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Ep:1 Jason -

(Germany) Hitler: Adolf Hitler came from Vienna Austria. At the age of 25, Adolf Hitler was a
poor loner and an aspiring artist, with both his parents dead. Struggling to survive, leaving him
truly alone. Adolf hitler tried to become an artist but unfortunately couldn't get into the art school.
Without any means of support, Adolf Hitler resorted to sell paintings around town next to
nothing. But an event 450 miles away will change everything. With the assasination of
ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand, war broke out between the different countries. With all this
happening, Adolf Hitler has avoided getting drafted into the Austrian Army, with him holding
anti-semetic, he had no desire to fight for home-land. The Austrian Army eventually forces Hitler
into conscription. Hitler tried out for the Austrian Army, but was said to be not strong enough.
With Hitler free from the Austrian Draft, Hitler turns to Germany, a nation who he views as
racially pure. Hitler gets accepted into the German Army, who was taking almost anyone.
Throughout August, 1914, Hitler trained as a private in the German Army. The Germans start to
march to the French Border. With Germany moved through neutral Belgium, they are stalled in
trench warfare with the allies in Northern France. Among the German soldiers stationed at the
Western Front was Hitler. Even after months on the front lines, because of his political view and
overt racism made him an outcast. While in the trenches, Hitler was told to send a message as
a messenger, but the Germans were said to be retreating and Hitler gets injured and he has an
encounter with Private Henry Teddy. Private Henry Teddy had Adolf Hitler in his sight, even with
his being a trained soldier, he couldn’t pull the trigger and let Hitler go.

(Italy) Mussolini: Before the war had happened, Mussolini was basically a pacifist, but after 2
years in the front lines. He had become a radical nationalist who was willing to do anything to
defend his homeland. The time he had spent defending the border of Italy, had made Mussolini
hungry to return Italy to greatness. With the horrors of war that Mussolini has experienced has
transformed Mussolini into a skilled killer.

(Soviet Union) Stalin: The Germans devise a plan to get rid of the eastern front and Russia from
the war. 3 days after the Americans joined the war, Germany loaded a secret weapon onto a
heavily guarded train, headed to Russia. Said to be a weapon that would destroy Russia from
the inside out. The weapon turned out to be Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Lenin is said to be the
Leader of Russia’s Revolutionaries. He had been in exile in Switzerland until the Germans sent
him home with 10 million dollars to fund his revolutions. When he gets to Moscow, he is greeted
by one of his Revolutionaries, who has 6 times exiled to Siberia and 6 times escaped. His name
is Joseph Stalin. Over the next few months that they work together, they recruit a massive
amount of people. And using the 10 million dollars, they acquire a stockpile of weapons. On the
7th of November, 1917, communist stormed the winter palace, toppling the Russian
Government and creating a way for the Soviet Union. Few days later, Lenin signs a law or
decree that takes Russia out of the war, bringing them closer to victory.
(United States) Roosevelt: With Englang and France growing desperate to find a way to alter
the course of the war, they look towards the United States. Woodro Wilson had kept America
out of the war, but with everything escalating. It seemed less likely a peaceful solution is
possible. His advisers told him to start preparing the military, with one of them being Franklin D

(Japan) Tojo: With Japan joining the allied forces, and declares war on Germany. Japan creates
an Elite group of warriors to join the fighting, among them is a descendant of a samurai, named
Hideki Tojo. For months, Tojo endured one of the most physically enduring training sessions.

(Britain) Churchill: In Belgium, the British start to dig in. Since the start of the war, many people
have been killed, just to be replaced with new arrivals. Among the new recruits, there was
Winston Churchhill. Churchill was humbled and humiliated, he had to do something so he put
himself in harm's way and chose to go to the trenches. The experience in the trenches for
Churchill was humbling. With the more deaths happening in Britain, Churchill is promoted and
finds out that he has what it takes to lead the soldiers into battle

