) (AD) (AD) 9.00 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) 10.00 Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs (Kick-off 9.00). Dannii introduces three new arrivals to the
Angeles (r) 12.00 The Flash (r) 1.00pm 3.30 True Blood (r) 5.40 Billions (r) (AD) 10.00 Scouting For Girls: Fashion’s Darkest Alfred Hitchcock Presents 11.00 Discovering: Coverage of the match in the Magic Round at Masseria (r) (AD) 1.20-6.00 BBC News
MacGyver (r) 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 7.55 Game of Thrones. Arya continues her Secret (r) (AD) 11.00 Urban Secrets (r) 12.00 Dennis Hopper (AD) 12.00 The Joy of Painting Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane 11.00 Super
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 DC’s Legends of training at the House of Black and White. FILM: The Loneliest Whale: The Search for (AD) 1.00pm Tales of the Unexpected (AD) League Gold (AD) 11.05 Live NRL: Manly Sea BBC1 Wales
Tomorrow. Rip puts the team in danger (r) (AD) Meanwhile, Jorah and Tyrion run into slavers 52 (PG, TVM, 2021) 2.00pm Dan Carter: A 2.00 Dickens in Italy with David Harewood 3.00 Eagles v Brisbane Broncos (Kick-off 11.05). As BBC1 except: 7.00pm-7.30 Iolo’s Valleys.
6.00 Stargate SG-1. Members of the SG-1 team and the Sand Snakes mount an attack (r) (AD) Perfect 10 (r) (AD) 3.50 My Icon: Leon Pryce (r) The Big Design Challenge (AD) 4.00 Discovering: Coverage of the match in the Magic Round at New series. Iolo Williams explores the valleys
start to undergo a startling transformation (r) 9.00 The Pacific. The soldiers are greeted as (AD) 4.00 The Directors (r) 5.00 Discovering: Sissy Spacek 5.00 The Joy of Painting (AD) Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane 1.00pm Live PGA north of Swansea 10.40 Rewind: 60 Years of
7.00 Stargate SG-1. O’Neill and the team heroes in Melbourne. Leckie falls for a local lady, Helen Mirren. The life of the actress (r) (AD) 6.00 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) Championship Golf. Coverage of day two of the Welsh Pop. Music from the 1960s (r) 11.10
investigate the disappearance of SG-9 (r) and Basilone is rewarded for his bravery (r) 6.00 McMillion$. Focusing on Dwight Baker, the 7.00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Double bill second Major of the year, which takes place at FILM: The Imitation Game (2014). Biopic of
8.00 Hold the Front Page. Nish Kumar and Josh 10.00 The Tattooist of Auschwitz. Lali strives to FBI intercepts a call with “Uncle Jerry” (r) (AD) 8.00 Paul Simon: Graceland — The African Valhalla Golf Course in Louisville, Kentucky codebreaker Alan Turing starring Benedict
Widdicombe work for The Moorlander (r) (AD) get medicine for Gita as her condition worsens, 7.00 I Am Patrick Swayze. A tribute to the actor, Concert. The singer performs in Zimbabwe 7.00 Live EFL: Southampton v West Bromwich Cumberbatch (AD) 1.00am Sam Smith Live at
9.00 Rob & Romesh vs Ballet. The comedy duo asking Dr Schumann for help when he is sent to who starred in Dirty Dancing and Ghost (r) (AD) 10.00 Grand Ole Opry. Performances by Carrie Albion (Kick-off 8.00). The Championship the Royal Albert Hall. A special show at the
appear in a performance of Swan Lake (r) (AD) the hospital to tattoo prisoners there (r) 8.50 My Icon: Anthony Joshua (r) (AD) Underwood, Deana Carter and Michael Ray play-off semi-final second-leg match from St iconic London venue (r) 2.00-6.00 BBC News
10.00 Peacemaker. Action comedy (r) (AD) 11.05 The White Lotus. Ethan grows suspicious 9.00 FILM: McEnroe (15, 2022) The life and 11.00 Grand Ole Opry. With Kenny Chesney Mary’s Stadium. Southampton were victorious in
11.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks (r) (AD) of Cam, Tanya gives Portia a warning about Jack, career of former tennis star John McEnroe 11.30 Guy Garvey: From the Vaults both league games this season, winning 2-1 BBC2 Wales
11.45 Resident Alien. Sci-fi drama (r) and Lucia helps the Di Grassos as they search 11.00 Dreams of a Nation (r) (AD) 12.30am Bryan Ferry Plays Baloise Session. The at this ground in November, and 2-0 in the As BBC2 except: 7.00pm The One Show.
12.45am The Force: Manchester. Documentary for their long-lost relatives (6/7) (r) (AD) 12.10am FILM: McLaren (12, 2017) The life singer performs in Basel, Switzerland 1.50 Live reverse fixture at The Hawthorns in February Hosted by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp 7.30
series (r) 1.40 Brit Cops: War on Crime (r) 2.35 12.15am House of the Dragon (r) (AD) 1.30 of Bruce McLaren 2.00 An American Bombing: from the Artists Den 3.00 Isle of Wight Festival 10.45 Live PGA Championship Golf. Day two at Live Scrum V: Zebre v Scarlets (Kick-off 7.35).
Road Wars (r) 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 Euphoria (r) (AD) 2.35 Game of Thrones (r) The Road to April 19th 4.00 The Directors (r) Greatest Hits 3.30 David Gray: White Ladder Valhalla Golf Course in Louisville, Kentucky Coverage of the United Rugby Championship
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 Highway Patrol (r) (AD) 3.40 In Treatment (r) 4.10 Fish Town (r) 5.00 Discovering: Helen Mirren (r) (AD) — From Then ’Til Now 5.00 Auction (AD) 12.00-6.00am Sky Sports News match staged at Stadio Sergio Lanfranchi
9.30-10.30 Hidden Treasures of the National
Trust. Cameras focus on Cliveden House and
AUDIO Polesden Lacey. See Viewing Guide (AD)


