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Journal of Environmental Management 296 (2021) 113373

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Circularity of Brazilian silk: Promoting a circular bioeconomy in the

production of silk cocoons
Silvia Mara Bortoloto Damasceno Barcelos a, *, Rodrigo Salvador b, Murillo Vetroni Barros c,
Antonio Carlos de Francisco b, Graça Guedes d
Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Cianorte Campus, Cianorte, Brazil
Sustainable Production Systems Laboratory (LESP), Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering (PPGEP), Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná (UTFPR),
Ponta Grossa, Brazil
Sustainable Production Systems Laboratory (LESP), Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering (PPGEP), Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná (UTFPR),
Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil
University of Minho (Uminho), Engineering School, Azurém Campus, Portugal


Keywords: The bioeconomy is considered one of the three main sectors with the greatest opportunities for the development
Circular economy of the circular economy in Brazil, who is one of the largest silk producers in the world; and sericulture is an
Circularity agribusiness that contributes greatly to the bioeconomy in Brazil. Therefore, this research aimed to identify
opportunities for creating value by internalizing flows in the production of silk cocoons by promoting a circular
Silk farming
Silk cocoon
bioeconomy. To that end, a tool was used to assess the circularity of the referred system. The current circularity
Green energy of the production of silk cocoons, at the farm level, is 74.19 % for material, and 0 % for energy. A range of
measures are proposed, based on (i) engaging with reverse logistics practices, (ii) establishing a local agro­
industrial cooperative, and (iii) building community biodigesters, which aid a potential circularity of 85.51 %
(material), and 100 % (energy) at the farm level, and 98.42 % (material) and 100 % (energy), at the cooperative
level. On top of increasing circular value, the proposed measures might bring environmental benefits, such as
lessening environmental impacts of logistics (by valuing local resources) and replacing non-renewable energy,
and social impacts, through increased quality of life for sericulturists. Economic implications need further
investigation and are suggested to be addressed in future research endeavors, along with policy implications for
the development of a circular bioeconomy. Furthermore, an increased circularity can also contribute to a few of
the sustainable development goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations, such as SDGs 2, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13.

1. Introduction that is both regenerative and restorative and aims to keep resources in
use for as long as possible (EMF, 2013a, 2013b). This approach has the
The rates of extraction, transformation, and consumption of natural particular aim to eliminate waste - by design, to be reused, restored, or
resources have been leading to a fear of ecological collapse (Gregorio returned (Pap et al., 2021). Building on the basic 3Rs (recycle, reduce,
et al., 2018). This unconcerned linear behavior of production and con­ and reuse), other approaches such as the 7Rs (recover, recycle, redesign,
sumption has been generating unprecedented amounts of waste reduce, renew, repair, and reuse) have been designed to achieve the
(Khounani et al., 2021; Maina et al., 2017), and may also affect water change towards a circular economy (Barros et al., 2020; Araujo-Morera
resources (Wang et al., 2020). Environmental innovations play a key et al., 2021). Nonetheless, solely being more circular might not neces­
role in this transition (Aldieri et al., 2020). One alternative to overcome sarily be sustainable, therefore, the concept of a circular bioeconomy
the challenges of such concern of global scale is to design systems that sets the scene for more renewable systems (Salvador et al., 2021b). In
are more circular (Sutherland et al., 2021), thus aiming for a circular this context, the primary sector, especially agricultural systems, play a
economy (Salvador et al., 2021a). A circular economy is said to be one major role in a circular bioeconomy (Teigiserova et al., 2021).

* Corresponding author. 598 D. Pedro II St., Postal Code: 87.200-055, Cianorte, Paraná, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: (S.M.B.D. Barcelos), (R. Salvador), (M.V. Barros), (A.C. de Francisco), (G. Guedes).
Received 29 April 2021; Received in revised form 15 July 2021; Accepted 22 July 2021
Available online 28 July 2021
0301-4797/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.M.B.D. Barcelos et al. Journal of Environmental Management 296 (2021) 113373