Ep:2 Nikhil -

(Germany) Hitler: Years of trench warfare have transformed Adolf hitler from no goals and friends to a
strong soldier. Adolf hitler believes in Germany's superiority. The mustard gas took effect on him,
making him cough out blood and also blisters appeared on his hand. He was hospitalized and
temporarily blinded. Hitler refused to accept defeat in WW1 and took the surrender personally, he
took it as a mission in life to avenge and rectify the surrender. Adolf hitlers future was uncertain after
the war. Hitler gets assigned to infiltrate the german workers party, one of many anti-government
organizations that have formed in the wake of “the versailles treaty”. For months, he attends secret
meetings, but hitler realizes that they are radical nationalists, intensely loyal to the fatherland and
many of them have extremist views of germans superiority, views that are no different from hitler’s.
Hitler leaves the German army to devote himself to the anti-government workers party. His popularity,
knowledge and speaking skills make him stand out and he is promoted to the head of propaganda.
Under hitlers leadership, membership in the national socialist party quickly expands. This is where
hitler experiences his first taste of real power. He realizes that he was a powerful speaker and uses
that as an asset. He also creates the nazi symbol. Adolf hitler watches Mussolini and he wants the
same ultimate power for himself, so he makes an army of his own. He forms the nazis into the streets
to take the city by force, the police stop him and he is arrested and charged with treason. He spends
his time in prison plotting his next move, to gain followers and to spread his message he creates a
manifesto (meaning a written statement of a person or group's beliefs, aims, and policies).
(Italy) Mussolini: Mussolini returns to his job as newspaper journalist after WW1. The italians came
out of the war on the winning side but failed to gain the territory that they had expected to gain.
There is a sense of outrage among the italian nationalists, a sense that italy has lost the war even
though they are on the winning side. Mussolini sees an opportunity after the end of the fighting and
uses his newspaper to convey his view of a new Italy that under a strong leader, the country can regain
the glory of the roman empire. He believes that he can be that leader, the man who returns Italy to
greatness. He brings his anti-government views to radios, Mussolini says that ever since his revolution
started, they have been in a constant conflict or fight against the ideas of Freemasonry, democracy,
and capitalism. He sees these ideas as enemies that his revolution has been battling against since the
beginning. To make his vision a reality, he forms a band of angry formal soldiers called the blackshirts
who terrorize his political opponents and begin preparing for an armed revolution. He leads a march
of 30,000 blackshirts into rome, mussolini and the blackshirts storm the royal palace, forcing the king
of italy to hand over the control of the government and becomes the most powerful man in Italy.

(Soviet Union) Stalin: not mentioned

(United States) Roosevelt: not mentioned

(Britain) Churchill: After WW1 Churchill did not believe that the peace would last. After returning to
London from the front lines he sets about reestablishing his political career. There were a lot of doubts
with Churchill but in war he proved his leadership and that's what transformed him. Churchill returns
to the government and is convinced that the German threat has not gone away.

(Japan) Tojo: not mentioned

Ep:3 Lakan -

(Germany) Hitler: After Hitler’s failed coup he is freed from prison after 9 months thanks to a
sympathetic judge. He is now more determined to avenge the first World War. In Germany the stock
market crash in America caused German people to also become bankrupt causing the failure of the
German banking system. The depression was a perfect time for Hilter to rally the German people to his
vision of a new powerful Germany. Hitler starts to learn that trying to overthrow the government
through coups or underground activism is not going to work so he starts to become a politician. Hitler
starts to recruit members to his party and creates propaganda. Hitler was appointed chancellor. On June
30th 1934, Hitler murdered 200 of his own followers he perceived as threats against his total control
over Germany, known as the night of the long knives, this cleared his path towards becoming supreme
leader of Germany. Inspired by what Stalin did to his enemies he also started sending any and all people
who he perceived as a threat such as Jews and political opponents to concentration camps. While
America and Britain have a new deal Hitler was going to rebuild Germany's military. Hitler creates an
alliance with Italy. Hitler starts his conquest at rhineland. The Rhineland was the industrial heart of
Germany. Germany took back the Rhineland which was Hitler’s first victory. Hitler annexes Austria and a
region of Czechoslovakia, the Sudetenland. Hitler hosts a meeting with Britain's prime minister
Chamberlain to discuss terms over the Rhineland. Chamberlain is hesitant to want to fight another war
so he allows Germany to take parts of it where there is more than 50% of germans in the population.
Hitler then takes his stormtroopers to terrorize the jews by burning down synagogues and destroying
jewish businesses and 100 of them were murdered and 30,000 were sent to concentration camps.

TL;DR Hitler is freed from prison and he cultivates his place in parliament and then was appointed
chancellor. He kills people who are threatening his total control over Germany then starts sending
enemies to concentration camps. Hitler then creates an alliance with Italy and Japan. He then takes the
Rhineland and Sudetenland. He then sends more jews to the concentration camps.

