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Book Reviews Bk

The People, Place, and Space Reader by Jen Gieseking, William Mangold, Cindi Katz, Setha
Low, and Susan Saegert, eds. New York: Routledge, 2014. 446 pages.

Aixa Alemán-Díaz, American University

The People, Place, and Space Reader (2014) to show that how people interact with
offers a collection of 69 articles and 12 commercial space develop practical
sections covering a genealogy of “theories of solutions to prevent the market from
space” that extend over a century. The closing. This collaborative work underscores
collection examines the entanglements the importance of finding real-time
among peoples, places, and spaces, as well solutions that can benefit a majority of
as the importance of culture in the making individuals and sectors. More significantly,
of place, space, and landscape. Two Low argues that by reconceptualizing ‘the
anthologies published in the 1970s provide field’ and by focusing on the spatialization of
the backdrop for this excellent contribution culture, anthropologists offer new tools to
made by a group of students and faculty think about the myriad ways in which
members at The Graduate Center at the City individuals relate to their built
University of New York (CUNY). Editors environments.
make environmental psychology relevant by There is a clear commitment to
joining scholars, who have continued work research that is engaged in social justice and
in theories of space, to renew thinking about equality throughout the volume. In the final
space and place across the social sciences section, entitled “Democratic Prospects and
and humanities. Possibilities,” the authors theorize
Several of the editors have made interactions among people, place, and space
influential interventions in debates on in relation to social arrangements marked by
spatial theory. Anthropologist Setha Low the unequal geographical distribution of
explores how “cultural politics” and the material and nonmaterial processes. Lila
spatialization of culture affects diverse types Abu-Lughod discusses democratic
of relationships that form between people prospects and possibilities as patterns that
and their environments. Low’s “co- fuel and prevent social change. Her analysis
production model” provides a novel weighs the positive and negative effects of
ethnographic perspective and method for the role of social media in what has been
understanding how social relationships and dubbed the ‘Egyptian Revolution.’ She
space are co-configured by “embodied explains that young Egyptians turned into
spaces,” or the person as a mobile spatio- activists as they developed a sense of
temporal unit (Low 2009). Low and her team responsibility for the uprisings and protests
analyze “embodied spaces” in relation to the in Tahrir Square that affected their rural
possible closure of an enclosed Latino food lives. Ethnographic descriptions bring forth
area known as Moore Street Market in the implications of these events and connect
Brooklyn, New York through close global processes with personal and local
examination of people’s everyday reactions. Abu-Lughod’s chapter aligns with
relationships with their built environments. claims made by other activists and scholars
This team conceptualizes the market as a affirming that space and place are co-
trans-local web of social relationships that produced. She develops a thorough
nurture networks and bodies in movement perspective about the contradictions of

Student Anthropologist | Volume 4 | Number 2 51

those living in globalized contemporary transforms the anthology into a “living”
societies and their potential to achieve project by promoting the exchange of ideas
democratic prospects and goals. —such as those I have presented here—even
Taken as a whole, this book marks an after publication.
energetic and sophisticated renewal of
scholarly and activist conversations about References Cited
the triad of landscape, space, and place. Kirksey, S. Eben and Stefan Helmreich
What is perhaps most distinctive in this 2010 The Emergence of Multispecies
anthology is the breadth of connecting Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology
diverse concepts and theories over time that 25(4):545-576.
evidence myriad ways in which space and
place are constituted by an array of social Kohn, Eduardo
relationships. The multiple perspectives of 2015 Anthropology of Ontologies. Annual
activists, non-academic professionals, and Review of Anthropology 44:311-327.
scholars will make the volume of interest to
a wide readership, especially those who are Kohn, Eduardo
interested in applied scholarship. 2007 How Dogs Dream: Amazonian
Though this volume offers a robust Natures and the Politics of
genealogy of theories of place and space, it Transspecies Engagement. American
could be strengthened by more explicitly Ethnologist 34 (1): 3-24.
addressing the importance of geographical
locations, localities, and non-human actors. Low, Setha and Sally Engle Merry
Hugh Raffles (2002) offers an example of 2010 Engaged Anthropology: Diversity and
this when analyzing everyday social uses of Dilemmas. Current Anthropology 51:
a Brazilian estuary by locals that form a S2: S203-S226.
locality marked by “fluvial intimacies.” He
argues that these social practices, which are Low, Setha and Sally Engle Merry
embedded in political economic 2009 Towards an Anthropological Theory
contingencies, affect the makings of the of Space and Place. Semiotica 175
Amazonian rainforest. The section entitled (1/4) 21-37.
“The Social Production of Space and Time”
offers an entry point into thinking about the Odgen, Laura A.; Hall, Billy and Kimiko
role of the non-human in the production of Tanita
space and culture, however, the overall 2013 Animals, Plants, People, and Things: A
volume does not grant sustained attention Review of Multispecies Ethnography.
to this issue. Emergent research in Environment and Society: Advances
anthropology, including multi-species in Research 4:5-24.
ethnographies (Odgen, Hall, and Tanita 2013;
Kirksey and Helmreich 2010) and science Raffles, Hugh
studies (Kohn 2007, 2015), demonstrates that 2002 In Amazonia: A Natural History.
paying attention to the non-human can Princeton: Princeton University
complicate anthropological analyses of the Press.
social and material relationships that
influence the makings of nature and space.
Finally, The People, Place, and Space
Reader is an innovative approach to
fostering transdisciplinary dialogue, using a
website to connect professionals, scholars,
activists, teachers, and students interested
in the politics of life and place. An online
interface makes the volume accessible to a
range of audiences by creating exchanges
between readers and editors, teachers and
students, as well as intellectuals and the
public. The integration of technology

Student Anthropologist | Volume 4 | Number 2 52

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