The defining elements of a circular bioeconomy are the production of deepening the (scarce) existing knowledge on the circularity of the
goods and the offer of services, based on bioresources, with high added- production of silk cocoons (especially in Brazil, but also on a worldwide
value, and the planning on the use of bioresources/biomaterials in a context), and practical contributions comprised unveiling opportunities
cascaded way (and upcycling whenever possible) seeking to minimize for value-added initiatives, including a biowaste-to-bioenergy route and
resource input and the leakage of these resources to the natural envi­ the enshrining of the local economy. Moreover, it can also enlighten
ronment (Salvador et al., 2021b). Initiatives to advance the circular governments with regard to deploying adequate policies to advance a
bioeconomy have been launched worldwide, especially in Europe (Eu­ circular bioeconomy in the sector (Stegmann et al., 2020).
ropean Commission, 2018), however, with the coming down of
geographical barriers for businesses, the largest bioeconomies have a 2. Methods
key role in fomenting and promoting more circular bioeconomy-based
businesses. On that note, the bioeconomy in Brazil has been said to be 2.1. Calculating circularity
in the top three sectors holding the greatest opportunities for advancing
the circular economy in the country (EMF, 2017). In Brazil, circular economy approaches have been taking place rather
In that context, one large contributor to the bioeconomy in Brazil is slowly, but gradually. Circular economy initiatives began to appear in
the production of silk cocoons. It is important not only because Brazil is the National Solid Waste Policy (Brazil, 2010), and more recently with
one of the largest producers of silk yarn in the world, but also because the update of the ISO TC 323 circular economy (ISO, 2018), considering
the majority of the Brazilian production of silk yarn is subject to export. a life cycle perspective. To Therond (2017), the performance of circular
Brazil ranked fifth among the largest global silk producers in 2019 economy is evaluated using a life cycle perspective of the entire pro­
(World Atlas, 2021). The sericulture industry, introduced in the country duction system.
at the beginning of the 20th century, has become an important To propose actions that enable internalizing flows and increasing
agro-industrial activity, creating job opportunities in rural areas and in circularity, firstly, one needs to identify how circular the system is. The
the industry (spinning) (Porto, 2014), and currently the State of Paraná steps to determine the circularity of a system and to generate a circular
is the largest national producer. graph were based on the study of Barros (2019), which proposed a tool
Silk production in Brazil is concentrated on exports (Barcelos et al., to assess the circularity of organizations and processes. The circularity
2020), and that powers economic factors. It is also worth mentioning the indicators were developed based on the opportunity to measure circu­
economic and social importance of silk production in Brazil, and its larity in an organization that presents material and energy flows, being
impacts on the environment, and, thus, its potential for a more sus­ able to enter, exit and/or circulate within the organization (UNEP,
tainable local and global development (Giacomin et al., 2017), by 2021). The tool is also available on a open online platform (agro­
providing high-quality and sustainable raw materials for the textile in­, where the user subscribes, enters the required data,
dustry (Pennacchio, 2016). and a complete circularity report is generated, with results regarding the
In Brazil, the production of silk cocoons is an integrated activity, circularity of the organization and the processes, and a circular graph
between the sericulturists (farm) and the silk yarn manufacturer (in­ (material and/or energy).
dustry), and embeds from the cultivation of mulberry trees (Morus sp.) The tool allows determining the circularity of each process and also
(to feed the silkworms), to the rearing of silkworms until cocoons are for the organization as a whole. This can assist the decision maker in
ready to be sent for the manufacturing phase (Garay et al., 2014). In this identifying less circular processes and taking steps towards enhancing
integrated system, the spinning company (industry) seeks local pro­ circular routes. In order to generate the results in terms of the percent
ducers to form partnerships, providing the mulberry stems (for the circularity and the circular graph, one needs to provide a few inputs,
cultivation of mulberry trees), as well as the silkworms to partner seri­ such as process name, activity name, material and energy name; origin
culturists, and guarantees the purchase of cocoons produced by seri­ and destination of each flow, and; mass (g, kg, ton) (for material) and/or
culturists at market price (Santos et al., 2016). energy (kW, kWh, J) (for energy) specification. To that end, a data
That said, a couple of studies can already be found in the existing collection form can be used, which can be seen in the next section.
literature contextualizing the value recovery of byproducts and wastes
in the production of silk. Bhavsar et al. (2020), for instance, reported on 2.2. Contextualizing the region under study and data collection
the development of a new opportunity for the coloration of silk fabrics
using a protein extracted from the silkworm pupae extracted from the The property that was the object of this research is located in the
cocoons during the yarn manufacturing process. Orlandi et al. (2020), in region known as “the silk valley” in Brazil. The silk valley is situated in
turn, demonstrated that the wastewater derived from the silk sericin can the state of Paraná, in southern Brazil. The region is favorable (e.g., in
be used for pharmaceutical and cosmetic ends due to its range of bio­ terms of climate) to the production of silk cocoons, thus being the heart
logical properties. Nonetheless, as it can be observed in the existing of the production of silk cocoons in the country. The rearing of silk­
literature, opportunities for a circular bioeconomy seem to have been worms takes place during nine to ten months in the year approximately.
explored only at the manufacturing phase of the life cycle of silk. It is Production is halted during the winter months, which is the time win­
argued that further opportunities for increased circularity need to be dow during which there is no production of mulberry leaves to feed the
investigated at the agricultural phase, especially at the farm, which is silkworms.
where the characteristics of silk production can be managed and The rural property investigated is considered a “Reference Unit” in
adjusted. the production of silk cocoons, for making use of recommended prac­
Given this scenario, this study was guided by the following question: tices and being a reference to the silk cocoon production system, with
how to create value in the production of silk cocoons by promoting a the assistance of IDR-IAPAR-EMATER - Rural Development Institute of
circular bioeconomy? Therefore, this article aimed to identify oppor­ Paraná - Paraná Agronomic Institute - Company for Technical Assistance
tunities for creating value by internalizing flows in the production of silk and Rural Extension. In the state of Paraná, 25 Reference Units have
cocoons by promoting a circular bioeconomy. The novelty of this study been identified (Oswaldo da Silva Pádua - Agricultural Technician -
lies in the very essence of advancing the existing knowledge on the State Coordinator of the Sericulture Program. Information provided by
circularity of production of silk cocoons, by determining the circularity telephone), located in the municipalities of Alto Paraná, Altônia,
of said production system and proposing measures to internalize mate­ Astorga, Cruzeiro do Sul, Ivaté, Iretama, Indianópolis, Luziânia, Man­
rial and energy flows, thus adding value to the activities performed by daguaçu, Nova Esperança, Santa Cruz do Monte Castelo, Tapira,
sericulturists. By reaching the proposed goal, this research contributed Tuneiras do Oeste, and Xambrê. The rural property investigated in this
to both theory and practice. Theoretical contributions comprised research is representative of the practices in all of the remaining 24

