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Date: April 22, 2024

Teacher: Engelie Q. Tingas


Identify odd and even numbers. M3NS-IIIa-63


A. Identifying Odd and Even numbers

B. Learning Resources: MELC, Mathematics Textbook
C. Learning Materials: pictures, laptop, sentence strips


5. Establish safe
A. Preparation/ Preparatory activity. and secure
Pre-Activity learning
Greetings and setting up standards. environments to
Establishing a safety and secure Learning Environment enhance learning
through the
of policies,
guidelines, and
B. Establishing 4.Displayed
purposes of the The teacher will show pictures. proficient use of
Mother Tongue,
lesson (picture Filipino, English
clues) to facilitate
teaching and

2. Used a range
of teaching
strategies that
enhance learner
achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills.
8. adapted and
used culturally
strategies to
address the
needs of learners
from indigenous

What were the pictures all about? How many mangoes were
there? How many bananas were there? How many papayas? Let’s
count! What is the first letter of the word mango? What is the
sound of the letter? What other words start with letter m? Give
some examples. Who among you here knows about Subanen
tribes? These are the Subanen let us count how many are there?
Point the jar. Do you know what is this? Do you believe that this is
useful? Why? Why not? class this is bujong it is use for announcing
some incident, like meetings, natural calamities, and other events
in the natives it is important for them. How many bujong were
there? If you were natives, would you mind using it now? Why? Is
the existence of jar still up to this time, would you use it? What
will you do with it?
3.Applied a range
C. Presenting How many mangoes are there? Let us count. The of teaching
teacher will write the number. The teacher will arrange strategies to
Examples/Instances develop critical
for the lesson (T- according to even and odd numbers. Now observe the and creative
CHART) numbers. These numbers 6,4,2, have pairs while 9,3,5 thinking, as well
these numbers have no pairs. Such, we call it even as other higher-
numbers and these are odd numbers. Give examples. order thinking
D. Discussing 7.Establish a
New Concepts and Let the pupils find the numbers under the chair and learner-centered
paste it in their box. The teacher will group the culture by using
Practicing New Skill teaching
#1 (Scavenger Hunt) numbers according to even or odd numbers. Explain strategies that
respond to their
cultural, socio-
economic, and
E. Discussing
New Concepts and Pick numbers from the box and identify if it is odd or
Practicing New Skills even numbers. Why is it called even numbers? Why is it
#2 (Mystery box) called odd numbers?

F.Developing Now choose the scenario and choose what activity do

you want. 6.Maintained
Mastery learning
(Multiple Intelligence) Group I (Visual Spatial): Color red the odd numbers and environments
yellow for even numbers, that promote
Group II (Artist): Group the even and odd number. fairness, respect,
Connect the Puzzle to form a caterpillar. and care to
Group III (Visually Impaired): Touch and count the encourage
objects. Identify the even and odd numbers. Recite to
Show the rubrics:

9.Used strategies
for providing
timely, accurate
and constructive
feedback to
improve learner
Checking of outputs: How can you prove that it is an
even number? Odd numbers?

G. FINDING Catch the ball when the music plays. As its stop get a number and 1.Applied
identify whether odd or even. knowledge of
PRACTICAL content within
APPLICATION OF Generalization: and across
CONCEPTS OF What is an even number? curriculum
SKILLS IN DAILY LIFE What are odd numbers? teaching areas.
(CATCH THE BALL) How to identify the odd and even numbers?
Why do we need to know the odd and even numbers?
H. LEARNING Identify the following numbers. Draw if the number is odd and 9.Used strategies
draw if it is even number. for providing
ASSESSMENT: timely, accurate
_____1.16 and constructive
_____2.25 feedback to
_____3. 88 improve learner
_____4.24 performance.

Assignment: Tally 10 ages at home, it can be a family members or friends. 7.Establish a

Group them into even or odd numbers. (T CHART) learner-centered
EVEN NUMBERS ODD culture by using
NUMBERS teaching
strategies that
respond to their
cultural, socio-
economic, and

Prepared by:

T-1 Applicant

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