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Live from York. Coverage from York and
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programmes 10.30-10.40 STV News
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As ITV1 except: 7.00pm-7.30 UTV Life. Join
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BBC Scotland
7.00pm The Seven 7.30 Live Sportscene. The
Premiership play-off semi-final (Kick-off 7.45)
BBC3 BBC4 Talking Pictures Film4 More4 10.00 Rebus. New series. Crime drama
with Richard Rankin and Brian Ferguson.
7.00pm Top Gear. Matt LeBlanc, Chris Harris 7.00pm TOTP: 1996. Featuring QFX, Radiohead, 6.00am FILM: Vengeance Is Mine (PG, 11.00am The Winslow Boy (U, 1948) 8.55am Food Unwrapped (AD) 9.30 A Place in See Viewing Guide (AD)
and Rory Reid test drive the latest SUVs, and are E-motion, The Bluetones and Northern Uproar 1949) (b/w) 7.15 FILM: Shipmates O’Mine Historical courtroom drama starring Robert the Sun 10.25 A New Life in the Sun 11.25 10.50 Still Game (r) (AD) 11.20 Two Doors
joined in the studio by Jason Manford (AD) 7.30 TOTP: 1996. Featuring music by Joan (U, 1936) (b/w) 8.55 FILM: Sailor Beware! Donat (b/w) 1.20pm The Colditz Story (U, Find It, Fix It, Flog It (AD) 12.30pm Come Dine Down (r) (AD) 11.50-12.00 Short Stuff (r)
8.00 Dubai Hustle. Natasha has a potentially Osborne, Smashing Pumpkins and more (PG, 1956) (b/w) 10.35 Look at Life 10.50 1954) Second World War drama starring John with Me (AD) 3.10 Four in a Bed 5.50 Château
life-changing decision to make (7/8) 8.00 TOTP: 1991. Performances by New Kids on FILM: The March Hare (U, 1956) 12.30pm Mills (b/w) (AD) 3.20 Dead Reckoning (U, DIY. Two enormous barns at a chateau are BBC Alba
8.30 Dubai Hustle. Natasha’s recent revelation the Block, Jason Donovan and Dannii Minogue The Four Just Men (b/w) 1.00 Melvyn’s Talking 1947) Mystery starring Humphrey Bogart (b/w) transformed into a nightclub and a lounge (AD) 6.00am Alba Today 5.00pm Treubh an
leaves the other brokers reeling (8/8) 8.30 TOTP: 1977. With Linda Lewis, Carole Pictures 1.10 FILM: Sally in Our Alley (PG, (AD) 5.25 Carry On Constable (U, 1960) 6.55 Celebrity PopMaster TV. Ken Bruce hosts Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm) (r) 5.15 Na
9.00 Paranormal: The Girl, the Ghost and the Bayer Sager, Tony Etoria and the Jacksons 1931) (b/w) 2.40 Melvyn’s Talking Pictures A staff shortage forces a police inspector to take the first of two celebrity editions of the music Clangairean (r) 5.25 Sionnach agus Maigheach
Gravestone. Sian Eleri investigates the 9.00 TOTP: 1984. With music by the Mighty 2.50 FILM: Ladies Who Do (U, 1963) (b/w) on four bumbling recruits, who only increase the quiz, with Toyah Willcox, Richard Blackwood, (Fox & Hare) (r) 5.40 AH-AH/No-No (r) 5.45
paranormal activity at Penyffordd Farm (AD) Wah!, Prince and Frankie Goes to Hollywood 4.30 FILM: Sherlock Holmes and the crime rate. Comedy with Sid James (b/w) (AD) Sally Lindsay, MistaJam and Kimberly Wyatt Peicein/Petit (r) 5.55 Stòiridh (r) 6.00 Aithne
9.30 Paranormal: The Girl, the Ghost and the 9.30 TOTP: 1984. Featuring Galaxy, the Weather Woman in Green (PG, 1945) Mystery (b/w) 7.10 Made in Italy (15, 2020) An estranged 7.55 Celebrity PopMaster TV. Nikki Fox, Gareth air Ainmhidhean (All About Animals) (r) 6.25
Gravestone. Presenter Sian Eleri meets the Girls, Sade, Howard Jones and Bananarama 5.50 What’s On TPTV with Noel father and son team up to sell an old Tuscan villa Malone, Jean Johansson, Nish Kumar and Claire Belle agus Sebastian (r) 6.40 A’ Chuil (r) 6.45
current owner of Penyffordd farmhouse (AD) 10.00 Bananarama at the BBC. A compilation of 6.00 Worzel Gummidge. With Jon Pertwee left to them by their late wife and mother, Richards take part on the music quiz show Donnie Murdo (Danger Mouse) (r) 7.00 An Là
10.00 FILM: Gringo (15, 2018) A man has to archive performances by the all-girl pop group, 6.30 Fireball XL5. Adventure (b/w) respectively. Comedy-drama starring Liam 9.00 The Twelve: Cinderella Murder. The (News) 7.20 Live Scottish League 1 Football.
fight for survival when he crosses the line from featuring the original line-up of Keren 7.05 Look at Life. A tough power-boat race Neeson and his real-life son Micheál Richardson investigating judge, blood spatter analyst and Coverage of the second leg of the League One
law-abiding citizen to criminal. Action comedy Woodward, Sara Dallin and Siobhan Fahey, as 7.20 FILM: Journey to the Center of the 9.00 Carlito’s Way (18, 1993) A former law doctor show that Marianne was probably play-off final (Kick-off 7.30) 9.30 Dubhlain
with David Oyelowo and Charlize Theron (AD) well as Siobhan’s replacement Jacquie O’Sullivan Earth (PG, 1989) Fantasy adventure gangster is released from prison and resolves thrown down the basement stairs by two people. DIY (Instructions Not Included) (r) 10.00 Eadar
11.45 Dinosaur. Comedy series starring Ashley 11.00 1984 at the BBC. A collection of archive 9.00 Cellar Club with Caroline Munro to go straight, but is dragged back into a life Starring Emilie De Roo. In Flemish (2/8) na Dha: 1918-1935/Clash of Futures: 1918-1935
Storrie, Grant O’Rourke and Kat Ronney (AD) music performances from the year, featuring 9.05 FILM: Visiting Hours (18, 1982) of crime by a crooked lawyer. Thriller starring 10.15 24 Hours in A&E. A woman is rushed to (r) 10.50 Celtic Connections (r) 11.00
12.10am FILM: It’s What She Would Have Frankie Goes to Hollywood, U2 and Phil Collins 11.15 Cellar Club with Caroline Munro Al Pacino, Sean Penn and Penelope Ann Miller St George’s after falling from a horse (AD) Tannadice ’87 (r) 12.00-6.00am Alba Today
Wanted (2022) Short comedy film written by 12.00 The 80s — Music’s Greatest Decade? With 11.20 FILM: The Power (18, 1984) 11.50 You Were Never Really Here (15, 11.20 24 Hours in A&E. A 53-year-old woman
and starring Holly Hall 12.20 Paranormal: Dylan Jones. The development of hip-hop and 1.05am Cellar Club with Caroline Munro 1.10 2017) Psychological thriller starring Joaquin has suffered a suspected heart attack (AD) S4C
The Girl, the Ghost and the Gravestone (AD) house during the decade. Last in the series FILM: Run for the Sun (PG, 1956) Jungle Phoenix, Ekaterina Samsonov and Judith Roberts 12.25am 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 6.00am Cyw: Olobobs (r) 6.05 Digbi Draig (r)
1.20 Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star. 1.00am Bananarama at the BBC 2.00 TOTP: adventure 3.05 FILM: Sierra Baron (U, 1958) 1.40am-3.35 Hallam Foe (18, 2007) Jimmy Carr hosts the quiz 1.25 24 Hours in A&E 6.20 Cymylaubychain (r) 6.30 Patrol Pawennau
Competition (AD) 2.20-4.00 I Kissed a Girl (AD) 1996 3.00 TOTP: 1991 3.30-4.00 TOTP: 1977 4.45 What’s On TPTV with Noel 5.00 Bonanza Drama starring Jamie Bell and Sophia Myles (AD) 3.30-4.00 Food Unwrapped (AD) (r) 6.45 Y Diwrnod Mawr (r) 7.00 Brethyn a
Fflwff 7.05 Pablo (r) 7.20 Da ’Di Dona (r) 7.30
Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 7.45 Kim a Cet a Twrch
(r) 8.00 Timpo (r) 8.10 Ysbyty Cyw Bach (r)
ITV2 ITV3 ITV4 Drama Yesterday 8.25 Jamborî (r) 8.35 Octonots (r) 8.45 Ahoi!
(r) 9.05 Odo (r) 9.10 Anifeiliaid Bach y Byd (r)
6.00am CITV 9.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness 6.00am Classic Emmerdale 7.00 Classic 6.00am Great Racehorses 6.20 Minder (AD, SL) 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 All Creatures Great 6.10am Secrets of the Transport Museum (AD) 9.20 Dreigiau Cadi (r) 9.30 Pentre Papur Pop
World Records 9.20 Catchphrase 10.00 Veronica Coronation Street (AD) 8.05 Endeavour (AD) 7.15 The Sweeney (SL) 8.15 Robin of Sherwood and Small 8.00 Doctors 9.15 Classic Holby City 7.10 Classic Car Garage (AD) 8.00 Abandoned (r) 9.45 Awyr Iach (r) 10.00 Olobobs (r) 10.05
Mars 11.00 Dawson’s Creek 12.00 Secret Crush 10.15 The Royal 11.20 Heartbeat (AD) 1.30pm 9.20 Magnum, PI (AD, SL) 10.20 Kojak 11.25 10.35 Classic Casualty 11.35 The Bill 12.40pm Engineering (AD) 10.00 Narrow Escapes of Digbi Draig (r) 10.20 Cymylaubychain (r) 10.30
(SL) 1.00pm Dress to Impress 2.00 Family Classic Emmerdale 2.35 Classic Coronation BattleBots 12.30pm Robin of Sherwood 1.40 Classic EastEnders 2.00 Pie in the Sky 3.05 World War II (AD) 11.00 War Factories 12.00 Patrol Pawennau (r) 10.45 Y Diwrnod Mawr (r)
Fortunes 3.00 Veronica Mars 4.00 Dawson’s Street (AD) 3.45 Agatha Christie’s Marple (AD) Magnum, PI (AD) 2.40 Kojak 3.40 Minder (AD) Lovejoy 4.15 All Creatures Great and Small 5.20 Great British Railway Journeys 1.00pm 11.00 Brethyn a Fflwff (r) 11.05 Pablo (r)
Creek. Teen drama 5.00 Dress to Impress 5.55 Heartbeat. Double bill of the drama (AD) 4.50 The Sweeney 5.55 River Monsters. Birds of a Feather. Prison takes its toll on Darryl Antiques Roadshow 2.00 Bangers & Cash 4.00 11.20 Da ’Di Dona (r) 11.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau
6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase (AD) 8.00 Doc Martin. The doctor’s infuriating life in A search for the animal responsible for dragging 6.00 Keeping Up Appearances. Richard Narrow Escapes of World War II (AD) 5.00 War (r) 11.45 Kim a Cet a Twrch (r) 12.00 News;
7.00 Family Fortunes. Families from London and Cornwall is interrupted by an encounter with his passengers from a capsized riverboat in 1981 demonstrates his electrical skills (AD) Factories. The Japanese Mitsubishi Zero plane Weather 12.05pm Codi Pac (r) 12.30 Heno (r)
Bristol take part. Hosted by Gino D’Acampo girlfriend from medical school, before a familiar 6.30 British Touring Car Championship 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine. Pearl decides 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. Fiona Bruce presents 1.00 Y Sîn (r) 1.30 Cais Quinnell (r) 2.00
8.00 Bob’s Burgers. Tina starts dating a ballet face returns. Martin Clunes stars (1/8) (AD) Highlights. Steve Rider presents the second to confiscate Howard’s bicycle (AD) from the Bishop’s Palace in Wells, Somerset News; Weather 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 News;
dancer — making Jimmy Jr jealous (AD) 9.00 Shetland. Crime drama starring Douglas meeting of the season, held at Brands Hatch 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine. The friends are 7.00 Secrets of the London Underground. Weather 3.05 Y Fets (r) (AD) 4.00 Awr Fawr:
8.30 Bob’s Burgers. The Belcher family heads Henshall. Perez has to reopen an investigation 8.00 The Motorbike Show. Henry Cole is in offered the chance to become wealthy (AD) In this edition, presenters Tim Dunn and Siddy Olobobs (r) 4.05 Digbi Draig (r) 4.20
to Florida to visit Linda’s parents (AD) into the 1994 death of a local teenager when a Somerset riding a Honda Goldwing bike 8.00 Father Brown. The clergyman investigates Holloway explore hidden parts of Archway Bendibwmbwls (r) 4.30 Pentre Papur Pop (r)
9.00 FILM: The Invisible Man (15, 2020) Shetland man’s murder conviction is overturned 9.00 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. Dennis’s wife Vera the mysterious deaths of two nuns (AD) 8.00 Secrets of the London Underground. 4.45 Awyr Iach (r) 5.00 Stwnsh: Dennis a
An abused woman flees for her life, but then 10.20 Shetland. The hunt is on for Malone’s announces she is coming across to Germany, 9.00 Sister Boniface Mysteries. The sleuth Exploring forgotten stations that were located Dannedd (r) 5.15 Byd Rwtsh Dai Potsh (r) 5.25
fears her apparently dead partner has come attacker. Meanwhile, Tosh investigates Forst casting a shadow over the future of his uncovers a case of life imitating art when a local on the District Line, Whitechapel (5/6) (AD) Siwrne Ni (r) 5.30 Un Cwestiwn (r) 5.50 News
after her. Thriller starring Elisabeth Moss (AD) Energy in the search for Sally’s killer, and DNA developing relationship with Dagmar amateur dramatics performer dies on stage (AD) 9.00 Abandoned Engineering. The story of Air Ni 6.00 Ralïo+ (r) 6.30 Garddio a Mwy (r) 6.57
11.25 Family Guy. Brian begins a campaign to in the Kilmuir case yields a surprising result 10.05 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite. 10.00 New Tricks. A murder at Smithfield Studios on the Island of Montserrat, which News 7.00 Heno 7.30 News; Weather 8.00
make cannabis legal in the town of Quahog (AD) 11.40 Lewis. Following the murder of a Hard-hitting action from the world of All Elite Market leads to a shocking revelation (8/8) (AD) became a mecca for rock legends (1/8) (AD) Alun, Chris a Kiri yn Seland Newydd. Chris
11.55 Family Guy. Peter becomes obsessed psychologist who was moonlighting as a psychic, Wrestling, featuring such stars as Jon Moxley, 11.20 Soldier, Soldier. Colonel Fortune becomes 10.00 Bangers & Cash. Documentary (9/10) Roberts, Kiri Pritchard-McLean and Alun
with the 1963 hit single Surfin’ Bird (AD) Lewis struggles to unravel the victim’s baffling Will Ospreay, Bryan Danielson and Toni Storm worried about the prospect of the King’s Own 11.00 Abandoned Engineering (8/12) (AD) Williams travel across New Zealand. Last in the
12.25am American Dad! Double bill of the double life. Sanjeev Bhaskar guest stars (AD) 12.15am EFL Play Off Semi Final Highlights. Fusiliers merging with another regiment (7/7) 12.00 Great British Railway Journeys 1.00am series (r) 8.55 News; Weather 9.00 Rybish (r)
animated series (AD) 1.25 Bob’s Burgers (AD) 1.30am Upstairs, Downstairs. The General Championship second-leg ties 1.00 Minder (AD, 12.30am Lovejoy 1.40 When the Boat Comes In Secrets of the Transport Museum (AD) 2.00 (AD) 10.00 Welsh Whisperer — Ni’n Teithio
2.15 Don’t Hate the Playaz 3.00 Teleshopping Strike takes effect 2.30 Teleshopping SL) 2.05 The Sweeney (SL) 3.00 Teleshopping 2.50 Classic Holby City (SL) 4.00 Teleshopping Abandoned Engineering (AD) 3.00 Teleshopping Nawr! (r) (AD) 10.35-11.40 Ni Yw’r Cymry (r)
14 Friday May 17 2024 | the times