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Reference Units, producing silk cocoons during ten months each year, as the cultivation of mulberry trees and silkworm rearing, and their
and it is located in the municipality of Indianópolis. The monitoring of respective material circularity (in terms of mass). Table 1 shows the
the Reference Units has been happening since 2014, with the goal of circularity (%) per process at level 1.
promoting a sustainable rural development, expanding sericulture to The process named ‘rural property’ represents flows of materials that
other areas, increasing income by promoting a more qualified produc­ remain within the limits of the property (see Table A.1.), e.g., some
tion system, making it competitive, and improving the quality of life of green mass (mulberry leaves and branches) is lost during the transport of
farmers’ families. mulberry leaves from the field to the location where they are stored,
For data collection, a form was used (see Barros, 2019). The infor­ falling on the ground and being left in the mulberry field. In addition,
mation was collected on-site, with the property owner. Data collection the packages of formaldehyde are kept in the farm (accumulated in a
was based on the existing processes at the rural property, such as mul­ shed) for use as storage and transportation of liquids (e.g. water). The
berry cultivation, silkworm rearing, and the energy network. These water used for all processes on the property comes from an artesian well.
processes were defined in a reference Scenario 1 (S1), reflecting current Total circularity for level 1 is 74.19 %. This means that most of the
practices. An alternate future scenario, Scenario 2 (S2), was proposed, materials are circulating within the farm, and only 25.81 % of the ma­
being a projection of potential improvements in the processes at the terials come from or are sent to the outside of the property. In this sense,
rural property (and in the collaboration with nearby partners) in order Fig. 1 shows the circular graph in terms of material flows.
to increase the internal value of the production system. Scenario 2 The circular graph presents the routes of the materials inside (silk­
promoted more circular routes, increasing circularity, and avoiding worm rearing, mulberry crop, rural property) and outside the rural
external inputs/outputs, hence seeking to internalize flows. In Scenario property (the external). It shows flows going from one process to another
2, new practices regarding the engagement with reverse logistics, the (origin-destination). The greater the thickness of the arrow, the more
establishment of an agroindustrial cooperative, and the use of a bio­ material (kg/year) is being moved.
digester, were proposed (the circularity results of the two scenarios are The external is highlighted in gray color. The largest material flow
presented in section 3). All information about data collection can be seen occurs from the external to the mulberry crop; these materials can be
in Table A.1 (Appendix A). The material specification represents the seen in Table A.1 and include, e.g., limestone, phosphorus, mulberry
quantity measured in mass (kg/year). Energy corresponds to the mea­ branches, herbicide, packaging, fertilizer, and water. The largest mate­
surement of electricity (kW.h/year). However, a few materials needed to rial flows are fertilizer 59,999.85 kg/year (from the external to the
be converted to a mass unit, e.g., water (density: 1.000 kg/m3), form­ mulberry crop); green mass (mulberry leaves and branches) 46,178.10
aldehyde (density: 815 kg/m3), herbicide (density: 1.151 kg/m3), and kg/year (from the mulberry crop to the silkworm rearing), and; green
biogas (to generate 1 kWh of energy (Coldebella, 2006)). mass waste 20,122.20 kg/year (from the mulberry crop to the property).
Furthermore, Fig. 2 presents the circular graph in terms of energy for
2.3. System boundaries of the case study level 1.
Electricity consumption in the rural property, for the production of
The circularity of the production of silk cocoons is determined within silk cocoons, accounts for 450 kWh/year. All of this energy comes from
different boundaries (or levels). the external (energy network). Therefore, the circularity in terms of
For Scenario 1: on level 1, only the activities within the rural prop­ energy at the rural property is null.
erty are taken into consideration, where everything that originates from Seeking energy sufficiency is a critical issue for the property. Ini­
or goes to the outside of the property is called “the external”. Scenario 1 tiatives to try to internalize energy flows are suggested. In addition,
only accounted for level 1, as there are no other processes beyond the launching such initiatives might also increase circularity on the property
limits of the rural property, e.g., it does not include neighboring rural to rates above 74.19 % as in the current scenario (for circularity of
properties, or an agro-industrial cooperative. material flows). Therefore, the future scenario (Scenario 2) presents
For Scenario 2: the boundaries for level 1 are the same as for Scenario strategies based on initiatives to internalize materials and energy flows,
1. On level 2, it is considered the rural property (producer of silk co­ promoting circular economy practices, as can be seen in the next section.
coons), its immediate surrounding partners (such as neighboring prop­
erties that participate in energy or material exchanges), and an agro-
industrial cooperative. 3.2. Scenario 2
For designing Scenario 2, a few assumptions, based on the existing
literature, were made, as follows: Scenario 2 is an extension of Scenario 1 with the addition of a few
processes, such as the establishment and use of a community bio­
● Yield of biogas from silkworm excrement: 105.81 m3/Mg, with a digester, along with an electric motor generator, also the engagement
methane content of 50.4 % (Lochynska and Frankowski, 2018); with reverse logistics (for packaging), and the establishment of an
● Yield of biogas from green mass waste: 125.59 m3/Mg, with a agroindustrial cooperative. Scenario 2 brings new opportunities to close
methane content of 52.4 % (Lochynska and Frankowski, 2018); the material and energy flows circulating within the farm, in an attempt
● The yield of digestate was calculated considering the remaining mass to increase circularity and thus make the business more sustainable (see
after production of biogas; e.g., UNEP, 2021). Therefore, Table 2 shows the circularity (%) per
● Density of biogas: 1.11 kg/m3 (Chandra et al., 2011); process for material and energy at levels 1 and 2.
● Yield of electricity from biogas: 0.475 m3 of biogas to produce 1 kWh Scenario 2 presents new processes that go beyond the property
of electricity (Coldebella et al., 2006). limits, e.g., reverse logistics and the agroindustrial cooperative. The
ideal of the tool is to analyze the last and outermost level, as that is
3. Closing material and energy flows in the production of silk
cocoons Table 1
Circularity (%) calculations for processes and organization at level
The results of this study are divided into Scenario 1 (current state)
(section 3.1), and Scenario 2 (future state) (section 3.2). Process Level 1 (rural property)