(Britain) Churchill: Great Britain launches a new deal similar to what the United States did to combat the
great depression. This new deal was investing in creating new homes and power stations. This new deal
had forced Britain to cut military spendings. In 1934, Churchill was back in parliament and was not fond
of the cuts to military spending.

(Italy) Mussolini: Mussolini goes into nationalism and is trying to make Italy a new imperialist power. He
cultivates a self image to celebrity status and promises his people to return to the greatness of the
roman empire. Mussolini creates an alliance with Germany. Mussolini then attacks the country of
Ethiopia and ends up capturing it.

(Soviet Union) Stalin: Vladimir Lenin leads the country with Joseph Stalin on his side. When Lenin died
Stalin took his place. Joseph Stalin sends his rivals to deadly work camps in Siberia. He sent more than 10
million perceived enemies to the camps where up to half of them died, 1 million more are executed

(United States) Roosevelt: In America the stock market rises but falls on October 29th 1929 causes
America to lose over 14 billion dollars. In 1932 Roosevelt was elected to be the new president of
America. Roosevelt has a plan that will bring America out of the darkness of the depression through The
new deal which are public work programs. This program caused military spending to be reduced by 51%.
General Douglas was not fond of this decision because he believed that the strength of a nation is within
its military.

(Japan) Tojo: The country of Japan is in turmoil and starved from raw materials making factories close.
By 1935 Japan was pouring resources into building a modern army. Japan felt discriminated against by
the allies when creating the Treaty of Versailles. Tojo was responsible for the state of the Japanese
military but he knew that to become an international power he needed to become allies with Italy and

Ep:4 Nirujan -

(Germany) Hitler: Hitler’s support within Germany surged after gaining Sudtenland. Following his
victory, Hitler attacks the heart of Czechoslovakia and claims the entire country. Then he invades Poland,
where he uses a new method of warfare called "Blitzkrieg." Hitler has formed alliances with Japan, Italy,
and the Soviet Union. Hitler then invades Denmark and Norway, making their way to France. Hitler's
Blitzkrieg overwhelms the French army, making them surrender, all the while capturing Belgium and the
Netherlands. Hitler orders his Air Force to attack Britain to terrorize the country so much that the English
people will demand to make peace. After failing to do so, Hitler launched a surprise attack on the Soviet

(Italy) Mussolini:Not mentioned

(Soviet Union) Stalin:Stalin was a brutal dictator who ruled his country with ruthless order and
efficiency. Stalin makes overtures to Britain and France wary of Hitler’s aggression towards Poland which
gets rebuffed. Stalin is then approached with a deal from Hitler, promising to avoid war and offering to
divide Poland between them but is later betrayed by Hitler as Hitler invades the Soviet Union.

(United States) Roosevelt:As the Philippines were U.S territory, Roosevelt decided to respond to Japan's
invasion by dispatching a division of the U.S army with Douglas Mcarthur in charge. Roosevelt decides to
cut America’s supply of oil into Japan disrupting the Japanese economy

(Britain) Churchill:After the buildup of the german army, the occupation of the rhineland and the
takeover of the sudetenlands, Churchill started urging prime minister Neville Chamberlain to stop Hitler
eventually leading to declaration of war. Neville Chamberlain is forced to resign due to constant pressure
and Churchill assumes the role of prime minister and participates in the battle of France. Churchill starts
mass producing his Air Force which then he attacks Hitler defeating him securing them from invasion.

(Japan) Tojo: Japan has started an invasion of China to try to control all of Asia and the emperor decides
to appoint Hideki Tojo as the new prime minister. Tojo decides to invade the Philippines in an attempt to
establish a base of operations in order to conquer asia. Tojo launches an Air Force Attack to knock out
the entire U.S pacific fleet, the Pearl Harbor.
Ep:5 Mohammed -

(Hitler) His likely involvement at that time was on a high level, under the pressure of advancing
Allied forces on all fronts, entailing direct input into strategic decisions on the defense of
Germany and counter-offensives on Allied forces.

(Joseph Stalin): The Head of State of the Soviet Union, Stalin was one of the key players on the
Eastern Front during World War II. He would have been overwatching the Soviet military, and as
the Soviet Union was approaching Berlin, to which he is said to have personally wanted to
capture, the city finally fell.

)Tojo) Simultaneously, he conducted Japan's military operations in the Pacific theater, including
the Philippines, Burma, and the Pacific Islands, for which he assumed full responsibility for
dealing with the allied forces.