Backgammon Chris Bray Codeword No 5217 Train Tracks No 2247

The learning curve best move was in any given posi-

tion but, in fact, we were often way
How long does it take to become a off the mark. Nowadays we can be
very good backgammon player? sure of the best move and thus we
Go back 40 years and the answer don’t waste time learning bad
would have been something like habits.
ten years. Nowadays that figure is Look at this week’s position
something closer to two years. where Black has a 31 to play. In the
First, we must define what very 1980s book from which it was
good means, and we can do that taken, Black moved 15/12, 13/12,
using Performance Ratings as cal- and the only comment made was
culated by modern computer pro- that the play was obvious. With
grams. A PR of under 7.5 will give the benefit of XG analysis, we
you a rating of expert. A PR from learn that the best move is actually
2.5 to 5.0 will rate you as world 23/22, 15/12. Why is that the case?
class, and under 2.5 gives you a Black wants to escape his rear
world champion classification. checker so stepping up is very logi-
A few players, such as Hideaki cal. 15/12 looks risky but the only
Ueda of Japan and the UK’s Oliver five that White will hit with on her
Squire and Reece Hodges, at- next turn is double fives. With all
tained PRs of under 4 in two years, the other fives, she will play in her
but they are the exceptions, not home board. Thus, XG teaches us
the rule. For my stronger students that preparing to escape is more
I give them a target of reaching a important than making the new
PR of 5.5 and don’t usually set a point, and when we see a similar Lay tracks to enable the train to travel from village A to village
time limit. position in the future, we can ap- B. The numbers indicate how many sections of track go in
The reason the learning curve ply that principle in our decision- each row and column. There are only straight sections and
has accelerated so much since making. curved sections. The track cannot cross itself.
1990 is the advent of the internet The certainty that this type of
and neural net computer pro- teaching provides enables us to
grams. In the past we might have make rapid progress towards Quintagram®
thought that we knew what the those lower PR numbers. Challenge
Solve all five cryptic clues using each
letter underneath once only
your mind
with these
1 Poet has residence by river (5) fiendish
Every letter in this crossword-style grid is represented by a number from 1 to 26.
Each letter of the alphabet appears in the grid at least once. Use the letters already -2 Instrument
- - -from- India encased word and
provided to work out the identity of further letters. Enter letters in the main grid number
and the smaller reference grid until all 26 letters of the alphabet have been
accounted for. Proper nouns are excluded. Yesterday’s solution, right
in lead (5) puzzles
Cluelines Stuck on Codeword? To receive 4 random clues call 0901 293 6262 or
-3 Rock’s
- -location
- - in Colorado (7)
text TIMECODE to 64343. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge. For the full solution
call 0905 757 0142. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s network -4 City,- British,
- - first
- -linked
- to Circle
access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm).
Line (7)

Lexica Easy No 7415 Hard No 7416 -5 Longs

- -to nurse
- -poorly
- -Greek
J A O L G A G D R J D D hero (8)
Winning Move
B U B G --------
White to play. A A B B C D E E
This position is from Akhilbay- R A E
Jarocka, Titled Tuesday, E H H I I I L L 2024. A R H M L L M O O O R R
R R S S S T T U bookshop
Positions with opposite-coloured L K E R
bishops can be hard to judge.
The total lack of engagement E R L V
between the two pieces often
signifies that a draw is likely.
However, when one side is
Y N E What are your favourite
attacking it can almost seem as
though they have an extra piece.
Y V E V E B D F G I O E puzzles in MindGames?
This is a spectacular example.
How did White break through?
Slide the letters either horizontally or vertically back into the grid to produce a
completed crossword. Letters are allowed to slide over other letters
KenKen Difficult No 6209 Futoshiki No 4757 Kakuro No 3716

Fill the grid

using the
numbers 1 to 9
only. The
numbers in each
horizontal or
vertical run of
white squares
add up to the
total in the
triangle to its left
or above it. The
same number
may occur more
than once in a
row or column,
but not within
the same run of
white squares.

All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row and column. In Fill the blank squares so that every row and column contains
each thick-line “block”, the target number in the top left-hand each of the numbers 1 to 5 once only. The symbols between
corner is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block, the squares indicate whether a number is larger (>) or smaller
using the operation indicated by the symbol. (<) than the number next to it.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 15

times2 Crossword No 9533 Brain Trainer Cell Blocks No 5100
Just follow the instructions from left to right, starting with the number given to reach an answer at the end.
Divide the grid


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
into square or
8 9
EASY 6 +5 x 3 + 11 x 2 – 14 50% +8 x2 70% rectangular
OF IT OF IT blocks, each
containing one
digit only. Every
block must
10 11 MEDIUM 74 + 1/4 – 94
x 4 + 76 OF x2 50% + 89 30% + 99 contain the
IT OF IT OF IT number of cells
indicated by the
digit inside it.

12 13 14 + 1/2 – 198
HARDER 138 x 3 + 974 + 1/2 x 3 – 876 70%
+ 863 OF

15 16 17 18
Polygon Set Square No 3719
From these letters, make words of Enter each of
20 21 22 23 four or more letters, always including the numbers
the central letter. Answers must be in from 1 to 9 in
the Concise Oxford Dictionary, excluding the grid, so that
capitalised words, plurals, conjugated the six sums
24 25 verbs (past tense etc), adverbs ending work. We’ve
in LY, comparatives and superlatives. placed two
How you rate 10 words, average; numbers to get
14, good; 18, very good; 22, excellent you started.
Each sum
Across 17 Prejudiced (6) Yesterday’s answers should be
3 Bunch of banknotes, eg (3) 20 Hot water vapour (5) calculated left
bide, bier, bile, bird, birl, biro, bode, boer,
to right or top
8 Wear away (5) 21 Grave, solemn (7) boil, boiler, bold, bole, bolide, bore, bored,
to bottom.
9 Defer, put off for later (7) 24 Condense (text) (7) boride, bovid, bride, bridle, brio, broil,
10 Set of DIY implements (7) 25 Tiptop, excellent (U, not A) (5) dobe, libero, lobe, lobed, lovebird,
overbid, rebid, robe, robed, verb, vibe
11 Spree (5) 26 Fish spawn (3) Please note, BODMAS does not apply
12 Having a memorable
tune (6) Down
14 Oesophagus (6) 1 Religious faction (4) Killer Moderate No 9472 Solutions
15 Walking with long strides (6) 2 Joint presenter (2-4) Quick Cryptic 2677 Codeword 5216 Kakuro 3715
Solution to Crossword 9532 3 Feeble (4)
4 Pub sport (5)
5 Nation of eastern Africa (8)
E L B OW R A M P A G E 6 Aid for pouring liquid (6)
G Z A D A R A 7 Consumed (food) (8)
SEEM GES T A T ED 12 Gargantuan (8)
R S N U E 13 Created using manual
SPORT S DROP I N craft skills (8)
A R H E A 16 Verse writings (6)
DEV I A T ED BRA T 18 Eerie, spine-tingling (6)
I E N A E A H 19 Michaelmas daisy (5) Train Tracks 2246
SENEGA L M I SER 22 Ready for eating (4) Sudoku 14,916 Tetonor 466
M O E T M O E 23 Photograph; card game (4)
M A R S H M A L L OW 39 57 18 280
1 + 38 50 + 7 3 + 15 14 x 20
Need help with today’s puzzle? Call 0905 757 0143 to check the
answers. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s 56 34 350 38
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). 4 x 14 20 + 14 7 x 50 1 x 38

35 240 32 45
Bridge Andrew Robson 16 + 19 12 x 20 20 + 12 3 x 15

205 18 46 304
Sudoku 14,917 41 x 5 4 + 14 41 + 5 16 x 19
Twenty Bidding Maxims The third is a bit of a trap
7. Don’t sing the same song twice because you should not have over- 1 3 Cell
4 5Blocks
7 12 5099 Set20Square
14 14 15 16 19 3718
20 38 41 50 Lexica 7413
called 2♦. Where are your tricks? H
As with any discussion, to reach a They’re mostly defensive eg ♠ QJx.
mutually compatible outcome it’s If the proverbial waiter did bid 2♦, Killer Deadly No 9473 U S C

best to tell partner something new then your pass of 2♠ is one of E X P I R E

with each bid. Discussing a date relief — and completely clear. D A I

night with your spouse, you may Dealer N
♠ AK643 S E
kick off with, “How about a pint at ♥4
the pub?” If she replies, “I’d rather ♦ A752 A D M I R E

go to the cinema,” it’s best not to

to go ♣Q 4 3
reply, “Let’s go to the pub then.” It’s ♠ J8 N ♠ Q 10 9 7 5 Sudoku 14,918 Futoshiki 4756 KenKen 6208 Lexica 7414
♥ AQ 9 7 W E ♥ 8 6
preferable to suggest, “OK, how ♦Q 10 4 S ♦K J 9 6 S C H E M A
about a nice meal at the local ♣J 10 7 5 ♠ 2 ♣A 6 U R D
Italian?” (Apologies for the sex-
♥ K J 10 5 3 2
role stereotyping.) ♦8 3

