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Introduction 3

Program Objectives & Benefits 5

Program Terms 6

Program Period & Output 10

Funding 11

BRIN Host Researcher 13

Registration Procedure 14

Selection Procedure 16

Monitoring & Evaluation 17

Extension Application Procedure 18

Review Team 20

Program Timeline Year of 2023 21


One of the driving factors in increasing the country's competitiveness

in the 4.0 era and 5.0 society is the importance of scientific and
technological innovation in driving the effectiveness of the country's
economy which is not only based on natural resources (resource-
based economy) but also based on science and knowledge resources (
knowledge based economy). The implication is, the strength of a
nation will be measured from the strength of science and technology
as the main factor of the economy to replace the strength of capital
which depends on the quality of its human resources, research
climate, research infrastructure, and also the research budget.

The reason behind the balance between the development of science

and innovation is that the works produced by research institutions or
universities do not just stop being documents or archives, but are
expected to become concrete solutions to address problems in
society. In addition, the allocation of the research budget can be
supported by the higher education budget and the research budget
so that the two sectors (technological development and innovation)
can work in synergy.

Currently, with the increasingly strong connectivity between the world of
research or research and industry, it is very necessary to prioritize in
managing and building connections between these two factors. In this
case the government is required to take a role in building these
connections, by providing the concept of cooperation between
researchers or scientists and industry and other partners that can
provide additional value to both parties. The National Research and
Innovation Agency, as the only research institution for the government
of the Republic of Indonesia, takes an active role in encouraging the
realization of this connection.

The Postdoctoral Program is part of the Human Resources Capacity

Building Program through Researcher Mobility. This program is an
activity organized by the National Research and Innovation Agency
(BRIN) in the context of increasing capacity, competence, research
synergies, development, study, and application of science and
technology and the national research ecosystem to build the nation's
competitiveness and self-reliance.

Increase the capacity of research, development, study, and/or
application of science and technology within BRIN;
Creating an innovation ecosystem to strengthen the national
innovation system;
Increase synergy and collaboration between the National Research
and Innovation Agency and universities, research and development
agencies, and/or industry;
Improving the quality of human resources that are able to compete
globally and contribute to the competitiveness and independence of
the nation;
Increase scientific output.

The expected benefits of this program are to increase the competency of
human resources researchers so as to contribute to improving the
national research and innovation climate through increasing the
number of publications in highly reputable scientific journals, innovative
products, and establishing national and international research

Program Definition

This Postdoctoral Program is a human resource capacity building

program through researcher mobility in the form of collaborative
research, development, study, and/or application of science and
technology at BRIN, for Indonesian Citizens or foreign nationals who
have just completed their Doctoral program (S3) education .

Participant Requirements

1. Indonesian citizens or foreign nationals other than ASN BRIN;

2. Have completed doctoral program education (S3) for a maximum of 5
(five) years since graduation;
3. Has no affiliation yet;
4. Have experience and expertise relevant to the chosen topic of
expertise and proven by evidence of a track record (portfolio) of
research and innovation activities;
5. For foreign nationals, they must obtain an immigration permit in
accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations; and
6. Committed to completing the Postdoctoral program by signing a
commitment document to implement the Postdoctoral program.

Output Achievement Roadmap
Participants must prepare an Output
Achievement Roadmap at the start
of the Postdoctoral program
The roadmap is uploaded to ELSA on
the “Log Book” tab no later than the
10th of the first month of program

Monthly Report

Monthly reports are uploaded in

ELSA on the last working day of
each month
The report contains research
developments from efforts to
achieve output for the past 1
Monthly report is signed by the
host researcher.

Final Report

The final report is uploaded on

ELSA no later than 1 month after
the activity period ends
The report contains details of the
implementation of the activities
and the outputs produced by the

Program Implementation Agreement

The activity implementation agreement is sent to the participants

after the Decree on the determination of the participants is issued.
Participants are required to sign the agreement with sufficient
stamps using e-meterai.
The agreement signed by the participants should be sent in
softcopy to the Directorate of Talent Management through this
email address : fellowship@brin.go.id

Terms for Presence

Attendance is carried out in the BRIN area according to the

location of the Research Center or the host Research Group.
For field assignments outside the BRIN area, attendance is still
carried out through ELSA and must be accompanied by an
assignment letter from the head of the Research Center. The
Assignment Letter explains the following:
1. place to carry out research activities;
2. the period of time for research activities outside BRIN;
3. plans for research activities to be carried out outside BRIN;
4. the urgency/reason for carrying out activities outside BRIN; And
5. targets to be achieved after completing research activities
outside BRIN
The assignment letter should be attached to the monthly report.

Rights and Obligations of the Participants
During the implementation of the program, participants are entitled
Get the cost of living according to the provisions;
Get reimbursement for economy class international flight costs
according to the provisions for participants who are domiciled
Using equipment and facilities in accordance with the scope of
research activities carried out by the research group from the
researcher in charge of the host;
Obtaining collaborative networks with researchers in their fields of
Apply for an extension of the activity period.