Silkworm rearing 94.46 %

3.1. Scenario 1 Mulberry crop 60.65 %
Rural property 100.00 %
Total circularity 74.19 %
Initially, Scenario 1 presents the processes in the rural property, such

S.M.B.D. Barcelos et al. Journal of Environmental Management 296 (2021) 113373

always the most comprehensive, which includes all the stipulated limits.
In this case, level 2 in terms of material is 98.42 % circular, and in terms
of energy it is 100 % circular.
The circularity of mulberry crops is 98.26 %, as some materials come
from the external, such as mulberry stems, herbicide, packaging, and
water. The same occurs with silkworm rearing (95.39 %), with material
flows originating in the external, such as the very silkworms, and water;
and also destined to the external, as unreelable silk (anafaia), and silk
cocoons (final products).
Fig. 3 shows the circular graph in terms of material flows for level 2
in Scenario 2.
The largest flows in terms of material (mass) observed in Fig. 3 are:
from the biodigester to the mulberry crop (59,999.85 kg/year of bio­
fertilizer), from the mulberry crop to the silkworm rearing [46,178.10
kg/year of green mass (mulberry leaves and stems) from the rearing of
silkworms to the biodigester (148.50 kg/year of kraft paper, 28,800.00
kg/year of rearing bed waste (branches), and 7200.00 kg/year of rearing
bed waste (excrement))].
The biodigester was used in the transformation of organic matter into
Fig. 1. Circular graph in terms of material flows for level 1. biofertilizer and biogas. The inputs for the biodigester consist of rearing
bed waste, kraft paper (for covering the rearing beds), and green mass
waste (from the mulberry crop). As output, the process generates bio­
fertilizer that is destined to the mulberry crop (59,999.85 kg/year) and
the remaining (6212.30 kg/year) goes to the agroindustrial cooperative.
Another output is biogas, which has three destinations. First,
1051.58 kg/year go to the electric motor generator (for electricity
production). After the anaerobic digestion of the wastes is made by the
biodigester, the decomposition of chemical energy generates the biogas
and is transformed into mechanical energy, which ends up activating the
generator that allows the production of electricity (see, e.g., Kivaisi and
Rubindamayugi, 1996; Wang et al., 2014). This energy is clean,
renewable, and can be a viable economic option. Second, 18.00 kg/year
go to the silkworm rearing (replacing liquefied petroleum gas), and
third, 9.353.57 kg/year go to the agro-industrial cooperative (where it
can have various uses, e.g. heat generation, cooking gas, biomethane).
In terms of energy flows, Fig. 4 presents the circular graph for level 2
in Scenario 2.
In terms of electricity, in Scenario 2 it was possible to make it 100 %
circular through the implementation of the biodigester and the electric
motor generator. The advantage of generating agricultural waste from
the rural environment is that this material can be used as a raw material
Fig. 2. Circular graph in terms of energy flows for level 1.
for the biodigester (Aljerf, 2018). In this case, the process produced
1051.58 kg/year of biogas destined to the electric motor generator to
Table 2 generate 450.00 kWh/year. This amount of electricity was enough to
Circularity (%) calculations for processes and the organization for material and supply the entire silkworm rearing process for the rural property.
energy at levels 1 and 2.
Process Material Energy

Level 1 Level 2 (rural Level 1 Level 2 (rural

(rural property, (rural property,
property) reverse logistics, property) reverse logistics,
and and
agroindustrial agroindustrial
cooperative) cooperative)

Mulberry crop 78.21 % 98.26 % – –

Biodigester 88.29 % 100.00 % – –
Silkworm 94.63 % 95.39 % – –
Electric motor – – 100.00 % 100.00 %
Reverse – 100.00 % – –
Agroindustrial – 100.00 % – –
Total 85.51 % 98.42 % 100.00 % 100.00 %

Fig. 3. Circular graph in terms of material flows for level 2.

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Fig. 5. Circularity and sustainability implications of proposed measures.

bio-fertilizers, making the production chain more efficient and cleaner.