I recall that the great player- ♣K 9 8 2 U N L

writer Terence Rees penned a E T T

piece on “Six Appeal” — the ten- P E G
dency of players to bang on for too 1♠ Pass
long about a six-card suit. 1NT(1) Pass 2♦ Pass
Right-hand opponent opens 1♠ , 2♥ (2) Pass Pass(3) Pass Today’s solutions
you overcall 2♦ (would you?), left- (1) Not quite strong enough for 2♥ .
Killer 9470 Concise Cryptic Suko 4118 Brain
hand opponent bids 2♠ and the (2) Showing (normally) six cards and (cer- Quintagram Quintagram Trainer
bidding returns to you. What now tainly) a very weak hand.
(3) Not 2♠ . North has shown her 5♠ -4♦ 1 Moon 1 Homer Easy 63
with these? shape. To bid 2♠ would be singing the 2 Tiger 2 Sitar Medium 237
♠ Q2 ♠2 ♠ QJ4 same song twice; to bid anything else 3 Milkman 3 Boulder Harder 6,735
♥Q 7 ♥K 3 2 ♥Q 4 would be worse (E-W are more likely to 4 Disgrace 4 Bristol
♦AQ 6 4 3 2 ♦A K 8 5 3 2♦A J 5 4 3 2 make 2NT than you are). 5 Offshore 5 Achilles
♣A 7 5 ♣K J 2 ♣J 2 Trick one proceeded ♣J, ♣3, ♣6
With the first, pass 2♠ . There is ♣K. At trick two, declarer crossed to Word watch Quiz
absolutely no reason for you to ♠ A to lead ♥4 to ♥J. West won Derny (b) A pacemaker’s 1 British Airways 2 The Nile
come again here, having already ♥ Q and switched to ♦4 (best). vehicle in track cycling
3 Ireland 4 Duke of
shown your hand. If partner can- Declarer won ♦A, cashed ♠ K drop- (Collins) Dyslogistic (a)
not bid 3♦, nor can you. ping ♦8, ruffed ♦2 and led ♥ K. Killer 9471 Conveying censure Edinburgh or Prince Philip,
I would come again with the sec- West won ♥ A and led ♦Q. As with standard Sudoku, fill the grid so that every column, (Chambers) Jequirity (b) A although he wasn’t created a
every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set substitute for liquorice (OED) British prince until 1957
ond hand, but not with 3♦. It’s far Ruffing, declarer cashed ♥ 10 Chess — Winning Move
better — more economical, more (East discarding) then led ♣9, cov- of cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target number 5 Joe Biden, the biting
flexible — to double. This second- ered by ♣10, ♣Q and ♣A. East led in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells joined by dotted After 1 Rxh5+! gxh5 2 Qf5 victims were Secret Service
lines, a digit cannot be repeated. Black is slaughtered on the
round take-out double gives part- ♠ Q, ruffed and overruffed but light squares. White agents 6 Charlemagne
ner a virtual blueprint of your declarer could win West’s ♣7 with threatens the rook as well as 7 Old Bailey 8 Kubla Khan
hand. You’ll pass any bid by part- ♣8. He lost ♣2 to West’s ♣5 but Cluelines Stuck on Sudoku, Killer or KenKen? Call 0901 293 3 Qxh5+ Bh6 4 Qxh6 mate. 9 Dannii Minogue 10 Guy
ner, and you’re secretly hoping for that was eight tricks made — and 6263 before midnight to receive four clues for any of today’s Despite Black’s extra rook, Ritchie 11 Zulu 12 Playback
there is no defence, eg 2 ...
a jump to 4♥ opposite, holding five so much better than a 2♠ con- puzzles. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network
Be5 3 Qxc8+ Kg7 4 Qg8+ 13 Cayambe 14 Lando Norris
hearts and a singleton diamond. tract. access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). Kh6 5 Be4 and mate follows 15 “Weird Al” Yankovic

Word watch Sudoku Mild No 14,919 Difficult No 14,920 Fiendish No 14,921

David Parfitt

a A unit of fabric
b A pacemaker’s vehicle
in track cycling
c Habitually coming last
a Conveying censure
b Breaking apart easily
c Explained with

a The act of questioning
b A substitute for
c Legal impartiality
Answers on page 15

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

The Times Daily Quiz Olav Bjortomt Suko No 4118

1 Which airline is the 11 Umzansi is a
UK flag carrier? traditional war dance of
which African people?
2 The remains of the
ancient Egyptian city 12 Which 1958
of Thebes are located
on the banks of which
book was Raymond
Chandler’s last full-
What will
3 In which country was
length novel featuring
Philip Marlowe? you ask our
the Shamrock car built
in the late 1950s?
13 Ecuador’s third-
highest mountain,
which volcano features
financial experts?
4 In June 1952, which the only point on
duke was promoted 15 the Equator with
to the rank of permanent snow cover? Ask the experts is a brand new
commander in the European politics is subtitled A Vision in a feature in our Money section.
Royal Navy? named after which Holy Dream: A Fragment ? 14 Which McLaren
Roman Emperor? driver won his first From mortgages to savings, tax to
5 Which president’s 9 Which Australian Formula One race pensions, find answers to your
German shepherd 7 The Central Criminal had a top ten hit at the 2024 Miami
Commander had at Court of England and single with Jump to the Grand Prix? Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so financial dilemmas every week.
least 24 biting incidents Wales is located on Beat (1991)? that the number in each circle is equal to
between October 2022 which London street? 15 Who is this the sum of the four surrounding spaces, Scan the QR code to read
and July 2023? 10 Which English US musician and and each colour total is correct
8 Published in 1816, film director owns comedian? online or pick up a
6 The Economist’s which Samuel Taylor Ashcombe House in For interactive puzzles visit newspaper this weekend
weekly column on Coleridge poem is Wiltshire? Answers on page 15

The Times Quick Cryptic No 2678 by Teazel Adrian Anderson

Mortgage Maestro
Martyn James
Bills Buster
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across Down
1 This is how spies left informal 1 A little insult angers sovereign
gathering (6) (6)
4 Peer is said to be childless (6) 2 Primrose in part of animal’s
8 9 10 8 Undemanding hilltop not very mouth (7)
high (7) 3 With gold, artist creates special
10 An argument about River Dart atmosphere (4)
(5) 5 Scotsman unfortunately died
11 Take side off piece of furniture before broadcast (8)
11 12 to make it fit (4) 6 Engineers manage a repeat
12 One that forgives a tale-teller broadcast (5)
13 (8) 7 Fresh flood defence for Notts Anna Bowes Kate Aitchison
Savings Specialist
14 Believer is quiet and strangely town (6) Tax Troubleshooter
14 15 hesitant (9) 9 Suffered from exposure, but
18 Spotted insect and hen, may survived (9)
16 17 one say? (8) 13 Assisting girl with jewellery (8) Tom Selby
Pensions Pundit
20 Mince remains hot to start 15 Time to pay for freedom in the
18 19 20 with (4) bar (7) Rachel Winter
22 A friend from America 16 With a cutting edge, youth Investment Investigator

returning by one Muslim pierces couch (6)
country (5) 17 Covering small area of
23 Where Dad can swim with unproductive land (6)
22 23 ease? (4,3) 19 Ledger entry’s extremely
24 Foolish time to put identifying defective part (5)
mark into deer (6) 21 Leaving word poor quality
25 Heat of battle at mountain stuff is at start of auction (2-2)
24 25 height (6)
Yesterday’s solution on page 15
FRIDAY MAY 17 2024

How I revamped
my home on a
(tight) budget
2 Bricks & Mortar Friday May 17 2024 | the times
2 Bricks Friday May 17 2024
& Mortar the times

£12.5 million

This 16th-century manor dates back to

Henry VIII and was owned by a Bond girl

t Catherine’s Court is a MTV’s Cribs, the show that toured
grade I listed 16th-century celebrity houses. Seymour lived abroad
Somerset manor near Bath for much of the year when she owned it,
originally built as a priory but also used it as a party venue.
grange for the monks of Historic England notes that the
Bath Abbey. It takes its multigabled, four-storey house had
name from the 12th-century “many later alterations”, particularly
Church of St Catherine, during the 19th century, “in the Tudor
which sits beside the house. style”. On entry you pass a pillared porch
The actress Jane Seymour (who played from the old chapel into a grand
Solitaire in Live and Let Die, the 1973 entrance. A minstrel’s gallery overlooks
James Bond film) was taken by its beauty the carved ceiling while a host of
while on location for Jamaica Inn, a 1983 reception rooms lead from the first-floor
British television miniseries adapted hallway, including the ballroom, a
from Daphne du Maurier’s 1936 novel. library, as well as drawing and dining
By the time she’d finished filming, the rooms, linked with wooden doors. The
13-bedroom mansion and its 14 acres ground floor includes a breakfast room/
were hers, for £350,000. family kitchen and a professional
From 1981, Seymour and David Flynn, kitchen, estate office, boot room, pantry,
then her husband, carried out millions of wine store, laundry room and bedrooms.
pounds’ worth of Outbuildings include a five-
renovations. Once the bedroom lodge house, a
14,477 sq ft house had been Sign up to our 15th-century grade II* listed
brought back to its former property newsletter tithe barn and an old school
glory, Seymour and her for the latest analysis, house. The grounds feature
fourth husband, the film gossip, tips and tricks a Jacobean bowling green,
director James Keach, let it every Monday at orchards, an orangery and Actress Jane Seymour once
out as a film location and a ancient yews. owned the 13-bedroom house
recording studio to bands. newsletters After the dissolution of
Much of Radiohead’s OK the monasteries in 1536, St
Computer album was recorded at St Catherine’s was granted by Henry VIII
Catherine’s Court. The band got to know to his tailor, John Malte. On selling the BA1 The postcode in numbers
its supernatural side while living there property off-market in 2007 Seymour
In this part of Somerset 47% of Decrease
between 1996 and 1997. Vocalist Thom told The Sunday Times that she loved it
properties for sale are under in buyer
Yorke told Rolling Stone: “Ghosts would “more than anything in the world”.
talk to me while I was asleep. There was The present owner, who bought it offer, falling to 19% of those
costing £1.5 million or more
4% demand
in the
one point where I got up in the morning from Seymour, is “a very private
past year
after a night of hearing voices and individual”, says Ed Sugden of Savills
decided I had to cut my hair.” country department. “He’s spent a lot on
The Cure recorded their 1996 LP Wild upgrading — wiring, plumbing, £572,694 is the average house price
Mood Swings in St Catherine’s vast everything. It’s very unusual to find such TAKING THE TEMPERATURE
ballroom on the first floor, which, a house of this calibre and age in such a SELLERS' MARKET

Source: Propcast and Rightmove

Seymour explained in the same 2017 beautiful, serene setting . . . We expect a The hotter the SE
Rolling Stone interview, “has four- lot of interest, probably from America market, the quicker KE

second reverberation”. It was also rented and international markets.”

and easier it should


by the singer Robbie Williams, who Victoria Brzezinski

be to sell a home
passed it off as his own in an episode of £12.5 million;

What £925,000 buys you in . . .