During the implementation of the program, participants have the

obligation to:
Carry out research activities in accordance with the field of
expertise, at the location of the Research Group or Research Center
at BRIN on a full time basis, according to the duration stipulated in
the Decree of the Deputy of Human Resources for Science and
Technology of the National Research and Innovation Agency
Undergoing research activities in an effort to achieve the target
Make attendance at the Science E-Services information system
(ELSA) every working day at the beginning and end of working
Participants must prepare a roadmap for achieving output at the
start of the Post-doctoral program implementation and upload it
to the ELSA information system
Submit progress reports on research activities on information
systems at the end of each month
Delivering the final report on research activities and proof of
research output on the information system at the end of program
Use equipment and facilities in accordance with the scope of
research activities responsibly and according to procedures.
Follow the regulations that apply within the National Research and
Innovation Agency

1. The postdoctoral program is
held for 1 (one) year;
2. The implementation of the
postdoctoral program can be
extended for 1 (one) year based
on the results of an evaluation by
the Directorate of Talent
Management of BRIN.

A minimum of 2 (two) scientific
publications in highly reputable
global indexed journals.

Publication Terms:
1. Using only BRIN affiliation
(double affiliation is not
2. Should involve BRIN
researcher as a contributor
(either the host researcher
or other researcher in the
BRIN Research Group)
Postdoctoral Program Participants will be provided:
Monthly Living Allowance
In accordance with the Decree of the Head of BRIN No. 169/HK/2022,
the amount of living allowance provided for Postdoctoral Participant
is IDR 15.900.000 per month
Economy class international flight costs for one trip and return to
the country of origin (for participants who are domiciled abroad).

Payment of Living Allowance

Living allowance stated above could be paid under the following

1. Living expenses allowance is paid taking into account the results of

attendance monitoring and monthly research activity progress
reports. The allowance may not be paid if the participants does not
fulfill the attendance and reporting requirement.
2. The living expenses allowance could not be paid if the participant is
3. The living expenses allowance is paid in the following month starting
from the date the participant undergoes the program as stipulated in
the Decree of the Deputy for Human Resources for Science and
4. Postdoctoral participants are required to submit complete financial
administration documents at the beginning of program
Photo/ Scan of the first page of the passbook (participants
are required to open a new account in Bank Rakyat
Indonesia (BRI))
Photo/ Scan of NPWP
Photo/ Scan Research Permit/ Visa C-315 (For Foreigners

Airfare Reimbursement
Terms & Condition

1. Participants who are domiciled abroad can apply for reimbursement

of international economy class flight costs for one round trip. Travel
time that can be reimbursed is within 1 month before the
Postdoctoral activity begins and 1 month after the Postdoctoral
activity ends.
2. Ticket reimbursement will be paid in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) by
referring to the Bank Indonesia middle rate on the ticket purchase
date as stated on the ticket invoice.
3. Participants are required to sign the Statement of Absolute Liability.
4. Reimbursement for international flight tickets can be proposed by
submitting the following documents:
boarding pass
Bills and proof of ticket/e-ticket orders
Proof of ticket payment

The BRIN researcher as the host researcher acts as a partner or fellow
researcher for postdoctoral participants. Each host researcher can only
assist one Postdoctoral and one Visiting Researcher. The provisions as a
researcher in charge are:
Have a Doctoral Degree Education;
Principal Investigator, or Head of Research Group, or Head of
Research Center;
Have active or ongoing research activities.
Not being a host researcher for active Postdoctoral participants; and
For those who have assisted Postdoctoral participants or Visiting
Researchers, they should have completed the output targets
according to the provisions.

During the implementation of the program, the responsible researcher

has the right to:
Obtain research capacity strengthening for its research group.
Gain a collaborative network with researchers from other institutions.

During the implementation of the program, the responsible researcher

has an obligation:
Responsible for ensuring the continuity of research activities;
Conduct ethical clearance process.
Apply for a research permit and foreign research visa for foreign
Coordinate with the Directorate of Talent Management in monitoring
the progress of participant research activities and evaluating the
performance and achievement of participant output targets at the
end of research activities.

The registration for the postdoctoral program is conduct through open
recruitment process. Applicants can register directly through the Talent
Management information system (https://manajementalenta.brin.go.id).

Before registering, it is highly recommended that the applicants refer to

the list of research activities at BRIN that require postdoctoral
strengthening. Furthermore, applicants are expected to contact and
coordinate with prospective hosts at the Research Center at BRIN, where
the Postdoctoral program activities will be carried out. The list of
research activities and BRIN Research Groups can be accessed on the
Talent Management information system.

