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Probability & Statistics

Tutorial 24

1. A sample of 28 data observations has a sample mean x = 0.0328. If an experimenter

wishes to use a known value σ = 0.015 for the population standard deviation,

construct an appropriate 95% two-sided condence interval for the population mean


2. A sample of 19 data observations has a sample mean of x = 11.80. If an experimenter

wishes to use a known value σ = 2.0 for the population standard deviation, nd

the value of c for which µ ∈ (c, ∞) is a one-sided 95% condence interval for the

population mean µ.

3. A sample of 29 measurements of radiation levels in a research laboratory taken at

random times has a sample mean of x = 415.7. If an experimenter wishes to use

a known value σ = 10.0 for the standard deviation of these radiation levels based

upon prior experience, nd the value of c for which µ ∈ (−∞, c) is a one-sided 99%

condence interval for the mean radiation level µ. Is it plausible that the mean

radiation level is larger than 418.0?

4. An experimenter is interested in the hypothesis testing problem

H0 : µ = 20.0 versus HA : µ ̸= 20.0

where µ is the average resilient modulus of a clay mixture. Suppose that a sample of

n = 10 resilient modulus measurements is obtained and that the experimenter wishes

to use a value of σ = 1.0 for the resilient modulus standard deviation.

(a) For what values of the z-statistic does the experimenter accept the null hy-

pothesis with a size α = 0.10?

(b) For what values of the z-statistic does the experimenter reject the null hypoth-

esis with a size α = 0.01?

Suppose that the sample mean is x = 19.50.

(a) Is the null hypothesis accepted or rejected with α = 0.10? With α = 0.01?
(b) Calculate the exact p-value.

5. An experimenter is interested in the hypothesis testing problem

H0 : µ ≥ 420.0 versus HA : µ < 420.0

where µ is the average radiation level in a research laboratory. Suppose that a sample

of n = 29 radiation level measurements is obtained and that the experimenter wishes

to use a value of σ = 10.0 for the standard deviation of the radiation levels.

(a) For what values of the z-statistic does the experimenter accept the null hy-

pothesis with a size α = 0.10?

(b) For what values of the z-statistic does the experimenter reject the null hypoth-

esis with a size α = 0.01?

Suppose that the sample mean is x = 415.7.

(a) Is the null hypothesis accepted or rejected with α = 0.10? With α = 0.01?
(b) Calculate the exact p-value.

6. In an unpaired two-sample problem, an experimenter observes n = 47, x = 100.85

from population A and m = 62, y = 89.32 from population B. Suppose that the

experimenter wishes to use values σA = 25 and σB = 20 for the population standard


(a) What is the exact p-value for the hypothesis testing problem

H0 : µA = µB + 3.0 versus HA : µA ̸= µB + 3.0

(b) Construct a 90% two-sided condence interval for µA − µB .

7. In an unpaired two-sample problem, an experimenter observes n = 38, x = 5.782

from population A and m = 40, y = 6.443 from population B. Suppose that the

experimenter wishes to use value σA = σB = 2.0 for the population standard devia-


(a) What is the exact p-value for the hypothesis testing problem

H0 : µA ≥ µB versus HA : µA < µB

(b) Construct a 99% one-sided condence interval that provides an upper bound

for µA − µB .

8. The resilient moduli of n = 10 samples of a clay mixture of type A are measured and
the sample mean is x = 19.50. In addition, the resilient moduli of m = 12 samples of
a clay mixture of type B are measured and the sample mean is y = 18.64. Suppose

that the experimenter wishes to use values σA = σB = 1.0 for the standard deviations
of the resilient modulus of the two types of clay.

(a) What is the exact two-sided p-value for the null hypothesis that the two types

of clay have equal average values of resilient modulus?

(b) Construct 90%, 95%, and 99% two-sided condence intervals for the dierence

between the average resilient modulus of the two types of clay.

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