Lincolnshire Cambridgeshire
Grade II listed Washdyke Farm is a £925,000 Waters Edge is a gated development £925,000
handsome Georgian four-bedroom that wraps around three sides of
property — with outbuildings — in the Wansford Marina on the River Nene,
South Kesteven village of Fulbeck, about which runs through Peterborough and
ten miles north of Grantham. Fitted with Northampton. Built in 2017, this four-
a modern Sonos home sound system, bedroom, three-bathroom detached
the ground floor includes three reception house has mooring rights and views of
rooms and a traditional farmhouse-style the marina, a landscaped garden and
kitchen with wooden cabinetry; ancillary private parking for two cars. The kitchen
areas include a large utility room and features Corian worktops and a Quooker
boot room. Two of the bedrooms of the boiling water tap. The southeast-facing
2,452 sq ft house have en suite gardens have seating and dining terraces,
bathrooms while the remaining two with artificial turf and low stone-walled
share a bathroom. Set in 2.77 acres, the flower and shrub beds, complete with
gardens are filled with mature shrubs, night-time lighting and an automated
trees and flowers. irrigation system and water features.
EPC Exempt EPC B (potential A) — on a scale of A
Upside Kerb appeal. (best) to G (worst)
Downside The extra five acres is not Upside Modern and comfy. The good
included — you’ll need to negotiate energy rating should keep bills down too.
separately. Downside A bit pricey for the area.
Contact Contact
the times | Friday May 17 2024 Bricks & Mortar 3

Brief encounter
Ask the expert
Japanese knotweed growing next
door has spread into our garden
but it hasn’t yet affected the
house. I have read that there has been
a recent appeal case about it. What is
the latest position?

Japanese knotweed’s Appeal awarded bungalow

long-held reputation owners £10,000 compensation
as a “bogey plant” is against Network Rail after
not entirely fair, but rhizomes encroached from a
it still affects property values. railway embankment onto their
The threat to building gardens — even though there
structures caused by the roots was no damage to the houses.
(or rhizomes) has been widely In the recent Supreme Court
known about since 2013, since case Bridgend v Davies a
the publication of a Royal householder failed to recover
Institution of Chartered damages after Japanese
Surveyors information paper. knotweed spread from council-
The fast-growing plant is a owned land. Although the court
prescribed invasive species, and found that the council failed to
environmental law says it must treat the infestation properly,
be removed by licensed the main damage to the value
contractors and disposed of at of the house happened “well
special waste sites. before 2004”. Crucially, this
The Law Society property date was before structural
information form TA6 asks threats became widely known
sellers whether their land or about in 2013. The council’s
adjacent property is affected by later default was not, therefore,
Japanese knotweed. They face the cause of the drop in the
substantial damages claims property’s value.
from buyers if they give You should check what
untruthful answers. was said about Japanese
Apart from sellers, knotweed when you bought the
landowners can pursue property. If the rhizomes
their neighbours for came onto your land
injunctions and after 2013 you
compensation for can claim an
damage to property injunction
values — failure to and damages
stop the spread of against your
Japanese neighbours for
knotweed can failing to control
amount to an the weed.
actionable nuisance. Mark Loveday
The two leading is a barrister with
Japanese knotweed Tanfield Chambers.
nuisance cases Email questions to
involve infestations a few brief.encounter
miles apart in south Wales. @thetimes
In 2018 the Court of

Powys Mexico
From the outside, this six-bedroom grade £925,000 Casa de los Reflejos (Spanish for “house £930,000
II listed Georgian house in Powys is a of reflections”) is a stunning two-storey
picture of elegance. Inside, it could use colonial-style house in Barrio San
some work. Period features include Francisco, an upmarket residential
beamed ceilings and an inglenook neighbourhood on the southern fringe
fireplace with a wood-burner. The of Mexico City. Surrounded by trees and
property has an established B&B the sounds of birds, the property sits
business, which may explain why there inside a gated complex, with plenty of
are two WCs and a bathroom downstairs, patios, terraces and gardens to escape
and why there are several reception from the hustle and bustle of the huge
rooms: a living room, a sitting room, a metropolis. There are two bedrooms —
dining room and a family room. All six the main one has a small study and
bedrooms are en suite too. The property walk-in wardrobe and is connected to
also has five one-bedroom cottages. the second one via a sunny outside
Outside there is a detached garage, a terrace — and two bathrooms. There
patio and half an acre of land. It’s in the is potential for a third bedroom on the
village of Llandysilio, 21 miles from second floor.
Wrexham. Upside You’d think you were in the
EPC E (potential C) countryside.
Upside Could be a nice earner. Downside Probably not big enough to
Downside Needs updating. be a family home.
Contact Contact
4 Bricks & Mortar Friday May 17 2024 | the times
4 Bricks Friday May 17 2024
& Mortar the times 1 2

Moving stories
Your tales from up and down the property ladder

‘We went from a starter

house to our forever home 3
James and Sophie
Baldwin moved from
a £215,000 house to a
in seven years’ £310,000 house, and
now live in a £550,000
home in North
Yorkshire with their
ames and I met in 2017, and company, did a lot of the legwork

two children
we had a ten-year plan — we himself to save on costs.
wanted to be in a detached We really loved Glasshouses, and the
house with loads of space village lifestyle, but when we got married
[says Sophie Baldwin, 31]. in September 2020 we started to talk
When we first met, about having a family. We wanted a
James had a two-bedroom bigger garden, and we also wanted to be
house in Harrogate, North closer to our parents, who were about an for pregnant and breastfeeding women. attached to the house and we thought
Yorkshire, and I was living at home in hour away. We put a lot into the house. We put we had nothing to lose. We put the
Goldsborough, which is a village nearby. We sold the Glasshouses house in in an air source heat pump and house on the market for £415,000, and
James was going through a divorce October 2020, just when everyone was underfloor heating, a new kitchen and we had almost 25 viewings in two days.
and after the Harrogate house was wanting to move out of cities, for bathrooms, and we turned part of the It went to sealed bids and we ended up
sold we bought a three-bedroom mid- £285,000 — we were told that adding garage into a gym. We put in new selling for £425,000 in February 2022.
terrace in the village of Glasshouses, the en suite added a lot of the value. windows, and bi-fold doors, and knocked From there we moved to Burton
which is 12 miles away, in August 2017. Our next home was a three-bedroom through the kitchen and dining room. Leonard, which is about nine miles
It cost £215,000 and although there was detached house in Knaresborough, We ended up spending a lot of money north of Harrogate, three months later.
nothing particularly wrong with it, it North Yorkshire, which we bought for — £80,000. It cost £550,000 and the best thing about
looked awful. £310,000. We thought we were going to Then our mortgage came up for it is that it needs no work.
It was painted purple, everywhere, and stay long-term. It was quite new, but renewal we wanted to know how much We did have to extend our mortgage
it didn’t have a proper fitted kitchen, just dated and it needed a lot of work. Have your say the house was worth with all the work to buy it, but because of the previous
an Ikea freestanding one. We knew there We moved in with my parents while Would you like to share we had done so we asked an estate properties we had a really good deposit
was money to be made on it. we did the work — or James did your moving story? agent friend to come and give us an to put down. Our son, Luca, is nearly
We got rid of the purple and my because by that point I was pregnant Email carol.lewis@ honest valuation. three and in November we had a
parents bought us an ex-display kitchen and not really able to do much. I was He said there was a huge demand daughter, Amelie.
for £2,000. We also added an en suite to also busy with my two businesses, a for properties like ours, and it would Things are busy enough. I would like
the attic bedroom. James, who is a sales digital marketing agency and The be really easy to sell for a profit. We to just stay put now.
and operations manager for an IT Mum Collective, a loungewear company hadn’t had time to get emotionally Interview by Ruth Bloomfield


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6 Bricks & Mortar Friday May 17 2024 | the times
6 Bricks Friday May 17 2024
& Mortar the times

Garden gear for wildlife
We’re going
U A cosy wicker house
it alone
for hedgehogs, £29.50,
aplaceforeverything. A third of UK households have just one
occupant — this growing demographic
X Poppy seed head
share their solo stories with Jayne Dowle
feeder — the perfect
size for fat balls, £17.99,

P eople living alone in the while too. I loved being in both cities but
UK now make up a third I really wanted to buy my own place.
of all households, I grew up in the area and my parents
W This Wildlife World according to the Office for live here. Also, obviously, property prices
butterfly barn is a safe National Statistics. There are massively more affordable in this
V The Eco Frogilo is a cute and home for all types of has been an 8 per cent part of Yorkshire than they are in the
durable home for frogs and toads, pollinating insects, increase in solo dwellers south of England, even though
£25.95, £21.99, in a decade, outpacing the Beverley is considered an expensive
6 per cent increase in the UK population area. The important thing is it’s
in the decade from 2012. financially viable for me. You’ll find
Of the people living alone 52 per cent lawyers and GPs who live in London
are women. However, the number of who can’t comfortably buy their own
men living alone has grown more — an home. I was able to transfer to a job in
increase of 415,000 since 2013, compared Hull, which is only about ten miles
X Bee drinking cups, with 204,000 more women — perhaps away. So I decided to go for it.
£35 for a set of five, because it’s easier for men, who have I put down a pretty decent deposit. higher salaries on average, to afford it. During the pandemic, when I was still
Male first-time buyers in London have, in Brighton, I managed to save a lot of
on average, £11,500 more saved for a money — about £10,000 — because I
deposit than women, according to NHG was unable to do anything, go on
Compiled by Homes (part of the housing association holiday or leave the house. I was also
Victoria Maw Notting Hill Genesis), which in fortunate to have help from my parents,
partnership with the insight who gave me the money to make up
agency Opinium has looked at gender a 25 per cent deposit. I feel like the
disparity in the property market. decision I’ve made to buy is financially
Regardless of gender, people aged 65 very viable.
years and over account for 93 per cent of I was also lucky as I went for a five-
the total growth in the number of people year fixed-rate mortgage that was in
living alone over the last decade. This place before the Ukraine war started and
age group now represents half of all interest rates shot up. My interest rate is
single-person households. 1.64 per cent, which is pretty decent. If
Dominic Stead, property director at I could afford it then, I felt pretty
the retirement renting company My confident that as I progressed through
Future Living, says the so-called senior my career I would be able to afford it in
living market “is still in its infancy” in five years’ time.
the UK, and as such there is a shortage At the time of buying I did have a
of homes suitable for the older girlfriend, but she lived in Leeds and
demographic. had no intention of coming to live
Stead is calling for investors in Beverley. I’m not lonely,
and developers to tap into though. If I want to cook for
this sector and come up myself and get a good
with creative solutions, night’s sleep I can do
including long-term It’s important that. I worked as a
secure rental to keep busy and breakfast chef for
developments a while, so my
that would allow occupied. There’ s the cooking’s not
older single people danger you can sink bad. As I’ve got
to more easily sell older I’ve become
their family home, move within yourself more health-conscious.
and release capital. I like to cook lunches to go.
“Moving to a smaller I am always going to see
apartment can liberate people to friends in Brighton and London
enjoy their retirement years as part or travelling. I play football. I do
of a sociable community,” he says. have a social life here — maybe not
From a first time-buyer to an active as social as I like, but it’s not like I’m
eightysomething, a range of people who spending five days in isolation.
live alone tell us what it’s really like to be I love that feeling when I come home Jacqueline
a member of the singletons club. from work and I’ve got a secure base. If Jordan
I’ve had a bad day or I’m in a bad
‘My home is an mood for some reason I can just
chill out. I treat my home as my
absolute comfort zone’ absolute comfort zone.
George Fryer, 31, lives in Beverley in I’ve not painted anything.
the East Riding of Yorkshire, and The house is as it was
works as a communications consultant. when I bought it. I’ve got
He bought his first home, a two- photos and prints on the
bedroom new-build townhouse, for wall, and blinds on all
£180,000 in 2021. the windows, but I still
haven’t got a lampshade