The stages of registration for the Postdoctoral program are as follows:

The Directorate of Talent Management of BRIN conducted an open

registration for applicants.
The Talent Management Directorate announced a list of areas of
expertise and educational background that are opened and needed
by the Research Center at BRIN.
The applicants register according to the field of expertise or
educational background required by the Research Center at BRIN.
The applicants create an account through the Talent Management
information system.

The applicants should complete the profile field with:
1. Personal data, areas of expertise, contacts, and upload a self-potrait
2. Background of educations and upload Doctoral certificate
3. Research and publication experience, and Author ID link.

The applicants then complete the registration form and upload the
following documents into the Talent Management information

1. Curriculum Vitae;
2. Research and Innovation Portfolio and designated Research
3. Statement Letter of No Affiliation
4. Letter of Commitment to Program Implementation (template is
available at https://linktr.ee/PDVR_BRIN)

The postdoctoral program selection procedure is as follows:

1. The Directorate of Talent Management of BRIN conducts

administrative selection by verifying the completeness of data and
registration documents.
2. The Directorate of Talent Management submits the registration files
for candidates who have passed the administrative selection to the
designated Research Center.
3. The Research Center will conduct substantive selection process.
4. The Head of the Research Center and the Head of the Research
Organization submit a letter of approval to accept Postdoctoral
5. The Directorate of Talent Management finalize the selection result
6. The Directorate of Talent Management prepares the determination
of recipients of the Postdoctoral program.
7. The determination of recipients of the Postdoctoral program as
referred to in point 6 is stipulated by Decree of the Deputy of Human
Resources for Science and Technology of the National Research and
Innovation Agency.

1. The Directorate of Talent
Management monitors the
implementation of the Postdoctoral
program and evaluates the
implementation of the Postdoctoral
program at the end of the program.
2. The Directorate of Talent
Management monitors through
attendance reports and monthly
reports of Postdoctoral participants
at the end of each month.
3. Monitoring and evaluation of the
implementation of the Postdoctoral
program is also carried out through
a questionnaire involving the
responsible researcher.
4. The Directorate of Talent
Management reports the results of
monitoring and evaluation of
program implementation to the
Deputy for Human Resources for
Science and Technology.
5. The results of monitoring and
evaluation will become a
consideration for proposals for
extending the timeframe or
improving the implementation of
the Postdoctoral Program.

Eligibility of Participants that can apply for program extension:

1. Has no affiliation with any institution other than BRIN;

2. Has completed the output according to the provisions;
3. Recommended by the Head of the Research Center.

Eligible Postdoctoral program participants are entitled to apply for an

extension of the period of activity with the following procedure:

1. Submissions for program extensions can be submitted by

participants after the participants have submitted their final research
activity report and uploaded evidence of the output targets achieved
during program implementation on the information system.
2. The final report and application for extension are made 3 (three)
weeks before the activity period ends.
3. The Directorate of Talent Management verifies the uploaded reports
and gives approval to participants to apply for program extensions.
4. The Directorate of Talent Management interviews the eligible
participants who have met the requirements, together with the host
5. Based on the results of the interview and considering the results of
the participant evaluation, the Directorate of Talent Management
gave approval to apply for a program extension.

6. Participants then complete and upload the following extension
application documents into the Talent Management information
Evidence/documentation of publication status from the previous
Postdoctoral program activities;
Further research plans;
Letter of commitment to program implementation (template is
available at https://linktr.ee/PDVR_BRIN);
Letter of recommendation and statement of support from the
work unit where the research is carried out (template is available
at https://linktr.ee/PDVR_BRIN).
7. Directorate of Talent Management verifies the data and proposal
documents completeness
8. Directorate of Talent Management determine the extension of the
Postdoctoral program for the eligible participants.
9. The determination of participants for the extension of the Postdoctoral
program as referred to in point 6 is stipulated by Decree of the Deputy
for Human Resources for Science and Technology, National Research
and Innovation Agency.

1. The Directorate of Talent Management of BRIN formed a review team
as assessors in the substantive selection of prospective participants.
2. The review team was established by Decree of the Deputy for Human
Resources for Science and Technology.
3. The review team must meet the following requirements:
Have a Doctoral Education
The minimum position is at the functional level of Associate Expert
Have credibility and integrity
Have the expertise and scientific ability to select potential
Assigned by the Head of the Research Organization.

4. The review team is in charge of:

Examine the substance of the suitability of the proposed
candidate for participants in the research mobility program that
has passed the administrative selection;
Provide recommendations for the placement of candidates
participating in the research mobility program to research work
units that are appropriate to the topic and expertise of researchers;
Periodically review the progress of the outcomes of the
participants in the research mobility program; and
Provide recommendations on the proposed extension of the
period of research mobility activities based on the results of
monitoring and evaluation of the outputs that have been

YEAR OF 2024
Stages Time

Batch I

Registration December 2023 to January 2024

Selection Process February to March 2024

Program Starts Period April/ May/ June/ July/ August


Batch II

Registration May to June 2024

Selection Process July to August 2024

Program Starts Period September/ October/ November



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