Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

(Grade – 6: Chemistry)

As the lesson draws to an end, students should have grasped the rudimentary concept of
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures so as to yield accurate description of their appearance and
characteristics which may sets one apart from the other or bring them together; and be able to
provide a number of real-life examples.


A. Topic:
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures

B. Materials:
1 Bottle of water-and-sugar solution, Pebbles, 1 Bottle of Coke, and Visual Aids i.e.,
Manila paper & printed pictures (Cutouts)

C. Reference/s: “Chemistry Notes for JEE & NEET” (ver. 4.4) App by ToraLabs

D. Science Process:
Observing, Classifying, Communicating and Inferring

E. Science Concepts:
Mixture – is one of the two macroscopical classification that refers to matter containing
two or more substances in any ratio and can be separated by simple physical or mechanical
methods. They are further divided into two categories known as:
1. Homogeneous – their components mix completely and they have a uniform
composition throughout.
2. Heterogeneous – components of this mixture remain separate and their
composition is not uniform.

F. Value Integration:
Inquisitive mind and cooperation during the teaching-learning process.

G. Teaching Strategies:
Discussion, Inquiry Approach, Audio-visual Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning, little Einsteins! Good morning, sir!
It seems everyone is very enthusiastic and full of
energy. I hope you hold onto it until the very end
of today’s session.

But before we begin, can we all please stand up *Students stand up from their sits*
and still?
Thank you!
Let us offer a minute or two to talk to God
through a prayer.
Who’d like to volunteer to lead the prayer? *Students raise their hands up*
What’s your name? ___
Okay, ___, go ahead. *Students recite the prayer*

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