B efore I lived here I was lucky

enough to be in a flat-share in
Brighton, which I’d found
through I had great
flatmates and they’re still some of my
in the hallway. It’s true,
you could mistake it
for a rented property,
but in a big move for
me I’ve now got tiles
best friends. I also lived in London for a round the sink.
the times | Friday May 17 2024 Bricks & Mortar 7
Friday May 17 2024 Bricks 7
the times & Mortar

This is the first time I have lived by

‘My gas and myself. I got together with Julian and
electricity bills have we were straight into a relationship at
19 years old. But it was quite liberating,
more than halved’ knowing I would be on my own.
Monica Gordon, 63, works part- When I think where I am now, there’s
time as an administrator for a a world of difference. It’s not having to
construction company. She lives answer to everybody. Your shopping bill
in a three-bedroom terraced drops off a cliff. Even simple things like
new-build in Ashford, Kent. not having to consider somebody else —
you can do whatever you want on an

I wanted a home to retire to, but

not in a retirement village. As
well as hoping to downsize from
my previous home, a 1930s Tudor-
style semi-detached, I also wanted
evening. You just have to have the
confidence, not doubt yourself. I tell
myself I can do it. I’ve done all sorts,
even learnt to fix a washing machine.
I have absolutely no intention of living
to get away from the busy with anybody again. I think you’ll find
environment of Tattenham Corner it’s men who often end up straight in
in Epsom, Surrey, where I lived another one when one relationship ends.
before. I wanted somewhere more Women are maybe thinking, wow, me
affordable, and I went all over the time, especially once the kids have gone.
place to try to get more for my
money, even as far as Brighton and
Maidstone. I wanted to breathe
‘I moved in with the help
cleaner air and enjoy some of a downsizing adviser’
amazing views. Ronald Kemp, 78, a widower and
Moving from Tattenham Corner to retired shopping centre manager, lives
Ashford felt like I was on an expedition. in a two-bedroom first-floor apartment
I have been fortunate in getting help in Churchill’s Retirement Living’s Bond
from friends and meeting and talking to Lodge, in Rainham, Essex.
different people in the Ashford area.
It was a big step as I was always used
to having company as a single parent
with my two boys, Jamal, now 34, and
Camion, 30.
An attempt at buying a
M y wife, Sandra, would be amazed
if she could see me now. From
somebody who couldn’t do a
thing — and she wouldn’t let me — I
do my own washing, ironing, I
bungalow fell through, so cook. I’ve bought myself an air
I broadened my search. I fryer that I’m getting along
found the Barratt with very well.
development in Sandra passed away
Chilmington, near I sold my old in October 2022.
Ashford. home for £520,000 That left me very
I liked the much alone —
location and
and bought outright we used to be
went for a three- for £359,000. It joined at the hip.
bedroom terraced Suddenly I found
home with a back garden
made sense myself with a big five-
and two parking spaces. It bedroom house with four
was ideal, so I reserved it on bathrooms — in Hempstead,
the same day and moved in at near Gillingham in Kent — and
the end of 2022. a big garden.
I spend my days walking, going to I used to live in Rainham years ago.
the gym and making new friends at I knew it quite well, so it was quite an
Slimming World. Living by myself easy decision to consider moving here.
means I get to do what I want when I My son and Sandra’s children live fairly
‘I miss having someone my own front door, my own letterbox.
I still drive and do my own shopping,
Clockwise from top left:
Anne Waters, George
want. It is a sense of freedom I don’t
believe you can get elsewhere. And I
close by, which is good.
We have about six or seven couples
to bring me a cup of tea’ although I have a delivery sometimes, Fryer, Ronald Kemp, love the fact that it’s quite near to the here, and there are probably a few more
Anne Waters, 86, a retired primary especially when the supermarket has Monica Gordon sea and to Canterbury. single ladies than single men. We all get
school head teacher and former Ofsted an offer on wine. After living in an older house, I’ve along very well. I thought I might be a
inspector, lives in a two-bedroom I do most of the cleaning, but I do been very impressed with the savings on bit of a recluse, lock myself behind the
second-floor apartment in Lytham St have a cleaner who comes in once a bills. My gas and electricity bills have front door, but I’ve found it easy to make
Annes, Lancashire. She was married fortnight. She does things that I find more than halved, and my water bill is new friends with shared interests.
to Joe for 62 years until he died of more difficult, such as the skirting also considerably less. It was hard to give up the house, but
cancer in 2021. boards and changing the duvet cover. Financially, buying on my own has I thought I would be more heartbroken.
It’s a two-bedroom apartment, it’s easy, really made sense. I sold my previous It’s probably because I’ve been kept busy

L iving alone is something you have

to get used to and it is very
different. I’ve had four sons and a
husband, and we always kept an open
you can whizz round in no time.
I can see people if I want to and I’ve
made lots of friends here, but I’m able
to do my own thing too. It’s independent
property for £520,000 and bought
outright for £359,000, so I’ve freed up
money to one day enjoy my retirement.
in the flat getting it all sorted out. I
moved in here in October 2023 and had
the help of Karen Williams, Churchill’s
specialist downsizing adviser.
house. But within 18 months I lost my
husband and Anthony, my eldest son,
living, but with the benefit of having
people around you. We have developed
‘Your shopping bill Most of my things I could bring with
me, but I filled three skips, as well as
who died very suddenly when he was 58. a very strong, vibrant community, many drops off a cliff’ taking things to charity shops. That was
Joe and I lived in a bungalow in of us are of a similar mindset. Jacqueline Jordan, 55, a public a bit heartbreaking, almost like throwing
Ansdell, between Lytham and St Annes, I think it’s very important that you relations specialist, lives in a converted your past away. I’ve saved treasured
for almost 30 years. Of my three keep yourself busy and occupied. The schoolhouse in the village of Trawden things. My little dining room, I call it
remaining sons, one is in Australia, one easiest thing in the world is to think, I near Colne in Lancashire. Sandra’s room, I’ve decorated with lots
is in America and the youngest lives in can’t be bothered. There’s the danger of photos of her and us together.
Chester with his young family. I am very
blessed; I have 11 grandchildren and 13
Suddenly, though, I found myself
alone for the first time in my life. I have
you can sink within yourself.
One of the things I miss most is
having someone to bring me a cup of tea
in the morning. I know that sounds
ridiculous. I have to think every
I’ ve been living by myself for a year
now. I was divorced last year and
separated for five years before that.
My son, Jack, 22, went to university
three years ago and my daughter, Ella,
I’ve also got two big bedrooms, two
bathrooms and a lounge. It’s the largest
apartment in the development and cost
£516,000 on a 999-year lease.
With the sale of the house, it was
a lot of friends, I do a lot of socialising, morning, what does today hold, let’s 20, went a year ago. affordable. I’m very lucky that I have a
I’m involved in a lot of things in the local think it through. That’s very necessary, A lot of people were like, oh my God, good occupational pension, plus half of
area; I’m in two bridge clubs and I’m because I’ve always been used to empty nest, are you going to be OK? My my wife’s pension — she was a retail
involved with the local church and all discussing it with somebody. kids won’t take this the wrong way, but manager for Burton — and the state
the committees that go on there. The other thing that I find difficult Lessons from in the end I was counting the days. pension. I find the service charge here
Nevertheless, I was alone. about living alone is remembering that the RHS Chelsea The house was the family home — very reasonable too, about £3,000
I started to think about moving from it’s mealtime and I’ve got to eat Flower Show in Julian, my ex-husband, and I have come annually. That’s for everything:
the bungalow and noticed The Sidings something. One of my sons has told me to an arrangement. It’s part of the gardening, window cleaning, rubbish
[an Adlington Retirement Living to put an alarm on my phone. We do The Sunday original village school, split into two removal, lift maintenance. Previously, I
development] being built nearby. I chose have a nice restaurant here. My husband Times Home properties and has four bedrooms. I’m was spending £7,000 a year just to keep
it because I could be totally independent really enjoyed his food. Cooking for one? this weekend not rattling about, but at some point I my house going, with repairs, patio
and moved here in January 2023. I have There’s no joy in it. will probably be downsizing. cleaning and help in the garden.
8 Bricks & Mortar Friday May 17 2024 | the times
8 Bricks Friday May 17 2024
& Mortar the times