Parallel to the growing resource consumption is the production of an
increasing amount of waste (Lee at el., 2021). Therefore, circular
economy actions can reduce the generation of disposable animal and
agricultural waste (Donner et al., 2021), redirect outbound materials to
Fig. 4. Circular graph in terms of energy flows for level 2. a more sustainable valorization (Donner et al., 2020) in agroindustrial
cooperatives (see section 4.1.2), generate clean energy, produce
Therefore, no amount of electricity comes from outside the property, bio-fertilizer and fuel of renewable origin (Kapoor et al., 2020) using
making the property, in terms of energy, completely circular. biodigesters (see section 4.1.3), and make the production chain more
sustainable (Kokkinos et al., 2020), by using reverse logistics practices,
for instance (see section 4.1.1).
4. Opportunities for adding circular value by internalizing
Bio-based clusters can be formed in the region to strategize the
material and energy flows
collection of waste, which is feedstock for the production of bioenergy
and biofertilizer. Those feedstocks would include the wastes of rearing
From the changes implemented in Scenario 2 (compared to Scenario
beds, and the agricultural waste (green mass left in mulberry fields), and
1), one can see a considerable increase in the overall circularity, from
they would enable the production of bioenergy and biofertilizer under
74.19 % to 85.51 % in terms of material flows (on level 1), and from 0 %
the management of the cooperative, thus establishing biorefineries.
to 100.00 % in terms of energy flows, for level 1. For level 2, it is possible
Moreover, as later addressed in section 4.3, effective policies could
to reach 98.42 % and 100.00 % of circularity for material and energy,
foster the creation and development of such bioclusters, and the use of
innovation to produce other high value-added bio-based products.
The changes proposed to the system as a whole in order to add cir­
cular value, and which were responsible for the results seen in scenario
4.1. Sustainability impacts of the proposed measures for adding circular
2, can be summarized in three overall measures, as listed hereafter:
Engaging with reverse logistics practices (plastic packaging).
Currently, the plastic packages of formaldehyde are kept in the property
4.1.1. Engaging with reverse logistics practices
and reused for storing and transporting water; however, they should be
Local circularity. The return, upwards in the supply chain, of the
returned to the responsible stakeholder in the supply chain for adequate
plastic packages of formaldehyde (which is used as sanitizer) decreases
disposal. This is what is proposed in Scenario 2.
the overall circularity of the system, as it then leaves the system
Establishing a local agroindustrial cooperative. Currently, the
(considering both levels 1 and 2).
materials necessary for the production of silk cocoons are acquired from
Economic. Considering the boundaries of levels 1 and 2, this mea­
the silk thread manufacturer and/or from independent stores and
sure does not seem to have economic implications, as the property
properties (e.g. herbicides and fertilizers). In Scenario 2, it is proposed
owners could take the empty packages to a location indicated by the
that a local cooperative be established in order to prioritize the local
local cooperative when they travel to buy the materials needed for the
economy and resources.
rearing of silkworms.
Building community biodigesters. Currently, the rearing bed
Environmental. Environmental impacts can be said to be positive,
waste is dragged from the rearing beds and simply laid on the mulberry
as those packages are likely to have remnants of the products, and the
fields. In Scenario 2, it is suggested that a community biodigester be
toxic substances contained in them might cause a range of impacts to the
built, which could be managed by the local agroindustrial cooperative,
environment, depending on how these packages are handled at the
and that the wastes (from the rearing beds and the wastes left behind on
property. Nonetheless, further investigation (e.g. conducting a life cycle
the mulberry field - such as mulberry leaves and branches) be used to
assessment) is needed to measure the potential environmental impacts.
produce biogas and biofertilizer (digestate).
Social. The social impacts can be considered positive, because as
Those measures, on top of helping increase circularity, result in
mentioned above, the reuse of packaging that probably contains rem­
environmental, economic, and social implications, as presented in Fig. 5
nants of products and toxic substances, can cause a series of impacts on
and discussed hereafter.
human health, such as intoxication and allergies. Knowing that the
The implications of the proposed measures towards a more circular
formaldehyde has a carcinogenic potential, its packaging should never
bioeconomy shown in Fig. 5 can be related to a more sustainable
be reused by farmers or for animal care. In addition, reverse logistics is a
development in rural properties and can contribute to greater innova­
practice that helps to keep the place (property) clean, promoting a
tion and technology advancement. The inclusion of circular economy
healthier environment for its residents and aiding the non-proliferation
practices in agribusinesses can foster initiatives aimed at generating
of rodents among other silkworm predators, since the property accu­
electricity through renewable sources, such as biogas, and at the same
mulates packaging in a shed near the cocoon rearing shed.
time, take advantage of animal (silkworm litter), forestry (mulberry
stems remaining as rearing bed waste), and agricultural waste (branches
left in the field when harvesting mulberry leaves) for the production of

