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Name: Civics Date:

Authoritarian Governments (sometimes called Totalitarian)

Dictatorship: Power is in the hands of one individual, who usually has the
support or control of the ________________. An absolute _______________
is also a dictator.


1) People may be united in their _____________to a dictator since there is no

_________________ for trust and affection.
2) In an _______________, a dictator can move quickly to take action. No time is
lost in ____________ or discussion.
3) Strong leadership – good leader = ___________


1) People are afforded little or no individual ___________. Civil ____________

are trampled on.
2) A dictator’s policies suit his/her own needs. Needs of the ______________
may be neglected
3) Decision making has a narrow base - can be flawed, wrong,
_________________, and not fully supported by the __________________.

Countries: ____________________________________________________

Theocracy: A combination of strong national __________ and strong

religious ______________ that has led to the control of the government by
religious leaders.


1) General agreement on the operation of the country.

2) Helps to keep the ______________ of a country – religious doctrine used to
3) People will _____________ and look up to the rulers.

Name: Civics Date:


1) Driven by religion – may result in poor ________________ made by the

2) Can result in _________________________if one is not a member of the
_________ or dominant religion.
3) Disagreement over __________________________of the religious doctrine
can occur.

Countries: _______________________________________________________________________

Fascism/Nazism: A government that emphasizes the subordination of the

________________ to advance the interest of the state. It celebrates the
nation or the _________ as an organic community transcending all other
loyalties. Characterized by strong _______________________, secret
police, demonstrations of power, etc.


1) Keeps political ______________quiet – no disturbance.

2) Decision making process is _______
3) Unifies the ___________ – patriotic


1) No ______________ views are accepted

2) Brutal violence and _____________
3) In bad times leaders will not _______________ any dissent


Name: Civics Date:

Communism: A government that emphasizes the subordination of the

individual to advance the interest of the state. The government owns all
land and ________________; all production and distribution is controlled by
the state. In theory everyone is _____________ and works towards sharing
the wealth. Characterized by strong militarism, secret ___________,
demonstrations of power, etc.


1) Wealth is distributed equally to the people – hence a _____________

2) Keeps political opponents quiet – no disturbance, hence stability
3) Decision making process is quick


1) As everyone is economically and socially equal, there is no incentive to work

_______________ or a place for ______________ people
2) No alternative __________are accepted
3) Brutal ______________ and repression


Democratic Governments

Constitutional Monarchy: A parliament, consisting of ______________

officials, and a monarchy rule together under the


1) Concerns of all classes and _____________are addressed

2) Checks and balances because of the two areas of _______________
3) A ______________________ form of government that still keeps some

Name: Civics Date:


1) The unelected Monarch has right to __________ laws passed by the elected
parliament – very rare though
2) Monarch may not be an effective or _________________representative of the
3) An individual monarch can not be __________________unless the entire
political system is changed


Republic: a government consisting of ______________levels of elected

officials: a ______________, an upper house and a lower house, all ruling
together under a constitution.


1) Concerns of all ____________ and people are addressed

2) Each level of government has the power to __________ any decision made
by the other
3) No one person or level of government can gain too much ______________ or


1) Quick decisions cannot always be made in __________________ of

2) All 3 levels of government must _______________ a law – hence the process
is drawn out
3) One political group may ______________________ one level of government
and can veto a decision made by the other two levels - this may not be in best
___________of people

Countries: ___________________________________________________

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