he interior designer
Josie Lywood was living
in a flat in Richmond,
southwest London,
when a Georgian fixer-
upper on a handsome
square in a conservation
area came up for sale
for £1.2 million. The townhouse, just the
other side of the Thames from Kew
Gardens, had carpeted bathrooms, one
radiator and was in Brentford. It was not
an area that she and her husband, Julian,
had considered relocating to. “A lot of
Brentford is modern but there are little
pockets of really old properties. I believe
this was an old archery practice area
for Henry VIII,” Lywood, 33, says of the
townhouse’s location.
When the couple arrived for a viewing
in late 2019 they were greeted by tired
magnolia walls, but in a house with
sound bones. “I don’t think the previous
owner had touched the property since
she moved in, in the 1970s,” Lywood
says. Lywood and her husband saw the
potential, but it hasn’t been smooth
sailing. They bought the house soon
after the viewing, but it would be August
2020 before they could move in, because
of pandemic-related restrictions.
Renovation planning took about a year,
and building work began in January
2023 and was completed in May.
“When we got into the property we
didn’t have any budget to renovate,”
Lywood recalls. “Once we had saved up,
one very challenging part of the build
was that I was in the first trimester of
my pregnancy and nauseous when the
builders were there.” She gave birth to
a daughter, Artemis, in October 2023.
Lywood has not shied away from using
colour in her home, but then she knows
what she’s doing — she is creative
director of the Richmond-based interiors Above: Josie Lywood’s new kitchen. Right: Josie, the townhouse’s exterior and more renovated rooms
firm Q Design House. “I’ve done a lot of
houses that have a more neutral design,”
she says. “When we first moved in I did
paint several of the rooms in neutral
colours but the rooms felt really bland.
This sort of house can take colour.”
The interiors choices were
The interior Miami (where Julian proposed on the
sympathetic to the property’s heritage,
but cost constraints mean the couple
have had to carefully consider where to
save and where to splurge. The layout,
over four floors, was not practical for the
designer’s budget beach) and Bandol on the Côte d’Azur,
where they wed in 2017.
A few of the artworks in the house are
by Lywood’s great-great-grandfather
William McTaggart — a Scottish painter
family they hoped to have. “When we
moved in we had bedrooms in the
basement and on the top floor, and the
living spaces were on the two middle
floors. The kitchen was not really usable.
renovation in the 19th century — including a sketch
from the 1870s above a sofa.
The hand-me-down antique armchairs
have been re-covered at a cost of £1,000
each. “I used Vanderhurd Paravento
We got by by replacing some of the C O V E R S T O RY 1008-1 fabric [£174 a metre] for the backs
appliances, knowing that we’ll do the only to help save cost, and the more
kitchen properly later on,” she says. affordable Andes Ecru from Warwick
Navigating the house’s grade II listing Josie Lywood reveals how she upgraded her Georgian inside [£32 a metre]. Similar to the
and its awkward intricacies, nooks and armchairs, in my bedroom I used an
crannies was another challenge. Before townhouse, step by step — and added significant value expensive fabric for the central striped
they landed on the final design the panel on the headboard and a cheaper
couple had hoped to add an extension to the property. By Victoria Brzezinski fabric for the rest. It’s an example of how
to the rear of the house, which involved you can order a smaller quantity of
knocking down an attached outhouse. The ground floor’s new layout houses a high-end fabric to help to reduce
“The planning application was rejected,” two reception rooms: a main sitting area costs without sacrificing on
Lywood says. “However, it was not a and a separate snug. Lywood had finish,” Lywood says.
complete waste — for the secondary fantasised about dividing the spaces with The pale green, south-
application [which was accepted] I was Crittall doors, but these would have cost At the end of the facing snug looks out over
able to use a lot of the documents, a minimum of £5,000, so she plumped the garden. “I managed
surveys and drawings made for the for more affordable timber-framed day, you don’t buy to source ceiling
previous one and adjust them. glazed doors from LPD Doors. a Georgian property flush lights that
“The outhouse is not original, but it’s Another purse-friendly trick was to covered existing holes,
listed, so they wouldn’t let us remove buy the six cast-iron-style radiators to rip it all apart which saved us having
that. We had to scrap that plan. At the unpainted. “It took ages to paint them to replaster the existing
end of the day you don’t buy a Georgian myself, but it did save about £100 a ceiling,” she says. The Plumb
property to rip it all apart.” radiator,” she says. lights cost £64 each from Pooky,
The second iteration of Lywood’s The larger lounge is north-facing and The kitchen and the Pebble wool rug, about £100,
layout involved moving the kitchen into doesn’t get much light. “I embraced the and living is from Dunelm.
the basement, including opening up the fact that it was dark and cosy and went room Lywood was concerned about the new
wall and a few structural changes. The for a blueish deep grey, Down Pipe from before the basement kitchen/diner being dingy.
heritage expert was positive, especially Farrow & Ball,” Lywood says. A memento renovation “When it was two separate rooms they
given that this is where the original of locations important to the couple were both quite dark, but once we
kitchen would have been located. “I still hangs on the wall here. Lywood had it opened them up it felt a lot brighter than
had to get permission — just listed made as a birthday present for Julian. expected,” she says. “I was conscious to
building consent rather than a full It features spots such as Durham (the try and keep it as light as I could, which
planning application,” she says. couple met there at university in 2011), is part of the reason why I picked yellow
the times | Friday May 17 2024 Bricks & Mortar 9
Friday May 17 2024 Bricks 9
the times & Mortar

(from £3,030). “We had a very restricted

size, but I managed to find one that fit
perfectly. It’s one of my splurges,” she
admits. Lywood fell in love with some
hand-painted bee-pattern tiles (a nod to
Brentford Football Club, nicknamed the
Bees), which she fitted around her Smeg
range. “The bee tiles were £25 each from
Decorum Tiles, so I only used four,
around the cooker. The rest were plain
and cost £1.90 each from Fired Earth; the
tiles cost £300 in total,” she says.
The dining table is a £1,150 custom-
made design bought from Etsy from the
Manchester firm CraftyCreationsMCR,
but the Rise & Fall School pendant
ceiling light from the British brand
Original BTC above it was a splurge
(£339). “It was key because I wanted a
pendant that we could move up and
down,” she says. “The banquette seating
was made by the joiner from MDF
around the radiator [£2,500], and our
upholsterer made a cushion [£700].”
The kitchen’s monochrome floor adds
a period feel. Lywood used Calacatta and
Bluestone tumbled marble tiles, from
Mandarin Stone — a fitting choice,
given that the basement would probably
have had a flagstone floor. “Another
Help! There’s a wasn’t his granddaughter and it was time
for him to move on. The spirit left and
the family stayed in the cottage.
“I have found that lots of people refuse
trick: if I want something to feel really
bright, I’ll add in some dark, contrasting
accents,” Lywood says.
poltergeist in my to leave their home, just out of principle,”
she says. “They’ll be absolutely petrified,
but will stay in their house because they
Instead of fitting a traditional island
Lywood plumped for a smaller, movable
version, which sits off the floor for less of
a chunky look. The island’s 30mm solid
period property don’t want to let a ghost push them out.”
Fielding doesn’t describe herself as a
spiritual medium, but attributes her
ability to communicate with spirits to the
marble worktop has a slightly chamfered
finish, in keeping with the property’s age.
Flying pots, barking dogs and length of time she has been working in
the field. When investigating alleged
As for the kitchen electrics, she has
followed a minimally invasive route.
floating orbs— can homes really be paranormal activity, she says it is
important to investigate all logical
“We can’t put any downlights in, so it’s haunted? Sasha Nugara finds out explanations first.
all low-level lighting from Pooky, which After teaming up with Ring, Fielding
I prefer anyway: wall lights and LED

he British are fascinated by analysed hours of video sent in by people
lighting within the joinery,” she adds. haunted buildings, ghosts and across the country who had claimed they
The choice of unlacquered brass finishes poltergeists, maybe as a result had witnessed ghosts via their security
for her hot water kitchen tap and of having so many old Those buying cameras. There were voices in the
cupboard handles was an investment at properties. The debate about background, moving furniture and
£1,680 (from Trading Depot), but one whether ghosts are real or not will a historic floating orbs — which she believes can
that will age nicely over time for a more perhaps never be resolved. In the property be a manifestation of spirit presence.
authentic look than polished brass. meantime we love to explore the Fielding says there is a way to act if
The main bathroom beside the kitchen paranormal with BBC’s Uncanny, now
normally you have just moved into a haunted
has one tiny window. Lywood has used back for a fourth series, with the know that house. “It depends on the severity of it,
a mid blue (Farrow & Ball’s De Nimes) presenter Danny Robins taking the but I always say talk out loud to them,
on the walls and ceiling, and an arched British obsession to the US.
a spirit is a and if they’re scaring you say, ‘Please
shower screen that echoes the alcoves in Yvette Fielding, 55, presenter of Most likely part of stop, you’re scaring me,’ but ask
the kitchen. In the hallway a thick door Haunted on SkyGo, claims to have seen, respectfully,” she says. “If that doesn’t
curtain using Laura Ashley for Ashley felt and heard spirits countless times in
the package work, then call in either someone from
Wilde fabric (£750 for fabric and curtain the past 20 years. Fielding, who the church to bless the property or a
construction) minimises drafts from the presented the show from 2002 to 2019, professional paranormal group.”
front door, while the stair runner is a says: “When I started doing Most But what do estate agents think of
plain carpet with a linen border to match Haunted, and investigating the ghostly properties? Oliver Custance
the wall colour (Three Farm Green from paranormal, my personal beliefs changed Baker, head of Strutt & Parker’s country
Little Greene). “This is often a lot more 100 per cent. I now know for sure that we house department, says: “It’s rare that
cost-effective than buying a ready-made do live on, and we go to another plane.” people ask outright if a home is haunted
runner,” she says. While many are familiar with — although I’m sure in private any buyer
Upstairs Lywood has painted Artemis’s Fielding’s on-screen work, she has also would speculate depending on the
room in a sunny yellow: Farrow & Ball’s indulged in off-air jobs, helping families history and tales a property has to tell.
Babouche. The laundry basket was £39 rid their homes of malevolent spirits. Her The rich past of many houses in this
from Urban Outfitters, and the world team recce the property, looking at the country is what makes them so special.”
map is peel-and-stick wallpaper from history, ley lines and energy flow and He added that homes next to graveyards
Hovia (£39 a square metre). “I stuck it up speaking to witnesses, before working attract a premium as they are well built
myself when I was 30 weeks pregnant on out whether it is a legitimate job. and buyers know that they are
[Farrow & Ball Citron] for the cabinets, a ladder,” she recalls. Fielding remembers a mother and guaranteed quiet neighbours.
because I didn’t want it to feel like a “When considering your budget for daughter who lived in a cottage. “They Lindsay Cuthill, co-founder of Blue
basement. The walls are painted in renovating a property, the interior were being terrorised by poltergeist Book estate agency, says: “It is important
Farrow & Ball’s Wimborne White, which architecture elements are what can add activity . . . with pots and pans flying to remember that we are fleeting
has a very pale pink undertone, and the more value to your home, especially around, the dogs going mad, barking at custodians of our homes, mere
skirting and windows are painted a when the design and installation has something they couldn’t see and hearing caretakers in the grand scheme of time
slightly darker colour [Farrow & Ball’s been completed to a good standard,” strange voices. My husband [Karl . . . Those buying a historic property
Slipper Satin], making the walls feel as Lywood says. Beattie, her co-host] and I went into the normally know that a spirit is a likely
bright as possible.” The distinction between interior house, and as soon as we went down the part of the package.”
After designing every cabinet to make architecture and FF&E (furniture, hallway we heard this loud thumping Craig Fuller of Stacks Property
best use of the “tricky and very tight” fixtures and equipment), she explains coming from the hallway. Through this Search, a buying agency, adds: “Some
spaces, she employed a joiner to build to clients, is that if you were knocking and rapping we were able to properties are unashamedly haunted,
the kitchen. “It worked out really well to pick up a house and turn it upside get the spirit to spell out his name and and a purchaser will almost certainly
doing it bespoke because none of the down the items that would fall out are reveal why he was there.” hear stories and rumours from the estate
walls are straight. We also had it painted considered FF&E; anything that stays Fielding and Beattie use a tapping agent, from locals or from the vendors
on site, which helps with the finishing.” in place and is sold with the property board to communicate, by pointing at themselves.
In one of the 90cm-deep alcoves is interior architecture. “When we letters and spelling out a word according “Sometimes a resident ghost is a
on either side of the chimney breast had the house revalued [after the to thumps and bangs heard in the house. selling point. Especially when it’s
Lywood has fitted a deep pantry renovation],” Lywood says, “the property They discovered the spirit had thought associated with a stunning period
cupboard; in the other sits an integrated price increased quite significantly. the daughter looked just like his property with attached history.
Fisher & Paykel American double fridge- The return on investment is granddaughter and had attached himself A ghost is almost an expected part
freezer with “life-changing” drawers approximately 150-200 per cent.” to her. They explained to the spirit that it of such a package.”
10 Bricks & Mortar Friday May 17 2024 | the times
10 Bricks Friday May 17 2024
& Mortar the times