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4.1.2. Establishing a local agroindustrial cooperative (ethanol, diesel, gasoline), liquefied petroleum gas (for domestic use and
Local circularity. Establishing a cooperative certainly helps take cocoon production) has a significant improvement in the quality of life
better advantage of the locally available resources. With the establish­ of workers.
ment of a local cooperative, the rural producers could acquire materials
used in the cultivation of mulberry trees (e.g. limestone, phosphorus, 4.2. Contributions to the UN’s sustainable development goals
and the biofertilizer - see section 5.1.3) and in the rearing of silkworms
(e.g. lime, chlorine, gas - in this case biogas -, formaldehyde, kraft paper, The results of this study contribute to some of the UN’s SDGs, as
and even electricity) from the cooperative; thus increasing the local mentioned hereafter.
circularity of resources and contributing to the local economy. SDG 2: zero hunger. Agriculture is an important sector of subsistence,
Economic. Economic advantages gauged from this initiative include due to food production. By 2050 the world’s population is expected to
the potentially lower costs for all the materials acquired locally, due to reach the figure of nine billion people (UN, 2019), and, with that, re­
simplified logistics. On top of cutting logistic costs, a local cooperative searchers point to an increase of up to 110 % in global crop demand by
would enable supporting local businesses and seeking better deals (e.g. 2050 compared to 2005 (Tilman et al., 2011). Moreover, approximately
bulk purchases), thus promoting local/regional development. With 10 % of the global population was exposed to severe food insecurity in
lower overall costs, the rural producers might be able to save to improve 2017 (Ten Berge et al., 2019). Therefore, a strong performance in the
their working conditions and/or quality of life, hence contributing to a agri-food sector is necessary to provide adequate, healthy and nutritious
better distribution of income. food to the global population and the principles of circular economy can
Environmental. As in the economic advantages, reducing the need help to achieve this goal.
for transportation might trigger environmental benefits. If acquiring SDG 7: clean energy. The establishment of community biodigesters,
resources locally, the need for transportation from long distances is in the Brazilian Silk Valley, enables producing electricity from wastes
reduced, and so are the environmental impacts related to such and contributes to providing more renewable energy to the rural prop­
transportation. erties in the region.
Social. It provides sericulturists with greater autonomy and SDG 9: industry, innovation and infrastructure. Establishing a local
decision-making power, since they are totally dependent on the silk cooperative and building community biodigesters in the Brazilian Silk
spinning company, which is currently the only one in the country. As Valley contributes to renewing the infrastructure (and the business
previously mentioned, by producing their own energy, through biogas, structure) of the rural workers (silkworm rearers/sericulturists).
they would not have the energy bill weighing on their monthly expenses, SDG 11: sustainable cities and communities. As it could be seen in
for example, being able to channel these resources to their health, ed­ section 4.1, the measures proposed to increase circular value also
ucation of children, family leisure, improvement of equipment and in­ contribute to increasing the sustainability (see Fig. 5) of the rural
vestment in technology for the production of cocoons. In other words, community in the Silk Valley.
the establishment of a cooperative can bring many other benefits, such SDG 12: responsible consumption and production. The production of
as the generation of extra income through the transformation of second- silk cocoons in a more sustainable way (see section 4.1) can contribute
quality cocoons into decorative products, home textiles, and even some to reducing the emissions to the environment of the silk yarn produced
clothing and fashion accessories, due to their cooperative members, and in Brazil, thus encouraging a more sustainable production and
it might also encourage family succession in the business. consumption.
SDG 13: climate action. Promoting the local economy via the
4.1.3. Building community biodigesters establishment of a local agroindustrial cooperative might simplify lo­
Local circularity. In fact, establishing a biodigester on a farm (or in gistic operations and thus reduce the overall environmental impacts of
the agroindustrial cooperative) can help increase local circularity. The transportation. Moreover, substituting the electricity from the local
biodigester is a key point in transforming waste to energy, a product network with the energy produced from waste might reduce the carbon
with high added-value (see e.g., Zanin and Bagatini, 2012). In the case emissions related to energy production.
study, the inputs of materials such as rearing bed waste, kraft paper, and Moreover, as an overarching take-away, it could be seen, mainly
green mass waste could generate biogas and biofertilizer. from the establishment of the reverse logistics for plastic packaging, that
Economic. In this case, the economic aspects depend on other fac­ greater circularity (or retention of resources in a place) is not necessarily
tors that go beyond the limits of this analysis. An economic analysis with better, be it from a circular, environmental, economic, or social
payback, internal rate of return, and cost-benefit considering different perspective. Greater circularity is many times desired in order to slow,
types of technologies is necessary to assess the economic feasibility of narrow, and/or close flows of resources; however, it is necessary to
the process. Another factor taken into account is the best location for include sustainability assessments (especially from an environmental
building the biodigester (see e.g., Ma et al., 2005; Villamar et al., 2016; point of view) when designing or proposing more circular systems.
Rodríguez et al., 2017; Laasasenaho et al., 2019; Yalcinkaya, 2020), The measures proposed and simulated in Scenario 2 are not yet in
which depends on several factors stipulated by the agroindustrial place. It is necessary to highlight that establishing a local cooperative, as
cooperative, such as proximity to roads, rivers, pipelines, and amount of well as building community biodigesters might require governmental
raw material generated at each property. incentive and financing, hence public policies could drive such devel­
Environmental. By means of the biodigester, a series of wastes are opment, as addressed in the next section.
not disposed of incorrectly in the environment and turn into environ­
mentally friendly inputs to the process of anaerobic digestion. The 4.3. Policy implications and further opportunities for circular businesses
products generated by the biodigester are aligned with renewable and
clean materials/energy, which are (i) biogas, that can be used to produce Individual rural property owners might not have the economic
electricity (renewable energy), as cooking gas (replacing liquefied pe­ power to make the investments necessary to establish the infrastructure
troleum gas), or can be upgraded into biomethane through a process of needed to produce and use the energy from the waste derived from
purification (being able to replace diesel and gasoline in vehicles, for sericulture, even if organized in small groups. Therefore, it is necessary
instance); and (ii) biofertilizer (replacing chemical/mineral fertilizers). that local, regional, and national governments firstly recognize the value
Social. From a social perspective one can cite the long-term health that is being lost (in economic, environmental, and social terms), and
effects that can be gauged when comparing energy being generated from join the local community to propose and implement policies that favor
non-renewable sources against energy generated from biowastes. the establishment of more circular practices, help establish new busi­
Moreover, reducing monthly expenses with (for instance) energy, fuels nesses, and take better advantage of local resources.

