Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

"DOL Pay Transparency FAQs." U.S. Department of Labor, Accessed 29 Mar. 2024.

Businesses need to post the salary on job postings. This affects HR, recruiters, and future

employees. It protects anything regarding employees’ pay.

This source is credible and unbiased. The source is not only from a U.S. department, the source

is also in a .org domain. Sources from .org and other domains besides .com are usually more

credible as opposed to .com sources.

This source helped with general inquiries regarding pay transparency. While not primarily

providing specific data points, it answered some of the questions that I did have. The lack of data

did make it less optimal for proper use.

"Quick Facts About State Salary Range Transparency Laws." Center for American Progress,

transparency-laws/ Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. (Publication Date: March 23, 2023)

This law has been enacted in 8 states. The laws vary state by state depending on what the rules

are. Other states are attempting to implement this into their laws after seeing the effects of it.
This source is not biased. It is giving out general information, not persuading anyone. It is

credible since its written by an organization.

This helped with the broad topic, as well as telling me where it already is. It also discussed the

effects. It also helped me formulate data for my paper.

Percy, Sally. "What's So Great About Pay Transparency?" Forbes, 2 Dec. 2022,

transparency/ Accessed 29 Mar. 2024.

Talks about different way pay transparency can be interpreted. Shows data from places where the

law was already enacted. It also talks about future benefits that are from definition.

The source is biased since it does show the good side of it. It does not talk about the bad side.

The source is from Forbes which is a very credible site.

The source provided me with benefits. The source also talked about definite data from other

states to support arguments

"Pay Transparency: What It Is and Laws by State." ADP, 2023,

state.aspx. Accessed 29 Mar. 2024

This explains the definition of pay transparency. It also explains what the jurisdiction of it. This

source also explains the benefits of pay transparency.

This source is well-researched since it is made by a credible team. This source unbiased since its

informing instead of persuading. Finally, it is a great source for those who don’t understand pay

transparency or want to learn more about it.

This source helped my memo by giving me what is affected. It helped my mentor by adding

some more information. This article helped my paper by explaining some of the practices.

Patwa, Vedant. "The Importance of Compliance Teams in Organizations." LinkedIn,

patwa-csm-/ Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. (Publication Date: June 16, 2023)

1. Explains how teams work with each other in compliance. Further identifies how they are

beneficial. Concludes with how vital their role is in the business setting.

This source is expository, meaning unbiased. The source is a collaboration article, meaning

multiple people who know a lot about business worked on it. The source is from LinkedIn, which

is an amazing jobsite.

This source helped me compile sentences on how teams collaborate. It also helped with new

teams. The document also provided business knowledge so I could learn more.

Moore, Steven. "What Is a Corporate Legal Compliance Team?" LinkedIn,

moore-iczqf/ Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. (Publication Date: December 18, 2023)

Explains how to start working in HR. The source provides ways to become an HR manager too.

This source displays HRs pay and other data as well.

The source provides information, so it does not have a bias. The source is from a government

website. This means that it is credible.

3 This source helped me understand what an HR manager does. The source helped my mentor

explain what an HR manager is. It helped my product by explaining to me what an HR manager


"Human Resources Managers." Bureau of Labor Statistics,



%20management%20and%20its%20employees Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. (Publication

Date: September 6, 2023)\

This speaks on how pay transparency can bridge wage gaps in the U.S. Gives examples

with a case study. Provides data to show how well pay transparency is for us. SHRM is a

credible and well-known source.

It is unbiased since it provides information and data. The source is well researched as it

shows a case study that helps the arguments.

Supported my mentorship by providing new information that I haven not seen before

from a case study. Provided realistic and new information. Made for proper data within my


"Pay Transparency and Equity." SHRM,


%20that,outcomes%20from%20posting%20salary%20rangesAccessed 11 April 202

“Can Pay Transparency Reduce Employee Turnover?” SHRM, ,


employee-turnover accessed 11 April 2024

Pay transparency can bring it more employees. It can also keep current employees. It is very

beneficial for the new generation and bringing them into the work force.

The source is unbiased. It is SHRM which is a credible source.

It let me involve the new generation into my research. It let me add numerical data into my

document. It let me know what

“Pay Transparency Can Promote Equity”


%20popular,outcomes%20from%20posting%20salary%20ranges 11 April 2024

Briefly explains the effects of pay transparency and its effect on pay secrecy. Explains pay

secrecy. Talks about pay transparency on all levels of government.

Informational so it is unbiased. It is a .org website so it is an organization. Well researched since

it was made by more than one person.

Explains effects of pay transparency. Talks about what pay secrecy. Explains new topics for my


“The Complicated Effects of Pay Transparency.”

complicated-effects-of-pay-transparency Accessed 11 April 2024

1. Summary – 3-5 sentences

2. Evaluation – Is the source biased, well-researched, credible, etc.? 3-5 sentences

3. Reflection – How did the source support your mentorship and/or final product? 3-5 sentences

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