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1. Build a VI to solve a linear equation using matrix functions.

2. Build a VI to find the product of two matrices using matrix function.

3. Build a VI to find the determinant of a matrix using the matrix function.

4. Build a VI to find the rank of a matrix using matrix functions.

Clusters group data elements of mixed types. An example of a cluster is the LabVIEW error cluster, which
combines a Boolean value, a numeric value and a string. A cluster is similar to a record or a struct in text-
based programming languages.

1. Numeric cluster control, indicator and block diagram terminals

2. Bundling of cluster from individual elements

3. Changing a value in the existing cluster.

4. Converting a cluster into an array

5. Create a VI to check whether the cluster elements are in range or not. Specify the upper and lower
limits. Display the coerced output and a cluster of LEDs to indicate whether a particular cluster
element is in the range or not.
6. Create a VI to compare clusters and Switch ON an LED in the output cluster if the nth element of
cluster 1 is grater than the nth element of the cluster 2.

7. Create a VI consisting of two clusters of LEDs. Perform the AND operation between the clusters
and display the output in another cluster of LEDs. (When comparing clusters, the And function
compares each element with its corresponding value in the second cluster.)

8. Create a VI to compare the elements of two clusters. If the values of corresponding elements of both
the VIs are the same, switch ON an LED in the output cluster.
9. Create a VI to select between two input clusters using a toggle switch and display in an output

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