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Chapter-wise test- (Grade X)

Max time: 60 Minutes Max marks: 35

Biology: Control and coordination and Asexual Reproduction
 There are 19 questions in this paper.
 Question number 1 to 10 carry 1 Mark each
 Question number 1 to 4 multiple choice questions.
Question number 5 to 7 Fill in the blanks.
 Question number 8 to 10 Very short answer questions.
 Question number 11 to 14 (One question with internal choice) carry 2 Marks each.
 Question number 15 and 18 (One question with internal choice) carry 3 Marks each.
 Question number 19 (internal choice) carry 5 Marks

1 What is the function of the pituitary gland? 1

(a) To develop sex organs in males

(b) To stimulate growth in all organs

(c) To regulate sugar and salt levels in the body

(d) To initiate metabolism in the body

2 A female is suffering from an irregular menstrual cycle. The doctor prescribed 1

her some hormonal tablets. Which option shows that the hormone she lacks in
her body is from the endocrine gland?

(a) Oestrogen

(b) Testosterone

(c) Adrenalin
Chapter-wise test- (Grade X)
(d) Thyroxin

3 When we touch the leaves of the “touch-me-not” plant, they begin to fold up and 1
droop. How does the plant communicate the information of touch?

(a) The plant uses electrical signals to transfer information from the external
environment to cells.

(b) The plant uses electrical-chemical signals to transfer information from cell to cell.

(c) The plant uses electrical-chemical signals to transfer information from tissue to
specialized cells.

(d) The plant uses electrical signals to transfer information from cells to specialized

4 Arun potted some germinated seeds in a pot. He put the pot in a cardboard box 1
that was opened from one side. He keeps the box in a way that the open side of
the box faces sunlight near his window. After 2-3 days, he observes the shoot
bends towards the light, as shown

Which type of tropism does he observe?

(a) Geotropism

(b) Phototropism

(c) Chemotropism
Chapter-wise test- (Grade X)
(d) Hydrotropism

5 Amal is a drunkard and he drinks very frequently ,name the part of the brain which 1
will be affected after drinking alcohol will be-----------------

6 Amoeba reproduces by …………….. 1

7 Vegetative propagation is seen in ………….plants. 1

8 Which is the largest and most prominent part of the brain? 1

9 What is meant by tropic movements? 1

10 What is an asexual reproduction? 1

11 What do you understand by fragmentation? 2

12 What do you understand by geotropism? 2

13 What is the process of a lizards tail growing back called as and under what 2
circumstances the lizard loose its tail?

14 Explain two differences each for sexual and asexual reproduction 2

15 (a)Name the part of the brain that controls- 3
(a)Voluntary action (b) Involuntary action

(b)State the components of peripheral nervous system and their significance

16 Define reproduction. How does it helps in providing stability to the population of 3


17 State the functions of the following glands- 3

Chapter-wise test- (Grade X)
(a) Pituatary gland

(b) Thyroid gland

(c) Pancreas

(d) Testis

18 Different parts of the brain are associated with specific functions.Name the part of 3
the brain which is associated with following functions

(a) Sensation of feeling full

(b) Vomiting

(c) Hunger

(d) Riding a bicycle

19 What are hormones?Explain the different plant hormones with its functions 5

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