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Schrodinger wave

An exploration of the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, its
mathematical foundations, and its applications in modern physics.

by Pratick Majhi
Importance of Quantum
1 ⚛️ 2
Revolutionary Concept Foundation of Modern
Quantum mechanics revolutionized
our understanding of the microscopic Quantum mechanics forms the basis
world, challenging classical physics. of numerous technologies, including
lasers, transistors, and quantum

3 Fascinating Phenomena ✨
Quantum mechanics reveals intriguing phenomena like entanglement, superposition,
and wave-particle duality.
Derivation of the Schrodinger Wave

Mathematical Foundations Time-Independent & Time-

The Schrodinger equation combines the
Dependent Forms
principles of wave mechanics and quantum We explore the two forms of the equation,
theory. each used in different physical scenarios.

Physical Interpretation Applications & Examples

Understanding the wave function and its Exploring the solvable systems and their
connection to probability density and corresponding wave functions as solutions to
normalization. the equation.
Solving the Schrodinger Wave
1 Separation of Variables
The method of separation of variables to solve for the energy levels and
wave functions.

2 Perturbation Theory
Using perturbation theory to analyze systems with small deviations from
solvable cases.

3 Advanced Techniques
Methods such as variational principle and numerical solutions for more
complex scenarios.
Applications of the Schrodinger Wave

Atomic Structure Molecular Quantum Systems
Dynamics Application to quantum dots,
Quantum mechanics accurately Understanding molecular nanostructures, and quantum
predicts atomic energy levels, bonding, chemical reactions, information science.
electron configurations, and and spectroscopy through wave
spectral properties. functions.
Limitations and Challenges
Relativistic Considerations Interaction Effects
Exploring the restrictions of the Introducing interactions between
Schrodinger equation when dealing with particles and many-body systems into
high-energy or relativistic scenarios. the equation.
Conclusion: The Schrodinger Wave
1 Key Takeaways 2 Innovation and Understanding
A recap of the main points discussed, Appreciating the role of the Schrodinger
emphasizing the importance of the wave equation in expanding our
Schrodinger equation in modern physics. understanding of the universe.

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