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I. TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, change the word that makes it FALSE to make the statement TRUE:

1. It is material to have a written contract to have a Lawyer-client relationship


2. Lawyers cannot compromise a client’s litigation, or receive anything in discharge of a

client’s claim without SPA for such purpose
Answer: TRUE

3. There is a presumption that lawyers are properly authorized to represent any cause in
which he or she appears. No written power of attorney is required.
Answer: TRUE

4. A lawyer shall duly impede the execution of an order or judgment which is warranted.

5. A lawyer who receives information that a client has, in the course of the
representation, perpetrated a fraud in relation to any matter subject of the
representation before a court, tribunal, or other government agency, or against any
officer thereof, shall promptly call upon the client to rectify the same.
Answer: TRUE

6. A supervised lawyer acting under the direction of the supervising lawyer, managing
partner, or other partners of the firm is not bound by the CPRA.
Answer: FALSE- IS

7. A lawyer cannot continue representing a client in an action even with the client’s
consent after the lawyer brings suit in his own behalf, against the defendant
Answer: TRUE

8. At the latest opportunity, lawyers are required to “ascertain the existence of any
conflict of interest between a prospective client and current clients, and immediately
disclose the same if found to exist.” Lawyers should avoid accepting new engagement if
either the prospective or current client objects thereto.
Answer: FALSE - earliest

9. A lawyer shall not decline, without just cause, a request by any court, tribunal, or other
government agency to act as amicus curiae in any proceeding relating to the lawyer’s
expertise or field of specialization
Answer: TRUE

10. Lawyers can be allowed to exploit their profession to exact vengeance or to use it as a
tool for instigating hostility against any person especially against a client or former

11. Foreign lawyers cannot, directly or indirectly, practice law in the Philippines
Answer: TRUE

12. In all instances, the lawyer shall state that the service being rendered is in the nature of
Limited Legal Services.
Answer: TRUE

II. IDENTIFY the following statements.

1. It pertains to a lawyer’s duty to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land, to assist in the
administration of justice as an officer of the court, and to advance or defend a client’s cause, with
full devotion, genuine interest, and zeal in the pursuit of truth and justice.

2. the rendition of legal service or performance of acts or the application of law, legal principles, and
judgment, in or out of court, with regard to the circumstances or objectives of a person or a cause,
and pursuant to a lawyer-client relationship or other engagement governed by the CPRA.
Answer: Practice of law

3. It arises when the client consciously, voluntarily and in good faith vests a lawyer with the client’s
confidence for the purpose of rendering legal services such as providing legal advice or
representation, and the lawyer, whether expressly or impliedly, agrees to render such services.
Answer: Lawyer-client relationship

4. When is A lawyer client relationship is established?

Answer: when a lawyer voluntarily entertains a consultation

5. When can a lawyer bind a client in a legal engagement?

Answer: only when so authorized through a written agreement

6. It is “a contract whereby parties, by making reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or put an end
to one already commenced.”
Answer: Compromise

7. It means “of, relating to, or involving a confidence or trust,” or “held or founded in trust or
Answer: Fiduciary

8. The gist of the action is the putting of legal process in force, regularly, for the mere purpose of
vexation or injury.”
Answer: Malicious prosecution

9. Under what section of canon 3 that this statement belongs?

Lawyers are administratively liable for the conduct of their employees in failing to timely file
Answer: Section 10, Canon 3

10. What is the defense for the liability for command responsibility?
Answer: Diligence of a good parent of a family

11. It occurs “when a lawyer represents inconsistent or opposing interests of two or more persons.
Answer: Conflict of Interest

12. Under this section, lawyers are prohibited from dating or having romantic or sexual relations with a
Answer: Canon 3, Section 16
13. The relation between lawyer and client or guardian and ward, or between spouses, with regard to
the trust that is placed in the one by the other
Answer: Confidentiality rule

14. one that refers to information transmitted by voluntary act of disclosure between attorney and
client in confidence and by means of which, in so far as the client is aware, discloses the information
to no third person other than one reasonably necessary for the transmission of the information or
the accomplishment of the purpose for which it was given.
Answer: privileged communication


1. Give at least one test to determine if conflict of interest exist:

• 1. Whether a lawyer is duty- bound to fight for an issue or claim in behalf of one client, and at
the same time, to oppose that claim for the other client.
• 2. Whether the lawyer will be asked to use against his former client any confidential
information acquired through their connection.

2. Give at least one Instances when a Lawyer may Testify as a Witness in a Case which he is Handling
for a Client
1. On formal matters, such as the mailing, authentication or custody of an instrument and the
2. Acting as an expert on his fee;
3. Acting as an arbitrator;
4. Depositions; and
5. On substantial matters in cases where his testimony is essential to the ends of justice, in
which event he must, during his testimony, entrust the trial of the case to another counsel.

3. Give at least one Betrayal of Trust by Attorney

1. By causing damage to his client, either:
a. by any malicious breach of professional duty; or
b. by inexcusable negligence or ignorance;
2. By revealing any of the secrets of his clients learned by him in his professional capacity; or
3. By having undertaken the defense of a client or having received confidential information
from said client in a case, shall undertake the defense of the opposing party in the same case,
without the consent of his first client.

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