Bananas for
the Bahamas
The islands still have an old-fashioned
charm — though modern resorts are
making their mark, says Cathy Hawker

f James Bond had a favourite have announced plans to build
destination, the Bahamas would residences at the Ocean Club, priced
surely come close. The Caribbean from $6.5 million. U Lion House, owned by the British developer Christian Candy, is
nation’s backdrop of sun, sand and “Lyford Cay has about 350 homes on the market for $55 million through Savills and Knight Frank
warm seas has featured in multiple priced from $2.5 million to $60
Bond movies, impressing Sean million,” Mosko says. “Prices have
Connery so much that he made it doubled since April 2020, but many
his permanent home in the 1990s. homes were built in the 1970s and
Where Connery led, others followed. 1980s and need refurbishing.”
The Bahamas is the Caribbean’s busiest There’s a certain formality at Lyford
destination for private jets according to Cay, where things can seem little
the operator NetJets, with air traffic up changed since the American society
14 per cent since 2021, a sign of the photographer Slim Aarons captured
wealth hidden among the its upmarket lifestyle in the
swaying palms. And while 1970s. Tennis whites are
North Americans have Miami OCEAN
essential, mobile phones
traditionally been the are discouraged and U A six-bedroom house near Nassau
main buyers, FLORIDA blue jeans are banned is on sale for $9.5 million through
Europeans are now in the clubhouse. Christie’s International Real Estate
arriving in numbers, “You either
often looking for a BAHAMAS appreciate these on display in the clubhouse and the U A condo in the Albany give a clue to the celebrity owners —
main home or a rules or you don’t,” Rolling Stones recorded part of their resort is for sale at Ernie’s Way, Woods Drive. Nexus is
holiday bolt hole, Mosko says. 2023 album Hackney Diamonds in the $8 million with Christie’s completing the last two apartments
reports James For those who Sanctuary, the on-site studios. Any celeb International Real Estate around Albany’s marina where prices
Burdess of don’t, Albany is gossip? That’s a no-no. The resort’s start from $10 million. The most
Savills. HG Christie, 50 miles the newer, more position is uncompromising: privacy is expensive home for sale is Lion House,
an affiliate of Christie’s
International Real Estate, CUBA
contemporary choice.
Opened in 2010, it’s a
absolute and all guests, owners or
renters must guarantee they will not i a waterfront property owned by the
British developer Christian Candy and
says property prices have 600-acre resort 15 minutes take any paparazzi-friendly snaps. his wife, on the market for $55 million
risen by 50 per cent on average in from Nassau airport, set on the “We have well-known athletes, Need to through Savills and Knight Frank.
the past three years.
The main action, along with the
beach where Daniel Craig strode
ashore in Casino Royale, the 2006
recording artists, actors, entrepreneurs
and CEOs, but we never reveal names,”
know Despite these premium prices, the
weekly sundowner meet-up on Friday
principal international airport and the Bond reboot. The only thing more says April Knowles, Albany’s concierge 6 There is no income evenings has a feet-in-the-sand
capital, Nassau, is on the island of New jaw-dropping than Albany’s facilities to the stars, hiding her smartphone from tax, capital gains tax informality. Gary Holloway, the owner
Providence, where holiday homes range (including a championship golf course, view. (Her contact list must be priceless.) or inheritance tax. of Bearwood Lakes golf club in
from $600,000 (about £478,000) — the 71-slip “mega-yacht” marina and five- After much prodding, she reveals that 6 A permanent Berkshire, and his wife, Amanda, have
Bahamian dollar is pegged 1:1 to the US star equestrian centre) is its roll call of one of the things she made happen was residency scheme is owned a home at Albany since 2015, and
dollar — to more than $70 million, says celebrity visitors. a surprise marriage proposal for a open to foreigners live there for five months each year.
James Mosko, head of the Isles Group, The golfers Tiger Woods and Ernie Els Premier League footballer. “Not Harry who invest at least “We’ve made such firm pals here,”
Knight Frank’s Bahamas associate. are shareholders at Albany, while the Kane,” she adds quickly. $750,000 in property — Holloway, 70, says. “Everyone is
Prime locations include Lyford Cay, England football captain Harry Kane Albany is a complete village, with 219 if you invest twice that sporty, playing golf, power-walking,
Connery’s home until his death in 2020, and his family are frequent visitors. The homes and a further 130 planned. much, your application out on the water, practising yoga or
Old Fort Bay, Albany and the Ocean pop star Justin Timberlake and the actor Residents zip between the spa, gym and may be fast-tracked. Pilates. It’s just a wonderful place to live,
Club on Paradise Island. Four Seasons Will Smith have personalised golf bags beaches on golf carts along roads that with a perfect climate.”

‘I was overcharged by hundreds of pounds for my water bill —

and millions of others could be too’ by Emanuele Midolo
switched from RV to AHC and

he devil, they say, is on most parts of London. Now, conducted — wait for it — customers with a similar
in the detail. I had with almost £15 billion in debts, between 1967 and 1990. My RV number of bedrooms to you,” because the owner or tenant
always assumed that the company is on the verge of isn’t only way out of date but, it the bill read. “Alternatively, was living alone the tariff was
I was being billed financial collapse. turns out, complete fiction. I we’ll put you on our single a “single occupier” one,
accurately for my I am one of those who pay live in a flat that was probably occupier tariff if you’ve told us regardless of the number of
water usage. After all, we are Thames Water for my fresh assessed for RV purposes when you live alone.” bedrooms in the property.
mostly billed for our services water and wastewater. In my it was a house — a four- My neighbour lives alone Just 340,000 consumers
according to what we use, case, my latest bill broke down bedroom Georgian townhouse and indeed her bill specified are on AHC and the vast
right? Wrong. as roughly £210 for fresh water — which was converted into that her AHC band was the majority, 1.2 million, are
I live on my own in a tiny and £133 for wastewater, plus flats in the late 1980s. So I’m single occupier tariff. But so do still on rateable value. This
one-bedroom flat in south fixed charges of about £135. a property’s location and size. most likely to be paying a water I — so why was mine being means that millions of
London and I go to the office So, how much water did I It varies from house to house, bill for a family of four (and drawn up using a completely consumers are being charged
five days a week, so when my consume last year and how did so yours might be different would explain why my council different methodology? for their water based on
latest bill from Thames Water I get to this bill? from your neighbour’s. The tax is extortionate too). Thames Water’s customer something that has nothing to
came in February, it seemed On my bill, next to “water government froze RV in 1990 I asked my neighbour if she service was spectacularly do with their water usage.
incredibly steep. It amounted used” was a number, 173, and after introducing council tax, was being charged the same unhelpful, so I asked its press On learning this, I told
to £478 for a year of water. I an abbreviation: RV. This, so yours won’t change.” amount. But, infuriatingly and office about the discrepancy. Thames Water that I wanted
looked at my phone according to the frequently So because I don’t have a bafflingly, she wasn’t. Her bill At some point either a to have a smart water meter
incredulously. I did not asked questions on the side of meter, my bill is based on this was “just” £360 — some £120 previous owner or a previous installed and they arranged for
remember ever paying that the bill, stands for rateable thing called RV. What exactly less than mine. Rather than tenant of my neighbour’s flat an engineer to come and
much for water and at first it value. “Because you don’t have is it? And what has it got to do showing charges estimated on asked Thames Water if they inspect my flat within three
sounded like a mistake. a meter,” my bill read, “we with water consumption? The RV, her charges were worked could have a water meter. The weeks. As I suspected, my flat
Despite the privatisation of calculate your charges based answer is — very little, if out using another estimate company sent an engineer was deemed “unmeterable”
drinking water and sewerage on your property’s rateable anything at all. called “assessed household around and verified that they and was switched to the AHC
services in England and Wales value (RV) of 173, which we Rateable value refers to an charge” (AHC). couldn’t install one (the single occupier tariff. As a
by Margaret Thatcher in 1989, then multiply by our rates. The assessment of the value of “This is based on the typical property was deemed result, my bill was slashed by
Thames Water has a monopoly government sets RV based on every property, which was amount of water used by “unmeterable”), so the flat was a quarter, from £478 to £360.

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APARTMENTS FOR SALE - Bristol Yate; Bucks Aylesbury, Burnham, Marlow, Princes Risborough; Cheshire Handforth; Cumbria Kendal, Penrith; Devon Honiton, Totnes;
Dorset Highcliffe-on-Sea; Essex Witham; Gloucs Cheltenham; Hants Basingstoke, Fareham, Farnborough, Fleet, Lymington, Park Gate, Portswood; Herts Hitchin;
Kent Orpington, Paddock Wood, Rainham, Swanley, Tenterden, Westwood Cross; Leicestershire Market Harborough; Middlesex Pinner; Norfolk Diss; Northants Brackley,
Towcester; Notts Beeston, Ruddington; Oxfordshire Abingdon-on-Thames, Kidlington, Thame; Shropshire Bridgnorth, Ludlow; Somerset Taunton; Suffolk Bury St Edmunds,
Haverhill; Surrey Ashtead, Bagshot, Camberley, Cranleigh, Epsom, Oxted, Reigate, Selsdon, Staines-upon-Thames, Walton-on-Thames; Sussex, Eastbourne, East Grinstead,
Peacehaven; West Midlands Kings Heath, Kings Norton, Knowle, Shirley; Wilts Calne, Chippenham; Wirral West Kirby.
COMING SOON - Cambs Great Shelford; Cheshire Penketh; Devon Barnstaple, Exmouth; Essex Saffron Walden; Hants Drayton; Herts Hertford; Kent Gravesend, Tonbridge,
Staplehurst; Oxfordshire Banbury, Bicester, Didcot; Somerset Wells; Sussex Bexhill-on-Sea; West Midlands Aldridge; Worcestershire Evesham; Yorkshire Wigginton.
AWAITING PLANNING - Bristol Staple Hill; Bucks Newport Pagnell; Cambs St Neots; Cornwall Bude; Dorset Bridport#, Christchurch, Shaftesbury; Essex Old Harlow;
Gloucs Cirencester#, Westbury-on-Trym#; Greater London Bexleyheath#, Welling#; Greater Manchester Didsbury, Urmston#; Hants Andover#, Romsey; Kent Canterbury,
Faversham#, Larkfield, Maidstone#; Leicestershire Oadby; Somerset Bath#, Portishead, Street; Suffolk Felixstowe; Sussex Hassocks, Seaford#, Southwater;
West Midlands Kingswinford#; Yorkshire Meanwood, Otley#.

Rated Excellent† on Trustpilot

†Trustpilot rating at time of going to print. #Land acquisition in progress. *T&Cs apply, visit our website for more information.
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