S.M.B.D. Barcelos et al. Journal of Environmental Management 296 (2021) 113373

Moreover, in case the properties have biogas or energy surpluses, management of animal and agricultural waste and, consequently, costs
there might be legal requirements to be met in order to sell or trade said can be reduced. Such approaches can drive the technological progress of
surpluses. Energy surpluses could be sold and incorporated into the local rural units, enabling the transition to a more sustainable path in the
energy network. Biogas surpluses could be sold and injected into gas medium and long terms. However, it could be seen that the imple­
networks or sold to nearby properties or establishments either as biogas mentation of governmental policies could thrust the development of a
or biomethane. Nonetheless, for biogas to be upgraded into biomethane, circular bioeconomy in the context of the production of silk cocoons.
it needs to be purified, which makes for another investment in the
respective infrastructure. All of this also calls for new policies, including 5. Conclusions
financial incentives and tax exemptions, which take into consideration
the externalities carried by new circular practices, such as the valuation This study sought to identify opportunities for creating value by
of the local economy, and the trade-offs of energy-related greenhouse internalizing flows in the production of silk cocoons by promoting a
gas (GHG) emissions from the use of bioenergy (when compared to the circular bioeconomy. The production of silk cocoons in Brazil has
energy mix delivered locally). contributed significantly to the sustainable development of the regions
Further business opportunities can be spotted in the use of (so-called) that produce them, involving inputs and outputs of materials and energy
second-quality cocoons for the artisanal production of textile and that have shaped the environmental, social, and economic impacts of
fashion products as well as decoration (e.g., embroidery, scarfs, home- said production. The design of a more circular system in the production
textile). Also on that note, the pupae (from inside the cocoons) could of silk cocoons can contribute positively to a circular bioeconomy in this
be used for producing fish feed (where the pupae is commercialized agribusiness. Scenario 1 (current state) showed a material circularity of
either fresh or dried and processed). Nonetheless, for these opportunities 74.19 %, while Scenario 2 (future state) showed a potential for 98.42 %
to come true, there is an inherent need for capacity building (e.g., ed­ for material circularity (when including the suggested proposals/mea­
ucation and training of personnel) and for awareness to be raised so that sures). It is noted that the increase in circularity impacts the three areas
new markets are unveiled. of sustainability adding circular value. The silk produced from such a
There are a few challenges to be overcome, in terms of policy mak­ system carries with it that added-circular-value, which accompanies the
ing, in order to foster circular businesses within the scope of this entire silk value chain.
research. The challenges and insights on how they could be overcome Furthermore, a circular bioeconomy in the context of the production
through increased policy support are presented hereafter. of silk cocoons can help achieve some of the sustainable development
Lack of awareness. The general population, local businesses, and goals (SDG) proposed by the United Nations, such as SDG 2 (zero hun­
governments lack awareness about what circular economy and circular ger), SDG 7 (clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infra­
bioeconomy are, and how they can help advance the local economy and structure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12
contribute to a more sustainable development. Policy measures could be (responsible consumption and production), and SDG 13 (climate
drawn in order to educate the population, by means of awareness raising action).
campaigns, introducing the concepts and common practices related to Limitations to this study should be mentioned. The yield of biogas
circular economy and circular bioeconomy. and digestate from the input of bioresources (given the use of green mass
Lack of skills and expertise. New practices will be needed to take from mulberry waste as well as from silkworm litter), the yield of
better advantage of the bioresources available, therefore, new policies electricity from biogas, the methane content in the biogas, the density of
could encourage the collaboration of local businesses and rural prop­ biogas, were taken from the literature. Moreover, the aspects that need
erties with (for instance) local universities to provide education and to be accounted for when determining the location of the biodigester
training. were not discussed, and the economic aspects, such as costs for the
Lack of knowledge on routes for valorization of bioproducts. installation and maintenance of the biodigester and the motor generator
Along with the awareness of common practices and the education and were not considered in this study.
training on circular economy and circular bioeconomy, incentives for Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the importance and need for an
innovation could boost the development of novel paths for valorizing assessment of the economic feasibility of the measures proposed, espe­
bioresources in the context of producing silk cocoons. cially the establishment of the community biodigesters, in addition to
Lack of support from the government. Governments need to be the involvement of public policies, as well as including sustainability
closer to the community and get to know the local needs in order to assessments in this proposed system. In this sense, concrete actions need
listen, dialogue and propose effective policies. to be developed to make agribusinesses more productive and sustain­
Lack of capital, general infrastructure, and storage capabilities. able, reducing rural poverty, and increasing the resilience of the rural
There is a need for capital investment for the new business practices to population when faced with threats and crises. Agribusinesses comprise
take place in the context of a circular bioeconomy in the production of an important sector in terms of subsistence, with regard to the produc­
silk cocoons. Governments should develop policies that incentivize and tion of food, feed, and basic supplies. For those aims to be met and
support the establishment and development of these new businesses by obstacles to be faced, robust techniques need to be used in agribusi­
means of financial incentives and tax exemption policies. nesses, in which a circular bioeconomy plays a major role.
Low readiness level of locally available technology. Locally
available technology might not yet have reached the level of develop­ Credit author statement
ment necessary for an effective circular bioeconomy in the context of
producing silk cocoons. Therefore, governments could incentivize the Silvia M. B. D. Barcelos: Conceptualization, Investigation, Meth­
development of other actors in the supply chain in order to create a more odology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Rodrigo
resilient and robust value chain, also by creating policy incentives. Salvador: Methodology, Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original
Lack of collaboration. Individual owners of business or rural draft, Writing - review & editing. Murillo V. Barros: Methodology, Data
properties might not be aware of possible partnerships or be hesitant to curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
engage in collaborative efforts. Therefore, the incentive policies to be editing. Antonio C. De Francisco: Conceptualization, Supervision.
developed by governments could include the premise of prioritizing Graça Guedes: Conceptualization, Supervision.
consortia over individuals, whenever appropriate.
Therefore, identifying circularity in the agricultural production Declaration of competing interest
chain can make it more efficient and clean. It should also be noted that
development in the field can foster increased energy efficiency, better The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