(Winston Churchill) Churchill was an important Allied leader during World War II. He played a
part in the plans for the Western Front, such as the D-Day invasion and the following Allied
advances in Europe.

(Franklin D. Roosevelt) The President of the United States, Roosevelt, had to coordinate the
greatest efforts of the Allies throughout the war. In this ep, he is engaged in strategic planning,
diplomacy with leaders of the Allies, and managing the war effort on multiple fronts.

(Benito Mussolini): Mussolini, the leader of Fascist Italy, could feel the noose gradually
tightening around his neck as advancing Allied forces neared Italy. he has been facing internal
dissension, military reverses, and the ultimate fall of the Italian Fascist regime.

Ep:6 Jarif -
Adolf Hitler: Falls for FDR and Chruchill’s bait and badly miscalculates the location of the pending
Allied invasion, leading to him being caught unprepared for the invasion. He is asleep during the invasion
and thus his generals don't have his permission to move troops to stop it, leading to a successful
invasion. Hesitates to move his reserve army for 3 days leading to the Allied army to gain a secured
foothold as well as crippling the German counterattack. In desperation of not wanting to give up Paris to
the Allies, he orders the city be destroyed though the order was not complied by his generals. Despite
the worsening situation, Hitler goes for one more push by attempting to recreate his past success at
Dunkirk, and launches a counter attack with all he had left in the West, which was defeated by General
Patton, destroying Hitler’s western army and any chance he had of winning. In his final days Hitler hides
out in his bunker as he basically goes full on delusional believing he was the only true German ever and
that the mission he was sent to do had only failed because of the incompetence of the German people
and army Hitler kills himself in his bunker to avoid seeing Germany’s inevitable defeat and his capture by
the Russians who he feared. He believed life after the Third Reich was not worth it, which was also the
view of many high ranking Nazis, who joined Hitler in death. Germany surrenders following Hitler’s death
and the second Axis power’s defeat in war.

Benito Mussolini: After the destruction of the Italian army and invasion of Italy by the Allies,
Mussolini went into hiding and lost all power. He had hoped to flee to Spain, an old fascist ally. However,
he was found and captured by the Italian resistance who executed him and paraded his body for the
Italian people to abuse him for all he had done. Following his death, Italy surrenders and thus one of
three Axis powers is defeated

Joseph Stalin: Distrusts FDR and Churchill but agrees to help with the goal of crushing Hitler. He is very
demanding and prideful but also paranoid. Forces FDR’s hand and gets a confirmed invasion of Europe in
exchange for a invasion of Euroupe asap. Following Hitler’s defeat at his hands, Stalin fulfills his promise
and invades Japanese territory with the hopes of not allowing the Americans to control all of Asia
uncontested after the war. Joseph Stalin died a powerful but paranoid man in his sleep in 1953, 8 years
after WW2.

Tojo: After losing the battle of Midway he tries to regroup the Japanese army but he is overwhelmed by
the American Island hopping campaign, though he refuses to retreat his undersupplied soldiers, leaving
them to die. After a humiliating defeat on Saipan island, Tojo is criticized for his failure and is forced to
resign in disgrace. Following Japan’s defeat and end of the war, Tojo fails to kill himself and is hanged for
his crimes.

FDR: Reaches out to Stalin to form an alliance despite their differences. Wants to secure a peaceful
future for Euroupe and wants the USSR to declare war on Japan. Agrees to invade Europe ASAP in
exchange for this. After living to see much success against the Germans in Europe, Roosevelt passed
away from a sudden stroke when his army was at the crisp of victory. He is succeeded by Harry Truman,
who wins the war.
Winston Churchill: Heavily distrusts Stalin and is afraid of the USSR getting too much power in
Europe as well as a failed Allied landing in Europe so he does not like the idea of invading Euroupe asap.
Churchill wisely sets a fake army led by General Patton as well as sending fake radio messages that
intentionally lie about where the planned invasion is going to happen, with the hopes of fooling Hitler
from the actual location, Normandy. Following German defeat Chruchill sees Stalin as big of a threat as
Hitler and does not want the Soviets to invade Japan before he and Truman can. However, Churchill is
voted out of power by the British populus when the Allies were at the cusp of total victory. However
Chruchill is relected in 1951 and remains a powerful leader during the cold war

Person What They Did

Hitler (Germany):

Mussolini (Italy)

Stalin (Soviet Union)

Roosevelt (United

Churchill (Britain)

Tojo (Japan)

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