S.M.B.D. Barcelos et al. Journal of Environmental Management 296 (2021) 113373

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence This research was financially supported by the Coordenação de
the work reported in this paper. Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance
Code 001, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tec­
Acknowledgments nológico - Brasil (CNPq) (Sponsored by CNPq 310686/2017–2), and
Fundação Araucária (Support for Scientific and Technological Devel­
The authors would like to thank the Editor of the Journal of Envi­ opment of Paraná) by means of CP20/2013, Doctoral Program in Textile
ronmental Management for the efficient handling of the manuscript and Engineering in partnership with a Foreign Institution (Uminho/UEM/
the reviewers for the valuable comments helping to improve on the UTFPR).
earlier version of the paper.

Appendix A. Inputs and Outputs of Material and Energy

Table A.1
Inputs and Outputs of Material and Energy per Process

Inputs Outputs

Supplier Material/Energy Specification Material/Energy Specification Client

Process name: Mulberry crop

S1: External Limestone 3500.10 kg/year Green mass (mulberry leaves and 46,178.10 kg/ S1: Silkworm rearing
S2: Agroindustrial stems) year S2: Silkworm rearing
S1: External Phosphorus 49.95 kg/year Green mass waste 20,122.20 kg/ S1: Property
S2: Agroindustrial year S2: Biodigester
S1: External Mulberry Stems 4.05 kg/year Packaging 1.04 kg/year S1: Property
S2: External S2: Reverse Logistics
S1: External Herbicide 20.72 kg/year
S2: External
S1: External Packaging 1.04 kg/year
S2: External
S1: External C1 Fertilizer 59,999.85 kg/
S2: Biodigester C2 Biofertilizer year
S1: External Water 2790.00 kg/year
S2: External
Process name: Silkworm rearing
S1: External Lime 180.00 kg/year Packaging (formaldehyde) 1.00 kg/year S1: Property
S2: Agroindustrial S2: Reverse Logistics
S1: External Chlorine 18.00 kg/year Packaging (raffia sack, lime, and 146.99 kg/year S1: External
S2: Agroindustrial chlorine) S2: Reverse Logistics
S1: External C1 Liquefied petroleum gas 18.00 kg/year Unreelable silk (anafaia) 27.00 kg/year S1: External
S2: Biodigester C2 Biogas S2: External
S1: External Formaldehyde 14.67 kg/year Kraft paper 148.50 kg/year S1: External
S2: Agroindustrial S2: Biodigester
S1: Mulberry crop Green mass (mulberry leaves) 46,178.10 kg/ Rearing bed waste (branches) 28,800.00 kg/ S1: Mulberry crop
S2: Mulberry crop year year S2: Biodigester
S1: External Kraft paper 148.50 kg/year Rearing bed waste (silkworm litter/ 7200.00 kg/year S1: Mulberry crop
S2: Agroindustrial excrement) S2: Biodigester
S1: External Silkworms 40.50 kg/year Cocoons 3424.50 kg/year S1: External
S2: External S2: External
S1: External Water 522.20 kg/year
S2: External
S1: External Packaging (formaldehyde) 1.00 kg/year
S2: Agroindustrial
S1: External Packaging (raffia sack, lime, and 146.99 kg/year
S2: Agroindustrial chlorine)
S1: Energy network Electricity 450.00 kWh/
S2: Electric motor year
Process name: Biodigester
S2: Silkworm rearing Rearing bed waste (branches) 28,800.00 kg/ Biogas 1051.58 kg/year S2: Electric motor
year generator
S2: Silkworm rearing Rearing bed waste (silkworm litter/ 7200.00 kg/year Biogas 18.00 kg/year S2: Silkworm rearing
S2: Silkworm rearing Kraft paper 148.50 kg/year Biogas 9353.57 kg/year S2: Agroindustrial
S2: Mulberry crop Green mass waste 20,122.20 kg/ Biofertilizer 59,999.85 kg/ S2: Mulberry crop
year year
Biofertilizer 6212.30 kg/year
(continued on next page)

S.M.B.D. Barcelos et al. Journal of Environmental Management 296 (2021) 113373

Table A.1 (continued )

Inputs Outputs

Supplier Material/Energy Specification Material/Energy Specification Client

S2: Agroindustrial
Process name: Electric motor generator
S2: Biodigester Biogas 1051.58 kg/year Electricity 450.00 kWh/ S2: Silkworm rearing

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